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I Give Up!


I try hard not to struggle. It’s probably why
I remain in perpetual anxiety.
If I care less about things that get on my nerves
Then perhaps I may get what my spirit deserves
Which is true peace of mind and the freedom to be
Satisfied with my living as each day goes by.

What I’ve been doing has been halfway even though
I’ve been greatly wanting to do it all the way.
I’ve given it more effort than anybody
That I know yet success doesn’t chase after me.
I Give Up what is causing me all this dismay.
It’s the wisest and most sensible way to go.

I Give Up my confounding confusion and my
Control of what can’t be controlled. I find relief
In releasing the need to make up excuses.
When I surrender I find that it produces
A feeling in me which enhances my belief
In a lawful universe where all must comply.

I will tell the story of my empowerment
And my worthiness. I tout the benefits of
My knowledge of the Law of Attraction and I
Can depend on my guidance when things go awry.
I Give Up the resistance that I have to love.
There’s nothing more important than feeling content.

Every Morning

Start Of The Day

Separate you are never from where you come from
Which is spirit. You always have that connection
And because you are a spiritual being
You’re aware that your spirit is overseeing
Everything that you’re doing. It overlooks none
Of your actions. To its nature you can succumb.

When you’re running with nature, your morning routine
Need not be all that structured. Your day can begin
As it does usually but being aware
Of the day’s doing is a different affair.
It’s like taking your brand new car out for a spin.
Consciously you’re creating your driving machine.

Ceremony and ritual help to create
Mindfulness. In silence you can do as you please.
Simple things that you do at the start of your day
Can be done with emotion. It will pave the way
To a day most fulfilling with relative ease.
Take the time you need to get yourself feeling great.

Like a life review when the soul leaves the body,
You can have your own day review as it begins.
You intend things to go well. You want to be kind
To yourself and all others. You want peace of mind
At the day’s end and just as this lovely earth spins
Perfectly in its orbit, yourself you must be.

If The Big Bang Is True

First Cause

The Big Bang is a theory. As science explains,
Everything came from nothing including the space
Between things. The expansion is still going on.
From this there are many conclusions to be drawn
All By Faith, however science cannot embrace
Such a notion. Its pseudo logic it maintains.

What exploded? Where did it come from? Why did it
Up and happen? There are many questions to ask
Of the scientist. Such questions are suited for
The spiritual seeker who maybe knows more
About what all the scientists cannot unmask.
But do not call them faithless. They would have a fit.

It’s just like a book is so much more than the ink
And the paper. It has lots of information.
More than just chemicals, a strand of DNA
Holds a library. We are much more than the way
Science sees us. It’s not that it can’t get things done.
It’s just that there’s resistance in how people think.

Some fourteen billion years ago something happened
That brought into existence matter, time, and space.
Did it happen all by itself? Or is there some
Divine consciousness that everything ushers from?
And can logic ever quantify divine grace?
Truth is something that anyone can comprehend.

The Split Of Parallel Reality

The Coming Quantum Change

Two mirrors facing each other are in effect
Infinite iterations of reality.
Similarly there are many universes.
The more that I contemplate this thing the worse is
My perverse understanding, yet I need not be
Ignorant for much longer. I hope I’m correct.

Or I could just not think of it altogether.
Giving much pain to my brain is all it may do.
It is up to me only in every known world
That my most hidden purpose be rightly unfurled.
I’m much bigger than I thought. I am someone who
Is important on each earth as I would prefer.

With the firm recognition that I occupy
Way much more space than just my physical body,
I’m aware of connections to realities
Not the same as this one, and from each I may seize
Information and insight to get myself free
From the clutter of this life that has gone awry.

Natural is the timing that I’ve created.
Ever changing cycles is what earth’s all about.
That there is an infinity of them can be
Food for thought, reason for action, and finally,
Enough conscious attention to mitigate doubt
That all worlds are by nature interrelated.

It’s Your Time

Your Adventure Stars Now

Begin to understand the love God has for you.
Have you not taken notice of positive things
That occur in your life and elsewhere in the world?
Anything you can do with your spirit unfurled.
You can choose not to struggle. The woe that it brings
Is a thing unbecoming for all that you do.

You proclaim your determination to release
Your resistance to God’s blessings once and for all.
And in so doing you give up your tight control
Of what is uncontrollable. You become whole
In the process of owning that which does enthrall.
Giving up struggle leads to your ultimate peace.

From outside of this knowledge you’ve not managed well.
There are so many pieces and not enough mind
To keep good track of all of them. Don’t interact
With those parts of the puzzle. Their lethal impact
Is the death of the spirit. Do not be confined
By your ignorance. It is the worst kind of hell.

It’s your time to begin feeling your way into
The vortex of emotion where all is sublime.
There it feels like clear answers to all your questions.
Definiteness of purpose is how your life runs.
Every instinct within you knows this is your time.
Don’t let what you have worked for become overdue.

Anarchy In Future Society?

Humanity's Worst Fate

The way things are is not worth our talking about
Because what is is past tense. The future is where
We look to for expansion for better or worse.
We experience discord because we’re diverse.
Governmental solutions are handled with care
That some people are satisfied beyond all doubt.

What may come to evolve in not too many years
Is a system of living where autonomy
Is respected completely. The need for police
And for governing bodies in essence will cease.
People won’t pay taxes, and everything is free.
We’ll have finally banished our resident fears.

This seems rather fantastic and hard to believe
But it’s not optimism. It’s simple logic.
Anarchy one might think would result in this way
Of no system of governance. Social decay
Would descend upon it like a nasty old trick.
Anyone who considers this is quite naïve.

Each of us is a puzzle piece shaped perfectly
We fit into the right spot automatically.
When each true shape is tended to all will fit well
And the whole picture will look as clear as a bell.
There is so much potential in living hate free.
How much longer will it take for all eyes to see?

What The Universe Wants You To Know

All Is Wonderfully Well

There is only one consciousness that is for real.
All others are illusions the one contemplates.
It’s the best way it knows to express its selfhood.
To it, all there is to know is well understood.
But to each of its parts knowledge evaporates.
All remains as inscrutable as a weak meal.

You are in the exact place you were meant to be.
There is nothing off schedule. Your life is on track.
All the billions of others who find themselves here
Did come forth not to please you, yet some are most dear.
Don’t fall into the trap of eternal payback.
Look to the source within you, and trust completely.

The whole universe lives within each breathing cell
As well as in the outermost reaches of space
Which is being created faster than light speed.
You can notice the subtle ways your source will lead
You to what you’ve been wanting by infinite grace.
Relax into who you are, and know all is well.

There’s nothing you need push against for you to get
What it is that you’re after. No maneuvering
You need do to get into the right time and place.
Everything is on course. There is nothing to chase.
Radiate who you truly are by honoring
The lost virtue of selfishness without regret.