Tag Archive | alignment

Negative People

Bad Emotions

Negative People bug me. Their harsh energy
Is upsetting and dangerous. What can I do?
Should I say nothing to them? Should I stay away
From them altogether? Do I accept that they
Have a right to their feelings? How do I get through
Having to be around them perpetually?

I should be stable enough that I don’t need the
Condition to be perfect in order to be
In alignment. There is such a freedom in that.
There’s no time for engaging in negative chat.
But, within the contrast, am I able to see
That the people that bug me are the same as me?

We’re all in this together. I have had my days
Of disaster because of my negative mood.
So, I can well relate to where they’re coming from.
Can I set an example and somehow become
The answer to their problems with my attitude?
Perhaps so. I can be helpful in many ways.

Negative emotion cannot be a bad thing.
It’s the starting point of the creative process.
I feel appreciation for its existence.
Through my disposition I can be of immense
Benefit to the circumstance. I acquiesce
And acknowledge what positive feelings can bring.

The Creative Process

Subtle Forces Of Being

Creation happens always. There is not a rest
To be taken. It maintains its cyclic process
Constantly. The first thing that is meant to occur
Is your thinking and asking for what you prefer
Of the universe. It will provide nothing less
Than complete satisfaction that’s fully expressed.

What happens then is that the universe collects
Cooperative components to yield to you
Through the path of least resistance what you desire.
Entities unknown to us convene and conspire
To support your intentions. All you need to do
Is feel good in its happening in all respects.

Through appreciation and through meditation
You can reach that state where you’re able to receive
Inspiration that guides you. In your bag of tricks
Are the tools that are needed in order to fix
Resistant momentum. It is when you achieve
Contentment with you’re here and now you become one.

Trying to make things happen will happen much less
When you’re in alignment with who you really are.
If you are entertained by the things that you do
Then the blessings of the universe come to you.
Be content in the knowing that you can’t stray far
From the path that will lead to pleasure in success.

Tell A New Story

Close The Old Book

Change my thoughts about money and life as a whole?
Is that hard to do? It depends on the story
I’ve been telling to myself and others I know.
For all that I have done, what do I have to show?
This question doesn’t lead me to any glory.
It will cause my thoughts to spin way out of control.

What then is the solution? I know that money
Is as available as the air I take in
And breathe out. I like thinking about the freedom
That it gives me. I know that the money will come
In good time as soon as I decide to begin
Focusing only on the place I want to be.

I can imagine a lot of money flowing
Into my life experience. I can see how
My feeling about money affects how much comes.
If I want it to flow in uncountable sums
I must Tell A New Story and learn to allow
The abundance that this world to me is showing.

I do get the essence of what I think about.
I can tell by the way I’m feeling whether I
Am focused on money or the gross lack of it.
Positive thoughts about money I must transmit
To the universe. I know that it will comply
With my best wishes. Of this I have not a doubt.

Allowing Divine Intervention

Receiving Grace

Still believing in struggle, most human beings
Don’t feel like they are paying enough of a price.
No one plays their way through life and achieves success.
We must work long and hard for it, that is unless
We are fortunate where the bird of paradise
Makes its way into our lives and brings us nice things.

This is true in the real world because this mindset
Has evolved over eons where there’s a finite
Economic pie that all are wanting to share.
We have to make things happen. We seem not aware
That we are of vibration, and all is alright.
This is how the world functions much to our regret.

There’s an infinite ‘amount’ of economy.
To be shared among everyone. Those who believe
That there’s only so much wealth do not hear the call
Of their spirit. Their perspective is rather small.
Effort is not needed in order to receive
If we get ourselves to thinking differently.

The power of the universe is within you.
It creates worlds. It can manifest anything.
One cannot have it both ways. One has to decide
For oneself which is better. Let your spirit guide
You to what feels in your life to be fulfilling.
Know in your heart the best thing that you ought to do.

When Big Stuff Starts To Happen

Touching Your Dreams

Whether you feel ecstatic or just satisfied
You have equal access to the treasures within
Your Vortex of Creation. There’s a difference
Between surrendering to life experience
And becoming excited. The big things begin
To occur when you know nothing can be denied.

The degrees of emotion become your stairway
To the stars you’ve created and placed in the sky.
They’re your hopes, dreams, and wishes. With no resistance
In your vibration, you will know the existence
Of the things that you want without having to try
To attain them. In readiness you want to stay.

Meditation is meeting your Vortex with no
Resistance. The mind is quieted. You become
Receptive and contented. The feeling of peace
Brings with it a deep cleansing and total release
Of the residual negative psychic scum
That started to accumulate decades ago.

What is more dynamic is appreciation.
It makes you more receptive. It feels more hands on,
And the more that you like it, the more you will feel
Energy flowing through you. With justified zeal
You approach life. The sins of the past are now gone.
You are here to offer your best to everyone.

Once you find an object of attention to which
You want to flow your pure positive energy
Is when in your life big stuff begins happening.
Stay focused on the thing that does make your heart sing.
What a wonderful paradise your life can be.
Easily it is done. It’s like flipping a switch.

The Meaning Of Life

The Purpose Of Existence

What’s the meaning of life? Is it too much to ask?
What’s the meaning of ‘meaning’ without getting deep
Into confusing language? To ‘mean’ is to be
Of intent to convey. What does life mean to me?
Have I spent too much of it acting while asleep?
Finding right answers to these questions is my task.

Meaning means, “What’s the purpose or reason?” It means,
“What’s the existential basis and the intent?”
The whole purpose of life is joy, and expansion
Is the result. It’s not beyond comprehension.
Freedom is the basis of life. Being content
In my here and now dominates all my routines.

More exposure to more opportunity to
Have more feelings my life offers me. The meaning
Of life is life. The thrill of finding alignment
With my dreams is the source of better refinement
Of my purpose. Indeed, I am living leaning.
Breathing and being open is easy to do.

To feel life pour through me is exhilarating.
Sometimes I’m not right on it. It’s really okay.
I can work my way to it, and that is for me
A miraculous mantra. It helps me to be
More fulfilled in the journey that is underway.
Life’s meaning has to do with what I’m creating.


Let The Help Come

You are given the green light, so go right ahead.
You can’t be disappointed and get what you want
Because such a feeling means that you’re not in sync
With the having of it. You may be on the brink
Of its coming. The ghost of delusion may haunt
And prevent your believing. Do not be misled.

What’s it like to be needy? Well, let me explain
To the universe all the pain I have been through.
Let me get on my knees and beg God to help me.
From my place of not having I ask most humbly.
Yet the universe answers, “We’ve given to you.
It exists now in the spiritual domain.”

In vibrational form then is where all your dreams
Are attended to by spiritual forces.
They can only manifest if you are aligned
With your healthiest spirit and well-focused mind.
Ecstasy is the mood your spirit endorses.
For true happiness you need not go to extremes.

Move the way that you feel to a much better place.
You cannot create outside your vibrational
Offering of which you have absolute control.
Stop talking about what’s not working, and be whole.
You cannot lose by going with this rationale.
You can be the receiver of infinite grace.

Trust What Is Coming

Allow Truth To Enlighten

On some things I’ve been focused that matter a lot.
In the process I’ve managed to launch more rockets
Of desire into orbit than I can believe.
There is some work to do so that I can achieve
Things that will put more money into my pockets.
I can be grateful for all the cash that I’ve got.

Can I say that my point of attraction is strong?
I’m accustomed to trusting in what I can see,
But with things that are unseen it’s more difficult
So a mix in my vibration is the result.
What can I do to get rid of doubt completely?
In a world of abundance is where I belong.

The word ‘trust’ is appealing. The feeling I get
When I hear it is one of relief from the strain
That I feel when I’m doubtful. I can know that I
Am part of a big picture, so I can rely
On the forces in motion because they contain
The answers to all things that have not happened yet.

Looking at other things around me that agree
With what I want to see already is the way
To slow down the ill thinking. Remembering how
It was before I had them indeed will allow
My belief in the eternal forces at play
In creating a world that is just right for me.

Play This Game

The Universe Invites You

Look for good feeling things. What a wonderful game!
It’s so easy to do that. It’s simply child’s play.
This wholesome affirmation is translated well
To adults who’ve forgotten the best way to tell
If they are in alignment. What you do this day
Reflects how much good feeling you’re willing to claim.

Remember the attitude you had as a child.
You appreciated everything you could see,
And you trusted that most people are truly good.
You had little resistance in early childhood.
You believed fun and happiness should always be
Important, and your dreams were most freely compiled.

Let that be then the tone of each and every day.
Go to sleep in a state of appreciation.
Think of things that uplift you, and be thankful for
All the aspects of your life that you most adore.
In the morning you will feel as bright as the sun.
From the start you will notice things going your way.

The feeling of detachment means that you’re aligned
With your true self. This is a supreme unfolding.
Your set point of vibration will change as will your
Point of attraction. Your happiness is the cure
For your ills. Be aware of the clay you’re molding.
You’ll become much wiser and enjoy peace of mind.

Expect A Miracle

Know Your Worthiness

You’re the creator of your own reality.
Repeat this until it cannot be forgotten.
It’s the most important thing that you’d care to know
About life. As it is practiced, it will soon show
As impeccable competence. What happens then
Is that you’ll become the person you meant to be.

A harmonic you are of the fundamental
Frequency of divinity. The vibrations
Of your being are all constantly intertwined,
And within the purest vibration you will find
That you are much happier with your creations.
Love, joy, and gratitude are all incidental.

You can know who you really are. You can feel it,
And you know it when you feel it elevate you
To a state of magnificent revelation.
You can make it be of eternal duration.
Practice feeling that way is all you have to do
Frequently so you get maximum benefit.

You can feel the expansion of your beingness
More at some times than others. Make it your intent
To practice for another while. You’ll establish
A pattern of vibration where your slightest wish
Will come true. You will realize that you were meant
To make miracles happen. You’ll not expect less.

Allow Infinite Abundance

Let The Magic Happen

How can I find a way to be comfortable
Spending money on myself? It is traumatic.
I want things, but I feel paralyzed to allow
Myself to have them. It would be nice to know how
To spend lavishly and to remain ecstatic.
How do I become wealthy, serene, and stable?

It’s one hell of an issue. It’s probably mine
Along with many others’. I bear to make do
With the basics, when it’s luxury and beauty
That I want in my life. Am I destined to be
Ever wanting the freedom to live what is true
To my wishes? Is my circumstance by design?

Many of us have been taught shortage consciousness
By people who we lived with who had influence
In our upbringing, so there is never enough.
Waste not, want not. We must save for when times get tough.
This mindset in itself is of heavy expense.
It leaves no room for the pursuit of happiness.

There is not a finite amount of abundance.
It expands in direct proportion to our dreams.
I can justify it with hard work if I may,
But my appreciation is all I need pay.
I am worthy regardless of how it all seems.
There is no limit to what my soul can finance.

Change Your Life

Live A New Story

No matter where I’m going or what I’m doing
By myself or with others, it’s my intention
To look for all the good things that brighten my day.
In a high flying state is where I want to stay.
I remember always that I’m an extension
Of Source Energy. My life is worth pursuing.

As I put myself to bed at night I lie there,
While in an attitude of appreciation,
Thinking about this day, flowers, puppies, and lakes…
Anything that is pleasing. Whatever it takes
To put me in a state of utter elation
Is worth contemplating, and it counts as a prayer.

While I am drifting off to sleep, I reemerge
Into pure positive energy. When I wake
I will still be in that place. Appreciating
Before sleeping is my own way of creating
The same vibration for a most awesome daybreak.
All the negative thought patterns are worth the purge.

When I wake up I reach for the dream that I had
For spiritual value, but more important
Is my appreciating all over again.
I can see the whole universe through God’s eyes when
In the morning I’m in that state of alignment.
This life changing advice for me is ironclad.

The Universe Is At Your Command

You Are The Master

Everything is of spirit. Physical matter
That is sensed by the body and is everywhere
All exists within spirit. It is a subset
Of that which it is not. It is hard to forget
That the hardness of matter we cannot compare
To anything we know except our own chatter.

When a loved one transitions we meet the regret
With the knowing that no one is gone forever.
A feeling of euphoria one often feels.
It’s a preview that the spirit gladly reveals
To the grieving survivor who will endeavor
To see death as a blessing and not as a threat.

The good feeling may linger indefinitely
Depending on how receptive you choose to be
To the message of spirit which is positive
And always with the focus on how we may live
More fulfilling lives on earth and how happily
We may do so. All is done spiritually.

We are here to enjoy life and grow in spirit.
With it comes the responsibility to know
That the universe is really at our command.
We can manifest small things and those that are grand.
May the energy that creates worlds start to flow
Through your life. It is to everyone’s benefit.

Surrender To Your Worthiness

Goodness Embraces You

We may often fall victim to comparison.
In our determination to feel unworthy
Or subservient in some way, we’ve concluded
That for everything there’s a price to pay. With dread
We consider becoming who we want to be
So it is hard to get almost anything done.

The only price that you pay is your alignment.
Your absence of resistance is all that you need
To feel that you’re surrounded by a nucleus
Of wellbeing. In fact, it engulfs all of us.
Know that in your surrender to it you are freed
To pursue anything that’s to your heart’s content.

Often we pay with struggle by thinking that we
Haven’t jumped through enough hoops or kissed the right ring
To deserve something different, and our armor
Prevents blessings from penetrating to the core
Of our beingness. Success does not effort bring,
And hard work is not needed for prosperity.

The meek will inherit this earth someone once said
A long time ago. He meant the non-resisted
Lighthearted, free feeling folk who are allowing,
Not angry or determined but understanding
And accepting of the goodness that lies ahead.
Surrender To Your Worthiness. Don’t be misled.

Righteous Repetition

The Virtue of Redundant Variety

There are things worth repeating and things that are not.
With the former, the things that are most uplifting
To the heart, people want to hear over again.
But things that aren’t that pleasing or things that have been
Asked for numerous times can be quite annoying
To the listener who values silence a lot.

You get to define what you want, and you get to
Define how you want it to be, but you can be
Too specific or you may have some doubt or fear
That the thing that you ask for will never appear.
Everything you’ve asked for, you’ve asked for already.
Focus now on the thing that will benefit you.

Don’t keep asking, and asking, and asking… because
It will only slow things down to a screeching halt.
What the universe knows about you is immense.
If you want things to come then it makes proper sense
To chill out and allow for the coming result.
All this is according to spiritual laws.

Undivided attention on your creation
Of the person you want to be must be your aim.
Concentrate on your spirit. That it remain high
Is your ultimate mission. It’s fair to rely
On repeating your purpose, or you can exclaim
Over and over again, “I’m here to have fun!”

Before Coming To Earth

Plans Made In Eternity

Before coming to this earth you said a few things
That are now worth remembering after so long
Being distracted from them by circumstances
You created. Life’s contrast offers you glances
At the contract you made which is righteous and strong.
You are in store for magnificent happenings.

“I’ll go forward into my earth experience.
I’ll see things that I don’t like, and things that I do
I will focus my attention only on them.”
All the things that you do here on earth truly stem

From the promises you made. A big part of you
Remains in the nonphysical. It is immense.

Ideas and impulses come up within you
That will lead you to everything that you desire.
Don’t fall for the notion that life’s meant to be hard.
The contrast here is tricky. You must say on guard
Of the negative thought patterns. What you acquire
Is by being receptive and most grateful too.

Seek the feeling of satisfaction as you go
About your chosen journey. Your inner being
Will hold fast to your contract and show you the way
That is least resistant. It will help you to stay
In alignment. The feeling is truly freeing.
You are meant to do big things here. Do make it so.

Permission Slip

Be Yourself; Do Your Best

There are so many processes, tools, and techniques
Like religion, exercise, and meditation…
This is certainly not a bad thing. It in fact
Gives us many ways to keep the spirit intact.
So there is no reason for not choosing just one.
We each listen to the voice that most loudly speaks.

Each one gives us permission to be who we are
At our purest. Belief systems play a big part
In the choice of tradition, and the artifacts
That are used may be the very thing that attracts
One’s attention. One’s method is taken to heart.
That place of inner knowing is never too far.

We can change belief systems as easily as
We can change our appearance. The tool that we use
Allows for that to happen. When we are in need
It is by our belief system that we are freed.
What’s even more awesome is that we get to choose
How much weight on our living that each moment has.

Whatever we’re attracted to, we are because
It works well at the moment, but ultimately,
You come to know that you’re the one making changes
To your outlook as the universe arranges
What is needed. You are the tool absolutely
In complete compliance with universal laws.

What Is Karma?

The Meaning Of Purpose

What Is Karma? It’s something that is self-imposed.
It’s not punishment. It’s an issue of balance.
Recognizing that I’ve made some awful choices,
I cannot stop my own inner demons’ voices.
That I have run from life is my greatest offense.
It is fitting that all my bad deeds be exposed.

So therefore, in the recognition that I might
Be out of alignment with myself I can choose
To do something about it… To enter a state
Of being that restores me, I carry much weight
So I must go there often. I cannot excuse
What I have done in my past that just wasn’t right.

It’s choosing to be who I am deep down inside
Without all the pretense of the selfish ego.
By comparing my true self with who I am not
I am willing to recognize that what I’ve got
Is a knot in the third chakra. It’s good to know
The nature of my nature with eyes opened wide.

Karma is just a balancing of energy.
It’s momentum is timeless as is a teaching
Of the lessons most basic to being alive.
It is an opportunity for me to strive
To be better. To my old self I am preaching
And indeed I am humbled simply just to be.

The Meaning Of Life

Of Ultimate Purpose

“What’s the meaning of meaning?” someone may inquire
If asked, “What is the meaning of life?” The answer:
Why do surfers take surf boards and go ride the waves?
It’s not to smooth the ocean out, and no one craves
Teaching fish how to swim on top of the water.
They do it just because it’s something they desire.

The meaning of meaning means does it have purpose…
Is there some rhyme or reason for it to occur?
The purpose and the reason for life is the thrill
Of achieving alignment. The key is to chill
And allow things to happen as you would prefer.
Meaning is something that is easy to discuss.

The basis of life is freedom and the result
Is expansion, exposure, opportunity,
And desire for experience in the contrast.
While you are on earth you should be having a blast.
Joyful and triumphant is how you want to be.
To not be who you are is the gravest insult.

Life itself is the meaning of life. Feeling it
Pouring through you is exhilarating and fun.
To see manifestation happen in response
To your proper alignment in sheer nonchalance
Is the meaning of life. Surely you are the one
Who it’s meant for. It is for your full benefit.

Speak Only Of What You Want

Tell Your Own Story

There’s too much one can speak of that dampens the mood
And excites the raw demon from nonexistence
To somewhere nowhere near a peaceful solution.
Negative emotions are certainly no fun
Unless one is psychotic thus lacking of sense.
Is this keeping your attention on what’s pursued?

For every statement of desire there’s a statement
Of doubt or disbelief that it can be fulfilled
But that’s just human nature. We want perfection
The first crack out of the box. The work has been done
To bring you satisfaction. Decide to be thrilled
By that which has true meaning. Dare to be content.

You do not want to settle for less than your dream
Yet there may be reluctance to your allowing
It to happen because you’re strung out on the news
Or some trite personal drama that you may choose
To waste your psychic energy on. Everything
That you want requires focus but not too extreme.

It is easy to start in a general place,
Living happily ever after and watching
Things come into alignment with your true desire.
Anything that you want you’re able to acquire
But your focus must be only on that one thing.
Tune yourself toward receiving infinite grace.

Stop Lying To Yourself

Get A Glimpse Of Truth

What takes place in the real world cannot be as real
As the essence within you that knows only truth.
It’s our nature to lie even about feelings.
So much of what is false we get from our dealings
With others whose tactics are profoundly uncouth.
To the ignorant masses it has much appeal.

Thoughts of Mother Teresa are relevant here.
People are often self-centered, irrational,
And unreasonable. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind there will be people who betray
And accuse you of selfishness. Some of them shall
Turn out to be your enemies within your sphere.

But be kind anyway. If you are successful
You will win some unfaithful friends and enemies.
Succeed anyway. If you’re honest and sincere
People may deceive you, but decide to adhere
To your quest for success. Don’t let anyone seize
Your passion or ability to be joyful.

What you spend years creating others can destroy
Overnight, but create anyway. If you find
Happiness and serenity, some are jealous
But be happy anyway. Don’t take on the fuss
Of those who choose to be in that ill way inclined.
Do what it takes to keep yourself centered in joy.

The Vibration Of Wellbeing

Everything that happens is a co-creation.
If I decide that I ought to blame the one who
Seems to be the most at fault rather than to take
Full responsibility for what I make
Of my life I’ll feel awful. So what I must do
Is be a component of cooperation.

We have all come to this earth not to do bad things
To each other and not to teach others lessons.
We’ve come here to experience the awesome joy
Of alignment. To do that it’s best to employ
Conscientious observance of situations
Where we can feel much better such that the heart sings.

The divine source within us has an opinion
Which is usually different from our own.
Vulnerability physical senses know
But our nonphysical senses would have us go
With our strength. It’s the only thing they will condone.
The divine spark of wholeness is with everyone.

Decide that you will feel your best no matter what
The conditions may be. Savor thoughts that feel good.
Look for reasons to feel good wherever you are.
As you practice you won’t have to look very far
For your purpose in life. It will be understood.
In a short time your view will be pure and clear-cut.

The Emotional Journey

Freedom Of Emotional Flight

What happens when you have those feeling places that
Contradict one another? A change of career
Has been on my mind lately. I get excited
About travel abroad. The adventure ahead
I can feel with much passion. There also is fear
That I’ll leave other parts of my life falling flat.

I want to do an institute in India.
I can feel creativity flowing through me.
I love collaborating. The people I meet
Will provide opportunities that will be sweet.
In my heart I believe this is how it will be.
I can do very well in that rich arena.

But again apprehension in blended into
My feelings of elation. Some risk I will take.
It’s a lot of hard work. I will be out of touch
With my family and friends who I cherish much.
Dangerous it may be. The decision I make
Is one of great significance. What shall I do?

When I think thoughts that feel good, I feel good inside.
The reverse is true also. I care more about
Getting into alignment vibrationally.
The Emotional Journey is one that should be
Taken before all others. I’ll deal with my doubt.
My awareness of how I feel shall be my guide.

The Meditative State

The Peace Of Total Alignment

Should I meditate more often than I do now?
My business I have time for but also for me.
If I’m not happy all the time I must conclude
That I must meditate more to heighten my mood.
I can be much more consistent if I need be
In knowing what I’m doing – also knowing how.

I’m not trying to receive a message before
I am ready. I just want to quiet the mind
Of its clutter filled chatter and engineering.
My intent is my letting go and allowing
My vibration to rise until I am aligned
With my innermost being who can but adore.

Meditation is the way that I can let my
Innermost being teach me about alignment.
It is always there. When I am not, it’s okay.
Reconnecting is easy enough. I can’t stay
In that state forever, but I can find content
In how my life unfolds, and I need not know why.

Letting go of thought is my only intention.
In the absence of resistance I can allow
My vibration to raise. Resonance will happen
With my innermost being. Enlightenment then
Is the logical outcome. I need not know how
The whole process works. My life cannot be undone.

Doors Will Open

Change Is Meant To Come

I am in a profession where I daily treat
People with hypertension and anxiety.
But that’s not what I want to do. I feel I’m stuck.
There is nothing about it that leaves me awestruck.
The universe must know that I’d rather be
Doing what I want so that my life is complete.

I must not beat up on myself. That is useless.
Must I learn that I need to meet people halfway?
The people that I work with are set in their ways.
Their path of least resist matches their mores.
It is just what it is now. Perhaps I could stay
Since there are no immediate signs of distress.

I know that my inner being knows where I am
In relationship to everything that I want.
It knows the path of least resistance to get there.
I’m fulfilled in my service. Indeed I do care
About people in general, and I can’t flaunt
My extravagant ego lest myself I damn.

It does not matter what I’m doing. It only
Matters how I am feeling when I’m doing it.
I can’t get to where I want to go by trying
To escape where I am. Only pain that will bring.
Change is in the big picture, but I must permit
Here and now to invigorate and excite me.

Things Will Fall Into Place

Let Divine Forces Do Their Work

You alone get to create your reality.
If it has the wherewithal to stir within you
A desire then it does have the ability
To deliver it so that your own eyes can see
That the Law of Attraction is probably true.
In a state of alignment may you always be.

Be more high minded in your thoughts. Don’t gravitate
To the lower vibrations that come with your day.
Feeling good can compare to keeping a budget.
If desires and beliefs balance there is no debt
To your overall feeling, and if you can stay
Well ahead of your wanting you’ll be doing great.

You cannot stop your wanting. Once life has caused you
To find passion for something you cannot go back.
So don’t try not to want it if it causes stress
Thinking more about why you want it and much less
About how it will happen puts you right on track.
Keeping up your vibration is all you need do.

There is no regression. There’s only expansion.
You can only move forward. Go with what you know
Increases the momentum of who you become.
Things Will Fall Into Place from where all things come from.
Take advantage of your full access to the flow
Of blessings from the universe, and have more fun.

Focus Only On This

Forget Everything Else

Public hearings are underway. Riveted are
The world’s eyes on the goings on. Things in Ukraine
Are the same as expected. Mass shootings were nil
For the past week or so. The raw instinct to kill
Was felt only – not witnessed. The proudly insane
Have upon the nation left a terrible scar.

Justice is entertainment. It makes absolute
Sense that we pay attention to what’s happening
Because of its importance in reality
But to stay focused there makes it harder to see
Signs of hope or improvement. What’s interesting
Is that reality is a fatal pursuit.

Our control of the weather is yet within reach
In the far distant future, but even right now
Among those in alignment with all they’ve become.
What goes on it the real world we can escape from
Long enough so that when needed we can allow
Spiritual insights from those who want to teach.

Focus only on controlling your vibration
Which is how you feel at any given moment.
Doing so, you have power to create what you
Want in perfect detail, knowing that it is true
That you can achieve that state of pure alignment.
Most of your work in this sense is already done.

It’s Finished! Now Chill!

Leave Alone What Is Done

That fine piece of walnut has been coated with stain
Just the way that you wanted it. Now let it be.
You can polish it later and give it a buff.
One would think that by now you would know all this stuff
But sometimes you forget alignment completely.
That’s okay. There’s no super status to attain.

People think that if they have their sights on something
They must think of it all the time and reel it in
Like a fish. That’s not how it is. Your work is done
Once you set your intention, so go have some fun.
As you do, circumstances in life will begin
To get brighter. It really is astonishing.

Your main job is to chill. You need not figure out
What the path is. It’s already been shown to you.
You can be receptive to the information
That your path reveals to you. You have become one
With the process evolving. Your work amounts to
Keeping up your vibration and banishing doubt.

Things begin manifesting in your life because
Finally you’re experiencing your power
Of alignment and leverage. Now celebrate
All that you know will happen. True blessings await
The contented one. The universe will shower
Them upon those who understand its basic laws.

Getting Answers

Allowing the Guidance

I would like to be able to communicate
Directly with my maker as some of us can.
I know that it is possible for anyone.
I need answers to my questions. I receive none.
Perhaps it is because I am feeling less than
One deserving of answers. It’s worth some debate.

Some people speak with their God as if they’re old friends.
Others do in the same way and call it good luck
Or timing, the right resources, or just magic
To connect them with God. Is there some special trick
To the asking for guidance? Indeed, I’m dumbstruck
By the complex simplicity that life intends.

It is said that it’s subtle in the beginning.
Connecting with your God source means your alignment
With the answer forthcoming and not the question.
It is through meditation that this can be done.
When you quiet the mind you relieve the torment
Of your bad habit of overanalyzing.

Let the questions rest within you but for a day.
Ponder them in great detail to get clarity.
Then the next day get quiet and just meditate
But not on the questions. Confusion you’d create.
When you’ve finished listen for what flows easily.
You become more insightful in living this way.

You Do Not Need A Job

Employment, Freedom, And The Web Of Self-Worth

Do you like working for the money that you get?
Indeed, do you like money and how well it flows
Into your life experience? Is the feeling
One of bliss in knowing you’re fully deserving?
Can you just allow all that its blessing bestows?
Or must you justify it due to your mindset?

Is the justifying that you’re doing your way
Of allowing? Can you feel that there’s enough room
To play with? You can shift your perspective so that
You can be more allowing. You’ll get that down pat.
Then less justification you’ll need to assume.
Feeling good about money enlivens your day.

There are those who work hard and don’t have a whole lot.
There are others who work little and are wealthy.
The latter are the ones who have figured it out.
It is not about action. They know beyond doubt.
It’s about your vibration and being healthy.
If you want change to happen, do give it a shot.

The real work that you do is about energy…
About habits and attitudes and feeling good.
It’s telling the new story the way it should be…
Just as you want it to play out and exactly
As is by divine forces it is understood.
Thoughts of recession cannot be reality.

Influenced By The Future You

From The Self Yet Becoming

A version of your future self does now exist.
In your mind’s eye, imagine how that one would be
Doing things differently and take careful note.
This idea may seem to some rather remote
But if you are open to being completely
In alignment this exercise can’t be dismissed.

Watch this self of the future and imagine how
It would feel about everything you’re doing now.
Imagine if that self is doing the same things
In the same way it’s done them. This pondering brings
On a flood of insight if you will but allow
The connection to happen. Do make it your vow.

More aligned with your passion your future self is.
Try to mimic in every way how it behaves.
It would be more the way you would want it to be.
Watch the differences and you will clearly see
All that it is that you’re doing that only enslaves
And propels you into over analysis.

Mirroring the behaviors of the future you
Pulls you in the direction of how things could be.
Rather than your remembering ways of the past
Which will anchor you to your prevailing contrast,
Information and images come easily
To help you on your journey in all that you do.

Frequency Of Freedom

Periodic Release

Freedom is of a spectrum of satisfaction.
It’s a positive feeling most generally.
It feels good to wake up in the morning refreshed
And it is most uplifting to not be enmeshed
In the drama of yesterday. Freedom To Be
Is in essence its most proper definition.

I am free to breathe deeply my fill of fresh air
And to think as I wish as clearly as can be.
Freedom feels like I’m floating in elegant space.
I can choose how receptive to infinite grace
I will be in the moment. Freedom is for me
Firm alignment with the good of which I’m aware.

With the energies that create worlds I’m in tune.
The freedom of connection is what I so choose.
Incrementally all the things that I’ve asked for
Are available to me. I need not do more
Than to be receptive. There’s no paying of dues.
To the one who thinks otherwise I am immune.

Freedom is the allowance to let everyone
Be as they choose to be without contradiction
To my own sense of who I am. It’s my pleasure
To be free to explore undiscovered treasure
In the depths of my being, and as this is done
I shall maintain my frequency by having fun.

Focused Upon What Matters

Ignore Everything Else

Focusing on what matters is the thing to do,
But just what in my boring life makes my heart sing
Loud enough that attention is not difficult?
Thinking too much about this yields no good result.
I appreciate what feeling better can bring
To the soul with some foolish reason to feel blue.

Knowing not what it feels like to have tons of wealth,
Need I waste time pursuing it? Much can be done
With a whole lot of money, but life energy
Is of ultimate value. My focus must be
On allowing its flowing by having more fun
And by developing habits that support health.

Energy and Alignment is my major aim.
Money and creature comforts are some byproducts
Of allowing the energy to freely flow.
How I feel about my life is how I best know
If I’m on or off track. If I feel my life sucks
Then I must change the way that I’m playing the game.

Infinite Energy is available to
Anyone who allows it. It can be pinched off
By joining some crusade that involves being pissed.
If I feel my life’s boring it’s hard to resist
The temptation to find some position to scoff.
Happiness is the reason for all that I do.

One Last Thing

Get Happy!

The vortex of creation is a search engine
For the infinite universe. Many search terms
Represent our emotions. Each generous smile
Generates a vibration that is most worthwhile
For attracting the good life. Your feeling confirms
All the grace you’re allowing to find its way in.

So find something to bask about. Appreciate
Something you love already, then do it some more.
Meditation is also a tried and true way
To get into that vortex and hopefully stay.
Many good things about life there are to explore.
There are many avenues to your feeling great.

You have done all the legwork and all the sifting
And through data collection you’ve put it all there –
A lifetime of hopes, wishes, and dreams to come true.
There is One Last Thing that you are required to do.
Just let go and Get Happy. Take in the fresh air
 And let the universe do the heavy lifting.

Life is for your expansion. All that may occur
And how you feel about it, even the contrast,
Causes you to expand into a newer place.
The discord and injustice one cannot erase
But your inner alignment can keep you steadfast.
You can always decide to feel as you prefer.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Relax and Be Blessed

You are powerful beings with like energy –
Like that which creates worlds. It flows freely through you
When you’re in alignment with who you really are.
With God’s wind at your back you are meant to go far
On your blessed life journey. The thing you must do
Is decide that you’re just going to be happy.

Enjoy all of your moments of inspiration.
Wonderful it has been. It continues to be
A life filled with excitement and many blessings.
You have much to look forward to in terms of things
Of the eternal spirit. Eventually,
Anything that you’re doing will be lots of fun.

You’re on the brink of deliberate alignment.
Clarity and prosperity both will improve.
You’ll appreciate others and feel more alive.
Under adverse conditions you are meant to thrive.
And your point of attraction is destined to move
Many things into your life through conscious intent.

Focus yourself in the direction of the way
That is of least resistance. Your constant worldview
As a worthy world citizen is one of peace.
Through the turmoil apparent you find your release
Paying attention to things that matter to you.
Know that things will get better as soon as today.

The Threshold Of Alignment

Adjustment Toward Awareness

Tune into yourself on a regular basis.
The furthest extended big part of you is who
Is the most evolved part of you. The energy
That creates worlds you harness and most easily.
When you are not resisting, things will come to you.
In the desert of life you are the oasis.

All the things that you deem wonderful have become
One with your evolved being. When you are a match –
Which means that you’re not doubting with negative thought –
To your higher vibration, then things that are sought
Begin flowing to you with delightful dispatch.
You know just where your positive feelings come from.

So when you become that extended part of you
You have infinite power at your beck and call.
You have practiced yourself into your alignment.
You’ve withstood harassment from those who are hellbent
On denying your power. You need not be small
To appease ignorant folk. The have not a clue.

You do not doubt your knowing. Your experience
Gives you plenty of wisdom. Your practiced feeling
Of elation comes on automatically.
Now that you know the process it’s easy to be
In the mode of alignment. The good it will bring
Is a thing worth achieving. It makes common sense.

A Truly Magnificent Life

Good Living

I pledge allegiance to the divided countries
Of this unholy union of haves and have nots.
What I’d dreamed of is gone now, but that is okay.
This unspeakable contrast must be here to stay.
I am born of a small world of sinister plots
And of billowing hatred of democracies.

It does freak the hell out of me to some degree.
People whom I’ve ever known I now cannot trust
And it does seem to matter that I am concerned
That there are some tough lessons that have to be learned.
All the ‘brotherly love’ bullshit crumbles to dust
In the climate of strong racial hatred of me.

Is there room to be hopeful? I know that I am
On the verge of discovering what I can do
To maintain my alignment and blend with the flow
Of what my inner being would want me to know
About my own magnificence. I’m able to
Carry on with my living and not give a damn.

My own past is an utter disaster, so I
Am a match to experiences of chaos.
I need close only the gap between me and me.
All else that may be happening I need not see.
There are may bridges. I choose which ones to cross.
Some may lead to fulfillment, and those I will try.

Finding A Negative Belief

Looking For Trouble

Belief systems control us. We know that they do.
If I have chosen something that’s dragging me down
And don’t know that I’ve done so, I’m in a bad way.
My actions may confound me, and my thinking may
Be unclear about most things. I don’t want to drown
In the river of my life while absent a clue.

It’s a viable concept that I can accept
At face value. It leads to the question of why
I believe in something that does me little good.
The issue isn’t complex if well understood.
To get to the root of it I’m willing to try
To discover the mystery that is well kept.

I may seek the approval of others like me
Who share the same circumstances and the same ills
Of the spirit and psyche. It’s hard to move on
When the life force within one has picked up and gone
Totally catastrophic with negative thrills.
This cannot be the way that I meant it to be.

Once I know what is keeping me from being who
I am truly, pure nonsense it all seems to make.
Then I can let go of it. To bring to the light
What is eating away at me is only right.
The pathway to discovery that I must take
Is the only one I have. I can make it new.

Powerful Statements

Words Of Motion

Despite all that I’ve done and the hate that I’ve known,
All the pain is of no use while wallowing there.
I’m becoming more racist with each passing day.
God in heaven, did my spirit plan it this way?
Why am I so responsive and what should I care
That I’ve chosen to work this one out on my own?

I never held the thought that my race is supreme.
Hatred is like a chess game. I’m prodded to move
In some awful direction. I don’t play that well.
I end up believing that I’m living in hell.
Just because I am hated that does hardly prove
That I’m stupid enough to go to the extreme.

Now the veil has been lifted. There’s no more pretense
That can make of the stomach and bowels a disease.
It makes it so much easier to sort them out.
I’m at war but my mission is without a doubt
To pay more attention only to things that please.
I don’t care for the illness so this does make sense.

I can know who I really am no matter what
The state of my surroundings may happen to be
And from there I’m in touch with a peace that is real.
There is nothing more important than how I feel.
I have much control over what happens to me.
I cannot learn to live with a heart that is shut.

The Kingdom Of Heaven

What Lies Within

In this world there is never an intervention.
It implies some assertion that something is wrong
And needs to be corrected by someone outside
The person with the issue who serves as a guide.
So the word ‘intervention’ does seem rather strong
For something nonexistent and wholly home spun.

There is only attraction. There’s no assertion
In this time space reality that we perceive.
We engage all the drama with strong emotion
That stirs up the momentum for getting things done.
Happiness is the one goal we want to achieve.
The times that we are purest is when having fun.

We’re here to explore contrast and from it create
Conditions for solutions to fall into place.
Coming into alignment with all that we are,
We have access to heaven which isn’t that far
From where we may be looking. We’ve no one to face
But ourselves, and it helps not to foolishly wait.

So, The Kingdom Of Heaven we know is within.
We’ve been told that by many a teacher by now.
That must mean that God resides in each one of us,
And the fact that we’re human also is a plus.
We can enter the Kingdom if we but allow
Our acceptance of our worthiness to begin.

Healing Through Alignment

Natural Wellbeing

How does my belief system or my alignment
Affect cells of my body? And can it reverse
Or eradicate a diagnosis given
To me by the good doctor? I’m ever driven
By my mindset and attitude. They are a curse
If I can’t clean them up through my conscious intent.

Everything is about alignment. All illness
Is about resistance, but this path may be least
Resistive in the long run. Within all contrast
Is the clarity needed for joy unsurpassed.
Flow of energy through the body is decreased
By some form of resistance. Typically it’s stress.

Illness is about energy moving faster
Than my body allows it. It is resistance
To the wealth of wellbeing that is natural.
It’s made worse by my having a sick rationale
About living in general. This circumstance
Can make of my life one colossal disaster.

If I summon the energy, I must make sure
That I’m fit to receive it. I need to relax
And release the resistance by keeping ahead
Of such manifestations of consummate dread.
My health is something I can’t let fall through the cracks.
I know that my alignment is the perfect cure.

The Creative Process

The Most Natural Force

Many colors and textures the canvas does hold.
The artist creates magic for the world to see.
From the contrast there is more asking and thinking
One evaluates how the mix of everything
Is conveyed to the seer who is more than free
To interpret its meaning which is manifold.

When you ask for something then the source with you
Through the Law of Attraction puts things into place
That will lead you right to it if you will allow
Your resistance and worry to lessen somehow.
You can know the existence of God’s loving grace
By your conscious awareness in all that you do.

But whatever way you can find to tune into
The frequency of who you are is justified
There are methods available to do just that.
The most useful ones offer a simple format.
Meditate and appreciate and do abide
By the guidance within you. That’s all you must do.

Be ready to be ready to be ready for
All the good that awaits you. You were born to be
Asking and receiving in real time every day
And like learning to dance, you will practice your way
Until you find your rhythm most naturally.
The fine art of creation you’ll come to adore.


The Angst Or the Joy

Specificity simply means more momentum.
The more detail you add to the story begun
The more it picks up energy all on its own.
Whether in joy or pain that is suffered alone
Momentum brings sharp focus to all that is done.
What is needed to have a fulfilling outcome?

If it feels good then be specific as you go.
Adding to your excitement with information
Will increase that momentum as good times occur.
But if it feels in such a way you’d not prefer
Then go general, and don’t speak to anyone.
Feel your way to alignment, and go with the flow.

Specifics are the product of your momentum.
Going general makes alignment easier.
When your not in a good place don’t add to it more
Little things that will make you feel worse than before.
Feel your way to the way that you know you’d prefer.
Only you know the truth of where you’re coming from.

If you got up and tripped on some negative thing
And then thought about it until you’re really mad
Then you called you friends to get them all worked up too
You’ve created momentum that will bury you.
Your awareness of how you feel is your comrade.
Either agony or ecstasy can life bring.


The Dream Refracted

There’s something I hallucinated as a child.
It could not have been real. It’s effect upon me
Was to change my perception of life at that time.
That I told no one of it perhaps is a crime.
Was it imagination or reality?
I would like for the issue to be reconciled.

It’s a manifestation. This much I am told
By the guidance within me who knows more than I.
Everything that is physical is much the same
As the dream. It’s a more exaggerated game
In the wake state, and this is the main reason why
That there is so much ‘realness’ to all we behold.

More of my physical senses come into play
While I am wide awake and aware of so much.
The hallucination is a most vivid dream
Labored in its lucidity so that things seem
Absolutely coherent. This realm is of such
Contingent ambiguity throughout each day.

There’s no reality outside what I perceive.
It is all about perspective and nothing more.
I can manifest in the dream state just as I
Can do so while awake. So there’s no reason why
I can’t create a dream that I come to adore.
Consciousness of the two worlds remains a tight weave.

A Message Just For You

Your Personal Calling

We who watch you as you live have this much to say.
You must soothe your resistance to find true relief
From your troubles and sorrows, and when you do so
Then your point of attraction is likely to grow
Ever stronger. Your times of discord will be brief.
We take notice of how you live throughout your day.

We see when you have shifted and take full delight
Because we see your future begin to take place
In the eternal now that you sometimes can’t see,
And we celebrate greatly what has come to be.
There is so much potential in the human race.
We would love you to focus on what has gone right.

You cannot get it wrong because It’s never done.
All eternity you have for reaching your peace.
All your power is now. What takes place around you
You attract by attention. The thing you can do
Is to concentrate only on things that increase
Your magnetic awareness and wellness begun.

You create your tomorrows by how you feel now.
Tomorrow never comes. When it does, it’s today.
Feeling bad only makes tomorrow even worse.
There’s no need to delve into that which is perverse.
Practice feeling good now so that you don’t fall prey
To your negative thinking. Rejoice and allow.

Everything Else Will Fall Into Place

Work Behind The Scenes

If this reality has the wherewithal to
Inspire something within you then you can be sure
That it can well deliver it, and it is you
Who creates your reality in all you do.
It behooves you to make sure that your thoughts are pure
And that you maintain mostly a positive view.

Your desires and beliefs translate into real things.
When they match up completely you feel at your best.
But if you think you can’t have something that you want
Then this lack of belief is the thing that will haunt
All your hopes of its coming. Life isn’t a test.
It’s a service to you that the universe brings.

You cannot just forget the thing that you desire.
It may seem logical to stop the momentum,
But you cannot pull back from the new expansion
That is caused by your wanting. In fact, it is done
In the eyes of the universe. Just relax some.
Be surprised and delighted by what you acquire.

You can only move forward. Forget about where
Or how things come together. Just focus on why
That you want what you’re wanting. Imagine being
And feeling how it will be. The art of seeing
Everything in its best light is well worth a try.
All else will fall into place when given such care.

Wonderful Things

The Perpetual Pleasure Of Life

Things can turn out to be wonderful every day.
Your deliberateness of intention is key
Along with your emotions. Do know how you feel
From each moment to moment. The one most ideal
Is the one ever present, and naturally,
You are guided by spirit along life’s highway.

Then why is it so easy for we who have been
Exposed to the conditioning of fear and lack
To engage the process of manifestation?
It’s because we respond to laws of attraction.
If your vibration’s shaky then what you get back
Is a curse that may happen again and again.

Vibrations that are negative may lie dormant
To be triggered by something outside your control.
Noticing when it happens, you need not react.
That will decrease the power you have to attract
Anything that you’re wanting. You cannot be whole
When disaster and conflict are too expectant.

Life is like popping popcorn. At first you can’t hear
That there’s anything happening. Then comes the sound
Which increases in tempo with each occurrence.
Then the smell fills the air. We can all sing and dance.
Within each brand new moment a present is found
It’s the choice to hold on to the thoughts that are dear.

Creative Power And The Mind

I love being in physical form on this earth.
It presents opportunities for me to grow.
I love knowing the laws of the universe well.
I can see where my path leads as clear as a bell.
The best thing that I’ve learned is to go with the flow.
There is noting to living a life filled with mirth.

I know how this stuff works. I’m responsible for
Only my own alignment. I love to create
With others who are willing and able in ways
That forever delight me. I live for the days
I can interact sociably without the weight
Of my life-hardened ego. Who could ask for more?

Wellbeing is the strongest vibration throughout
The whole physical universe. Sometimes I can
Go against what is ordered and get out of whack.
It’s so good to know how I can get back on track.
I appreciate that I can stick with a plan
That is most beneficial beyond any doubt.

Life on this earth is getting better. This is true
Despite local perceptions that challenge the mind.
I’m a master, though, at molding life energy.
No matter how things may appear, I only see
Possibilities for people to be more kind.
It all begins with myself. I know what to do.

Just Let Things Be?

Release Compulsivity

It was sung by The Beatles a long time ago.
Let It Be and an answer will be on its way.
We’ve no choice in the matter. We might as well be
In a place of acceptance. The world that we see
Causes us to want better that our asking may
Bring about proper changes albeit quite slow.

How do we make those changes if we don’t grab hold
Of the horns of the bull work? Is asking enough?
It’s such a democratic way of doing things
And the ways of republicans too often brings
Tyranny to the people. Our lives become tough.
Is it best to just ask and let nature unfold?

Focusing on what I want or letting things be
Is the choice made available. Both can be done
As long as I’m not in opposition to what
I would like to have happen. I’ll keep my mouth shut
About what the heck’s wrong with things and just have fun.
I can be quite effective by being carefree.

The universe is designed to stand on its head
In response to our asking. Demand we cannot
That the path of another creator be changed
To suit anyone’s wishes. Be thou not deranged
But indulge in the positiveness of your thought.
Each of us gets to choose either freedom or dread.

Focus Only On This

...And All Will Go Your Way

You can focus your relationship with weather
And control its behavior vibrationally.
There’s a lot you cannot do by action or force
And there’s nothing you can’t do when you know the source
Of your wisdom and welfare. You most want to be
In a place where, by your attitude, things occur.

When you get to that place, you stop trying so hard
To control your environment. You’ve come to know
That your place of alignment gets everything done.
Your relaxing into things and having more fun
Is the way to do business and mitigate woe.
Anything that does not work you now may discard.

Universal Intelligence is a real thing.
It creates what is conscious throughout its domain
It responds to what’s asked for in myriad ways.
Knowing this completely, one must shout out in praise.
There’s no reason to wallow in sorrow and pain.
Focus only on the good your wanting can bring.

Control the only thing that you’d want to control.
Your vibrational stance of connection is key
To achieving fulfillment. Maintain alignment
With your passion and patience because you are meant
To have all of your dreams become real easily.
It may seem like controlling. It’s just being whole.