Tag Archive | fighting

Peace Of Mind

Calmness Of Spirit

Marvelous and magnificent, the human brain
Can become fettered with anger and jealousy.
The balance of warmheartedness is essential
To its healthy performance. Then everything shall
Become as peaceful as it could possibly be.
Otherwise, the imbalance may drive one insane.

Negative emotions stem from self-centeredness.
Instead of bringing happiness and peace, they bring
Only problems. War is part of humanity.
As a species, we are a natural pity.
Can there be something done to reverse this whole thing?
Issues of our behavior we could well address.

Along with physical hygiene we need to teach
Children to cultivate emotional hygiene
So they can learn how to tackle their destructive
Emotions and have Peace Of Mind. This way to live,
For oneself and the planet, is wholesome and clean.
Believing in salvation is not a far reach.

People who have an altruistic attitude
Are much happier, healthier, and more at peace.
Scientists say that anger will lead to disease.
It would behoove the whole world to finally seize
Logical information. World anger may cease.
For thought, this is especially important food.

The Scourge Of Religion

Pandemic Of Soul

When a star starts making iron it will explode
In spectacular fashion. The power released
Can disrupt forming galaxies lightyears away.
It creates the stuff so fast one could rightly say
Mass production of heavy substances at least
Shows a violent cosmos in expressive mode.

What to make of the evil that money can buy?
One handful of the right souls now comes rather cheap
To the ones who can purchase behavior at will.
The right price can make good soldiers not want to kill
To defend their damned nation. The karma they reap
They will want to take care of long before they die.

Fighting over a small thing is not a big deal.
If we both want something, one of us will concede.
In a matter of time, one comes to one’s senses.
Take the damned thing and blow it! Too much expense is
Being paid by my spirit. I’d rather be freed
To get on with my best living in what is real.

But we fight for, over, and about God these days
As we have throughout history, and it’s insane.
If I believe in something but you… not the same,
In time we’ll kill each other and then place the blame
Anywhere but where it must go. All who are slain
Are but fodder for furtherance of toxic praise.

Over is the day of the sword. Now we kill more.
With the push of a button whole countries can be
Blown to bits within minutes without knowing why
Some asshole has decided that their kind must die
Over some subtle nonsense. We’ll never agree
And cannot be surprised by what else is in store.

Now, a global directive is what is needed.
One’s religion is one’s own business to pursue.
Do whatever the hell you want, but go in peace.
Beliefs global and national surely must cease
Or we face our extinction. But can this we do?
Our beliefs are not knowledge. Too many are dead.

Martial Arts And Their Roots

Perpetual Training

“No major contributions have dark races made
To society ever throughout history.”
This is what white supremacists want to believe.

All the text books we study from truly deceive
All the world into thinking that all that we see
Is of Caucasoid origin. Thus, we are played.

One example to know is the Art of Defense
From the temples of Kemet in East Africa.
Long before Roman gods of war learned about mars
And before Asian artforms were born of the stars,
Black men practiced the montu. It takes stamina,
And for thousands of years, it’s made natural sense.

Every culture has merits. We recognize those
That are focused perversely. Perception is skewed
To the view of the narcissist – grand and supreme.
The historical record seems to make it seem
That there is but one race wherein God has imbued
The sole rights to the narrative. Everyone knows.

I, amid psychic warfare in dense battleground,
Am awash in perspective. Defense I have none
For the enemy weakened by revealing light
On the truth of all matters. This world is not white
But a delicate mixture that isn’t yet done.
Honoring what my own have done is most profound.