Tag Archive | magnificence

Reality Addiction


What’s it take to jazz up your life experience?
You’re addicted to what’s going on here and now
And you like the momentum. It fascinates you
To be able to do all the things that you do.
Things are working out for you because you know how
To convince yourself that it makes absolute sense.

Your Vortex is incredible. It contains all
That you’ve asked for since day one and even before
You emerged into physical reality.
You can access this treasure vibrationally
Just by feeling good and the more you do the more
Good will come to you. You want to answer its call.

If you knew what was in there and how much it’s grown
Since you’ve been here you would pay much more attention
To your feelings and to releasing negative
Though patterns. You’d do all that you could do to live
In a way that you could enter the dimension
To receive all the blessings that are yours alone.

Your Vortex of Creation is reality
Although you can’t perceive except by your heart.
You get to it by letting yourself let it in.
At the game of life you can most certainly win.
Your Vortex and reality aren’t far apart
When you choose to be the person you’re meant to be.

Just Get In There

Vortex Of Creation

Think of it as a circle of pure energy.
Your Vortex of Creation contains every dream
You have had since arriving here on planet earth.
Your existence here is your engaging with mirth
All its pleasures and contrast. The energy stream
Of your wishes increases cumulatively.

It’s nonphysical. It consists of vibration.
What’s in there is magnificent because it’s you.
It seems like it’s not enough like reality,
So attention to it you may not pay. Maybe
You have some trouble accepting this point of view,
But remember it’s your focus of creation.

You’re addicted to reality. You spend more
Of the time documenting the way that things are.
Feeling for what is coming, you are more aware
Of the more subtle forces that tend to and care
For all that you have wanted. It’s not very far
From becoming. It’s what you have been waiting for.

If you had but an inkling of what is in there,
You’d put up with no negative conversation.
You’d clean up your vibration fast and not complain
Or defend you position. There’s much more to gain
With a sincere token of appreciation.
Just Get In There, and then live a life without care.

Just Get In There

Don't Waste Time

I’m addicted to reality. I spend more
Time than anyone should be when talking about
Things as they are, even as they’re filled with despair.
There’s one place I need be. If I Just Get In There,
I can know my wellbeing without any doubt.
Any other way is to live life as a chore.

Feeling what’s coming up in there, I can release
Much of that which is negative and be complete.
The emotional spectrum with ease I ascend.
There is nothing more important than that I tend
To the treasure amassed that is not yet concrete.
I know that when I’m in there, my grace shall increase.

Something tells me that if I knew what I have stored
In vibrational escrow, no time would I spend
Complaining or attempting to right what is wrong.
My old ways I would lose, and I’d sing a new song.
If I just had an inkling, then I would transcend
Negativity and feel that I am adored.

Getting in there gets easier with each new day.
I get plenty of practice amid the contrast.
It causes me to try harder, and it’s worthwhile.
The fact that I can train myself does make me smile.
Defending my position is part of the past.
I’m the only one ever who gets in my way.