Tag Archive | potentiality


Divine Creation

Omnipotent means almighty or infinite
Power. Omnipotence is an immutable
Attribute of the single source of everything
In existence. It is an all-encompassing
Conscious field of vibration supremely able
To create anything that it damned well sees fit.

The infinite mind of the supreme that is the
Empty ground and the substrate of all that exists
Is the one ultimate potentiality
That does manifest into actuality.
Everything in the universe therefore consists
Of the essence of absolute divinity.

Consciousness is the radiance of divine light,
Omnipotent reality, the absolute
Irreducible source of all that’s come to be.
The supreme divine presence is eternally
Omnipotent. Any spiritual pursuit
Will include devotion to receiving insight.

Consciousness is beyond form. As the consequence
Of intention, the universe is manifest.
Everything’s an expression of divinity
Or it wouldn’t even have the capacity
To exist. One’s divinity can be accessed
Easily and without any major expense.

Attract What You Want

Matter Becoming

“As you think, so shall you be.” There are many ways
To acquire things that you want, but basically,
It begins with how you choose to think about things.
Ultimately, only positive thinking brings
What you want to be part of your reality.
How do you get more happiness into your days?

You become what you think about throughout the day.
Thoughts expand. Then they become a magnetic force
That attracts situations that match their nature.
It’s important to make sure you’re thinking is pure.
Thinking unconsciously causes certain remorse
Because there is nothing turning out quite your way.

You can’t give away what you don’t have. So you know
That you can’t give away love if there’s none to give.
If what you have inside you is contempt and fear,
It’s difficult to consider anyone dear.
It is up to you to decide how you will live.
You must have love within you or it cannot show.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you
Look at change.”
It’s because of your powerful mind

That you are where you are now. It’s the beginning
Of developing an attitude of winning.
You can leave all the negative feelings behind
So that you can discover a life that is new.

Attract What You Want

Use Your Natural Magnetic Power

Attraction is the only force, and assertion
Is a psychic illusion. It does not exist.
It’s a misperception based in fear and contempt.
Everyone is at some risk. No one is exempt
From the Law no matter how hard one may resist.
The use of brute force is but a crude solution.

The ego teaches you that you are what you do,
What you have, and the labels you manage to earn.
You become not successful, happy and fulfilled
By chasing after things that will make you self-willed
And a menace. From people you will draw concern.
As you think, so shall you be. This statement is true.

We are obsessed with a kind of absurdity
That the false self keeps up with. What you think about
Is what expands, so be careful of how you think.
If you can keep your thoughts from approaching the brink
Of disaster, one could say you’re right on the route
To knowing and believing in who you must be.

Have a mind that is open to everything and
Attached to nothing. Nobody knows enough to
Be a pessimist. Each and every one of us
 Has a genius that lives in the solar plexus.
The potentiality resides within you
To be someone who is magnificently grand.