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No One Is Perfect

I Did It

When was the last time someone stabbed you with a knife?
Such a thing never happened? Then you’re fortunate.
People say things, however, that get you upset.
Many things people say can be seen as a threat.
So how can you remain in a positive state
And get on with the business of living your life?

Human nature is such that it doesn’t know how
To keep quiet. It says whatever comes to mind.
So a mind filled with chatter will spew constantly
Utter nonsense and versions of reality
That aren’t real. They become unconsciously unkind.
Such behavior hurts you only if you allow.

No one likes being spoken to in a bad way.
You should walk away from someone who offers you
Anything but their kindness. Don’t waste energy
On defending yourself. You and everybody
Has a higher self so the best thing you can do
Is ignore the despicable things people say.

There’s no such thing as a perfect human being.
Everyone you know will hurt you time and again
But only if you let them. Your pain is caused by
You and you only. So start asking yourself why
You feel so disconnected. You’ll realize then
That with your higher self it is not agreeing.

Go With It!


You want to allow your dream to gestate within
Your Vortex of Creation. It is already
But you must be aware of it without distress
About what hasn’t happened. The joy you express
For its coming must be borderline ecstasy.
At this game of life be most determined to win.

Just ask yourself, “Does this thought feel satisfying?”
If it does then Go With It! Keep on thinking it.
Let thoughts like it occur to you naturally.
In a world of fulfillment you’re destined to be.
Be aware of the vibration that you transmit.
That you can think what you want there’s no denying.

When something negative happens you get to choose
Which direction you’ll take it. If you think about
How unkind an act it was ask yourself, “Does this
Thought fulfill me?”
The answer you surely can’t miss

So just leave that thought right there. You can’t figure out
How to deal with something that is meant to confuse.

Refocus long enough before the momentum
Of the moment increases or just get away
From the stress altogether. Go with what you know
About yourself. You’re someone who’s willing to go
To extreme lengths to be receptive and to stay
Always looking ahead to the good times to come.

Your Vibrational Currency

Cradle Of Abundance

Step back from those manifestations of money
That cause you some discomfort. How well you perform
And the worth of your talent have little to do
With your true value – the energy within you.
You have it within you to break free from the norm
Placed on you by our unconscious society.

Don’t just keep looking at it, talking about it,
Measuring it, complaining, and asking for more
From the government or elsewhere. Take no action
Unless you can get from it some satisfaction.
Take a good look at your life and be thankful for
Everything you can think of. You will benefit.

The world is awash in money. Are you not bowled
Over by how much some people accumulate?
Don’t call them lucky bastards if you want to be
One of them. What you need to do is get happy
And look for all kinds of things to appreciate
Then in short order blessings begin to unfold.

You have to be happy without money to be
Receptive to its coming. You’ve got to cash in
Your vibrational chips by appreciating
Everything about your life thereby creating
A strong point of attraction. It comes from within.
Happiness is your measure of prosperity.

Is This Thought Satisfying?


All people have the freedom to think as they please
And there’s so much to ponder. The good, the bad, and
The ugly become a whirlpool in the psyche.
Thoughts flow into and out of the mind randomly.
Is it possible then for one to take command
Of one’s thinking and do so with relative ease?

Through your conscious awareness of thoughts as they come
You can get out ahead of each. Ask yourself this:
“Is This Thought Satisfying?” If you can’t answer
Yes to this then stop thinking it. It may recur
But each time it does it’s easier to dismiss.
To your bad thinking you do not have to succumb.

If it is satisfying then keep it going.
You want to carry that feeling as far as you
Can take it. Milk it for everything that it’s got.
As you do so you are building up a whole lot
Of momentum so you have little work to do.
The wellbeing you feel will be overflowing.

A bad feeling thought, if it’s caught really early,
Can be refocused. Then it gains no momentum.
If however you wait too long it will grab hold
Of you consciousness for a while. You’ll be controlled
By the thought until you’ve decided to become
Satisfied in your thinking most positively.