Tag Archive | balance

Acknowledge The Blessings

Lakeside Joy

As soon as you acknowledge a burning desire
You’re also aware of the probability
Of the lack of the thing that you want. Focusing
On the lack doesn’t get it. In order to bring
It to you, in a state of receptivity
You must be. Nothing else does your wanting require.

It’s so easy to give far much more attention
To the lack of what you want. Its reality
Is apparent and visceral but it does not,
In terms of your own vibration, matter a lot.
Keep your focus on the way you want things to be.
In your self-talk, the lack you don’t have to mention.

The way you know the difference between whether
You’re focused upon what you want or on its lack
Is by the way it feels when you think about it.
If it doesn’t feel right you don’t have to permit
Negative thought to knock your whole game out of whack.
Do the best you can to keep it all together.

Look for positive aspects in all that you do
No matter where you are or in what circumstance.
Everywhere doors will open. You’ll be recognized
By the universe as someone who’s realized
That the good things in life do not happen by chance.
Look around for all the good that’s coming to you.

Happiness Redefined

Love To The World

Many people have difficult conditionings
That create the illusion of being happy.
For example, by putting other people down
One prevents oneself from always wearing a frown
So it’s just a distraction that can easily
Be seen through unless one tries to complicate things.

In the workplace and at home the drama plays out.
“The way that I’m going to trust myself and feel
Good about myself is if I can just denounce
Someone else upon whom I’ll get others to pounce.”
Some scapegoating is required to block out what’s real.

Happiness isn’t even worth thinking about.

Compassion is a weakness to those who believe
That you’ll just lose your power and burn yourself out
If you care about others but it’s never true.
Happiness is a measure of how much you do
For others. Of its value there can be no doubt.
It’s the best trick in the world to have up your sleeve.

We can redefine happiness so that it’s not
Just going after pleasure. We have a deep sense
Of connection to something much bigger than we
Can imagine. It’s easy to live happily
With compassion without any hint of pretense.
How you feel about others should matter a lot.

About The Moon

Moon Flower

Planets spin in their orbits in proximity
To each other. It’s such a feat of perfection
By the infinite universe. Provident care
Does it have for us. We become fully aware
Of this truth as we come to find our connection
With the spiritual part of reality.

How the moon came about is of interest to
Certain people who in their close observation
Of predictable cycles seek reassurance
That the universe didn’t just happen by chance.
Some believe that it is of divine creation.
That happens to be my personal point of view.

From a broader perspective there are powerful
Minds of wellbeing focused on the wellbeing
Of us all here. There’s no need to worry one bit.
All that happens to earth is for its benefit.
There are omnipotent forces overseeing
Our evolving. They are angels dyed in the wool.

If planets start to wobble then something will come
To correct the imbalance. The wobble will cause
A deliberate asking. The culmination
Of the asking is how all creation is done,
And it’s all according to unshakable laws.
The spiritual is where all blessings come from.

At The Heart Of Attraction

Royal Flush

Most people who are thinking in terms of money
Are approaching it more from the subject of lack
Than from just allowing the dollars to flow in.
They wind up wishing forever for their big win.
If you feel that you put out more than you get back,
Then it may be that you’re off vibrationally.

You don’t rise in the morning and breathe all the air
That you’ll need for the whole day before others can
Suck it up. You breathe in and breathe out as you need.
When it comes to your breathing, there’s no need for greed.
You don’t worry at all if someone has more than
They deserve. So, how to money does this compare?

Through our programming, we’ve learned to believe that we
Are not worthy enough to receive anything
Without hard work and struggle. We must justify
Every bit of good luck that happens to come by,
And we’re promised rewards for our hard suffering,
But this universe operates differently.

If you consciously focus upon the value
Of the dollars you do hold, then you’ll receive more.
Feeling good about the money you’ve got going
Is the best way that is known to keep it flowing.
The main difference between the rich and the poor
Is the feeling about all that money can do.

What Not To Share

Keep It Secret

If you could be an open book to everyone,
That would not necessarily be a good thing.
Not all information about you should be shared.
You may be haunted by things that you have declared
In thinking that others find you interesting.
You may not be aware of all the damage done.

Avoid negative people. They have a problem
For every solution. They’re a social disease.
The value of achievement lies in achieving.
Don’t let other people keep you from believing
In yourself. Do not be so damned willing to please.
If they become your problem, then get rid of them.

What goes on inside your wallet is nobody’s
Business, nor are your issues of relationship.
Share your goals only with the people you can trust
Because your motivation will crumble to dust.
Don’t tell others your weaknesses. Who give a rip?
It is worth just as much as a piss in the breeze.

Love brings much happiness – so much more than paining
For anther reduces pain, so don’t ignore
Situations of others. Be compassionate
And mindful of the vibration you radiate.
Share your dreams with your world, but do not tell them more
Than they need to know. Do not be entertaining.

Absolute Freedom

Open Air Bliss

On your right path you can never be other than,
But there is the human tendency to try to
Find an answer in someone else. Your clarity
Comes from your inner being. You are meant to be
Independently and consciously sifting through
Life’s contrast. You are doing what no one else can.

You are born with the innate knowledge that it should
Be a pleasure to be alive. Every moment
Is a growing experience, but after time
You forget due to others who commit the crime
Of informing you of their extreme discontent.
If you speak about joy, you are misunderstood.

You become more comparative. Your interest
Is in how you appear to other folks instead
Of how it feels to you. Your intentions erode.
The momentum toward your desires is slowed.
You’ve no enthusiasm for what lies ahead.
Nothing more than what is now do you manifest.

With a basic triad of intentions you came.
Freedom, growth, and joy they are, and your expansion
Is inevitable. Look within for balance.
You can feel happiness in any circumstance.
You cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.
The freedom of your childhood you now can reclaim.

Open Doors

Unlocking Destiny

Anytime that you want something, it matters not
What it is, in the moment you launch the desire,
You acknowledge the not having of it also.
If there’s one, then the other is something to know.
So, how do you get to the point where you acquire
What it is that you’re after? This matters a lot.

Having done all your wanting, and as you begin
Or continue to give your thoughts to your knowing
That it will manifest, you are in the best place
For receiving the blessings of infinite grace.
Concentrate on the ways you can keep it flowing.
Be thankful for the wonderful state you are in.

The balance of the universe is all about
What you’re adding to each side of the equation.
If you’re focusing more on the lack of something,
Then only disappointment your wanting will bring.
You are now more receptive to the pervasion
Of abundance in your life. You know beyond doubt.

Acknowledge all the positive aspects of what
You’re living. You will open the doors, in this way,
To utter satisfaction in the here and now.
You have noting to do but relax and allow
Universal forces that are always at play.
Only your own resistance will keep the doors shut.

The Secret To Success


A young man who was a technician apprentice
At a factory was guided by an old man
Who had worked there for ages. “Talk less,” the man said,
“And do more. Dedication will put you ahead
Of the others in value.”
It seemed like a plan

That made sense. It was advice he couldn’t dismiss.

The old man retired after a number of years.
By then, the young apprentice was a technician.
He had followed the wise advice given to him,
But the man wasn’t happy. The future seemed dim.
He had not been promoted. The same position
He held from the beginning. That’s how it appears.

He went back to the old man and poured out his heart.
The old man, after thinking for quite a long while,
Suggested to the young man to take a recess
For a day. So he did. He returned to a mess
That occurred due to his absence. The boss said, “I’ll
Promote you to head technician because you’re smart.”

Every time the man felt not appreciated
He would take the day off, but soon, he was let go.
If a lightbulb goes out frequently, it’s replaced.
With the balance between work and pride we are faced.
Do your work, and the blessings will surely follow,
Take nothing for granted in what you’ve created.

Peace Of Mind

Calmness Of Spirit

Marvelous and magnificent, the human brain
Can become fettered with anger and jealousy.
The balance of warmheartedness is essential
To its healthy performance. Then everything shall
Become as peaceful as it could possibly be.
Otherwise, the imbalance may drive one insane.

Negative emotions stem from self-centeredness.
Instead of bringing happiness and peace, they bring
Only problems. War is part of humanity.
As a species, we are a natural pity.
Can there be something done to reverse this whole thing?
Issues of our behavior we could well address.

Along with physical hygiene we need to teach
Children to cultivate emotional hygiene
So they can learn how to tackle their destructive
Emotions and have Peace Of Mind. This way to live,
For oneself and the planet, is wholesome and clean.
Believing in salvation is not a far reach.

People who have an altruistic attitude
Are much happier, healthier, and more at peace.
Scientists say that anger will lead to disease.
It would behoove the whole world to finally seize
Logical information. World anger may cease.
For thought, this is especially important food.

Turning Crap Into Gold

Physical Alchemy

Utterly catastrophic my whole life has been.
Now that I’m in my seventies I realize
That I have been a tyrant – selfishly insane.
Silently I’m remorseful. I suffer the pain
Of a qualified loser. In most people’s eyes
I am one who the entire world should chagrin.

How I got this way at this point matters not much.
Little time I may have left to make it all right
If that is even possible. I have cut ties
For this lifetime. I know that was not very wise
Even for an old bastard. I’ve no appetite
For connecting, relating, confiding, and such.

But I do know how to express myself with ease.
It’s the single most significant way for me
To make sense of my troubled self and to explore
Possible ways to monetize what I adore.
With some consciousness my life could turn out to be
Something that has some meaning that others may seize.

There will be other lifetimes. Opportunities
I will find most abundant. My sorrow ignites
The torch of my continuing this existence.
There’s no other option. I have some common sense.
The only thing to do is to focus my sights
On eternal redemption amid my feces.

Ask This Question

The Most Important Thing To Ask

Much obscene information erupts into play
With my daily reality. There is no need
For me to ask a single thing. Too much goes on
For the mind to keep track of. Consensus is drawn
From the common collective. In this way I’m freed
From the wild chase that would make a waste of my day.

Negative emotion always means that I’m not
In agreement with how my inner being feels
About what I am dealing with. It cannot see
Any evil in anyone including me.
It’s the epitome of positive ideals.
What it thinks about all things should matter a lot.

I could choose to be angry about many things
That involve people having to be different
Than they are in order for me to be happy.
They won’t change who they are just to satisfy me.
There is one other option. I can be content
In the clarity that my inner being brings.

How does my inner being feel about this thing
That I’m focused upon?
Is my gut in a knot?

If so, it means I’m not in agreement with it.
My internal guidance is of huge benefit.
It tells me when I’m warm or cold and when I’m hot.
It’s the only question I will keep on asking.

Open Doors

Many Opportunities

The balance of the universe vibrates between
What exists and the lack of it. If I’m able
To identify something I truly desire
Then the absence of this thing I want to acquire
Does exist. It’s important to remain stable
And to practice some positive mental hygiene.

From the point of my saying that I want something,
Through my thinking about it, one or the other
Side I give more attention to. What comes to be
Then depends upon which one feels better to me.
Only it or the lack of it can but occur.
This concept does not have to be mystifying.

Feeling lack about what I want only delays
Its arrival in my life. I’ll give attention
To my reasons for wanting it and my belief
That its coming is imminent. I’ll find relief
In my trusting the universe to get things done.
I can maintain my balance in myriad ways.

But the best way to open doors to everything
That I find most delightful is to acknowledge
Now the positive aspects of what I’m living.
The universe is intent on its giving
Whatever is asked of it. On this leading edge
Of creation, I find my life most fulfilling.

Do One Simple Thing

Changing Life's Story

In the moment one recognizes a desire
There are two simultaneous acknowledgements.
One is having that something. The other is not.
People put their focus on the latter a lot.
When this happens it brings on the worst of events.
This duplicity about things does life require.

The balance of the universe lies though therein.
All creation is twofold. Each has within it
The potential of the thing not manifesting
And, of course, the good feeling that having does bring.
Knowing which is the better requires not much wit
And to choose to feel bad is a terrible sin.

I add to one side or the other through the day
As my thoughts become random and infiltrating
Which do I want to focus on? That is easy,
But I act to my detriment unconsciously.
I can pay attention to what makes my heart sing,
Then to negative emotion I won’t fall prey.

I’ll acknowledge the positive aspects always
As my life keeps unfolding. It opens the door
To every opportunity. Doors remain closed
If I keep on thinking the thoughts that are opposed
To the thing that I want more than ever before.
I can change my life story to one of some praise.

You’re Not Earning, You’re Attracting

With Every Waking Breath

You get up in the morning then go rush outside
To breathe in all the air that you’ll need for the day.
Others will suck it all up if you hesitate.
It would be a disaster if you had to wait
Until air is replenished. To live in this way
Is absurd, most atrocious, and undignified.

Paranoia is normal in times of distress
Where the most basic needs may be subject to threat.
But reality dictates that all is quite well.
In the mind of the not aligned much fear does dwell.
When you think about money and feel some regret
You grow into the circumstance of having less.

It’s your aspect of beingness that you engage
Much more than tons of hard work to make yourself feel
Justified in the having of a salary.
You don’t feel that you’re quite worthy enough to be
In reception of good things without the ordeal
Of the quid pro quo contract for a decent wage.

With ten dollars you can do so many good things.
As you embrace that feeling you appreciate
Everything that you do have. Then you will have more.
Look for reasons to feel good, and learn to explore
All the things that excite you. What you then create
Is a life of abundance and many blessings.

Is There One Inner Being?

The Unity Of All Consciousness

Consciousness is eternal. With no beginning,
It continues forever. What else can it do
But create an immensity to comprehend
Yet cannot until all know enough to transcend
Origins of pure purpose. We are the ones who,
With these physical bodies, deserve honoring.

One may muse, “Is there only one spirit assigned
To a physical body, or are there a few
Who take turns and account for our various moods?”

Consciousness is an essence that rightly includes
Particles of existence creating what’s new.
Overwhelming this all is for the human mind.

Much confusion arises from our point of view
In that we think our beings are dead or alive.
But we are always spirit. Sometimes we take form
And are then part of both worlds. This is quite the norm.
From the standpoint of consciousness one can derive
And inclusive philosophy helpful and new.

We see ourselves as separate clumps of being.
We must pigeonhole and catalog what we see
And express using words or some kind of action.
It is through our senses we get anything done.
We are one single consciousness trying To Be.
If one looks at things this way it’s awfully freeing.

Satisfaction Brings Your Dreams To Reality

Satisfaction Guarantees

The best word I can use to describe how I feel
Has to be ‘Satisfaction.’ The joy that I know
Is both now and eternal. The balance between
The me that is most pure and the one that is seen
Is a space of expansion where good feelings flow
In response to the wonder that I won’t conceal.

Who I am before coming here is pure spirit –
Disembodied and formless yet full of life force.
I have grown since that moment to who I am now,
And by nature and instinct I tend to allow
Subtle life changing guidance directly from Source.
I must be of the right mind to clearly hear it.

That part of me that is real, expanded, and whole
Is my true inner being – evolved and at peace.
When the person I must be aligns with that part
Then a feeling of blissfulness enters my heart.
As my practice makes perfect I will find release
From the self become human and flesh and blood soul.

In this moment, my thoughts and beliefs I can choose
To be in complete harmony with who I am.
My desires are not doubted but well understood.
It is my wish that all folk would feel as they should.
Feeling ease and contentment working my program,
There’s no way that in this life I’m destined to lose.

From Wine To Divine

High On Life

To be drunk like a guru is simply divine.
May the Buddha be bubbly as spirits above
Who have left their old bodies within the earth’s crust.
Totally out of context, I’ve no need for trust
In the world’s condescension, for I am in love
With the true self within me. I always feel fine.

Look into my eyes deeply. There’s someone in here
Who is present and balanced. Life overflowing
Is the essence your senses pick up instantly.
It is truly my pleasure. I’m happy To Be,
And the fact that I’m with you just makes my heart sing.
I imbibe life abundantly and without fear.

Always it’s my intention to freely let go
And indulge my fine senses in really nice things.
This can be therapeutic for any ailment.
The nice thing about it is it don’t cost a cent.
I have no doubt regarding the joy my life brings
To myself and to others. I hope you will know.

Life is wine to be drunk on. Three bodies align –
Physical, energy, and mental – properly,
They compel the bliss body to full expression.
I am here for the purpose of having much fun
In all that I partake. I’m so glad to be me.
There is nothing more important than feeling fine.

The Game Of Good And Evil

Chronic Theatre Of War

Who knows well the term war games as if in a play?
What theater of warfare and audience hears
Only words that inflame it? Passion remains blind.
Am I real or automaton, absent of mind
Yet with reason and values. The story appears
Darkly human a pastime of moral decay.

Good and evil in balance is not a good game,
But with positive forces triumphant always,
Things would get awfully boring. A more perfect one
Is where good nearly loses, but true loss is none.
By a weird fluke of nature are honor and praise
Special traits of a species that cannot know shame.

Practical is a system where the good side wins
All the time but is never the winner, perse,
And the evil side loses always but never
Is the loser. And this could go on forever.
Successful and ongoing is war fought this way
As it keeps people distracted from all their sins.

Every group of nice people needs one of assholes.
Each becomes the director of the others acts.
As each defines the other, they know who they are.
And each means of encounter must not stray too far
From the issues pertaining to whites, browns, and blacks.
May God’s mercy descend upon our troubled souls.