Tag Archive | attraction

Stop Blaming Others

Finger Pointing

Are you practicing the negative vibration
Of pointing out the faults and misdeeds of others
Instead of your core vibration of harmony?
Do you find it difficult to let others be
Who they are? Are you frustrated when it occurs?
Is it true that your patience is little to none?

When someone makes you happy because they’re aligned
With who they truly are, you become addicted
To their positive energy, yet when it’s gone
You may think that there’s no one else to depend on.
But in reality you are not restricted
In your happiness. Get a grip on your behind!

Don’t ask someone else to be responsible for
The way you feel. The obnoxious one can show you
What it feels like to be on the path of something
Much better. Concentrate only on the feeling
Of alignment. This is the best thing you can do
For yourself and the other. Do not declare war.

In the moment you pronounce all others to be
Undependable to the way you feel, you’ll feel
So much better. Maintain the power of control
Of your own feelings. This indeed will make you whole.
Nothing then happens to you but the most ideal
Of encounters with others. You have become free.

You Are Being Led

Spiritual Connection

Provident is the guidance you get from your Source
Who is the larger part of you. You’re connected
To this being who’s non-physically focused,
But the person that you are must learn how to trust
That this being is real. If it is rejected,
You will be experiencing utter remorse.

A belief is just a thought that you continue
To think because you’ve given it your attention.
You’re taught to be objective and realistic.
Encouraged you were to reject the fantastic.
It may not have been done through conscious intention
But the knowledge you have now can benefit you.

Your Source has the perspective of the big picture.
It can see the path of least resistance for you.
The Law of Attraction is responding to your
Inner Being and you. Everything you adore
It keeps track of. You can open the floodgate to
Your vibrational escrow and perhaps much more.

Your Source never looks back at where you were before
Nor where you are right now. It looks forward only.
Its focus is on where you are going – not where
You have been. It leads you by its infinite care
For your happiness and wellbeing constantly.
You are led by your Higher Self; you can be sure.

Don’t let Them Control You

Social Puppeteering

It is good to come together for the purpose
Of creating in this world. You’re source energy.
Know that your power is always flowing to you.
It’s the essence of love. You are encouraged to
Recognize it, feel it, and become it wholly.
Your conscious awareness is always a big plus.

A good mood is important for getting along
In the real world. Sometimes in your quest for valor
Or approval, you look for something other than
A good feeling, and without knowing it, you can
Trick your self into acting not as you’d prefer.
In your dealings with others, your will must be strong.

Your mood is your moment, by moment, by moment
Indicator of all the mix of vibrations
Between you and your higher self. How well are you
Allowing the convergence? All that you can do
To get happy enhances your excitations.
How you feel in each moment is no accident.

Don’t let folks control you by their response to you.
When you, by their perspective, behave in a way
That displeases them. Don’t try to butter them up.
It would be self-undoing to drink from that cup.
In control of your own life you are meant to stay.
To thine own self it is your duty to be true.

The Physics Of Creation

Social Interaction

The art of allowing is the art of being
In the receptive mode of all that you’ve become.
How do vibrations turn into thoughts, and how do
Thoughts turn into things? What you give attention to
Manifests. In fact, it’s where everything comes from.
It could also be called the art of farseeing.

What is the actual physics of vibration
Becoming a reality? The expanded
Version of you is all knowing. When you’re thinking
Of something exciting, components are linking
Together in vibration as if commanded
By your wishes. The ‘hard’ work is already done.

Emotions of elation bring more clarity.
You become more specific and then you allow
Universal forces to do what they do best.
Notice how much of your biggest dream is addressed,
And feel appreciation that now you know how
Easily manifesting happiness can be.

Focus on something and watch it show up over
And over again. Don’t give your attention to
Ill conceived limitations. Your satisfaction
Is the point from where a new journey is begun.
Give yourself and the whole world the best part of you.
Being that person, your life only gets better.

Emotional Calibration

Colorful Weights

I like how responsive the Law of Attraction
Is to what I have calibrated myself to.
I can tell by the way I feel whether or not
I’m aligned with what I want. It matters a lot
That I keep myself happy in all that I do.
Emotions are perfect guidance for everyone.

Abundance expands proportionately to match
The desires of the planet. My dream has come true.
Everything falls into place just like the Law states.
Positive attitude throws open the floodgates
Of blessings of affluence. Each moment brings new
Inspiration. Lord knows I could use a big batch.

When it feels wrong to share how I feel with someone,
I recall that not everyone I encounter
Vibrates at the same frequency as I do, so
I can calibrate to the little that they know,
Or remain at my level. What I would prefer
Is to not have my attitude become undone.

I reach further than I am and then calibrate
To the new as I feel and then calibrate more.
That’s the deliciousness of life. There’s no ending
To the tweaking and my blissfully ascending
The emotional ladder. The life I adore
I am living because I am free to create.

The Emotional Choice


You could think about many different subjects,
But let it be emotional. Thinking too much
Complicates your achieving what you most desire.
The more significant thing that you will acquire
Is complete understanding that you’ve become such
An astute manifester in many aspects.

The Emotional Choice is an energy one.
You can be as miserable or as happy
As you choose in the moment. Your choices are two:
To feel better or worse. So, the thing you can do,
If momentum has gathered, to get yourself free
Is to forget about it and go have some fun.

The imperfect manifestation is the one
Which can lead to perfection or more improvement.
The contrast that life offers is the beginning
Of insight and direction toward a winning
Solution. You do not have to get all hellbent
On perfection. Your fine work would then be undone.

The pipeline of creation is fueled by what you
Are about here and now. It’s about attraction –
Not assertion, compulsion, or struggling your way
Toward something. There’s no price that you have to pay
But your joy and the feeling of satisfaction.
Speak your thoughts of alignment and watch them come true.

Spiritual Calibration

Vibrational Cleansing

Energy gets polluted. Sometimes we need to
Calibrate the atmosphere spiritually
Of its negative content. Segment Intending
Is a process, and it’s a way of extending
Into the next time period how it should be.
A Segment is anytime change happens for you.

What is it that is the easiest for you to
Feel appreciative of? What makes you happy?
Get a good rampage going. “I am thankful for
This moment, and I look forward to many more.
I am thankful that things are working out for me.”

Can you feel what is going on? I hope you do.

For the very near future, you can calibrate
By your statements of thankfulness and wellbeing.
Speak your way into happiness in the moment.
This way, you form the next by your conscious intent.
You will find that the universe is agreeing
And rewarding you for being in a high state.

You may be calibrated to unwanted things.
A well-practiced belief is a calibration.
When you tune to the frequency of happiness,
Everything else is taken care of, more or less.
You don’t have to ‘do’ anything to get things done.
You have control over near future happenings.

Don’t Go After What’s Coming

Conceptual Target

As I go through my days, wonderful little things
Happen all the time, as long as I want them to.
Rendezvousing with people while walking my dog
Leads to some picture taking and fun dialog.
It confirms that there’s nothing that I need to do
To be fully involved in wholesome happenings.

The thoughts turning to things is the path unfolding
Beneath my feet. The universal evidence
Of where I am is what is always taking place.
There’s nothing whatsoever that I need to chase
And wrestle to the ground. It no longer makes sense
To engage the negative beliefs I’m holding.

Compatible cooperative components
Are aligned, and I’m not doing anything that
Would disrupt the momentum. Things come unto me.
I am one with their vibrational frequency.
I can tell by how I feel just where I am at
On the spectrum. Awareness of self I know thence.

In every moment there are so very many
Viable next steps on my path. No quantum leap
Will occur the next moment. What’s happening now
Is about what is coming. I’ve learned to allow
Things to happen. I no longer lose any sleep
Over things that will work out eventually.

Set Your Day For Magic

Morning Devotion

There’s what needs to be fixed, and then there’s your desire.
Put your attention on that which is easier
And more fun to accomplish. Orientation
Toward making things happen gets not much work done.
There is tremendous leverage and great power
In your thoughts. Not a bit of work does it require.

Your action orientation in life causes
You to think that it takes hard work to get things done.
But as you learn to deliberately direct
Your thoughts, things working out quite well you can expect.
Focus more consistently in the direction
Of your wishes. Forget all about what was is.

Trying or working too hard is not the best way
To accomplish things. Prepare your day for magic.
Before bedtime the night before while still in bed
Let the things you appreciate drift through your head.
Fall asleep in a good state. This will do the trick
Of creating for yourself a wonderful day.

Prime your positive pump by saying sorts of things
That accentuate how you felt. Stick to your goal
Of remembering all the good things that occurred
Through the day. There’s no way one can call this absurd.
Once you get really good at this, you’ll have control
Of your day’s most eventful and fun happenings.

Pointed In The Proper Direction

The Best Way

You are always emanating a vibration,
And the Law of Attraction is responding to
Whatever that vibration is. What you think and
What you feel, therefore what manifests, understand
That they’re always a vibrational match. So, you
Have control over much of your situation.

If you’re beating the drum of something not wanted,
Then you’re marching toward something that, when it comes,
You won’t like. If you’re beating the drum of something
That you want, when it comes, much delight it will bring.
You know how to tap into the infinite sums
Of blessings universal. You’re never daunted.

Every creation is complete in the mind’s eye,
Long before you can sense physical evidence
Of its realness. Life experience has caused you
To ask, and it is given. From your point of view,
 Every unfolding moment is filled with suspense.
You attract unto you without having to try.

Get a good sense of how true that vibrational
Creation is. When you do, you’ll never again
Doubt that it can become manifested for you.
Point yourself in the direction that is most true
To your positive spirit. You will prosper then.
Life can be something wonderfully supernal.

The Best Year Ever

New Beginning

New beginnings are fruitful. When out with the old
And in with something different is tended to,
Then there is an awakening of the spirit.
When the call for change sounds, people tend to hear it
In a big way. You can know what’s in store for you.
By the way you are feeling you clearly are told.

When someone is bleeding in the street, you will do
What it takes to help that person to recover.
But when someone is expressing negatively
They are scolded. Behaving appropriately
Is a challenge. You don’t have to be their lover,
But you can show compassion. This always is true.

This year you can soothe yourself into alignment
By pointing out to yourself how well you’re doing.
Minuscule pieces of that all throughout your day
Will attract more and more. The challenge is to stay
In that state of alignment. It’s worth pursuing.
You have much control over how this year is spent.

In your life, circumstances will come together.
Collective co-creation and coincidence
Can be part of this new year. It’s never too late
To let go of the negative and celebrate
The future which indeed holds tremendous suspense.
This is the first year of many more, as it were.

What’s In Your Future?

Crystal Portal

If you spend the next few hours anticipating
Something far beyond what the probability
Of it happening is, then even though things will
Probably be the same as they’ve been, you will still
Be preparing your future, and naturally,
What will happen then is what you’re now creating.

If you can avoid facing reality and
Think thoughts that are different from what’s probable,
Then your future experience has to transform
Into something better. While not part of the norm,
It is an exercise in remaining stable
So that the most fulfilling of futures is planned.

Just anticipate that you’re going to get it
Then forget it. Don’t spew lack into your future
By observing what’s in your now experience.
You can know it’s on the way without evidence
Of its coming. Your focus on it must be pure.
Change happens only as much as you will permit.

In all the deciphering, you are becoming,
And you must let yourself gravitate toward that
Which you have become. Joy is your primary goal.
Change what is in your future by taking control
Of the present. Do make peace with where you are at.
This will get your futuristic motor humming.

Everything In Your World Will Get Better

Bright Moment

It gets better, the better it gets when you seek
Out the positive aspects of what you’re giving
Your attention to. You tune yourself to receive
More good thoughts about everything when you perceive
But the best in all circumstances. You’re living
A life that people envy because you’re unique.

Many people may struggle in an attitude
Of self-criticism stemming from their childhood
Programming by parents, teachers, peers, and others.
Negative comparisons and all that occurs
Is held in the subconscious where it does no good.
It’s a monkey wrench in whatever is pursued.

By choosing a subject about which you’ve practiced
Fewer negative thoughts, you can tune yourself to
A better feeling frequency. Then from that place,
Redirect your thoughts to yourself. Fully embrace
All the things that you know are the best parts of you.
The whole world will in time be on your blessed list.

Look for positive aspects about everything
In your presence. Focus more on thoughts that uplift.
Be one who is deliberately looking for
Only good things. The universe will show you more
Than you could have imagined. Make yourself the gift
Of alignment and all of the good it will bring.

New Story

Life Conjuring

Money is as available as all the air
I can breathe. I do like breathing it in and out.
It is fun to imagine a lot of money
Flowing to me. I daydream of it blissfully.
In my space of creating there’s no room for doubt.
What I think about money I do so with care.

I’m the creator of my own reality.
I see how my feeling about money affects
How much comes to me. I’m happy to understand
That, with practice, I’ll be able to take command
Of my attitude. I become one who expects
Many magnificent things to happen to me.

I can tell by the way I’m feeling whether I
Am focused on abundance or on its absence.
Confident I am that in time I will align
My thinking with abundance. I will do just fine.
Money has to flow into my experience
If I’m ready to have it. Some laws do apply.

It’s not necessary for me to understand
Other people’s perspectives. I find alignment
In my own thoughts and feelings about abundance.
I am one who is able to fully finance
My desire by expecting the wanted event
To evolve. My New Story is as I have planned.

Life Becomes Magic

Mystical Creation

When you are in the middle of conversations
And events and activities, you’re already
Pretty far down the path. At an earlier stage
The path of least resistance you want to engage.
Long before you get going, aligned you will be
With your wishes in uncertain situations.

There’s a vibration that’s either in alignment
With who you really are, or it isn’t at all.
This vibration is at the root of everything
That you are. It is constantly encouraging
You to greatness if only you can hear the call.
You can do so only by your conscious intent.

Whatever the vibration you’ve got going on
Will evolve into something. It will escalate
And become more. The first thing that you recognize
Is a thought, an impulse, or a pleasant surprise
In your package. It feels good to anticipate
Only good and that it’s a conclusion foregone.

At an unconscious level, vibrations received
Are translated into something you can relate
To the moment. It’s how vibration becomes thought
And how thought turns to thing. Your attention is brought
Into focus as you kick back and contemplate
The abundance of goodness in all that’s perceived.

So Close

Put Rut

There’s nothing more frustrating than being so close
To what you have been after, yet you are not there.
There is nothing more important than feeling good.
Reaching for the best feeling thought is understood
To be the best activity. That’s if you care
About how you feel. When it’s good, then be verbose.

Sharpen your signal just a bit, and you will find
Manifestations happening that are ideal.
Talking in opposition to them keeps them from
Coming to you. As long as you’re beating the drum
Of their absence, they never become for you real.
With its absolute presence you must be aligned.

There’s a mountain of money lined up for you now.
Throughout life, your vibrational escrow has grown
In its value to you. You’re not that far away
From your dream. Make it a special part of your day
To nurture your fulfillment. This practice alone
Yields to you satisfaction. You need but allow.

Find vibrational alliance with who you are
By virtue of your wishes. Rockets of desire
That you send to the universe are tended to.
Stop complaining. You cloud the water when you do.
Clear and bright is your signal when your heart’s on fire.
Again, what you’ve got coming is not very far.

Cash Flow

The Stream Of Abundance

Filthy richness is cleanliness of attitude.
Opulent success stories of others can make
Me aware of my pathetic situation.
It is because of my righteous indignation
Against rich people that causes me such heartache.
Because I feel this way, does it mean that I’m screwed?

I would like a Mercedes or maybe a pair –
One to drive and the other for sleeping with me.
I am here to express my enthusiasm
For the treasures unto me that have not yet come.
Can I rid myself of resentment completely?
If I want to be wealthy, indeed I must care.

I am here to express the significance of
What is coming from where I stand. In other words,
There’s a shifting of energy and emotion.
I can be wealthy just as well as anyone,
So my negative self-talking is for the birds.
True richness is achieved on the basis of love.

It’s a foregone conclusion that I am worthy
And magnificent. I feel appreciation
For this place where I stand now. Each little success
Builds upon those before it. I am nothing less
Than a master of money which translates to fun
The center of my point of attraction is me.

Your Happiness

Collection Of Contentment

It feels great to be happy. No one can argue.
It’s the motive of every act people perform.
“It’s Your Happiness, Stupid!” the angels will shout
To we humans. Life is supposed to be about
Abundance and wellbeing. These should be the norm.
Life is meant to be fun and exciting for you.

When you feel ornery, you’re vibrationally
Nowhere near satisfaction with the here and now.
But when you are hopeful, you are right on the brink
Of belief. Be aware of the thoughts that you think.
How much of your true self do you want to allow
To shine through you? How simple the answer can be!

The door to Your Happiness is somewhere between
Sincere hope and believing. When you enter there,
You are drawn easily into true happiness.
As you get used to it, you’ll accept nothing less
Than a life that is absolutely without care.
To the whole world your true self will clearly be seen.

The Law of Attraction will take you in when there
Is not enough resistance to keep you locked out.
When you stop doing that thing keeps you apart
From your happiness, then things in your life will start
Improving almost instantly, without a doubt.
Happiness is a personal hygiene affair.

Practice Wellbeing

Abundance Of Heart

Everything that happens is a co-creation,
And when I decide I’m going to blame the one
Who seems most at fault, nothing much will have been gained.
My part in the whole matter must be ascertained
And acknowledged by me, then progress is begun
Toward healing an unworthy situation.

Cooperative Components we are to one
Another – not to do bad things and not to teach
On another life lessons. We’re here to sift through
The abundance of contrast. We could form a new
Coalition of countenance, lest we beseech
The mindset of confusion in getting things done.

The source in me has a different opinion
Often than I do. It sees the world as sublime
In its essence. It values the variety.
It is the source of all my creativity.
There is nothing better I can do with my time
Than to find ways to be happy and have more fun.

As I do, I begin to tune my vibration
To my source. There can be nothing accidental,
As everything is vibrationally aligned.
If I practice this, in a short time I may find
That my happiness in life is fundamental.
I shall know the meaning of appreciation.

Never Pursue

Avoid The Race

Just the word ‘pursuing’ is worth considering
Because this is an attraction-based universe,
And, as such, one can never pursue anything.
You attract by the vibration you’re offering
Life is live. Do not think you are here to rehearse.
What are the consequences ignorance may bring?

Almost all of your creation work is complete
Long before any action by you is offered.
It is all done vibrationally, then it starts
Manifesting. You’ve come to master the fine arts
Of creation. A transformation has occurred
Such that you truly can say that your life is sweet.

Most people don’t really get that going because
They get into it, then they stop and start again.
Then they say, “Oh! I’d better just manhandle this.”
You do not have to force things into beingness.

Things will manifest a whole lot easier when
You are most receptive to spiritual laws.

Make good use of the leverage of alignment.
It’s so huge in comparison to your action,
But when you dream the dream until it inspires you
Into action, then surely everything you do
Will give you nothing but extreme satisfaction.
You attract into your life profound contentment.

Screw What Is True

Changing Realities

Making money is difficult. Some say it’s true.
A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking
Until manifestations give you evidence
Which is proof of your thinking. It makes perfect sense
That there must be an undeniable linking
Between your thoughts and what is happening to you.

If what’s already happening doesn’t fulfill
Your desires, then you must change your expectation.
Find another thought. Train your chronic thought to match
That of what you want. It’s important to detach
From the truth of the matter. In your frustration
You will not succeed through the power of your will.

“But it’s true!” That is a screwy criterion
For you to give your attention to anything.
What is true is true only because it was thought
Into being, then the reality was bought
Line, hook, and sinker. Nothing but harm does it bring.
Is all truth such that it can be relied upon?

Is the truth one that you want to experience?
If so, then keep your focus on it, but if not,
Then ignore it. It means very little to you
To embrace the negative though it may be true.
Expectation is the thing that matters a lot.
For you, it is a matter of significance.

The Seventeen Second Game

The Best Use Of Time

For as little as seventeen seconds, a thought
Gains momentum. It must be held consistently
With nothing contradicting it in any way.
Then the Law of Attraction will begin to play
By adding more thoughts like it. This thought pleases me
Because within it the key to living is taught.

Another seventeen seconds will generate
Many more thoughts until just after a minute,
You will have an emotion. It’s the beginning
Of a journey where you know you’ll end up winning.
As the game is played, it is to your benefit
That the process you do not over complicate.

After sixty eight seconds of your focusing
On a thought, inspiration is soon to follow.
Every subject is two subjects. If there is good,
Then there is evil. This mindset is understood
By the masses. What you know is what they don’t know.
Trust in that you have chosen to do your own thing.

That’s all you have to accomplish. There’s nothing more
To do. If you reach the sixty eight second mark,
Then, of itself, everything will take proper care.
While you are contemplating, you are made aware
Of the brightness that outshines every bit of dark.
You are now more powerful than ever before.

What Comes Next?

Perpetual Magic

There’s a being who knows everything about you,
Everything you’ve been living, and all you’ve asked for.
It knows what you have become vibrationally.
It adores you. It knows well where you want to be
At all times. It knows the path that will lead to more
Evidence of alignment in all that you do.

You could call it your spirit. It is the one who
Watches over you from a perspective beyond
This physical dimension. It also exists
Deep within you. In times of despair it assists
In your fullest recovery. It will respond
To your prayers. It is the most sacred part of you.

Your spirit knows the same things about others too.
The paths of least resistance to all of the things
Everyone wants it knows. We’re all being guided
To those things, but sometimes, what we are provided
We ignore or don’t notice. It too often brings
About failure. It feels like there isn’t a clue.

You are meant to be satisfied. Life causes you
To expand due to contrast. Cooperative
Components culminate to make what you dream real.
It will always come down to the way that you feel.
There’s no reason on God’s green earth that you can’t live
Every moment with a positive point of view.


Good Speed

How do I speed things up? By not slowing them down.
It means that I must take the stick out of the wheel.
There’s a natural momentum created by
My asking, and my inner being does comply
With my wishes. It’s all in the way that I feel.
Things cannot move faster if I’m wearing a frown.

I can go with what is already underway.
The cooperative components are being
Assembled. It is by the Law of Attraction
That I’m able to manifest. What has begun
Will continue until it is what I’m seeing
Come together before me each and every day.

That thing that I keep doing that doesn’t let me
Move as quickly as I want toward my desire,
I must be aware of, and just stop doing it.
Easier said than done it seems, I may admit,
But I must remember that I have the entire
Universe to support me. What fun this can be!

I speed up things I want by being satisfied.
I speed up what I don’t want with discontentment
And frustration. If I suspend my resistance
For a moment, then things work out as if by chance.
Momentum increases through my conscious intent
To be happy. There’s nothing that can be denied.

Your Emotional Frequency

Dance Of Vibration

Who can predict the weather to any degree
Of a semblance of accuracy? No one can.
So why do they keep trying? Is their intention
To piss off we the people? If so, it is done.
A fortune teller is more reliable than
The fallacious forecasting one does often see.

You can control the weather by controlling the
Only thing that you can control – your vibration.
Yet, the word ‘control’ may be a bit misleading.
In this instance, it means that you are succeeding
In doing the only thing that needs to be done.
You ‘control’ your vibration emotionally.

Your vibrational stance of alignment is your
Way of changing reality. By how you feel,
You adjust your attention to feeling better.
You send to the universe an open letter
Stating your declaration of what is ideal.
Whatever you focus on, it will give you more.

Having practiced the vibrational frequency
Of achieving, maintaining, and owning what you
Have created, now everything else will follow.
How can this be a difficult pill to swallow?
Feeling good is the only thing there is to do.
You can get a whole lot done emotionally.

Control Your Mind

The Program Of Society

By controlling your feelings, you focus your mind
In a way that allows things to come easily.
But it works both ways. It doesn’t matter if you
Are feeling ecstatic or if you’re feeling blue.
Good or bad things will manifest accordingly.
Is the Law of Attraction considered unkind?

It’s your best friend. It brings you how you are feeling.
It shows you so that you can make better choices.
When you feel badly, it gives you more of the same.
If you waste time looking for someone else to blame,
Then what flood through the mind are negative voices
Which may then require a process of self-healing.

Why do you want what you want? Pay attention to
The answer that comes to you. Begin practicing
The vibration of having it, and it will come.
Do not burden your mind with where it will come from.
Ask yourself what it feels like, and pretend being
Satisfied in the having of it come to you.

How does the vibration of security feel?
Does it feel like homecoming and empowerment?
Ask yourself these questions often, and feel your way
To alignment with your wishes. Do not fall prey
To the mindset prevailing. Your time is well spent
Contemplating what you have deemed to be ideal.

It’s Yours!


Don’t allow the negative pattern to repeat.
It’s just a matter of no longer offering
The resistant thought. You cannot deactivate
A thought once you have thought it. You can navigate
To another that is more to you appealing.
You can never get used to feeling incomplete.

When you ask, it is given, but ask, then let go
Of the asking because your ‘don’t have’ vibration
Holds you stagnant. Still unfulfilled, you then become
Disillusioned about where all good things come from.
After asking, attend to your expectation
Of receiving. The universe will make it so.

Let the universe find its most clever ways to
Satisfy and delight you. Use any excuse
You can find to feel good. It’s basic creating.
In this world you can have just about anything.
A rampage of wellbeing you may introduce
To the moment. It’s most beneficial to do.

“I’ve been here before. There have been things I’ve asked for
From a place of not having them, and it was not
A big deal. The Law of Attraction is causing
All the cooperative components to bring
Things together.”
This attitude helps you a lot.

Your treasures are before you for you to explore.

The Vibration Of Trust

At One With Existence

There’s a gap between what I want and where I am,
And it scares me because I don’t know who, when, where
Or how things are to happen. The steps I don’t see
To the outcome that is favorable to me.
It’s too big and to uncomfortable to share
Unless I can make of it a final exam.

To be a deliberate creator I must
Do the work. I cannot operate out of fear
Of the unexplained and unobserved. I must be
In alignment with infinite source energy
And go through the darned process. It will be made clear
In due time. I could use an attitude of trust.

The Vibration Of Trust is an old mystery
Come to life every eon. Spiritual Law
Matches that of the physical at some level.
In the magnificence of the Law I revel
Even though my life is mostly fettered in flaw.
I must believe it like the law of gravity.

I can find that vibration. My expectation
That things will work out for me becomes more and more
Solid as I focus more upon my desire.
I cannot be of my own dream a denier.
I can know that it will happen down to the core
Of my being. This exercise will get things done.

I’m Sick Of My Life

A Severely Depressive Episode

I’m so sick of my life. I am forty years old.
I am single. I make less than minimum wage,
And I live with my mother. I have not a clue
As to what on God’s green earth I’m able to do.
It’s not wise, but I find myself prone to engage
In self-pity. My displeasure I’ll not withhold.

Where am I on the standard emotional scale?
Somewhere south of frustration but not quite despair?
It feels mostly like anger. If I reach for blame,
Will I feel some relief, or will I feel the same?
My emotional journey is taken with care
Blame feels better than anger, so I will prevail.

The economy sucks, therefore, I remain stuck
In a huge rut without any room to advance.
Had I been guided differently as a child,
Then much better prepared I’d have been for this wild
World of infinite contrast. I don’t have a chance
Due to circumstance. I remain straight out of luck.

Now, that feels a lot better. I have shifted my
Vibration just a little. A different place
I’m now in. Opportunities are within reach
That were not a short while ago, and within each
Journey of feeling taken, there can be found grace.
There’s so much to gain as I give this thing a try.

In Your Spare Time

Simply Joyful And Carefree

The earth spins in its orbit in proximity
To other spatial bodies. From your perspective,
This alone is a reason to be satisfied.
The perfection of it all cannot be denied.
It could be that it’s your only reason to live.
If it is, then the universe has to agree.

That wellbeing is dominant is the point here.
Things are going to happen that will bring you down.
Someone may bump you car. Your flight may be canceled.
In the depths of depression, you may be compelled
To consider the reasons for wearing a frown.
You are not in a crisis. This must be made clear.

Emotions indicate degrees of resistance
Or allowing. Anger, regret, fear, and despair
Are the worst. Love, appreciation, and passion
Are the best to experience. Nothing’s more fun
Than to feel your excitement, which is why you care
First and foremost about making your life a dance.

At the middle of the spectrum of emotion
Is serene satisfaction. You are contented
And have energetic vibrational control
Of the moment. Whatever awakens your soul
Is the clue to where you must be oriented.
Do believe that your life is supposed to be fun.

Find One Hopeful Thing

Light Within Darkness

Find one thing that you feel optimistic about.
That’s a bit of a challenge in this day and age.
But that shouldn’t deter you because there is hope.
In these times of unrest it’s difficult to cope.
It’s to your advantage if you do not engage
With the drama or anything that offers doubt.

When you do find that something that gives you relief
It distracts you from everything else going on.
Give it your undivided attention, and then
Life will prove that it makes sense again and again.
One cannot wish the contrast to up and be gone,
But you can learn to deal with it by your belief.

When you feel like the rubber band has been pulled back,
You are ready to Let Go. As soon as you do,
Momentum gathers quickly. A little bit of
Allowing goes a long way. The thing that you love
Is the key to bringing other blessings to you.
Any resistance comes from your feelings of lack.

You are where you are. Your stream is moving toward
What you want. It’s no big deal. You’re more than worthy.
Just chill out because life is supposed to be fun.
You cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.
Things can work out well for you but to the degree
That the negative in your life can be ignored.

The Awesome Power Of Focus

The Magnificent Mind

Life has caused you to queue up for yourself all kinds
Of improvement. The things you have been asking for
Are attended to by the Law of Attraction.
Things are coming together as you become one
With who you really are at your ultimate core.
We are creatures of magnificently made minds.

The way you feel is the indicator of how
Near or far away you are from your cherished dream.
You do not have to get other people involved
To succeed. Any issues of doubt are resolved
Through your own guidance system. You’re headed downstream
In the wellbeing river, if you will allow.

Your attention to the uncooperative
Components in creating will offer you more
Of the same. Others can be a part of your plan.
If the Law brings them to you. Believe, if you can,
That you can feel better than the moment before.
Be open to what the universe has to give.

You are powerful enough in your creation.
The cooperative others will assemble
According to good feelings. You have that control.
Happiness is your very most important goal.
Feeling ecstasy that makes your body tremble
Is always beneficial to most everyone.

Why Do Bad Things Happen?


Why do dogs stick their heads outside of car windows
And risk bugs getting in their eyes? Are they insane?
They do it because bugs are a small price to pay
For the wonderful journey. We are quite that way
About life. We have come here for maximum gain.
We knew that there would be things that we would oppose.

Now immersed in the contrast – the world and its ways…
We wonder why the Holocaust had to occur.
Why is child molestation an everyday thing?
Weapons that can kill buffalo is thanksgiving
For deranged predators. Is this what we prefer?
Focusing on such things does not consciousness raise.

They create their own reality according
To the Law of Attraction. Why would anyone
Attract awful things into their experience?
To this Law many people would take great offense,
But the Law is the Law when all is said and done.
People are not aware of what they’re creating.

This is something that most people don’t want to hear.
Those who have victimized others especially
Are driven further into extreme guilt and shame,
Yet the steadfastness of the Law remains the same.
We are experts at creating reality.
We can benefit from doing so without fear.

Ask, Believe… Receive

Open Treasure

All you need is desire, but you hardly ever
Have a wanting for something without a belief
That opposes it. That’s why things have stayed the same,
Which makes you not believe in the attraction game.
Your desire then becomes something that gives you grief.
Your wanting is a spiritual endeavor.

If you could just have a pure desire, it would be
Such a blessing, because without the resistance,
It would manifest easily. If you believe
It can happen, then it’s likely you will achieve
Fulfillment of your wishes. It isn’t by chance
That this happens. Your heart must be resistance free.

Your desire will gain power if you can let go
Of the asking and line up with the energy
That creates worlds and keeps them suspended in space.
That power is your point of attraction and grace.
You do not have to prove or get others to see
The reason for your passion, for they cannot know.

When desires and beliefs match, things fall into place
Without effort, like magic. But when they do not,
Things are difficult. Yet negative emotion
Is your guidance toward a better solution.
As you’re living you life, give it all that you’ve got.
Take advantage of the power that you embrace.

You Get What You Believe

Creating Your Reality

It’s a different orientation when you
Understand that you create your reality
And that you’re the attractor, by your attention
To the world around you. This space time dimension
Has enough contrast to sort through so you may be
Overwhelmed with excitement in all that you do.

Your life is created by the story you tell
To the world and the universe. Your memories
Of relations with others and conversations
And how you feel about things accumulate tons
Of experience. Your life is made up of these
Episodes of fulfillment that you know so well.

You’ve the ability to think differently
At any moment and about any issue.
Your power of creation is what you believe
To be yours by nature. All that you may perceive
Is consistent, but you can make it ever new
By selecting a more positive way to see.

Find something you can focus on, and feel your way
To a state of elation. Find your clarity
In alignment with feeling good most of the time.
When you feel lousy do know that it’s not a crime.
Watching your thoughts turn to things almost instantly,
You will find satisfaction all day every day.

Things Are Speeding Up

The Time Is Short

Consciousness is expanding. The earth, as it spins,
Is the same as it has been for billions of years.
Its cycles remain constant, yet relatively.
That which is on its surface evolves rapidly.
We know that things are speeding up, and time appears
To be too short perhaps because of all our sins.

If you think of something for just a few seconds
Then another thought like it, and then another
Will gather until they gain enough momentum
That things manifest. To you what you think must come.
Of what happens in your life, you are the mother.
What you have created is what to you beckons.

Think of yourself as a singular focuser,
Contemplating something and enjoying the flow
Of your thoughts as they happen with no resistance.
Without your contradicting them, they have a chance
To become your reality, which, you should know,
You create with your focus on things you prefer.

There’s a joining up of others into the stream
As it gets moving swiftly. Cooperative
Components then assemble. There’s an attraction
Of forces lining up for your satisfaction.
It happens when you are most appreciative
Of your ability to contemplate your dream.

Your Abundance Vibration

The Frequency Of Wellbeing

Vibration is just feeling. What you emanate
Is a signal that is electromagnetic.
Whenever your emotions become energized
Your whole energy pattern will be advertised
To the world and the universe. The fantastic
Power you have, you have so that you can create.

The feeling of abundance is one of pleasure
In the freedom of choosing to your heart’s desire.
It is one of wellbeing and good attracting.
It is not one of unconsciously reacting
To discordant vibrations. It doesn’t require
Anything that would count as a countermeasure.

It’s not just about money. It’s also about
People and ideas flowing, places to go,
And exciting things to pour your focus into.
In your absolute fullness, you are the one who
Is on top of the world as you go with the flow
Of who you really are far beyond any doubt.

You find yourself invincible, sure, and complete.
You know that your point of attraction is enhanced
By maintaining the feeling. The details fill in
Once you have decided that you were born to win.
Feeling your best does not have to be an advanced
Existential curriculum. Living is sweet.

Special Delivery

A Present For The Present

If I don’t want it that much, it comes easily.
General desires carry the least resistance.
If I really want something and really believe
That I’ll get it, then it is by law I’ll receive
What I want in a hurry. It isn’t by chance.
Anything that I focus on must come to be.

Wanting something badly and believing it will
Never happen will cause me to struggle within.
Keeping up that momentum creates agony.
I must do all that I can to keep myself free
Of a bleak situation, therein I begin
Writing a new contract that my heart will fulfill.

It is by expectation that things manifest
Into my life – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
My focus on the good things in life is a must.
In the long run, I am much more willing to trust
That in my life, the things I want will come to me.
No matter what I’m going through, I know I’m blessed.

The key is to want something not too much then let
The desire for it grow naturally. It will
Gather momentum. Things begin picking up speed.
I’ll end up with a healthy desire – not from need,
But through my expectation and leaning to chill.
My belief in myself is my greatest asset.

Just Ask, And It’s Yours

Take What Is Yours

Allowing the negative pattern to repeat
Will keep you in the same place. By not offering
The resistant thought, you put the process on pause.
You can deactivate what is surely the cause
Of the losing streak that just keeps on occurring.
Who knows why you are suffering constant defeat?

The way to deactivate a negative thought
Is by activating another to replace
The one present. The solution oriented
Find it difficult. Don’t be too much in your head.
“When You Ask, It Is Given!” If this you embrace,
Then the wealth of the universe to you is brought.

At some point, you have to stop asking and expect
Things to happen. If you just keep on asking, then
You’re holding yourself in the ‘don’t have’ vibration.
Ask for it, then get off it! It’s already done!
You will get what you ask for, that is, only when
You let go and give the unseen its due respect.

This is basic creating. You’ve been here before.
There have been tons of things you’ve asked for from a place
Of not having them, and because you are aware
Of the laws of the universe and of the care
Provided by divinity, heavenly grace
Here on earth is something you were meant to explore.

The Missing Component

The Necessary Piece

I am coming to a newfound resolution
That I will explore contrast. Of course this is so.
I am here on this leading edge with creators
Who respond to the natural indicators
Of abundance and wellbeing. I’m here to grow
Through the process. The contrast is for everyone.

I will see what I don’t want and most vividly.
Then I’ll draw new conclusions and either align
With the way that I want things and things that I want,
Or be somehow worried that my wanting I’ll flaunt
To the powerful universe and the divine.
I must know that in my wanting I can be free.

The whole nonphysical universe is at my
Beck and call. It is fixated on my desire.
That which is like itself, unto itself is drawn.
So, the Law of Attraction I can depend on.
To get to where I want to be does not require
Any struggle on my part, and now I know why.

Sometimes I am the only component missing.
Everything else is lined up and ready to go,
But because of my worrying, I’m not at ease.
I must see the way that my inner being sees.
I’ll take advantage of the continuous flow
Of the blessings of wholesome everyday living.

How To Win All The Time

The Race Is On

When you are on a winning streak, life is a breeze.
Letting go of resistance and expectation
Are the elements needed to get there from here.
Let nothing negative in nature interfere
With your focus. For you, it’s all about the run,
And the running is done with impeccable ease.

Your expectancy is of enormous power.
When you expect something, it happens. This is fact.
Know that you’ll have a positive experience,
And then have it! This would seem to make common sense,
But it doesn’t reflect the way most people act.
Upon you, universal good graces shower.

Remember a great experience you once had.
How you felt then is how you are feeling right now.
Parlay this positive experience into
Something more by recalling the good that you do
For the whole world in general. Then you allow
That feeling to become you, then you will be glad.

When you remember anything you activate
It’s vibration. In this way it is magnetized
So that other thoughts like it begin to occur
That will bring about feelings that you most prefer.
The potential for winning is now realized.
The secret to it happening is feeling great.

The Perpetual Wave Of Change

Eternal Motion

“It’s just the way it is. It’s always been like this,”
But it can be any way you want it to be.
Things are always changing. They just keep changing to
The same thing if nothing else is offered by you.
Change happens by your focusing differently.
Things turn into catastrophe or into bliss.

By regurgitating ‘what is,’ you reinforce
Old patters of behavior. The fresh and the new
Cannot happen unless you want something better.
Do not wait for the world to send you a letter
Giving you permission so that you follow through
With the impulses coming to you from your source.

Look at life through the lens of broader perspective –
Through the eyes of your inner being who sees all
That you want to accomplish. You are creators.
If you want something, then, by golly, it is yours!
This happens for the big stuff as well as the small.
Be aware of the wonderful life you can live.

You accomplish the mastery of creation
By knowing your emotional guidance system.
It is always consistent. It will lead you to
Everything that you want in life. Your point of view
Is one that is quite impossible to condemn.
Be proud of the spiritual work you have done.

The River Of Life

The Flow Of Existence

When you get who you really are and how it feels,
Then start tuning yourself to that feeling, you will
Start to be a vibrational match to who you
Really are. The only thing that you have to do
Is to let blessings happen. There is not a skill
That you must have to know what your true self reveals.

When you’re offering the vibration that comes from
The very core of your being, your power of
Influence is enormous. You have confidence
In the things that you do. You offer more presence
Of the real you – the one who is anchored in love.
You are optimistic about what is to come.

You are not here to figure it out or to get
Anything done. You’re here to line up with the flow –
Not to buck it. The current is rapid and strong.
You will never be done, so you can’t get it wrong.
You don’t have to die in order for you to know
The ecstasy of heaven. By now, you are set.

Care about how you feel. You were meant to feel good.
Tune yourself to who you really are, and let go
Of whatever is keeping you from moving on.
Take the seriousness of life with a big yawn.
Life’s river is fast moving. Take nothing in tow,
Then the meaning of your life will be understood.

What Your Inner Self Knows

The Presence Of Your Inner Being

Get to know what your inner being knows about
Where you are in relationship to everything
You may want. It also knows where other folks are
Compared to what they want. Some are not very far
From fulfilling their missions. All that you can bring
To the table is valuable without doubt.

Your inner being knows how you best can achieve
Your objectives. Those of others it also knows.
How do you get matched up with others of your mind?
It is by your vibration that you are aligned
To what happens in your life. This is how life goes.
By default or intention is how you receive.

You can imagine a wonderful world where more
People go for the guidance that is deep within.
Thoughts that give you upliftment originate there.
In your thoughts and actions you become more aware
Of contrasting illusions, and then you begin
To see real evidence of the things you adore.

You are meant to be satisfied. That’s why you’re here.
Everything that you’ve been asking for is ready
For you to receive it. Satisfaction comes from
The expansion life causes. It’s like chewing gum
And existing. It is done rather easily.
Do know that your inner being is always near.

Don’t Blame Others

Look To Yourself

My path has been unfolding, and it’s so easy
To fulfill my desires. People are amazing.
Wholesome experiences punctuate my day.
Things are always working out for me in this way.
Nothing much can keep my consciousness from raising.
Many wonderful things are happening to me.

Behind that, there’s a lot that is not happening.
Sometimes it feels as if I’ve been pushed from a plane,
But I cannot give credit where it isn’t due.
I’m the one who attracts things through my point of view.
To think that I’ve been pushed borders on the insane.
Can I be more careful in my ways of thinking?

My own point of attraction is what draws to me
Everything I experience. Blaming others
Brings about psychic misery. I have control
Of how I feel at all times. In this, I’m made whole…
Not a part of something that someone else prefers.
In accepting my own mess, I can become free.

Cooperative components help me to live
Out the vibration I offer. They coalesce
According to how I feel. No one else but me
Is the cause of my issues. My reality
Becomes more in alignment with fun and success.
The more I ask, the more the universe will give.

Keep Stable

The Concept Of Balance

Would I rather ‘wake up’ and face reality
Or create it? A huge choice this is that I make.
There’s an obvious difference between the two.
There’s always something coming to me, and it’s due
To my point of attraction. It takes not a break.
Things I bring into my life perpetually.

From which pile is it coming? The ones that I know
Are from others who offer advice but who are
Sorely lacking in self-confidence, or they’re from
My vortex of creation. There has to be some
Way of knowing for certain exactly how far
On my path I must travel before I can grow.

We all have inner beings. Our ships have set sail.
We can remain stable under all conditions.
We are flexible. We can move and compensate
For rough seas. It’s a thing I must appreciate.
We learn to navigate through our dispositions.
If I choose a positive one, then I prevail.

Don’t let circumstances train your expectation.
Do I want to be in harmony with who I
Really am? Then stability I shall maintain.
In the long run, there’s much fulfillment I will gain.
I am the only person I must satisfy.
Then I can see magnificence in everyone.

Speed Things Up

Make Things Happen Faster

Everyone wants the same thing… to be happily
Ever after in living. Everything we do
Is for that simple reason. When sorting things out,
We know happiness when we feel it without doubt.
I would venture to guess that I’m the same as you
With regard to the dreams that are coming to be.

How do I Speed Things Up? Impatience, I do know,
Is a problem. It seems that time wants to stand still.
There’s a natural momentum already set.
My concern that what I want has not happened yet
Makes time seem like forever. My attitude will
Affect how I perceive it. That’s why it seems slow.

I have asked for it, therefore the wheel is turning.
I Speed Things Up by taking the stick out of it
So that it can spin freely. Cooperative
are assembled and ready to give

Everything that I ask for. I just have to quit
Focusing on the scope and depth of my yearning.

Genuine satisfaction will get things moving
Rather quickly. I can cease my arguing for
Limitations. I speed things by not slowing them
With self-doubt and my propensity to condemn
The process that’s unfolding. It’s best to ignore
The temptation to think things are not improving.

Tell A New Story

Close The Old Book

Change my thoughts about money and life as a whole?
Is that hard to do? It depends on the story
I’ve been telling to myself and others I know.
For all that I have done, what do I have to show?
This question doesn’t lead me to any glory.
It will cause my thoughts to spin way out of control.

What then is the solution? I know that money
Is as available as the air I take in
And breathe out. I like thinking about the freedom
That it gives me. I know that the money will come
In good time as soon as I decide to begin
Focusing only on the place I want to be.

I can imagine a lot of money flowing
Into my life experience. I can see how
My feeling about money affects how much comes.
If I want it to flow in uncountable sums
I must Tell A New Story and learn to allow
The abundance that this world to me is showing.

I do get the essence of what I think about.
I can tell by the way I’m feeling whether I
Am focused on money or the gross lack of it.
Positive thoughts about money I must transmit
To the universe. I know that it will comply
With my best wishes. Of this I have not a doubt.

So Close…

Simplify The Complicated Path

Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
Make this your major mantra throughout every day.
Do not try to find the best feeling thought that you
Ever thought and then hold it. This no one can do.
Just reach for the best feeling thought and stay away
From the thoughts that don’t make you feel the way you should.

You’re So Close to receiving the things you desire.
On subject after subject you can find pure bliss
If you sharpen you signal a bit. You’ve become
Clear and bright, but resistance is keeping you from
Seeing clearly. You can learn to get around this
By thinking all the good thoughts your mind can acquire.

You say you want more money. The wealth you’ve amassed
In vibrational escrow you wouldn’t believe.
You’ve been putting it there since the day you were born.
It is ready when you are, and it will adorn
You in untold abundance. Open to receive
What is due you. You have found your treasure at last.

When you give birth to something, powerful forces
Then become it. Complaining that it’s not here yet
Is the way to prevent it from coming to be.
Let yourself go with what you want, and only see
What you want. All your past failures you must forget.
Think exclusively the thoughts your heart endorses.

The Pipeline Of Creation

The Way Into Your Vortex

Often manifestations that are not perfect
Will keep people from manifesting those that are.
The contrast in the not perfect one is the start
Of improvement. My insanity breaks my heart.
I can’t doubt my own writing. What I’ve done thus far
Seems not worth all the effort. What should I expect?

I expect folks to look at my work and comment.
Is that too much to ask of someone unworthy
Of attention? For me this is good exercise
Although it will probably lead to my demise
If I keep fucking with what people think of me.
Cluelessness about life at my age I lament.

What I want is specific. I want to belong.
Satisfaction with pissing alone in the breeze
I can’t muster for much longer. Something must change
For the better. My writing is not all that strange
To real people. I suffer from mental disease.
Many choices that I’ve made in life have been wrong.

Can I write myself out of this deadly routine
And decide to be happy in my world alone?
To the very few people who do visit here
I am thankful and hopeful the message is clear.
The biggest fear that I have is being unknown
And unnoticed. I must practice mental hygiene.

Have no fear of upsetting me if you believe
In your heart that what I do is mediocre.
Can you do it much better? I must ask in pride.
Some folks will think I’m lousy. I’ll take that in stride.
Life can be as simple as a game of poker.
There’s no limit to what anyone can achieve.