Tag Archive | ambition

From Ambition To Meaning


What happens when we move from the ambition stage
Of our lives into wisdom? The aging process
Isn’t well accepted by our society.
It has not a grasp on spirituality.
This materialistic world wants to suppress
Any sign of decline having to do with age.

Thoroughly unprepared we take this step into
The afternoon of our lives. Worse still, we take this
With the presupposition that our ideas
And our truths will serve us hitherto but because
This is false the most evident truth we dismiss.
We’re attached to whatever’s exciting and new.

But we can’t live the afternoon of our life by
The same program we used for the morning. What was
Plentiful in the morning by evening will be
Very little. We enter that stage hopefully
Knowing that it is governed by different laws
Than the one before it. There’s a good reason why.

What was true in the morning is in the evening
A falsehood. What was marked by ambition is now
Redirected to service. Life has more meaning.
It’s a time of reflection and one of weaning
Oneself from the ego. It’s the time to allow
What’s to come with no worries about anything.

From Obligation To Enthusiasm

Righteously Excited

Overwhelmed by excitement I am when I dream
Of what’s coming. I have tremendous ambition
But sometimes I feel that it’s an onerous chore
To continue. My energy depletes before
I get going, then I can’t get anything done.
I become frustrated to the bitter extreme.

Maybe there’s a thin line between obligation
And excitement that I must cross over to be
Free of resistance so I can follow my plan.
It’s my sole intention to do all that I can
To ensure that my efforts will satisfy me.
There’s nothing more important than my creation.

Ambition is the attitude that my inner
Being has about what I’ve assembled so far
In the way of vibration. It’s eager about
What I’m doing even when I may have some doubt.
It reminds me that universal forces are
Working for me so only goodness can occur.

I want to feel engaged – to have the energy
To get on with my purpose. In every moment
Of existence I have the opportunity
To be as enthusiastic as I can be.
Everything comes to be by my conscious intent.
I can stay this excited perpetually.

Reverence For Life

Home Hearth

How can I offer to someone else that which I
Would like to have for myself and not care about
Whether or not I get it? Life has more meaning
As I become more spiritually leaning.
If I have love to give, then there can be no doubt
That there are those who need it. I can’t wonder why.

There is a universal Field of Attention.
Some call it God and some call it Source energy.
It looks like giving with not a thing coming back.
It has nothing to do with the mindset of lack.
It is serving. It doesn’t judge. It constantly
Offers love beyond anyone’s comprehension.

Natural is sincerity and gentleness.
True compassion for others and simplicity
Are the keys to enlightenment. Who I am now
Is someone who has finally learned to allow
Higher consciousness to become a part of me.
It is God within me who I want to express.

To believe that I need what I don’t have is one
Definition of insanity. Already
I have all that I ever need right within me.
The laws of the material world I now see
Don’t define the person who I have come to be.
I cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.

The One Who Can

The Surprising One

Can’t is the worst word that is written or spoken.
It does more harm than slander and outrageous lies.
On it, many a strong spirit may be broken.
Many good purposes die to not come again.
From the lips of the thoughtless it springs when they rise.
It robs us of our courage – both women and men.

It rings in our ears like a timely-sent warning
And will laugh as we falter and fall by the way.
Can’t is the father of all feeble endeavor
And the parent of terror and the half-assed chore.
It weakens the efforts of artisans and may
Make the most clever toiler an indolent thing.

It poisons the soul of the one with a vision
As it stifles in infancy many a plan.
It greets honest toiling with open derision
And it mocks at the hopes and the dreams of the one
With the gumption to start out by saying, “I can.”
It will put quite the kibosh on getting things done.

Can’t cannot be a word uttered without blushing.
To do so would be but a big symbol of shame.
Ambition and courage it daily is crushing.
It will blight one’s own purpose and make everything
Seem as if one does not have a stake in the game.
Hate the word with a passion. No good can it bring.

Refuse to let the word find a home in your brain.
As a creature of terror, do arm against it.
It’s the foe to ambition. It bows only to
Courage, patience, and skill. These are only a few
Of the things that defeat it. One should never quit.
Say, “I Can” to your life. You have so much to gain.