Tag Archive | history

The Gray Zone


I exist in a limbo state which connects to
And relies upon old fashioned and outdated
Paradigms and thought processes. I get confused
Much too easily. My ego is often bruised
By the wellbeing that others have created.
I have trouble understanding all that is true.

Too much bad information mixed in with the good
Makes for difficult sorting through. I need to know
How to recognize which information is true.
Since everything is here and now all I need do
Is vibrate to its frequency then it will show
Itself to me. I have not a doubt that it would.

Perhaps if I start feeling that all is quite well
With myself, earth, and everyone, then I’ll become
Receptive to information and clarity.
Through my mind’s eye I want to be able to see.
Ultimately I want to be beating the drum
Of wellbeing. I want a good story to tell.

Everything exists here and now. If I can lose
The idea of space and time and understand
The feeling of just existing right here and now
Then I’ll vibrate to what I want and I’ll allow
The good feeling to evolve into something grand.
How long I remain in The Gray Zone I must choose.

Eye Of The Storm

From A Perspective of Peace

In the calm at the center of each person’s soul
In the land of enormous freedoms and the home
Of a broken mixed family fast on the brink
Of the ultimate squabble, one cannot but think
All is caught in a pivotal pointed syndrome
As severe as the dickens. We haven’t been whole.

But compared to what may come, this time is our grace
Period for deciding what has to be done
To repair all the damage and cursed sentiment
For what had been most sacred. The need to prevent
The collapse of democracy for everyone
Is aggravated so by our issues of race.

The vision twenty-twenty is that of the eye
Of the storm in the distance. The time that it takes
‘Til it blows past our consciousness cannot be known.
People exercise free will and act out alone.
Some have taken a big gamble. What are the stakes
When the system of justice is an alibi?

We are crossing a threshold into something new
To our souls and our psyches. The need to worry
Is for those of aggression, contention, and fear.
For the rest of us it remains perfectly clear
That there is no preventing what must come to be.
We have turmoil and subsequent truth to get to.

An Old Man’s Advice

Eyes Of Recorded History

Interestingly boring, the wisdom of age,
When one has but the patience to be enlightened
By someone of longevity, is worth the while.
Difficult life has been yet robust is his smile.
To the young of this world what the old recommend
Is to keep forging onward and fully engage.

His firs car was a Model A. Many first things,
Like the mule-driven ice wagon, and the ice man,
And the first jet airplane, all he was witness to.

That the world is against him he knows is not true.
There’s no reason for not being all that one can.
True contentment is what appreciation brings.

Having taught himself to read and write, he went on
To pursue a computer correspondence course.
He started a few businesses and authored some.
Once he lived in an old car. He has overcome
Obstacles to achievement. One need but indorse
One’s belief in oneself – a conclusion foregone.

Forge ahead. Do No Stop. And diminish your fear
To a point imperceptible. Young people are
The backbone of all nations. As future leaders,
Pessimism is useless. As madness occurs
Among those now decrepit, you’re wiser by far.
Be yourselves and take full charge. Your mission is clear.

Rama Or Krishna

Contingent Dicchotomy

Every civilization throughout history
Comes to be with much cruelty for its own while
Until laws are established and all people know
That one rule book, and one only, helps all to grow
Into unified consciousness. Therefore the style
Of the first leaders chosen was harsh as can be.

Each nation had a wild west or does so right now.
They all share the same basic conditions of need.
If people make their own laws, no one lives in peace.
Conflicting are intentions that lead to increase
In behavior uncivilized. Inherent greed
Lethally derelicts human nature somehow.

But after a nation becomes sovereign and whole
Styles of leadership alter. Now there are outlaws
Instead of simply citizens intending harm.
The societal structure will sound the alarm.
Now the job is maintaining the initial cause
That the people united assumed as their goal.

The rule book becomes flexible yet remains strong
So the wise leader uses it in not in harsh ways
But with cunning and conscience to then delegate
Distribution of justice. The will to create
Harmony among all, the wise leader obeys.
The beauty of a nation is that all belong.