Archive | March 2022

How To Pray

Asking Intently

I have prayed for so many years for certain things
But it seems that the more that I do, the harder
I feel about receiving the things I pray for.
I always wonder if I could do something more
For my wanted manifestations to occur.
I lose faith in my meaningless prayer offerings.

This puzzle of thinking is familiar to some.
I’ll include myself in this. I often forget
That there are two different ways that one can pray…
Out of neediness or thankfulness. And which way
Proves to be more effective? It’s an easy bet.
Just because you feel needy, you are never scum.

All prayers are not answered in the order received.
They’re addressed instantaneously in the mind
Of the Master Creator. Appreciation
Is the best kind of prayer for indeed everyone.
If you ask in a whiny voice you will not find
That your prayers have been heard and all has been achieved.

Pray from inside your happiness. Be thankful for
All there is in your life that is most wonderful.
Don’t pray from scarcity or from feeling that you
Are not more than deserving. You’ve nothing to do
But believe your magnificence and be grateful
For what you have already. Then you’ll receive more.

Let Them Go

Relase Those Who No Longer Work

A tree has many branches and many more leaves.
It provides shade and comfort and filters the air
Of contaminants put there by some odd species.
Some leaves break for the wind. Others die of disease.
One cannot get mad at them. That wouldn’t be fair
To nature as a process the whole world perceives.

High and dry leaves leave branches. The stiff winter cold
Takes its toll on the tree’s staying fully awake
For the season oncoming. It must fall asleep.
To consider its losses would be rather cheap
Because it knows that it has not made a mistake.
By forces infinite it knows that it’s controlled.

If someone wants to leave you, you must let them go
Though it will not be easy. If you know you’ve done
Everything you could dream of to make things alright.
You must know that you’ve done so and then take delight
In the new opportunity that has begun.
As the leaf who remains intact you then can grow.

People change with the seasons, always wanting more
Than they had to begin with – or so they perceived.
Can you love yourself enough to just let them go?
Only in solitude are you able to know
Yourself inside and out, and once this is achieved,
You’ll attract someone who you will truly adore.

Mirror Mirror

Inner Reflections of the Past

What if things in the mirror occurred that do not
In reality? That would be interesting.
It would be like another world parallel to
This one that we are living. Which one would be true?
Ideas such as this do not a headache bring
If one has been accustomed to thinking a lot.

What if we could cross over into that domain
That can only be known by mirror reflection
And take care of some business while we’re over there
That we wouldn’t have to bother much with elsewhere?
Would it be an efficient way to get things done?
Or would all of our work there be done quite in vain?

Each of us is a reflective surface to all
People that we encounter as we interact.
We can reach into others and change how they feel
About images of us. We also conceal
Our true vision of things. Not making eye contact
Makes the reflective surface an effective wall.

Synchronicity is a sense of awareness
Of glimpses into other realms, Perfect timing
Is the organizing principle of belief
In a wonderful real world. There can be relief
Through each blessing acknowledged. Release the wellspring
Of abundant wellbeing. Go for nothing less.

Modern Radiations

Electromagnetic Dangers

Seven point eight three hertz is the earth’s frequency
Or somewhere around there. It does fluctuate some
Depending on a number of variables
Over certain longitudinal time tables.
All of the natural rhythms of life come from
The cycle fundamental to being healthy.

It’s called the Schumann Resonance, just to be fair.
It was Nikola Tesla who figured out how
Harmonics of this frequency can be applied
To our vast electronics, but then the dude died.
We could benefit from his wisdom here and now
If the powers controlling this green earth would care.

Radiations from our electronics affect
Living things on this planet in numerous ways.
They’ve been known to cause illnesses like depression,
Heart disease, and cancer, all while we’re having fun
With our nifty devices. Yet nobody pays
Much attention. Is this what we’ve come to expect?

It’s been proven by science that tuning into
The earth’s magnetic frequency reduces stress.
It improves brain function and rejuvenation
Of the cells of the body of the injured one…
And all life. There’s no illness that we need address
But our own limitations, including our view.

Just A Few Laughs Away

The Levity Solution

All because of the context in which I’m focused,
Understanding who I am I take on with glee.
I like nitty gritty experiences where
I acknowledge that things could be better, and there
Is a trust that I feel that no harm comes to me.
If I can find some laughter in life, it is just.

I make too much of all of this. Life should be fun.
If I lighten up more I’ll find humor in things.
I’m too hard on myself in my relationship
With where I want to be. Misery I can skip
If I make peace with where I am. Many blessings
Are available to me, the determined one.

I’ll play down all the negative things about me
And play up everything positive I can find
In a life punctuated with so much disgust.
How I wish I were able to turn it to dust
But I can’t so I’m forced to just leave it behind.
In my next life I shall behave differently.

I must know that the universe will yield to me
All that I’ve created both now and forever.
Were I given a glimpse of the aerial view
Of my life’s full potential, I wouldn’t be blue.
I would be laughing insanely at whatever.
I’m already crazy. The rest comes easily.

Get Used To The Blessings

Gifts Of The Peaceful Spirit

The best thing about contrast is that it helps me
To see black and white clearly when I have the need
To see through the eyes of those who see their own fear
In the eyes of their enemies as I appear
To be one of the two things. In truth, I am freed
From my own misperceptions if I dare to be.

And indeed It’s a blessing to take it all in.
Sorting through what life offers is why I exist.
Mediocre my life has been compared to those
Of my race whose ambition and excellence shows
That I should not have been born. The thought is dismissed
At the height of each moment of living in sin.

I thank God for the moments – each and every one,
For that space within each one is where I release
What is not of use to me and begin anew.
I’ll rely on God’s guidance in all that I do.
Can I not truly say I believe in world peace?
Peace within my own person is the solution.

I’ll get used to things working out. Often they do.
Wholesome ideas flowing and perfect timing
Are what is natural. It is not the reverse.
Thinking otherwise things can only get much worse.
Surely nothing can interfere with my rhyming.
Doing what I enjoy keeps me from feeling blue.

Leaving A Fear Based Reality

Releasing The Fear

The Collective Unconscious all people create.
It contains memories of which we’re not aware…
Also archetypes. It is a vast database
That has the history of the whole human race.
We all have access to it, and through it we share
Basic understandings that are without debate.

Archetypes are symbols we know instinctively.
‘The Mother’ is a perfect example of one.
Everyone, no matter how different they are,
Will respond in the same way (which isn’t bizarre)
To a mothering figure. There’s a connection
Among oneself and others most naturally.

Always cultures of domination are fear based.
Those who dominate believe they have no power
To create their reality. So they become
The despicable tyrants whose actions come from
A deep need to be noticed. The will to devour
Is of self-centered righteousness and is misplaced.

To deny that you’re in denial reinforces
Negative belief systems. Then you will project
Onto others what in yourself you truly hate.
Understand that we are not the victims of fate.
Knowledge of what is dealt with may serve to protect
One from the depletion of psychic resources.

Get Out Of Trouble

Escaping The Rubbish

Ominous is the feeling that cripples my soul.
What may happen is dreadful. I can’t think about
Devastation, poverty, and deep emptiness.
If I’m so out of balance and crippled with stress
Over what I’ve created, there is little doubt
That I can get a grip and take back some control.

How can I shift my frequency, when in despair,
To one higher, if that is even possible?
Luckily it can be done without going mad
Through a process and promise that is ironclad.
I can save my own life if I am docible
Of the logic of wellbeing which isn’t rare.

Everything is a lesson. Each experience
Is for me a perfect opportunity to
Let myself be the best student that I can be.
I would gain some awareness of dark parts of me.
Giving up is the worst thing on earth I could do.
Nonexistence is futile and doesn’t make sense.

To say that it’s too difficult reinforces
My belief that it’s difficult. I can divest
Myself of negative thoughts about what is taught.
If I see myself in others, I won’t be caught
In the trap of hopelessness. This life is the test.
Its curriculum consists of many courses.

My Question

Passion To Know

Some things I can’t believe. They don’t make any sense –
Like the human condition and why I exist.
Other things have some meaning when I’m feeling fine.
Enigmatic this world seems. Is it by design
That to question everything I cannot resist?
Should I not get some justice for my small expense?

Questions are left unanswered in this time and place.
Things that happen are left to the throw of the dice.
I cannot get excited about what goes on.
Certain signs of stability and truth are gone.
Why do people make the ultimate sacrifice?
I’m ashamed to be part of this sick human race.

It’s useless for me to keep my head in the sand.
Through the earth information seeps into my mind
Of the death and destruction. The utter despair
Is too much for me to say that I do not care
Because I’m not affected. Little I can find
To divert my attention. I don’t understand.

All I do know is that things are just as they are.
I’ll expend very little psychic energy
On the judgement of anything. Then I may find
That the answer is perfect for my simple mind.
It may be worth my best while to just let things be.
The next poem I write may be just as bizarre.

Judgement And Self-Hatred

Negative Fixation

We can always recognize what we don’t prefer
But the concept of recognizing doesn’t mean
That we need to invalidate or take up arms
Against what is not wanted. This behavior harms
One’s sublime peace of spirit and mental hygiene.
We can choose in our lives what we want to occur.

From a neutral, observational position,
We can recognize what is not wanted without
Placing negative judgement. Each choice is valid
In its own right, though it’s hard to see this amid
Atmospheric conditions of terror and doubt.
 Judging is not the way to get anything done.

Everything is neutral, but we charge everything
With emotional judgement. Thus we magnetize
Ourselves to situations that may be adverse
To the way that we want things. Indeed it’s a curse
To hold on to resentments, and it is unwise
To not be neutral. Clarity is appealing.

What reason can I have, then, to judge anyone?
From a place of neutrality I have power
Over how things affect me. My freedom of choice
Means that I can always find reason to rejoice.
What I find in myself that is wicked and sour
I will seek out in others as some solution.

If it’s right in our face or some lightyears away
It cannot really matter. We’re not affected
By something someone offers that is negative.
The higher vibration is to learn to forgive
Ignorance for the soul that is truly misled.
But how many can do that in this world today?

Only When You’re Excited

When Momentum Has Built Up

I create when I’m happy. It’s a piece of cake
I can eat and have also. There is always more
Where it came from. It feels like I’m dancing on air.
I can do almost anything, and I’m aware
Of the good that keeps coming. I’ve opened the door
To a world of excitement. I’m now wide awake.

Excuses I hold onto are anchors of fear
Of my moving ahead with what I want to do.
I’m bogged down in the details of life as it seems
And there’s not enough time to attend to my dreams.
I can manage my focus to better get through
Difficult situations. I can remain clear.

“Make no effort unless you are feeling your best.”
It’s a motto I live by. If I feel despair
Or discomfort of any kind, I must chill out.
Any action taken will be laden with doubt.
If I’m stuck in that circumstance I must take care
That I don’t bite off way more than I can digest.

Only when I’m excited can I be of use
To myself and to others. I’m able to see
The whole world as does heaven – a near perfect place
That has not been receptive to infinite grace
In the past, which is now. I am able to be
In a state where my greatest work I can produce.

Forget Bad Memories

Releasing the Negative Past

It was gross and traumatic – all that I went through.
Memories still catch up with me no matter where
I decide is a good place to block them away.
Deep inside me where they don’t belong they will stay.
Am I worthy enough to relive my despair?
Is there some way that I can live my life anew?

In the present, the past is created by me.
To better wrap my head around this, I accept
That everything is here and now. What I can’t do
Is invalidate what I don’t like. It is true
That I must come from a neutral place. What is kept
That is of no use can be released completely.

If I’m putting too much emphasis on the pain,
I must know that I do have the power to choose
To unlock from the feelings that I don’t prefer.
Putting my focus elsewhere, relief will occur.
Otherwise I will be open to self-abuse.
Logic dictates the choice if I’ve not gone insane.

It really doesn’t matter what happens – only
What I do with what happens that determines how
I will deal with the future. Toxic memories
Linger as long as needed until my heart sees
Past my old belief systems. If I can allow
Some relief in this moment, much better I’ll be.

The Marginal Propensity To Transist

Healthy Circuit Functioning

A small silicon sandwich with three copper leads,
The transistor has changed the way most things are done.
The controlling of current flow is of concern
To the novice of nature excited to learn
How electrons can benefit us as they run
Through the circuits we live with that fulfill our needs.

The first one was three clumps of rock fused together
And attached with electrodes. How much it’s evolved
Over just a few decades! Transistors replaced
The old vacuum tube triodes which were glass encased.
The problem of high power and heat were resolved
By this silicon substance that all would prefer.

They can be used as switches or amplifiers.
A large current is controlled with a small voltage
At the base, so it functions just like a faucet.
We delight in our propensity to cosset
Electronic behavior upon the world stage.
This knowledge is of benefit to amateurs.

The function of the transistor is multiplied
By the billions by now. Data bits they can store
As each one can be on or off at any time
But never on and off. That would be such a crime
To the physicists who would want to declare war.
The nature of one’s transistance is one of pride.

Just Relax

Nothing Is The Matter

In the making of peace with the way things are now
You prepare for excitement and blessings to come.
Now is where your control is. Choosing how you feel
In the moment, you ensure each one is ideal.
You need not know the details of where all comes from.
All you need do is relax and learn to allow.

Releasing of resistance relieves the tension
That prevents you from feeling well inside your skin.
Just Relax and be happy. Give up your struggling.
All that does is create roadblocks. It doesn’t bring
What it is that you’re after. Now you can begin
Feeling better. Get ready for your ascension.

The first manifestation you experience
As you relax some is an emotional one.
You feel better, and this is most significant.
The least bit of relief that is felt will enchant
Your most creative spirit. You can get more done
Doing nothing but being fulfilled by suspense.

Who the heck cares where you are if you are on track?
No one does, and you shouldn’t. All that you need do
Is love this present moment and watch for the signs
Of all good taking place in your life. This aligns
You to your inner being – the true part of you.
You will realize freedom and never look back.


Subject To The Sun's Behavior

Changes are taking place now as ever before.
It’s because now is constant, but people are free
To perceive now as they wish. Changes that will come
Due to sunspots may be hard to handle for some.
The way that the sun functions quite naturally
Will affect human nature, consciousness, and more.

Yet do we need more images of darkened light?
Both the face of the planet and that of the sun
Are reflections of each other. Just as above
So below. Are we creatures who do mostly love?
Can we say of the dark forces that there are none?
It will be up to us if things turn out alright.

Psychologically sensitive people will
Feel the effects profoundly. Some won’t feel a thing.
Those who are imbalanced will be even more so.
Gentle and loving spirits will blossom and grow.
But for most. It will be most exhilarating.
It may also enliven the instinct to kill.

They set only a certain pitch. They won’t direct
Our behaviors directly. Not at the mercy
Of the changes forthcoming, we are free to choose
How the changes affect us. To thrill and enthuse
Are their most worthy purpose if we are to be
On the planet much longer. Which do we select?

It’s Coming

Be Patient

In the art of creating you know your desire
Long before hand. Specific is your strong intent.
After that, universal forces take over.
What is done is completely done. What will occur
In due time is a feeling of true fulfillment.
You anticipate wonderfulness to transpire.

You know the essence of what you want the same way
No matter what it is. Do not be specific
Once the asking is done. You can be general
As all the cooperative components shall
Come together magnificently. So the trick
Is to not keep on wanting. It causes dismay.

Once you have asked the question, the answer quickly
Comes to you through impulses and inspiration
To take a course of action that is different
From behavior most usual. Through your intent
To remain confident that your asking is done,
On the way to fulfillment you are filled with glee.

But your keeping on poking around in the past,
Being way too specific than you need to be
About what has already been answered, will cause
Certain violation of spiritual laws.
You must know that It’s Coming! It’s done already.
Now kick back and receive all the good you’ve amassed.

Influenced By The Future You

From The Self Yet Becoming

A version of your future self does now exist.
In your mind’s eye, imagine how that one would be
Doing things differently and take careful note.
This idea may seem to some rather remote
But if you are open to being completely
In alignment this exercise can’t be dismissed.

Watch this self of the future and imagine how
It would feel about everything you’re doing now.
Imagine if that self is doing the same things
In the same way it’s done them. This pondering brings
On a flood of insight if you will but allow
The connection to happen. Do make it your vow.

More aligned with your passion your future self is.
Try to mimic in every way how it behaves.
It would be more the way you would want it to be.
Watch the differences and you will clearly see
All that it is that you’re doing that only enslaves
And propels you into over analysis.

Mirroring the behaviors of the future you
Pulls you in the direction of how things could be.
Rather than your remembering ways of the past
Which will anchor you to your prevailing contrast,
Information and images come easily
To help you on your journey in all that you do.

Rise Above

Spiritual Wisdom

To be super successful at age thirty five
Is the dream of most people. A state of romance
That is warm and fulfilling folks also strive for.
Human nature is programmed to always want more
Of the good life and all of the things that enhance
Our enjoyment of everything while we’re alive.

Yet sometimes people find themselves in a crisis
Because they have desires, but they lack competence.
The conditions we live by can get in the way
Of our loving completely. We often betray
Our contentment with life and commit the offense
Of believing in failure. The whole point we miss.

Life can feel like it’s passing by quite rapidly.
When you wake up one morning and feel unfulfilled
Because your plan for your life did not come to be,
The frustration is sickening to the degree
That the spirit may feel like it cannot be thrilled.
Conditions can cancel competence completely.

If you want unconditional love, then become
Like a dog. They are competent in every way
That is meaningful. They are excellent lovers.
When one rises above it all one discovers
That love is not an action nor something that may
Or may not be supportive of where love comes from.

Love is just who and how your are – not your ego.
When you rise above conditions for a brief while
You will see that your love is of a different
Nature than what your ego may care to present.
All the good, bad, and ugly one takes with a smile.
And throughout your life’s journey true love you will show.

Frequency Of Freedom

Periodic Release

Freedom is of a spectrum of satisfaction.
It’s a positive feeling most generally.
It feels good to wake up in the morning refreshed
And it is most uplifting to not be enmeshed
In the drama of yesterday. Freedom To Be
Is in essence its most proper definition.

I am free to breathe deeply my fill of fresh air
And to think as I wish as clearly as can be.
Freedom feels like I’m floating in elegant space.
I can choose how receptive to infinite grace
I will be in the moment. Freedom is for me
Firm alignment with the good of which I’m aware.

With the energies that create worlds I’m in tune.
The freedom of connection is what I so choose.
Incrementally all the things that I’ve asked for
Are available to me. I need not do more
Than to be receptive. There’s no paying of dues.
To the one who thinks otherwise I am immune.

Freedom is the allowance to let everyone
Be as they choose to be without contradiction
To my own sense of who I am. It’s my pleasure
To be free to explore undiscovered treasure
In the depths of my being, and as this is done
I shall maintain my frequency by having fun.

Feel The Freshness

Know Your Blessedness

You are under the influence of strong desire
For nothing in particular. You’re just amazed
At how well life is treating you, and you want more
Of your spirit to reach out and boldly explore
New horizons. Your attitude is to be praised.
Nothing of anyone does your true heart require.

Feel The Freshness of living the life of your dreams
And of anticipating things turning out well.
You know that you deserve what life has to offer
That is loving and wholesome… all that you prefer.
In a world of excited contentment you dwell.
In the presence of others your radiance beams.

Others who are under the influence of need
Have a nervous demeanor. There is urgency
In the basic vibration that others can sense
And then put up a force field as their self-defense.
It’s not that folks aren’t loving. They just want to be
Left alone which is why beggars rarely succeed.

You may want something just because it represents
The basis of who you are. Your satisfaction
Is sustained in its absence, and how it will come
Is of no concern of yours. Keep beating the drum
In the way that matches your highest vibration.
Keep on looking forward to wonderful events.

Gratitude Makes It Happen

Open Heart Mastery

In a big way I’m selfish. It’s all about me.
There are so many wishes that I want fulfilled
And I’m totally satisfied with where I am
Even with all its chaos. I work a program
Where I get most things done because I am strong-willed.
Am I somewhat disgusting? I don’t want to be.

Through experience I learn the way to behave.
Because I am hard headed there’s no other way.
I’ve learned that when I don’t care, things turn out alright,
And I don’t have to struggle, much to my delight.
My resistance vibration causes me dismay
Can I weed out the habits that do self-enslave?

The entire world is revolving around me
And every one else. It’s counterintuitive
At this point, but it will not be for very long.
There’s an uncanniness to my getting things wrong.
It’s a specialized talent that I’m made to live,
But I don’t have to use it if I let things be.

All in all, it’s a good life. I am grateful for
All the things that still thrill me. I appreciate
That I can be excited without anything
In the outer world causing it. What it can bring
Is an ease of contentment. When I’m in that state
I expect and am showered with blessings galore. 


I Just Don't Care

I’m a very cold person if I so believe.
But does it serve me well to go on in this way?
That I do not enjoy it should offer a clue.
I can trick myself into believing it’s true
Just because all alone is how I’d rather stay.
From the world outside mine I deserve a reprieve.

It is fear, I suppose, that keeps me self-contained.
The baser human instinct I cannot predict
In myself nor in others. I’m safe in my cage
Where I’m free to indulge in a counter rampage
To reverse the effects of the thoughts that conflict
With my mental wellbeing which is peace ordained.

I’m a warm hearted, loving, and giving person.
Somewhere deep down inside I know that this is true.
So the opposite feeling which has less power
Yet with some negative momentum will devour
The self-nurturing instinct. The thing I can do
Is examine my ill thoughts. It may not be fun.

All sorts of ideas and strict definitions
Are ingrained in my psyche. They stain my spirit.
I must sift my way through them all and let them go.
They are ideas only. If they cause me woe
Then I know they’re not conducive to keeping fit.
As I purge I’ll remember to keep the good ones.

Redefining The Flow

Toward A Fulfilling Life

Life is meant to be simple – not hard and complex.
My vortex is full of things I’ve been asking for.
They are manifesting into reality
According to how much I can let my life be.
They come in perfect timing. I live to explore
The abundance of my world with all due respects.

Sometimes it’s an idea – sometimes an impulse
Or the words of some stranger I’ll happen to hear
That will trigger a positive change in my style.
It’s uncanny how often the truly worthwhile
Happenstances upon me when I have no fear.
There is no turning back. The ill past I expulse.

Everywhere all around me there’s a constant flow
Of cooperative components filling in
The grid of my reality. Being aware
Of it all as it happens is taking good care
Of the spiritual person who dwells within.
In this way I can best avoid my feeling low.

I do not have to tackle single handedly
The bull’s horns or the universe. All I need do
Is relax and let everything fall into place.
I cannot be determined with redness of face,
The illusion of onlookers to cater to
Is not one beneficial to them or to me.

I Do Not Know

Ample Room For Ignorance

Believing and knowing are two different things.
I believe that I have two hands yet know it too.
I can prove this fact easily, but if someone
Argued still to the contrary perhaps for fun
A swift slap to the cheek would give that one a clue.
Certainty undeniable true knowing brings.

Argument can be powerful against belief
So the one who believes has a threshold to cross
Into absolute knowing to act as a shield
From the negative fallout in the battlefield.
If I say I Do Not Know, will I incur loss?
This decision alone can cause general grief.

But the truth is of essence, or else what’s the use?
I’m sincere enough to admit that I don’t know
All that much about anything but just enough
To get just enough going, and quite off-the-cuff.
Through the things that I don’t know I’m able to grow.
A confusing odor do assumptions effuse.

The immensity of what I don’t know I know
That I don’t know that I don’t know. It’s understood.
All the longing, seeking, and possibility
Of knowing becomes a living reality.
In the long run it doesn’t do me any good
To pretend that I know things. That habit must go.

Every Morning

Daily Routine

Pretend that you have a staff at your beck and call
Who include top professionals in every field.
They can orchestrate and deliver anything
That your heart could imagine. Indeed they could bring
It as fast as you want it. All truth be revealed,
Such a team does exist to excite and enthrall.

Tell this staff what you want them to work on today.
Be specific or general. It matters not.
You may write it down. This will enhance its power.
With their infinite talent your team will shower
You with all that you’ve asked for. This matters a lot
Because they want to help you in every which way.

You can tell your staff things like, “Bring me ideas.
Help me to rendezvous with others much like me.
Guide me to thoughts that are in harmony with all
That is wholesome in nature. Help me to stand tall
Through the challenges I may face. Help me to be
In the most blissful state there can be just because.”

Delegate to them. They are good at what they do.
They’re the engine in your vehicle as you drive
And the road that you travel and the scenery.
Every piece of your existence wants you to be
A master at receiving while you are alive.
Talk to them every morning. It is good for you.

Start To Trust

There Is Nothing To Fear

To say that there’s no hope is abomination.
In the face of reality I harbor fear
Not for my own existence but for humankind.
Squashing manifestations, I am so inclined
To believe in a future profanely austere.
My feeling in this moment cannot be undone.

It’s because I have practiced micromanaging
And controlling conditions. I do not yet trust
What the universe can do and does constantly.
What we do here is minuscule compared to the
Planets spinning in their orbits. It seems I must
Seek a clearer understanding of everything.

There’s a difference between believing that I
Have to figure out all the components and make
Them assemble themselves in the most preferred way
Or to just understand there are forces at play
That will yield what I’m after. I’m now wide awake
So that I recognize goodness when it comes by.

Everything is always and ever working out
For me, and the source within me knows what I need.
It is logical that I sustain a level
Of alignment wherein I am free to revel
In the good that there is instead of catfish feed.
Things eventually will improve, I’ve no doubt.

Letting Go

Profound Releasing

…Rest, Dub-Lub… Rest, Dub-Lub… Rest, Dub-Lub… Rest, Dub-Lub…
The heartbeat is a rhythm that moves life along
As the intimate drummer becomes different
In each moment of being. To disorient
Is the mission of Satan, the master of wrong.
Any verse can provide a spiritual scrub.

There’s so much information. It floods consciousness
Through the integral networks of society.
I must know what is going on, and I must feel.
Images of the horror and torment are real.
Nervous systems, extended by technology,
Are more interconnected. Has there been progress?

The unthinkable misfortune brought to you by
Your efficient news network can eat at your soul.
Take as much as you can of it, then let it go.
Your psyche will not be haunted by its shadow.
There are some things over which we have no control.
The frustration and sorrow are hard to deny.

I can be with the feeling and not deny it.
I can put my attention on just the feeling
Without thinking about where the feeling comes from…
Or about anything. Do not beat any drum
That will start thought momentum. Just by allowing
The feeling without resisting, I can stay fit.

Focused Upon What Matters

Ignore Everything Else

Focusing on what matters is the thing to do,
But just what in my boring life makes my heart sing
Loud enough that attention is not difficult?
Thinking too much about this yields no good result.
I appreciate what feeling better can bring
To the soul with some foolish reason to feel blue.

Knowing not what it feels like to have tons of wealth,
Need I waste time pursuing it? Much can be done
With a whole lot of money, but life energy
Is of ultimate value. My focus must be
On allowing its flowing by having more fun
And by developing habits that support health.

Energy and Alignment is my major aim.
Money and creature comforts are some byproducts
Of allowing the energy to freely flow.
How I feel about my life is how I best know
If I’m on or off track. If I feel my life sucks
Then I must change the way that I’m playing the game.

Infinite Energy is available to
Anyone who allows it. It can be pinched off
By joining some crusade that involves being pissed.
If I feel my life’s boring it’s hard to resist
The temptation to find some position to scoff.
Happiness is the reason for all that I do.

Life Outside Our Universe

Totally Alien Domains

What is known to be unknown is too far outside
What the mind can imagine yet properly name.
At a big disadvantage it seems that we are
Since we’ve not the ability to travel far
From our little young planet. We are put to shame
By the beings who study us not out of pride.

They practice social distancing to the degree
That they haven’t made contact in a normal way.
Our world leaders have told them we don’t want their kind
To be known because we are too chaos inclined.
We’re a warrior species. Be that as it may,
Before contact is made we must heal completely.

Many hundreds of thousands of craft have been seen
By vast numbers of people. The sightings are real.
Their antics are superior to all our best.
If it came down to warfare there’d be no contest.
We have nothing of value that they’d want to steal.
They would not socialize with us because we’re mean.

We can’t deal with our damned selves. How can we expect
Totally alien beings to cause us to
Sing and dance in exuberant jubilation?
They have figured out energy. We’d be undone
With this premature knowledge. We know this is true.
The crop circle is their ten foot poll, I suspect.

Dealing With The Ego

Adjusting The Perceptual Mask

In the forest enchanted live many green elves
Who keeps changing their image with each passing wave
And the mask of identity common to all
Doesn’t fit uniformly. Some citizens fall
In a tough category, therefore they behave
As if they have no knowledge of their higher selves.

The green elf is the ego. They are all the same.
All do well when they’re healthy, and self-expression
Makes the world not so boring, but entertaining.
Yet the ego deficient in kindness will bring
Only negative drama. The situation
Of the human condition does not have a name.

Not only humans have egos; nations do too
As well as any group with a common mission.
Every creature in the forest has an ego.
We decide on which colors will be best to show
So that our hopes and dreams will come to fruition.
Logical are the reasons we do what we do.

It does not take possession, as some people fear.
It is not of the spirit but of the body.
The ego is a tool that is used for a while.
Separate from the true self, it can be hostile
But it can’t decide by itself how we’re to be.
We have much to acquaint ourselves with while we’re here.

Feel Better Instantly

Capture The Moment

In my gut there’s some stuckness. My lungs, chest, and heart
Feel a little too heavy. Is there something wrong
With my processing of life? Is this atonement
For bad acts of the past? Does my body repent
Through its not feeling right? Does my asking prolong
The process of recovery? I’m not that smart.

I ask too many questions, so thank God for those
Who have knowledge sufficient. I’m not feeling pain
And I need not describe it with an emotion
Even though at its core there probably is one.
Psychoanalysis would mean that I’m insane.
Must I rely on everything everyone knows?

Relax into your pain. If you are lying down
Pretend that there is a big sponge underneath you.
Your pain will be drawn out, and the thoughts that you think
Should be simply uplifting and not on the brink
Of your sinking right back into your feeling blue.
Pain ignores the fact that you are wearing a frown.

Sensations of discomfort and deep unsettling
You are reaching relief from, and negative thought
Keeps you in the emotion of blame, doubt and fear.
Your relief from resistance comes when thoughts are clear.
Nothing else but your feeling better can be sought.
You are the perfect master of your wellbeing.

Tell The Story You Want To Tell

Let Go Of What Is

There’s a big background story to all that goes on.
We all know all about it. Life causes you to
Want for things to be different than what they are.
You sort out things in life that are not up to par
And you have thoughts about them. Also what you do
Is emit a vibration that Good acts upon.

That’s the most basic story behind everything.
Each of us has our own version based on the one.
Integrated you become with your strong desire.
Graces come when the heart of the soul is on fire.
You are the author of every story begun.
You know that your own life is most captivating.

The new and improved version of what is wanted
Exists as a vibration that can manifest
But you must be ready to believe what you want.
If you can’t believe your dream, it will only haunt
Every moment and probably make you depressed.
Necessary it is not to feel so daunted.

Observation of what is is what’s at the core
Of all psychic stagnation and your resistance.
Things can’t change much while seeing them the same old way.
See them as you would like them to be everyday.
Peace on earth and good tidings don’t happen by chance.
There’s so much about right now you’re best to ignore.

Change Your Life

Life Despite Contrast

There’s a life that needs changing. Perhaps it’s my own.
There are no others near me. It suits me just fine
For the moment because I’m at step number one.
The main part of my journey is now just begun.
To invest in a future, I must make one mine
And ignore the small detail that I’m way past grown.

There must be disconnection from all that I know
Throughout each day for some time to be connected
To myself and the present. Devices need be
Put into silent mode. Noting can disturb me
While I make it my goal to be redirected
To the self who wants nothing better than to grow.

Ask myself if I can be defined by something
Of a possible future or of the dark past.
What would I want to change in my life if I could?
Contemplate in a way that is best understood
To come up with a vision I know that will last
As the subtle brain tissues now start firing.

Personality is composed of these three things:
How I think, how I act, and the way that I feel.
I can change who I am just by changing one thing.
Clarity and conviction in life it would bring.
I believe that my future can be most ideal.
Much control I can have over what my life brings.

Many Times Through The Day

That Was Then, This Is Now

“That Was Then; This Is Now!” I should state this all day.
What enters my awareness only I allow,
But collective vibrations seep in from all sides.
I can trust what I get through spiritual guides
Is of infinite value available Now.
I can manifest good news always in this way.

Memory lane is fettered with all that has been.
A trip down there too often defeats the purpose
Which is to readjust to a new behavior.
I at times find I’m stuck there looking for the cure
To the current psychosis and eternal fuss
And record the abominable once again.

“That Was Then; This Is Now!” There’s no other moment
More important than this one because it reflects
All the moments before now. I’m moving forward.
I would blush if I knew how much I am adored.
I should know that some conscious force loves the complex
Act of forces at play here that we may prevent.

It’s a mixture of tough love and infinite grace
Made available to me that I persevere.
Keeping up the momentum of feeling good now
Validates life without my needing to know how
To digest all its detail. The path I make clear
Is the one I will follow but try not to chase.

Expect And Be Shocked

Surprise At Discovery

Powerful expectation that I will survive
And discover my own life defeats urgency
In the consummate moment. What else can I do
To screw up or be helpful? The world I once knew
Ever changes to something unexpectedly.
Haven’t I learned a thing about being alive?

Well, stop bitching and moaning. The least I can do
In a world ripe with wonder is stop pretending
That I must become fearful for the next decade
Of the ones far behind me. What I wouldn’t trade
For the life of another. To nothing I cling
But a cloud of creation, quite absent of clue.

My illness, though life threatening, keeps me in touch
With the tough karmic lessons of lives eternal.
Whatever there is coming that I must go through
May I learn in the long run what best I should do.
It may be simply by my keeping this journal
That I may accidentally accomplish much.

All I can do is want for good things to occur
And expect that they’ll happen. My life and this world
Are imperfect perceptions of the most ideal.
The remorse in my heart for past actions reveal
That I am sorely human. Consciousness is swirled
In all matter of circumstance life wants to stir.

The Best Answer Ever

Clarity From Inspiration

What occurs on the world stage among its players
Has to happen according to someone’s belief.
Destined to be historic, this random moment
Has heroes among demons, as any event.
Everyone is disheartened and stricken with grief.
People feel much compassion and offer their prayers.

I create my reality. What does that mean?
The subject of the holocaust I could consume
‘Til I’ve had my fill of it. Then what would be next?
…Climate change, and the woes of the truly perplexed?
I’d be caught in the real fear of impending doom.
Must my sense of what’s happening be all that keen?

How can I tell the story of what I’m living
And be satisfied with all the others there are?
Is it not for the asking? What I’m offering
In the way of vibration is the only thing
That can tell it the absolute truest by far.
We are capable of loving and for giving.

Answers to many questions already exist.
Managed by universal laws, they are sorted
And arranged by importance. Dogs risk getting bugs
In their eyes for the same reason that they get hugs.
No way on God’s green earth is my life force thwarted.
Temptations into turmoil I need to resist.

No Worries

The Freedom of Consciousness

My responses to living at times I perceive
As much too automatic. The things that I want
Positively I respond to, and the reverse
Is the case with things I don’t want. What could be worse
Than being such a slave to the dreams that may haunt?
In the end, it’s the feeling I want to achieve.

Under these circumstances I have no control
Over my own experience, and it’s not right.
I’m supposed to have complete control over that.
So my responsibility cannot fall flat.
Consciously I must move by the way of delight.
No other way of behaving renders me whole.

Inside me there’s a being who’s thinking about
My now moment in time – each and every moment.
And it has a perspective and an opinion…
And awareness… a stake in the game to be won.
There is nothing that it wants more than my accent
Up the ladder emotional without a doubt.

Positive nonresistance while focused upon
Only things that delight me – may this recipe
Be the one that fulfills me. I need worry not.
My vibrational set point does matter a lot.
What I want out of life is to be more happy
Rather than too reactive and somewhat withdrawn.

Change Your Expectation

The Openminded Approach

On the verge of a wonderful thing happening,
Most people contour and arrive naturally
At a strong expectation based on what they see.
We take what we’re observing too literally
That we pay attention to it and completely
Miss the best of what could be and all it can bring.

Scientists gather data. We think we should too.
We collect heavy batches and sort through them all
Studying and comparing, so what we expect
Cannot be any different from the subject
That is right in our faces when seeing is small.
We do not have to prove things like scientists do.

You keep noticing things. They keep manifesting
Just the way you predicted them. It’s a good thing.
Pay more attention not to things as they are now.
Set your focus right past them, and this will allow
Wonderful expectations that make your heart sing.
Impulse and inspiration this one change can bring.

Expectation can only be changed when you merge
Together the platform from where you are right now
With something that you want that is way beyond it.
You can know that it is a benevolent split.
Never mind what is not here. It will be somehow
And it all comes about with a sufficient urge.

Free From Opinions

Escape The Noise

To be free – truly free – of people’s opinions
Cannot be but an intellectual desire.
It echoes through the person of pure confidence –
Of the one who need only to make of it sense
Of the mind liberated which then may acquire
All that’s needed from nonphysical dominions.

The approval of others some see as pure gold.
It feels good in your face as you take in the breeze.
If they speak in the negative, badly you feel.
It may be stressful when people start to get real
Unless you’re made to see just as your stressor sees
Then you’d be satisfied with whatever is told.

Getting positive feedback is an addiction
Of the psyche. It craves more with each message heard.
It can be devastated with on lethal blow.
Yet it must come from somewhere, this thing I must know.
Feedback comes from a place where the spirit is stirred
And from where all due glory is already done.

Depend on the feedback of your inner being.
It’s feedback that you want, and your source can provide
Every praise that the healthy ego cherishes.
The big cloud which is your human doubt perishes
In your inner being who’s always on your side.
Simply learn how to make it your daily wellspring.