Tag Archive | certainty

Reality Addiction


What’s it take to jazz up your life experience?
You’re addicted to what’s going on here and now
And you like the momentum. It fascinates you
To be able to do all the things that you do.
Things are working out for you because you know how
To convince yourself that it makes absolute sense.

Your Vortex is incredible. It contains all
That you’ve asked for since day one and even before
You emerged into physical reality.
You can access this treasure vibrationally
Just by feeling good and the more you do the more
Good will come to you. You want to answer its call.

If you knew what was in there and how much it’s grown
Since you’ve been here you would pay much more attention
To your feelings and to releasing negative
Though patterns. You’d do all that you could do to live
In a way that you could enter the dimension
To receive all the blessings that are yours alone.

Your Vortex of Creation is reality
Although you can’t perceive except by your heart.
You get to it by letting yourself let it in.
At the game of life you can most certainly win.
Your Vortex and reality aren’t far apart
When you choose to be the person you’re meant to be.

I Will Succeed


My success is a certainty. One might ask how
Could I possibly be sure. I’ve no evidence
Nor a bright tale of victory yet I’m aware
Of the long winding stair and I climb it with care.
The intention I have to succeed is immense.
I remain totally at peace with here and now.

It’s a fool’s errand to look for certainty in
A world were none exists. I can’t predict how things
Will play out in the next several years or so
But I can be positioned to go with the flow
Of wellbeing. I find that this attitude brings
Satisfaction. I know in my heart that I’ll win.

I can’t look at the target and forget about
The intention – the arrow of my destiny.
It’s the seed bursting open to seek what it needs
From above and below ground therefore it succeeds
At being precisely what it was meant to be.
I know well that my purpose is never in doubt.

Preparation is what warrants my attention
Then the journey is just an opportunity
To be satisfied constantly along the way
To my purpose. I give myself a huge bouquet
For allowing wellbeing to sit well with me.
It’s my reason for living in this dimension.

The Frequency Of Abundance

The Attraction Vibration

There’s this thing called vibration. All things that exist
From subatomic particles to galaxies
Vibrate at their own frequency. It is the Law
Of Attraction
whose job it is to manage all

And to sort out the same ones. The complexities
One can’t fathom. The delicate mind does it twist.

Understand that the manifestations that will
Soon materialize each have a frequency.
If you tune yourself to it, it will come faster
And with minimal practice you’ll be a master
Of self-tuning. Your intent and focus are key.
Your dreams the universe has the urge to fulfill.

Abundance has a frequency. How does it feel?
If one could put words to it which ones would apply?
It feels like ease and freedom. It feels like fresh air.
It does not feel like jealousy, fear, or despair.
It feels like clarity – a most elegant high.
In your reality you create the ideal.

Money may be a tough subject to talk about.
There is too much momentum built up. So go for
Something else that feels just the same as abundance.
You’ve the ability in every circumstance
To practice the seed vibration. You can’t ignore
What you have much of already without a doubt.

Our Time Is Limited

The Swirl Of Eternity

Mother nature gives birth to death, and life renews.
That’s the way it has been since it all came to be
Beheld within the consciousness of humankind
…Surely eons before that if one keeps in mind
That forever is something that humans can’t see.
Death is life’s invention. No one does it excuse.

If I live each day if it were to be my last,
Someday certainly I’ll be correct. But would I
Want to do things I’d planned on when I didn’t know
I’d have one day to do them? Perhaps I’d forego
Most for the most important so that when I die
I won’t leave a big mess by my living half-assed.

I’ll do well to remember my mortality.
Knowing that I’ll be dead someday is a great tool
To help me make big choices in life that remains
By the will of whatever existence maintains
To support constant change. Though up close it looks cruel,
From the spirit’s perspective, there’s much more to see.

 I am already naked. I’ve nothing to lose
So there’s no good reason to not follow my heart.
Death is life’s special agent. It moves me along
So that I am prepared for a richer swan song.
I must not live for others nor be torn apart
By entrapment in dogma and death-wishing views.

Instant Gratification

Accelerated Manifestation

I would start with “I Am!” This true statement affirms
That I am fully conscious and worldly aware.
Things happen instantaneously nowadays.
This trend accelerates as we find faster ways
To live out our mortality. It’s become rare
That the growth of a process is seen on its terms.

We are thoroughly programmed to want things done fast.
There’s no two ways about it. If we have to wait,
We’re uptight and insulted. We may go berserk.
Keeping customers satisfied takes lots of work
So they continue improving how they create
And deliver in timeliness that’s unsurpassed.

To oneself this phenomenon can be applied.
I can want something right now then give it some force
Of my conscious attention, and feel the feeling…
Knowing and believing that it is a sure thing –
Like tomorrow’s sunrise, and the infinite source
Of all life on the planet with which I’m allied.

I Am Certain that, in time, things I want fulfilled
Will occur as I will them if I write them down
In clear and concise statements most regularly,
Then, focus on the feeling rather intently,
What is already manifest will be unbound
To the patient, unfettered self who must be thrilled.