Tag Archive | vortex

Allow What You Want

Open Access

Your Vortex of Creation is filled to the brim
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there
From the first time you were able to know desire
Up to this moment, and from it you can acquire
Any part or all of it. You need only care
How you feel, which is not something done on a whim.

Remember what you’ve put there. You are deserving
Of its realization in your everyday
Life experience. Know your appreciation
For who you are, for you are a powerful one.
You must understand the important role you play
In the expansion of all that is occurring.

You can be the recipient of all those things
You have dreamed of because that was part of the plan.
Before coming here, you told yourself you would be
An adept co-creator. You naturally
Manifest through your wanting. Believe that you can
Get accustomed to what true contentment can bring.

Your life is changed forever once you come to know
The vastness of your Vortex. Watch for evidence
Of the universe helping you. You can Allow
What You Want
or deny it. The time is right now

To partake of your treasure which is now immense.
Into your life may wonderful things start to flow.

Never Think About It

Don't Try To Figure It Out

The contrast of your life causes you to know what
You don’t want therefore you know the things that you do.
All your thoughts and vibrations are being received
By the universe. When alignment is achieved,
Things will manifest as if from out of the blue.
Things come a lot faster when you feel from the gut.

It’s not tangible yet to where you can see it,
And it bothers you. It can be irritating
To hear people speak of a damned reality
That in reality has not yet come to be.
Resistance to the truth you may be creating
By discounting this reality’s benefit.

So, accept the reality of the unseen.
To give birth to something, first it must be conceived.
Though it’s hard to accept this, the fact is, you must!
There is so much to gain by your learning to trust
That your dream is as real as it’s strongly believed.
One who is happy is one whose senses are keen.

Be a vibrational match to what you ask for,
Then stop thinking about it. Feel it like it’s done!
Talk about what you want – more importantly, Why.
You will feel more excited – certainly not shy
About broadcasting your wishes to everyone.
Gratitude for what you have will lead you to more.

Off You Will Go!

Into Uncharted Space

Start out with something that you’re not faking about –
Something where you’re not trying. It simply feels good
Engaging in it. Focus on it for a while.
Let it resonate until a powerful smile
Overwhelms you. Your happiness is understood
To be your launching off place from worry and doubt.

Concentrate on the few things that are going well
With your life and ignore the more difficult things.
The attention you give to the good things may then
Rectify all the bad things. You are once again
On the leading edge of exciting happenings.
You cannot gain momentum when in fear you dwell.

You have been trained to believe that hard work it takes
To get anywhere in life. This defies the laws
Of the universe. Just pick one thing that delights
And excites you but doesn’t give you restless nights.
The Law of Attraction hasn’t a secret clause
Nor is it some kind of spiritual sweepstakes.

Attention to what feels good will cause momentum
In the direction of all things of importance.
Give your undivided attention for a while
To the things that will put upon your face a smile.
Let go of the resistance and you will advance
To great heights. Be thankful for the good things to come.

Love Is Knocking

Heavenly Messages

Are you cooperating enough that you are
Being drawn into your Vortex of Creation?
What a question to ask someone who’s in distress
About finding a lover. If you feel much less
Than contentment and occasional elation,
Then from the vibration of love you may be far.

All that which you have become vibrationally
Includes lovers and money as well as answers
To questions on all topics that matter to you.
Clarity and vitality in all you do
Is a given. It is as your spirit prefers.
You do not want to end up appearing needy.

If you are ornery and you’re beating the drum
Of resentment, self-pity, envy, or disgust
With the way life is treating you, you cannot be
In the state of receiving your lover, you see.
In the whole process you must be willing to trust,
Then you’re on your way to a successful outcome.

Yes, you do have a lover who is over there
Where you’re not. You must be a Cooperative
for the rendezvous to manifest.

Unseen, provident forces work at your behest
To help you live the best life a person could live.
About how you are feeling you truly must care.

Perfect Timing

At One With Eternity

Things exist and they move about. As we perceive
Things existing and moving, time is created.
It is perfect because it came from the big bang.
From that one event everything that we know sprang.
To the concept of time we are dedicated.
To think otherwise is to be daftly naïve.

Nothing asserts itself. It’s about attraction.
I prepare the environment for unwanted
Situations to become my reality
Through my practice, then, what I don’t want comes to be.
Only by insecurity am I haunted.
What is the proper way to get what I want done?

Sometimes things seem to force their way into being.
That is never the case. I attract them to me,
Although I may not be aware of doing it.
Being more conscious would be to my benefit.
As I clean up my vibration, I am set free
To explore more alternative ways of seeing.

Things occur not in response to words or actions
But through vibration. Perfect Timing is the way
Of the universe, and I have enough control
Over when, where, and how things will happen. My goal
Is to sync with the Timing. It can be child’s play.
I’m fully prepared for upcoming attractions.



“You are powerful beings.” This much has been said
By those who had been human but now are spirit.
We are worthy beyond their ability to
Describe to us. The thing they would like us to do
Is to be open to their help and not fear it.
Never feel that your life is hanging by a thread.

The sweet spot of creation is where you’re content
With your here and now, yet you are ready for more.
Life has caused you to ask. Your source has answered you.
Get into the receptive mode. You can work through
Your resistance by thinking of things you adore.
Satisfaction will guide you to your fulfillment.

You accept the perfection in all the contrast
That life offers. It keeps producing more desire
From within you. On your path of least resistance,
You are conscious of anything that will enhance
Your vibration. Your feeling good doesn’t require
Anything but your decision to have a blast.

“Get rid of all of that resistance, or we will
Tell you nothing else anymore!”
Is this what they,

Who are now out of body, would offer to us?
No, they wouldn’t. If it feels like you’ve missed the bus,
There’s another and another right on the way.
Living is learning how to kick back and to chill.

Just Get In There

Vortex Of Creation

Think of it as a circle of pure energy.
Your Vortex of Creation contains every dream
You have had since arriving here on planet earth.
Your existence here is your engaging with mirth
All its pleasures and contrast. The energy stream
Of your wishes increases cumulatively.

It’s nonphysical. It consists of vibration.
What’s in there is magnificent because it’s you.
It seems like it’s not enough like reality,
So attention to it you may not pay. Maybe
You have some trouble accepting this point of view,
But remember it’s your focus of creation.

You’re addicted to reality. You spend more
Of the time documenting the way that things are.
Feeling for what is coming, you are more aware
Of the more subtle forces that tend to and care
For all that you have wanted. It’s not very far
From becoming. It’s what you have been waiting for.

If you had but an inkling of what is in there,
You’d put up with no negative conversation.
You’d clean up your vibration fast and not complain
Or defend you position. There’s much more to gain
With a sincere token of appreciation.
Just Get In There, and then live a life without care.

How To Pray

Moment With Divinity

Two-way communication between God and you
Is established at any time you make it so.
You can pray from a place of appreciation
Or from pity. So, it’s easy to see which one
Is likely to be answered. Your pain and sorrow
Isn’t looked at. What then is the right thing to do?

Desolation is palpable when you’re in need
Of assistance. The urgency overwhelms you.
You only make things worse as you pray mournfully.
Relief from your situation can’t come to be.
You may conclude there’s no God, but that isn’t true.
There’s no way for divinity to intercede.

When you pray, you’re shooting rockets into the sky.
No matter from which place that your asking comes from,
It is answered, but you have to be receptive
To the answer. The constant attention you give
To the problem won’t cause the solution to come.
If your prayer isn’t heard, this is the reason why.

Prayers of appreciation are what to go for.
Somewhere near hope is where you must be beforehand.
Be thankful for and bless things that are going well.
Only you can get your own damned self out of hell,
And when you do, then your consciousness will expand.
Praying with a self-healing heart opens the door.

The Big Stuff

Increasing Wealth

It does not make a difference whether you feel
Peacefulness or excitement. You gain access to
Your Vortex of Creation. There’s a distinction
Between surrendering to your situation
And your feeling of passion which elevates you
To a level that you would consider ideal.

The momentum within the vibration will shift
The emotional scale forward by the degree
Of allowance of wellbeing and abundance.
You are a manifester if given the chance
To deal with life’s contrast while you’re resistance free.
Take where you are now as a magnificent gift.

Meditation will quiet your mind and put you
In a state of receiving. Appreciation,
Though, is much more dynamic. You’re focused toward
Your Vortex of Creation where all things are stored
That are of value to you. The work you have done
On your vibration pays off, and life becomes new.

Once you find an object of attention to which
You want to flow your pure positive energy,
That’s when The Big Stuff happens. Be the advantage
To yourself and to others upon the world stage.
Why not right now become who you were meant to be?
You can turn off resistance like flipping a switch.

Are You Ready?

Prepared For Business

You are not manifesting. You are creating
The environment that allows things to take place.
The distinction is subtle. You are more aware
Of the absence of something when it isn’t there.
So your going to get it puts you in a space
Of knowing you don’t have it. There’s no debating.

The contrast that life offers causes you to desire
Something better. This is a manifestation.
It’s also a vibrational reality.
You can’t see it yet, but it will soon come to be.
With this attitude you can get a lot more done
In preparing for things that you seem to acquire.

If it hasn’t manifested yet, all it means
Is that you’re not yet ready. Don’t be frustrated.
Concentrate on creating the best atmosphere
For allowing what you have wanted to appear
In the physical. The climate you’ve created
Can become one of your most productive routines.

Your emotions are created by you also
The ideas and impulses that come to you
Can be called manifestations if you insist.
Keep your focus on knowing that it does exist.
There is no reason that your dream cannot come true.
The momentum you create will get things to flow.

You Don’t Create Alone


Your Vortex of Creation is filled with all kinds
Of things that you’ve created ever since day one
Of existence. It’s accessed vibrationally.
When you’re feeling good, things that you’ve put there will be
Your reality. So simply by having fun,
You can manifest. This fact boggles people’s minds.

It comes in perfect timing. Sometimes it will be
An idea or impulse to act in a way
That would not have occurred to you were you not in
The right place at the right time, and as you begin
To see your life as one huge, magnificent play,
All kinds of opportunities then you will see.

Start hanging around people who are uplifting.
We are each a cooperative component
Of another – or others. You are not alone.
We provide one another what needs to be known
To create. We are gathered by conscious intent.
To the table, the best of our true selves we bring.

You don’t need to be the single-handed, mighty
Creator of your own life. Much help is at hand.
In your determination to act correctly
For approval from others, let down you will be.
Your creative spirit is made free to expand
In a world so abundant in variety.


From The Heart

Your vortex is a compilation of what you
Believe possible, but your life often is not.
Though the gap between the two can get rather wide,
You can shorten it. You are the one to decide
What is possible for you. It matters a lot
That whatever you dream, it will somehow come true.

You must know that your conscious beliefs do reflect
Your environment through inner conversations.
So your physical human life consists of all
That you have aligned with. You respond to the call
Of your true self by your most profound creations.
How you feel about your life is what you expect.

In the absence of what you want, you’ve asked for it
With great clarity, and the Law of Attraction
Is right on it. You now have to quiet your mind
By some process – indeed any one you can find.
There’s also value in visualization.
Many tools are established for your benefit.

The state of appreciation is the best one
To be in because there can be no resistance.
Thoughts are flowing, but they are purely positive.
It is so much more fun and exciting to live
In a way that you’re constantly offered the chance
To express your most heartfelt appreciation.

Your Happiness

Collection Of Contentment

It feels great to be happy. No one can argue.
It’s the motive of every act people perform.
“It’s Your Happiness, Stupid!” the angels will shout
To we humans. Life is supposed to be about
Abundance and wellbeing. These should be the norm.
Life is meant to be fun and exciting for you.

When you feel ornery, you’re vibrationally
Nowhere near satisfaction with the here and now.
But when you are hopeful, you are right on the brink
Of belief. Be aware of the thoughts that you think.
How much of your true self do you want to allow
To shine through you? How simple the answer can be!

The door to Your Happiness is somewhere between
Sincere hope and believing. When you enter there,
You are drawn easily into true happiness.
As you get used to it, you’ll accept nothing less
Than a life that is absolutely without care.
To the whole world your true self will clearly be seen.

The Law of Attraction will take you in when there
Is not enough resistance to keep you locked out.
When you stop doing that thing keeps you apart
From your happiness, then things in your life will start
Improving almost instantly, without a doubt.
Happiness is a personal hygiene affair.

Practice Wellbeing

Abundance Of Heart

Everything that happens is a co-creation,
And when I decide I’m going to blame the one
Who seems most at fault, nothing much will have been gained.
My part in the whole matter must be ascertained
And acknowledged by me, then progress is begun
Toward healing an unworthy situation.

Cooperative Components we are to one
Another – not to do bad things and not to teach
On another life lessons. We’re here to sift through
The abundance of contrast. We could form a new
Coalition of countenance, lest we beseech
The mindset of confusion in getting things done.

The source in me has a different opinion
Often than I do. It sees the world as sublime
In its essence. It values the variety.
It is the source of all my creativity.
There is nothing better I can do with my time
Than to find ways to be happy and have more fun.

As I do, I begin to tune my vibration
To my source. There can be nothing accidental,
As everything is vibrationally aligned.
If I practice this, in a short time I may find
That my happiness in life is fundamental.
I shall know the meaning of appreciation.

Resistance Free


Life is meant to be fun. Struggle is an option.
You’re never going to get it done, and you cannot
Get it wrong, so embrace the contrasting moments
As part of your journey. Indulge in the suspense
Of good living occurring. Give it all you’ve got,
But do so from the basis of your having fun.

Meditate if you feel like it. Take it easy.
Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
So, if you feel anything less than excited,
Then something in you needs to be reignited.
It’s okay to love yourself for your humanhood.
Do whatever you have to do to get happy.

Change the pace of what’s happening. You have control
Over ill conversation. Simply don’t partake.
If a thought does not serve you, change its direction.
From specific to general is how it’s done.
You will benefit from the decision you make
To be hellbent on happiness as its own goal.

You receive an impulse, in your most relaxed state,
From your higher self. Let it guide you on your way
To more like it. As you get rid of resistance,
Blessings come to you seemingly by happenstance.
Your magnetic achievement is on full display.
There is nothing complex about your feeling great.

Righteous Ignorance

Psychic Innocence

I find myself okay. I’m in a happy place.
I just ignore reality, then focus on
Having fun, so I can just feel my way around.
This works well, but sometimes no fulfillment is found.
I create, yet it seems like the magic is gone.
I know that there are folks who will jump in my case.

I can feel. That’s the first step in the whole process
Of creating. The feeling must be energized
With positive emotion, then while I am there
In a high state of consciousness, I am aware
Of the fullness life offers. I can’t be chastised
As the daft Pollyanna or anything less.

With my head in the clouds I don’t want to be seen,
But I must stay there long enough to get into
What happens to be my vortex of creation.
From that place of ease and clarity, I am one
With reality, then everything that I do
Will be worthwhile, as my perceptions will be keen.

To life, I’ll give my undivided attention
Only when I am one with the best part of me.
One who’s tapped in, tuned in, and turned on in this way
Thinks about only good things, I’ll start off your day
With a positive outlook. My reality
Is with all others in this space-time dimension.

Know Your Worthiness

You Are A Champion

Your vortex of creation existed before
You arrived here, and since then, you’ve added to it
A lifetime of experience. When you feel love,
Peacefulness, or appreciation, these kinds of
Emotions match your vortex, and they will permit
Access to what you’ve put there and even much more.

Many times, throughout your day, you’re in the vortex.
It’s that place where you feel as happy as can be.
It’s a sort of a brief spiking of energy.
In the moment, you’re in touch with divinity.
You cannot stay there all the time, but hopefully,
Getting there doesn’t have to be all that complex.

As you hang around in that range of emotions
The more you are able to maintain it, and you
Can do that rather easily. Feeling worthy,
Blessed, and loved is sustainable naturally.
You need not hype the vortex whatever you do.
How you feel is immune to fantastic notions.

Sometimes just sitting quietly contemplating
With a feeling of utter wellbeing can be
A way into your vortex. Anytime you’re not
Feeling negative emotion, you have a lot
Going for you. Simply because you are worthy,
There is magic in everything you’re creating.

Start Asking Differently

Pursuit Of The Perfect Prayer

Asking moments happen in two circumstances.
One is with some resistance; the other, with none.
It’s your focus upon what you have or have not
That determines if you are to struggle a lot
Or to bask in the wisdom that you are someone
Who, when asking, is not prone to taking chances.

When you ask from a place of knowing it will come,
Then your asking is energized. The universe
Gathers all the cooperative components
In the background. When your emotion is intense,
Then the provident forces at play must disburse
Blessings to you. It is where all good things come from.

Ask, and it is given, but there’s a tug of war
Between wanting and believing in your own dream.
The universe expands in the moment you ask.
You are meant go grow with it. Your primary task
Is to stay optimistic and let the supreme
Entity bring to you what you want and much more.

When you ask but don’t follow your soul’s expansion,
Then life sucks, and you start feeling ineffective.
Ignore that. Start asking in a different way.
Things will start manifesting with little delay.
Benefit from asking from a new perspective.
Ask as if what you’ve asked for is already done.

It Will Come

It's Okay To Peek

Making peace with it is the best way for you to
Release the resistance. You don’t need to know how
It will come, who will bring it, nor when it will come.
These questions you can’t answer. Does this mean you’re dumb?
It means only that you must relax and allow
The thing that you are wanting to happen for you.

Never mind the specifics. They fall into place
As the Law of Attraction gathers components
Together and arranges them as you’d prefer.
Only things that you want to happen can occur
Having made peace with where you are. Does it make sense
That you are taken care of by infinite grace?

Stop with all the contradictory energy.
This alone allows goodness to work its way through
Into your life experience. Your efforting
While not feeling it doesn’t accomplish a thing
But discouragement. Do nothing when you are blue.
Manifest the emotion of being happy.

It is the emotional manifestation
That is the most important. It is the first one
Of a series along your fulfilling journey.
You must know deep inside that you are most worthy
Of all that you want. Your work is already done.
Time is now to relax into what has begun.

What Comes Next?

Perpetual Magic

There’s a being who knows everything about you,
Everything you’ve been living, and all you’ve asked for.
It knows what you have become vibrationally.
It adores you. It knows well where you want to be
At all times. It knows the path that will lead to more
Evidence of alignment in all that you do.

You could call it your spirit. It is the one who
Watches over you from a perspective beyond
This physical dimension. It also exists
Deep within you. In times of despair it assists
In your fullest recovery. It will respond
To your prayers. It is the most sacred part of you.

Your spirit knows the same things about others too.
The paths of least resistance to all of the things
Everyone wants it knows. We’re all being guided
To those things, but sometimes, what we are provided
We ignore or don’t notice. It too often brings
About failure. It feels like there isn’t a clue.

You are meant to be satisfied. Life causes you
To expand due to contrast. Cooperative
Components culminate to make what you dream real.
It will always come down to the way that you feel.
There’s no reason on God’s green earth that you can’t live
Every moment with a positive point of view.

Chill Out!

Don't Sweat

It’s not as if I wanted a car that badly.
I simply had a daydream about having fun.
I heard someone speak of their BMW,
Then I thought it would be nice if I had one too.
I perfected the feeling of my having one,
Then it happened. What I had wanted came to be.

I look for fun and clarity – not the new car
Necessarily. What I want is alignment
With how my inner being perceives everything.
Only more fun and clarity can it all bring.
I’m convinced that there can be no better time spent
Than finding evidence of how lovely things are.

Finally, I’m experiencing the power
Of the leverage of alignment, where before,
I would think about it, then try to rein it in
Like a fish on a line. It was wearing me thin.
Life does not have to be such a painstaking chore.
I can have life the way that I most would prefer.

When there is a vibration that becomes a thought,
That’s a manifestation worth celebrating.
Momentum gathers quickly with no resistance
Such as worry or doubt. I must give it a chance.
With each thought and emotion, I am creating
My own narrative with its spectacular plot.

The Power Of Appreciation

Thanks From The Heart

The ideal life for me is a compilation
Of what I believe possible as I partake
Of the blessings it offers. Often I am there
In that place of alignment where I am aware
Of the infinite splendor in a mere daybreak.
There is much power in my every creation.

My feelings are creations. Manifestations
Of those that are most positive happen with me
On a regular basis. I go for the best
I can have in each moment. As they are expressed,
The attraction of wellbeing comes easily.
I need not know a thing about how the world runs.

“Reach for a better feeling thought.” This I believe
To be guidance worth taking. Whenever I feel
Myself going southward, I can remember this.
From contentment, I can go to a state of bliss.
Having pinched myself, I know that life is for real.
By my choice I can be in the mode to receive.

It is fun to imagine my dreams coming true.
Meditation is helpful in clearing my mind
Of the negative clutter. Appreciation
Is more powerful, and it’s a whole lot more fun.
In acknowledging wonderful things, I will find
Life to be pleasurable and brand spanking new.

Fundamentals Of Vibration

Heterodyning Frequencies

There’s this thing called the Vortex. It’s like a whirlpool
Of magnificent, pure, positive energy
That you have been creating since before you came
To this earth. One could say that it feels just the same
As a visit to heaven. It is ecstasy
Definitely, the Vortex is something way cool.

You’re a vibrational being. You can access
Your Vortex of Creation at any moment.
It contains the spiritual essence of all
That you’ve ever wished for – both the big and the small.
It is reached easily through your conscious intent.
You can’t get there if you are in a state of stress.

Find vibrational alignment with your Vortex
By being satisfied in the heat of desire.
Wanting without resistance allows receiving
Of the thing wanted. It is by your believing
That it will manifest, so infuse your entire
Being with knowingness to get the right effects.

A deliberate creator you came to be,
Knowing that there’d be contrast to inspire you to
Want for better conditions. Your Vortex expands
In response to your wanting. You are in good hands
When you realize the much larger part of you
Who is guiding you always vibrationally.

All That You’ve Asked For

Ultimate Treasure

You now know too much, having been here for a while.
You know who you are. You know that your vibration
Is maintained by the larger you, and you know how
To stay in the receptive mode and to allow
Energy to flow through you for the creation
Of a positive and most fulfilling lifestyle.

When you’re not up to speed with the best part of you,
Emptiness is the feeling. The state of affairs
Is a simple one. You know that you have control
Of how you feel. The circumstance can make you whole
In the knowing that the larger part of you cares
About you and about all that you want to do.

You could be… but you’re not. Negative emotion
Keeps you stuck in a cycle. You know how it feels
To be happy and carefree. This state of being
You have known to be one of the most agreeing.
You are receptive to what your spirit reveals.
You know that there’s value in appreciation.

Feeling good feels, at first, like your acknowledging
That you feel good, then appreciating the fact,
And, upon recognizing that you have control,
Your intention to feel good will be your main goal.
It becomes easier to maintain your contact
With all that you have asked for, indeed everything.

My Ego


How can I make the dance a little bit better
Between God and my ego? How can I become
More aligned with my wishes vibrationally?
How do I get to know the divine part of me?
I know where my humanity emanates from.
My ego, to the world, is an open letter.

That part of me that is called the ego is my
Receiving divine guidance. I am connected
By default, but at times, there is uncertainty
About where in the scheme of it all I should be.
That’s the part of me that needs to be directed
On its journey. The ego is best to comply.

The all-powerful, all knowing, uplifting source
Of creation is recognized by the ego
Which is this human body. It tends to complain
About life. It is always trying to attain
Something it has already. It just doesn’t know
That it is in the hands of an almighty force.

The ego is a prism. It translates the light
Of divinity into all that I perceive.
The artist is created. The ego, therefore,
Cannot lose its connection. Indeed it is more
Than a physical nuisance. One has to believe
That the ego will see a future that is bright.

Expect Only What You Want

Creation In Stillness

She was hired to be master of ceremonies
At a huge event. Thousands of people or more
Were to gather. The prime minister would be there.
Since it was such an important and grand affair,
Something occurred to her that she couldn’t ignore.
It came on with the grace of a gentle cool breeze.

She wanted to have her picture taken with him,
Although she knew not of him nor had she a clue
As to how this would happen. She stuck to her dream.
One could say she was positive to the extreme.
She was full on determined to make this come true.
Normal friends would insist that here chances were slim.

Having her picture taken with the head of state
Would go extremely well in her portfolio.
She savored the feeling of it having happened.
Is this something that normal folks can’t comprehend?
Friends who say it’s impossible can be let go.
Do not let them train you into what you create.

She arrived at the stadium some time before
The event was to happen. No others were there
Except one person to whom she told with much zeal
Of her dream. She was fixated on her ideal.
To everyone she met she would proudly declare
Her intention. Her excitement she would explore.

It turns out that this person who was there early
Was the wife of the son of someone related
To the prime minister. She said she would arrange
For a photo shoot. This story shouldn’t sound strange.
Our blind trust in how things are is overrated.
Power you have to have things the way they should be.

It’s Ready To Happen

Prepare For The Jackpot

Perched on the precipice of manifestations,
You have come as a body of pure consciousness.
Your vortex of creation is ripe and ready,
And its calling to you is intense and steady.
You are open to the utter deliciousness
Of this time space reality which offers tons.

The next unfolding is evident to you now.
Where you are in relation to things you desire
Is a gap that is closing as you realize
Fulfillment in the journey. The ultimate prize
Can’t consume your attention. All that you require
Are the thoughts and the feelings that let you allow.

Your expectation focus is in a new place.
Your satisfaction level is greatly improved.
Your setpoint of attraction is elevated.
There’s no urgency in what is long awaited.
By the present moment you are profoundly moved.
Take stock in the universe’s infinite grace.

Don’t stand at the tree watching. The fruit calls to you
To partake of it. Don’t let it ripen away.
All the waiting is over. Right now you can be
Entertained and delighted in all that you see.
In so doing, what you want comes with no delay.
The process of becoming is always brand new.

One Last Thing

Indulge Your Divinity

Everything is of spirit. One cannot deny
That it’s so. The vibrational reality
Of existence is thought of as fundamental
Yet the physical world is not accidental.
It’s made of spirit scientifically.
Scientists spend their time now on wondering why.

The vibrational reality is more real
Than what is known as physical because from it
Comes the physical. This vortex of creation,
Through the Law of Attraction, gets everything done
In the physical universe. It will not quit
For another few eons. It’s not a bad deal.

Finding something to bask about puts you into
A state of alignment. Through appreciation
You can enter a high place and keep yourself there
For as long as you want if you’re willing to care
More about your alignment. What you will have done
Is create from a platform that is fresh and new.

Struggling, sifting, and sorting are done already.
Things are all done and lined up. Cooperative
Components are assembled. All you need to do
Is be more receptive and pay attention to
Things that conform to the way that you want to live.
All the good things in life come to you easily.

Divine Intervention Requires No Effort

Stop Struggling

Do I feel like I’m paying enough of a price
To get somewhere in life? Two worlds there seems to be –
One that says I must struggle my way to success.
The other is one in which I can work far less
And achieve more by tuning spiritually.
There is no physical substance to sacrifice.

Still believing in struggle, hard work, and action
To get things done, I am exhausted and empty.
Through my determination, sometimes I succeed.
I can’t understand how my effort can impede
My progress. Can someone explain it all to me?
I am in dire need of some sort of solution.

This economic pie that we all have to share
Is not finite. It grows in response to our dreams,
Hopes, and wishes, and it just keeps on expanding
According to our enlightened understanding.
I believe that abundance comes to me in streams.
About how I am feeling I truly must care.

The only limitation that I have is my
Inattention to impulse and inspiration.
The power that creates worlds wants to assist me.
I find that divine intervention is easy.
The fairies of the universe are having fun
As my wishes they most gleefully gratify.

Let The Universe Help

Allow Divine Providence

I can’t be disappointed and get what I want.
I cannot even mention the hell I go through.
Telling others about how I feel only brings
About group misery. The lack vibration rings
Throughout my life experience. What can I do
To get rid of the thoughts and the feelings that haunt?

“Universe, bring to me from my place of great need
What I ask for.”
This pathetic way of dealing

With the issue is infested with resistance.
Can I detach completely from my circumstance
By paying more attention to how I’m feeling?
Can I dare to let the universe intercede?

I am being given everything that it takes
To create worlds. My job is to tune into it.
I cannot ask for the help to come to a place
Where it can’t go. I have access to divine grace
Only if I move my vibration and permit
Things to happen accordingly for goodness sakes.

I cannot create outside my vibrational
Offering, over which I have complete control.
Practicing the knowing of it, I may become
Magnetized by the habit. I then beat the drum
Of contented wellbeing as I am made whole.
I trust in forces that are operational.

Be The Advantage

Light Your World

Be The Advantage to yourself and to the world
That you were meant to be. You are the only one
Who creates your reality. Surrendering
To the wellbeing in your life often can bring
Satisfaction wherein a journey has begun
Toward ecstasy. Your compact dreams are unfurled.

On the spectrum of positive emotion, there
Is satisfaction at one end. On the other
Is pure passion and true invincibility.
Let the momentum within your vibration be
Free of thoughts of resistance that sometimes occur
Through the day just by being a bit more aware.

Meditation is helpful. It quiets the mind
And allows you to be in the receptive mode.
But once you’re in alignment, you’re truly aligned.
Then go out into the world. No doubt you will find
Manifold blessings which upon you are bestowed.
It’s a good thing to know how the mind is designed.

Through appreciation, versus meditation,
You can feel more dynamic. There’s more energy
You can direct your powerful focus upon.
Any doubt that you can feel your best will be gone.
From contentment to eagerness and clarity
Is traversed in a short time while you’re having fun.

A Consciousness Challenge

The Vortex Of Destruction

The white noise is annoying. There’s an addiction
To societal drama. It’s in the foreground
Of most people’s attention, and I must confess
That I too have a habit of going for less
Than I ought to. There is not much good to be found
In my wasting time this way. Besides, it’s no fun.

By exploring ‘what is,’ I cannot justify
What’s becoming. I’m a powerful creator.
Can I give up what I know as reality
 And begin living my life much more happily?
There’s a deeper dimension that I can explore.
I don’t go there that often. The question is, Why?

The vibrational nature of my being I
Can accept without question. The way that I feel
Must be the only thing that can matter to me.
I can’t ask others to behave differently
To affect my emotion. What I know as real
Can be changed by spiritual laws that apply.

I can withdraw from the reality I know
Long enough that I can explore the resources
Of my imagination. I appreciate
Solitude and the silence that helps me create
With the guidance of powerful unseen forces.
In this way, I allow my consciousness to grow.

Only When You’re On Fire

Extreme Motivation

Make no effort unless you are in your Vortex
Of Creation
– that place where you’re feeling your best.

You enjoy creating something magnificent
In your life. When you’re happy, nothing can prevent
You from getting where you want. You can manifest
What you want through a process that isn’t complex.

“I have this dream that I want to pursue, but I
Have to work fifty hours a week and pay the bills.”
You know not to let excuses like this keep you

From exploring horizons exciting and new.
You partake of the freedom to go for the thrills
Your life offers you only when you’re flying high.

You’ve learned ‘segment intending,’ which is a technique
Where you set aside time to focus on one thing
Or another exclusively so you’ll achieve
The specific state that allows you to receive
The object of your focus. This is creating
With intent. It becomes such a pleasure to seek.

You do not have good timing when you are outside
Your Vortex. You may struggle and not be fulfilled
In your efforts, but when you are inside of it,
Everything is made easy as you benefit.
Upon your good foundation you’re able to build
A successful life with your Vortex as your guide.

What Is The Vortex

A Description Of Heaven

When “The Vortex” is spoken of, what comes to mind?
In spiritual circles it has a meaning
Which is somewhat confusing to those who are new.
It is the expanded version of what is you.
It is accessed exclusively by your cleaning
Up your vibration, then connection you will find.

“The Vortex” is the same as your inner being
Which, again, is the expanded version of you.
Your body is its focal point while you are here.
It may seem that your inner being is not near
Your Vortex, but in fact, this can never be true.
The sameness of the two is to you worth seeing.

It’s because ‘things’ are put there that you most desire
That the feeling of separateness can exist.
You’ve accumulated many things. You want more.
Your Vortex is filled up with things that you adore,
But they’re purely vibration. So try to resist
Thinking of Your Vortex as a thing to acquire.

You are just a current perceiver and player
In this world. You’re not the owner of anything.
You do not own your diamonds any more than you
Own the rainbow. You are but the entity who
Is experiencing. Your own Vortex will bring
About clarity. It is your truth conveyor.

The Pipeline Of Creation

The Way Into Your Vortex

Often manifestations that are not perfect
Will keep people from manifesting those that are.
The contrast in the not perfect one is the start
Of improvement. My insanity breaks my heart.
I can’t doubt my own writing. What I’ve done thus far
Seems not worth all the effort. What should I expect?

I expect folks to look at my work and comment.
Is that too much to ask of someone unworthy
Of attention? For me this is good exercise
Although it will probably lead to my demise
If I keep fucking with what people think of me.
Cluelessness about life at my age I lament.

What I want is specific. I want to belong.
Satisfaction with pissing alone in the breeze
I can’t muster for much longer. Something must change
For the better. My writing is not all that strange
To real people. I suffer from mental disease.
Many choices that I’ve made in life have been wrong.

Can I write myself out of this deadly routine
And decide to be happy in my world alone?
To the very few people who do visit here
I am thankful and hopeful the message is clear.
The biggest fear that I have is being unknown
And unnoticed. I must practice mental hygiene.

Have no fear of upsetting me if you believe
In your heart that what I do is mediocre.
Can you do it much better? I must ask in pride.
Some folks will think I’m lousy. I’ll take that in stride.
Life can be as simple as a game of poker.
There’s no limit to what anyone can achieve.

Happily Ever After

Enjoyment Of Life

Why do you define yourself in such terms of lack?
You cannot look at yourself in bogus ways, nor
Can you argue for your limitations and be
Happy in your life. Forget the past completely.
Feeling better than you have ever felt before
Is a good game when the universe has your back.

You have been trained to look through your physical eyes.
You can learn to feel through vibrational senses.
Do not think your way to it. Find the feeling then
Let the thoughts flow. A deep soothing will happen when
You consume life as it joyfully commences.
Talk yourself into feeling your way to the prize.

“It’s alright. I’m just fine. I was born to be here.
I’m on my path. I’m pure positive energy.
Ideas are flowing to me. Inspiration
Comes to me. I have so much appreciation
For the things I’ve got going that benefit me.
Well enough is in progress. I’ll not interfere.”

General is the way to go – no specific.
Life is meant to be fun. Wellbeing is assured.
Make peace with yourself. Make it alright where you are.
Don’t let others guide you to a place that is far
From where you want to be. Your desire has matured
To where your life can be a virtual picnic.

Allowing Divine Intervention

Receiving Grace

Still believing in struggle, most human beings
Don’t feel like they are paying enough of a price.
No one plays their way through life and achieves success.
We must work long and hard for it, that is unless
We are fortunate where the bird of paradise
Makes its way into our lives and brings us nice things.

This is true in the real world because this mindset
Has evolved over eons where there’s a finite
Economic pie that all are wanting to share.
We have to make things happen. We seem not aware
That we are of vibration, and all is alright.
This is how the world functions much to our regret.

There’s an infinite ‘amount’ of economy.
To be shared among everyone. Those who believe
That there’s only so much wealth do not hear the call
Of their spirit. Their perspective is rather small.
Effort is not needed in order to receive
If we get ourselves to thinking differently.

The power of the universe is within you.
It creates worlds. It can manifest anything.
One cannot have it both ways. One has to decide
For oneself which is better. Let your spirit guide
You to what feels in your life to be fulfilling.
Know in your heart the best thing that you ought to do.

When Big Stuff Starts To Happen

Touching Your Dreams

Whether you feel ecstatic or just satisfied
You have equal access to the treasures within
Your Vortex of Creation. There’s a difference
Between surrendering to life experience
And becoming excited. The big things begin
To occur when you know nothing can be denied.

The degrees of emotion become your stairway
To the stars you’ve created and placed in the sky.
They’re your hopes, dreams, and wishes. With no resistance
In your vibration, you will know the existence
Of the things that you want without having to try
To attain them. In readiness you want to stay.

Meditation is meeting your Vortex with no
Resistance. The mind is quieted. You become
Receptive and contented. The feeling of peace
Brings with it a deep cleansing and total release
Of the residual negative psychic scum
That started to accumulate decades ago.

What is more dynamic is appreciation.
It makes you more receptive. It feels more hands on,
And the more that you like it, the more you will feel
Energy flowing through you. With justified zeal
You approach life. The sins of the past are now gone.
You are here to offer your best to everyone.

Once you find an object of attention to which
You want to flow your pure positive energy
Is when in your life big stuff begins happening.
Stay focused on the thing that does make your heart sing.
What a wonderful paradise your life can be.
Easily it is done. It’s like flipping a switch.

Change Everything

Open To Positive Control

Find a more optimistic thought. Step back into
A more general stance. Look in the direction
Of your dream in the making. You can feel better
Than you do in the moment. You’re the begetter
Of your own individualized vibration.
Think of things that will bring many blessings to you.

“Hard times always precede boom times.” This you can say
For example. “The other side of my distress
Is fulfillment. This situation too will pass.”

In this way you can eliminate the crevasse
Between you and reality. Total access
You have to better feeling thoughts throughout the day.

The way you feel does not need to be tied to the
Current set of circumstances. You can step back
And acknowledge the sun having risen today.
More than anything else, it’s important to stay
In a place of elation, free from self-attack.
You can Change Everything most immediately.

You have complete control over the direction
Of your thoughts. When you accept this and you begin
Practicing it, you find that it’s easy to do,
And it’s the only thing that is required of you.
Your reality reflects what mood you are in.
Once you realize this, a new life is begun.

If You Can Dream It, You Can Have It

Create Your Desire

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
You live in a cooperative universe
Which includes you physical body and whatever
Else that meets you approval. All that you prefer
You can have if you dream it. Nothing could be worse
Than to not dream. It would be a catastrophe.

You alone form the image, and if you do not
Defy it with reality, expectation,
Or the knowledge of experts, you cooperate
With the forces that make everything turn out great.
What you dream about is an adventure begun.
It’s no wonder that so many do it a lot.

You can be a cooperative component.
Everything that you’ve wanted has been assembled,
But to see the manifestation of it, you
Have to be in alignment. Your attention to
How you feel is important. It is resembled
In what shows up in your life to a large extent.

An anomaly you are to those who believe
That to dream is to waste time. As you prove them wrong,
New sciences develop, which could take some time.
Until then, the feeling that you have is sublime.
Here and now, you are right where you feel you belong.
Through the process of dreaming, you get to receive.

Manifest Perfection

Getting Affairs In Order

Knowing how to screw up well, I’m driven insane.
This is no way a pity post. What I admit
Is of value to those who have tremendous guilt.
Relationships I’ve severed will not be rebuilt.
As a family member I’m truly unfit.
Those of you who are hated, I do know your pain.

I can’t change what has happened. Consumed with remorse,
I can only create my own purgatory
Through reminders from others who do living well.
All my life I have put people through certain hell.
Is my unchecked behavior the matter with me?
How did I manage to become such a dark force?

These questions I shall live with now that I am old
And no longer as crazy and ego driven.
Time I have now to ponder this life of a fool.
With the right rearing up I could have been a jewel
Of a person. I will never be forgiven
Of my wrongdoings. There are many to be told.

So, how can I feel worthy of still being here?
I’m a threat to society. My time is near,
But I’m also obliged to do all I can do
To prepare a clean exit and honor the few
Who will remember me as someone who was dear.
I’ll look forward where there is the least bit of fear.

Gender Is Irrelevant

Sex Stereotypes Don't Matter

Men are seen less at spiritual gatherings.
There’s sufficient truth to this. It’s a statistic,
But in spirit, there’s no differentiation
Of that sort. It’s only the human condition
That makes of gender something rather fantastic.
Who is far more encouraged to ponder such things?

One could argue that women need, much more than men,
Spiritual alignment because they have more
Trouble finding fulfillment… Or just the reverse
May be true. It’s been argued that men are much worse
At compassionate feeling. They do not explore
Their emotions as freely. Are they alien?

Women are introspective. They feel a lot more
The contrast that their lives provide, and they can be
More considerate of all the finer details.
When in trouble their keen intuition prevails.
A much bigger picture men usually see,
And the details of things they have not much time for.

More acutely aware of the environment,
Women care for the whole earth and life everywhere.
Statistics generate labels that are unclear.
We are spiritual beings, and we are here
To look out for one another and truly care.
Peace on earth is achieved through our common intent.

Cultivating Your Dream

Minding Your Heart's Desire

Challenging it is to be happy without the
Complete manifestation, but it can be done
By emotional evaluation and by
Letting go of resistance. Your wondering why
It’s not come yet is no viable solution
To the angst you may feel that comes naturally.

You can be happy dreaming and feeling your way
Through law based understanding. You are in control
Of your thoughts and emotions. What you manifest
That you want is the product of feeling your best
And reliance on guidance that will make you whole.
Your clarity and eagerness are on display.

Don’t take score of what manifests. That will only
Slow things down quite a bit. Make the way that you feel
Be your focus. Let not the manifestation
Be the goal. Just relax and let it all be fun.
Being doubtful or hopeful, you choose how to deal
With the world you’ve created by will that is free.

Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of will come true.
It is law. Your emotional journey is one
That will guide you successfully. Do all you can
To feel joyful. There cannot be a better plan.
It must be conducive to your transformation.
It enhances the meaning of all that you do.

Create Miracles

Easy Magic

When you are connected to who you really are
You are powerful. What you give attention to
Is what you attract into your experience.
Between you and your true self the big difference
Is that your inner being has a forward view.
It looks not to the past. You may find that bizarre.

Looking forward, your true self is naturally
The eternal custodian of all your dreams.
Exposed to the contrast of your life, you create
A vibrational version. When you reach a state
Of delighted contentment then everything seems
Magical. Is this not the way life ought to be?

You accept the vibrational version as real
As its manifestation. Your inner being
Knows all that you have wished for. It communicates
An idea or impulse. Your passion creates
Positive momentum. It is helpful seeing
The reality of everything that you feel.

Feel the power that you own to make miracles
Happen for you and others. Get into that state
Of pure positive energy, and let it flow
Through your life. There is little else you need to know.
Be aware of the thoughts that uplift and elate.
Know that you and your inner being are great pals.

Make It Happen In A Day

Twenty-Four Hours To Pleasure

If I can feel it then in time I will see it.
I’ve just got to find some way of soothing the beast
That keeps me from receiving. My feelings of doubt
Bring me no satisfaction. I can do without
The emotional drama. May it be the least
Of my issues. To trust in myself I commit.

I can feel it, therefore, it must certainly be,
And it is. Everyone is receiving something
From the higher self or from the news of the day.
What we have in our lives must reflect in this way.
Always in the receptive mode, there is nothing
That I can’t choose for myself. I’m in this way free.

Momentum is another special puzzle piece.
Ever moving cooperative components
Are aligning themselves according to how I
Let it all happen… or not. The question is why
Do I want what I’m wanting. It has to make sense
To my truest self. My ego I must release.

Give your attention to something, and something will
Manifest in a short while – perhaps in a day.
Don’t be oblivious to the way that you feel.
Unseen forces that make worlds to you will reveal
Things that are most appealing. There is no delay
In its coming. Your wishes they want to fulfill.

Care Only About How You Feel

Nothing More Important

Who stands in the full knowledge of who you’ve become
But the One who created you and everything?
Do not fret for a moment about where you are.
According to divinity you have come far
On your path of alignment. You know it will bring
But more blessings, and you know where they all come from.

You could say, “It might take years,” but you realize
That your poking around where you are will only
Keep you in a vibration that doesn’t allow
What you want to come easily right here and now.
When you’re up to speed with who you are you can be
Truly invincible, healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Some of us are so hung up on ‘what is’ that we’ve
Gotten used to focusing on the physical.
With our God given senses we experience
Our reality. We have much less confidence
In the real but unseen, and with this rationale,
We have trouble believing before we receive.

Physical essence is intoxicatingly
Attractive because of all the senses you use
To perceive your experience, but if you will
Ignore much of it, much of your dream you’ll fulfill.
Care Only About How You Feel, then you can’t lose.
It’s the key to your being all who you must be.

Special Delivery Blessings

Especially For You

Many things can be called good things if we allow
For the intimate detail to enter the heart.
Every little “Good day, sir,” or “How do you do?”
Is a blessing that’s meant especially for you.
Pleasant little things that happen are all a part
Of your network of worthiness right here and now.

Through the mind and the heart are not the only ways
That good graces are disbursed. Your impulses to
Put yourself in circumstances to manifest
Are also special blessings. The feelings expressed
To you from others are meant to compliment you.
Be aware of every time that you receive praise.

When you care about knowing something, your Inner
knows the path of least resistance. When you

Get in touch with your inner self, you’ll be in touch
With that self that others seem to value so much.
Be receptive to the self you know to be true,
And through life you will turn out to be a winner.

Move about your life with ease and flow rather than
With rigidity. Let the blessings come to you
Any way that you can allow them. Resistance
Is caused by your beliefs. Do not give it a chance
To distract you from what it is you have to do
To sustain your alignment. You know that you can.

Things Will Go Your Way

All Is Well

Everything that is manifest at one time was
A vibration, then a thought, before it became
What we now perceive with our physical senses.
Is it wrong that our belief only commences
When the actual manifestation we claim?
Yes, it’s so according to spiritual laws.

The whole universe was at one time only thought –
A consensus of intent of nonphysical
Entities, and their focus keeps things in order.
What we see as chaotic just doesn’t concur
With the overall view, yet a part of you shall
Stay in touch with the unseen of which you’re begot.

You can’t define love in manifestational
Terms, but you can surely feel it, and you know it.
Yet it’s only a feeling you have inside you.
It Is Real. Now, the only thing you have to do
Is align with that vibration. You will permit
Yourself to take on a positive rationale.

You challenge life to show you its weaknesses so
You can yearn for the strengths. You don’t want to be bored.
You want to be exhilarated and to feel
The passion that’s within you that no one can steal.
Being turned on to life shall be your just reward.
Be open to what the universe wants to show.

Feel Good And Behold

Savor The Bliss

There’s nothing more important than that you feel good.
You must be that outrageous about who you are
Because your feeling your best invites everyone
Around you to be uplifted. Your life is fun
And exciting. You know that you’ve come very far
On your journey. Things are working out as they should.

You’re a vibrational being emanating
A signal at all times by the words that you speak,
All the thoughts that you think, and the action you take.
Whatever your focus is on while you’re awake
Is causing you to offer a signal unique,
And the universe for you is advocating.

This is how you create your own reality.
The Law of Attraction matches your vibration
With the proper cooperative components
That deliver life to you. Your only expense
Is your being in love with life and having fun.
You get back what you’re giving out absolutely.

To be consciously aware of what you give out
Is most helpful. You’ve figured things out already.
When you can vocalize what you want and mean it
You can then start relaxing. This way you permit
Unseen forces to make what you want come to be.
It is appropriate for you to sing and shout.

Magic Words

Verbal Power Tools

Why do we define ourselves through language of lack
When we’ve come to be so much of who we now are?
It’s because we’ve trained ourselves to see with our eyes
Rather than feeling our way. Indeed it is wise
Not to think our way through it. We may stray too far
From the target. What can we do to keep on track?

Find a good feeling and then let the thoughts follow.
It’s quite easy to do this. It’s also soothing.
We do this by saying everything is alright.
“I am fine. All is well, and my future is bright.
Positive energy surrounds me. Everything
That I do is exciting. I go with the flow.”

Do not get too specific. Just stay general
So as not to get hung up in all the detail.
The specifics are handled by the universe.
It’s most important that you commit to immerse
Yourself in your self-soothing. In this you can’t fail.
Get yourself to believing that you’re that special.

You can’t argue for your limitations and be
Anywhere close to happy. With yourself make peace.
Make it alright where you are. The things that you say
To yourself subconsciously all throughout your day
Lead you to the place of spiritual release.
Say nice things about yourself, and do it with glee.