Tag Archive | dog

If The Big Bang Is True

First Cause

The Big Bang is a theory. As science explains,
Everything came from nothing including the space
Between things. The expansion is still going on.
From this there are many conclusions to be drawn
All By Faith, however science cannot embrace
Such a notion. Its pseudo logic it maintains.

What exploded? Where did it come from? Why did it
Up and happen? There are many questions to ask
Of the scientist. Such questions are suited for
The spiritual seeker who maybe knows more
About what all the scientists cannot unmask.
But do not call them faithless. They would have a fit.

It’s just like a book is so much more than the ink
And the paper. It has lots of information.
More than just chemicals, a strand of DNA
Holds a library. We are much more than the way
Science sees us. It’s not that it can’t get things done.
It’s just that there’s resistance in how people think.

Some fourteen billion years ago something happened
That brought into existence matter, time, and space.
Did it happen all by itself? Or is there some
Divine consciousness that everything ushers from?
And can logic ever quantify divine grace?
Truth is something that anyone can comprehend.

Human Potential

The Flowering Of Racial Wisdom

Human beings are swinging like a pendulum
Between animal nature and divinity.
One moment, we are civil; the next, we are mean.
As long as the wild beast we are clearly is seen,
Our ascension spiritually cannot be.
Extinction by our own hands may be the outcome.

Processes fundamental conceived to dissolve
What is animal in us offer much relief
And a balance most vital to us as a race.
As we rise in the morning, the kingdom we face
Is of lack and survival. The worst of our grief
Penetrates to the soul, and we cannot evolve.

We’re the dog, bird, and snake, and all creatures below
On the rungs of life’s ladder as earth is its home.
After some work and practice, if someone pokes me,
The dog will cease its biting and be completely
In alignment not with the old stressful syndrome
But with peace and compassion – a winning combo.

It must happen in every human being, though.
When the rugged wild creatures that we have become
Do not find dissolution the natural way
We create our own hell that we are doomed to pay.
Animals become restful by beating the drum
Of connection and awesome potential to grow.