Tag Archive | struggle

Exploring The Contrast

Purple Fog

You’ve been here before. This time it’s not a big deal.
Contrast you’ve become used to. You’re fully prepared
To feel through it. You’ve learned to let go of control.
You now know very clearly what’s good for your soul
So that this time around there’s no need to feel scared.
Make something good of what seems so bleak and surreal.

Tell yourself what you know which is that you’ve done all
That is necessary. All you have to do now
Is to let the momentum carry you along.
With your positive attitude you can’t go wrong.
Through the contrast you can find a way to allow
Evolutions to manifest both big and small.

It’s fun to explore contrast deliberately
Not by default. Contrast gives your life true meaning.
It causes you to want things to be different.
You can manifest change through your conscious intent.
Know that spiritual forces are convening
To offer you their wise assistance lovingly.

All the time feeling good is what you’re reaching for.
To feel better than you do right now is the key.
Any excuse in the world that you can find to
Feel delighted is most beneficial to you.
Exploring The Contrast can be done happily
As you shift your focus to something you adore.

Seeking Inner Peace

Bright New Day

In the depths of the human soul there’s a profound
Battle raging against desires that can serve no
Purpose other than to enslave and weaken us.
World activity demonstrates the disastrous
Human tendency to live within the shadow
Of a troubled existence. To it we are bound.

Mindfulness meditation can alleviate
Much of your inner turmoil. You want to break free
From the world around you every once in a while.
Though the world is unthinkably cruel and hostile
You can get away from it temporarily.
Good happens when you’re in a meditative sate.

Be the master of yourself and you will be free.
True freedom lay not in indulging your desires
But in conquering them. If humanity will
Figure out ways to keep its collective mind still
Then world peace would occur but of course it requires
A unanimous effort where all must agree.

It’s not the things themselves that disturb people but
Their judgments about these things. Can we recognize
The illusions succumbed to? The impediment
To action advances action. None can prevent
Things from happening so it’s both helpful and wise
To keep yourself out of a most depressing rut.

Wellbeing Is At Your Door

Welcome Home

Highs and lows are a part of life. Everyone knows
That one can’t feel on top of the world all the time.
Life can sometimes bring one to the depths of despair.
Getting over it is a natural affair.
Focus only on what in life is most sublime
And then live it. Stop contemplating on life’s woes.

Sometimes people have to lose it all before they
Bounce back into wellbeing. Unnecessary
Is this process but anything that helps you to
Realize your true worthiness is good for you.
Your losses are the very things that set you free
From your struggles. Then you’ll find things going your way.

Struggle only perpetuates the momentum.
Give it up and allow yourself to surrender
All of it to the universe. Letting it go
Gives you power. The contrast in life helps you grow.
Just relax. The peace that you’ll find will engender
The feeling of allowing the favored outcome.

Give into the wellbeing that’s knocking loudly
At your door. Be more mindful of all the goodness
That surrounds you. Start looking for the evidence
Of wellbeing in your life. It is there from whence
You may prosper in many ways. Total access
You have to everything that you’d have come to be.

Give Up The Struggle

Buried In Work

It’s as if someone pointed at a twenty ton
Boulder and said, “Please carry it way over there.”
You should not care about that because you will not
Implement such an impossible task. A lot
Of stress you can relieve if you’re willing to care
About how you feel in every situation.

But if you really need to get it over there
And you focus upon what you want and why you
Want it, a way to get it over there will be
Revealed to you. You want to be completely free
Of the struggle that you think you need to go through.
Of the path of least resistance you’ll be aware.

Feeling good is a no brainer. If you feel stress
Then you want to feel better. So what can you do
To get yourself out of a stressful atmosphere?
Focus elsewhere and the solution becomes clear.
Give attention to something that elevates you
To the level of eventual happiness.

The reason you feel struggle is because you get
Yourself into a vibration where you can’t hear
What your true self is saying. Give Up The Struggle.
Find a blanket of joy and within it snuggle.
Things are not as terrible as they may appear.
Your surrender to who you are is an asset.

Struggle Begone!

Impossible Task

Put yourself in the situation of someone
Who must lift the weight of the world over their head.
How would you go about this impossible task?
Is this not an absurd question for one to ask?
You would look upon this circumstance with much dread.
Feeling this way then there can be no solution.

You must not care about moving that kind of weight
Anywhere simply because you’re no going to
Move the world with your struggle. If you really need
It to be moved the only way you will succeed
Is if you’re in alignment with that part of you
That gives you the ability to co-create.

What you want grows within you. There must be some way
To get this thing accomplished but you mustn’t care
About doing something you know you cannot do.
Trust that the universe will work things out for you.
You’re not going to get that huge thing over there
If you look at your situation with dismay.

It’s pointless so surrender. Push it to the side
For the moment and focus on being ready
For the way to respond to be revealed to you
And for now be satisfied with all you can do
To ensure that you’re living your life happily.
All that you get without effort can’t be denied.

Divine Intervention

Global Hope

To have one foot in one world and the other in
Relative clarity is to be alive now.
Does believing in evil cause it to become
Dominant and pervasive? Does beating the drum
Of defiance relieve the frustration somehow?
Can there be redemption of original sin?

Feeling like not enough of a price has been paid
For a sense of wellbeing and prosperity
People struggle to get their share of the big pie.
This mindset of lack is the only reason why
There are those who will always be in poverty.
One puts forth the effort but no progress is made.

We are vibrational beings. Things are always
Working out for us even when things appear bleak.
Most of us don’t believe in this kind of thing though.
It would be helpful if more people got to know
Their true selves. Then only harmony would they seek.
All we can do right now is to hope for those days.

A Divine Intervention perhaps is what needs
To take place. It can be a change in consciousness
And a shift in our vibrational energy.
Nothing on this earth is more powerful than We
The People
with serious issues to address.

As the world learns to grow each one of us succeeds.



This is a law based universe naturally.
If you really want something you’re not receiving
It feels bad. If you don’t care that much about it
Then you’ll get it. This messes with the mind a bit
But it’s true so you might as well start believing
In the laws. They will help you to live happily.

If you don’t want it that much you’re not in a state
Of resistance to it manifesting for you
But if you have a little bit of resistance
It will be difficult yet you still stand the chance
Of receiving it by paying attention to
The ideal condition you want to create.

If you want something badly but you don’t believe
It can happen it’s not in your expectation
To receive it and it cannot happen for you
Nothing comes of the pain and struggle you go through.
If your mindset is that of lack then frustration
Complicates much your ability to receive.

So the key is to want something generally
Then let the desire for it gather momentum.
There will be less resistance as it picks up speed.
From the tension in your wanting you will be freed.
Be receptive to the many blessings that come
From alignment with universal energy.

I Give Up!


I try hard not to struggle. It’s probably why
I remain in perpetual anxiety.
If I care less about things that get on my nerves
Then perhaps I may get what my spirit deserves
Which is true peace of mind and the freedom to be
Satisfied with my living as each day goes by.

What I’ve been doing has been halfway even though
I’ve been greatly wanting to do it all the way.
I’ve given it more effort than anybody
That I know yet success doesn’t chase after me.
I Give Up what is causing me all this dismay.
It’s the wisest and most sensible way to go.

I Give Up my confounding confusion and my
Control of what can’t be controlled. I find relief
In releasing the need to make up excuses.
When I surrender I find that it produces
A feeling in me which enhances my belief
In a lawful universe where all must comply.

I will tell the story of my empowerment
And my worthiness. I tout the benefits of
My knowledge of the Law of Attraction and I
Can depend on my guidance when things go awry.
I Give Up the resistance that I have to love.
There’s nothing more important than feeling content.

Giving In To Your Power


Sometimes words can put you back into alignment
When you’re not. You can give up the struggle and say
Things like, “It is what it is. I give up control
Of this tough situation. It’s only my goal
To be happy.”
When you talk to yourself this way

You can alleviate much of your discontent.

Many momentum building statements you can use
To uplift yourself. “Things are always working out
For me”
isn’t the best one you could use right now

But from where you are find something that will allow
Your own power to find you. There are without doubt
Many good affirmations from which you can choose.

“I give into my goodness. I give up the pain
And the struggle. I give into my worthiness.
I give into not caring what others may say
About me. In my state of alignment I’ll stay.
Into the probability of happiness
I surrender. I know I’ll have so much to gain.”

Talk yourself into your power. Feel easier
About life. Happiness is your primary goal.
Let the earth spin in its orbit. Let your heart beat
Through the night on its own and be willing to treat
Yourself and others kinder. It will make you whole.
Nothing keeps you from living the life you prefer.

Soothe Yourself

Pleasant Rest

Somehow I’ve managed to activate within me
Something I really didn’t want. Now I’m stuck in
A conundrum of thought that cannot serve me well.
In a state of great dissatisfaction I dwell.
I’m not feeling comfortable in my own skin.
In a much different place I was meant to be.

Through life experience I and most everyone
Vibrate sloppily. We are all over the place
With our focus and we pay too much attention
To what we don’t want. It’s not worthwhile to mention
What’s not working. What is working we should embrace.
There’s plenty of work to do with my vibration.

I know that my emotions are my true guidance.
They help me to determine whether or not I
Am lined up with my energy or foolishly
With the wishes of others. By now I can see
That I don’t have to struggle and ask myself why
Things occur in my life as if by happenstance.

When I can trust the process I trust the goodness
Of who I am. I must do anything I can
To distract myself until I can find a way
To soothe myself. More attention I need to pay
To my own wellbeing. This is one righteous plan.
How I feel is my way to ultimate success.

What You Want Also Wants You

Moment Of Consideration

What you don’t want is something that’s clear in your mind
Because of what you do want. Relativity
Is the issue because there’s no way you can know
What you want otherwise. You just have to let go
Of your wanting and let everything come to be.
To the universe your desire has been assigned.

What you want has momentum – its own energy.
It becomes your desire and takes on consciousness.
Its purpose in life is to be manifested
In your life. It becomes totally invested
In your full satisfaction and through the process
Of creation it becomes something you can see.

You may feel that if you don’t put forth some effort
That the world and the universe will deny you
Of what you want. Put forth your effort only when
You’re aligned with your spirit. You will succeed then
In your work. It helps if you pay attention to
How you feel. You have much spiritual support.

Don’t ask things of yourself until you’re hooked into
Your true power – the leverage of alignment.
Energy that creates worlds is at your avail.
Manifesting is done on a really large scale
When you find it within yourself to be content
In your knowing that all of your dreams will come true.

Let The Universe Help You

Deep Night Sky

I no longer want to struggle. My life has been
An immense uphill battle. There’s not much to show
For my hard work. I’m weary of playing this game
Of existence. I have only myself to blame
For my circumstance. I know not which way to go.
In time it will be over but I know not when.

You give up the struggle by your never bringing
Up an unresolved desire again. Instead you
Bring up things that are working. Don’t focus on those
That are not. Get to know what your inner self knows
Of your creative passion. The more you can do
To stay happy the more your heart will be singing.

You should leave it alone if it doesn’t feel right.
The guidance within you is just letting you know
That unseen forces are advocating for you.
Of the way you feel you should pay attention to.
When you leave it alone the universe will show
You the big picture and it’s a wonderful sight.

So much action to compensate for energy
Is offered by too many. It gets them nowhere.
You’re creating more struggle so leave it alone.
You do not want to be caught in the twilight zone.
Let The Universe Help You. Become more aware
Of the power within you to just let things be.

Letting Go Of Struggle

Impossible Effort

Transformation doesn’t come through struggle. So why
Are people so addicted to crawling their way
To success? Transformation comes through awareness.
You stifle your awareness when you are obsessed
With your nose to the grindstone throughout every day.
Things will get more difficult the harder you try.

When you struggle your field of awareness will get
Narrower. As you let go of struggling your field
Of awareness will widen. That’s why you can be
At the beach on a warm sunny day peacefully
Taking in your surroundings, then all is revealed
Of the nature of spirit and there’s no regret.

Now, suppose there’s a friend of yours who happens by.
You get into an argument lasting a while.
During that time, you won’t hear the sound of the waves
Or the wildlife, because now the moment enslaves
Your awareness. You’re struggling in typical style
All because you and someone can’t see eye to eye.

When you lay back again on the beach and return
To your leisure, you will relax naturally
Without trying. You’ll feel the warm sun on your face
And the cool breeze. You’ll know that you’re in the right place
For alignment. Let go of struggle completely
Through a method that’s simple and easy to learn.

Be Who You Were Made To Be

Happy To Be

What does it take to make life work? I remember
Sitting on the couch crying out into the night
“What do you want from me? What’s the reason I’m here?”
I received an answer that was perfectly clear.
My life is not about me. How can that be right?
Right off hand it’s not something with which I concur.

My life is about everyone whose life I touch.
It’s about universal me in the sense that
We’re all one. It’s not about individual
Localized me. I’m open to the rationale
That my life is for others. I need to look at
Things in life that to others matter very much.

I’ve been given everything I need; compassion,
Awareness, wisdom, intelligence, clarity,
Understanding, and generosity, but I
Haven’t used them enough which is the reason why
That I feel that I’m not who I was meant to be
Which is to be of kind service to everyone.

There are things that I must do to earn money and
Make relationships work, but all I need to do
Is just be who I am, the divine being who
Uses life’s events as opportunities to
Uplift others. I am on my way to a new
Way of living, and of life I make no demand.

Let Go And Trust


Let’s put things into context. I’m going to be
In the workforce. I’m graduating from college
In a short while. I’m really excited about
Doing interviews. I’ve many talents to tout
Way beyond all my training and expert knowledge,
But things don’t seem to be working out easily.

For the most part, though, I enjoy where I’m at now.
Some days are better than others generally,
But the difficulty comes when I focus on
What sometimes feels like struggle. My dream has not gone
By the wayside at those times. The best part of me
Is the one that has taught all of me to allow.

If I see what’s gone wrong, I stir up the contrast
And invite idle worry about rejection,
But it also shoots off a rocket of desire
To the universe which accepts what I require
In a system that operates with perfection.
I’ll see only what I want and remain steadfast.

All I need is to get into that trusting place
And accept that I’m worthy of what I ask for.
There’s no limit to how much good can come to me.
I can have things just the way I want them to be.
I know that I’ll forever be asking for more
Of the universe’s fund of infinite grace.

Relax Into Wellbeing

Natural Panacea

My last low brought me to a place where I could not
Resist doing something about it anymore.
When one reaches rock bottom, nowhere else is there
To go but in the direction of loving care
Toward oneself and others. That’s what we’re here for.
The contrast I experience matters a lot.

From between the rock and the hard place, there is hope
Or despair. A thin line exists between the two.
One cannot remain stuck there without going mad.
With a change in perception some peace can be had.
Once things are gone there’s nothing else for me to do
But surrender the struggle and learn how to cope.

Must I suffer sufficiently before I learn
Anything to my benefit? I don’t have to
Live the experience of deep desperation.
Yet indeed anything that helps get the job done
Is fair game for the universe. All I can do
Is to figure out how to relieve my concern.

I don’t need the gut-wrenching experience to
Understand that I can always turn things around.
A comparative experience is needed
To the one most preferred. I will have succeeded
In relaxing into the new wellbeing found.
There is not much of anything I need to do.

Your Work

Fill Your Heart With Love

Feeling Good is your only work. That simply said
Means that there’s nothing else you need to focus on.
You’ve been here before. There are things you have asked for
From a place of not having them, and you got more
Than you asked for. Positive conclusions are drawn
Regarding how your life goes. It’s full steam ahead.

It is fun to explore the contrast consciously
Then sift out your idea, which is better than
The present situation. Then before your eyes
It becomes your reality. Therefore it’s wise
To be happy as much as you possibly can.
When you do that, you can then let everything be.

If you’re not a vibrational match to the thing
That you want, you can recognize that emotion
To be negative, then do something about it.
This is human. It happens, but when you admit
That it does, then you can give proper devotion
To believing that what you’re wanting is coming.

Two components, desire and belief, are needed
To achieve what you want, but desire and anger
Do not mix. You can do it with desire and love.
You begin by keeping your vibration above
That of this world’s obsessions. You much would prefer
Clarity, contentment, and alignment instead.

Give Up The Struggle

Let Momentum Take Its Course

When momentum has gathered there’s no turning back.
Primal urges withstanding, you must go along
With the flow of creation. The reason you feel
Any struggle is that you reject the ideal
Of resistance free living. The current is strong,
So do you have the ability to keep track?

Situations where you’re off folks don’t care about.
You’ll abuse them to the point where they will react
In aggressive defiance. Just leave them alone.
To the world at large, it is best that it’s unknown.
If you want to stay negative, you will attract
Pissed off people in plenitude beyond all doubt.

Focus upon what you want. Let yourself go there,
And let go of resistance. Let the flow take you
To the place you are destined to be, and let go
Of the questions whose answers you don’t need to know.
You can get there not by all the things you can do
But by how you are feeling. It’s done with much care.

When you Give Up The Struggle you free yourself from
Negative thoughts and feelings. You have more control
Over more than you can know. In your letting go
You gain power. What a good thing this is to know!
Get used to the feeling of your becoming whole.
Contemplate only on all the good times to come.

Divine Intervention Requires No Effort

Stop Struggling

Do I feel like I’m paying enough of a price
To get somewhere in life? Two worlds there seems to be –
One that says I must struggle my way to success.
The other is one in which I can work far less
And achieve more by tuning spiritually.
There is no physical substance to sacrifice.

Still believing in struggle, hard work, and action
To get things done, I am exhausted and empty.
Through my determination, sometimes I succeed.
I can’t understand how my effort can impede
My progress. Can someone explain it all to me?
I am in dire need of some sort of solution.

This economic pie that we all have to share
Is not finite. It grows in response to our dreams,
Hopes, and wishes, and it just keeps on expanding
According to our enlightened understanding.
I believe that abundance comes to me in streams.
About how I am feeling I truly must care.

The only limitation that I have is my
Inattention to impulse and inspiration.
The power that creates worlds wants to assist me.
I find that divine intervention is easy.
The fairies of the universe are having fun
As my wishes they most gleefully gratify.

Allowing Divine Intervention

Receiving Grace

Still believing in struggle, most human beings
Don’t feel like they are paying enough of a price.
No one plays their way through life and achieves success.
We must work long and hard for it, that is unless
We are fortunate where the bird of paradise
Makes its way into our lives and brings us nice things.

This is true in the real world because this mindset
Has evolved over eons where there’s a finite
Economic pie that all are wanting to share.
We have to make things happen. We seem not aware
That we are of vibration, and all is alright.
This is how the world functions much to our regret.

There’s an infinite ‘amount’ of economy.
To be shared among everyone. Those who believe
That there’s only so much wealth do not hear the call
Of their spirit. Their perspective is rather small.
Effort is not needed in order to receive
If we get ourselves to thinking differently.

The power of the universe is within you.
It creates worlds. It can manifest anything.
One cannot have it both ways. One has to decide
For oneself which is better. Let your spirit guide
You to what feels in your life to be fulfilling.
Know in your heart the best thing that you ought to do.

Give Up The Struggle

Relieve Yourself Of The Task

How do I get that boulder where it needs to go?
Heaven knows I can’t carry it. What if I get
A bulldozer to move it? That would make more sense,
But I don’t have access to one. Do I dispense
With the issue completely and suffer regret?
How to do what I want done I do need to know.

I give up. It’s a struggle. I simply don’t care.
If I’m out of alignment, that’s how I get in.
I had better not care about it because I
Will do harm to myself if foolishly try
To come up with an answer. Much to my chagrin,
All my efforts will end up in utter despair.

Often times I don’t hear what spirit is saying
To me as I encounter a difficulty.
It’s because I’m too focused on getting it done.
If I chill, then perhaps I’ll hear the solution
To the problem. It’s more beneficial for me
To listen to what my spirit is conveying.

Focusing upon what I want is the best way
To approach any problem. I ask myself why
I want things to go my way. Something is revealed
In the process. Universal forces will yield
To my wishes. The laws of vibration apply
Throughout life. My spirit shall not lead me astray.

Moving On

Leaving The Past Behind

In the mind there’s no subtraction or division.
The way you think is pretty much the way you feel.
There’s no reason to make this all complicated.
Your emotions and thoughts can’t be separated.
How does one reach the point of beginning to heal?
The mind does addition and multiplication.

You can think someone is a wonderful person,
But the thought may change in line with their behavior.
Tomorrow you may think the same person as one
Not as you had before thought. Your thinking can run
Up and down the wide spectrum. It generates more
Of an overall image. By nature it’s done.

Thoughts repeated are memories. They come and go
As do most of your feelings. The ones that are strong
Are not easily changeable. They interfere
With the moment’s thought process. The one who is dear
To the heart is a problem when something goes wrong
With the contract. The drama has something to show.

When you add to your troubled thoughts they multiply.
Each one leads to another. Momentum begins
To develop. The unsettled mind is agile.
Take a break from these thoughts. Contemplate for a while
On the absolution of all your psychic sins.
Love is the only way for you to say goodbye.

Self-Esteem And Oneself

Darkness Of Spirit

Am I confident in who I am or am I
Struggling seeing worth as it pertains to me?
This affects how I think and feel and how I act.
I feel there’s nothing left in this world to distract
Me from myself and everyone. All that I see
Is sorrow sorely strangled. I’ve no alibi.

If I could say I’m sorry to those I have harmed
I might feel a lot better, though this won’t occur.
My darkness has a thickness outside of pitch-black.
Along with many other things, courage I lack
And a clue as to what to do. I would prefer
That the cross hairs of circumstance are not alarmed.

Guilt encrusted avoidance and isolation
Are to my full advantage. Passively I wait
For something bad to happen. I figure I’m due
For the next indiscriminate turn of the screw
All the time. Where the hell is there time to create?
If I keep feeling this way, indeed I’ll have none.

I need positive feedback to somehow negate
Negative reinforcement that reverberates
Through my entire being. Perceived worthlessness
Will undo me in due time. I made a big mess
Of my life. I’m in fear of what karma awaits.
I’m aware of but reject the hell I create.

The Emotional Scale

The Continuum Of Feeling

I am bored with my whole life. It makes little sense.
The longer I exist the less I am enthralled
By what life has to offer. The matter with me
Is that I’ve lost connection. I would like to be
Who I am at my finest. I’m neither appalled
Nor delighted. I’ve lost the feeling of suspense.

I want to feel contentment. I want to let go
Of all that I’ve been pushing against. I am done
With the struggle and striving. I just want to be
Comfortable and wholesome within my body.
I can get there on my own. I’m the only one
Who can make changes to my feeling status quo.

My boredom is the tipping point to contentment.
If I can make that tiny jump I’m on my way
To releasing resistance to feeling better.
The appropriate practice indeed must occur.
Life for me can seem like a delightful ballet.
How I feel at the moment I cannot resent.

I know that things are going sufficiently well.
With that thought I can feel some internal relief.
Noticing the positive aspects of my life
I can lower the frequency of psychic strife.
That I can control how I feel is my belief
Otherwise I’d be living unspeakable hell.

Anxiety And Depression

Personal Hell

The Dead End I have reached. There is nowhere to go
That is not without torment. “Struggle is okay,”
Would say friends if I had them. “We all can relate
To the bitter taste life has. When in a lost state
Know that you’re not alone although it seems that way.”

Could there be a ‘friend’ inside me who I don’t know?

What I feel is reality, and it is now.
Contemplating ending it all, I find relief
In the knowing that doing so may curse my soul.
What if it is already too much less than whole?
My own negative thinking I know is the thief
Of my spirit. I’d feel better if I knew how…

So we all go through hard times, and I would do best
To be patient with myself. I deserve a break.
Some rest and relaxation and good exercise
When I’m feeling much better is proper and wise.
I must move this damned body while I am awake
Whatever that may look like and rightly expressed.

I must force myself off the couch and on a walk.
I can create something from the pain that I feel.
Things that make me wonderful, blessed, and unique
And the things I appreciate counter the bleak.
I become all the better throughout the ordeal.
Therapy for the psyche is positive shock.

The Key To Allowing

The Remedy Is Within

If I don’t want something I won’t care about it
Then I will get it easily. That is to say
No resistance is offered so some attraction
Must occur without me getting anything done.
This profound paradox wants to mess with my day.
Though it does the mind boggle, I’m not here to quit.

If I really want something that does exist not
And I feel really badly about it I won’t
Be aligned with its coming – only with its lack.
So whatever I put out is what I get back.
I must give up the struggle because if I don’t
Then I build up resistance to what e’er is sought.

If I want something somewhat I’m indifferent
To its coming or not, there’s less difficulty
In attracting it. Therein there must be some key
To the way of allowing things to come to me.
If I believe and expect, it must come to be.
I rid myself of unnecessary torment.

If I really want something and really believe
In my soul I can have it, then my resistance
Has become nonexistent, and good things will flow.
So the key is to start little then let it grow.
As it gathers momentum… As I sing and dance
There’s no limit to what in this world I’ll achieve.

It’s Your Time

Your Adventure Stars Now

Begin to understand the love God has for you.
Have you not taken notice of positive things
That occur in your life and elsewhere in the world?
Anything you can do with your spirit unfurled.
You can choose not to struggle. The woe that it brings
Is a thing unbecoming for all that you do.

You proclaim your determination to release
Your resistance to God’s blessings once and for all.
And in so doing you give up your tight control
Of what is uncontrollable. You become whole
In the process of owning that which does enthrall.
Giving up struggle leads to your ultimate peace.

From outside of this knowledge you’ve not managed well.
There are so many pieces and not enough mind
To keep good track of all of them. Don’t interact
With those parts of the puzzle. Their lethal impact
Is the death of the spirit. Do not be confined
By your ignorance. It is the worst kind of hell.

It’s your time to begin feeling your way into
The vortex of emotion where all is sublime.
There it feels like clear answers to all your questions.
Definiteness of purpose is how your life runs.
Every instinct within you knows this is your time.
Don’t let what you have worked for become overdue.

Re-Tune Your Thoughts

In Pursuit Of Clarity

When the gas gauge nears empty do you cry in shame
With your head on the steering wheel wondering why
Such a crisis befell you? You’d hoped it would last
But it didn’t so you feel you’ve done things half assed.
You then feel the despair of a life gone awry
And you have no one else but your damned self to blame.

Slap a happy face sticker across that gas gauge.
It’s depressing to look at. Indeed it’s obscene.
This ridiculous scenario is to say
That we have built in gauges that lead us the way
That is of least resistance. Somewhere in between
The absurd and reality our thoughts engage.

It’s an indicator that tells you what you need.
Nothing more or less is it than a messenger.
It is time for a fill up if you don’t feel well.
Do not hang around others and put them through hell.
Offer thoughts more conducive to what you prefer.
Take notice of how you feel, and you will succeed.

When you’re pissed off at someone, that gauge is ignored
To your ultimate detriment. All of your thought
Is devoted to anger, like swimming upstream
When what you want is downstream. This recurring theme
 Is the lifelong conundrum in which you are caught.
Having thoughts that aren’t loving you cannot afford.

Give Up The Struggle

When Effort Is Futile

Often times I’m just ‘off’ and don’t know what to do.
It’s like trying to force my fist through a brick wall.
People don’t care about that. I know they should not.
I can’t seem to achieve things that matter a lot.
Why do I feel like I have to beg and to crawl
To the point where I feel so disheartened and blue?

Well, there’s tons of resistance here, right off the bat.
It means there’s an imbalance in my circuitry.
I could increase my effort to solve the problem…
Or decrease the resistance, or do both of them.
Effort I cannot increase. I’ve no energy
So the issue renders me flat as a doormat.

I must know when the struggle is too much to bear
Long before it becomes such through conscious intent.
That ‘off’ feeling vibration is something to heed.
It’s a clear indication that I hardly need
To waltz myself into a disgusting event.
That I’m not feeling my best I must be aware.

If the wall needs a hole in it, that can be done
Through alignment and focus on what is worthwhile.
The best way to go about it will be revealed.
Through the gift of acknowledgement all may be healed.
This simple information is worth a big smile.
The whole purpose of doing things is to have fun.

The Work You’ve Done

Benefits Of Accomplishment

You’re beginning to understand and finally
How much love God has for you and all creation.
Victory you can taste in the things you’ve asked for.
You know that as a being, you’ll always want more.
All the work that you’ve done is worth celebration.
Give yourself a big high five, and revel in glee.

You have given up many things holding you back
Like controlling things you know you cannot control
And attention to anything that brings you down.
The excuses you once used for wearing a frown
You have given up for the things that make you whole.
Fear you no longer have nor the feeling of lack.

You had done things the hard way, and half way at best
Even though you’d been wanting to go all the way.
Putting forth so much effort without a reward,
You became disillusioned and easily bored
With the heart of your life’s dream. Indeed you fell prey
To the dark cloud of feeling hopelessly distressed.

Now you do see the light just a little so far.
It is time for you to tell the world your story
Of focus of empowerment and worthiness.
As you feel your way into your growing success
Know that God’s faith in you is what can set you free
To express the magnificence of who you are.

No Struggle Is Needed

Resistance Is Futile

When comparing myself to others, I am weak.
Can I learn how to not give my freedom away?
If I’m told, “Don’t be selfish,” does this really mean
“Give support to my selfishness?” I’m better seen
Through my own eyes – not others’. I need not betray
Who I am, and this attitude is not unique.

The changes that I go through are for me alone.
If I make them for others, then they control me.
I’m not here to adjust nor to solicit praise
For the life that I’m living, for I will always
Be connecting my own joy to those who must be
Satisfied with my living. My freedom is blown.

Others mean well, but they simply don’t understand
That the struggle they teach others is counting on
Those same people to do what they need them to do.
With this change in perception, I can follow through
To the next point of focus. By then may it dawn
Upon me that my worthiness is rather grand.

I am able to focus my thoughts anywhere
That I choose to direct them. From them emanate
Energy that the universe gladly receives.
It performs well its magic for one who believes
That it is most important to be in a state
Of complete self-fulfillment with much more to share.

Empathy And Compassion

The Subtle Difference

True compassion is looking clearly at someone
Through the eyes of their better self while maintaining
One’s own sense of wellbeing. It’s good that we care
For how others are doing. Most folks are aware
Of the unending plight of human suffering
And would offer their help if something could be done.

Empathy is the understanding and sharing
Of the feelings of others. It falls somewhat short
Of the call to right action. One senses the pain
In the other, but pity is offered in vain.
This is certainly not conducive to support.
Negative connotations can empathy bring.

There are kindhearted people who can become prey
To those who’ve become needy professionally.
They’ve perfected the fine art of drawing folks in
To their confounding drama that makes the head spin.
One must exercise caution in giving freely
Of oneself in this real world in which we all play.

I can’t ignore the needy because I am one
Not through my better judgment does my growth occur.
Nonetheless, I am wealthy for all that I learn.
Need I feel like the object of someone’s concern
When I can live the life that I truly prefer?
I now know of compassion. New life is begun.

Tipping The Vibrational Scale

To One's Own Advantage

When consumed in vibration, like feeling my best
At whatever I’m doing, I need to take care
That I won’t then feel guilty. What if the next shoe
That will drop is calamity. What will I do
If my mood begins plummeting out of nowhere?
Can I know that forever and always I’m blessed?

“I have found my beloved. She is my soul mate.
Whenever we’re together our hearts beat as one.
I have wished for so many things that have come true.
Feeling so much on top of the world as I do,
I can know that my asking will never be done
And there is not an ending to what I create.”

I cannot know the bigness of provident grace.
I provide the ingredients through my desire.
Then forces universal take over from there.
All I need do is let go and be more aware
Of assurances given me as they conspire
To surprise and delight me all over the place.

Seeking thought non-resistant, the pleasure therein
Is the mind made more quiet. Can I tip the scale
From my guilt for enjoyment of life here and now?
I must feel myself worthy, then I can allow
What is good to come to me in every detail.
Can I rid myself of my existential sin?

Wonderful things may happen. Amazed I’ll not be
Though it goes against habit. Some work it does take
To where I am expectant of things working out
To my general favor. The presence of doubt
Is a cumbersome killjoy that leads to heartache.
All that I have been asking for will come to be.

Oneness Is Equal To Three Whole Halves

Mathematics Of Earth And Spirit

There’s a new app called bUttFuck. If life gets you down,
You can swipe, then bend over to get a lot more
Of what you’ve managed so far without any help.
When the downstroke is hard, there’s a strong healthy yelp
Bellowing through the being and out every pore.
There’s no difference between the smile and the frown.

 Life can be enigmatic if I make it so.
Like the weather in Wichita which is wanting,
It and I can be added to, multiplied by,
Or divided by consciousness if I apply
The least bit of excitement besides my writing
For the wonder of being a part of the flow.

Whole halves are what is needed in mathematics
Of the mental, spiritual, and physical.
Halves that are not whole, whorelike, will sell oneself short.
Body, mind, and spirit need provident support
From that which they’re a part of. Can this rationale
Get me through the next moment without using tricks?

Yes, it can. I can prove it to myself alone
Or through those who can feel me through the collective
Consciousness of humanity. Is it my choice
To reach out or keep silent my peculiar voice?
For a life that is peaceful, I’m willing to give
Whatever it may take, though I’d have to be shown.

Let It Go

No Illusion Can Help You

I feel beside myself, yet there is a big hand
That has me by the consciousness. I know not where
Or when it will release me. I wait for the fall
Of my house-of-cards being. The worst of it all
Is that I can’t stop ongoing thoughts of despair
I have no sense of knowing how my life is planned.

I have managed to activate a vibration
Of somethings that I really don’t want in my life,
It seems that as I struggle things only get worse.
Is there reason to think that my life is a curse?
I can’t stop the momentum of personal strife.
Evidence of improvement appears to be none.

Sloppily, my vibration is scattered about
Discipline there’s a lack of in how I offer
To the universe what I believe can come true.
Anything that involves struggle I need not do.
When I do things I don’t want damage can occur
May the spirit who guides me relieve me of doubt.

The big hand of my consciousness of how things are
Can let go of my big self that feels rather small.
Letting Go is my guidance to trust the process.
What’s available to me is instant access
To the wealth of wellbeing that’s here for us all.
The solution to issues in life isn’t far.

Fresh Advice For The Times

Cooperative Forces

Tough as nails is the business of staying alive
In a world that keeps changing, for better or worse.
At this point in time, the fate of humanity,
Operating from instinct still, brash and beastly,
May see its own extinction. Its self-contained curse
Focuses on the frictions that we all contrive.

Friction is but a blessing seen in its pure light.
Resistance is required for our survival,
For without it, too much ease in life will occur.
Opposition dealt with yields the growth we prefer.
Without fear we must welcome its kind arrival.
Seeing things in a new way makes living alright.

Knowing why there’s a problem with myself is key
To better understanding of what I create.
If I know not what ails me I cannot move past
The unknown thing that festers perversely steadfast.
I’m aware that my world is of evil and hate.
It must be a sight issue. That’s how I must see.

Loving myself I always will, even through hell.
I’ll believe I’m in heaven and up the ante
Loving myself so damned much that nothing matters.
Once I reach that awareness I can love others
Without needing theirs back. It can surely free me
From chronic people pleasing. For now, I am well.

Love Is Enough

What Keeps Earth In Its Orbit

As the birth of the ego in real time is known
By the saving of daylight, no more do I need
To spring forward in righteousness. Love Is Enough
To free me from a state where I sweat the small stuff…
Like this world with its darkness and malice of deed.
The woods whine as the wane, yet few wicked atone.

All the while, it’s intriguing. The shadowy hills
Hide a beauty unrecognized without the stroll
Along paths made pursuable by pure desire.
Love can all on its own get forces to conspire
Orchestrated excitement. My feeling more whole
Is itself more important than learning earth skills.

 Wet and low hanging laundry – this world and its hate –
Puts its weight on the clothesline thus pulling it down
To the mud pool below it. Love launders alone
In the heart that is steadied by all it’s been shown
By celestial theatrics performed in the round.
Love at least has the good sense to let me create…

…And create I do freely. By now it’s a breeze.
Frustrating, negative, and too often too hard,
This void’s also fulfilling. The love that I share
Is the best way to offer the cross that I bear.
Will love ever allow me to let down my guard?
Effort is sometimes needed for feeling at ease.