Tag Archive | symbology

Help Change The World

Earth In Hand

Every little part of the earth works together
To have an equilibrium that we can call
The earth’s metabolism. The earth is alive
Just as all of its creatures that prosper and thrive.
Circulation and breath the earth have, after all.
 So can there be such a thing as stormy weather?

Living creatures on earth are its organs, which means
Life is interconnected. We all work for the
Maintenance of the earth as a living body.
We do that by the transforming of energy
Through awareness of how we feel internally.
We should know by now that we’re not simply machines.

Awareness is a powerful tool of the mind
Which is programmed to dream, to perceive, to create
A story – a symbology to make some sense
Of all that exists. It all has quite an intense
Affect on the earth’s feelings. It means that our fate
Is dependent upon thinking thoughts that are kind.

How do you change the world? Be happy in your dream.
Don’t spread gossip. Keep your thoughts as pure as can be.
Have respect for our mother earth on this fine day.
Think about her in a gentle and caring way.
She responds to the actions of humanity
And when we fail to listen things can get extreme.