Tag Archive | process

Wouldn’t It Be Nice If…?

Positive Consideration

Wouldn’t It Be Nice If I won the lottery?
With a huge sum of money the things I could do
To help others and myself would be off the charts.
What I really want to do is touch people’s hearts
With my sense of wellbeing. I’d have many new
Ways of expressing my love for humanity.

Wouldn’t It Be Nice If… is a game that I play
With myself and the universe quite frequently
About big things and small then I just let them go.
I know that the provident universe will show
Me the signs of my asking sometimes instantly.
Sometimes they come with a little bit of delay.

“If I only had it…” or “I wish that I had…”
Are sentences that inherently imply lack.
Modify what you’re saying. “Wouldn’t It Be Nice
If I had it?”
This way of speaking will suffice.

If you speak out of absence you won’t receive jack.
Wouldn’t It Be Nice If your faith were your comrade?

The reason that it’s so powerful is that it
Is soft and easy. Not out of desperation
Do you want to speak. Cling not to what you desire.
Happiness is the only thing you need acquire.
Keep on paying attention to your vibration.
Things that happen reflect the vibe that you transmit.

More Powerful Than Meditation

Simply Appreciate

Your Vortex is a compilation of what you
Believe possible. Your life most often is not.
Your beliefs are reflecting your outer life through
Your inner conversations. When you’re feeling blue
Things that make you feel happy don’t matter a lot.
That’s when you need to find something pleasant to do.

Reach for a better feeling thought. Keep doing so
Until it becomes easy to get yourself to
A state of pure alignment with all that exists.
You know that your Vortex of Creation consists
Of all that you’ve ever wanted. It’s all for you.
Delight in richly positive thoughts as they flow.

Meditate. Do something that will quiet the mind.
Do your visualizing, lists of positive
Aspects, and dream boards. Do whatever you can do
To get rid of the negativity in you.
Follow your gut instinct. It tells you how to live
Properly. No better guidance system you’ll find.

You can be in a state of appreciation.
In this case also you offer no resistance
And it feels good to do so more so than any
Other process. You just have to try it and see
If it causes any change in your circumstance.
Take advantage of your Vortex of Creation.

Creating Momentum

Fun Cycle

When you get something moving it gains momentum.
On its own it continues without added force.
You can keep the thing moving or not if you choose.
Perhaps this isn’t the most exciting of news
But there’s value in all information. Of course
What is shared may be of some benefit to some.

If you think about something for just a short while –
Seventeen seconds or so – then you’ll generate
More thoughts like it. If you keep on thinking this way
You’ll begin to feel something. Indeed if you stay
Steadily focused on it then you will create
An attracting vibrational feeling profile.

After the sixty-eight second mark there’s enough
Momentum to begin receiving easily
Information from your more evolved consciousness.
All you need to accomplish to have some success
Is now done. You’ve created vibrationally
The condition for receiving lots of good stuff.

Don’t try to deal with the condition rather than
The emotion. Feel your way into happiness
In each moment. The world will be more kind to you.
Creating Momentum is so easy to do.
The power of the whole universe you possess.
You can do more for yourself than anyone can.

Source Offers You A Signal

Purple Waves

You know that you’ve a strong and wise inner guidance
However sometimes you’re afraid that you may not
Be translating it properly yet you know that
Your reception of guidance is doomed to fall flat
If you think you’re not getting a hell of a lot.
How can you get your head around this circumstance?

Make your statements about what you want to create –
Not about what you’re fearful of. Then you will be
In the state of allowing what you want to come.
Negative statements you want to stay away from.
Your inner guidance speaks to you rather loudly.
Nothing about your life happens to you by fate.

There’s a wise Source within you who knows everything
You’ve been wanting since day one and even before.
It knows where you are now and how to get you to
Where you want to be so it’s important for you
To tune into its signal. You need not do more
Than be happy. Do whatever makes your heart sing.

It’s about preparation. Put some space between
Your asking and your hearing what Source has to say.
You’ll get inspiration and impulses to act
In such ways that you’re much more able to attract
What you’re looking for. It will come to you by way
Of your working on keeping your vibration clean.

Focus Wheeling And Freedom

Cosmic Target

If you think you need to clean up some resistance
In your life on a specific topic you may
Do a focus wheel feeling that it’s all you need
To deal with it and without a doubt you’ll succeed
With your clean up and you’ll cast resistance away.
This works rather well under any circumstance.

The idea of cleaning up a vibration
Has some resistance in it because there’s something
To clean up and if you focus on it too long
Or too hard then you send the universe the wrong
Affirmation and what you don’t want it will bring.
Too much focus wheeling leads to your frustration.

So when you find yourself weary of the subject
It’s a sign that your offering too much effort.
At that point you can give up. “Enough Already!”
You can say to yourself. You have reason to be
Liberated. The process you need to abort
If you’re not getting from it what you would expect.

Once you give it up you reach an uncluttered space
Of becoming aware that you can start anew
On a fresh subject where there’s no cleaning to do.
Allow yourself to witness your dream coming true
By surrendering to the evolved part of you.
Shift you focus to something you fully embrace.

Create Who You Are

Living Art

You’ve an axis of power when you surrender
To the infinite interior of your soul.
“I don’t know” is your mantra. You don’t try to force
Anything. You’ve learned how to rely on your source
Of creative influence. That which makes you whole
Has become your own emotional scale tender.

The Brahman is unknown to those who know it and
Is known to those who know it not. Anytime you
Voluntarily give up control you access
The unlimited power of your consciousness.
You may be limited by the things you cling to
But how to let go of them you now understand.

Much energy can be wasted on self-defense
Or in trying to make things conform to your will.
You know now that it makes you not trust anyone.
You’re the dictator who knows not how to have fun.
Letting go requires no special rigorous skill.
Being efficient comes with too great an expense.

The true power within you allows you to be
The cooperative component in your own
Self creation. You’ve learned how to be satisfied
With yourself as you are and to take certain pride
In how much in the way of consciousness you’ve grown.
Happiness comes with living in humility.

When You Feel Like Quitting


My life is in the darkest of darkest valleys.
At the moment I search for a means of escape
From this grip of reality but for a while.
It’s been ages since I had a hint of a smile
On my face. My life is in deplorable shape.
Why is it that life has brought me to my damned knees?

Beautiful things can come from my broken pieces.
I can give those shards the chance to turn me around,
It’s okay to be scared and it’s okay to cry
But I can’t quit. I have to give it my best try
Until some powerful breaking point can be found
And my will to continue my quest increases.

Everything that I’m going through is preparing
Me for what I have asked for. It’s in the process
Of becoming. I need to get out of the way
Of it coming and put confidence on display
With my person and focus on my happiness.
My work is in the area of self-caring.

I may not see it now but on the other side
Of this current dilemma I’ll see exactly
Why it had to go this way. What I have is hope
Which is all I need in order for me to cope.
I can know that the process exists to help me
To be with this most fettered life more satisfied.

Sifting Through The Contrast


This world offers me contrast. I like it when I
Engage it day to day without having to be
Ever discouraged by it. My life is a breeze
For the most part. I take everything with much ease.
I know that everything is working out for me.
Fortunate for me is that I don’t have to try.

I’d put forth so much effort to get to a place
Where I couldn’t be satisfied. Now that I’m free
Of the struggle I thought I needed to go through
There’s nothing in the universe that I can’t do,
Be, or have. I’ve decided that I’m most worthy
Of wellbeing, abundance, and infinite grace.

Effortlessly I’m on the path to everything
That I could ever want and the contrast provides
Opportunities for me to sift and sort out
What I do want from what I don’t. It’s all about
My discernment. My emotional system guides
Me along through whatever may be happening.

Contradictory thought will make me feel like I
Need to try harder in order to compensate
For my not having gotten into alignment
With my spirit. My quest is one of refinement.
Bless the contrast because it gets me to create
A magnificent life – one I cannot deny.

Thinking Too Much And Trying Too Hard


In a state of anxiety over things that
I have no control over, I think way too much
About human continuance. I have my views
About faith in a species that can’t even choose
Survival over profit and power. There’s such
A colossal failure regarding where we’re at.

That’s why I meditate. It puts my mind at ease.
When I focus on nothingness I can suspend
Negative thoughts. In doing so I can achieve
Clarity. It puts me in the mode to receive
Information that will help me to comprehend
Human nature. I long to see as spirit sees.

That’s the piece of the puzzle. I don’t want to get
Invested in the object of my creation
Instead I want to enjoy the state of being
With my inner being forever agreeing.
My discomfort is my truest indication
That I’m generating way too much psychic sweat.

I cannot pay an uncomfortable price and
Give life my best performance. I’ll do whatever
Is needed that is possible for me to do.
“Let go of your old habits and welcome the new”
Is a motto that may not be all that cleaver
But it’s one that both spirit and I understand.

Make It Easy For Yourself

Simple Delight

To anticipate positively is easy
If you haven’t been negatively doing so.
Make It Easy For Yourself.  Meditate early
In the day. Segment intend so that you can be
In control of your moments. Let wellbeing flow
Into your life. You are meant to live happily.

And don’t try so hard to make this about thinking.
Let it be about receiving information
From the Source that knows all. You’re not separate from
The all knowing consciousness from where all things come.
Powerful is the mind that wants to get things done.
In so doing a person may end up drinking.

When a tree falls in the forest it makes no sound
If there’s no one to hear it and in the same way
If you’re not thinking thoughts that separate you from
Who you truly are then many blessings will come.
Pay attention to what your spirit has to say.
Usually it’s nothing complex or profound.

“I like my feeling of becoming. I like the
Feeling of the influence I’m under and I
Like receiving impulses. I love having fun
And I know that I will never get it all done.
With what my spirit suggests I want to comply.
More than anything else I love being happy.”

The Power Of Your Why

Colorful Questioning

When you’re ready to quit you must ask yourself why
You decided to do it. Therein lies the key
To continuing through it. Remember why you
Chose to take on this thing. It’s because you want to
Be your best. Any pain you endure happily.
Just keep asking the question when things go awry.

Why you need your why is because it will give you
The advantage you need to get past the despair
That you feel during tough times. The pain doesn’t last
For a long time. Your why will help you to get past
Disillusionment. Asking why makes you aware
Of your purpose in doing what you want to do.

Don’t ask questions that you or no one can answer
And don’t look outside yourself for information.
Go within and ask why you are feeling the way
That you do. You know well the answer, so to stay
Optimistic in your quest is easily done
When you keep yourself focused on what you prefer.

Life is not always easy. The question is how
Will you respond in those moments of frustration.
There will be seasons of suffering and dismay
But with your perseverance in life you will stay
In the running. Your life is your own creation.
There’s no limit to what you can do here and now.

Your Daily To Do List

Focus Moment

Since this morning you’ve had a chance to meditate,
Change your thinking, and get up to speed with who you
Really are. You know that quieting your mind will
Stop your resistant thinking. When your mind is still
You can come out of it knowing just what to do
With your day – one in which only you can create.

When you quiet your mind you stop resistant thought.
This will cause your vibration to rise. When you run
Or take walks or interact with those who you love
Your vibration increases. It’s way far above
What is normal for most folks. You can be the one
Whose true sense of wellbeing can never be bought.

Anything that will move you in the direction
Of who you truly are will put you in a place
Of receiving direction on how to proceed
With your day. Any method that you use will lead
To a day characterized by provident grace.
Your appreciation strengthens your connection.

So, get on rampages of appreciation.
Make lists of positive aspects. Quiet your mind
Several times throughout your day as you set goals,
Offer effort, and make plans. Be one of those souls
Who has found the best way to keep yourself aligned
With your higher self. It’s cause for celebration.

Change Your Life Within Days

New Lease On Life

You do have absolute creative control of
Your own experience, in fact you intended
To have that before you came here. With that control
You have dominant vibrations. They play a role
In your overall attitude. Recommended
Is that you tune your vibration to that of love.

You can tell what your dominant vibrations are.
When you think about money do you feel freedom,
Fun, and fancy? Or do you have feelings of dread?
Your habit of vibration is easily read
By yourself and by others. As you beat your drum
It is heard by the universe both near and far.

There’s a game that’s called virtual reality.
It is used to enhance your point of attraction.
Think a thought that already makes you feel happy
Then just stay there for thirty seconds. You will be
Magnetized by the feeling. This simple action
Of the mind and heart is something done easily.

Practice this. It will get easier as you do.
Give yourself a vacation from what you’re facing.
Within thirty days your dominant vibration
Will reflect all the positive work you have done.
Virtual reality is worth embracing.
You will be the one who sets the tone within you.

This Is Who You Really Are

The Real You

There’s something quite extraordinary going on
Here and many don’t even know what it could be
Nor what it’s all about yet it is happening
All the time every moment. It’s interesting
That people ignore this happening completely.
That their minds are set is the conclusion foregone.

It is Life that is happening. There’s a process
Being undertaken in life by life, and that
Is hugely paradoxical. It’s as if we
Are creating God from the inside out. We see
Evidence that is worth taking a good look at.
Life surrounds us in all the ways it can express.

Life exists in all of its forms and the beauty
Of the night sky, the wonders of nature, or the
Expression of humanity are all part of
All that is and the basis of living is love.
It’s the ultimate act, one of divine glory
Because within everyone yourself you can see.

You take part in it in a brand new way when you
Understand what is happening. Then you become
More aware and on purpose. Intentionally
You will act and you’ll know what it’s like to be free
Of uncertainty concerning where you come from.
You are the miracle that in God’s dream came true.

When You Feel Like Quitting

Moment Of Desperation

The extreme desperation is making you feel
Like you shouldn’t have started. You feel you cannot
Follow through with your program. In deep depression
You remain, and your constant facial expression
Is one of misery. You give it all you’ve got,
  But so far, things have not been the cherished ideal.

In the darkest of darkest valleys you reside.
What you need is hope. Beautiful things can come from
Your conundrum and all of its broken pieces.
Push on through until the moment’s torment ceases.
Keeping your thoughts on track will alleviate some
Of the negative self-talk which doesn’t help you.

It’s okay to be scared or to cry, but it’s not
To give up. This is not the end. It matters how
You are going to finish. You can completely
Mess your life up, then turn it around easily,
But you have to keep going. You must not allow
The present to keep you in a terrible spot.

Your great life is ahead of you. It’s not behind.
Everything that you’re going through is preparing
You for what you have asked for. A work in progress
Is you life, and the key to your true happiness
Is to trust in the process and be more caring
About how you are feeling and your state of mind.


Grasp Of Hope

The mind is the faculty of human beings
To reason and to think. It includes perception,
Thinking, memory, opinions, consciousness, and
Judgment. It has the potential to understand,
Imagine, recognize, and get many things done.
It is responsible for processing feelings.

In spiritually advanced thought, this thinking
Mind is the ego. It’s in fact called the small mind.
Dualistic in nature, it identifies
Itself as a person. It assumes the disguise
Of a personal construct wherein it will find
Dominance. It’s addicted to what that will bring.

The egoic lower mind is attached to and
Quite infatuated with the thinking process,
Because the delusion of conventional thought
Is its reason for being. It often gets caught
In a psychic dilemma all due to the stress
Of maintaining the false illusion of command.

Spiritual advancement is the consequence
Of undoing the ignorance and dominance
Of the lower ego thinking mind. The process
Is intensified with one’s increased willingness
To evolve and to spiritually advance.
The true mind is the context of one’s existence.


Creative Readiness

Intuition is a sensing of the spirit.
It’s the ability to understand or know
Something instantly based on one’s feelings rather
Than the facts. It’s often described as an inner
Voice or a gut feeling. It is not like a flow
But a flash. Naturally it’s a benefit.

Intuition is an instinctual process
That gains clarity and accuracy the more
One advances spiritually. A knowing
Without knowing, it is the true spirit showing
What’s best for oneself. It is a warning before
Acting in such a way that will cause one distress.

It’s when you know instinctively that something you
Are doing is right or wrong, or when you feel that
Someone is lying to you, or that something just
Isn’t right. It’s a feeling you can learn to trust.
It’s beyond thinking in a logical format.
It’s directly connected to all that is true.

Intuition is a faculty of the mind
But beyond mental processes. You just know it.
Realizations are effortless and freeing.
Intuition is a core part of your being.
It’s a gift out of nowhere for your benefit.
With the spiritual it remains intertwined.

Dissolve All Your Worries

Expression Of Worry

A concern is your in-the-moment focused thought
That there’s something the matter. Your inner being
Does not have the same thought that you do here and now.
The feeling it gives you, you don’t like anyhow.
Because your inner being is not agreeing
With your thought, in a world of confusion you’re caught.

No concern is legitimate. You’re focusing
Upon something and using it as your reason
To not line up with how your inner being sees
What you see as a problem. It never agrees
That there is one. It doesn’t have an off-season.
It cares not to play along with your suffering.

Most concern is habitual. People focus
On things that they don’t want happening to them, so
That becomes their attraction point. The universe
Will deliver more of the same or even worse.
People get so used to experiencing woe
That it’s the topic that they most often discuss.

There’s no reality anyone has to face.
You create it with your thoughts and feelings and by
Following the guidance that’s always within you.
Changing your focus will lead to a big breakthrough.
There’s nothing in the world you need to justify.
Do believe in your access to provident grace.

Uncluttered Desire

Open To The World

The idea of cleaning up your vibration
Has some resistance in it because there’s something
To clean up. You can do too many focus wheels
On the same subject, yet you can stop when it feels
That you’re not making progress. You don’t want to cling
To what’s not working. That will lead to frustration.

You can make something dominant that you prefer
Not to have happen for you by your focusing
Too much on it, then you become weary of the
Feeling of yearning. You’re not vibrationally
Up to speed with your wanting. So you’re offering
Something with which the universe cannot concur.

At that point of surrender, you’ve reached the place where
You begin asking questions. “What can I do now
Since I am starting over? What thoughts can I choose
That will bring me relief, because I’m the one whose
Vibration needs adjusting? What can I allow
That will help me to live a life beyond compare?”

In a dream state you will be when you realize
Your potential for happiness. It’s your desire
That ignites your becoming who you really are.
In this provident universe, nothing can bar
You from your full potential. You may then acquire
Information and insight that will make you wise.

Instant Treasure

Quick Jackpot Jubilation

Knowing has less resistance than belief, and doubt
Has a lot of resistance. You’re on a journey
Endless in its duration. You’re somewhere between
Your belief and your knowing what has not been seen
As of yet. You remain as happy as can be.
There’s no need for you to figure anything out.

Knowing has no resistance. Belief has a bit
In that in your believing, you are noticing
The absence of what you want. This must be okay
Since there’s no way around it. You cannot betray
Laws of physics or spirit. When you are knowing,
Then belief is of no functional benefit.

What will it really feel like when your dream comes true?
Grab a hold of that feeling, in fact, fantasize
And milk it for all its worth. Get into a state
Of excitement. In essence, you don’t have to wait
For the thing that you want to materialize
To feel good in this moment. What else can you do?

Talk about the prosperity in your life now.
Things you have already you can appreciate.
Feel as happy on your way as you will be when
You get there. You can feel good again and again.
It’s the wonderful journey you want to create
In each moment. In this way, you learn to allow.

Manifestation Is Near

Prepared To Receive

Nature never rushes, yet it accomplishes
Everything. What it means is that I am complete.
My desires are inspired. What I want to attract
Into my life is certain and soon to be fact.
Every step toward its realization is sweet
As if the universe responds to my wishes.

The journey should be effortless. When I’m really
In the flow, then the going is easy and fun.
I’ve sifted through the contrast and have decided
What I want. By my inner being I’m guided
In the receiving of what is already done.
I got rid of the effort factor completely.

If I am struggling, then I am slowing things down
Quite a bit. It’s important that I be aware
Of my trying much too hard to make it happen.
It is done! I do not have to go there again.
Of my vibration I must take the utmost care.
I will not receive squat if I’m wearing a frown.

The path of least resistance is something that I
Am encouraged to take. Some say that it’s lazy
To expect something without the hard work involved.
I know that It’s done, so every problem is solved.
I look only for better things coming to me.
With my wishes the kind universe does comply.


From The Heart

Your vortex is a compilation of what you
Believe possible, but your life often is not.
Though the gap between the two can get rather wide,
You can shorten it. You are the one to decide
What is possible for you. It matters a lot
That whatever you dream, it will somehow come true.

You must know that your conscious beliefs do reflect
Your environment through inner conversations.
So your physical human life consists of all
That you have aligned with. You respond to the call
Of your true self by your most profound creations.
How you feel about your life is what you expect.

In the absence of what you want, you’ve asked for it
With great clarity, and the Law of Attraction
Is right on it. You now have to quiet your mind
By some process – indeed any one you can find.
There’s also value in visualization.
Many tools are established for your benefit.

The state of appreciation is the best one
To be in because there can be no resistance.
Thoughts are flowing, but they are purely positive.
It is so much more fun and exciting to live
In a way that you’re constantly offered the chance
To express your most heartfelt appreciation.

The Seventeen Second Game

The Best Use Of Time

For as little as seventeen seconds, a thought
Gains momentum. It must be held consistently
With nothing contradicting it in any way.
Then the Law of Attraction will begin to play
By adding more thoughts like it. This thought pleases me
Because within it the key to living is taught.

Another seventeen seconds will generate
Many more thoughts until just after a minute,
You will have an emotion. It’s the beginning
Of a journey where you know you’ll end up winning.
As the game is played, it is to your benefit
That the process you do not over complicate.

After sixty eight seconds of your focusing
On a thought, inspiration is soon to follow.
Every subject is two subjects. If there is good,
Then there is evil. This mindset is understood
By the masses. What you know is what they don’t know.
Trust in that you have chosen to do your own thing.

That’s all you have to accomplish. There’s nothing more
To do. If you reach the sixty eight second mark,
Then, of itself, everything will take proper care.
While you are contemplating, you are made aware
Of the brightness that outshines every bit of dark.
You are now more powerful than ever before.

The Power Of Appreciation

Thanks From The Heart

The ideal life for me is a compilation
Of what I believe possible as I partake
Of the blessings it offers. Often I am there
In that place of alignment where I am aware
Of the infinite splendor in a mere daybreak.
There is much power in my every creation.

My feelings are creations. Manifestations
Of those that are most positive happen with me
On a regular basis. I go for the best
I can have in each moment. As they are expressed,
The attraction of wellbeing comes easily.
I need not know a thing about how the world runs.

“Reach for a better feeling thought.” This I believe
To be guidance worth taking. Whenever I feel
Myself going southward, I can remember this.
From contentment, I can go to a state of bliss.
Having pinched myself, I know that life is for real.
By my choice I can be in the mode to receive.

It is fun to imagine my dreams coming true.
Meditation is helpful in clearing my mind
Of the negative clutter. Appreciation
Is more powerful, and it’s a whole lot more fun.
In acknowledging wonderful things, I will find
Life to be pleasurable and brand spanking new.

You Are Offered A Signal

The Voice Of Inner Guidance

Strong and wise is my guidance system. This I know
Without question, but sometimes I feel that I may
Not be listening or translating properly
What it tells me. My fear and intent don’t agree.
The appearance is that I don’t know how to pray.
I know that this mindset is why progress is slow.

More statements of what I want is indicated,
And less of what I don’t want. I want to be sure
That I can hear the messages coming to me
From the provident, infinite forces that be.
It’s important that my own vibration be pure.
Only then will I get what is long awaited.

I can let the hearing be a separate thing
From the wanting and tuning. From my perspective
Of not having, I will not see things manifest.
How I feel in the having of it, if expressed
To the universe, is extremely effective
In the spiritual process of attracting.

The more walks that I take in places that feel good,
The more I will hear. Moments of preparation
Are those such as laughing, dancing, and playing more.
I can never go wrong doing things I adore.
Only when I am in a state of elation
Can I ditch the odd habit of knocking on wood.

Creating Who You Are

The Perpetual Masterpiece

There are only two reasons why you do not know
What you want. One is that you have it already.
The other is that you don’t know yourself enough
To know what you want. Your life may seem rather rough
On the edges. The fact is you can never be
In complete knowing of yourself. It’s a shadow.

It is not all that tragic a state of affairs.
The divine is never an object of its own
Fund of knowledge. Just as light can’t illuminate
Itself, nor can a knife cut itself, you create
Of yourself a self that is completely unknown
By some essence within you who cautiously cares.

To itself, it’s always an endless mystery.
“I don’t know,” as it’s uttered in the infinite
Interior of the spirit, is the relief.
The time that you have left here may be rather brief.
Wasting energy forcing things doesn’t seem right.
Letting go is the same thing as humility.

Yet, you don’t have to let go. There is nothing to
Grab on to. It’s achieved for you by the process
Of nature. Once you get this, you will suddenly
Find that you have full access to the energy
You’ve been wasting. You find self in your selflessness.
You are always creating the best part of you.

Trust What Is Coming

Allow Truth To Enlighten

On some things I’ve been focused that matter a lot.
In the process I’ve managed to launch more rockets
Of desire into orbit than I can believe.
There is some work to do so that I can achieve
Things that will put more money into my pockets.
I can be grateful for all the cash that I’ve got.

Can I say that my point of attraction is strong?
I’m accustomed to trusting in what I can see,
But with things that are unseen it’s more difficult
So a mix in my vibration is the result.
What can I do to get rid of doubt completely?
In a world of abundance is where I belong.

The word ‘trust’ is appealing. The feeling I get
When I hear it is one of relief from the strain
That I feel when I’m doubtful. I can know that I
Am part of a big picture, so I can rely
On the forces in motion because they contain
The answers to all things that have not happened yet.

Looking at other things around me that agree
With what I want to see already is the way
To slow down the ill thinking. Remembering how
It was before I had them indeed will allow
My belief in the eternal forces at play
In creating a world that is just right for me.

You Are All Involved

The Cooperative System Of Being

Psychologically it is more conducive
To release from illusion to remember that
The thinker, feeler, or the experiencer
Is part of the experience. One can refer
To each part and come up with a complex format
To embellish its meaning and how one should live.

Out of anxiety we try to stabilize
And keep permanent the ‘separate’ observer
Which causes conflict. It is more that memory
Is a dynamic system. It definitely
Is not a storage system. It is, as it were,
A repeating of rhythms that we realize.

The ongoing flow of present experience
Is such that we can’t distinguish between something
That is known and a memory. We cannot know
Anything until we remember it, although
Different cues attached to memories will bring
A bit of continuity to our presence.

Present experience cues are different from
Memory cues. They have not the same vibration.
All experiences are part of the present.
No witness can be separate from the event,
And the whole process is engaged by everyone.
If you don’t know your place in life, this may help some.

Forget Bad Memories

Releasing the Negative Past

It was gross and traumatic – all that I went through.
Memories still catch up with me no matter where
I decide is a good place to block them away.
Deep inside me where they don’t belong they will stay.
Am I worthy enough to relive my despair?
Is there some way that I can live my life anew?

In the present, the past is created by me.
To better wrap my head around this, I accept
That everything is here and now. What I can’t do
Is invalidate what I don’t like. It is true
That I must come from a neutral place. What is kept
That is of no use can be released completely.

If I’m putting too much emphasis on the pain,
I must know that I do have the power to choose
To unlock from the feelings that I don’t prefer.
Putting my focus elsewhere, relief will occur.
Otherwise I will be open to self-abuse.
Logic dictates the choice if I’ve not gone insane.

It really doesn’t matter what happens – only
What I do with what happens that determines how
I will deal with the future. Toxic memories
Linger as long as needed until my heart sees
Past my old belief systems. If I can allow
Some relief in this moment, much better I’ll be.

The Choice Is Yours

Total Self-Responsibility

Motivated by money, power, and control,
The ego of humanity triggers decay
Of its terminal body. Madness and disease
Are the rhythmic death rattle. The putrid feces
That escape as it dies is enough to convey
That the human condition is less than heart whole.

The system is bankrupt so those now in power
Want to hold on to all that they can and to kill
Off a lot of people so that they can retain
Their control over everything. All is in vain
Because there are those who recognize their free will
To remain oblivious to things that occur.

People fell into too low a conscious level.
The human spirit once enslaved by the ego
Has long left. Narcissistic we’ve grown in mindset.
Savage capitalism is then a big threat.
The body is decaying. The process is slow.
Where in this is there space where the heart can revel?

We are all instruments of a higher power.
Mass psychoses and Kool Aid cults all must take place.
The cycle of existence – creation and fall
And eternal redemption – we go through it all.
We’ve the choice to be zombies or creatures of grace.
Is it so hard to figure out which you prefer?

You Are All Involved

Vibrational Cacophony

The feeler, the thinker… the experiencer
Are the feeling, the thought and the experience.
There’s no separate witness to judge the process.
Yet we are all involved with the will to express
In ways truly convergent. There is no past tense
In the present awareness To Be, as it were.

Don’t try to make them separate. Anxiety
Will result in so doing. Do not stabilize
Or make permanent things that are destined to flow.
Memory is dynamic. In order to know
Anything it must be remembered. It is wise
To see what is right now the same as memory.

Memory signals have certain markers attached
That are different from present time signal cues
So that we don’t confuse them. Yet reality
Dictates that past becomes present through memory.
Sometimes signals get mixed which creates déjà vu’s.
We have not scratched the surface of how they’re dispatched.

I and all I’m perceiving are one and the same.
All of time is This Moment and all that exists.
Memory is not storage. It is consciousness.
As a part of one puzzle we’ve complete access
To the blessings of which the universe consists.
We’re all in this together and have much to claim.

These Words

Every Moment Is New

Focus wheels are a good thing if not overdone.
Residue of resistance in my vibration
Can be eradicated if I work them well.
But to focus too long or too hard is sheer hell.
It defeats the whole purpose. Indeed it will bring
The issue into dominance. What had begun
As a helpful solution turns out to be none.

Simple problems encountered are handled with ease
When the focus required is not too much to bear.
If after a good while, improvement isn’t seen,
Then it’s time to just give up and wipe the slate clean.
Starting over is done often. Rarely it’s rare.
Every moment is new to do with as we please.

Trying too hard at anything isn’t the way
To achieve what I’m after. A wonderful thing
Happens when I find out that I am weary of
The whole subject completely. Then, like an old glove,
I’ll abort and discard so that newness can bring
On the breakthrough that I need to get through the day.

An uncluttered space of pure desire I behold.
I’m fast forwarded there with a sense of freedom
To ponder big the question, “Now what do I choose?”
Since I am starting over, I’ve nothing to lose.
In the long run I can’t help but truly become
A being of wellbeing as it does unfold.

New Story

The Ever Unfolding Drama

Once upon a tough lifetime, the fool I became
Disconnected me from myself and family.
An awful disappointment I am to them now.
Resolution is futile. I can but allow
Divine guidance to soothe the decayed part of me
Who continues the story of sorrow and shame.

The process of atonement will not complete here
In the realm of the physical. It’s much too late.
Criminal are offenses that I’ve committed.
My life hangs by the tiniest bit of a thread.
Addicted to self-loathing, the hell I create
Is the product of thinking and acting from fear.

Any troublesome story deserves a rewrite
No matter how disgusting and vile it may be.
I’d been under the influence of human pain.
No regret have I. My actions I can’t explain.
I can remain the victim of insanity
Or amend the whole story to something more bright.

Life is short, and its meaning I’m left to pursue
Through intense introspection with much gratitude
For the lessons I’m given so that I may grow.
That I am worthy is all that I need to know.
If I don’t take this attitude, then I am screwed.
Any story can be changed to something brand new.

How Life Enters The Body

Intra-Cosmic Gestation

The realm of the eternal is where all come from.
Aliens of the spirit descend and take hold
Of this time space reality within bodies
To remain for a brief while as flesh entities.
Here to know one another in ways manifold,
The experience can be difficult for some.

Every being has free will. Decisions are made
But can change at an instant, and nature responds
To the slight imperfections in the energy
Of the person becoming someone all can see.
Sometimes spirit and body cannot hold their bonds
And stillbirth leaves the mother and father dismayed.

Once our mothers expecting were pampered a lot.
Nowadays, they keep working. “It’s not a big deal!”
…But it was to the ancients. Women who were wise

Knew that comfort and pleasantness would crystalize
In the soul of the fetus a friendlier feel.
It still owns the decision to be here or not.

In the scull, there’s a front door… a trap door it was
At the time of our infancy. It was soft skin –
Not of hard bone, but supple, All exit through there.
Until then, our survival is treaded with care.
Now that I know I’m stuck here, it’s time to begin
Living out what was intended by the first cause.

Seventeen Seconds

A Miracle's Creating In Moments

Seventeen is the number of seconds it takes
To create some momentum from one focused thought.
In that bit of time, can I think just of one thing
Without measuring pros and cons and what might bring
On a rabid complexity where mind is caught
In a game of survival that’s played at high stakes?

After holding a single thought consistently,
It gains attraction power. Thoughts most similar
Coalesce and get stronger within the spirit.
Energized, the emotions will play and not quit.
And there is not a danger of going too far
As the source of all being is much part of me.

Another seventeen seconds… then, another…
After sixty eight seconds, emotion runs high
And impulses come flooding in from everywhere.
Manifesting the good feeling puts me right there
Where the universe notices. No longer shy,
All the life I’m entitled to has to occur.

I can’t deal with conditions, but feelings I will
Change exclusive to anything that’s going on
Which is outside my sacred self who is at peace.
Every bit of the struggle I need to release
To the cosmos for processing. Much fear is gone
By performing this exercise just for the thrill.

Negative Thought Removal

Remedy For The Common Mood

Negative thoughts are just thoughts. Don’t identify
Them as good ones and bad ones. They all are the same
In that I’m either conscious of them or I’m not.
It is in the subconscious where some become fraught
In the ways they affect me. Yet I cannot blame
Them for my bad behavior, though hard I may try.

Try not to think of monkeys for just a brief while.
The mere thought makes the mind but a monkey machine
Generating more monkeys than ever wanted.
The mind does amplify whatever it is fed.
So, to think not a negative thought is obscene
Because I cannot do it. It isn’t my style.

Understanding that my thoughts are not part of me
Is the key to becoming more fully aware
That my unconscious thinking can get out of hand.
It seduces me to places I hadn’t planned.
If I try to not think them I welcome despair.
This is quite a predicament as I can see.

So, what is the solution? Surely there must be
One that is most appropriate and effective.
Since the mind can’t digest well, it needs to be fed
Positive support by me. Today I’m not dead.
That’s of utmost importance. My will is to live.
Knowing not when life will end is just fine with me.

Keeping Tradition Alive

An Effort Of Endurance

Cost of Being increases are not to be paid
To traditional artisans of India.
Expensive raw materials increase in price.
They’re lucky to break even, yet they sacrifice
Time and effort preserving ancient media.
Artifacts from this fort town are craftily made.

Molten metals are used and lots of chiseling.
The process calls for patience, for months it can take
To produce just one item. Focus and detail
Are the skills necessary. All at their avail
Are quaint tools and equipment, and for culture’s sake,
They offer to the world an aesthetic wellspring.

Melted pieces of copper and zinc fill the mold
That is packed using body weight with dirt and sand.
After buffing and polishing, bathing is done
In a sulfate solution. Each and every one
Has a signature color. They then etch by hand
Captivating designs for the world to behold.

  Wire is tapped into carved grooves. The rare soil they use
Comes only from the city of Bali. Therefore,
There’s a special uniqueness to art from this place.
Gig economies prosper but at a slow pace
In these times become urgent with unending war.
What can help such a market that’s destined to lose?