Tag Archive | flow

Mostly Vibrational

Blended Realities

You are Mostly Vibrational. Your frequency
Is determined in any moment by how you
Think and feel. It creates your point of attraction.
When you’re in a state of complete satisfaction
Then you’re able to let what you wish for come true.
Your vibration is best when it’s resistance free.

You can manifest what you want if you’re willing
For a little while to let it be about how
It feels to have what you want. Feeling enhances
Your desire so that much better are your chances
Of receiving what you want. This way you allow
Your life to be rich, wholesome, and most fulfilling.

Abstract nouns are that way because they’re vibration
As is everything yet the distinction is made
Between vibration and physical beingness.
Nothing comes into being in this world unless
It is first a vibration so don’t be afraid
That it isn’t the proper start of creation.

You exist in this physical reality
Which is Mostly Vibrational so that you can
Sift and sort through the contrast and practice your skill
At bringing things into existence by your will
And your conscious intent. They’re more powerful than
Your resistance to living your life happily.

Decide What Comes To You


You’re a magnet to all things that happen to you.
This statement will be challenged by those who believe
That things just simply happen without any rhyme
Or reason. All the victims of violent crime
Naturally find it difficult to receive
This kind of information. They feel it’s not true.

Respect for that perspective is given to all
Who believe otherwise. Karma plays a big role
In what happens to folks individually
And within larger groups. Throughout eternity
We experience things to enlighten the soul.
Nothing that one goes through can be considered small.

A rampage of selective sifting helps you to
Set the tone for attracting the circumstances
Your prefer. Look for any good thing you can find
About all that you focus on. Get more aligned
With the positive aspects of things. Your chances
Of achieving wellbeing will increase for you.

Don’t get into the ‘fixing things’ mode. When you do
You attract misbehavior, mistakes, and all kinds
Of things going wrong. This isn’t quite the rampage
You want started. With wholeness you want to engage.
Stay focused on what you want and watch for the signs
Of more than what you expected coming to you.

It’s Ready! Are You?

Pleasant Day

When you’re looking to manifest something you may
Think that you’re manifesting the actual thing
But you’re not. You’re creating the environment
That allows what you’re wanting. When feeling content
You’re aligned with what you want to start happening.
You know that what you’re wanting is well on its way.

So it’s not like you’re going out and getting it.
If that’s your approach then you’re more keenly aware
Of its absence and what you want can’t come to be.
Line up with the vibrational reality
Of what you have created with such loving care.
Everything is evolving to your benefit.

What you want is already completely prepared
And lined up for you. If it’s not manifested
In the physical it means that you’re not ready
To receive yet so just clean up your energy
And be more optimistic of what lies ahead.
You receive when your passion for life is declared.

Your emotions are manifestations as are
Your ideas and insights. Accept them as such.
You’re creating momentum as you feel your way
To what you want. Joy is but a small price to pay
For a life of abundance. Always keep in touch
With you feelings. From them you should never be far.

Let The Big Stuff Happen

Fun Time

How do people get happy? They have lots of fun
Whenever they can do so. They don’t miss a chance
To find joy and fulfillment in all that they do
And they always have a positive point of view.
Who would not want to have this be their circumstance?
Happiness is something wanted by everyone.

You were born knowing how to get there instantly
Without any resistance but somewhere along
Your journey you were taught about ‘reality.’
You were told that you cannot always be happy.
You know by now that what people told you is wrong.
Of the remnants of this old thinking you’re not free.

Just surrendering to the wellbeing of your
Life experience doesn’t have you yodeling
Down the canyon in absolute satisfaction
But It Should and because your point of attraction
Doesn’t yield a good feeling your life cannot bring
You fulfillment which is something hard to endure.

It takes only seconds for you to change your mood
From one of satisfaction, peace, and contentment
To one of passion and invincibility.
Once you’re eager for life you have more clarity.
Big stuff begins to happen when you circumvent
Your old programming and cop a new attitude.

Let Life Be About Happiness

Energy Smile

Are you willing to just let it all be about
Being happy? Is it such a terrible price
To pay for your existence in this here and now?
You’re fortunate in that you already know how
To get happy and stay there which is rather nice.
You can get happy when you’re not, without a doubt.

How do you feel about being vibrational
Mostly and partly physical? How does it feel
To translate a vibration into what you know
To be physical? What is your manifesto
About life? Is it something you’d want to reveal
To the world? Would the world find it sensational?

Let it be about happiness just for a while
Without justification. You get to decide
To be happy without the manifestation.
Get yourself in the sweet spot of co-creation.
Certain laws of the universe, when they’re applied,
Help you to have a more satisfying lifestyle.

Things are always working out for you and you know
This already. It’s just that sometimes you forget
So you need a reminder that being happy
Is your reason for being a reality.
Live the life you were meant to – one without regret.
Let the blessings of the universe to you flow.

Readiness Ready

Life Run

If it’s happened, I’m ready. If not, then I’m not
Otherwise things would be manifesting for me.
My Vortex of Creation I do believe in.
To deny it would be for me a mortal sin.
Here and now I’ve decided to live happily.
Life is short so I will give it all that I’ve got.

Because of what I’m thinking and how I’m feeling
Moment to moment I create kind of a grid
That fills in incrementally with all the things
That I have ever wanted. My happiness brings
Wonderful things to me even when I’m amid
Utter turmoil. I now know with what I’m dealing.

I don’t want it all right this red hot minute. I
Want it to come when I’m ready for it to come.
I don’t want the full contents of my Vortex to
Flood into my life all at once. What would I do
With a ton of wellbeing? This may seem to some
Not a thing to be pondered. The question is ‘Why?’

I’ll be ready to be ready to receive more
Inspiration to do what I need to get done
In any situation. Vibrationally
I prepare for the wonders that will come to be.
This mindset is applicable to anyone
Who wants to receive everything they’re asking for.

A Life Of Your Dreams

Mix It Up!

Surrender to the wellbeing offered to you
By the provident universe. Be who you are
At your core. Knowing how to live life happily
You’re aligned with your own creative energy.
It has been quite a wonderful journey so far.
What you live now is a perfect daydream come true.

On the emotional scale you’re somewhere between
Satisfaction and ecstasy usually.
The degrees of emotion are the momentum
Of your point of attraction. You have overcome
Much of your resistance. It’s so easy to be
In alignment and to keep your vibration clean.

Satisfaction and peacefulness can turn into
Feelings of passion and invincibility.
Once you find an object of attention to which
You flow your positive energy thoughts you’re rich
In its substance. Things work out magnificently
For you always and life brings much pleasure to you.

You can be the advantage you were born to be
To the world and to yourself by focusing more
On your point of attraction by being ready
To be ready to receive perpetually.
You have every right to a life you can adore.
Once again, you were meant to live life happily.

The Story Of Abundance

Raining Cash

I can tell a new story if the one I tell
Isn’t truly uplifting. I’m energized by
Telling one that’s exciting about abundance.
I’ll speak of it whenever I’m given the chance
Or I’ll just simply take it. I’ll talk about why
Having lots of money would do me very well.

It’s fun to imagine huge amounts of money
Flowing to me. I understand that with practice
I’ll control my vibration so that I’ll receive
What I want. I know that it’s easy to achieve
An alignment that’s close to the state of pure bliss.
Money then is connected to this energy.

Like the air that I breathe money goes in and out.
My desire draws it in and my ease of thought lets
It flow out – in and out – and always easily.
This is part of my rich never ending story.
Currently I have very limited assets
But I will become wealthy. I have not a doubt.

I’m aware of the absolute correlation
Between what I think and feel about money and
What is happening in my life experience.
I love knowing that I receive strong evidence
That of my point of attraction I have command.
Nothing can interfere with my expectation.

Have Fun With It Or Let It Go

Fun Living

What happens when Source Energy flows to something
Through you? It expands. It becomes interesting.
It gathers more cooperative components.
Momentum then increases. As a consequence
Nothing but fun and whatever makes your heart sing
Happens for you. You know what happiness can bring.

That’s just what happens when you focus intently
In each moment on how you feel knowing that you
Have the freedom to feel any way that you choose.
You think only thoughts that will uplift and amuse
Your adventurous spirit. You know what is true
To your heart which is that you should live happily.

If you’re not having a good time with it then it’s
Evoking effort from you and your energy
Is depleted which prevents you from having fun
Yet Source Energy flows freely to everyone.
In alignment with this energy you must be
In order to receive some of its benefits.

Have Fun With It Or Let It Go. Sometimes it’s best
To shift your attention to something completely
Different from what you’re doing and where you are.
Your state of alignment is never very far
From achieving and it can be done easily.
You’re magnificent when your best self is expressed.

Under The Influence

Pure Joy

So I woke up this morning and said, “What a day!”
I was filled with excitement about what’s to come
As I hang around people who think much like me.
What’s my goal? I’ve not figured that out exactly
But I do know that I want absolute freedom
To allow everything to turn out just my way.

There are things I’ve been wanting for quite a while now.
Some of them have already been manifested
And I’m satisfied that the rest are on their way.
In alignment for long periods I can stay
And I usually get what I’ve requested
From the universe. I’ve trained myself to allow.

Everyone is Under The Influence of one
Kind of thing or another in any moment.
If I’m under, “I want it but it costs too much”
Then my point of attraction is way out of touch
With what I want. There’s no way I can circumvent
The duality of my current vibration.

I must change it to, “I want it and it will come.”
When I’m Under The Influence of my desire
Then by law it is certain to happen for me.
I know that I create my own reality.
Blessings come when a good vibration I acquire.
I do well as I’m constantly beating this drum.

Effortless Realization

Active Contemplation

You have done all the efforting as you’ve sifted
Through the contrast. You know what you don’t want and do.
Now that you’ve launched that rocket the universe will
Gather all the components needed to fulfill
Your desire. It should come as no surprise to you
That good things happen as you remain uplifted.

If it still feels like effort it means you’re slowing
Everything down. You may be too much in your head.
If you’re thinking too much about what you should do
You cannot maintain a positive point of view.
You may feel that you need to try harder instead
Of allowing wellbeing to begin flowing.

There’s never too much thinking when you’re guided by
How you feel in each moment and you have control
Over that. Let everything you do be inspired.
It’s a marvelous way to get what is desired.
That you feel on top of the world should be your goal.
You can always feel good without having to try.

You’ve been taught to follow the path of diligence
And hard work but people do it to compensate
For their lack of alignment with what they desire.
Being in the receptive mode doesn’t require
Any effort at all. You need only feel great.
The power of your good vibration is immense.

The State Of Allowing

Artist At Home

I acknowledge the perfect place in which I stand
And I’m here to express it. Appreciation
I have much for my freedom to co-create here
In this time space reality. Things that are dear
To my heart give me so much gratification
That there’s nothing about life I need to demand.

I’m now in The State Of Allowing all the things
That I’ve been wanting to come into existence.
I’ve identified many things that I want and
I’ve received them. By now I can well understand
That I am a creator in the purest sense.
I appreciate life as my happy heart sings.

I know that allowing means basking, frolicking,
And acknowledging the positive aspects, so
I do it quite a bit and it yields unto me
Good results. In this world I’m delighted to be
In the way of the universe’s gracious flow
Of abundance, true happiness, and wellbeing.

It’s exhilarating to be physically
Focused here in this world. I’m appreciating
All the contrast. It leads me to what I believe
Would be better. I allow myself to receive
What I want by the idea I’m creating.
If I want it then it surely can come to be.

Who Are You?

Who? Me?

Who Are You? Yes, you’re the one being spoken to.
Don’t freak out. There’s just something that you ought to know
About who you are truly. You’re one of a kind.
From the heart of divinity you were designed.
Unto you many wonderful blessings can flow
And there’s nothing ridiculous you need to do.

You get close to who you really are when you feel
Absolutely delighted to simply exist.
When you offer that kind of vibration then you
Are extremely successful in all that you do.
When feeling good is kept at the top of your list
Then you’ll be living a life that’s most ideal.

Your power of influence is so huge when you
Get in touch with who you truly are at your core.
People will be astounded by your confidence.
Everyone will be speaking of your radiance.
You’ll appreciate life more than ever before.
You’ll be the witness to all your dreams coming true.

The nonphysical part of you is who you are.
It’s the part that’s eternal. You came here to be
A cooperative component to what you
Desire mostly in life. Pay close attention to
How you feel. You were meant to live life happily.
From where you are your true self is never too far.

Earning Versus Attracting


Most of us believe that we have to do something
In order to justify money coming in.
We think that suffering and hard work is the key
To accumulating huge amounts of money.
We believe that only lucky people can win
At the game of life. It’s rather fascinating.

We who think about dollars approach it more from
The lack of them rather than just allowing them
To flow in and out as if we were breathing air.
There’s so much air that we couldn’t possibly care
That so many are breathing. We’d never condemn
Anyone for the taker of air they’ve become.

Think about the ten dollars in your wallet now.
Is it too little or enough? What can you do
With ten dollars? Answer these questions truthfully.
You can think negatively or positively.
Be delighted about all the dollars that you
Have already. This way more of them you allow.

Always you get what you give your attention to.
If you give it to lack of money then you’ll get
Only more lack of money but if you give it
To your feeling good you’ll train yourself to permit
Money coming. Your mind is your biggest asset.
Think of reasons to feel good is all you need do.

In The Money

Raw Currency

We’ve been trained to believe that hard work is the key
To success in any endeavor. We’ve been told
That our struggle is virtuous so we believe
That it’s necessary in order to achieve
Any good life can offer. We’ve been undersold
By a mindset with which our true selves can’t agree.

Irritated by those who have lots of money,
Those who don’t demonize them yet at the same time
They would like to be like them. There’s a tug of war
Going on in their minds because what they abhor
They want badly and this is a huge psychic crime.
Negative emotion simply isn’t funny.

The truth is that you can attract what you desire
By your focusing on it and staying aligned
With you highest vibration which means get happy.
Practice it until it comes on naturally.
To yourself and to all those rich bastards be kind.
Nothing but a little patience does it require.

Consider abundance as a dominant gene
Because it’s overwhelming. If you can let go
Of the mental resistance and take it easy
It will all come together. Indeed you will be
In a situation where the money will flow.
You’re most powerful when your vibration is clean.

It’s A Winner!

Lucky Sign

Those who buy lottery tickets usually
Do so out of boredom, hope, or desperation.
When you’re in this vibration things can’t possibly
Work out for you yet most people don’t seem to see
That their winning is through identification
Only with pleasant feelings and good harmony.

Can you meditate and manifest the winning
Lottery numbers? You cannot get there from there.
It’s like saying that you want everything right now.
It’s much better for you if you learn to allow
It to come gradually. Take time to prepare
Your Vortex of Creation and get it spinning.

You must know how you’re feeling so that you can tell
If you’re headed upstream or downstream. If you feel
Not your best you can find a better feeling thought.
You attract best when your beliefs and wants are brought
Into perfect alignment. Your Vortex is real.
You can always count on your life working out well.

If you feel overtaken with euphoria
As you put down your money then most probably
You will be a big winner. You don’t really need
The ticket when the true self within you is freed.
In a state of elation is where you must be.
Feeling your best is always a good idea.

Decide What You Want To Attract Today

Pensively Considering

While it feels as if things are happening to you
It’s not so. By you it’s all being invited.
“Why would I invite rude people and why would I
Invite suffering?”
Your focus on it is why

It continues. Your hope may be unrequited
If your being aware of it is all you do.

You’re the inviter of everything that happens
In your life. As you give your attention to things
They become more. Is this a blessing or a curse?
You decide that along with the whole universe.
You invite what you want as your happy heart sings.
You can look at your life through a positive lens.

A rampage of selective sifting you can do.
Find ten favorite things about everything that
Is a part of your life now. Start orienting
Yourself to looking for all that’s complementing
To your fancy and after you get that down pat
Then only things that you prefer will come to you.

Everything in your experience begins to
Reflect the center from which you are attracting.
When you’re feeling low nothing can turn out your way.
When you’re happy you live life as if it’s child’s play.
Be aware of the vibration you’re transacting
So that you know exactly what’s coming to you.

Momentum Convergence


Think a thought for about fourteen seconds and then
Another thought just like it will join it. If you
Keep on thinking then more thoughts will gather until
A huge convergence of your momentous thought will
Reach a point of combustion. This isn’t a new
Idea but it’s worth speaking of it again.

Law of Attraction is all about momentum
And the way that you’re feeling moment to moment.
You may introduce resistance into the mix
By thinking that you have a big problem to fix.
You control your creation one hundred percent
Without action or depending on an outcome.

As you focus you’re sitting by yourself and you’re
Contemplating something and you’re enjoying it.
You don’t offer resistance and you’re allowing
Provident forces of the universe to bring
Everything you want to you so you benefit
From a healthy vibration that’s vital and pure.

So when you’re in alignment with who you are you
Have the energy that creates worlds standing by
To fulfill all your wishes and as thoughts converge
Only good times and wonderful things will emerge.
A wellbeing explosion you cannot deny
Will occur as you’re practicing this point of view.

Life Is Supposed To Be Good

Right At Home

You are Source Energy but just what does it mean?
A rose by any other name is still a rose.
It’s the energy of divine intelligence
That you’re made of. The power you have is immense.
It’s the same that creates worlds. A part of you knows
This without question despite the bad that you’ve seen.

Life Is Supposed To Be Good for you. If it’s not
Then it’s your doing. Your responsibility
Is to keep yourself happy any way you can.
You can always feel a little bit better than
You do now by deciding that you want to be
Happier. Your awareness does matter a lot.

What you’re living and feeling is all about how
Fast your stream is flowing and in which direction
You’re pointed in it. Over both you have control.
Life has caused your stream to flow. It must be your goal
To flow with it and remember your connection
To your true essence which only you can allow.

Don’t deny the person you’ve already become.
Stop preventing the current from carrying you
To your dreams. Let the stream gently turn you around.
Through surrender the power within you is found.
Look for fun and adventure in all that you do.
Take advantage of where all your blessings come from.

Get Off The Subject

Higher Education

“Am I ready for my new relationship?” No!
If you were you’d be living it. Something prevents
It from coming. It’s on the way. You deserve it.
When it comes right down to it you just have to quit
That thing that you keep doing that doesn’t make sense
If you want in your life many blessings to flow.

You’ve collected enough data. You’ve put enough
Energy into your vortex of creation
But you’ve been facing way too much reality
Instead of creating it vibrationally.
You must make peace with your current situation
Otherwise any journey you take will be rough.

Reach for more satisfying thoughts. You can do this.
You’ve practiced the subject of not having what you
Want to happen and not being sure you’re ready.
Whenever you think about it, naturally
You feel stressed but the only thing you need to do
Is to Get Off The Subject. Nothing will you miss.

Find something that you feel satisfied about and
Think about it mostly then everything else takes
Care of itself. There isn’t a huge price to pay
To have things in your life turning out just the way
You’d prefer. Life is one of many lucky breaks.
The fulfillment of your cherished dreams is at hand.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Financial Growth

You have asked. It’s been given. You’re reaching for more
Satisfaction in living. Your moments of stress
No longer petrify you and keep you away
From experiencing wonder throughout your day.
You’ve your inner being to thank for your success.
You’re on top of your game more than ever before.

It has been a fine year, a wonderful decade,
And an outstanding century and far beyond
On the planet and you’re here to take advantage
Of the wellbeing. You’re meant to take center stage.
All the players and props in your drama respond
To how much of your true self to them is conveyed.

As of right now your clarity has already
Improved and will continue to. Your eagerness
For life has been renewed. Your appreciation
Of others will increase. Your exhilaration
About your life will be the source of your success
In whatever you’re doing. You must stay happy.

You have not seen anything like what lies ahead.
You’re on the brink of deliberate alignment
With your purpose. Your prosperity will improve.
You’ll greatly praise yourself for having made the move
Toward wholeness and feeling profoundly content.
It seems by now that there’s nothing more to be said.

Sifting Through The Contrast


This world offers me contrast. I like it when I
Engage it day to day without having to be
Ever discouraged by it. My life is a breeze
For the most part. I take everything with much ease.
I know that everything is working out for me.
Fortunate for me is that I don’t have to try.

I’d put forth so much effort to get to a place
Where I couldn’t be satisfied. Now that I’m free
Of the struggle I thought I needed to go through
There’s nothing in the universe that I can’t do,
Be, or have. I’ve decided that I’m most worthy
Of wellbeing, abundance, and infinite grace.

Effortlessly I’m on the path to everything
That I could ever want and the contrast provides
Opportunities for me to sift and sort out
What I do want from what I don’t. It’s all about
My discernment. My emotional system guides
Me along through whatever may be happening.

Contradictory thought will make me feel like I
Need to try harder in order to compensate
For my not having gotten into alignment
With my spirit. My quest is one of refinement.
Bless the contrast because it gets me to create
A magnificent life – one I cannot deny.

The Fast Track To Abundance

Sleeping In Cash

Without even knowing it you were trained into
Your thoughts and beliefs about money by people
Who don’t have it. They’re struggling. They’re irritated
By the people who have it. What they’ve created
Is a mindset that in their lives can’t be helpful
And it may be hard to alter that point of view.

Look what’s going on. Just listen a little bit
To the national – even global dialogue
About money. It’s from the perspective of lack
So the reporting is all about keeping track
Of the lack. Many people are kept in a fog
About it. Their worry is of no benefit.

It doesn’t take much easing up on your habits
Of thought before abundance starts to flow to you.
When this much abundance is flowing and you do
Something radically different and brand new
Like relax your vibration your dream will come true.
Your trust in the process yields many benefits.

Fast money must be ‘bad’ money? This isn’t so.
Your wanting is like a rubber band pulled back far.
When you let go of the resistance it will go
With much power and quickly. The more that you know
About what’s holding you back the better you are
At correcting yourself as you go with the flow.

Life Is Supposed To Be Good


I woke up this morning. I’m alive and quite well.
I was not taken hostage. My house is still here.
My children haven’t been slaughtered before my eyes.
I have no particular reason to despise
Anyone. I can walk the streets having no fear
Of abduction. I’ve no tragic story to tell.

What I know is that I’m made of Source Energy
As is everyone. Life Is Supposed To Be Good.
If it isn’t it’s my fault because everything
That I’m living and feeling and thus offering
To the universe cannot be misunderstood.
But if this is true why is there atrocity?

There’s no answer that anyone can understand.
Evil and hatred are part of humanity
But there’s much more wellbeing. The peace that I know
I’m most grateful for. As for the pain and sorrow
Suffered by others how much more sad can one be?
It’s damned awful. I stand with my heart in my hand.

There are only two factors – how fast my stream flows
And which way I’m pointed in it. Life has caused me
To make choices and that’s what gets the stream going.
If I let the stream turn me then I’ll be flowing
With it and not against it so naturally
I’m well protected from humankind and its woes.

Everything Is Downstream

Winding Stream

There’s a strong current moving in one direction.
It’s toward your wellbeing and all you desire.
You can go with the flow or you can go against
It but a whole lot of work needs to dispensed
In so doing and your yielding doesn’t require
Any effort. There’s no need for course correction.

So why do people want to paddle hard upstream?
It’s because our society teaches us that
Working hard is virtuous. We don’t want to be
Perceived as some mixture of foolish and lazy.
All the reasons you do so are worth looking at
Because they’re keeping you from fulfilling your dream.

When you say no to something you include it in
Your vibration which is your point of attraction
Just as when you say yes to something you invite
Subtle energies to bring your dream within sight.
Going downstream always leads to satisfaction.
When you push against something you never will win.

When you feel things like love and appreciation
The stream carries you. Without any resistance
On your part you move swiftly to everything you
Want in life and there’s nothing that you need to do
But relax and let your life be a joyful dance
And you’ll get along much better with everyone.

Be Done With Struggle

Holding The Chain

Almost everyone has feelings of ceilings or
Limitations on how much money they equate
With their living the good life. How much is enough
Or too little? To think about that kind of stuff
Can be joyful or something one could grow to hate.
Folks have money but they’d rather have a lot more.

People happily spend it. Does that irritate
Anyone in particular or as a whole
Class of people? Does it seem like sheer wastefulness?
Are there feelings of anger you’d like to express
To the wealthy? Do you feel that they have control
Of the world? Do you think it’s a matter of fate?

Every dollar that’s spent is paying someone who
Created something of value and all of those
Who helped and who supported its coming to be.
Spending is of benefit to society.
You don’t have to know all that a rich person knows
For the wealth to find its way easily to you.

There’s some struggle regarding shortage consciousness.
It’s like sucking in air and not letting it out.
The economy grows because people create
Things of value. When you learn to appreciate
The wellbeing apparent you will have no doubt
That about getting money you will have success.

Let Go And Let God

The Threshold

Long before all else fails why not put yourself in
A more trusting position? If you’re doing well
But you want more to happen you have to believe
That it will. The only thing you have to achieve
Is alignment with that which is ringing your bell.
Not to do so would be committing a grave sin.

Don’t take score about where your are. Trust the process.
If you make peace with where you are you will succeed
In the long run due to your improved attitude.
Let the spirit within you cause you to conclude
That all is well. You want to let go of the need
To keep measuring your spiritual progress.

Let go of the oars and let the boat turn around
So that it’s pointed downstream. There’s nothing upstream
That you want. Let how you feel determine the way
That your boat turns. Once it does it’s easy to stay
Pointed downstream where life can be lived like a dream.
In your surrendering control much can be found.

When you feel negative emotion it means that
Your boat is pointed upstream. Find some way to find
Some relief from the opposition and the stress.
To the minds who create worlds you have full access.
As you Let Go And Let God you’ll be more inclined
To feel better. Is this not something to look at?

When The Big Stuff Happens

Observing Hugeness

There are different levels of being happy.
I can be consumed with passion or just content.
Either way I have access to what I’ve asked for.
Satisfied I am with life yet I ask for more
To occur according to my conscious intent.
I surrender to the wellbeing that is me.

It’s called the momentum within the vibration
And when I meet my true self with no resistance
I allow myself to be receptive to all
That I’ve asked for – the big things as well as the small.
I know that my appreciation will enhance
Whatever I decide to be my creation.

When the emotion switches from satisfaction
And peacefulness into invincibility
Big things happen. The more I feel good the more I
Have command of my creations and this is why
I must let myself be as happy as can be.
This is according to the Law of Attraction.

Once the floodgates are open – once thoughts begin to
Flow to me and once I find and object that I
Can focus all my attention on I align
With my inner being. I’m happy by design.
Positive energy thoughts are now part of my
Agenda. They help to make my dreams all come true.

Attract A Life Partner


If you continue to practice the vibration
Of, “That’s not it… That’s not it…” then it’s difficult
For what is it to enter your experience.
It can’t get through the smokescreen of your thinking hence
Your success isn’t likely to be the result
Because you’re in too needy a situation.

You don’t need the condition – the person who you
Want to shower your love upon. Think more about
The companionship rather than the companion.
Don’t demand from the universe that special one.
It knows well what you want. You’re the one who has doubt.
Think about what the power of your love can do.

Think of the un-condition – the way that you feel
About love. The emotion is all that you need
To put you in a place of extreme contentment.
Under that un-condition nothing can prevent
Your dream from manifesting and it may exceed
What you think would be perfect. Your love is for real.

Your partner is real also. The universe knows
Where you both are and how to bring you together.
Feel the love of belonging and it won’t be long
Before you will find someone who’s singing your song.
Keep your heart happy and as light as a feather.
That is when all kinds of loving energy flows.

Believe What You Want

Moment Of Prayer

The enormous power of non-resisted thought
Is something to be cherished. Thought gains momentum
When there’s nothing that stops it. It picks up more speed,
More bigness, and more energy. Thought is the seed
That will grow into something that you will gain from.
You exercise your power as your truth is sought.

Power is momentum. How to get it to flow
Is by speaking more about your burning desire.
How can you manage the energy of you own
Thinking pattern? The path that you’re taking is shown
To you clearly. Your worthiness doesn’t require
Any justification. This is good to know.

If you want something and you believe it then you
Have a thought non-resistant. You keep living it
Whether you want it or not. Even if you’re not
Thinking about what you want a whole frigging lot
It’s still gaining momentum for your benefit
Or undoing. Believe What You Want to come true.

You must believe in your extreme ability
To attract wealth into your life experience.
And believe in wellbeing for you and for all.
You are living a life that is meant to enthrall
And delight you. Allow the good times to commence.
Believe in all the good that you have already.

Speak What You Love

Elegant Joy

I love being alive. I love knowing the laws
Of the universe. I love going with the flow.
I love knowing how this all works. I love knowing
What I know and I love knowing where I’m going.
Bless my soul for this opportunity to grow.
I’m no longer so plagued by the way that I was.

I love knowing that I have an inner being
Who’s looking at everything and feeling delight
About all that takes place. Evil it doesn’t see.
This being who is the eternal part of me
Sees my life and my future as sunny and bright.
I endeavor to see the way it is seeing.

I love knowing that sometimes I’ll get out of whack
And it’s not such an issue because I can get
Back in harmony with my internal rampage.
The wellbeing is dominant. So why engage
With the thinking that I know that I will regret?
It takes just some fine tuning to get back on track.

I want everyone to be joyful. I want there
To be cooperation among humankind.
I know that it’s not my responsibility
To help others discover their reason to be.
Everyone deserves wellbeing and peace of mind.
I love that by my choice I become more aware.

The Power Of Now

Bright Horizon

Here you are in your now. Everything around you
Is infused with your vibrational energy.
You attract like a magnet the things you desire.
You know that your manifesting doesn’t require
Any struggle. Things come to you quite easily.
You have no trouble getting your dreams to come true.

How you’re feeling right now is very important.
It’s your point of attraction. It’s where your power
Emanates from. Right now you are free to decide
To let how you feel be your benevolent guide
To receiving. The universe wants to shower
Down upon you its blessings this very instant.

You’ve learned to stop making excuses about why
You don’t feel good and to do something about it.
You affect your tomorrow by how you feel now.
As you practice feeling good you learn to allow
Good to come. Be aware of the vibe you transmit.
It may sound airy fairy but give it a try.

You’ve shown yourself the power of positively
Improving your wellbeing. You well understand
That it flows swiftly and freely to everyone.
With your now, a new chapter in life has begun.
Of the way that you’re feeling you have full command.
To feel your very best is your reason to be.

Speak Your Desire Into Existence

Amplified Voice

“I would like to have this thing, But… (fill in the blank).”
You believe in the ‘But’ more than you believe in

Your desire. You’ve got a push-pull thing happening
So you find it hard to accomplish anything.
The damned ‘But’ isn’t helpful much to your chagrin.
You have only your disconnected self to thank.

Everyone has a ‘But.’ It screws with momentum
Because your ‘But’ will bring things to a screeching halt.
What feels and looks like magic to you and others
Never happens. The momentum never occurs.
Realize that you are the only one at fault.
Your ‘But’ is where all of your misery comes from.

Face reality, ‘But’ do it in such a way
That you become a better selective sifter
Of the parts of reality you want to face
And the parts about it that you fully embrace
Will become your most valuable uplifter.
Speak only of the things that will brighten your day.

Speak a lot more about what you want and believe
That it’s coming. This gets the momentum to flow
With more power and speed. Your resistance free thought
Is the key to your finding whatever is sought.
Leave your ‘But’ in the closet. No one wants to know
About that. Keep yourself in the mode to receive.

Don’t Chase After Money

Money Chase

In the morning do you go outside and breathe in
All the air that you’ll need for the day because you
Fear that others will suck it away completely?
In a world of continued psychosis you’d be
If that were so and this is especially true
About money. It isn’t the root of all sin.

You breathe in and breathe out. You don’t worry about
Where the next breath will come from. Much in the same way
There is an unlimited amount of money.
There’s enough to where everyone can be happy.
Being happy rather than being in dismay
Makes it happen. There must be no lingering doubt.

At the same time both lack and abundance exist.
Which of these probabilities do you give more
Attention to? Your society teaches you
That in order to be worthy then you must do
Certain things such as hard work and things you deplore.
Any notion of abundance then is dismissed.

If you feel good about money then it will flow
Easily into your life. You don’t have to chase
After it like a rat. Be thankful for what you
Have already. The only thing you need to do
Is keep yourself receptive to infinite grace.
Be open to what the universe has to show.

Just Go With The Flow

Blue Green Splash

You can feel the power of your experience
If you Just Go With The Flow. Much publicity
About crises causes you to think in a way
That’s contrary to happiness. How can you stay
In alignment and free from negativity
When the hate of humanity is so intense?

It’s a time of awakening. Greater contrast
We’re experiencing. People are asking more
Of the universe. The energy that creates
Worlds is moving much faster which clearly translates
To more energy flowing than ever before.
We can no longer keep holding on to the past.

Find ways to move in the direction of the flow.
You don’t have to keep up with the fast energy.
You need only to let the flow turn you around.
You’ll delight in the new sense of ease you have found
Otherwise you paddle with much difficulty
In the upstream direction of heartache and woe.

Wellbeing is the order of this universe.
When you look at the world as a whole you will find
Tiny pockets of discord. Don’t let it deter
You from seeing in the way that you would prefer.
Do believe in the potential for humankind
To evolve in a way that is better – not worse.

Ten Seconds Equals Two Years

Master Clock

A vibrational reality that is real
Is what you’ve been creating in your everyday
Mode of living. It’s full of all that you’ve become
And it’s calling you to it. Don’t turn away from
All the good things you’ve put there. Find some kind of way
To line up with it. Notice the way that you feel.

There’s a nonphysical sense called inspiration.
You feel it when you’re doing something creative
Which is just about anything. Thoughts constantly
Turn to things and they mimic most accurately
Your vibration. You’re always appreciative
Of receiving help to support your creation.

Inspiration then is a manifestation.
Getting out ahead of it means caring about
How you feel. When you decide to feel good you can
Create what you want a whole lot easier than
When you choose to feel lousy and fettered in doubt.
How you feel directly affects your creation.

Be good to yourself. Do what you think needs to be
Taken care of but don’t think that hard work gets you
Any lasting fulfillment. Ten seconds of your
Feeling good equals two years struggle. The more
You relax then the less efforting there’s to do.
Life is meant for you to get through it easily.

Everything Is Down Streaam

Dream Stream

There’s a strong current flowing. It’s created by
A whole lifetime of wanting. It’s calling you to
Take you to what you’ve asked for and if you decide
To go down to the river’s edge and take a ride
You will be most delighted by where it takes you.
If you didn’t go for it one would wonder why.

If your turn your boat deliberately upstream
And start paddling profusely someone may ask you,
“Why not turn your boat around and go with the flow?”
But many people do it. They don’t seem to know

Any better yet there are a fortunate few
Where the ride down the river yields pleasure supreme.

We’ve been trained to struggle hard against the current
And it’s noble to do so. It is virtuous
To work oneself to pieces. There’s nothing that you
Want that’s upstream. For all the hard work that you do
Satisfaction is something you cannot discuss
Due to your being in a state of discontent.

Everything that you want is downstream. Just let go
Of the oars and let the current turn you around
In the proper direction to carry you to
Everything that you’re wanting. Your dreams will come true.
Take pleasure in the new sense of freedom you’ve found
All because you’ve decided to go with the flow.

Love Is The Basis Of All

Colorful Hearts

I watched a documentary featuring bears.
Mother bear and her baby were taking honey
From a hive. The bees paid no attention to them.
Could it be that the bees had no will to condemn
The bears maybe because the bees had quite plenty
Not minding that the hungry bears took what was theirs?

As the bears lapped up honey they got honey all
Over themselves, so mama bear started licking
Baby bear. Then I wondered if the mother bear
Loved her baby or the honey. Did the bear care
More about one than the other? Is nitpicking
The issue really worth it? Are these questions small?

Last night I had a dream about these bears and me.
In it I was that baby bear. I felt profound
Love for me from my mother. I experienced
Nothing like this. This natural love she dispensed
Echoes throughout the universe and it’s unbound.
It’s how everything in existence came to be.

Sometimes I don’t allow the love in because I
Have chosen to take in all the terrible news
Then I think that love isn’t the powerful force
It’s made out to be. This is fallacious of course.
In each moment I have the wherewithal to choose
Love over fear and hatred. Love I can’t deny.

Are You Worthy?

Pretty Please

Good things can come to you easily if you’re not
So hung up on not having them. Feeling worthy
Of receiving them may be the issue at hand.
The forces that deliver only understand
How you’re feeling. They respond to the energy
You’re emitting. Your attitude matters a lot.

If you’ve struggled then failed many times to achieve
What you want then you may feel you’re not good enough
To receive it. As negative stories begin
To flow into your psyche you’re skating on thin
Ice in terms of fulfillment, and you’ll have a rough
Time of getting back into the mode to receive.

Change your focus completely. When you redirect
Your attention to things that are working out well
In your life, you release your attachment to the
Outcome and its timeline. You want to become free
Of the angst which has cast such an ominous spell
Over you. With your higher self you must connect.

So just feel good. Your focusing on the outcome
Leads you far from what you want. Look at what’s thriving
In your life instead of what you don’t have right now.
It’s the only way on earth that you can allow
What you want to come to you. Be only striving
To feel better. We hope that this will help you some.

The Clogged Pipe Analogy

Directing The Flow

There’s this pond on a property fed by many
Little rapids that feed into another pond
That’s much larger. For years the owners enjoyed it.
It was beautiful and they had the benefit
Of a landscaping marvel that is far beyond
Ordinary. It is really something to see.

The water became cloudy after many years.
They thought it was the filter. They replaced it, but
The water was still cloudy, so they checked the pipes
With rods, plumbing snakes, and devices of all types.
They were clogged severely, and they didn’t know what
They could do, yet it wasn’t the worst of their fears.

They laid new pipes on top of the ground to make sure
That the problem was found. It was definitely.
The water became clear and the issue resolved.
It is interesting how the process evolved
In the way of relating an analogy.
It is hoped that the message implied will endure.

You may have beliefs that you have been carrying
For a long time. They may have you clogged up inside.
Think in terms of just laying some new pipes, and then
Things will start to flow, and you’ll see clearly again.
Fresh new ways of thinking open your mind up wide.
When you change your beliefs you have changed everything.

At The Heart Of Attraction

Royal Flush

Most people who are thinking in terms of money
Are approaching it more from the subject of lack
Than from just allowing the dollars to flow in.
They wind up wishing forever for their big win.
If you feel that you put out more than you get back,
Then it may be that you’re off vibrationally.

You don’t rise in the morning and breathe all the air
That you’ll need for the whole day before others can
Suck it up. You breathe in and breathe out as you need.
When it comes to your breathing, there’s no need for greed.
You don’t worry at all if someone has more than
They deserve. So, how to money does this compare?

Through our programming, we’ve learned to believe that we
Are not worthy enough to receive anything
Without hard work and struggle. We must justify
Every bit of good luck that happens to come by,
And we’re promised rewards for our hard suffering,
But this universe operates differently.

If you consciously focus upon the value
Of the dollars you do hold, then you’ll receive more.
Feeling good about the money you’ve got going
Is the best way that is known to keep it flowing.
The main difference between the rich and the poor
Is the feeling about all that money can do.

If You’re Ready, It’s Already Happened

Prepared To Celebrate

Things that you’ve been wanting will be realities
When a major shift in your vibration takes place.
Your Vortex of Creation is something quite real.
It’s made up of happy emotions that you feel
Throughout life. It’s your true Source of infinite grace.
It’s a state you can enter with relative ease.

Where you stand is what you think and how you’re feeling
In the moment. It transmits an energy field
That is either aligned with the Source that is you
Or is not. In that case then the best thing to do
Is to chill until your inner Source has revealed
Itself to you. A time out can be most healing.

The contents of your Vortex include everything
That you have ever dreamed of. How do you prepare
For receiving what’s in there if you’re not ready?
You must let go of your negative tendency
To get up on your soap box and falsely declare
That the thing you want greatly is not happening.

Just accept that what you want vibrationally
Is already available. You can see how
Your deliberate focus on feeling your best
Is a key factor in all that you manifest.
If it’s happened already, you’ve learned to allow
The contents of your Vortex to flow easily.

Who Are You?

Big Look

When you get who you are, and when you get how who
The real you really feels, you’re beginning to be
A vibrational match to who you truly are.
Only those who are ignorant find it bizarre
That each person creates their own reality,
So, be glad that this knowledge is made clear for you.

Your power of influence is so huge that those
Who are watching are dazzled by your confidence.
Things work out for you. Life is ever evolving.
You do not have to waste time and effort solving
Life’s unsolvable issues. What makes better sense
Is to stay in alignment amid the shadows.

You came forth to identify what you want and
To enjoy life in its constant and eternal
Stream of exquisite beauty. You’re one with the flow
Of abundance and wellbeing because you know
That all of existence remains spiritual.
Your purpose on this earth is to further expand.

Now and then, you may find yourself paddling upstream
Against all that you want, and this contradiction
In your energy manifests as misery
In some aspect of your life. You’d much rather be
In a place where you experience no friction.
When you know who you are, your life can be a dream.

Expect Miracles


Attraction is about life, and life is about
Attraction. Your inner being is the one who
Is attracting. It gathers Cooperative
for creating the life that you live.

So, let’s call it momentum. It has all to do
With the way circumstances in your life work out.

Momentum isn’t something you do. It’s something
That you learn to allow. The Law of Attraction
Is the momentum maker. You’re the focuser
Of all things that would make your life as you’d prefer.
You get momentum going when you have begun
To attend to the vibration you’re offering.

The delicious part of the creative process
Is that you have created for yourself a gap
Between you and what you want, but this is okay.
Your desires become more specified in this way.
Into infinite intelligence you can tap.
At any moment you have absolute access.

People expect only what they’ve seen already,
So they don’t Expect Miracles naturally.
Incremental releasing of your resistance
Day by day on your journey will greatly enhance
Your attraction vibration. Just be thrilled to be
Part of all of life’s magical reality.

Stay In Alignment In Difficult Times

Windows Of Perception

I feel best when I have those moments where things that
Used to mess with me hugely do not anymore.
I can handle things quite well. Not much bothers me.
I believe meditation has helped me to be
More connected to spirit than I’d been before.
I am more discerning about things I look at.

But the question is, regarding the bigger things
That I have no control of, how can I remain
In alignment with spirit? The world and its woes
Are things I shouldn’t look at. They are but shadows
Of a vacant reality, so there’s no gain
In sustaining it. Only the happy heart sings.

It’s a difficult situation when someone
Who I love suddenly dies. The Source within me
Knows there is no death, and I can communicate
With those who are in spirit if I concentrate
On making the connection. I have to be free
Of emotional trauma before it is done.

Situations don’t have to control how I feel,
And I don’t have to blunder my way through the day
Unaware of my feelings. I get out ahead
Of the difficult issue by choosing instead
To selectively sift difficulty away.
In each moment I can find what is most ideal.

A Winner

Lottery Luck

“Can I meditate and manifest the winning
Lottery numbers?”
You cannot get there from there.

It is possible to do this, but here’s the thing.
If your mood isn’t right, then your spending will bring
Nothing to you. Most people aren’t even aware
Of their feeling when buying. It’s interesting.

Are you feeling euphoria while you’re putting
Down your money? If so, then keep on doing it.
People buy out of boredom while hoping they will
Win the jackpot someday. If you go for the thrill
Of just playing, it is of immense benefit
To your vibration and your chances of winning.

There’s a mix of emotions you’re accustomed to.
Your mind tells you it’s possible, but not your gut.
You want money to flow to you in abundance
That you can enjoy comfortably. You enhance
Your vibration by keeping your focus on what,
In each moment, is going on inside of you.

So, don’t buy until you’ve lined up your energy,
Then you won’t need the ticket because you are now
A cooperative component to money
Coming to you in ways that you didn’t foresee.
You’re a big winner when you decide to allow
The abundance to happen spontaneously.

Your Emotions

Flavors Of Feeling

Emotions are a big deal. They mean everything.
Through you feelings you generate a vibration
Which is responded to by all that receive it.
Yet, you can control the signal that you transmit.
It’s not complicated. It can even be fun
To feel better. All it takes is some fine tuning.

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
The variety that surrounds you inspires new
And constant awareness of what you would prefer.
Manifold are the preferences that occur.
The thoughts that you’re thinking have everything to do
With the way you feel, so select them carefully.

Pay attention to the emotions that you feel
All day, every day. They are your indicator
Of the vibrational mix between you and Source.
Within you is contained a most provident force.
You will learn to feel better sooner or later.
No matter what the circumstance, it is ideal.

It does not take much tuning to come back into
Alignment with who you really are at your core.
It’s the consistency of holding yourself there
That brings things that you’re wanting from out of nowhere.
Shift your thinking. You can enjoy life a lot more.
There is not anything else that you need to do.

Practiced Resistance

Background Protection

If I put my boat into a fast-moving stream
And I flow with it, do I create the power
Of momentum? Or did I simply step into
What had already been going? Can both be true?
If I take on the consciousness of the flower,
Would I feel my existence as simply a dream?

When I’m in the natural stream of wellbeing,
I let go of all of my Practiced Resistance.
The power of the stream is within me, no doubt.
If I try to be powerful, it keeps me out.
Keeping myself delighted will greatly enhance
The adventure. The stream is ever agreeing.

I’ve stopped trying to figure things out anymore.
It indeed is a problem especially when
I am writing. Sometimes, I’m too much in my head.
I know that I should write from my feelings instead.
The words flow like the stream does. I’m satisfied then.
I have much less resistance than I had before.

I do this for the fun of it. All that I write
Is for pure entertainment. I’m not trying to
Convince anyone of anything, so feel free
To delight in the power that’s flowing through me.
If there are those who think that I haven’t a clue,
I’ve the freedom to not let it get me uptight.

Understanding Allowing

The Power Of Color

Allowing yourself to feel better than ever
Can’t be seen as a challenge. It’s done easily
With a small shift in focus. Appreciation
For how well things are going is the number one
Way of reaching a better place if you can see
Your whole life as one magnificent endeavor.

Allowing all the things that you’ve been wanting to
Flow into your experience is creating
For yourself a fulfilling life and one of ease.
There is no one but yourself that you need to please.
The universe is forever advocating
For your ultimate pleasure in all that you do.

In a vibrational universe you’re living.
About that idea be exhilarated.
Your allowing means your basking and frolicking.
Positive aspects are worth your acknowledging.
Be aware of all the good that you’ve created.
Of the mistakes you’ve made you must be forgiving.

Nothing is more important than that you look for
Only that which you want to see. Variety
Is delicious. Be thankful that you get to choose
Just the life that you want. Only you can refuse
The blessings of the universe. You’re meant to be
In a state of fulfillment and asking for more.

The Raw Need Unfulfilled


I can’t leave it alone, yet I know I need to.
I can’t just go on wanting and feeling that I
Could crawl out of my skin. Is there no solution
To my issue of severe self-persecution?
I keep asking the question and wondering why
The answer isn’t coming. So, what must I do?

You can leave it alone by your feeling worthy
Of its manifestation. Though it’s difficult
When the need has a rawness so overwhelming,
Still you must keep your focus on what’s becoming
Without feeling its absence, so the end result
Is exactly the way that you would have it be.

How can you stop your thinking so much about it?
Change the subject by going very general
In your thinking about it until you’ve achieved
An effective distraction. You will have received
Alternate inspiration that everything shall
Come together for your ultimate benefit.

Getting busy on other things gets you to where
There is not much resistance in your vibration.
Talk yourself into believing that it’s coming.
Meditation will clean out the psychic plumbing
So that some clarity of the mind is begun.
Always about how you are feeling you must care.