Tag Archive | worth

You’ll Never Be The Same

Family Affair

Be smart enough to ask for advice but be wise
Enough to know who to seek it from. Never give
Someone the opportunity to waste your time
More than once. To you it should be seen as a crime.
Challenge yourself. It’s the only way you can live
And evolve as a person no one can despise.

To change your life you have to change priorities.
Be like a tree and let the dead leaves fall away.
Your future depends on your focus. Be aware
Of what you’ve done already and place your hope there.
Always be mindful of everything that you say.
Take advantage of what can put your mind at ease.

Accept that some people can only be in your
Heart but not your life so learn to miss someone
Without wanting them back. When you react you lose
Your power to the circumstance. You get to choose
How to feel in each moment. How your life is run
Is the business of no one’s malignant allure.

Once you believe in yourself you no longer need
To convince others of all the things you can do.
The best thing about you is your capacity
To create, overcome, endure, transform, and be
Greater than all the suffering that you go through.
At creating the life you want you will succeed.

Never Too Late

Speak Your Heart

Life moves swiftly. If you don’t stop and look around
Every once in a while you may miss it. It’s not
About having time. It’s about making time. Your
Relationship with others is a metaphor
For your relationship with yourself. There’s a lot
Of time left for complete fulfillment to be found.

Never be so loyal that yourself you betray.
Be selfish with your time because many people
Don’t deserve it. The most harmful thing you can do
Is believe other people’s opinion of you.
Hang around people that you find most delightful.
In a positive mood always do try to stay.

There will always be someone who can’t see your worth.
Don’t let that someone be you. Never make someone
A priority who makes you but an option.
Growth happens when you do things that need to get done.
You can do that and still have a whole lot of fun.
There’s always an opportunity for rebirth.

It’s Never To Late to do the things you’ve always
Wanted to. You can have results or excuses
But not both. Follow you heart but carry your mind
Along with you. It pays to be gentle and kind
Only in a perfect world without abuses.
Nothing much about this world is worthy of praise.

Your Truest Wealth

Rain Of Cash

Dearest friends, our grandest wishes are for you all
To realize your potential worth as humans –
As energetic beings – as sources of love
And of joy. There’s so much wellbeing to speak of.
If we don’t say so ourselves you’re in perfect hands.
Your value to the universe cannot be small.

Your earthly ancestors put themselves out there for
You to realize your own propensity to
Love yourselves and your entire life experience.
Your inner wealth is the only wealth that makes sense
Because it can bring instant happiness to you.
It’s the kind of wealth where you can only get more.

Your inner worth is the only wealth worth seeking
Whether you’re aware of it or not. We beseech
You to look within for it. Indeed you will find
Information of benefit to humankind.
Your enlightenment as a race is within reach.
Benefit from the truth that we are now speaking.

Your planet is going through an enormous shift
In consciousness – one unseen and unheralded
Before by your masses. Your earth environment
Will be going through changes that will represent
How severe times will be. As you’re looking ahead
In thought, word, and deed do only things that uplift.

To Be Called On

Joyful Expectation

You’ve been waiting. There’s no need to feel reluctant
About getting the message. You’re more than ready
To Be Called On for something special and unique
To your talents of which there are many to speak.
That which calls you is promised to holding steady
To your dreams even though sometimes you think you can’t.

“Are You Ready?” This question you continue to
Ask yourself so that you can maintain alignment
With receiving impulses and information
To assist with your magnificent creation.
Your vibration at times may need some refinement,
But for the most part, you’re doing what you should do.

A cooperative component you must be
With all that’s lined up for you. Past experience
Of not being called haunts what’s taking place right now.
When it’s pointed right at you, you have to allow
The message to consume you. It makes perfect sense
To the mind. One can comprehend it easily.

You’re in the spotlight with others who may or may
Not be ready. Your inner being is aware
Of the feelings of others and itself. To be
An uplifter is something that naturally
Is your calling, and love is what you have to share.
Take the call and enjoy all that will come your way.

Your Value

Self Worth

To the people who feel like they’ve lost their value,
Do believe what you’re feeling but not that you are
Made less worthy because of your circumstances.
It may be that you’ve screwed up in your finances.
How you’re treated due to it leaves a psychic scar
On the consciousness present. What is there to do?

If I went to the store with a one dollar bill,
And I saw something that costs a dollar with tax,
What would be the bill’s value? It would be the same
As the item referred to. With it I would claim
The thing without performing unnatural acts
With the sales staff. Nothing more I’d need to fulfill.

What if I balled the dollar bill up? Would it be
Still worth one dollar? Would it be eighty five cents
Due to its being crumpled? That would not be true.
If I stomped on the dollar and tore it, would you
Still accept it without any hint of offense?
The answer is you would take it most probably.

Life presents us with issues that we must get through.
In the process we may feel severely beaten,
Stomped upon, crumpled up, and then cast to the curb.
Your value is unchanged. Know that you are superb
No matter your condition. Your life will sweeten
In the recognition of the value of you.