Tag Archive | transcendental



The true basis for sentience is each living soul.
It’s one’s immortal essence, one’s inner being,
Or one’s eternal point of light or consciousness.
Transcendental it is as it doesn’t possess
Any physical substance. It’s overseeing
Everything that one goes through as that is its role.

The soul is the most sacred part of a person.
It’s the capacity to experience life.
It’s the very source of the conscious energy
Animating and activating the body
And the mind. It’s immune to the consistent strife
Of humanity even though it may worsen.

One inhabits the physical body, but one
Is not the body. One is the essence within.
One gets lost in outward identification
With the body and ego, and when this is done,
All kinds of unexpected issues will begin
To frustrate one’s life and cause utter confusion.

Consciousness doesn’t depend on the physical
But vice versa. It exists independently
Of the physical. We are all spiritual
Beings in bodies doing what’s most natural
To our best understanding. Eventually,
We become well acquainted with this rationale.

Lower Self Versus Higher Self

Grasp Of Hope

The lower self is the ego. It’s the content
Of the mind, It’s the thinker, the judge, the chooser,
The doer, the self, the emotional feeler,
And above all a masterful wheeler dealer.
When things don’t go right it becomes the accuser.
It’s the main source of human struggle and torment.

This lower self is self-grasping, self-cherishing,
And completely identified with image, name,
Thought and form. It’s conventional and dependent
On something greater than itself. Conscious intent
Is focused upon winning the survival game.
The great fear of the ego is its perishing.

Lower self, the ego, the personality
Is dependent upon the much higher being
Called the higher self. It’s the context of the mind –
Not the content. It’s nature is true and refined.
It’s the silent observer who’s overseeing
Everything that the ego is trying to be.

The eye of the higher self is the eye of God
Witnessing the unfolding of the creation
As it’s happening now. It is the omniscient
Awareness of the infinite ever present
That can bring about a total restoration
Of the lower self and its survival façade.