Tag Archive | collective consciousness

Momentum Convergence


Think a thought for about fourteen seconds and then
Another thought just like it will join it. If you
Keep on thinking then more thoughts will gather until
A huge convergence of your momentous thought will
Reach a point of combustion. This isn’t a new
Idea but it’s worth speaking of it again.

Law of Attraction is all about momentum
And the way that you’re feeling moment to moment.
You may introduce resistance into the mix
By thinking that you have a big problem to fix.
You control your creation one hundred percent
Without action or depending on an outcome.

As you focus you’re sitting by yourself and you’re
Contemplating something and you’re enjoying it.
You don’t offer resistance and you’re allowing
Provident forces of the universe to bring
Everything you want to you so you benefit
From a healthy vibration that’s vital and pure.

So when you’re in alignment with who you are you
Have the energy that creates worlds standing by
To fulfill all your wishes and as thoughts converge
Only good times and wonderful things will emerge.
A wellbeing explosion you cannot deny
Will occur as you’re practicing this point of view.

Source Will Show You The Way

Water Way

You’re a powerful being. You’re worthy beyond
Conception or description and you’re wanting to
Be in this sweet spot of creation where you’ve mixed
It all up and by now you have your focus fixed
On your heart’s desire. Life’s contrast stirs within you
A wanting to which the universe will respond.

Source is God. It is that which we can’t comprehend
But we can reach a state where we experience
The divine in its essence. We’re all connected
To this God Source. It knows what’s to be expected
Of each one of us and it comes to our defense
When we’re unkind to ourselves. It’s like a good friend.

Get into the receiving mode. Let the contrast
Be the canvas you paint upon. Your masterpiece
Is created when you decide to get happy
And the Source within you agrees wholeheartedly.
There’s nothing better than feeling your joy increase
And then finding ways easily to make it last.

The path of Source is the path of least resistance.
Source knows how to get you to where you want to be
With the least effort and the most satisfaction.
Learn to trust fully in the Law of Attraction.
Let Source talk you into becoming totally
Who you’re meant to be under any circumstance.

Advice From The Seat Of The Soul

Alone With Self

A soul stirring and insightful exploration
Of human consciousness is The Seat Of The Soul.
The transformative journey of spiritual
Awakening is happening. Everything shall
Be awakened to spirit. As we become whole
As a species we take part in our creation.

There’s a difference between external power
And the kind that’s internal. The former one seeks
To control and to dominate. The other kind
Arises from the heart that is truly aligned
With the soul’s purpose. So when that part of you speaks
Pay attention. Allow it to bloom and flower.

Every choice that one makes creates consequences
That reverberate throughout lifetimes. Be aware
Of your intentions and actions. Transformation
Through spiritual growth means that you harm no one.
You must treat your mindset with the utmost of care.
Restitution must be made for past offenses.

Intuition can be your spiritual guide.
It allows people to access higher wisdom
And to navigate life with purpose, clarity,
And focus. You can live your life passionately
With compassion and love as you’re beating the drum
Of your soul’s purpose. With it you must be allied.

Whose Thoughts Are These?

Troubling Question

Every thought that has ever been thought still exists.
Thoughts Are Things and each one has its own vibration.
So am I the thinker of my thoughts or do I
Just receive them? Do I catch them as they go by?
One would think that one’s thoughts are of one’s creation.
It’s the way in which the fragile ego insists.

We’re transmitting and receiving mechanisms.
Sometimes we are transmitting and sometimes we are
Receiving, yet we can do both at the same time.
It is possible to reach a truly sublime
State of being. We don’t have to search long and far
For enlightenment as human organisms.

When we’re acknowledging, noticing, comparing,
And discussing with others is when we transmit,
But receiving is best done when we’re in a state
Of receiving, where we can best appreciate
What comes to us. It’s of tremendous benefit
To be about what you’re receiving most caring.

We’re never the thinker of a great thought, instead
There’s a collective consciousness we all access.
Does the radio ask itself if it’s singing
All those songs that it’s playing? We end up bringing
How we feel to the forefront of our consciousness.
By the radio broadcast station we are led.

The Collective

Colorful People

There are different nonphysical entities
That come through us at certain times. They represent
A vast host of great teachers, friends, family, and
Many others although they do not take command
Of our actions. They peek through us by our consent
At an unconscious level thus with perfect ease.

But we must be receptive to their influence.
Negative emotion on our part keeps them from
Connecting and therefore from their interacting
In our lives. It’s their essence that we’re attracting
When we are in a good mood. Good feeling thoughts come
On the heels of good feelings if that makes some sense.

We’re each a part of the collective consciousness
Which is about vibration, also energy
That is focused intently. We’re able to share
Positive thoughts among ourselves. It isn’t rare
That it happens. All that is required is to be
Consciously aware of what brings you happiness.

We enhance our connection through meditation
Or by doing something that is absolutely
Wonderful and exciting as The Collective
Cheers us on. When it’s seen from this new perspective
Future states of alignment will come easily.
Each moment is the product of your creation.

The Collective Consciousness Of Spirit


Consciousness is particulate. Between shadow
And substance exists spiritual energy.
Particles of the atoms that make up all things
Are entangled in such a way that happenings
Among them are identical. How can this be?
Even though I’m not smart enough I’d like to know.

The connection between what is called physical
And spirit is that spirit existed before
What is physical. Consciousness is everywhere.
It creates and communicates with utmost care
To we creatures who seem to be here to explore
The physical in terms of the spiritual.

Spirit is seen as infinite intelligence.
Those who are now in spirit do know a lot more
Than we who are still gathering information.
Our brief amnesia is good for the creation
Of the life that we decided to come here for.
In spirit we can have absolute confidence.

We receive impulses all the time from spirit,
But sometimes we’re not aware of it happening
So we miss opportunities. Take notice of
The direction that comes to you from up above
Or below or wherever. Indeed everything
That’s done to access them is to your benefit.

Defining Who God Is

Changing Sky

In the present moment you have total access
To the power of life itself. Need you define
What it is that keeps energy flowing through you?
People need to have some kind of rational clue
To deal with the ineffable, so we align
With a standard that represents our righteousness.

We spend God awful time defining the divine
When we could be experiencing it always.
‘It’ becomes a real consciousness that is within
And without. When your mind is quiet you begin
To experience ‘It’ in ways that will amaze
And fulfill you because you are of ‘Its’ design.

This continuum of life, from our perspective,
Is a bit screwy. We believe that we come here,
Live our lives, and then pass over into spirit.
But we’re always in spirit. Our lives we don’t quit.
After ‘death’ we are focused on what is most dear
To the heart. We are all a spirit collective.

Our belief is only a poor substitute for
The reality itself. No mental concept
Can compare to the feeling of divinity.
We are meant to experience ‘It’ consciously.
In the heart is where much of our knowing is kept.
Our intention is what always opens the door.

The Life That You Want

Happy Thoughts

If I think about it long enough and I keep
Myself focused there with a picture in my mind
Of my having it, then it has to manifest.
I create from a higher state and do my best
To stay there. I find the universe to be kind.
Things can happen for me even while I’m asleep.

The coincidences of my life I manage.
I can place my attention on what I would like
To create in my life, and with this attitude,
Only pure positive energy I exude.
Getting there is as easy as riding a bike
On the down slope. I could go on a joy rampage.

Higher levels of consciousness can be achieved
Just by sitting and dreaming. I could meditate,
Chant, or fast, or go on a spiritual quest
For enlightenment, but I need only divest
Enough focus upon what I want to create
And be thankful for what I’ve already received.

The reptilian mind meets the neocortex
Where awareness of others can yield empathy
For all those who are suffering. I feel the pain,
But I can’t let the world’s issues drive me insane.
I’m thankful I’ve been able to get myself free
Of the status quo and all its harmful effects.

About Life

Work Woe

Most people are living a kind of hypnosis
Wherein they pledge allegiance to the opinion
Of a vacant society instead of to
What they feel in their hearts they would much rather do.
It can feel like the outer world has dominion
Over their souls. It is a social sclerosis.

The plan and purpose of life is obedience
To one’s inner nature. We are here to express
Life as we instinctively feel it ought to be.
It’s not healthy to be trapped in low energy.
We’re supposed to be in a state of happiness
Fairly often. We are creatures of refulgence.

Everything vibrates and emits a vibration.
Ours consist of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and acts.
They form an energy pattern which is our vibe.
It remains difficult for someone to describe,
But you know when you feel it. It either attracts
Or repels you. It is a point of causation.

All these vibes come together and form what we know
As the Collective Consciousness. It sponsors war,
Mass shootings, pandemics, earth disasters and such.
It can yield good things also, yet we pay to much
Attention to past horrors, and we expect more
Of the same for the future. How then can we grow?

Life Can Cause You To Feel Better

Freedom And Joy

There are many more consciousnesses focused here
In this physical plane of existence than there
Are people on the planet. There’s quite a party
Going on all around us that we do not see,
But we know that it’s possible to be aware
Of the nonphysical if our hearts are sincere.

We summon the collective. Multifaceted
Is our nature. Consciousness needs not a body
Necessarily. It’s a continuous stream.
Our awareness of our bodies does make it seem
That we are separated. This happens to be
An illusion that the mind is constantly fed.

Things that happen to people that they can’t explain
Are the doings of those who are disembodied.
From that vantage point, they often communicate
With the ‘living.’ When we’re in a receptive state,
We are hip to their antics and don’t feel the need
To be cautious. In fact, there can be much to gain.

You don’t miss the water until the well runs dry.
In the same way, you do not miss your connection
To the whole of who you are until you have not
Had it for such a while that your spirit is shot.
Look upon your community with affection.
Wonderful things will happen, and you will know why.

Things Are Speeding Up

The Time Is Short

Consciousness is expanding. The earth, as it spins,
Is the same as it has been for billions of years.
Its cycles remain constant, yet relatively.
That which is on its surface evolves rapidly.
We know that things are speeding up, and time appears
To be too short perhaps because of all our sins.

If you think of something for just a few seconds
Then another thought like it, and then another
Will gather until they gain enough momentum
That things manifest. To you what you think must come.
Of what happens in your life, you are the mother.
What you have created is what to you beckons.

Think of yourself as a singular focuser,
Contemplating something and enjoying the flow
Of your thoughts as they happen with no resistance.
Without your contradicting them, they have a chance
To become your reality, which, you should know,
You create with your focus on things you prefer.

There’s a joining up of others into the stream
As it gets moving swiftly. Cooperative
Components then assemble. There’s an attraction
Of forces lining up for your satisfaction.
It happens when you are most appreciative
Of your ability to contemplate your dream.