Tag Archive | sun

Help Change The World

Earth In Hand

Every little part of the earth works together
To have an equilibrium that we can call
The earth’s metabolism. The earth is alive
Just as all of its creatures that prosper and thrive.
Circulation and breath the earth have, after all.
 So can there be such a thing as stormy weather?

Living creatures on earth are its organs, which means
Life is interconnected. We all work for the
Maintenance of the earth as a living body.
We do that by the transforming of energy
Through awareness of how we feel internally.
We should know by now that we’re not simply machines.

Awareness is a powerful tool of the mind
Which is programmed to dream, to perceive, to create
A story – a symbology to make some sense
Of all that exists. It all has quite an intense
Affect on the earth’s feelings. It means that our fate
Is dependent upon thinking thoughts that are kind.

How do you change the world? Be happy in your dream.
Don’t spread gossip. Keep your thoughts as pure as can be.
Have respect for our mother earth on this fine day.
Think about her in a gentle and caring way.
She responds to the actions of humanity
And when we fail to listen things can get extreme.

Letting Go Of Struggle

Impossible Effort

Transformation doesn’t come through struggle. So why
Are people so addicted to crawling their way
To success? Transformation comes through awareness.
You stifle your awareness when you are obsessed
With your nose to the grindstone throughout every day.
Things will get more difficult the harder you try.

When you struggle your field of awareness will get
Narrower. As you let go of struggling your field
Of awareness will widen. That’s why you can be
At the beach on a warm sunny day peacefully
Taking in your surroundings, then all is revealed
Of the nature of spirit and there’s no regret.

Now, suppose there’s a friend of yours who happens by.
You get into an argument lasting a while.
During that time, you won’t hear the sound of the waves
Or the wildlife, because now the moment enslaves
Your awareness. You’re struggling in typical style
All because you and someone can’t see eye to eye.

When you lay back again on the beach and return
To your leisure, you will relax naturally
Without trying. You’ll feel the warm sun on your face
And the cool breeze. You’ll know that you’re in the right place
For alignment. Let go of struggle completely
Through a method that’s simple and easy to learn.

Existence Is A Relationship

The Give-And-Take Nature Of Being

Two phases of a single process is a way
To perceive oneself and the world. Unfamiliar
And unfashionable is this thinking to some.
They have feelings of doubt that they can overcome.
Science has proven that this is the way things are.
Notions contrary to this are not here to stay.

Obsolete is the thinking that man is the head
Of nature, yet the naturalists are always
Fighting nature because they do not understand
What it means to be ‘head.’ It does not mean command.
Our racial evolution has seen some delays
Perhaps due to negative beliefs we’re force fed.

Every creature is head of nature in its turn
Because each creature creates the world in its own
Image. All existence is a relationship
Between selves and the world. We need only equip
Ourselves with understanding. Alas we are prone
To discard any common sense we may discern.

No movement of nature constitutes existence
Until it’s related to neurological
Complexes of its creatures. The Complex belongs
To the same word as the sun. We’re meant to sing songs
Of elation. Our recognizing of this shall
Pave the way for a life of wonder and suspense.

The Real Me

The Self Undefined

I pretend to be someone significantly small
Compared to who I really am. Poor little me
Is afflicted with beingness. Can I awake
From this dream of my selfhood? Was it a mistake
That the universe carelessly caused me to be?
My flirtation with waking up leads to my fall.

What the whole universe is doing I do too.
Waking up is the realization that I
Am something that the whole universe does just as
The wave is something that the ocean does. Life has
Dualistic convergence. I exemplify
All there is as one being with one point of view.

Not like being locked in a dark room forever
Will it be when I die. That’s not experience.
Nonexistence everlasting is so absurd.
Only from fearful people is such a thing heard.
When I wake up from this life the next will commence,
And this self that I am now will exist no more.

Consciousness is continuous. As people die,
More come into existence. I am every one
But can only experience one at a time.
As I am this one now, my awareness is prime,
And I know that I will never get it all done.
I’ve respect for the laws with which I must comply.

Existence Is A Relationship

The Joy of Spiritual Alignment

That humans are irrelevant is a notion
That is not of good fashion and unfamiliar.
Man believes he has dominion over nature
But the acts of some humans are vile and impure.
In due time we may leave an indelible scar
On the face of the planet. We may be undone.

It’s a simple idea, but understanding
Is one bit of a challenge. Yet actually,
Every creature is head of its own universe
And all make up this world in the way we disburse
Our life owning perceptions. A certain degree
Of acceptance of this is a wonderful thing.

This world is made up of all its many creatures
And their conscious awareness of all they perceive.
It’s an act of creation just being alive
So that our interacting is enough to drive
The process of existence. A grand interweave
Is the heart of creation with many features.

Each creature creates the world in its own image.
Existence is relationship with the cosmos
Through the vast neurological complex each has.
Evolution occurs for us just as long as
Our behavior on earth becomes less bellicose.
Each of us comes to be by the will to engage.

A Programmed Life

The Nature Of Balance

Is a lightning flash bad because it only lives
But for just a brief moment compared to the sun
Which goes on for some eons? This question absurd
Illustrates programmed error. The damage incurred
Is to not see that both are contingently one.
Can it be that self-consciousness rarely forgives?

Long lived creatures and short lived belong to the same
World with flowering branches that naturally
Have enormous life spans. Encouraged behavior
Of nature is spontaneous and is most pure
In the ways it expresses its strong will To Be,
And in doing so it has no feelings of shame.

Self-possessed or a dithering personal mess
And embarrassed because of rigid programing,
It’s a rush just to get home for dinner on time.
Traffic accidents are cause by this mental crime.
To schedules quite impossible some people cling
Punctuality fetishes amount to stress.

Time is not of the essence. Hell or high water
Is an innocently uttered lethal cliché.
Take the time to know balance and true clarity.
When the student is ready it’s easy to see
The lessons of the teacher and the proper way
To behave among others as all would prefer.

Your Vibration

Tuning In To The Real You

It’s Vibrational Beingness that you live for.
Everyone has their own pattern of energy
That is like no one else’s. It needs special care
To maintain wholesome functioning. Being aware
Then acknowledging feeling good more frequently,
You are well on your way to fulfillment and more.

Go to places that feel good as much as you can.
Be aware that this feels good, and keep psychic track.
Try identifying all that makes it so nice.
Make a game of your pleasure. Let your life entice
You to your heart’s nirvana. Your feeling of lack
Is the only thing stopping your working your plan.

Don’t identify with what the place is about.
Just feel good, and don’t try to solve issues while there.
Don’t get into debates with people with issues.
There is no solving of them for the person who’s
Steeped in so much frustration. Life isn’t unfair.
There are laws to abide by to mitigate doubt.

Spend your time looking for that place central to you
That feels good no matter what else is going on.
It can start with a small thing. The sun rose today
And it helped you. Then larger things aren’t far away.
You can check your vibration by what it has drawn.
If it’s not what you want then you’ll know what to do.