Tag Archive | parallel

The Gray Zone


I exist in a limbo state which connects to
And relies upon old fashioned and outdated
Paradigms and thought processes. I get confused
Much too easily. My ego is often bruised
By the wellbeing that others have created.
I have trouble understanding all that is true.

Too much bad information mixed in with the good
Makes for difficult sorting through. I need to know
How to recognize which information is true.
Since everything is here and now all I need do
Is vibrate to its frequency then it will show
Itself to me. I have not a doubt that it would.

Perhaps if I start feeling that all is quite well
With myself, earth, and everyone, then I’ll become
Receptive to information and clarity.
Through my mind’s eye I want to be able to see.
Ultimately I want to be beating the drum
Of wellbeing. I want a good story to tell.

Everything exists here and now. If I can lose
The idea of space and time and understand
The feeling of just existing right here and now
Then I’ll vibrate to what I want and I’ll allow
The good feeling to evolve into something grand.
How long I remain in The Gray Zone I must choose.

You Can’t Stop Existing

Outer Vision

Everything is but one thing. You, me… everything
In existence is of but one intelligence…
One existence, one self-awareness, one being.
All the representations that you are seeing
Are illusions. You try hard to make them make sense
But you find it sometimes futile and frustrating.

Time is a side effect of your own consciousness
Shifting through billions of different parallel
Versions of this reality every moment.
Everything is here and now. You cannot prevent
It from being so. You have your story to tell
Of all that is, which is all that you can express.

You don’t have to learn to attract what you need. Be
The vibration that you prefer – in alignment
With your truth. Let go of the things that are blocking
What you want from becoming because it’s knocking
At your door. Make your happiness your assignment.
What’s to be manifested is done already.

You exist and You Can’t Stop Existing because
Existence is your fundamental quality.
You can never become nonexistent. You can
Change from one form to another but other than
That you can’t not exist. Throughout eternity
You exist according to spiritual laws.