Tag Archive | live

Never Beg


Never Beg someone to be in your life. If you
Text, call, and visit and still you’re being ignored
Then it’s time that you moved on. It’s called self-respect.
From your higher self you don’t want to disconnect
Because by that self you’re most profoundly adored.
Walk away. It’s the honorable thing to do.

Love yourself for what you are instead of hating
Yourself for what you’re not. When you feel insecure
You can either let jealousy consume you or
Use it as motivation for you to do more
To better yourself so do your best to ensure
That you know the reality you’re creating.

Those who love you for who you are – not for what you
Can do for them are the best kinds of people in
Your life so honor them. Never cry for any
Relationship ending as there will always be
Another. You can play this game of life to win.
Don’t give up on the loving that you feel is true.

Never bargain with what you really want to do.
One with big dreams is more powerful than the one
With all the facts and figures. Those who can uplift
You in hard times are a most valuable gift.
Once you know who you are a new life has begun.
Find things to do in life that will satisfy you.

A Long, Fulfilling Life

Long Happy Journey

Everyone wants a long and fulfilling life. So
How do people achieve it? They stay excited
About things they love doing and do them they do
With abandon. Each moment for them is brand new.
The flame of their lives keeps being reignited
By their love for life and their willingness to grow.

Keep it simple. Find out what you love to do and
Do it as early as you can if possible.
Remember what you loved to do when you were young.
What excited you? You can find something among
All those things that will make your life more meaningful.
Doing it causes your consciousness to expand.

Failures are fertilizer. It doesn’t smell good.
You don’t want to roll in it but in it will grow
Seeds of wisdom. Your failures are only detours
Off your path. Get Back On. The decision is yours.
Those who live happy lives learn to go with the flow.
That life has peaks and valleys is well understood.

When you live today as if tomorrow you’ll die
But you learn and you yearn as if you’re going to
Live forever you guarantee your life will be
Most fulfilling and ripe with opportunity.
Give more back than all that has been given to you.
Never retire because you can always retry.

Recipe For Receiving

Big Surprise

The basis of your life is your freedom to be
Who you are as a natural human being.
You quest is joy and the result is eternal
Expansion. By your keeping a feel good journal
You get to a point where you are only seeing
What you want which is happiness and harmony.

How can you find more clarity? Just get happy.
It’s the answer to anything you could ask for.
How do you solve a problem? Get happy and then
Things will work their way back to normalcy again.
After all, getting happy is not a huge chore.
You are here to be as happy as you can be.

How do you endure the injustice of the one
Who you live with? Now you have a big choice to make.
You cannot remain happy while looking where you
Are bombarded with instances of feeling blue.
It is up to you to become fully awake
To the issue that seems to have no solution.

Pet your cat. Take a walk. Do whatever it takes
To get happy. This is the best Recipe For
what you want. Improvement you will find

In your mood when you chill out and quiet you mind.
Keep your focus only on the things you adore.
You’ll be seen as someone who gets all of the breaks.

The Next Level

Love Joy

I do find myself in a really happy place
Usually. I don’t look at reality
To the point where I can get out of alignment.
I have no problem at all remaining content
With the world I’m creating. I live happily
In this knowing, loving universe’s embrace.

If I ignore reality just long enough
To get myself into a state of happiness
Then I can give my undivided attention
To my life which is an ongoing invention.
It’s the love in my heart that I want to express.
I’ve no time for all kinds of non-uplifting stuff.

I can speak words of passion about what’s to come –
Not what’s happening now although now is sublime.
My life hasn’t been better. I’m ready for more
Evidence of the things that I’ve been asking for.
Everything goes my way because I take the time
To acknowledge where all of my blessings come from.

Anything that I want I can have, do, or be.
I get to The Next Level by keeping control
Of my thoughts and emotions and not reacting
To occurrences. I know that I’m attracting
Life experiences that are good for my soul.
It’s in my best interest to live happily.

Living In The Now

Momentary Midday Pleasure

Make it your highest priority to live more
In the present if you want to live happily.
You don’t need lots of money and all the nice things
It can buy. What’s found in the present moment brings
You the insight to experience ecstasy.
Within you is all that you ever have need for.

All unhappiness is formed when you get away
From what is most important – this present moment.
Disappointment and anger come from focusing
On the past. Fixation on the future will bring
Worry, stress, and anxiety. Conscious intent
Is required so that you in the present will stay.

Use this moment to appreciate anything
You can think of – the breath of abundant fresh air
That you’re taking in – the energy inside you –
How the cells of your body know just what to do
To keep you in the best of health. Just be aware
Of the goodness and wellbeing that’s happening.

When the things you do are infused with your presence
Everything you do is done with more quality,
More connection, and more love. There’s greater success
On all levels. The measure of your happiness
Is how connected to the present you can be.
Happily ever after you live your life hence.


Love In Bloom

When you feel negative emotion it’s a sign
That the larger part of you has expanded to
A new place but you have chosen not to go there
For some reason of which you may not be aware
Consciously or it could be a problem that you
Cannot handle without some help from the divine.

Preferences about life that you have become
Integral parts of your Vortex of Creation.
As you sift through the contrast that life offers you
What you want will be evident and a brand new
Wish will enter your Vortex. Manifestation
Then must follow. It’s where most everything comes from.

Where you are now is perfect. You’ve done nothing wrong.
There’s nothing that you need to change. Where you now stand
Is in this perfect relationship between you
And the expanded part of you. Be open to
What that part has to tell you. Take it by the hand.
Let it guide you. Let it keep your vibration strong.

Make peace with where you are. It’s where you’re meant to be
And it’s perfect! You get to do something about
Getting into alignment. Enjoy the journey
Of becoming a person who lives happily
Ever after. There’s no need to figure things out.
Enjoy the Perfection of moving energy.

Today Is Yours

New Day

The odd thing about time is that it comes and goes.
Tomorrow makes today a distant memory
And as quickly as you got here you will be gone
So today is the day that you must look upon
As one filled with positive opportunity.
As your spirit seeks joy your happy heart follows.

You’ve the ability to create history –
A story that will live with you forever more.
Think back to all the days leading up to today.
All the pain and hard work and the utter dismay
Are the armor that you now wear. Never before
Has this moment occurred and it was meant to be.

Bless those long hours of training and preparation.
Turn them into the very best version of you.
It’s about being better than you ever dreamed
You could be. Until now all your effort had seemed
Unfulfilling but now everything that you do
Is a part of your magnificent creation.

Gone are the insecurities, doubts, and sorrows.
Disbelief in yourself has gone by the wayside.
And unstoppable force you are. Nothing can stand
In your way since you decided to take command
Of your life. The spirit within you is your guide
To a wonderful day and blessed tomorrows.

When Life Breaks You


No matter how good you are sometimes you will be
In a tough situation where all that you know
Doesn’t help you. The unexpected will occur
Then a chain reaction of things you would prefer
Not to happen will happen so deep in sorrow
You remain. You are damaged spiritually.

It could be that your business is falling apart
Or that your bank account is screaming that you’re broke.
It can break you mentally and physically
And it will leave its mark on you indelibly.
At this point you have but your own will to evoke
Because this thing you trusted has broken your heart.

Challenges lead to victory or to defeat.
Staying with the breaking produces the blessing.
It’s not what you go through that determines where you
Will end up. It’s the people who you listen to.
All the negative thought forms that they’re expressing
Does with you sense of worthiness harshly compete.

It’s your struggle. Stay with it. No one else needs to
Know about what you’re going through. Nurture your pain
With the knowing that this time of uncertainty
Will resolve itself fully eventually.
Only you have the wherewithal to break the chain
Of despair. Do not let it get the best of you.

The Great Song

Celestial Song

Sometimes a song keeps playing inside of your head.
It may be happy or sad depending upon
How you feel in the moment, but you have control
Over which one you’re hearing. You’re playing the role
Of the maestro. To you all attention is drawn.
 And by you the awaiting orchestra is led.

There’s a much greater song reverberating through
The whole universe. It keeps things in harmony
So that planets that have life are safe and secure.
The Great Song is a vibration that shall endure
Through eternity. Know the exquisite beauty
Of existence especially that which is you.

Some say that life’s a sad song. They experience
What they sadly sing then they expect things to change
For the better or they just stay in a foul mood
Constantly. They develop a bad attitude.
The notion of their changing their song is too strange
So they put up destructive walls of self-defense.

Those who say it’s a happy song are the ones who
Know that it’s not the song. It’s the way you’re singing
That brings meaning to life. How you sing The Great Song
Is your freedom. Do know that you can’t get it wrong
If unto the main melody you are clinging.
May the music bring everlasting joy to you.

Trust The Process

Let It Fly

There’s nothing that exists in your wanting that you
Can’t make happen. If this time space reality
Has the wherewithal to cause you to want something
Then it has the express ability to bring
It right to you. It’s all done vibrationally.
That you are a vibrational being is true.

Look around and you’ll notice that this world is chock
Full of stuff and people doing all kinds of things.
The world is much less tangible than we perceive
It to be. That’s why it’s such a bear to achieve
Proper focus from which a good idea springs.
That you’re made of vibration may come as a shock.

Your desires form a vortex that can’t be perceived
Through the senses. It’s a pool of pure vibration.
And you have little by little created it.
Your belief and trust in the process will permit
Some of it to take form. It’s your own creation.
An alignment with the universe you’ve achieved.

Care enough about how you feel. There’s an early
Subtle stage where a thought doesn’t feel good to you
Or you may have a good thought and it fades away
But your awareness of it will help you to stay
In alignment with all that your vortex can do
To surprise and delight you perpetually.

Authentic Empowerment

Color Fist

Who are you? What do you want to do with who you
Truly are? You’re a treasure. Do not be afraid
Of your power to create your reality.
You have limited time here. Who you’re meant to be
You must be without shyness. Don’t let your dream fade
Into nothingness. Do what you’ve been born to do.

We live in a fame culture. Fame is the basis
For your being known in the world because people
Wouldn’t hear you unless you came with some swagger.
You do not want to be considered a lagger
In pursuit of your purpose so just be grateful
Having found in the desert your own oasis.

Ask the questions in life that really matter to
Get people thinking about what really matters
In their lives. You can tell if you’re on the right track
By internal knowing and external feedback.
Don’t listen to the busy mind as it chatters
Constantly. Give it something important to do.

You have access to Authentic Empowerment.
Everyone has a purpose. Yours is to figure
Out what yours is. Align your personality
With your soul’s purpose. You’ll create powerfully.
No one can touch you because your essence is pure.
You can do anything through your conscious intent.

One Day It Will Be Over

Final Platform

I wish I didn’t take life so seriously.
It has gotten me nowhere but sick and confused.
I wish I had lived more and had given more to
Family. I wish I had a healthier view
Of my life. Were it not real I would be amused.
If I died tomorrow who then would bury me?

I wish I hadn’t given up on my dream so
Easily. One day life will flash before my eyes.
To make sure it’s worth watching becomes my life’s goal.
Had my purpose been aligned with that of my soul
Then I’d have been empowered, I now realize.
I wish I’d given my soul the freedom to grow.

Did my life mean anything to this world? Was I
Love by others? Did I love? And does it matter?
When I’m on my death bed I will not be concerned
About money, status, or degrees that I’ve earned.
All the hopes, dreams, and wishes of life will shatter.
What can I do to serve this world before I die?

I can make my life matter. It isn’t empty
Of the passion I once had. I still have wonder
For this whole life experience. I cannot take
It for granted and by becoming more awake
To my purpose I shall not be cast asunder
By the frightened and limited aspects of me.

This Day Is Yours

Abreast Of Time

Congratulations! This is your day to let go
Of the past and the future and contemplate on
What right now has to offer. It’s such a fine day
For relaxing and letting the stress fade away
That’s built up over time. You can let it be gone.
You have much control over how this day will flow.

Review your expectations without memories
Of things that didn’t happen the way you preferred.
You will only bring them over into today.
Instead let inspiration guide you on your way
To wherever your heightened consciousness is stirred
To more clarity. This day you can take with ease.

Though you may or you may not be able to tell
How your expectations do materialize
You ought to take life easy and go with the flow
Of the provident universe. It wants to show
How much it can fulfill you so it is most wise
To line up with its purpose then you will do well.

It’s not anyone else’s. This day is for you
To do with as you wish. You may find true meaning
In your moments of solitude. You may become
An enlightened one. All of your power comes from
Your awareness of now. Forces are convening
For your welfare. There’s nothing much you need to do.

Guidance And Satisfaction

Nurturing Nature

Adapt to your own guidance system and to the
Feeling of satisfaction. Identify and
Isolate what this thing that’s called satisfaction
Really feels like because you are the only one
Who can do that. Of your joy you have full command.
You can tell when you’re on or off track easily.

If you’re off track it may be because you’re under
The influence of others who try to convince
You that happiness is something hard to attain.
The world has its opinions but you must remain
Connected to your guidance. It’s been with you since
The beginning. It’s your best of friends, as it were.

Don’t listen to anything that’s contrary to
Satisfaction. Don’t let yourself get turned around
On your journey by something that doesn’t matter.
Negative emotion can cause dreams to shatter.
Satisfaction is subtle because when it’s found
You may not be aware that it’s happened to you.

When you’re on track you live up to the potential
Of that which you are. Nothing can stand in your way.
Your desire is important and satisfaction
Is the expressway to its manifestation.
The world is your oyster if you’re willing to pay
More attention to those things that are essential.

Today Is Yours

Mundane Bliss

The weird thing about time is that it comes and goes.
Tomorrow will make today just a memory.
Many months go by. They seem like weeks, and the days
Are like hours. Life’s velocity heavily weighs
On your conscience. You may miss out on the beauty
Of the moment with worry about how time flows.

You have the ability to write history –
To create a new story that will live with you
Forever. Think back to all the days leading up
To today. It is okay to drink from the cup
Of past blessings and all the dreams that have come true
And be thankful that you made it all come to be.

All the training and hours spent in preparation
For this moment are like a positive force field
Of protection. It’s good to feel safe and secure
You have done everything that you need to ensure
Your wellbeing. What you need to do is revealed
To you by the divine source of all creation.

Let the universe tell you that life is just fine
Now that you have discovered your place in the sun.
The world may have told you that you are not worthy
Of becoming the person that you want to be,
But let that be your reason to let everyone
Know that you are worthy because you are divine.

Make An Impact

Moral Machinery

On your deathbed you won’t be worried much about
How much money you made or the power you had.
You are going to see that it was all a game –
And illusion. The obstacles you overcame
Had no meaning. You don’t want to end feeling sad
About how you lived your life. There can be no doubt.

The only thing that’s going to matter is the
Impact you had on others’ lives. No one will care
That you struggled. They won’t talk about your success.
They will speak about all the love and happiness
That you shared, so it’s best that you become aware
Of what matters most right now that you clearly see.

Success is really important, but even more
Important than success is having an impact.
It’s knowing you have not walked the planet in vain.
Everything in your life that you happen to gain
Will rot and fall apart, but how you interact
With others earns you a high spiritual score.

The most valuable currency that exists
Is the effect you have on others. As you live,
Be the best that you can be to everyone you
Encounter. Let the spirit within you shine through.
You can give to this world all that you have to give.
Spirit knows very well what the ego resists.


The Wheel Of Life

It’s an Eastern term that has no direct single
Word translation. It’s a complex set of meaning
And interpretation. To the extent that it
Can be defined, some human behaviors will fit
The description of dharma. It is a cleaning
Of the space where dirty vibrations comingle.

It’s the essential nature of reality
And the teachings and practices that enable
Realization of that essential nature.
Dharma is at the heart of the legislature
That orders the whole universe. It’s a label,
Nonetheless, it’s helpful to a conscious degree.

There’s a right and a true way for each person to
Act in order to best serve themself and others.
Dharma is closely associated with the
Noble concepts of selfless service and duty.
It’s the right way of living and often refers
To the path that is for one the truest of true.

Following your dharma means that you’re pursuing
The calling that is truest for you. Anything
That upholds or sustains the positive order
Is of dharma. The life that one would most prefer
Is one that is spiritually fulfilling.
It’s the one source of abundance and wellbeing.

Come Unhinged!

Let Loose!

The Zen master within you puts you, the student,
Into situations where you would normally
In the course of social relations come unhinged.
You allow yourself to get to close and be singed
By the heat of the moment so that you may see
How your actions affect things. This is its intent.

The nonsensical questions the teacher may ask
Are to keep you stirred up. Impossible demands
And absurd remarks make for a fertile classroom.
When someone asks a question are you to presume
That an answer exists? Your consciousness expands
As you ponder. This is not a difficult task.

Hear the sound of one hand clapping, or stop the sound
Of the distant train whistle. Reach for the ceiling
And touch it without moving. These are to be done
In the maize of the mind where all logic is spun
Into meaning. The process is truth revealing,
And the change in the way you think may be profound.

We are caught up in a certain way of discourse.
Social, production, and survival games are good,
But they’re not the only things that are important.
The contrast you put up with need not disenchant
Or prevent you from living the way that you should.
Come Unhinged! It’s something that your soul can endorse.

A Long And Fulfilling Life

The Rewards of Spiritual Alignmant

Some would say it’s a given that life is fulfilled
When the spirit is happy on into old age.
Normalcy in this manner helps this race survive,
And the secret to living is always to strive
For the next new adventure in which to engage
The spirit, most willing and able to be thrilled.

It’s simple but not easy to get there from where
One is most disadvantaged in terms of spirit.
Remember what excited you in your childhood.
What did you love to do because it felt so good?
If your past is atrocious learn not to fear it
Because there’s some redemption in visiting there.

What do you love to do after work and when you
Have the time and the energy at your avail?
To love what you do by doing that which you love
Your reward is the earth and blessings from above.
Deliver more that you promise, and you can’t fail.
Find a reason for living that is more than true.

Failure is fertilizer. It doesn’t smell good.
You don’t want to roll in it, but from it can grow
Seeds of absolute greatness and worldly success.
Chase your passion – not pension. Eliminate stress.
Don’t retire. Do inspire with the things that you know.
Your life will be remembered indeed as it should.