Tag Archive | alignment

Speak Words That Bring Money

Cute Cash

You don’t have enough money so you’ve asked for more
And it’s done. The cooperative components
Have been assembled already. All you do
Is line up with a bunch of it coming to you.
Nothing but a negative attitude prevents
You from getting the things that you’ve been asking for.

What’s already done exists vibrationally.
In the physical it’s not yet manifested
But this vibrational reality must be
Just as real to you as the money you can see.
By the guidance of your inner being you’re led
To fulfillment of your dream of prosperity.

“I want more money but I don’t have enough.” This
Kind of talk gets you nowhere. “I want more money
So that I’ll have delicious experiences.
I can create more positive circumstances
For myself with more money. Indeed I would be
In a most welcomed state of perpetual bliss.”

Speak this way if you want what you want to come true.
With just this much self-monologue you can achieve
And enormous change in your point of attraction.
Speaking words of your truth brings you satisfaction.
It also puts you in the right mode to receive
Everything that you want which is lined up for you.



It’s a wonderful feeling. It’s one of relief
But you must trust what you are surrendering to
Which is your own magnificence and wellbeing.
Your surrender can be delightfully freeing
And it can shower tons of blessings upon you
If that you are most worthy is your firm belief.

And your are worthy beyond imagination
So don’t go there. Just concentrate on your desire.
Let it fully consume you. Let it resonate
To your highest frequency. That’s how you create
Your most vivid reality. You can acquire
Anything in this manner with your vibration.

You’re not surrendering to your desire. What you
Are surrendering is all your lingering doubt
And resistance – your trying too hard to make it
Happen for you. Decide you’re going to permit
What you’ve asked for to manifest. Speak more about
What you want with a more positive point of view.

The first manifestation is a feeling one.
When you start to have emotions about something
Then something is about to become real for you.
It’s how thoughts turn to things and how old becomes new.
Life can feel as if you have the world on a string.
Your surrendering also leads to lots of fun.

You Are A Creator

Home Business

Life has caused you to queue up for yourself a new
And improved version of your now reality.
The improvement that you’ve been asking for is in
The vibrational works. You’re prepared to begin
To receive your impressions of how things should be.
You become aligned with the evolved part of you.

The way you feel is your indicator of how
Near or far you are vibrationally from where
You would like to be. It lets you know just what you
Need to do if you’re feeling a little bit blue.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
Only then are you in the right mode to allow.

You don’t need others to cooperate with you.
If you think you do then you end up hindering
Your alignment. Stay focused on your creation.
Let the universe handle what needs to get done
Then the people will show up and their offering
Will be more than sufficient from your point of view.

Your attention to the uncooperative
Others won’t make them willing to cooperate.
Feeling good lines you up with cooperation.
You’re co-creative process is all about fun.
You create with perfection when you’re feeling great.
Take control of the wonderful life that you live.

Directly From Source

That I Am

Can a person communicate with the divine
Directly just as if God were a dear old friend?
Yes one can. It’s been done throughout all history.
Anyone can converse with God and easily.
Through the practice of meditation you transcend
Negative mental constructs of errant design.

God broadcasts on a frequency which everyone
Can receive. It’s a matter of tuning into
The right signal. You must learn to quiet the mind.
In that silence a feeling of peace you will find.
Answers to questions will come easily to you.
You get progressively better once it’s begun.

If you’re full of the question then you cannot hear
The answer. They are two different frequencies.
At the same time you can’t keep both activated
Because a tug of war will have been created
In your consciousness. Handel the issue with ease.
Let the question be answered and don’t interfere.

Let the question rest within you only until
It is clarified then let the universe do
What it does so efficiently. You must believe
That you’re way more than worthy enough to receive
What you want to know. Meditation can help you
To relax and succumb to God’s provident will.

Be A Deliberate Creator

Artistic Endeavor

No matter who you are you were born to create.
In a physical body, you’re the energy
That creates worlds. You’re here to identify your
Preferences. You know what you don’t want for sure
Therefore you know the way you would like things to be.
You do your best creating when you’re feeling great.

You’re an extension of infinite consciousness.
There’s a reason for your not remembering who
You are truly, but just the same, here you are now
In a world of sensation learning to allow
Your true self to be the most noticed part of you.
You’re driven by your propensity to express.

It’s a simple equation – not hard for you to
Figure out. If you feel that something has gone wrong
You want it rectified and the universe will
Set in motion the ingredients to fulfill
Your desire. If you’re ready then it won’t take long
For it all to become manifested for you.

Everything that is manifested and that you
Can perceive with your senses was a frequency
Of vibration before it became physical.
What you choose to focus your attention on shall
Come to be. You must create deliberately.
Be aware of what you give your attention to.

Leverage Of Alignment

Linear Focus

It takes practice to get better at anything.
Can your feeling better be thought of as a skill?
You can feel your way up the emotional scale
To the point where the happiest feelings prevail.
You can train yourself to attain this state at will.
Many blessings to you your alignment can bring.

There’s relief in each piece of resistance released.
From despair to revenge is a step in the right
Direction and from there to anger is one more.
You’re feeling more empowered than you did before.
You can continue until you find sheer delight
In each moment and your will to live is increased.

When you cross the fulcrum into satisfaction
You’ve let go of enough resistance to achieve
An increase in momentum toward ecstasy,
Passion, exhilaration, and life energy.
This is when you’re in the perfect mode to receive
Many blessings to match your point of attraction.

When you’re in the state of satisfaction you’re more
Likely to win the lottery or meet the love
Of your life so you have every reason to feel
Satisfied. As you see your dreams becoming real
You will thank God and angels in heaven above
For a wonderful life that you’ll come to adore.

Let The Big Stuff Happen

Fun Time

How do people get happy? They have lots of fun
Whenever they can do so. They don’t miss a chance
To find joy and fulfillment in all that they do
And they always have a positive point of view.
Who would not want to have this be their circumstance?
Happiness is something wanted by everyone.

You were born knowing how to get there instantly
Without any resistance but somewhere along
Your journey you were taught about ‘reality.’
You were told that you cannot always be happy.
You know by now that what people told you is wrong.
Of the remnants of this old thinking you’re not free.

Just surrendering to the wellbeing of your
Life experience doesn’t have you yodeling
Down the canyon in absolute satisfaction
But It Should and because your point of attraction
Doesn’t yield a good feeling your life cannot bring
You fulfillment which is something hard to endure.

It takes only seconds for you to change your mood
From one of satisfaction, peace, and contentment
To one of passion and invincibility.
Once you’re eager for life you have more clarity.
Big stuff begins to happen when you circumvent
Your old programming and cop a new attitude.

Negative Energy


Sometimes I’m in the presence of people who are
Not quite so positive thinking and sometimes I
Can’t even come up with something helpful to say.
Should I say nothing, turn around, and walk away?
That would be nasty of me. Perhaps I should try
To accept where they’re coming from though it’s quite far.

If negative people are driving you nuts it’s
Because you’re wobbly. Unsure of your vibration,
You may look for positive energy in those
Around you but you must remain in the shadows
If you’re the one who’s causing the aggravation.
Be thankful for your silence and its benefits.

Stand in the midst of something that’s not positive
And look for the nugget in it. You might receive
An answer to the question or issue at hand.
You’re the one in the long run who must understand
That a state of immunity you can achieve
By deciding that happily you want to live.

People who are annoying are just going through
Something all of us go through from time to time, so
Accept it as a fact of human behavior.
Let the positive within you be your savior.
Do what it takes to allow your spirit to grow.
You control ultimately what happens with you.

Reaching For Satisfaction

Totally Relaxed

Freedom, growth, and joy are the three reasons that you
Decided to take part in this experience
As a physical being. You satisfaction
Is dependent upon your point of attraction.
Reaching For Satisfaction boosts you confidence
In your doing the things that you’ve chosen to do.

You’re so free you can choose to hold yourself apart
From the blessings you have coming as you decide
To remain in a bad mood. If you choose to stay
Satisfied in each moment then throughout your day
The floodgates of wellbeing will be opened wide.
You’ve the freedom to give each moment a fresh start.

Growth happens naturally because the contrast
Causes you to ask which causes the expansion
Of the universe. The whole creative process
Cannot exist to your satisfaction unless
You make joy your priority. By having fun
Many blessings begin to accumulate fast.

Joy is easy to get to once you’re in a state
Of complete satisfaction with where you are now.
Life is supposed to be satisfying for you.
Your feelings are worth your paying attention to.
Find delight in your journey and learn to allow
All the wonderful things in your life that await.

Feel It All Come To Be

Moment Of Cheer

Act as if it is and it will be. This is true
But you have to believe it. You cannot pretend
That you have it and not feel it deep in your soul.
As a professional actor you play the role
Of someone who has figured out how to transcend
Old beliefs that have not been of good use to you.

Ask yourself why you want it. Find the vibration
That’s within your desire. What’s the feeling that’s at
The heart of your wanting? Get that feeling going
Until you’re consumed with the absolute knowing
That what you want is done. It’s as simple as that.
This is the art of deliberate creation.

If you can get yourself this far keep practicing.
The Law of Attraction will take care of the rest.
That’s your work. From the vibration that exists to
Its full manifestation – it’s managed by you.
Wonderful things happen when you’re feeling your best.
Be aware of the kinds of things you’re attracting.

You control your emotions. You can come into
Alignment no matter what happens to occur.
Feel your way to alignment with what you desire.
The feeling of it is what you want to acquire.
It’s so easy to live the life you would prefer.
Feel as if what you want has now happened for you.

A Life Of Your Dreams

Mix It Up!

Surrender to the wellbeing offered to you
By the provident universe. Be who you are
At your core. Knowing how to live life happily
You’re aligned with your own creative energy.
It has been quite a wonderful journey so far.
What you live now is a perfect daydream come true.

On the emotional scale you’re somewhere between
Satisfaction and ecstasy usually.
The degrees of emotion are the momentum
Of your point of attraction. You have overcome
Much of your resistance. It’s so easy to be
In alignment and to keep your vibration clean.

Satisfaction and peacefulness can turn into
Feelings of passion and invincibility.
Once you find an object of attention to which
You flow your positive energy thoughts you’re rich
In its substance. Things work out magnificently
For you always and life brings much pleasure to you.

You can be the advantage you were born to be
To the world and to yourself by focusing more
On your point of attraction by being ready
To be ready to receive perpetually.
You have every right to a life you can adore.
Once again, you were meant to live life happily.

A Call To Wellbeing

Present Joy

Lately I’ve decided that I’m a good person
And that I deserve good things to happen to me
Therefore I have decided that I’m going to
Pamper myself as much as I can. When I do
I feel better. My aim is to live happily.
An important part of my life is having fun.

I’ll look for the ease in every situation
And find satisfaction as I go with the flow.
I feel better than ever. Let the good times roll!
Having given up resistance I’ve gained control
Of my point of attraction. I’m glad that I know
Of my awesome power of instant creation.

I’m going to hang out only with people who
Are exciting and fun to be with. I’m going
To look for reasons to feel good right where I am.
What I follow is a very simple program.
I rely on the provident and all-knowing
Universe to assist me in all that I do.

When I feel myself basking in any moment
I will milk it for everything it can offer.
Life is meant to feel good and I have found a way
To stay focused on feeling good throughout each day.
I can feel good no matter what bad may occur
And it’s done easily by my conscious intent.

It’s Done! Chill Out!


Would a new BMW interest you?
Things like this you’ve been manifesting easily
Just by maintaining a pure state of alignment.
You’re on top of your vibrational refinement
As you chill out and look for fun and clarity.
You delight in witnessing your dreams coming true.

It may feel like you don’t really want what you get.
It just happens and that’s such a nice place to be.
You associate wanting with worry and stress.
Certainly you know this won’t lead to happiness.
It’s important that you keep your vibration free
Of resistance yet you don’t see it as a threat.

When you find pure alignment with who you’ve become
By your identifying something you desire
Then the universe just begins yielding to you
Shovels full of manifestations. You need do
Not a damned thing but wait for it all to transpire.
You know where all the good in existence comes from.

Looking for fun and clarity happens to be
The best way for preparing yourself to receive
Anything that you want. You must know that It’s Done
So Chill Out! A new chapter in life has begun –
One in which there’s only happiness to achieve.
Good things come to you when you live life happily.

The Meaning Of Life

Tree Of Life Book

There are those who think all kinds of things constantly.
They may question existence. They may play around
With the notion that consciousness is a façade.
Things that happen in reality they find odd.
In their ponderings answers to questions are found.
The biggest have to do with our reason to be.

What’s the purpose of living? Is it to achieve
Great success in relationship, health, and money?
Is it to worship who is said to be divine?
Is it so that we all learn to get along fine?
Is it just for the purpose of being happy?
Find something most fulfilling in which to believe.

Joy is the basis of life and it’s the reason
For existence. It’s to feel exhilaration
In each moment. Don’t take life so seriously.
Your expansion happens automatically.
You’re your best in a state of appreciation.
You came here for the fun – not for getting things done.

Life means life itself meaning it’s simply to be
And to find true alignment with who we’ve become
Through the process of living. It’s the reason why
You often find life thrilling. It’s hard to deny
Where your feelings of enthusiasm come from.
The Meaning Of Life is to live it happily.

Incremental Unfolding

Plans Laid Out

Things go smoothly when you’re in the receiving mode.
Many exciting ideas come to you when
You tune into that on a regular basis
In the desert of life you find your oasis
As good things happen for you again and again.
Unto you many blessings of living are flowed.

Discover what non-resisted thought will bring you.
It’s the focus that actualizes all things
That you deem wonderful about your time and place.
Know that there’s nothing in the world you need to chase.
Just relax and allow what the universe brings
Right to you without your having a thing to do.

You have access to the energy that creates
Everything in existence and when you become
A vibrational match to this vast energy
Then you will come to know how happy life can be.
Take pride in the fact that you’re beating your own drum
To the tune of the satisfaction that awaits.

You’ve practiced yourself into alignment with it.
You’ve withstood all the harassment from people who
Can’t see what you can see from your place of knowing.
What you know will assist you in further growing
As a spirit. The most extended part of you
Exists solely for your personal benefit.

Find The Frequency Of Freedom

Colorful Waveform

I’ve the freedom to do anything that I please –
To wake up feeling well rested and to breathe in
The fresh air and to exhale. Thank God I’m alive
For another day. Nothing on earth can deprive
Me of feeling my best. This new day shall begin
By my seeing the way my inner being sees.

I’ve the freedom to think clearly and to feel good.
There’s no chance that I won’t get to where I should be.
I can take my time and go as slowly or fast
As I want. There’s no thought of my coming in last.
Freedom I have to line up with the energy
That creates worlds. My purpose is well understood.

I’m so free that I could choose to be ornery
And impatient with people but I know that I
Have the freedom to consciously be more aware
Of my thoughts as I feel them. I must take great care
Not to think thoughts that in essence don’t satisfy
My existence – my eternal reason to be.

Thought by thought I can feel my way to alignment
With my inner being about any subject.
I’ve the freedom to know what it thinks about me
And I’ll come to know it by living happily.
Happiness and wellbeing is what I expect.
I believe in my freedom one hundred percent.

The Magic Of Focus

Arial Target

When you’re in the middle of events, actions, and
Conversations you’re already too far along
The path to make big changes so be satisfied
With the here and now. You alone get to decide
Where to focus. Your power to do so is strong.
By focus consciousness is able to expand.

There’s a vibration that’s either in alignment
With who you really are or it isn’t so you
Must decide which it is and do something about
Your vibration if you have some lingering doubt
Of the infinite power that you’ve access to.
You achieve what you want through your conscious intent.

This vibration that’s at the root of everything
That you’re living is going to grow and evolve
Into something that you can fully recognize
As a manifestation. As you realize
What you can do then any problem you can solve.
Be delighted by what your vibration can bring.

“Hokus Pokus… Now Focus,” mom says to her young
As she gets them ready to get on the airplane.
You can look at life this way because it’s magic
When you focus. At this you cannot shake a stick
But a magic wand only. There’s so much to gain
When the song of your intimate focus is sung.


On The Spot

Worthiness was at issue. I needed a new
Place to work at because of utter frustration
With my purpose and how I was being treated.
I did not want my mistake to be repeated.
There was no tolerating my situation.
I knew perfectly well what I needed to do.

Several rounds of interviews I scheduled for.
I could not be successful in them because I
Had the imprint of anger in my vibration.
I was not happy with my messed up creation.
I went on for a long while without knowing why
I’d been harming myself by things that I abhor.

So I made peace with the people and policies
Of the place where I still worked and then I went on
To the next interview feeling so lighthearted
That I knew that I had it before it started.
The contempt that I once had was completely gone.
I engaged the interview with uncommon ease.

At the end of the interview they offered me
The position with the pay that I had in mind.
They augmented the job description to include
Things that I adore. My faith in life is renewed.
With my true self I had become fully aligned.
I’d lined up with the power of Source Energy.

Shift Your Thoughts

Free Thought

Life is supposed to be good for you and you’ve done
A wonderful job of lining up many things
To desire from the contrast that life offers you.
You’re aware that you’ve nothing else on earth to do
But be happy in all of your undertakings
And you’re aware of the value of having fun.

When you think thoughts that are in opposition to
What you want you feel lousy. You want something but
You don’t feel that you’ll get it. This is resistance.
If you have it you have but a minuscule chance
Of receiving what you want. Your choice is clear-cut.
Thinking thoughts that are uplifting benefits you.

Your emotional guidance system lets you know
If you’re moving toward or away from your dream.
Sickness is a friendly indicator that lets
You know that there’s a problem but have no regrets
You can always enter into the wellness stream
And feel much better than you did a while ago.

It’s not difficult for you to notice when you
Aren’t on board with your purpose. You can be aware
Of when it first happens then you can do something
About it. Let the provident universe bring
All you’ve wanted right to you. You want to prepare
Yourself fully for receiving all that is due.

Wanting Without Penalty

Earnestly Hoping

Be more high minded with your thoughts. Make sure that they
Are resistance free. This world has the wherewithal
To deliver to you everything you desire
If indeed it has the potential to inspire
The wanting within you. Let your wanting enthrall
And delight you. Let it do so throughout your day.

Once you have a desire you cannot take it back.
There’s no regression. Life has caused you to expand
And you either go with it or stay where you are.
If the latter you do then you’ll stay very far
From the things that you’re wanting. As you understand
More about how this works nothing seems out of whack.

When you think about what you want focus on why
You desire it. Feel the life giving qualities
Of imagining just how you want things to be.
Think thoughts that will help you out vibrationally.
Things will manifest for you with relative ease.
You know well which laws of the universe apply.

You can focus upon the aspects of which you’re
Doing that feel the best until you purify
Your vibration. When feeling good is dominant
Then just like a genie the universe will grant
You your wishes. Indeed it can be your ally.
The wellbeing in your life will grow and endure.


Angry And Loud

When you ask, it is given, but you must allow
It to come by being in the receptive mode
And your asking must be from a positive state.
If you operate from a position of hate
Then upon you nothing but dismay is bestowed.
Your Negativity must be dealt with somehow.

Negative emotion is a way of asking
For what you want but what you will get in return
Is the same messed up energy. You become more
Ornery. Everything will be just as before.
Give yourself permission not to be so concerned
With conditions because they don’t mean anything.

You just want to feel good. Who can’t understand that?
Negative emotion is a blessing to you.
It tells you that you’re nowhere near being happy
But from there you can get to where you want to be
By reaching for a better thought. This you can do
No matter the situation or where you’re at.

If you’re stuck in the asking mode get yourself free
By shifting your attention away from the thing
That causes you to forget who you really are.
Your true essence is that of a bright shining star.
Get your mind off of whatever is happening
Long enough to recover your humanity.


Joy Of Engagement

“There’s a price to pay for everything,” people say.
This mindset where people in their comparison
And tendency to see themselves as unworthy
Or subservient in some way happens to be
What’s keeping their desires from manifestation.
Energy cannot move if one thinks in this way.

Yet there is a price to pay – one of alignment
And the price of alignment is the absence of
Resistance. It’s the price of wellbeing and ease
And of doing pretty much what you damned well please
Without any ill feeling. It’s all about love
And of achieving spiritual refinement.

Surrounded by this nucleus of wellbeing
You may stand with your armor and not let it in
Because of ideas that you’ve picked up along
Your way through life most of which are completely wrong.
Sort them out and acknowledge them then you’ll begin
Seeing the way your inner being is seeing.

The meek shall inherit the earth. They’re the ones who
Are lighthearted, allowing, and resistance free.
Anger, determination, and struggle are not
The best ways to receive so it matters a lot
That you keep yourself meek and be willing to be
Receptive to the wellbeing coming to you.

Your Highest Vibration

Colorful Vibes

Everything is vibrating at a frequency
Of its own. This includes people, things, and places.
Our emotions and ideas also vibrate
In fact this is the major way people create
Their realities. That which the heart embraces
Puts the soul in a condition of harmony.

Emotions often wobble. It’s hard to maintain
A serene state indefinitely as it were.
This can be overcome by appreciating
What you have going for you. It means everything
To your point of attraction. All that you prefer
Out of life happens for you. So much you can gain.

When you’ve chilled out about what you want to achieve
Then it comes into better view. Learn to massage
Random thoughts into those better feeling places.
You reach a higher vibration by the graces
Of your intent and focus so don’t sabotage
Your control and your ability to receive.

When you’re out of alignment and you offer more
Of your effort your hard work will have been in vain.
Get into the receiving mode where energy,
Stamina, good ideas, and vitality
Really come from. Alignment you want to attain
And look after. Keep after the things you adore.

Find Something To Appreciate

Love Swarm

There exists a vibrational reality.
Take the time to acknowledge it. Tune yourself to
The power of it simply by being aware
Of how you feel and by taking absolute care
Of sustaining a more positive point of view.
You can believe in feelings that you cannot see.

This vortex of creation, made of energy
From your feelings of passion, gathers all of the
Components necessary to fulfill your dreams.
This vibrational reality, though it seems
Not as real as the physical, most certainly
Can be felt as you’re living your life happily.

It’s like setting yourself up with a search engine
That has searching and finding capabilities
The likes of which we’ve never come close to with our
Technological prowess. It has the power
To process all that you want with infinite ease.
It’s done this forever. It will do it again.

Line up with it. You don’t have to search the archives
Or do anything other than get yourself in
The receptive mode. Find something to bask about
And appreciate. There’s nothing to figure out.
Just get happy and wonderful things will begin
Happening. It’s the spirit within you who thrives.

Your Way

Green Luck

Yes you can have it Your Way! Don’t let anyone
Tell you otherwise. You absolutely control
Your own destiny by being fully aware
Of your thoughts and feelings. When you give proper care
To your attitude you’ll achieve any set goal
And your life will be accented with lots of fun.

You control your relationship with everything
That surrounds you. It’s vibrational at its core.
There are some things you cannot control with action
Because this universe is one of attraction.
From your place of alignment you can do much more
Without effort because of what you’re offering.

When you get into that place you stop trying to
Control anything but your vibrational stance
Of alignment. The Law of Attraction takes care
Of everything. You just have to be more aware
Of the good coming to you. It isn’t by chance
That the universe delivers good things to you.

So control the only thing you need to control
Which is how you feel, then you will have it Your Way.
Practice, maintain, and own a healthy vibration.
How you live your life is your most prized creation.
You can keep yourself in alignment come what may.
Your Way always will lead to your becoming whole.

Source Will Show You The Way

Water Way

You’re a powerful being. You’re worthy beyond
Conception or description and you’re wanting to
Be in this sweet spot of creation where you’ve mixed
It all up and by now you have your focus fixed
On your heart’s desire. Life’s contrast stirs within you
A wanting to which the universe will respond.

Source is God. It is that which we can’t comprehend
But we can reach a state where we experience
The divine in its essence. We’re all connected
To this God Source. It knows what’s to be expected
Of each one of us and it comes to our defense
When we’re unkind to ourselves. It’s like a good friend.

Get into the receiving mode. Let the contrast
Be the canvas you paint upon. Your masterpiece
Is created when you decide to get happy
And the Source within you agrees wholeheartedly.
There’s nothing better than feeling your joy increase
And then finding ways easily to make it last.

The path of Source is the path of least resistance.
Source knows how to get you to where you want to be
With the least effort and the most satisfaction.
Learn to trust fully in the Law of Attraction.
Let Source talk you into becoming totally
Who you’re meant to be under any circumstance.

Divine Intervention

Global Hope

To have one foot in one world and the other in
Relative clarity is to be alive now.
Does believing in evil cause it to become
Dominant and pervasive? Does beating the drum
Of defiance relieve the frustration somehow?
Can there be redemption of original sin?

Feeling like not enough of a price has been paid
For a sense of wellbeing and prosperity
People struggle to get their share of the big pie.
This mindset of lack is the only reason why
There are those who will always be in poverty.
One puts forth the effort but no progress is made.

We are vibrational beings. Things are always
Working out for us even when things appear bleak.
Most of us don’t believe in this kind of thing though.
It would be helpful if more people got to know
Their true selves. Then only harmony would they seek.
All we can do right now is to hope for those days.

A Divine Intervention perhaps is what needs
To take place. It can be a change in consciousness
And a shift in our vibrational energy.
Nothing on this earth is more powerful than We
The People
with serious issues to address.

As the world learns to grow each one of us succeeds.

Top Priority

Peachy Scene

If you saw someone in the street bleeding would you
Not offer your assistance? You would probably.
If someone expresses negative behavior
Then you would want to scold them then show them the door.
Different responses tell us that there must be
Something odd with the logic in what people do.

You may try to scold yourself into a better
Vibration in the same way you try to berate
The behaviors of others. It gets you nowhere.
Concentrate on your own behavior but take care
Not to treat yourself harshly. You have to create
Your own story – the one that you most would prefer.

Point out to yourself how well you’re doing and how
Much is going well for you. Grab little pieces
Of those nuggets of knowing all throughout your day.
Be amazed by the good things that must come your way.
When you appreciate more your joy increases.
Be grateful for all that you have right here and now.

As you soothe yourself the Law of Attraction will
Bring you more of what you’re wanting. Be satisfied
With the present. Let the universe pamper you
With its love and affection. It may be a new
Way of thinking but it’s up to you to decide
To feel better which means you must take time to chill.

Be Unlimited

Touching Infinity

The belief factor has already done its work.
When something occurs that causes the launching of
Desire for something better but your beliefs are
Not aligned with receiving you’re terribly far
From fulfillment. You must keep your spirit above
Negativity. From this duty you can’t shirk.

Life causes you to want things. Your understanding
Of how the laws of the universe operate
Determines how much wellbeing you’re letting in.
Ignorance is the only mother of chagrin.
If you can keep yourself in a positive state
Then your influence will be always expanding.

Your inner being knows your power and value
And it knows the most pleasing path for you to take.
It is calling you constantly. Why don’t you go?
For whatever the reason it’s helpful to know
That old habits of believing though tough to break
Can be conquered. The power resides within you.

Life goes by rather quickly as if you’re skiing.
If you hit a tree going fast, damage is done
But if you hit it slowly then all is okay.
Watch where you’re going. Pay attention to the way
That you think and believe and of course have more fun
Being a happily ever after being.

The Power Of Nonresistant Thought


Discover what nonresistant thought will bring you
In the way of wellbeing and all you desire.
Take the time to remember who you really are
Deep inside. You may find that you’re not very far
From that being who you know will never require
A thing from you. This part of yourself is most true.

As you blissfully daydream you find yourself there
In that space where your thoughts aren’t contradictory.
Nonresistant though is thought that doesn’t hold back
Due to feelings of unworthiness or of lack.
You don’t doubt that what you’re thinking could come to be.
Only of what you want are you fully aware.

Because you’ve practiced yourself into alignment
You know it when you feel it so you can get there
By your consciously choosing to be there. If you
Want to be in alignment the thing you must do
Is give up the complaining and give utmost care
To your purpose and spiritual refinement.

You become a vibrational match to that part
Of yourself that is most evolved and the most wise
By allowing your thoughts to flow freely without
Contradiction, anxiety, or hint of doubt.
The journey becomes easy once you realize
That it is from the thinking mind back to the heart.

Daily Mantras


When I ask it is given but I have to be
In the receptive mode before I can partake
Of the blessings God offers. If there’s resistance
In my asking it’s as if I don’t stand a chance
Of receiving. This habit of mine I must break
And I will get rid of it eventually.

I’m perfect the way I am – the way God made me
So I don’t need to seek perfection anywhere
But within me then everything else is just fine.
I cannot lose my connection with the divine
In fact we are quite an inseparable pair
Though there are certain times when we do not agree.

God is never wrong and anytime that I feel
Negative emotion I know that I’m not in
Alignment with God’s version of what I perceive
And since all good comes from God I have to believe
In redemption from having lived a life of sin.
I do not want to make of my life an ordeal.

I feel that I’m not good enough as I recall
My past insane behavior. It causes me pain
To do so. I’d much rather think that I’m okay.
A life of misery is a huge price to pay
For the past. There’s no goal that I need to attain.
What I contribute to life I pray isn’t small.

Start Asking Spirit For Help


What you don’t want you know now. It’s evidenced by
The distress you experience from day to day.
Whether it be the state of the world as you know
Or your personal story of pain and sorrow
Be assured that through spirit you can find your way
Back to knowing how yourself you can satisfy.

When you know what you don’t want you know what you do.
When someone is rude to you you want them to be
More respectful. If you feel pain you want to feel
Relief from it. You favor what is most ideal.
All this is to say that you want to be happy.
Spirit knows everything that’s going on with you.

You were spirit before you were born and you’re still
Spirit now with a body. You’re an extension
Of spiritual energy. You can access
Your own spirit by altering your consciousness
Or you can simply by paying more attention
To how you feel. You can find contentment at will.

Your emotional guidance system connects you
With your spirit. Whenever you feel negative
Emotion it means that you’re not in agreement
With your spirit. Only by your conscious intent
Do you ask in a way that your spirit will give
You the answer. You have much to look forward to.

Giving In To Your Power


Sometimes words can put you back into alignment
When you’re not. You can give up the struggle and say
Things like, “It is what it is. I give up control
Of this tough situation. It’s only my goal
To be happy.”
When you talk to yourself this way

You can alleviate much of your discontent.

Many momentum building statements you can use
To uplift yourself. “Things are always working out
For me”
isn’t the best one you could use right now

But from where you are find something that will allow
Your own power to find you. There are without doubt
Many good affirmations from which you can choose.

“I give into my goodness. I give up the pain
And the struggle. I give into my worthiness.
I give into not caring what others may say
About me. In my state of alignment I’ll stay.
Into the probability of happiness
I surrender. I know I’ll have so much to gain.”

Talk yourself into your power. Feel easier
About life. Happiness is your primary goal.
Let the earth spin in its orbit. Let your heart beat
Through the night on its own and be willing to treat
Yourself and others kinder. It will make you whole.
Nothing keeps you from living the life you prefer.

Avoid Negative Energy

Mind Attack

Like a virus it’s caught. It affects everyone
On the planet. To have negative energy
Is the human condition. Like the common cold
Negative energy has a lethal stronghold
On humanity. Is this the way it should be?
Should one worry about what on earth could be done?

What does one say when having a conversation
With someone with an attitude? You don’t want to
Agree with them or fight them so you say nothing
For a while because there’s nothing you want to bring
To that table but there is something you can do
And that is be aware of your own vibration.

Negative people are driving you nuts because
Your vibration is wobbly. You’re not sure about
Where you are in the moment. You need them to be
Positive so that you feel good basically
And when that doesn’t happen the more you will doubt
That the universe is governed by certain laws.

In the midst of something that’s not positive you
Can stand easily when you are in alignment.
Find the gold nugget in it. Give folks permission
To be negative. You can disarm anyone
With compassion. Your spiritual refinement
Is the upper edge people mostly respond to.


Forget About How


If you’re certain it’s coming yet you still have doubt
That it will it’s a fairly precarious place
To be in. It’s as if there are two people who
Live inside you who disagree. What can you do
To allow the free flowing of infinite grace?
Why you want it to come is worth talking about.

It has been in the making and it’s unfolding
As it should so what thoughts are in the way of that?
If your thoughts are of how it will come and who will
Be involved in its coming you’re missing the thrill
Of the feeling of having it. Take a look at
The big picture. To your true self be beholding.

Line up with the idea of it. Be aware
Of the feeling. Make it the most important thing
To be focused upon, then you’ll get clarity.
The questions that now cannot be answered will be
Answered for you as long as you choose not to cling
To thoughts of limitation, struggle, and despair.

What can you do to mostly be in that feeling
Place of letting this thing that you want in? You can
Answer questions that you can answer easily.
Ask yourself Why you want it. At once you will see
Some fulfillment. This technique is easier than
Any angst that you feel which is most revealing.

Feel As If It Is

Extreme Satisfaction

Find the vibration that is within the desire.
Ask yourself why you want it and let the feeling
Of the answers flow through you. Be fully aware
Of your sense of alignment and try to stay there
For as long as you can because it’s appealing
To your spirit. No efforting does it require.

When you act as if something is when you clearly
Don’t believe it you’re basically pretending
That it is without feeling it. That’s not the way
To receive what you want. In the same place you’d stay.
Mixed signals to the universe you’d be sending.
Feel As If It Is and it has to come to be.

You have to find a piece of belief in what you
Want to happen. When you find the feeling of it
Your belief strengthens. You become more energized.
Manifestations will occur. You’ll be surprised
And you’ll get to the point where you’ll have to admit
That this Law of Attraction stuff is really true.

You don’t need the condition to be happy now.
No matter what’s occurring you’ve complete control
Of your thoughts and emotions. Show yourself that you
Can create through your focus a world that is new
And exciting. Let life be the soup for your soul.
Your emotional guidance system tells you how.

When The Big Stuff Happens

Observing Hugeness

There are different levels of being happy.
I can be consumed with passion or just content.
Either way I have access to what I’ve asked for.
Satisfied I am with life yet I ask for more
To occur according to my conscious intent.
I surrender to the wellbeing that is me.

It’s called the momentum within the vibration
And when I meet my true self with no resistance
I allow myself to be receptive to all
That I’ve asked for – the big things as well as the small.
I know that my appreciation will enhance
Whatever I decide to be my creation.

When the emotion switches from satisfaction
And peacefulness into invincibility
Big things happen. The more I feel good the more I
Have command of my creations and this is why
I must let myself be as happy as can be.
This is according to the Law of Attraction.

Once the floodgates are open – once thoughts begin to
Flow to me and once I find and object that I
Can focus all my attention on I align
With my inner being. I’m happy by design.
Positive energy thoughts are now part of my
Agenda. They help to make my dreams all come true.

The Frequency Of Abundance

Colorful Vibes

I desire enough financial abundance so
That I can do whatever I want happily
But they say that’s ass backwards. I have to find joy
Before I get the money. What I can employ
To get tons of abundance to flow upon me
Is my happiness. This is a good thing to know.

But how can I feel happy in this moment when
I’m working harder than I want on things that I’d
Rather not? There’s a way I can think around it.
I can think of things that will always benefit
My vibration. My feelings are always my guide.
I can choose to be happy again and again.

I have the ability to appreciate
A lot more than I’m doing. I can be kinder
To myself and to others instead of uptight.
I can choose not to do what I know isn’t right.
I can learn how to be a happy thought finder.
It will always keep me in a positive state.

There’s a journey between where I am and where I
Want to be. It has nothing to do with effort
Or with getting myself employed or anything
That’s unpleasant. The difference between smiling
And frowning is the space where I garner support.
With the laws of the universe I must comply.

You Need To Hear This

Listen Up!

It’s really inappropriate for anyone
To say ever that something indeed has gone wrong.
It’s easy to draw that conclusion when you see
Bad things happening. They can affect you deeply
But if you’re to contain yourself you must be strong.
Realignment with yourself is what must be done.

During the time you’re experiencing contrast
You are asking for everything to get better
And the provident universe responds in kind.
Nowhere else but with your inner being you’ll find
Reassurance that your fulfillment will occur.
It’s a foregone conclusion that life is a blast.

You can receive the benefit of ‘what is’ in
Any moment in time. Simply don’t talk about
Things that split up your energy. Tell a brand new
Story. Speak about it until you make it true.
There’s no place in your program for lingering doubt.
This very moment is the best time to begin.

It is right for you to choose what feels best to you.
You need not prove your worthiness. It’s a given.
Stop pinching yourself off from the things you adore.
There’s so much about your life you need to explore.
A magnificent world opens up for you when
You decide to take a positive point of view.

Test The Universe!

Celestial View

Show yourself that there’s no end to your wellbeing.
You will never run out of the blessings that come
From the universe. Be sensitive to the way
That you feel. You know when you’re not feeling okay
And you know pretty much where those feelings come from.
Test The Universe! Know that it’s most agreeing.

The only way that you can eliminate doubt
Is by somehow experiencing clarity.
They can’t both exist inside you at the same time.
Your doubt may tell you that there’s a mountain to climb.
Ask the question, “Do you know what is best for me?”
Testing the universe is what it’s all about.

Some of what you want can show up right here and now.
Follow your impulse and watch how much of what you
Want is revealed to you within just a short while.
Co-creating you will be in elegant style.
Test The Universe! Prove to yourself that it’s true
That the only thing you have to do is allow.

You won’t know where you are until you focus and
See how it works out. There are only two ways to
Know whether you’re on your path. One is how you feel
And the other is what has for you become real
In your life. Don’t wait ‘til your path challenges you.
Teach yourself that you have power at your command.

Make Things Come Your Way


Focus only on wellbeing. Calibration
Is what people may call it. Segment Intending
Is preparing for the next scene of your own play.
A small series of segments makes up your whole day.
It’s therefore most advantageous if you’re spending
A few moments for each segment’s preparation.

You want to identify how you want to feel
In the next segment. Write it down on a notepad.
Because writing is a strong point of focus it
Is effective. You gain maximum benefit
In your writing it. It can become your comrade
When it comes to creating a segment ideal.

What’s easy to feel good about? “I’m thankful for
How I feel right now and for the segment to come.
I’m thankful that my point of attraction is strong.
I believe and know that I’m right where I belong.
I’m thankful that I’m getting all my guidance from
The same source that can offer me only much more.”

Talk yourself into wellbeing. Calibrating
To the whole of who you are is done in this way.
You’re soliciting from the environment the
Components that match your calibration, you see.
Calibrate to wellbeing and watch how your day
Will unfold. Be intent on what you’re creating.

You’re Ready To Receive

Here You Are

Let it be a vibrational exercise first
And then watch the way it begins to manifest.
If you act before tending to your vibration
Then your action is harder. You can get more done
And with ease when your best vibration is expressed.
There’s no reason on earth to be thinking the worst.

You’re always on your path. Everything’s unfolding
As it should. You know you’re always doing just fine.
The universe delivers things to you without
Your having to struggle. Of this you have no doubt.
With the wholeness of you you’re able to align.
There’s nothing that the universe is withholding.

So don’t worry so much about where you are now
Or any given moment. Your on-your-way-ness
To a new something else-ness is felt within you.
Take full ownership of all the good things you do.
Life is good because now you have total access
To your spirit. You don’t even have to know how.

If life is good and getting better what does it
Do to where you are here and now? It is, of course,
Getting better. Your dominant intent always
Is to stay receptive so the better your days
Will become. Do know that you’re a powerful force
And you don’t have to tone it down one tiny bit.

When You Reach This State

Colorful Clouds

Why are some people willing to be unhappy?
It’s because they’ve a flawed premise. They believe that
Manifestation brings happiness. It has not
Happened yet and about it they’re feeling distraught.
So the reason folks do this is worth getting at.
Happiness is all part of the joyful journey.

You can be, do, or have anything you desire
And there’s nothing off limits. Vibrationally
It becomes so. You have to be in alignment
With it fully for it to become evident
In your life. Do believe and it will come to be.
A contented state is all you need to acquire.

General enough you can get on anything
Even though it upsets you. It steps you away
From the contrast long enough for you to allow
Better feeling thoughts to take command of your now.
Where you are here and now ends up feeling okay
Then you’re free to do whatever makes your heart sing.

You are the manifester of the emotion,
The idea, the concept, or state of being
And when you find alignment things fall into place.
There’s nothing at the end of the rainbow to chase.
All you need do is adjust your way of seeing.
Take delight in the journey that you have begun.

Satisfaction And Joy

Happy Children

Each of us comes into this life experience
With three equal intentions. You came for freedom,
Growth, and joy. You are your own point of attraction.
From reality you could use some distraction.
You’ve the freedom to even cut yourself off from
Happiness but you do so at major expense.

You’re free to find alignment or not. You’re free to
Think this or that. Your freedom is an absolute
Promise to you and you cannot help but to grow.
Through the creative process you can come to know
Satisfaction And Joy. You will have an acute
Understanding and clarity in what you do.

Even though you see no direct route to what you
May be wanting you’re satisfied in the knowing
That there is one. The satisfaction indicates
Your alignment with your source. Indeed it creates
The very vibration that gets good things flowing
Into your life all due to your positive view.

Reaching for Satisfaction And Joy is the way
To find alignment with freedom and expansion.
Unless your intention is to find harmony
With yourself you won’t be the person you could be.
Do believe in the practice of having more fun.
You’ve no one but your inner being to obey.

Soothe Yourself

Pleasant Rest

Somehow I’ve managed to activate within me
Something I really didn’t want. Now I’m stuck in
A conundrum of thought that cannot serve me well.
In a state of great dissatisfaction I dwell.
I’m not feeling comfortable in my own skin.
In a much different place I was meant to be.

Through life experience I and most everyone
Vibrate sloppily. We are all over the place
With our focus and we pay too much attention
To what we don’t want. It’s not worthwhile to mention
What’s not working. What is working we should embrace.
There’s plenty of work to do with my vibration.

I know that my emotions are my true guidance.
They help me to determine whether or not I
Am lined up with my energy or foolishly
With the wishes of others. By now I can see
That I don’t have to struggle and ask myself why
Things occur in my life as if by happenstance.

When I can trust the process I trust the goodness
Of who I am. I must do anything I can
To distract myself until I can find a way
To soothe myself. More attention I need to pay
To my own wellbeing. This is one righteous plan.
How I feel is my way to ultimate success.

Just Align!

Colorful Wooden Arrangement

Leading-Edge conversations about attraction
Interest you because you have a burning need
To expand. You have a voracious appetite
For enlightenment. Everything turns out alright
In your life for the most part. You know you’ll succeed
In your quest and it gives you much satisfaction.

What you’ve dreamed of forever is now on its way
Into your life experience. How can you best
Align yourself with its coming? Get out ahead
Of your question simply by asking ‘why’ instead.
Talk about why you want what you want with some zest.
In the state of receiving is where you must stay.

You can feel it unfolding. Let that be enough.
Most people want the thing to occur before they
Have prepared for its coming vibrationally.
If you’re satisfied before it comes you will be
In alignment. It isn’t a big price to pay
If it turns out you’re receiving lots of neat stuff.

You know now not to ask who, how, what, when, and where
Things will happen because you do not have control
Over such things. Ask the question you can answer
Then the thing you want is most likely to occur
Effortlessly and quickly. The heart is made whole
In aligning. Only about it you must care.

Tweak Your Energy And Control Your Vibration

Energy Ball

I feel like I’ve moved up the emotional scale
Quite a bit for the most part. I’m so happy for
The way I’ve been feeling. I’m on top of the world.
My desire flag by now is righteously unfurled.
My vibration is tuned to the things I adore.
Life for me is terrific in every detail.

I’ve been out of work since about ten months ago
And I panic occasionally about my
Fruitless job searching. Otherwise I’m doing fine.
If I forget about it then I can align
With my higher vibration. There’s no reason why
That the path of least resistance I can’t follow.

But is the negative emotion that I feel
Caused by my lack of work? It may be that I fear
That I may lose control over my emotions.
It may be that I’m prone to swim in the oceans
Where the waters appear not to be crystal clear
So I have difficulty in keeping it real.

Shortage consciousness has not a place anywhere
Near the mind or the spirit. Never return to
Where you were if it causes you unhappiness.
Don’t give up the wellbeing that you now possess
And have worked hard and long for. What benefits you
Is the positive outlook that you want to share.

Like Magic

Magical Gifts

You’re the creator of your own reality.
You are in the process of creating not one
But two realities. Contrast causes you to
Expand and add to the much greater part of you –
The eternal one. Also of your creation
Is how you feel right now and the way that you see.

What you want is to merge these two realities
Into one happy person. Your eternal soul
Won’t go with you if you choose to fuss and complain
Or point out the injustices and the insane
Goings on over which you do not have control.
It’s your goal to see as your eternal soul sees.

Whenever you feel negative emotion you
Are thinking about something quite differently
Than who you really are is. If you continue
Feeling badly then it may develop into
An illness but your positive thinking can be
An effective deterrent to your feeling blue.

Your power of influence is mighty when you
Are aligned with who you truly are. When you’re not
Then your power is paltry, so your alignment
With your soul is your key to your feeling content.
How you think and feel do really matter a lot.
Take advantage of all that you know to be true.

Start Asking Source For Help

Man In Prayer

You were Source Energy before you came into
This physical body. You don’t remember that.
There’s a reason but we won’t get into that now.
It’s important only that you learn to allow
Some advice while engaging in mortal combat
With the world. It’s what you think you came here to do.

What the hell is Source Energy? Let’s call it God
Even though that word conjures so much confusion.
The Source Energy spoken of here is supreme
Consciousness whose energy is a steady stream
Of wellbeing. Through it all things on earth are done.
How you think about God can’t be taken as odd.

And you still are Source Energy even though you
Have this body to deal with. Use it as a tool
For sorting out your preferences. Be easy
About life but do live life deliberately.
Ask the provident principal of this earth school
For help with your work. It’s the wisest thing to do.

When you know what you don’t want you know what you do.
It’s a simple equation. When someone is rude
You want them to be nicer. Your inner being
Knows all that you want and is always agreeing
With your wishes. In high regard you’re always viewed.
It knows only the true magnificence of you.

Get Your Power Back

Right On

All the painful emotions like fear, vengefulness,
Anger, jealousy, and depression can rob you
Of your power. To external circumstances
It is wasted so very slim are the chances
Of having some left to do the things you want to.
You’ve tried to hide your feelings with little success.

You’ve come to know that when your personality
Is aligned with your soul’s purpose you then become
Authentically Empowered. This bottom line
Definition is provocative by design.
It’s a clue to where Authentic Power comes from.
Fully empowered is the way you want to be.

But most people don’t know what their soul wants so they
Let external circumstances and their mindset
Take control of them. The answer lies within you.
Your conscience lets you know which path for you is true.
You can meditate in order for you to get
Better insight to clear most of your doubt away.

Obstacles to aligning yourself with your soul
Are identified by noticing how you feel
In each moment. Be mindful of what your soul needs
To best serve you. You can be someone who succeeds
In connecting with your soul. Your life becomes real
As yourself becomes well integrated and whole.