Tag Archive | attachment

Don’t Think Too Much

Wishing And Hoping

Letting go of attachment is like holding on
To detachment. In either case it can’t be done.
Your attention to something you don’t want will stay
Active in your vibration. You must find some way
To suspend you attention. You’re the only one
Who can do this and it’s a conclusion foregone.

There’s no law of attachment. No such thing exists.
There’s the Law of Attraction and that’s the only
One that’s important. You attract by how you feel.
Thinking too much about it is no way to deal
With the issue whatever it happens to be.
Your spirit wants its freedom but your mind resists.

What you want to do is make active the things that
You do want. Know that there’s a big conspiracy.
All nonphysical beings are pulling for you.
Does it matter if this is false or if it’s true?
Just believe it and in a short time you will see
Indications that you cannot shake a stick at.

It’s about your deciding what you want to do
Rather than working so hard on preventing what
You don’t want to do. Your inner being knows where
You are, where you want to be, and how to get there.
It knows how to lead you out of your psychic rut.
Feel your way toward deciding what’s best for you.

Are You Worthy?

Pretty Please

Good things can come to you easily if you’re not
So hung up on not having them. Feeling worthy
Of receiving them may be the issue at hand.
The forces that deliver only understand
How you’re feeling. They respond to the energy
You’re emitting. Your attitude matters a lot.

If you’ve struggled then failed many times to achieve
What you want then you may feel you’re not good enough
To receive it. As negative stories begin
To flow into your psyche you’re skating on thin
Ice in terms of fulfillment, and you’ll have a rough
Time of getting back into the mode to receive.

Change your focus completely. When you redirect
Your attention to things that are working out well
In your life, you release your attachment to the
Outcome and its timeline. You want to become free
Of the angst which has cast such an ominous spell
Over you. With your higher self you must connect.

So just feel good. Your focusing on the outcome
Leads you far from what you want. Look at what’s thriving
In your life instead of what you don’t have right now.
It’s the only way on earth that you can allow
What you want to come to you. Be only striving
To feel better. We hope that this will help you some.

My True Self

My Calm And Passionate Inner Being

Unattached from my wanting, My True Self and I
Are related by feeling. There cannot be one
Single thing that I must have to be happy now.
As I listen to My True Self I can allow
Everything to fulfill me while I’m having fun.
If things go well for me I need not wonder why.

So, do I have to let go of all my desires
To experience happiness? Does it make sense
To my ego to not want? Can it come to know
The wholeness of its being? Can wellbeing flow
To the self somewhat conscious and caught in suspense?
Can the conscious part do what my spirit requires?

To let go of attachments is to become free
Of the ego’s addiction to dreams coming true
In the physical quickly. They are full of fear
That they won’t. To my fulfillment I must adhere.
My True Self knows exactly the things I should do
In the blissful meantime of things coming to be.

Life is wonderful even with all the contrast.
The adhesive and tricky stuff keeps me aware
Of my need to remain focused on how I feel
In relation to My True Self who is more real
Than I am. My ego needs to learn how to care
For the feeling that matters and will ever last.