Tag Archive | survive

Don’t Believe Me

Truth Teller

If you believe in reincarnation, it’s good
To see you again. If you don’t, noting I say
Will convince you to think the same way that I do.
Everyone has their particular point of view
Which can change significantly from day to day.
Many things people say are replete with falsehood.

Don’t Believe Me because what I’m telling you now
Is a story. It’s how I see life but it’s true
For me only. I can’t expect you to believe
In my conscious experience. How I perceive
Is unique but it need not be proven to you.
Who would want to get inside my head anyhow?

A wild horse is the mind. It takes you anywhere
That it wants to. It’s a thing you must learn to tame.
Listen to what it’s telling you but don’t become
A victim of its many lies. Get away from
Its influence. You have only yourself to blame
For not giving your consciousness its proper care.

Don’t Believe Me or anyone. The sun will be
In the sky every single day. You don’t need to
Believe in the truth for it to be the truth and
It’s available to you once you understand.
Learn to listen to the still voice inside of you.
It’s the only one that speaks to you truthfully.

Overcoming Negative Emotions

Dealing With Bad Feelings

Human nature becomes me as I wonder why
I suffer the indignance of feeling this way.
Emptiness, frustration, and inadequacy
Are the demons that devour the cold heart of me.
Am I worthless to this world? Is this why I pay
Such a high price for lowlife? Do I want to die?

That is out of the question. I’ve been here before,
And each time it’s the same tape that I keep playing
That puts me at the precipice. What holds me back
Is my fear of the unknown. Spiritual plaque
Blocks the flow of wellbeing. What I am saying
Is that I don’t want to feel this way anymore.

Negative emotions in one’s experience
Happen when needs are unmet, and poor coping skills
Keep one out of alignment. So, what can one do
To escape the consuming cloud? Give me some clue
So that I can return to a life with some thrills.
What would be beneficial to my transcendence?

I’ll take responsibility for my feelings
After acknowledging that I have them. Then I
Can attempt to identify where they come from
At their core. In this simple way I’ll overcome
The dark cloud that is passed now. If I really try
I’ll succeed at getting back to wonderful things.