Tag Archive | afternoon

From Ambition To Meaning


What happens when we move from the ambition stage
Of our lives into wisdom? The aging process
Isn’t well accepted by our society.
It has not a grasp on spirituality.
This materialistic world wants to suppress
Any sign of decline having to do with age.

Thoroughly unprepared we take this step into
The afternoon of our lives. Worse still, we take this
With the presupposition that our ideas
And our truths will serve us hitherto but because
This is false the most evident truth we dismiss.
We’re attached to whatever’s exciting and new.

But we can’t live the afternoon of our life by
The same program we used for the morning. What was
Plentiful in the morning by evening will be
Very little. We enter that stage hopefully
Knowing that it is governed by different laws
Than the one before it. There’s a good reason why.

What was true in the morning is in the evening
A falsehood. What was marked by ambition is now
Redirected to service. Life has more meaning.
It’s a time of reflection and one of weaning
Oneself from the ego. It’s the time to allow
What’s to come with no worries about anything.

Quick Warm-Up

Leaping High

Energy cannot be created or destroyed;
It can only be converted from one form to
Another. Yet, it must move. It cannot be still.
It expands and contracts in order to fulfill
Every act of intention. What good it can do
To know this is tremendous and should be enjoyed.

Your vibrational alignment, which can occur
With objects and people in the world around you,
Happens naturally when you’re ‘in tune’ with them.
You can use you emotional guidance system
In the process. It helps if you are able to
Remain focused intently on what you prefer.

When you enjoy a beautiful, bright sunny day,
For example, your brain begins to harmonize
With the frequency of the earth. The alpha state
Of relaxation can make the body feel great.
The new day is just that. You need not analyze
Its significance. You reconnect in this way.

Be reminded that you are made of energy
As well as everything in existence, therefore
You were never created nor will you ever
Cease to be. There will be an energy transfer
Into spirit, but right now you’re here to explore
Life on earth as a human temporarily.