Tag Archive | analogy

What Is Now And What’s Coming

Group Surprise

You don’t need anyone else to agree with you
About what you want, and of course, that sounds absurd
But your focus should only be on your desire
So some discipline on your part it does require.
It must not feel at all like fulfillment deferred.
You do whatever your heart is inspired to do.

What you want is still in its vibrational state
Which means you can’t perceive it but you can feel it
And attune to its frequency. You can be one
With the thing that you want then consider it done.
You attract by the energy that you transmit.
You want always to deliberately create.

When ‘what is’ holds your attention then you’re not in
The receiving mode. You don’t pick up on the clues
Laid out for you. Your timing’s off. You can’t relate
To most people and you cannot appreciate
Possible blessings coming. Your attitude screws
With your purpose. At the game of life you can’t win.

You must be satisfied with what’s coming although
It’s the vibrational version. Know that it will
Manifest. What Is Now And What’s Coming are two
Different frequencies and what’s waiting for you
Is a wonderful life. Can’t you go for the thrill
Of what’s coming especially since you don’t know?

The Cycle

Ever Changing Momentum

When one thinks about cycles what things come to mind?
Life is full of examples. Infinite they are.
So ingrained in the psyche, the symbol is seen
In everything observed. All is one great machine.
We’re the consciousness that can perceive its own star.
Cyclic is the way the universe is designed.

We, conceived of the heavens, conceive in return
The apparent perfection of all creation.
The grand clock of the cosmos keeps eternity
As its parts keep time only, yet naturally,
We’re enthralled by this thing that may forever run
And delight in all that we may never discern.

The seasons are the numbers upon the round face
Of the analog drama of which we’re a part.
The magnificent contrast gives us assurance
That fulfillment of wanting is the circumstance
That is dominant. This is how all thought should start.
Integral are the cycles that generate grace.

To Be or To Be not is the challenge taken.
Every speck of existence gathers momentum
That the cosmos responds to. Each then can receive
Through belief in The Cycle. They all interweave.
We have internal knowing of what is to come
Because we cycle through it again and again.

Trying To Control Others

The Urge to Push Buttons

Some of us become play things complete with controls
That we let others operate unknowingly.
If we’re stuck on that grid, in a matter of time
The abuse we’ll have taken is more than a crime
To oneself and to others. Yet one need not be
At the mercy of those who may have evil goals.

Each of us is a radio with a unique
Frequency that is tuned to automatically.
Self-control is the universe’s standard law.
No one has rightful business in placing their paw
On another one’s icon, but some don’t agree.
They play people like pocket toys if they are weak.

If someone’s pushed your button, you may not respond
In a manner appropriate to who you are.
Subtlety of illusion and timing deceive
What you may think is happening. You can believe
That if anything feels ‘off’ you have strayed too far
From your truest self with whom you maintain a bond.

You know well how it feels, so you know that it’s true.
There is nothing you can do to change someone’s dial
That results in an outcome that’s healthy and pure.
I know where my hands should be, and I am secure
In a world becoming increasingly hostile.
Integral is the wisdom we all may accrue.

The Cycle

The Infinity Of Providence

There are cycles unending wherein I am one
With all others on this earth and all that exists.
How do I lead my consciousness of time and space
To evoke the momentum of God’s loving grace?
Within all life’s occurrences motion persists
Only in one direction and never is done.

Contemplating on cycles, I feel out the parts
That each one is made up of. Must there be contrast
So that goodness can be seen amid the chaos?
Can I manage somehow to stop thinking of loss
Long enough to allow good momentum to last?
Since each has no beginning, can there be false starts?

There are steps to creation. The yearning I feel
Causes asking, which causes motion, then forces
Of the universe amplify what has been made.
Only through my impatience is goodness delayed.
Maintaining the alignment with who my source is
Is the grease for the axle that quiets the wheel.

Maintenance of continuance rightly includes
Times of darkness. To get through them, and then to grow…
It’s a life I’m well suited for. Which path I choose
At any given moment is either the blues
Or the way of fulfillment. What more need I know?
I’m aware of the wonder each cycle exudes.