Tag Archive | rules

The Impossible Dream

Urban Depression

What you’re seeing and hearing right now is nothing
But a dream. At this moment you’re dreaming with the
Brain awake yet the dream of the planet prevails.
It’s a dream with myriad explicit details
And it’s lived out by all human society.
Onto this way of being you were taught to cling.

The dream of this planet and of society
Is one of rules, beliefs, laws, religions, cultures,
Social events, schools, governments, and holidays.
People come up with grossly elaborate ways
Just to be here as humans. As the dream endures
You believe that it’s the only reality.

You did not have the opportunity to choose
Your beliefs. As a child they were forced upon you
And your domestication brings you suffering.
The emotional drama is a constant thing
To be dealt with in this world. So what can you do
To live your life correctly so that you won’t lose?

Your own personal dream does not have to become
An ongoing nightmare. It can be otherwise.
You’ve made tons of agreements with who, what, and where…
But the ones you make with yourself give special care.
Do whatever in your dream that most satisfies
Your fulfillment. Your heart is where it must come from.

Society’s Laws And Rules

Legal Institution

Laws and rules are a good thing most generally.
Agreements are made to do things a certain way
That is most beneficial to all those involved
But we’re nowhere near having all our problems solved.
Even though they keep us from utter disarray
Lots of them are outdated or wrong completely.

The path of least resistance would be to obey
All the laws and rules anyway. Life insurance,
For example, is something that society
Finds important. It activates uncertainty
In the psyche which complicates the procurance
Of wellbeing, so in a state of fear we stay.

Once fear is activated a predicament
Is created. How to remain law abiding
Is important. Vibrational integrity,
However, is more so, and the more you can be
In alignment, the more you’ll be coinciding
With behavior expected in any event.

The path of least resistance is also the one
Most open to allowing true justice to come
On the heels of alignment and empowerment.
On the way, you remain in the ever present.
You’re the only one who is keeping yourself from
What you want. Within you is the sole solution.

Trying To Control Others

The Urge to Push Buttons

Some of us become play things complete with controls
That we let others operate unknowingly.
If we’re stuck on that grid, in a matter of time
The abuse we’ll have taken is more than a crime
To oneself and to others. Yet one need not be
At the mercy of those who may have evil goals.

Each of us is a radio with a unique
Frequency that is tuned to automatically.
Self-control is the universe’s standard law.
No one has rightful business in placing their paw
On another one’s icon, but some don’t agree.
They play people like pocket toys if they are weak.

If someone’s pushed your button, you may not respond
In a manner appropriate to who you are.
Subtlety of illusion and timing deceive
What you may think is happening. You can believe
That if anything feels ‘off’ you have strayed too far
From your truest self with whom you maintain a bond.

You know well how it feels, so you know that it’s true.
There is nothing you can do to change someone’s dial
That results in an outcome that’s healthy and pure.
I know where my hands should be, and I am secure
In a world becoming increasingly hostile.
Integral is the wisdom we all may accrue.