Tag Archive | duality

Finding The Feeling Of Your Desire

Take It In

When you’re not getting what you want what do you do
About it when you think that you’ve done everything
Possible? Difficult it is when you believe
That  something must be done in order to achieve
What you’re wanting. Any action you take will bring
Only misfortune and disappointment to you.

How do you get to feel the way you think you will
Feel when you get what you want before you get it?
You do it by understanding that the process
Can be as good as getting it. Your happiness
On the way to it happening will benefit
You immensely. You can make of it all a thrill.

Find the feeling of satisfaction without the
Manifestation having happened. Be aware
Of the blessings in your life. Your satisfaction
Is more significant than your getting things done
To fulfill the same purpose. Take really good care
Of your mood by deciding to live happily.

If you’re not so tied up in ‘what is’ life will be
Much more fun and exciting. Your understanding
Of the laws of the universe is all you need
To transcend your ‘now’ reality and proceed
To success. Horizons are ever expanding.
Find the feeling of your ultimate ecstasy.

The Truth About Phychics

Scientific Thought

Some folks claim to be psychic. They’ll tell you that they
Can see spirits and often times communicate
With nonphysical beings. Can this be the case?
Is it true that these kinds of events can take place?
How can one be in this most unnatural state?
What’s one simple thing that can cast all doubt away?

Being psychic doesn’t always mean that you’re tapped
Into nonphysical. To be psychic means you
Read thought energy. There’s plenty of it around
And both negative and positive can be found
Among people now living. You’re receptive to
These thought forms. At interpreting them you’re quite apt.

Terrified about crossing bridges suddenly,
One may consult a psychic who may determine
That because once the bridge took a terrible blow
People died. Even though it happened long ago
Fearful thought forms are deeply embedded within
The very space time fabric through eternity.

You’re tuned into lots of different frequencies
And depending upon where you’re tuned you’re picking
Up on thought forms so you may be vulnerable
To things that you don’t want to become meaningful.
If things get too bizarre then it’s worthwhile sticking
With a world where clear information you can seize.

Exploring The Contrast

Purple Fog

You’ve been here before. This time it’s not a big deal.
Contrast you’ve become used to. You’re fully prepared
To feel through it. You’ve learned to let go of control.
You now know very clearly what’s good for your soul
So that this time around there’s no need to feel scared.
Make something good of what seems so bleak and surreal.

Tell yourself what you know which is that you’ve done all
That is necessary. All you have to do now
Is to let the momentum carry you along.
With your positive attitude you can’t go wrong.
Through the contrast you can find a way to allow
Evolutions to manifest both big and small.

It’s fun to explore contrast deliberately
Not by default. Contrast gives your life true meaning.
It causes you to want things to be different.
You can manifest change through your conscious intent.
Know that spiritual forces are convening
To offer you their wise assistance lovingly.

All the time feeling good is what you’re reaching for.
To feel better than you do right now is the key.
Any excuse in the world that you can find to
Feel delighted is most beneficial to you.
Exploring The Contrast can be done happily
As you shift your focus to something you adore.

Overcoming Depression

Out Of Sorts

Between pretty damned miserable and just plain
Devastated all of the time you seem to be.
Your stuck in a range on the emotional scale
Where only sick thinking is allowed to prevail.
A solution to your issue you cannot see
And your thinking about it brings on a migraine.

It’s a negative feedback loop. You get depressed.
You stop seeing your friends. You start to isolate
Then you get more depressed and you isolate more.
It becomes hard from this position to reach for
Better feeling thoughts. It becomes hard to create
Anything but confusion when you’re not your best.

You can check in with yourself every now and then
To find out where you’re sitting emotionally.
From feeling suicidal to feeling okay
Notice every emotion you feel through the day
Then the causes of your depression you may see.
Do believe that you can feel quite normal again.

You’ll notice that when you feel your life’s worth living
You’re with a certain person or group of people
Or it may be you’re doing something you adore.
Once you discover what it is then do it more.
Focus on ways to make your life more meaningful.
Concentrate only on things that are life-giving.

Just Let Things Be

Satisfied Alone

You simply have no choice but to Just Let Things Be.
You don’t control the world. Why not leave things alone?
You think you’re here to make the world a better place.
It’s a noble ambition where infinite grace
Would be needed to deal with a world that is prone
To viciousness regarding its humanity.

You make the world a better place by witnessing
What takes place, then asking for something different
And when billions of people start observing things
Then start asking, the combined power of it brings
About change in the world. By your conscious intent
And purpose you provide what the world is missing.

As a deliberate creator you need not
Push against what you don’t want. You know it’s a waste
Of your creative energy. No assertion
Exists in the universe – only attraction.
Energy that’s aggressive is truly misplaced.
Usually it will only thicken the plot.

As long as you’re not focused in opposition
To what you want, your fine, because you get to choose
Where to place your attention and how to become
Effective in a world that is different from
The ideal but one in which you cannot lose.
Troublesome things are surely worth your dismission.

Play With The Universe

Pure Joy

Life’s exhilarating so it has to be true
That when I ask it’s given eventually
Or within moments. With my point of attraction
I create my life. I’ve complete satisfaction
With how things are evolving. The world that I see
Is amazing, wonderful, and always brand new.

I know that when I feel discord it can only
Mean that I’m right now giving my attention to
Something that I don’t want. What I’ve activated
Is a vibration that’s directly related
To physical discomfort. The thing I must do
Is to deal with that feeling and then let it be.

I can Play With The Universe by the way I
Stay aligned with my true self while I’m sifting through
All the contrast life offers. I get to behold
Dreams of my life and purpose begin to unfold
Perfectly due to my positive point of view.
When something doesn’t work out, by now I know why.

The emotional scale I’m obliged to ascend.
How I feel is of extremely high importance
If I want to keep living the life of my dreams.
Being blessed by the universe is how it seems.
I’m delighted to know that it isn’t by chance
That my inner being has become my best friend.

Things Will Go Your Way

Pleasure Ready

There’s a universe that exists parallel to
This one made up of matter and slow energy.
It’s a nonphysical world of feeling and thought.
It’s as real as can be but sometimes folks get caught
In the mind trap of thinking that reality
Can only be of substance. This just isn’t true.

Think of love. When you feel love how do you define
It in terms of physical manifestation?
It cannot be done. Pure love is intangible.
You can feel it, however. Your heart can be full
Of intense feelings of immense adoration.
Without form they precisely depict the divine.

The nonphysical universe celebrates you
On your journey so be completely satisfied
With not having what you want right now. You can be
Happy even though it’s not a reality
You can see and touch. Nothing to you is denied
When how you’re feeling you pay close attention to.

Align with the vibration of what you desire.
Build the emotional bridge from where you are now
To where you want to be. Pay attention to the
Universe’s attention to you constantly.
With your conscious intent you begin to allow
All the universe to provide what you require.

A Big Pile Of Money

Sea Of Cash

A Big Pile Of Money would do me very well.
I can see myself having a wonderful time
Spending and sharing it with everyone I know.
Into my bank account I want millions to flow.
The feeling of freedom it gives me is sublime.
I’m getting very close as far as I can tell.

There are things that I know by now. Money that flows
Is just the evidence of the vibrational
Currency I’ve got going on. Lack of money
Is what I had been practicing unconsciously.
My vibration was not all that sensational
Therefore many issues about money arose.

Money is about energy so it’s about
Satisfaction. I want to be rich with passion,
Happiness, good ideas, and vitality.
As I practice good feeling thoughts what comes to me
Is spectacular and of elegant fashion.
I know now that I’m worthy of it beyond doubt.

If I don’t have A Big Pile Of Money it means
That I’m not really ready vibrationally.
I can get there by being appreciative
And thankful for the wonderful life that I live.
It’s my firmest intention to live happily.
Being happy is my best of daily routines.

Mostly Vibrational

Blended Realities

You are Mostly Vibrational. Your frequency
Is determined in any moment by how you
Think and feel. It creates your point of attraction.
When you’re in a state of complete satisfaction
Then you’re able to let what you wish for come true.
Your vibration is best when it’s resistance free.

You can manifest what you want if you’re willing
For a little while to let it be about how
It feels to have what you want. Feeling enhances
Your desire so that much better are your chances
Of receiving what you want. This way you allow
Your life to be rich, wholesome, and most fulfilling.

Abstract nouns are that way because they’re vibration
As is everything yet the distinction is made
Between vibration and physical beingness.
Nothing comes into being in this world unless
It is first a vibration so don’t be afraid
That it isn’t the proper start of creation.

You exist in this physical reality
Which is Mostly Vibrational so that you can
Sift and sort through the contrast and practice your skill
At bringing things into existence by your will
And your conscious intent. They’re more powerful than
Your resistance to living your life happily.

It Gets Better

Mental Torment

No matter how it looks everything is always
Working out for you. Everything that’s happening
To you is temporary so take it in stride.
Know that the universe is always on your side
If you can but allow it. It’s not a big thing.
Don’t beat up on yourself for your current malaise.

You can contour your vibration all day every
Day into precisely that which will fulfill you.
This cooperative universe is showing
You always that wellbeing is overflowing.
Everyone on earth goes through what you’re going through.
It’s a blessing though that it’s not necessary.

There’s no chance, fate, assertion, or lack of control.
Absolute control you have over how you feel.
You’ve the ability to think, feel, and behold
What takes place. You can cause want you want to unfold
Once you take your circumstance not as an ordeal
But as an exercise that will strengthen your soul.

Think and feel then observe what goes on around you.
Watch the universe gather cooperative
Components that match up with your own vibration.
You’re a master of deliberate creation.
In a world of contentment you’re able to live.
It Gets Better. Believe it is all you need do.

Tapping Into The Energy

Energy Source

Feel Your Worthiness. That’s the key to everything
About life. The way for you to feel it is by
Focusing on something you want to manifest
Without any resistance. Believe that your blessed
To receive it. By expressing the reasons why
You deserve it you’ll get what will make your heart sing.

Find an interesting thought and follow it out.
Let it please you just because it feels good to be
Contemplating something that brings pleasure to you.
Keep on thinking it. The universe caters to
The one who has learned how to live life happily.
That you’re worthy there shouldn’t be a hint of doubt.

If good things happen for you but not under your
Conscious awareness you might call it luck or fate
Or something outside of you but this isn’t so.
Nothing is outside of you as long as you know
Very well how to stay in a positive state.
Of your capacity for joy you can be sure.

Witness things falling into place all around you
And look for positive aspects in everything.
Start deliberately finding things you adore
Then the provident universe will bring you more
Things just like it. The vibration you’re offering
Is the determining factor in all you do.

Feel Good No Matter What

Smile In Hand

Expansion is a given. It’s just going to
Happen. You don’t have to know anything about
Creating with intention. When unconsciously
You attract a most difficult reality
All That Is still expands so it’s worth checking out
How it does so and why it all pertains to you.

Life’s contrast causes you to ask. The universe
Then responds by gathering cooperative
Components custom tailored to satisfy your
Specific situation. You open the door
To receiving by how much attention you give
To the thing you want. Into it you must immerse.

If you don’t line up with what you want life will be
Miserable but your inner being cannot
Ever feel that way. With the expansion it will
Be a part of forever. Imagine the thrill
Of constant satisfaction. It gives you a lot
To appreciate about living happily.

In the midst of your negative emotion your
Inner being remains in complete ecstasy.
It sees things always from a broader perspective.
It can show you precisely the right way to live
Through the contrast and do so most successfully.
The guidance of your inner being must endure.

Feel With The Contrast

Triple Exposure

The contrast is apparent. Life in many ways
Is a circus. Performers who can’t get along
Punctuate populations at every level.
People have the propensity to bedevil
One another. Our ability to do wrong
Keeps us in a perpetual negative haze.

How to get better at dealing with the contrast
Isn’t the thing to focus on. Benefiting
From it should be your attitude. You get to choose
From the contrast which elements of it you’ll use
To feel with it which means that you’re now permitting
All of the wonderful blessings that have amassed.

Think of contrast as choices and variety.
You want to get good at selectively sifting
Through the contrast and trending in the direction
Of what’s wanted. The world is for your inspection.
When you’re looking for things that are most uplifting
You approach manifestation successfully.

As you calibrate to the choices that you make
Everything then gets easier. Once you decide
To choose with intention then things happen for you.
What you don’t want defines perfectly what you do.
Everything that you do want is always implied
So feeling with the contrast is a piece of cake.

Access The Power

Energy Burst

Take three sheets of paper. At the top of each one
Write down one thing that you want to happen for you.
Take the first sheet and write down all the reasons why
You want this thing to manifest but do not try
To force it. Naturally let your thoughts come to
Your receptive mind. This exercise can be fun.

Turn your first paper over and write down all the
Reasons you believe you will get what you desire.
The first side of your paper enhances what you
Want to happen. The second side gives you a new
Fresh horizon about what you want to acquire.
This is how you get what you want to come to be.

You’ve set forth and are now expecting and therefore
Will receive what you want. All that’s necessary
Is that you want it and keep expecting it ‘til
It becomes yours. The universe wants to fulfill
Your desires. Everyone has the ability
To create and to make of their life something more.

That your thoughts are magnetic comes as no surprise.
Look for things that you like. Make it your dominant
Intention to feel good in whatever you do.
Let the power that creates worlds satisfy you.
Don’t listen to anyone who tells you you can’t
Manifest like a master among the unwise.

Don’t Overthink Things

Strongly Considering

On the lower half of the emotional scale
People operate sometimes and life can be seen
As an intricate puzzle that cannot be solved.
In your confusion you don’t want to get involved
With your tough situation. When you’re in between
A rock and a hard place unsureness will prevail.

When you try to think your way out of a problem
All you do is make it bigger than it should be.
Actually you’re trending in opposition
To what you want. It just won’t come to fruition.
Overthinking then becomes your reality
And it’s from where all your negative feelings stem.

If, however, you’re tuned in, tapped in, and turned on,
And ideas are flowing, it feels fantastic.
Thoughts flow with the same momentum, but clarity
Is abundant. You see the world differently
Than you do when you’re troubled. It’s like being sick.
When you’re happy many of your issues are gone.

You want to be a feeler – not a thinker right
Now because your feeling is always accurate.
You cannot over feel things. Let your feelings guide
You to the right solution. It’s wise to confide
In your deep inner knowing. You can mitigate
The darkness by allowing a smidgen of light.

The Successful Life Journey

Youthful Exploration

The happiest people are evaluating
And improving themselves. The unhappiest are
Usually evaluating and judging
Other people. There isn’t a lot happening
In their lives and in essence they’ve traveled quite far
Off their path. A tough life is what they’re creating.

Not everyone is meant to be in your future.
Some people are just passing through to teach you things
That you need to know. When someone walks out of your
Life then let them because they’re just making room for
Someone better. Your positive attitude brings
More fulfilling things to you. Of this do be sure.

Sometimes you just have to stay silent because no
Words can clarify what’s going on in your mind
Nor your heart. Sometimes you have to go it alone
But it can make you stronger. You cannot postpone
What you need to do when it’s so clearly defined.
In the midst of life’s contrast you’re able to grow.

People can say, “I love you,” but not everyone
Really means it so believe it when you see it –
Not when you hear it. Don’t make your life an ordeal
By your concerning yourself with how people feel
About you and, always be willing to submit
To your primary purpose which is to have fun.

The Race Against Time

In A Hurry

Your past is a place to learn and grow – not a place
To live constantly. Life has many different
Chapters for you. One bad chapter doesn’t mean it’s
Time to end the story, for the person who quits
In the middle will harbor extreme discontent
As there’s nothing of meaning in life to embrace.

To accomplish great things you must not only act
But dream too – not only plan but also believe
That it will happen. When you find purpose in your
Life then every moment in it is a lot more
Meaningful. It becomes easier to receive
Inspiration to help turn your dreams into fact.

Don’t fear life. Believe that life is worth living and
Your belief will help you create the life that you
Truly want to be living. Your words are like keys.
Chosen correctly they can open hearts with ease.
They can shut anyone’s mouth. The more you can do
To uplift with them, the more your heart will expand.

If you only walk on sunny days you’ll never
Reach your destination. Excuses make today
Easier but tomorrow harder. Discipline
Makes today hard but tomorrow things will begin
To get easier. Enjoy life along the way
To your goal. Act as if you will live forever.

Time Is Precious

Temporal Celestial Overlay

Sometimes you need to distance yourself from people.
If they care then they’ll notice. If they don’t then you
Know where you stand with them. Someday all the love you’ve
Given out will find its way back to you to prove
Its existence. Let its energy get you through
Your magnificent journey. Be ever grateful.

Studies show that men and women experience
The same amount of emotion but women tend
To show it more. A woman can love you deeply
And still never speak to you again. You can be
More open with your feelings and like and old friend
Showing how much you care makes a huge difference.

Sometimes you need bad things to happen to inspire
You to change and grow. Couples who spend at least ten
Minutes daily laughing together have stronger
And more positive relationships. The longer
You wait for a good feeling to happen again
The more you’re in sync with all the things you desire.

Time Is Precious. Make sure you spend it with the right
People. Give people time and respect in every
Situation. The effective solution to
All your difficulties is to be patient. You
Can feel proud to know you have the capacity
To live a life of freedom and utter delight.

Naivety Trouble

Funny Together

Women want to know different things about men
Like how tall they are, what they do for a living,
And perhaps how well they are at conversation.
If you find yourself in a love situation
Then you know that it’s all about what your giving
To the relationship so that it will strengthen.

Women want men who they cannot manipulate
First and foremost. They don’t want someone who’s naïve.
If a man believes everything a woman says
Then it’s probable that he will make poor choices
Regarding life in general. One can deceive
Such a man easily. It’s a negative trait.

Even if she’s planning to cheat on you she still
Wants to know that you can wake up to this and show
Your righteous indignation. If you can’t see through
Her conniving then something’s the matter with you
In her mind. This is something that you need to know.
People will take advantage of their own free will.

A man who can spot threats in his environment
Is attractive to women. When you show you care
For her safety and comfort she will honor you
For your wisdom and valor. In all that you do
Make sure that compromise and affection you share.
Tending to your relationship is time well spent.

Wholesome Living

Calm And Relaxed

If you have the power to make someone happy
Then do it! The world needs more of that. When you choose
To forgive those who’ve hurt you, you take away their
Power over you. You can become more aware
Of their positive aspects as you’re the one who’s
Got control of your feelings most definitely.

Discipline yourself carefully. You must keep the
Promises you make to yourself so that you can
Trust yourself under difficult circumstances.
Being good to yourself increases your chances
Of success as you make happiness your game plan.
You can have things just the way you want them to be.

Reflection and the gaining of knowledge can be
Powerful. Without either then you’re powerless.
Caring what others think, living in the past, and
Fearing change are the poisons to all that you’d planned.
Speak the things of your heart that you need to express.
Take the time to appreciate wholeheartedly.

Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future.
Your vibration is everything and this moment
Is you life. Find your joy within it and allow
Wellbeing to enter into your life right now.
So much leverage you have when feeling content.
Life can be for you healthy, serene, and secure.

Let Go Of Your Past

New Direction

The harder your past was the more beautiful your
Future will be. At life’s darkest moments you’ll see
The most clearly. Good things do come to those who wait
And suffer. Realize that it’s never too late
To move on. It may take time but it’s completely
Worth it to you that your circumstance you endure.

You have things you can count on – you, your health, and your
Achievements. Let these things about you resonate
Through your consciousness. Try to look for positive
Aspects of your life. Bless all there is to forgive
Then decide that a better life you will create.
Take advantage of all that you’ve been asking for.

Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s woes
Nor the sins of the past but it does take away
Today’s peace. The more time you spend clinging to the
Past, the less likely your future turns out to be
Satisfying. You can change how you feel today.
Be receptive to your wellbeing as it flows.

Respect yourself because other people can see
If you don’t and this knowledge may cause them to treat
You the same way you feel about yourself. Be kind
To yourself always. Go deep within where you’ll find
Peace and guidance. Attune to your inner drumbeat.
It’s never too late to live your life happily.

Nothing Blooms All Year Long

Blossoming Fruit

When your heart loves someone unconditionally
Then your mind suffers most. Love a person who tries
Their best to understand you. Never make someone
Special in your life who has absolutely none
Of the qualities you value. Open your eyes
To the wonderful loving person you could be.

When a toxic person can no longer control
You they will try to control how others see you.
Let not that behavior cause you any distress.
Strong people don’t have many friends. Your happiness
Is of utmost importance in all that you do.
Get away from whatever’s not keeping you whole.

You bloom with others who understand you. Never
Walk, fight, smile, try, or cry alone. Stop looking back
With regret. Instead look forward with hope. Don’t lose
Your self-respect. It’s a form of self-care. Excuse
Not the bad one’s behavior yet don’t show a lack
Of compassion. It will stick with you forever.

Nothing Blooms All Year Long. Don’t expect yourself to
Nor the people around you. Give yourself a break
From yourself and others by regaining access
To your best self – the one you most want to express
To the world. It’s about time that you come awake
To the manifold blessings set aside for you.

Move Ahead

Decision Point

You can learn to let go even if you are right.
Peace of mind comes to you easily when you do.
Let your inner frustrations that stem from the past
Be released. You can get a good feeling to last
Quite a long while when giving your attention to
Only things that bring you huge amounts of delight.

Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions
Drown your inner voice. Thinking is difficult. That’s
Why most people judge. Don’t take it personally.
It may be that you can’t see the way others see.
Let the foolish exist in their own habitats.
Be aware of negative mindset dominions.

Don’t cast blame on a clown for acting like a clown.
As yourself why you keep going to the circus.
A repeated mistake becomes a decision.
Know when it’s time to turn off the television.
You know deep down inside what isn’t working. Thus
You move on without letting the past get you down.

Without a vision for the future you always
Return to your past. If you don’t want to go there
Then you must Move Ahead where your destiny lies.
Don’t go through life. Grow through life then you’ll become wise.
On your way to becoming who you are take care
That in a really good place your consciousness stays.

The Three Colors Of Friendship

Color Gradient

When someone disappears from your life suddenly
And without explanation you want to know why.
You did not even get a breakup chat so you
May fall into a world of self-doubt. Getting through
It may be difficult. This no one can deny.
If you get this person out of mind then you’re free.

In the spectrum of visible light we behold
Seven colors that correspond to the seven
Body chakras. Green is the heart center. When you
Are authentic with yourself support will flow to
You from friends such as these. They’re a piece of heaven
In your life. Their blessings are always manifold.

You dare to give up the temptation to censor
Yourself in order to fit in so you expose
The people who aren’t on your team. Orange are they.
Their values and passions differ in a big way
From your own. This kind of friend most certainly shows
You your weaknesses and what in life you abhor.

Just above the root chakra orange operates.
Yellow friends are the type of friends that you stay friends
With because you feel guilty but they can cause you
Tons of heartache because their friendship isn’t true.
It’s the friend who is yellow who often pretends
To be friendly. That’s not what their energy states.

Your gut feeling is where yellow friends teach you how
To set boundaries and how to take full control
Of any situation. They let you know when
You need some self-reflection and what happens then
Is a reacquaintance with the seat of your soul.
Transcendence of the ego is what you allow.

Mindset And Manifestation

Spiritual Worship

Twenty percent of your efforts can set the stage
But the remaining eighty percent is the thing
That will transform your dreams into reality.
To supercharge your manifestation journey
Do the things in life that truly make your heart sing.
This whole world full of wonder you have to engage.

The small part of your effort – that twenty percent
Of your success in manifestation comes from
Having the right tools and resources and the rest
Is all about your mindset. Believe that you’re blessed
By the universe then behold what good will come.
Your power to manifest becomes evident.

You can do vision boards, journals, and focus wheels
To get clarity on what you want. The techniques
Used to focus are many but don’t get obsessed
With such things to the point where it gets you depressed.
Be comforted in knowing that what your heart seeks
Is already done. Just think about how it feels.

Your mindset is your beliefs, your ability
To stay positive and focused even when things
Get most difficult, and how you think through the day
About yourself. You attract things to you this way.
Be aware of what good things your good thinking brings.
First and foremost affirm that you’ll live happily.

Never Beg


Never Beg someone to be in your life. If you
Text, call, and visit and still you’re being ignored
Then it’s time that you moved on. It’s called self-respect.
From your higher self you don’t want to disconnect
Because by that self you’re most profoundly adored.
Walk away. It’s the honorable thing to do.

Love yourself for what you are instead of hating
Yourself for what you’re not. When you feel insecure
You can either let jealousy consume you or
Use it as motivation for you to do more
To better yourself so do your best to ensure
That you know the reality you’re creating.

Those who love you for who you are – not for what you
Can do for them are the best kinds of people in
Your life so honor them. Never cry for any
Relationship ending as there will always be
Another. You can play this game of life to win.
Don’t give up on the loving that you feel is true.

Never bargain with what you really want to do.
One with big dreams is more powerful than the one
With all the facts and figures. Those who can uplift
You in hard times are a most valuable gift.
Once you know who you are a new life has begun.
Find things to do in life that will satisfy you.

Be Your Best Self

Good Morning

“Doubling down is too risky. You’d better triple
Down to be safe.”
You can listen to others and

What the universe tells you but you’ll never be
Great if you do both. You want to live happily
Ever after as if you were in lala land
As your life becomes a dangling participle.

The truth isn’t the problem. Your fear of it though
Is the thing that prevents you from moving ahead.
Watch what you look at. You can’t unsee certain things.
Be aware of what a fresh new attitude brings
To the table. Rely on your knowing instead
Of the consummate ignorance that others show.

Death is part of life. Make sure you live life first then
Die. Yes, it’s possible to do it in reverse.
Never speak ill of anyone. Better yet don’t
Even think about it because your conscience won’t
Let you get away with it. It makes you feel worse
Than you do when you do it again and again.

Don’t listen to anyone who tells you to be
Yourself. Be Your Best Self. It will benefit you
Right now and in the long run. Relax and have fun.
Once you make the decision you will have begun
And exceptional journey. There’s nothing to do
But to find more ways of living life happily.

No Longer In Love


He’s been texting you constantly. When you reply
It’s not often. There’s not much that you want to say
To his face or through media. How to get free
Of the issue occupies your mind completely
And you want him to know that you don’t want to stay
In relationship with him. This you can’t deny.

When you start taking care of yourself you start to
Feel better and attract better. It starts with your
Realizing that there’s something you need to do.
Take care of your business. To thine own self be true.
Set your heart to receive someone who you adore.
How you feel in each moment is all up to you.

Very often couples break up because each one
Gives the other qualities that they don’t possess.
Love lasts no longer than three years in most cases.
Strength to overcome comes to the one who faces
What one has to. The key to your own happiness
At this point is in getting the dirty work done.

When lovers gaze into each other’s eyes their heart
Rates synchronize as well. When you’re with someone who
You find truly attractive you no longer will
Be despondent. You’ll have a new dream to fulfill.
Seek your inner guidance to know what you should do.
In your own self-healing be willing to take part.

Don’t Let Your Thoughts Control You


The greatest glory in life lies not in never
Falling but in rising every time that we fall.
You can’t go back and change the beginning but you
Can start where you are and change the ending. A new
Way of thinking can get rid of just about all
Of your problems, and thinking of them, forever.

The mind is everything. What you think you become
So become who you want to be. Believe you can
And you’re halfway there. The only way to do great
Work is to love what you do. You get to create
Your own future. It can be more fulfilling than
Your present circumstance – a profound conundrum.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest
Of times if you remember to turn on the light.
The biggest adventure you can take is to live
The life of your dreams. Think of how much you can give
To the world when you feel that everything’s alright.
You know how much you can do when you feel your best.

The mind is the master over the body – not
The reverse. You’re stronger than you seem, braver than
You believe, and smarter than you think. Clarity
Will come to you as soon as you decide to be
Of the attitude that any issue you can
Get yourself through. The way you feel matters a lot.

The Way You Think


You can change the way you feel by changing The Way
You Think. Simply by thinking thoughts that uplift you
You remain in a state of sublime contentment.
Happiness is achieved through your conscious intent
To stay focused on the things that you love to do.
Let the good things going for you brighten your day.

Remember that sometimes The Way You Think about
Someone isn’t exactly how they truly are.
Think about The Way You Think and find clarity
In your own logic then you’ll be finally free
Of false judgments. You don’t have to look very far
In this world to see examples of people’s doubt.

No matter how badly someone treats you never
Step down to their level. Be calm and walk away.
Don’t become weak by thinking that you’re all alone.
Rather stand firm and be proud that you’re on your own
In a world that sometimes causes utter dismay.
Let what happened leave your consciousness forever.

Not everyone is proud of you. They’re just surprised
At how you keep on going. Ultimate success
Is achieved through repeated failures and by not
Giving up. What you think about matters a lot.
No one can be a better judge of your progress
Than you once your true worthiness is realized.

Advice From The Elderly


Everything comes to you at the right time so be
Patient and trust the process. To give out someone
Else’s secret is a betrayal but to give
Out your own is stupidity. It’s best to live
Without care about what others think. What you’ve done
In the past should remain there for eternity.

Life’s biggest tragedy is that we get old too
Soon and wise too late. The more people let you down
The easier you’ll bounce back and realize that
Life doesn’t stop for anyone. Take a look at
What is causing you to constantly wear a frown.
Take the time to consider what is best for you.

The bee doesn’t waste its time trying to convince
The fly that honey is better than shit. If you
Want to change people, yourself is where to begin.
Get to know your emotional guidance within.
No one knows better than yourself what you must do.
Notice when a circumstance causes you to wince.

Death does not concern us because as long as we
Exist death doesn’t and when it finally comes
We no longer exist. Be humble enough to
Know that no one’s any better or worse than you
But be wise enough to keep on beating the drums
Of your blessed uniqueness. Be all you can be.

Walk Away

Onward Direction

Trusting folks blindly often leads to betrayal
So be careful with whom you’re giving your trust to.
Challenge yourself. It’s the only way you can grow.
When you speak you repeat what you already know.
If you listen then you may learn something brand new.
If you want things to happen for you then they shall.

Don’t allow someone to treat you poorly simply
Because you love them. Excuses are always there
And easy to make. Finding a way is what takes
Fortitude. Any chance that you take is high stakes
In a world with much hatred – one which doesn’t care
About people living in peace and harmony.

Life gets better once you stop assuming you will
Always have more time later. Be more proactive.
Each day should be a step forward. The only one
Who needs to understand is you. Tolerate none
Of the crap ever present yet learn how to live
In the present. You want to develop that skill.

One wrong step can change everything. Don’t lie. Don’t cheat.
Be honest and loyal. Sometimes you have to walk
Away from people not because you don’t care but
Because they don’t so don’t hold yourself in a rut
Over it. Be aware of your conscious self-talk.
It can lead to your success or utter defeat.

Smatterings Of Wisdom

Owl On Book

Sometimes things that break your heart end up fixing your
Vision. Loneliness is the price you pay when you
Start to improve yourself. People will come and go.
Focus on your goal and don’t let anyone know
What you plans are. Some people won’t like what you do.
Such is life, but in your worthiness do be sure.

Don’t compare your life to others’ because you’ve no
Idea what their life’s journeys are all about.
Don’t underestimate the power of stupid
People in your life. Have the courage to forbid
Their intrusions. You haven’t a reason to doubt
That things are well and will be better tomorrow.

Sometimes you win; sometimes you learn. Envy is a
Waste of time. You already have all that you need.
Don’t pretend to be better than you are. Live at
Your own pace. Don’t feel guilty for doing all that
Is best for you. The will within you to succeed
Is the driving life force that gets you through your day.

Expect nothing. Appreciate everything. Be
Grateful for the little things in your life to find
Inner peace. If people don’t appreciate you
Then they don’t deserve you. To thine own self be true.
Nothing is more valuable than peace of mind.
Your aloneness is better than bad company.

Signs Of Dissolution


Nothing is permanent. Don’t stress yourself too much
Because no matter how bad the situation
Is it will change. It takes a lot of courage to
Push through hard times. Don’t give up whatever you do.
Good things are coming your way and your elation
With your masterpiece is but your finishing touch.

Never compare your life with others. It may seem
That theirs are better than yours but they have issues
Just as you do. Life gives you many chances to
Screw up but there are as many offered you
To get it right. You have to be willing to choose
Happiness over misery in the extreme.

Some folks aren’t loyal to you. They’re loyal to their
Need for you. When their needs change there’s no loyalty
Any longer. You enemies will often tell
You the truth because it hurts. They know very well
That it does but friends will lie to you easily
Because it doesn’t hurt. So, how much can they care?

Living with glory is not about avoiding
Failure but about getting back up each time you
Fall. Success isn’t just about moving up the
Ladder. It’s about placing it where you can see
Where you’re going. Embrace what’s exciting and new.
You have power enough to get through anything.

Past Trauma And Your Body

Troubled Solitude

Are you easily startled by sudden loud sounds?
Do you feel on edge constantly? These could be signs
That past trauma your body is holding onto.
Trauma deregulates everything about you.
You may have something medical science defines
In provocative terms that may be out of bounds.

Your deregulated nervous system throws you
Into a constant state of hyper vigilance
Or hyper arousal. Every situation
Is a possible threat. The perpetuation
Of unease enters into every circumstance.
That your safety is somehow threatened isn’t true.

Trauma not only changes the shape of your brain.
It interrupts the natural development
Of reflexes by sending you from fight or flight
To dissociative episodes and it’s quite
Difficult on the body. How can one prevent
This from happening? Does this mean we’re all insane?

You can heal your nervous system. Time it will take
And patience. Deep breathing and proper nutrition
Release tension and stimulate the vagus nerve.
The best care of your nervous system you deserve.
By rewriting your brain you can recondition
Its performance. Just think of how much is at stake.

Nothing Disturbs Your Peace

Alone Time

Stop giving other folks the power to control
Your mind, your happiness, and your life. Laugh in the
Face of adversity and leap before you look.
To the world your life need not be an open book
But it can be if you really want it to be.
Do whatever you feel that will make your life whole.

You can’t change anyone but you can be the one
Reason that someone changes. You don’t have to wait
For other people’s permission to be who you
Truly are. Be authentic in all that you do.
You have the best opportunity to create
When you do it for the purpose of having fun.

True kindness expects nothing in return and should
Never be with conditions. The strongest people
Find the courage and caring to help others though
They themselves may be going through crises. They show
Deep respect for humanity and they’re hopeful
That evil is always overtaken by good.

Turn your obstacles into opportunities
And your problems into possibilities. Keep
Your eye on the big picture. Become more aware
Of the peace that resides within you. When you care
More about how you feel many blessings you’ll reap.
Be the one to whom things come quickly and with ease.

Get Respect From Anyone

Friendly Greeting

How do you get people to voluntarily
Give you authority over them? Does it take
A technique such as brainwashing or something worse?
Why do some people feel that they have to coerce
Folks into doing things? Why is it hard to make
People carry out your orders respectfully?

People in high authority get there by way
Of election, appointment, or unnatural
Acts performed behind closed doors and in the darkness
Of the soul of humanity. To seek success
For one’s personal pleasure is the rationale
Of the many despite anything they may say.

If a friend calls and asks you to come to his aid
How do you respond to him? You’ll go out of your
Way to help him. But if it’s someone you despise
Would you bother? Your feelings would not authorize
You to do it. You would probably slam the door
In their face feeling that proper respect is paid.

Because you care about your friend you will do things
Far above and beyond what you’d do for others.
If your team cares about you this way then you’ll be
A most effective leader in society.
Mutual caring for one another occurs
When the team realizes what blessings it brings.

Seeking Inner Peace

Bright New Day

In the depths of the human soul there’s a profound
Battle raging against desires that can serve no
Purpose other than to enslave and weaken us.
World activity demonstrates the disastrous
Human tendency to live within the shadow
Of a troubled existence. To it we are bound.

Mindfulness meditation can alleviate
Much of your inner turmoil. You want to break free
From the world around you every once in a while.
Though the world is unthinkably cruel and hostile
You can get away from it temporarily.
Good happens when you’re in a meditative sate.

Be the master of yourself and you will be free.
True freedom lay not in indulging your desires
But in conquering them. If humanity will
Figure out ways to keep its collective mind still
Then world peace would occur but of course it requires
A unanimous effort where all must agree.

It’s not the things themselves that disturb people but
Their judgments about these things. Can we recognize
The illusions succumbed to? The impediment
To action advances action. None can prevent
Things from happening so it’s both helpful and wise
To keep yourself out of a most depressing rut.

No One Is Perfect

I Did It

When was the last time someone stabbed you with a knife?
Such a thing never happened? Then you’re fortunate.
People say things, however, that get you upset.
Many things people say can be seen as a threat.
So how can you remain in a positive state
And get on with the business of living your life?

Human nature is such that it doesn’t know how
To keep quiet. It says whatever comes to mind.
So a mind filled with chatter will spew constantly
Utter nonsense and versions of reality
That aren’t real. They become unconsciously unkind.
Such behavior hurts you only if you allow.

No one likes being spoken to in a bad way.
You should walk away from someone who offers you
Anything but their kindness. Don’t waste energy
On defending yourself. You and everybody
Has a higher self so the best thing you can do
Is ignore the despicable things people say.

There’s no such thing as a perfect human being.
Everyone you know will hurt you time and again
But only if you let them. Your pain is caused by
You and you only. So start asking yourself why
You feel so disconnected. You’ll realize then
That with your higher self it is not agreeing.

You’ll Never Be The Same

Family Affair

Be smart enough to ask for advice but be wise
Enough to know who to seek it from. Never give
Someone the opportunity to waste your time
More than once. To you it should be seen as a crime.
Challenge yourself. It’s the only way you can live
And evolve as a person no one can despise.

To change your life you have to change priorities.
Be like a tree and let the dead leaves fall away.
Your future depends on your focus. Be aware
Of what you’ve done already and place your hope there.
Always be mindful of everything that you say.
Take advantage of what can put your mind at ease.

Accept that some people can only be in your
Heart but not your life so learn to miss someone
Without wanting them back. When you react you lose
Your power to the circumstance. You get to choose
How to feel in each moment. How your life is run
Is the business of no one’s malignant allure.

Once you believe in yourself you no longer need
To convince others of all the things you can do.
The best thing about you is your capacity
To create, overcome, endure, transform, and be
Greater than all the suffering that you go through.
At creating the life you want you will succeed.

Never Too Late

Speak Your Heart

Life moves swiftly. If you don’t stop and look around
Every once in a while you may miss it. It’s not
About having time. It’s about making time. Your
Relationship with others is a metaphor
For your relationship with yourself. There’s a lot
Of time left for complete fulfillment to be found.

Never be so loyal that yourself you betray.
Be selfish with your time because many people
Don’t deserve it. The most harmful thing you can do
Is believe other people’s opinion of you.
Hang around people that you find most delightful.
In a positive mood always do try to stay.

There will always be someone who can’t see your worth.
Don’t let that someone be you. Never make someone
A priority who makes you but an option.
Growth happens when you do things that need to get done.
You can do that and still have a whole lot of fun.
There’s always an opportunity for rebirth.

It’s Never To Late to do the things you’ve always
Wanted to. You can have results or excuses
But not both. Follow you heart but carry your mind
Along with you. It pays to be gentle and kind
Only in a perfect world without abuses.
Nothing much about this world is worthy of praise.

Risk Of Failure

Giant Leap

Failure can erode quickly your self-confidence.
It makes it hard to believe you’ll ever achieve
A better outcome for the future. Things always
Stay the same yet you can learn to give yourself praise
For simply getting through it. Guidance you receive
From your innermost knowing which always makes sense.

Failure results from taking risks and trying to
Achieve something that isn’t easy but success
Lies in your ability to rise in the face
Of your failure. Believe in the infinite grace
Of your God or the universe and learn to bless
Every person and thing making contact with you.

But you can’t do this if you’re living in the past.
Don’t allow failure to stop you from believing
In your ability to succeed. Let it go
And move on because the past has nothing to show
You that’s helpful. The past isn’t worth your grieving
Over. Stay focused on now and remain steadfast.

Focus on actions to better yourself and your
Circumstances. Create a sense of personal
Efficacy. Your positive emotions can
Improve your performance. You can be better than
You were yesterday. You can use this rationale
To make life more fulfilling than ever before.

On Life’s Stage

Still Life Platform

During each stage of life everyone has a friend
But only lucky ones have the same friend through all
Stages of life. Good friends are very important
But not having friends does in no way mean you can’t
Live a happy life. It takes only but a small
Bit of conscious awareness for you to ascend.

Be kind to people without allowing them to
Take advantage of your good nature. Life begins
At the end of your comfort zone. Be not afraid
To act on intuition. The choices you made
In the past strengthen you. As sure as the earth spins
What you give out will come back directly to you.

Time is more valuable than money. You can
Always get more money but you can’t get any
More time than is allotted. You’ll never achieve
Real success unless in what you do you believe.
At your work you can be as happy as can be.
You can make being joyful always your game plan.

Your bad habits are like a comfortable bed –
Easy to get into but hard to get out of.
Trust your gut feelings. Sometimes they can save you from
Making improper choices. Start beating the drum
Of life, liberty, and unconditional love.
Live more from your heart. Try to stay out of your head.

The Psychology Of Money


Behavior Over Knowledge… Financial success
Is more about how you behave with money than
What you know and your emotional discipline
Regarding money is truly where to begin
Reprogramming you mindset. First know that you can
Feel your way toward your financial happiness.

Some folks seem to effortlessly accumulate
Wealth while others struggle. Notice how folks behave
Who have much of it. They don’t apologize for
All the good that comes to them. Indeed they get more
The more they remain on the continuous wave
Of contentment. They know how to appreciate.

True wealth is about having the freedom to do
What you want when you want to. Your ultimate goal
Should be financial independence rather than
The accumulating of possessions. You can
Feel that freedom right now just by playing the role
Of a person of wealth. This must satisfy you.

Be most thankful for what you have and understand
All your financial boundaries. Take your advice
From those who have achieved wealth – not from someone who
Struggles constantly. This is of no help to you.
Feel yourself always to be worth the highest price.
Be respectful of all the wealth you have on hand.

Let Go And Move On

Serious Business

If you’re lucky enough to get a second chance
At something don’t waste it. Don’t look for happiness
In the same place you lost it. Real strength is letting
People lose you so you don’t end up regretting
Not having been chosen by them. Through the process
Of rejection you’re put in a tough circumstance.

The journey of your success will always begin
With the small step of taking the chance that will move
You out of your inaction. Sometimes people don’t
Want to hear the truth because they honestly won’t
Give up on their illusions so it’s hard to prove
Things to them. In an argument you will not win.

If you can’t take care of yourself you can’t take care
Of others. Your own health is the most important.
Putting off until tomorrow is your weakness.
Taking care of it right now leads to your success.
You’re the only one who can tell yourself you can’t
Find your place of alignment and keep yourself there.

Be careful who you share your weaknesses with. Some
People can’t wait for the opportunity to
Up and use them against you. It’s time to move on
When the feeling of hope for renewing is gone
But be grateful. Doing so will benefit you
In the long run. Stay focused on what is to come.

Be Strong


Your life situation will just keep repeating
Itself until you learn what you need to from it.
You can lie down for people to walk on you and
They’ll complain still that you’re not flat enough, so stand
In your truth. An unspeakable sin you commit
By allowing behavior that’s so defeating.

Manage your mood because if it doesn’t obey
Then it will command your life. Be fully aware
Of how you feel in each moment. Take back control
Of you life. Concentrate on making yourself whole.
Nothing about life for you is too much to bear.
Check your mood for satisfaction throughout your day.

Thinking that someone else can make you happy or
Unhappy is ridiculous. You have control
Of your own emotions. Most good things fall apart
To make room for much better things. Life is an art
If you make it so. You play an important role
In evolving into the person you adore.

Maybe the path that scares you the most is the one
That you need to take. You have within you right now
Everything you need to deal with whatever the
World can throw at you. You emerge triumphantly
From the ashes of crisis. It’s time to allow
Wellbeing to embrace your new journey begun.

Along The Journey

Peaceful Path

Don’t cling to yesterday. It was beautiful, but
It was yesterday. Keep your focus on today.
Forgive people in silence and never speak to
Them again. This is self-care. It benefits you
To be mindful of all that may get in the way
Of your peace. To it all you must keep your mind shut.

There comes a time in your life when you have to choose
To turn the page, write another book, or simply
Close the book altogether. When that time arrives
Remember that the passion within you survives
Momentary depression and anxiety.
Make an offer to yourself that you can’t refuse.

Never jump in with both feet when all you want to
Do is depth check the water. Don’t be pushed around
By the fears in your mind. Instead be led by the
Dreams in your heart. Whoever you want you can be.
Let the voice of the spirit within you resound.
Problems indicate progress in all that you do.

If you expect the world to be fair with you just
Because you’re fair, that’s like expecting the lion
Not to eat you because you did not eat it. Be
Cognizant of the nature of reality.
You have but your amazing mind to rely on.
In your own guidance system you can learn to trust.

Facts Of Life

Sharing Wisdom

Remember no matter how useless you may feel
You’re someone’s reason for joy and true happiness.
You can’t heal a person who keeps using their pain
As an excuse to hurt you. No possible gain
Will you get from your trying. You won’t have success
Getting someone who’s troubled to properly heal.

No matter how good you are, if you’re in the wrong
Place you’re worthless according to society.
Sometimes giving up is the only option you
Have because your can’t force other people to do
What you want. Often times with them you’ll disagree.
Ultimately we all just have to get along.

One of the hardest decisions you’ll ever make
In life is choosing whether to walk away or
Try harder. People will get upset with you when
They can’t use you. You can say goodbye to them then.
You can step back a bit but don’t give up on your
Decision and be good with the action you take.

No matter how carefully you choose your words, they
By others will always end up being twisted.
People don’t necessarily need to know what
You have to say. It’s better to keep your mouth shut.
Your mouth operates better when it’s assisted
By your brain. No one can take its power away.

Before It’s Too Late

Joyful Moment

You can’t change things that happened a long time ago.
Don’t be bitter with yourself about what you’ve done
That showed your disconnection from reality
In the distant past. Right now is where you should be.
In this moment the rest of your life is begun.
There’s still some time left for your consciousness to grow.

Happiness isn’t the absence of problems. It’s
The ability to deal with them. Challenges
Aren’t to be backed down from as they offer the best
Lessons in life. You’re not being put through a test
So ignore most completely what anyone says
To the contrary. Live what your knowing permits.

Discuss your past with no one because only you
Know the true story and any significance
It may have to the present. They just may use it
Against you. Generally others are unfit
To hear that information. Don’t give them the chance
To create their own drama and skewed point of view.

Life changes for the better when you realize
That you don’t have to know everything and you don’t
Have to pretend that you do. If you can become
And eagle then don’t strive to be first among some
Flock of jackdaws. Decide in you mind that you won’t
Let the past be what causes your early demise.

Set Your Own Tone

Omnidirectional Faces

It’s not difficult for you to set the tone in
This physical realm. You’ve got a tone flowing to
You always from nonphysical and if you choose
A thought that resonates with it you cannot lose.
You’ll be lined up with the most evolved part of you.
Set Your Own Tone. Right now is the time to begin.

When you’re in that state you feel enthusiasm,
Passion, joy, clarity, and extreme confidence.
If however you concentrate on something that
Doesn’t feel good then your vibration will be flat.
When you’re happy the power you have is immense.
Between you and your higher self there’s no chasm.

Nothing is more important than your feeling good.
It’s so foremost in your life that you’re willing to
Spend more time with that good feeling friend and much less
With the not so good feeling one. Your happiness
Is the paramount issue. The more you can do
To get happy the more that life is understood.

It’s a simple decision. Judge everything by
How it feels. You then get to decide what to do.
If it feels bad then do something to get away
From the circumstance. Try your best always to stay
In alignment with the most evolved part of you.
Life becomes easy for you when you’re flying high.