Tag Archive | expansive

The Problem And Its Purpose

Wake Up Call

Such a big problem solver you happen to be
But you’re not the problem solver. You’re the maker
Of the problem which means that you’re the solution
Allower. You’re the cause of its evolution
Into rectification. Don’t be a taker
Of action when with life you’re not in harmony.

You cannot solve a problem but you can allow
The solution to manifest. You operate
From a flawed premise if you think you need to force
Things to happen. This makes some sense to you of course.
So why not keep yourself in the solution state?
Your emotional guidance system shows you how.

The problem has served its purpose. Now let it go.
Don’t go back and mine it for justification
Or for your sense of worthiness. Just let it be
What it is – something that you can solve easily
As you tune into your vortex of creation.
Unto you the solutions to problems will flow.

Look forward. Forward is expansive and freeing
So do give it your undivided attention.
It’s where infinite intelligence operates.
Get yourself in the mode to receive what awaits.
You’ll be blessed in ways beyond your comprehension.
It’s the place where you’ll find ultimate wellbeing.

You’re Not Here Being Tested

Freedom Of Youth

You’re Not Here Being Tested although it may seem
That you are at times but when you get out ahead
Of things then you’re not always out on the bleeding
Edge where every thought must be precise. Misleading
Is the notion that you can’t be happy instead
Of always having to paddle your way upstream.

Getting out ahead of things means being aware
Of how you want to feel in each moment and why
You deserve feeling happy. Every moment can
Be fulfilling if you make it so rather than
Letting things up and happen. Don’t act on the fly.
For each moment you must take the time to prepare.

You’re not being challenged by the universe. This
Is not a contest of wits. It’s a response to
Your vibrational output. Your split energy
Is the reason why your living happens to be
Not fulfilling. No one’s doing a thing to you.
There’s nothing that can keep you from a state of bliss.

Calibrate your vibration ahead of time by
Meditating and segment intending and you
Will control every moment. Create a bubble
Of wellbeing. It isn’t all that much trouble
To transmit a vibration that reaches out to
The ends of the universe. So keep flying high.

You Can’t Solve A Problem


Such a huge problem solver you’ve turned out to be.
It’s become an obsession. It’s human nature
To address difficulties with lethal brute force
But in no way does it solve your problems of course.
All it does is cause stress. It will complicate your
Ever resolving your issues effectively.

You Can’t Solve A Problem. Not a one does exist.
You need not wrestle them to the ground and kill them.
Problems are an illusion. The premise is flawed
That something is wrong and that it should be outlawed
And that any confusion on your part must stem
From the notion that problems cannot be dismissed.

You’re the problem maker which means you are the one
Who can make the solution by how well you can
Allow it. Give your undivided attention
To the answers you want. You don’t have to mention
Any heartache. It never was part of your plan.
You can easily handle what needs to get done.

The ‘problem’ served its purpose and time will never
Be an issue for you again. Looking forward
Is expansive, freeing, and intoxicating.
Be aware of the momentum you’re creating.
Confidence in your worthiness can be restored.
Enjoy embarking upon your new endeavor.

More Powerful Than Millions

Showing Strength

I feel blessed. I feel eager and ready for more
Of what life has to offer. Right now I’m tuned in,
Aligned with, and turned on to who I truly am.
I don’t follow any complicated program.
I’ve absolved myself of the original sin
Of unworthiness. Pleasure is worth going for.

I feel strong and intuitive. There’s not one thing
I can’t handle. I feel flexible in a way
That gives me proper balance. I feel really good.
What I want to happen for me is understood
By the provident universe. I want to stay
In this state where such good feelings are happening.

Now, what’s happened is that I’ve calibrated my
Vibration to a higher place where I can feel
Resonance with the words. So the very next day…
And the next, and the next, I’m out of my own way.
I stay focused on what in life is most ideal
To my purpose. Spiritual laws here apply.

When you write down your words you feel the resonance
And the power of them lighting up in your soul.
You hook up with your inner being in this way.
It will help you to put your best self on display.
May the awesome dynamic power you control
Be the force for improving your now circumstance.

Acting From A Broader Perspective

Vantage Point

What it’s like to be human is what we all share.
No matter what we look like or how we behave,
Each and everyone of us is a part of God.
Is this notion blasphemous? Let’s lose the façade
Of complete separation. The soul to be saved
Is the one who does not want to become aware.

The body has its limits. There are boundaries
Regarding its performance. The mind, however,
Can think any thought it wants. It is limitless.
Through our thinking we have unlimited access
To the highest of wisdom. In your endeavor
To think uplifting thoughts, you find comfort and ease.

You don’t have to be Mother Teresa to see
Divineness in all people. We each have a heart.
We all know what it feels like to hurt deep inside
And we know happiness. It cannot be denied
To the ‘least’ of us. Each one of us is a part
Of the whole and the essence of divinity.

Look into who you’re looking at and let them know
That you care what they think about and how they feel.
We each have an observer – the small voice within.
From a broader perspective the heart will begin
To see past form and get to the part that is real.
In this way then spiritually you will grow.

Stop Trying

How did you get so trained into where you are now?
‘Problem Solver’ they call you, but is that okay
With your conscience? The struggle is overwhelming.
Often you feel like you would do most anything
To escape the entrapment you live day to day.
You would be somewhere else if you only knew how.

You are not the problem solver, contrary to
Popular opinion. You’re the problem maker,
Meaning you’re the solution maker. You’re also
The solution allower. The answer will flow
Into your keen awareness. Be not the taker
Of unbearable torment. Reach for something new.

You did not come to solve things. You came to expand.
The creation of a better experience
Is your focus and purpose. The problem has served
Its purpose. The solution will be well deserved,
But let go of the problem because it’s past tense.
A life fettered with stress is not what you had planned.

Don’t go back and try to mine it for worthiness
Or for justification. Just leave it alone
For a while, and look forward where the energy
That creates worlds is willing, able, and ready
To assist you. Everything about you is known
To your Source who is focused upon your success.