
Spiritual Liberation


Liberation is the act of being freed from
Slavery or oppression or imprisonment.
It occurs when someone is released, rescued, or
One escapes from confinement. It’s an open door
To the freedom to live life to full enjoyment.
It’s amazing what a freed person can become.

Spiritual liberation clearly implies
That within this world one’s consciousness is confused,
Trapped, lost, stuck, and in bondage. The highest purpose
In life is to free ourselves of illusion, thus
One who seeks liberation is likely enthused
About doing whatever will make one more wise.

The concept of liberation sought, known, and taught
By spiritual masters throughout history
Has to do with salvation, redemption, and more
Terms like it. One’s enlightenment is at the core
Of intention. One wants to be totally free
Of the traps in which one always seems to get caught.

Freedom from the bonds of illusion, ignorance,
Separation, and duality is the goal
Of spiritual practice. Unconditional
Love, service, and compassion are the general
Fruits of freedom. The shattered self can be made whole
No matter what happens to be the circumstance.


Acceptance Of Grace

Virtue is behavior that displays in someone
A high ethical standard. It’s a quality
Or character trait considered morally good
And desirable in a person, so it should
Come as no surprise that among society
It’s seen as a wholesomely healthy condition.

Virtues are valued as they promote collective
And individual greatness. There are many
Virtues and classifications of them, but they all
Are positive. No kind act is ever too small.
It is taught in some branches of philosophy.
Those who are virtuous have a love perspective.

Virtues are positive actions or traits that aid
In undoing or purifying negative
Karma or sin. They can be practiced outwardly
Or inwardly. One progresses ultimately
To enlightenment. No one tells one how to live,
And the words spoken here are not meant to persuade.

Establishing a higher guiding principle
Or mindset such as right view, right concentration,
Or right mindfulness is the quest of the one who
Seeks the truth of one’s being. Ultimate value
There is in being virtuous. The creation
Of virtue in your life is to all meaningful.


Grateful Heart

Gratitude is the fresh feeling and attitude
Of appreciation or thankfulness for the
Benefits we’ve received or expect to receive.
All religious traditions preach it and believe
That its practice uplifts us spiritually.
It’s a wonderful virtue we can thus conclude.

As the Law of Attraction states that what we hold
In our minds tends to manifest, the feeling of
Gratitude opens the channels for more goodness.
More abundance comes to us the more we express
Gratitude for what we have, especially love.
Benefits of being grateful are manifold.

For the awakening spiritual seeker,
Practicing gratitude is the most important,
Beneficial, and powerful of intentions.
It’s a way of accessing higher dimensions
Of consciousness. If one needs a feeling transplant,
Gratitude puts the kibosh on the critiquer.

A major spiritual opportunity
For consciousness to evolve, our lives are a gift.
Treasure the opportunity with gratitude,
And your faith in humanity will be renewed.
Gratitude has the awesome power to uplift
Anyone, and it happens immediately.


Intelligent Dust

Omniscience means having total and infinite
Awareness, knowledge, and complete understanding,
And cognizance. It’s one of the main attributes
Of divinity. Love is how it executes
Its supreme essence which is ever expanding.
We as humans are wanting to tap into it.

Omniscience is the immutable attribute
Of the source supreme and of all of existence.
Known by many names, this source is ever present.
The foundation of consciousness is evident
In the universe. There can be no difference
Between God and creation. Is there a dispute?

Supreme power, omniscience, and omnipresence
Are the characteristics of its awareness.
Quantum physics has discovered what has been known
By the ancients. One’s consciousness is not one’s own
But is shared by the universe. All have access
To divine knowing which is awesomely immense.

Our minds are part of the larger infinite field
Of consciousness, which is non-dual in nature.
This cosmic awareness of God is everywhere.
We’re one with it. The God consciousness we all share.
It’s self-knowing and provident. One can be sure
That this all-knowingness is everywhere revealed.


Divine Creation

Omnipotent means almighty or infinite
Power. Omnipotence is an immutable
Attribute of the single source of everything
In existence. It is an all-encompassing
Conscious field of vibration supremely able
To create anything that it damned well sees fit.

The infinite mind of the supreme that is the
Empty ground and the substrate of all that exists
Is the one ultimate potentiality
That does manifest into actuality.
Everything in the universe therefore consists
Of the essence of absolute divinity.

Consciousness is the radiance of divine light,
Omnipotent reality, the absolute
Irreducible source of all that’s come to be.
The supreme divine presence is eternally
Omnipotent. Any spiritual pursuit
Will include devotion to receiving insight.

Consciousness is beyond form. As the consequence
Of intention, the universe is manifest.
Everything’s an expression of divinity
Or it wouldn’t even have the capacity
To exist. One’s divinity can be accessed
Easily and without any major expense.


Colorful Time

One of the most virtuous qualities of pure
Being is patience. It is the capacity
To accept or to tolerate trouble, delay,
Or suffering without getting stuck in dismay.
Fortitude, composure, and equanimity
Are the attributes of patience that will endure.

Patient people are much better able to cope
With negative situations and folks without
Complaining, getting angry, or acting rashly.
One’s capacity for patience naturally
Will increase as one begins to know without doubt
It’s true nature and essence with regard to hope.

Understanding one’s true self is understanding
Others’ also. Instead of becoming upset
With yourself, others, or a screwed-up circumstance,
One can realize that there’s a much better chance
Of recovery if one is willing to let
Go of what keeps one’s consciousness from expanding.

We need to eliminate anger from our minds.
The lower levels of consciousness we transcend
As we open our hearts to higher truth. Patience
Becomes a dynamic and fun experience.
Energized by intention one can comprehend
Spiritual alignment and joy of all kinds.

Lower Self Versus Higher Self

Grasp Of Hope

The lower self is the ego. It’s the content
Of the mind, It’s the thinker, the judge, the chooser,
The doer, the self, the emotional feeler,
And above all a masterful wheeler dealer.
When things don’t go right it becomes the accuser.
It’s the main source of human struggle and torment.

This lower self is self-grasping, self-cherishing,
And completely identified with image, name,
Thought and form. It’s conventional and dependent
On something greater than itself. Conscious intent
Is focused upon winning the survival game.
The great fear of the ego is its perishing.

Lower self, the ego, the personality
Is dependent upon the much higher being
Called the higher self. It’s the context of the mind –
Not the content. It’s nature is true and refined.
It’s the silent observer who’s overseeing
Everything that the ego is trying to be.

The eye of the higher self is the eye of God
Witnessing the unfolding of the creation
As it’s happening now. It is the omniscient
Awareness of the infinite ever present
That can bring about a total restoration
Of the lower self and its survival façade.


Personal Enlightenment

Self-Realization is the ultimate goal
Of a human being. It’s the liberating
Knowledge of the true self beyond both illusion
And identification with the confusion
That the physical world continues creating.
Reaching this state, a person is said to be whole.

It’s direct knowledge of God. It’s pure awareness,
Pure consciousness, pure being, non-duality,
And pure love. As it happens, changes will occur
In behavior and attitude. Those who defer
Its attainment cling to a false reality
Where life stays punctuated with struggle and stress.

Self-Realization is the greatest service
One can offer the world. It’s the spiritual
Awakening from the illusory ego’s
Self-identity. It becomes wise to dispose
Of all negative behaviors habitual.
Doing so leads one to a constant state of bliss.

An identification from the perception
Of form as objective to one’s coming to know
The purely subjective, it’s always found within.
Life will change as a consequence as you begin
Looking inward. You cannot help but to let go
Of the ego’s distractions until there are none.


Creative Readiness

Intuition is a sensing of the spirit.
It’s the ability to understand or know
Something instantly based on one’s feelings rather
Than the facts. It’s often described as an inner
Voice or a gut feeling. It is not like a flow
But a flash. Naturally it’s a benefit.

Intuition is an instinctual process
That gains clarity and accuracy the more
One advances spiritually. A knowing
Without knowing, it is the true spirit showing
What’s best for oneself. It is a warning before
Acting in such a way that will cause one distress.

It’s when you know instinctively that something you
Are doing is right or wrong, or when you feel that
Someone is lying to you, or that something just
Isn’t right. It’s a feeling you can learn to trust.
It’s beyond thinking in a logical format.
It’s directly connected to all that is true.

Intuition is a faculty of the mind
But beyond mental processes. You just know it.
Realizations are effortless and freeing.
Intuition is a core part of your being.
It’s a gift out of nowhere for your benefit.
With the spiritual it remains intertwined.


Eternal Being

Spirit is the animating power within
All living creatures. It is one’s vital essence.
One’s spirit is entirely nonphysical
It is made solely of energy, and it shall
Never cease to exist. One can experience
One’s own spirit, but how does the novice begin?

The spirit is the witnessing inner presence
Who observes yet remains silent. This personal
Stream of consciousness is beyond the ego mind,
And this mind beyond ego is easy to find
Through an experience that is transcendental.
One’s belief that it is makes a big difference.

The spirit, soul, or essence is a resident
Of the body and perceives its reality
Through the physical senses which often deny
The nonphysical dimension. One must apply
Spiritual techniques to get progressively
Better at reconnecting by conscious intent.

Perception veils the unseen and nonphysical
Dimension of reality. The spirit blends
And identifies with form which is limited
To the ego’s assessments, yet one can instead
Be aware of what the purest spirit intends.
Know that what spirit wants is more beneficial.


Prayerful Setting

Spirituality is the state, quality,
Or fact of being spiritual. It is a
Broad concept with room for many perspectives, but
Generally it includes a deep sense of what
Could be called one’s connection to all. One could say
That it’s something that comes about naturally.

It’s a sense of connection to something bigger
Than oneself, and it involves a search for meaning
In one’s life. It’s experienced by everyone
Whether we’re aware of it or not. There are none
Who are not subject to spirit intervening
At times in their life just as one might well prefer.

We are all spiritual beings having a
Human experience. To awaken is to
Become more consciously aware that this is so.
Personal attention is in wanting to know
The answers to the questions that have much to do
With one’s purpose. One can be fulfilled in this way.

“What’s the purpose of life? What happens when we die?
What is life? Who am I? Why do people exist?”

These are prime curiosities for the novice.
Meditation and prayer bring genuine bliss.
Spirituality is on what we subsist.
It has the full ability to sanctify.


Spatial Inspiration

Insight is the ability to have a clear,
Deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of some
Complicated problem or tough situation.
It is closely related to intuition.
The all-knowing universe is where it comes from.
It comes usually when the heart is sincere.

It’s a capability of the mind beyond
The intellect. It’s a penetrating mental
Vision or discernment of seeing into or
Apprehending the true nature of a thing. For
Those who are seeking wisdom, the transcendental
Nature of insight will get spirit to respond.

Insight becomes more clear and sophisticated
With advancing levels of consciousness. Insight
Can be used to determine how truthful someone
Is being. One can ascertain disposition,
Mood, and motive. It comes as a special delight
When the mind beyond ego is activated.

Solutions via insight have been proven to
Be more accurate than non-insight solutions.
Mindfulness meditation can facilitate
The refinement of insight. One can calibrate
To the level of everyday resolutions
Of issues. Every new problem is a breakthrough.


Expression Of Faith

True humility is a nonjudgmental state
Free from pride, arrogance, vanity, and the need
To be right. Dictionaries define it as low
Self-regard and unworthiness, yet one should know
That form self-deprecation a person is freed
By humility. It’s a most virtuous trait.

Recognition of the limits of the ego
Thinking mind and its inability to know
And to truly experience reality
Will lead one to a genuine humility.
It’s needed in order for the spirit to grow
In the light of acceptance and of letting go.

Through humility and the ever-present choice
Of peace out of love, one can relinquish even
The most cherished of negatives such as hatred,
Spitefulness, and revenge, and replace them instead
With the peace of compassion. One can enter then
A place where one is hearing their own still small voice.

It’s one of the foundations of devotional
Spiritual life. It’s of open mindedness
To the current opportunity to advance
And to know that we all share the same circumstance.
One’s humility is spiritual progress.
One can find it to be something that’s natural.


Supreme Balance

Divinity is the quality or nature
Of being divine, holy, and sacred. It’s the
Very consciousness of the one true source of all
Life and all of existence. The one that we call
Supreme and eternal is also almighty.
Irrelevant is the use of nomenclature.

All of existence is a divine creation
And unfoldment of the infinite power and
Radiance of God. All that God has created
Is of God. This cannot be more clearly stated.
Our main challenge while we’re here is to understand
That between God and us there’s no separation.

Everything is a manifestation of God
And everything is a divine creation or
Expression at its core. The human ego veils
And obscures this reality through false details
Of a dualistic nature. It won’t go for
What is true. It will try to maintain the façade.

The truth of our divinity needs to be brought
To the light of our awareness. Meditation,
Letting go, prayer, devotion, and study are ways
To perceive God in others. In these ways we praise
In the most meaningful way. One’s liberation
From the ego is by many wise people taught.


The Wheel Of Life

It’s an Eastern term that has no direct single
Word translation. It’s a complex set of meaning
And interpretation. To the extent that it
Can be defined, some human behaviors will fit
The description of dharma. It is a cleaning
Of the space where dirty vibrations comingle.

It’s the essential nature of reality
And the teachings and practices that enable
Realization of that essential nature.
Dharma is at the heart of the legislature
That orders the whole universe. It’s a label,
Nonetheless, it’s helpful to a conscious degree.

There’s a right and a true way for each person to
Act in order to best serve themself and others.
Dharma is closely associated with the
Noble concepts of selfless service and duty.
It’s the right way of living and often refers
To the path that is for one the truest of true.

Following your dharma means that you’re pursuing
The calling that is truest for you. Anything
That upholds or sustains the positive order
Is of dharma. The life that one would most prefer
Is one that is spiritually fulfilling.
It’s the one source of abundance and wellbeing.


Lower Self Awareness

It’s a remnant of humanity’s animal
Nature. The human ego is the thinking mind.
Dualistic in nature, it is a complex
Mental construct. Self-centered, it only respects
What promotes its survival. It can be unkind
To others in the process of being social.

The ego attaches itself to a label
Or to many to reinforce its survival
And its dominance as one’s source of existence.
It is always on the offense or the defense.
It’s too impatient to wait for the arrival
Of intangible guidance. It’s just not able.

The ego is a person’s ordinary state
Of consciousness. It’s naturally self-centered.
All humans operate based upon their ego’s
Level of consciousness. We can learn much from those
Who’ve transcended the ego. Its quest is absurd
And unhealthy. Only illness does it create.

Mental constructs are programmed by society
And past karma. The core of the ego is pride
And narcissism. It’s extremely tenacious
And clever. It cherishes what is audacious.
In the light of enlightenment it cannot hide.
We improve, but we can’t ever be ego free.


The Experience Of Being

Of life itself consciousness is the very seed.
At its simplest it means sentience, cognizance, or
The awareness of internal or external
Existence. Consciousness is the very kernel
Of one’s being. It’s something that one can explore
With abandon such that the true spirit is freed.

Consciousness, often synonymous with the mind,
Is sometimes seen as merely an aspect of it.
It’s the capacity for experiencing.
It is connected to an eternal wellspring
Of existence. If one is able to permit
Its expansion, then much happiness one will find.

It pervades and illuminates mind and body.
It’s beyond the mind’s contents, such as memories,
Fantasies, thoughts, and feelings. It’s the foundation
Of the mind itself. It’s most helpful to the one
Seeking truth to know that it can be done with ease.
All it takes is a bit of curiosity.

Advancing one’s awareness into the higher
Levels of being is the most beneficial
Thing one can do for oneself and humanity.
What existed before mental activity
Will exist when it’s finished. It is eternal.
Nothing here in this world does it need to acquire.



The ability to understand and to share
The feelings of another is called empathy.
It’s a sensitivity to and awareness
Of others’ emotions. People need to express
Their compassion. The only motive is truly
Understanding the feelings of those in despair.

Empathy makes it difficult to turn a blind
Eye to the suffering of others. It helps us
To relate to them so that we can respond to
Their not well situation. All that we can do
To bring comfort to them is a blessed thing plus
It brings to both parties involved some peace of mind.

Everyone’s born with this capability, but
It may need to be redeveloped or relearned.
Many in modern society have lost touch
With their sense of compassion because it’s too much
Of a bother. About others they’re not concerned
Empathy can’t be practiced when the heart is shut.

The process of spiritual awakening
Concerns sensitivity to the collective
Consciousness of humanity. There’s no such thing
As another. We all are simply one being.
No one can be told which is the right way to live.
Everything’s affected by what you’re offering.


Helping Hands

When concern for the welfare of others is more
Than one has for oneself, is that called compassion?
It’s not pity, wishful thinking, or attachment.
It does not mean that self-regard isn’t present.
It’s the greatest virtue in almost every one
Of the religious teachings as ever before.

True compassion is the ability to be
Sympathetic and empathetic. The desire
To alleviate another’s pain and distress
Becomes stronger. Tangibly one wants to express
Understanding and kindness. One doesn’t require
Anything back. Indeed, it’s given willingly.

Compassion motivates us to help others, and
It helps us to see past our own self-interest.
It directs our attention towards others who
Are in need of attention. Everything we do
To provide them some comfort is doing our best
To make much better the situation at hand.

It’s a necessity. It’s not a luxury.
It’s a question of human survival that we
Learn to help one another. We will otherwise
As one troubled collective see our own demise.
All pathways to God honor the reality
Of the need for compassion. Who would not agree?


Prayer Of Asking

Faith is confidence or trust in a person, thing,
Or concept. In the context of religion, it
Is belief in a God, and doctrines and teachings.
It’s not blind. It’s intelligent because it brings
On a peace that is greatly to one’s benefit.
Even with no evidence it’s enlightening.

Conscious knowledge and practicing good deeds is part
Of the process for growing spiritually
In some religious contexts. One’s obedience
To the scriptures does not make a whole lot of sense
Without some understanding of what comes to be
The foundation of living and dear to the heart.

To know more about God and the infinite plan
For one’s finite existence is what one who seeks
True enlightenment cares about. Faith allows one
To discover that knowledge. Verification
Is achieved through employment of psychic techniques
People practice. It’s something that anyone can.

Nothing in this world should be dearer to the one
Seeking truth than the development of wisdom,
Which will lead to faith, which will lead to certainty.
Truth is found by those who seek it ultimately.
The omnipotent Source is where true faith comes from.
Faith is maintained only by sincere devotion.


Freedom Of Release

An intentional and voluntary process
By which one undergoes a change in feelings and
Attitude regarding an offense – this is what
Is defined as forgiveness. When the heart is shut
It can’t happen, so it’s helpful to understand
The most beneficial nature of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a powerful spiritual
Tool especially for people willing to move
Away from the lower levels of consciousness.
It’s a virtuous act. You don’t have to express
To the offender your change of heart because you’ve
Reached a place where you’re not into that rationale.

Emotional forgiveness is for you – not the
Offender. Scientific studies have proven
That people who forgive are much happier than
Those who harbor resentments. So make it a plan
To forgive your trespassers. Healing begins when
You decide that it’s healthier to be hate free.

People are programmed by society and past
Karmic tendencies. The collective ignorance
Of the world keeps folks trapped in the lower levels.
Justified is our anger, and it bedevils
Our behavior. Are we in a spiral death dance?
Can forgiveness become a part of the forecast?


Comforting Touch

Every emotion you feel in life is a choice,
Which means that you control everything that you feel.
You were meant to enjoy life. If you can learn how,
You’ll never be a burden on others. Allow
That to be your gift to others and the ordeal
Of your own neediness you will not want to voice.

The least selfish thing you can do and the most kind
Is to be in alignment with the best of you.
It’s also the most loving and graceful of things
You can do. Clarity and wellbeing it brings.
So, can it be called selfless? What you choose to do
To help others can in itself be self-inclined.

Everyone has the right to live their life as they
Choose to live it, as long as they don’t interfere
With the same right of others. “We love the things we
Love for what they are.”
When you love genuinely,

Empathy becomes natural. Then you can hear
What the other is saying. Fear washes away.

What you think of yourself must be more important
Than what others think of you. You give up control
In the moment you let others know you’re willing
To do anything for them. You can by filling
Your heart with love reach into someone else’s soul.
It’s okay to be selfless. There’s no one who can’t.

The Larger Part Of You

At One With The Universe

You are so much more than your physical body.
Come to know this because it’s absolutely true.
Before you emerged here in this reality,
You were spirit, but you exist eternally.
Even right now, you and The Larger Part Of You
Coexist as a being that others can see.

This means that you’re not all here. The much larger part
People don’t get to witness, but you have access
To that larger part of you when you meditate
Or find things about your life to appreciate.
It all can lead to your ultimate happiness.
You get to The Larger Part Of You through the heart.

With who you really are you can find resonance
Through your practice. Take care of the way that you feel
In each moment, and the vibrational patterns
You create will eliminate all your concerns.
The wholeness of who you really are is for real.
Your connection can never be a game of chance.

You find resonance with The Larger Part Of You
By accepting that it exists and allowing
It to guide you. In the absence of resistance
You receive it. No matter what your circumstance,
You become able to handle most anything.
Plentiful is the grace that you can tap into.

An Afterlife Preview

Spiritual Transition

This world is one of wonder. There are many things
To appreciate. Picturesque it is in space
Spinning in its own orbit and on its axis.
Natural is its beauty. It’s hard to dismiss
Its magnificence nestled in infinite grace.
When this is contemplated, what comfort it brings!

There are those who are sensitive to vibrations
Of pure spirit, and many books have been written
About things that happen after we transition
From this earthly life into a new edition
Of existence. People seem to have been bitten
By the bug for more knowledge of these locations.

They describe an omnipotent omnipresent
Source of everything. It’s a being of pure light
Who’s all loving and giving of all that is good.
Only that which is of love can be understood
In this place where everything is perfectly right.
All activity done is with much fulfillment.

One does not have to die first to experience
The presence of divinity and of spirit.
You can put yourself in the mode of receiving
Information from spirit by your believing
It can happen. You have not the need to fear it.
What you can get from it can be really immense.

Defining Who God Is

Changing Sky

In the present moment you have total access
To the power of life itself. Need you define
What it is that keeps energy flowing through you?
People need to have some kind of rational clue
To deal with the ineffable, so we align
With a standard that represents our righteousness.

We spend God awful time defining the divine
When we could be experiencing it always.
‘It’ becomes a real consciousness that is within
And without. When your mind is quiet you begin
To experience ‘It’ in ways that will amaze
And fulfill you because you are of ‘Its’ design.

This continuum of life, from our perspective,
Is a bit screwy. We believe that we come here,
Live our lives, and then pass over into spirit.
But we’re always in spirit. Our lives we don’t quit.
After ‘death’ we are focused on what is most dear
To the heart. We are all a spirit collective.

Our belief is only a poor substitute for
The reality itself. No mental concept
Can compare to the feeling of divinity.
We are meant to experience ‘It’ consciously.
In the heart is where much of our knowing is kept.
Our intention is what always opens the door.

You Can’t Give Away What You Don’t Have

Giving Heart

“You can’t give away what you don’t have.” People who
Are not good at giving away love cannot give
It because they do not have it to give away.
You get back from the world how you feel everyday
About life. It’s precisely the way that you live
That determines what life will reflect back to you.

When you stop asking yourself, “What’s in it for me?”
And instead ask, “In what way can I assist you?”
You begin shifting energy. The universe
Will ask you the same question, then it will disburse
Many blessings upon you, and all that you do
Will be given back to you exponentially.

If you have anger, fear, or contempt in your heart
Then that’s what you’re projecting, so what you get back
Is exactly what you put out – grief and despair.
You will find that you take your hatred everywhere.
If it’s kept up, it may lead to a heart attack.
From a wholesome life your sickness holds you apart.

The ego teaches us that who ‘I am’ is not
Only what I have. It’s what I accomplish too.
We get hung up on the idea of success.
We’re obsessed with this illusion of happiness.
Life is not about all of the things we accrue.
Give away what you have and you get back a lot.

The Bigger Picture

In Perfect Proximity

The perfection of who you are is nothing new
To the universe since you are a part of it.
It is perfect in every way and it reflects
How you feel about your life. Your feeling affects
How it treats you. So it is to your benefit
To be happy. In this way, more joy comes to you.

Find a way to love yourself no matter what may
Be your negative programming. You are not here
To work hard at redemption. You’re more than worthy
Of wellbeing and happiness. Get yourself free
From the mindset of lack generated by fear.
Don’t let what others think of you lead you astray.

You want to talk to fewer people about stuff
And to be much more generally accepting
Of what’s going on. You want to step back and see
How this earth spinning in perfect proximity
To other spatial bodies is an awesome thing.
Wonder is such that you can never get enough.

Understanding The Bigger Picture, you’re aware
Of the higher thoughts that hold the planets in place
And that you can tap into. Your best creating
Is done when you know that all is advocating
For your utter fulfillment. The infinite grace
Of the universe is for everyone to share.

You Are Given All The Clues

Questions For Magnification

You have put with precision details into your
Vortex of Creation. But what the heck is that?
It’s the state of being where all that you desire
Coalesces. All that you’ve wanted your entire
Existence is contained there. So right off the bat
It’s something to consider had you not before.

You can call it your Inner Being if that makes
It a bit easier for you to understand.
It remembers all that you have ever wished for
Even though you can’t. It contains a whole lot more
Than you could comprehend. What you’ve put there is grand.
Get to know more about it whatever it takes.

You never give up a dream, but sometimes you give
Up resistance and then the dream happens for you.
How much of what you’ve asked for are you letting in?
If you can make yourself happy you can begin
To partake of your Vortex. It has every clue
That you need to live the way that you want to live.

You’re guided along your path of least resistance
In each moment by your Inner Being who knows
Your vibrational escrow and is most aware
Of the thing that you have to do to get you there
To that place where the provident universe shows
How much it can delight you. Do give it the chance.

Let Go And Trust


Let’s put things into context. I’m going to be
In the workforce. I’m graduating from college
In a short while. I’m really excited about
Doing interviews. I’ve many talents to tout
Way beyond all my training and expert knowledge,
But things don’t seem to be working out easily.

For the most part, though, I enjoy where I’m at now.
Some days are better than others generally,
But the difficulty comes when I focus on
What sometimes feels like struggle. My dream has not gone
By the wayside at those times. The best part of me
Is the one that has taught all of me to allow.

If I see what’s gone wrong, I stir up the contrast
And invite idle worry about rejection,
But it also shoots off a rocket of desire
To the universe which accepts what I require
In a system that operates with perfection.
I’ll see only what I want and remain steadfast.

All I need is to get into that trusting place
And accept that I’m worthy of what I ask for.
There’s no limit to how much good can come to me.
I can have things just the way I want them to be.
I know that I’ll forever be asking for more
Of the universe’s fund of infinite grace.

Who Are You?

Big Look

When you get who you are, and when you get how who
The real you really feels, you’re beginning to be
A vibrational match to who you truly are.
Only those who are ignorant find it bizarre
That each person creates their own reality,
So, be glad that this knowledge is made clear for you.

Your power of influence is so huge that those
Who are watching are dazzled by your confidence.
Things work out for you. Life is ever evolving.
You do not have to waste time and effort solving
Life’s unsolvable issues. What makes better sense
Is to stay in alignment amid the shadows.

You came forth to identify what you want and
To enjoy life in its constant and eternal
Stream of exquisite beauty. You’re one with the flow
Of abundance and wellbeing because you know
That all of existence remains spiritual.
Your purpose on this earth is to further expand.

Now and then, you may find yourself paddling upstream
Against all that you want, and this contradiction
In your energy manifests as misery
In some aspect of your life. You’d much rather be
In a place where you experience no friction.
When you know who you are, your life can be a dream.

How To Ask

A Sea Of Asking

If you feel good when you’re imagining the things
That you want most in life, then the spirit in you
Is in lock step agreement with your daydreaming
Because your inner being is always beaming
The highest of vibrations. That’s all it can do.
It’s in tune with your happiest mind wanderings.

Anytime that you feel negative emotion,
It means that your inner being is nowhere near
In alignment with the thought that has put you there.
Whatever the thought is, your spirit doesn’t share
The same view. It believes that everyone is dear.
It will consider not any other notion.

You can tell negative thoughts from those that are not.
How they feel should be noticed so you can decide
Whether or not to continue. Be more aware
Of your thoughts and emotions. The more that you care
About feeling your best, the less you are denied
Life’s blessings. Your vibration does matter a lot.

“Do you think that all things are possible for me?”
“What would you think if someone called me something bad?

Just keep asking questions of your inner being.
If you feel good when asking, then it’s agreeing
With whatever it is. You can only be glad
That you inner being is with you completely.

Purpose And Meaning

Life's Target

Nobody needs to ask the enormous question,
“What is my purpose?” It can be found in service.
Put your attention on making life better for
Someone else. To touch someone’s life is truly more
Valuable than a fortune. You can find bliss
By making life just a bit better for someone.

That’s how God thinks. You can achieve God consciousness
Through a number of practices or none at all.
You don’t need anything more than your willingness
To serve others. Your divine nature you express
As you share love with others. No kind act is small.
Do not be concerned with material success.

The day shift is about what you can and can’t do,
And you’re judged by society in many ways.
When the shift is over, it’s time to reconnect
To the energy that handles every aspect
Of existence. In this way, you consciousness stays
In alignment with the expanded part of you.

Surrender to that something that’s bigger than you.
Whatever you may call it, it is in control.
In so doing, the meaning of life is made clear.
You want to make someone’s life better while you’re here.
We each are a part of a magnificent whole.
Let the God source within you tell you what to do.


From The Heart

From a compressed perspective, the world that we know
Could use lots of acceptance and understanding.
Glaringly apparent are the imbalances
Among health, wealth, and freedom. What are the chances
Of survival when there’s so much hate happening?
Spiritually, we have a long way to go.

That’s just one way of seeing things. There may be more,
But statistics interpret our reality.
If you have food, a place to sleep, and clothes to wear,
You are richer than most in the world. So is there
A reason to be grateful? Most definitely!
There is more than enough one can be grateful for.

If you’ve never experienced imprisonment,
Or the pangs of starvation, you’re more fortunate
Than one half billion people. If you can attend
A church meeting, not fearing it may be the end
Of existence, you have reason to celebrate.
Let the numbers enlighten you to some extent.

Treasuring our divinity means being in
A constant state of appreciation. Looking
For occasions to be joyful and in a state
Of sheer gratitude is the best way to create
A fulfilling life no matter what’s happening.
Making peace with where you are is how to begin.

Reverence For Life

Home Hearth

How can I offer to someone else that which I
Would like to have for myself and not care about
Whether or not I get it? Life has more meaning
As I become more spiritually leaning.
If I have love to give, then there can be no doubt
That there are those who need it. I can’t wonder why.

There is a universal Field of Attention.
Some call it God and some call it Source energy.
It looks like giving with not a thing coming back.
It has nothing to do with the mindset of lack.
It is serving. It doesn’t judge. It constantly
Offers love beyond anyone’s comprehension.

Natural is sincerity and gentleness.
True compassion for others and simplicity
Are the keys to enlightenment. Who I am now
Is someone who has finally learned to allow
Higher consciousness to become a part of me.
It is God within me who I want to express.

To believe that I need what I don’t have is one
Definition of insanity. Already
I have all that I ever need right within me.
The laws of the material world I now see
Don’t define the person who I have come to be.
I cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.

Shift Your Thoughts

Mental Maintenance

What’s missing isn’t missing. It’s well on the way.
Think about manifesting this way and you will
Be in perfect alignment with your cherished dream.
Don’t be fearful of focusing in the extreme
On the thing that you’re wanting. Just go for the thrill
Of daydreaming. In a positive mood you’ll stay.

There’s no trick to getting your thoughts more harmonized
With ‘that which does nothing but leaves nothing undone.’
It can be the natural way you think always.
Life can be offered to you with fragrant bouquets.
You’re that which is eternal, and you are the one
Who can choose to be happy and God energized.

“With my luck it won’t work out.” This sick attitude
Is a tape played by many. “With my luck it will
Show up faster than normal.”
Now, this is the way

To speak to the universe. It’s a brand-new day
When you can get the negative mind to be still.
You’ll achieve easily whatever is pursued.

You will become a collaborator with fate.
When you let go of gossip, the cheap tabloid news,
And the negative circus. You can radiate
Outward God realized thinking. Do not let hate
Become part of your consciousness. You are one whose
Powerful mind can keep you in a happy state.


Peaceful Alignment

You will have an awareness that lets you see things
That were kept hidden from you. You still will chop wood,
Carry water, and meditate. You will enhance
The meaning of coincidence. Life is not chance
 When the laws of the universe are understood.
You become tolerant of the mind’s wanderings.

You won’t entertain doubts about your worthiness.
You will feel loved and nourished spiritually.
Both your inner and outer experiences
Have new meaning. You’ll find no need for defenses.
You are the universal source of energy.
When you know this you have unlimited access.

Fear that immobilizes you will go away
As you feel the presence of the divine in you.
All weakness and falsehood come from the refusal
To accept divine guidance. You can’t play it small
By your not realizing what you know is true.
The evolved self within you is on full display.

You’ll know the power and ecstasy of silence.
It’s the only voice of our God. All profound things
And emotions are preceded and attended
By omnipotent silence. It’s rather splendid.
You become more conscious of divine offerings.
Becoming is a wonderful experience.

Those Internal Callings

Flames Of Desire

What most people regret when they come to the end
Of their journey on this earth is that they did not
Have the courage to live the life they were meant to.
We are all destined. We each have something to do
That’s unique and of value. You can do a lot
More than you may believe. Your doubt you can transcend.

Most people are living their lives just to fit in.
They are doomed to follow somebody else’s rules.
Most of us don’t allow ourselves the freedom to
Listen to Those Internal Callings that come through
To the surface of consciousness. They are the tools
Of divine inspiration and not those of sin.

The most important thing about being inspired
Is to understand what the word inspired does mean.
If you break it down, it means, ‘in spirit,’ and so,
It’s a message from spirit. It’s good that you know
That you are spirit and that you’re senses are keen
In perceiving that part of you if so desired.

You don’t have to die to be in touch with spirit.
That’s because you are spirit. From that awareness,
Everything shifts. There’s nothing that you cannot do.
You have accessed the most exalted part of you.
What is it in this world that you want to express?
There’s no reason on earth that you’d have to fear it.

Acting From A Broader Perspective

Vantage Point

What it’s like to be human is what we all share.
No matter what we look like or how we behave,
Each and everyone of us is a part of God.
Is this notion blasphemous? Let’s lose the façade
Of complete separation. The soul to be saved
Is the one who does not want to become aware.

The body has its limits. There are boundaries
Regarding its performance. The mind, however,
Can think any thought it wants. It is limitless.
Through our thinking we have unlimited access
To the highest of wisdom. In your endeavor
To think uplifting thoughts, you find comfort and ease.

You don’t have to be Mother Teresa to see
Divineness in all people. We each have a heart.
We all know what it feels like to hurt deep inside
And we know happiness. It cannot be denied
To the ‘least’ of us. Each one of us is a part
Of the whole and the essence of divinity.

Look into who you’re looking at and let them know
That you care what they think about and how they feel.
We each have an observer – the small voice within.
From a broader perspective the heart will begin
To see past form and get to the part that is real.
In this way then spiritually you will grow.

A Spiritual Solution

The Asking

There’s an omnipotent spiritual Force at
Our fingertips that contains the solution to
All our problems. Their vibrations are different
From that of their solutions. If I’m in torment,
Then there is one of two things I can choose to do.
Life is not any more complicated than that.

I find myself reacting to situations
Instead of responding in a calm and cool way.
When the world seems insane, I can take a step back,
But I don’t sometimes. That’s why I’m so out of whack.
I create my own crises. The price that I pay
In so doing is seeking unwise solutions.

To react from a place of fear or to respond
From a place of alignment… These are my choices.
It’s easy to trust life when things are going well,
But through times of uncertainty and certain hell,
Can I get to a place where my heart rejoices?
Yes, it’s possible. My mind is a magic wand.

I’m the conscious decision maker of how I
Feel in each and every moment. I can impact
This world in better ways, if spiritually,
I can see the bigger picture much more clearly.
With the Force that supports me, I keep close contact.
It can become for me a most helpful ally.

Your Own Candle Flame

Singular Flame

Whatever you’ve got going on in your life in
The way of animosity, pain, bitterness,
Or anguish toward anyone, it will never
Let you go. It will cling on to you forever.
It will interfere greatly with your life unless
You do something about it. Where should you begin?

Let it go. You don’t have to make any phone calls
Or let anyone else know. You can purify
Your heart by simply saying, “Love is forgiving.
It is also for giving.”
The life you’re living

Can be free of toxicity if you will try
To eliminate all of your negative walls.

Only orange juice can come from an orange when it’s squeezed.
When you are under pressure, what tends to come out?
If it’s anger, hatred, tension and depression,
Then that must have been in you. Its full expression
Is triggered by the squeezing. Is there any doubt
That you can get quite nasty when you are displeased?

There is a candle that burns inside you always.
It cannot be extinguished completely, although
Wind and moisture will cause it to dance and flicker.
You can make the wick of your own candle thicker
By remembering all that you are meant to know.
As your flame remains steady, it brightens your days.

Love Of Life

Joy Of Being

To turn thoughts into things is why you have come here
To this leading-edge planet. You’re an extension
Of divine energy. You are co-creating
With eight billion others. It’s a wonderful thing
To be living in this physical dimension.
There are so many things within it to hold dear.

This environment is one of diversity –
Not of sameness. The world is becoming much more
Than it ever was. You came to participate
In this mass evolution. You appreciate
Every opportunity you have to explore
The contrast to determine how good life can be.

You knew things that you knew you would not remember
Upon coming here. There is a separation
That you fully agreed to, but you have guidance.
Don’t think that you arrived here totally by chance.
You are part of the magnificent creation
Of a life on earth that most people would prefer.

You love taking your inner being to places
That it has never been before. You’re its tour guide
As it leads you to happiness along the way.
It does not condemn you if you choose to betray
Its influence. You have the freedom to decide
To be receptive to spiritual graces.

When I Don’t Feel Like Doing It.

Overcoming Reluctance

I just don’t feel like doing it, and I’m afraid
That my procrastination is not good for my
Growing business. If I’m action oriented,
Then there’s only one way for me to get ahead.
It’s by acting, but I don’t know the reason why
I’m not feeling excited. In fact, I’m dismayed.

If I get moving anyway even though I
Don’t feel like it, the result will be disaster.
It can’t be the right time if I don’t feel like it.
What could I do that would be to my benefit?
Is there yet another skill set I must master?
Is there some way of dealing with this I can try?

If I let go of the oars, my boat turns downstream.
Alignment before action is the way to go.
My dominant intent is to give my thoughts to
My dream so profoundly that it has to come true.
I’ll receive by insight all that I need to know.
My alignment with my dream must remain supreme.

Action can be delicious when done from a place
Of my knowing and feeling deep inside of me
That I must be delighted in getting things done.
I remember how in the beginning I had fun.
That place of fulfillment is where I want to be.
I will do what I do with a smile on my face.

When You Really Want Something

The Superlative Strength Of Desire

Let’s say you’re without something that you really want.
Your thoughts are dominated. You’re almost obsessed
With this something. It keeps you up all through the night.
That it’s not coming to you just doesn’t seem right.
You believe you are giving it only your best.
There is nothing about life that you care to vaunt.

You need not write it down again or set a goal.
The larger part of you has already received
Your request and is on it. Bring yourself into
Alignment with its coming. The more you can do
To release some resistance, the more is achieved
For receiving what is at the heart of your soul.

Go more general at first. Your situation
Truly sucks, so diffuse the specifics of it.
From a broader perspective, this too shall pass on.
You will feel better when some resistance is gone
From your overall makeup. You’ve the benefit
Of the freedom of choosing your best vibration.

Through your suffering, you have already begun
The process of receiving. You were in a place
Of not being receptive to helpful insight
That will lead you to what you want. It’s a delight
When, while wanting, you can keep a smile on your face.
In this way, you can better your situation.

Pay Attention To One Thing

Singularity Of Focus

There are lots of things you can’t control with action,
But you can control anything from the standpoint
Of alignment with what you believe can come true.
Controlling your vibration is easy to do.
It’s a magical essence you use to anoint
Every day of your life with excitement and fun.

When you get to a place, though, where you can create
What you want, you stop trying to make anything
Happen for you. Things just seem to fall into place.
It’s as if you have tapped into infinite grace,
And it’s true. It’s amazing what focus can bring
Into your life experience and not by fate.

The vibrational frequency you’re achieving,
Practicing and maintaining attracts unto you
Everything that you have. What your mind can believe
Has everything to do with what you can receive.
What will you get if you’re constantly feeling blue?
Innocent little thoughts of lack are deceiving.

There’s no ‘Should I or shouldn’t I’ when you’re aligned
With who you really are. There’s only certainty
That things always work out for you in the long run.
There’s no rush and no effort in getting things done.
Pay Attention To One Thing: how to get happy.
Abundance and wellbeing you’re likely to find.

Instant Treasure

Quick Jackpot Jubilation

Knowing has less resistance than belief, and doubt
Has a lot of resistance. You’re on a journey
Endless in its duration. You’re somewhere between
Your belief and your knowing what has not been seen
As of yet. You remain as happy as can be.
There’s no need for you to figure anything out.

Knowing has no resistance. Belief has a bit
In that in your believing, you are noticing
The absence of what you want. This must be okay
Since there’s no way around it. You cannot betray
Laws of physics or spirit. When you are knowing,
Then belief is of no functional benefit.

What will it really feel like when your dream comes true?
Grab a hold of that feeling, in fact, fantasize
And milk it for all its worth. Get into a state
Of excitement. In essence, you don’t have to wait
For the thing that you want to materialize
To feel good in this moment. What else can you do?

Talk about the prosperity in your life now.
Things you have already you can appreciate.
Feel as happy on your way as you will be when
You get there. You can feel good again and again.
It’s the wonderful journey you want to create
In each moment. In this way, you learn to allow.

Love Is Worth Lining Up With

Allegiance To Violence

Congressmen who think smoke breaks are more important
Than the health of the nation are now in control
Of the mindset of others who want to secede.
A divorce they now call it. Mass death is their creed.
How do people act as if they have not a soul?
Civil war would be something to win, yet they can’t.

So, do we have a problem? Houston doesn’t care.
Arrogance now means honor. It’s useless to try
To butt heads with such beings. Just leave it alone.
Would it be worthy if some compassion were shown?
Hatred is an infection. That’s the reason why
People fear to get near it. They know what is there.

Love is the only answer. It sounds so cliché,
But it’s so. Your reality is created
Only with your thoughts and feelings. When you’re aligned
With your true self, no kind of hatred will you find.
In your gut is where your guidance is located.
Love remains all inclusive. That’s how it shall stay.

Politicians are people. They can’t solve for you
Any problems you may have. Let them help create
Your version of a better world. Pay attention
Only to it. One could call it war prevention.
Always it’s best to stay in a positive state.
You can’t hate when you’re happy. You know this is true.

Learn To Be Alone

Perfect Solitude

Alone time increases empathy. When you spend
Time with your circle of friends, you may get into
A ‘we versus them’ kind of a mentality.
Spending time alone truly will help you to be
More compassionate with all other people who
Aren’t in your inner circle. To all you’re a friend.

Solitude can increase your productivity.
There’s a reason why lots of authors and artists
Want to live in log cabins far out in the woods.
They can see that nature can deliver the goods.
Inspiration comes from everything that exists.
From the chatter of others you set yourself free.

People are social creatures, and it’s important
In our lives to have strong connections with others.
But it’s also important to spend time alone.
Of the many studies conducted, all have shown
That an increase in life satisfaction occurs
When you take time to be alone. Don’t say you can’t.

Simply sit and do nothing but take in the air.
The mind’s chatter will gradually dissipate.
For a day or so, stay completely out of touch.
Everyone will respect that you’re caring this much
About your health, which cannot be up for debate.
Of yourself you become much more deeply aware.

Because You Believe

Love In Hands

You were born with a strong sense of your wellbeing
But not with practiced control of your vibration.
So, you practice. As you explore enough contrast,
You launch brand new desires. Your horizons are vast.
You want to become a master of creation,
So you think only those thoughts that are heart freeing.

When you want something and it does not come to be,
You may think that some outside force is preventing
It from coming. Believing yields more evidence
That it just may not happen. It doesn’t make sense.
To believe what you want won’t come is tormenting.
It remains a big part of your reality.

A belief is just a thought that you continue
To keep thinking. Your observation of something
Holds it in your vibration, then you attract more
Of the same. If it is something that you adore,
Then your focus upon it can be fulfilling.
But if it’s not, is there something that you can do?

You can stop thinking it. You can cease offering
The vibration of your current situation.
Don’t deny what you’re feeling. Just feel something new.
By focusing in another direction, you
Can change your belief into a much better one.
By your believing, you can create anything.

Absolute Freedom

Open Air Bliss

On your right path you can never be other than,
But there is the human tendency to try to
Find an answer in someone else. Your clarity
Comes from your inner being. You are meant to be
Independently and consciously sifting through
Life’s contrast. You are doing what no one else can.

You are born with the innate knowledge that it should
Be a pleasure to be alive. Every moment
Is a growing experience, but after time
You forget due to others who commit the crime
Of informing you of their extreme discontent.
If you speak about joy, you are misunderstood.

You become more comparative. Your interest
Is in how you appear to other folks instead
Of how it feels to you. Your intentions erode.
The momentum toward your desires is slowed.
You’ve no enthusiasm for what lies ahead.
Nothing more than what is now do you manifest.

With a basic triad of intentions you came.
Freedom, growth, and joy they are, and your expansion
Is inevitable. Look within for balance.
You can feel happiness in any circumstance.
You cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.
The freedom of your childhood you now can reclaim.

Your Path Will Be Shown

Spiritual Direction

So, I started a business that gives me much bliss.
I bring value to others. I find alignment
With my purpose for being. It’s not progressing.
Perhaps I try too hard. Maybe I’m obsessing
Over things that I shouldn’t. Some more refinement
Is in order here. Something for sure is amiss.

It is hard to take score and not be affected
By its outcome. Therefore, it affects what comes next.
It’s not easy to stay optimistic when you
Are not getting enough for the work that you do.
The business aspect of it renders you perplexed.
Thus, the failure of it can’t be unexpected.

You can set it aside. Step back from it and see
How you feel about it. Don’t decide anything
When you’re not feeling your best. It’s best to chill out
For a while. It’s your duty to know beyond doubt
Whether or not it is worth your continuing.
It could be that the business was not meant to be.

What are you being called to? Be forward looking
And solution oriented. No creation
Is ever completed. Throughout eternity,
Your intention is to be who you’re meant to be.
Creation is the same as consideration
Of the path least resistant. It is everything.