Tag Archive | individuals

Advice From The Seat Of The Soul

Alone With Self

A soul stirring and insightful exploration
Of human consciousness is The Seat Of The Soul.
The transformative journey of spiritual
Awakening is happening. Everything shall
Be awakened to spirit. As we become whole
As a species we take part in our creation.

There’s a difference between external power
And the kind that’s internal. The former one seeks
To control and to dominate. The other kind
Arises from the heart that is truly aligned
With the soul’s purpose. So when that part of you speaks
Pay attention. Allow it to bloom and flower.

Every choice that one makes creates consequences
That reverberate throughout lifetimes. Be aware
Of your intentions and actions. Transformation
Through spiritual growth means that you harm no one.
You must treat your mindset with the utmost of care.
Restitution must be made for past offenses.

Intuition can be your spiritual guide.
It allows people to access higher wisdom
And to navigate life with purpose, clarity,
And focus. You can live your life passionately
With compassion and love as you’re beating the drum
Of your soul’s purpose. With it you must be allied.

Go Over The Waterfall

Take The Plunge

You can’t have half a wave. Every one has a crest
And a trough. They’re the two sides of one expression.
Just as you can’t have half of a human being –
One who is born but doesn’t die. It’s like seeing
Only part of the wholeness, and for this reason
Going over the waterfall one can’t digest.

Change is emphasized, first to unsettle those who
Think that they can achieve permanence by hanging
Onto life, then as a reminder of the fact
That the cycles of nature are pure and exact.
What is feared is beyond people’s understanding,
And they must have a piece of life to hang on to.

You can only die well if you well understand
Your disappearance as this particular
Organism is seasonal. You’re just as much
The dark space beyond death as your warm loving touch.
The light interval called life you certainly are.
There is much room for your consciousness to expand.

If you could magnify your hand to the degree
That the molecules were like little tennis balls
You would see lots of space between them, and they move
All together like birds in flight. What does this prove?
Consciousness is something that naturally enthralls,
And there is no other reason for it to be.

Forget Talent

Skill Is Not Everything

If you feel you have talent that’s worthwhile to share
Yet the absence of feedback is too much to take,
Then perhaps perseverance and passion alone
Make talent less significant. People are prone
To be harshly judgmental. They’ll cut you no brake.
The resistance is futile if you really care.

To get anything done that is truly worthwhile
And it’s meaningful to you and any others
You must have a deep interest in what you do,
And your practicing to the edge makes it come true.
Perseverance and passion cut through your druthers.
Practicing until it’s perfect must be your style.

If it means so much to you, then it also means
That there are others waiting to hear what you say.
Just as surely as cricket sounds in the still void
You cannot let your message get lost or destroyed
By a lack of self-confidence. Do not betray
The power and magnificence locked in your genes.

To have grit is important. When getting knocked down
Through the process of living, the spirit gets strong.
It withstands all the negative and maintains hope.
Success shouldn’t feel like you’re walking a tightrope.
Keep your vibration high and you cannot go wrong.
In a short time you will be someone of renown.