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Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

What If...?

How to learn to think like a successful person
Is on the minds of many. People want to know
How to make things happen. The Law of Attraction
Mindset starts with the feeling of satisfaction
And from there you can get that good feeling to grow
In intensity. Thus happiness is begun.

Your thoughts create your reality. You’ve heard this
Many times before. But have you actually
Really practiced it? You do in one of two ways.
You can think those appreciative thoughts of praise
Or you can think thoughts of utter catastrophe.
Knowing this, you can, at will, reach a state of bliss.

When you think thoughts about yourself such as, “I’m not
Disciplined enough”
or “I can’t do anything
About my situation”
you’re creating hell

For yourself. How long in it do you want to dwell?
Train yourself to catch these thoughts as they’re happening
And then flip them to positive right on the spot.

In your doing so, you’re shifting your energy
And immediately you begin to feel good.
As you feel better it becomes easy to find
Better answers. Control the power of your mind.
Know for certain that things will work out as they should.
Think yourself into a better reality.

Be A Deliberate Creator

Artistic Endeavor

No matter who you are you were born to create.
In a physical body, you’re the energy
That creates worlds. You’re here to identify your
Preferences. You know what you don’t want for sure
Therefore you know the way you would like things to be.
You do your best creating when you’re feeling great.

You’re an extension of infinite consciousness.
There’s a reason for your not remembering who
You are truly, but just the same, here you are now
In a world of sensation learning to allow
Your true self to be the most noticed part of you.
You’re driven by your propensity to express.

It’s a simple equation – not hard for you to
Figure out. If you feel that something has gone wrong
You want it rectified and the universe will
Set in motion the ingredients to fulfill
Your desire. If you’re ready then it won’t take long
For it all to become manifested for you.

Everything that is manifested and that you
Can perceive with your senses was a frequency
Of vibration before it became physical.
What you choose to focus your attention on shall
Come to be. You must create deliberately.
Be aware of what you give your attention to.

Who Are You?

Who? Me?

Who Are You? Yes, you’re the one being spoken to.
Don’t freak out. There’s just something that you ought to know
About who you are truly. You’re one of a kind.
From the heart of divinity you were designed.
Unto you many wonderful blessings can flow
And there’s nothing ridiculous you need to do.

You get close to who you really are when you feel
Absolutely delighted to simply exist.
When you offer that kind of vibration then you
Are extremely successful in all that you do.
When feeling good is kept at the top of your list
Then you’ll be living a life that’s most ideal.

Your power of influence is so huge when you
Get in touch with who you truly are at your core.
People will be astounded by your confidence.
Everyone will be speaking of your radiance.
You’ll appreciate life more than ever before.
You’ll be the witness to all your dreams coming true.

The nonphysical part of you is who you are.
It’s the part that’s eternal. You came here to be
A cooperative component to what you
Desire mostly in life. Pay close attention to
How you feel. You were meant to live life happily.
From where you are your true self is never too far.

Surrender To Satisfaction

Happy Friendship

The emotional scale indicates the degree
You’re allowing or resisting the wellbeing
Ever present. At one end there’s blame, hurt, despair,
Revenge, anger, and hatred. Who isn’t aware
Of these feelings? Most people end up agreeing
That they suck. Is there a reason for them to be?

At the other end of the emotional scale
Is love, appreciation, passion, ecstasy,
And excitement. It’s not often people remain
In such states for a long time. There’s practical gain
At the scale’s center. It’s the place you want to be.
Be aware of the good life in vivid detail.

At the middle of the scale is satisfaction
And contentment. There’s no resistance in the mind
Or the heart as you have vibrational control
Of each moment. The secret to becoming whole
Is appreciating everything you can find.
This will greatly enhance your point of attraction.

The more time you spend looking for reasons to be
Satisfied then the more Law of Attraction brings
More rivers and streams of things that are just the same.
Satisfaction means that to the world you exclaim
Your surrender to happiness as your heart sings
Of the praises of your newfound reality.

What Are You Going To Do?

It Is What It Is

What Are You Going To Do that’s different than
What you’ve been doing? You could be looking for more
Positive aspects – not when you’ve identified
Something negative. Let that vibration subside
Completely. You can get in alignment before
The day happens. This is a beneficial plan.

When you first awake take some time to meditate.
For fifteen or twenty minutes quiet the mind.
Listen to something steady and not distracting
To your focus on nothing as you’re contacting
Your true spirit – the essence which is undefined.
You feel bliss and detachment when you’re in that state.

After having done this you are now ready to
Take the day on. The environment has shifted
Because you’ve moved your energy to a new place
And you’re now more receptive to infinite grace.
In the ways of the spiritual you’re gifted
And the new day turns out to be a dream come true.

What you do to get ready to get ready to
Enjoy life to its fullest is of paramount
Importance. You have nothing to lose anyway.
You feel more wholesome when you can preset your day.
On the help of your inner being you can count
To bring everything that is wonderful to you.

Who Are You?

Big Look

When you get who you are, and when you get how who
The real you really feels, you’re beginning to be
A vibrational match to who you truly are.
Only those who are ignorant find it bizarre
That each person creates their own reality,
So, be glad that this knowledge is made clear for you.

Your power of influence is so huge that those
Who are watching are dazzled by your confidence.
Things work out for you. Life is ever evolving.
You do not have to waste time and effort solving
Life’s unsolvable issues. What makes better sense
Is to stay in alignment amid the shadows.

You came forth to identify what you want and
To enjoy life in its constant and eternal
Stream of exquisite beauty. You’re one with the flow
Of abundance and wellbeing because you know
That all of existence remains spiritual.
Your purpose on this earth is to further expand.

Now and then, you may find yourself paddling upstream
Against all that you want, and this contradiction
In your energy manifests as misery
In some aspect of your life. You’d much rather be
In a place where you experience no friction.
When you know who you are, your life can be a dream.

In Your Spare Time

Simply Joyful And Carefree

The earth spins in its orbit in proximity
To other spatial bodies. From your perspective,
This alone is a reason to be satisfied.
The perfection of it all cannot be denied.
It could be that it’s your only reason to live.
If it is, then the universe has to agree.

That wellbeing is dominant is the point here.
Things are going to happen that will bring you down.
Someone may bump you car. Your flight may be canceled.
In the depths of depression, you may be compelled
To consider the reasons for wearing a frown.
You are not in a crisis. This must be made clear.

Emotions indicate degrees of resistance
Or allowing. Anger, regret, fear, and despair
Are the worst. Love, appreciation, and passion
Are the best to experience. Nothing’s more fun
Than to feel your excitement, which is why you care
First and foremost about making your life a dance.

At the middle of the spectrum of emotion
Is serene satisfaction. You are contented
And have energetic vibrational control
Of the moment. Whatever awakens your soul
Is the clue to where you must be oriented.
Do believe that your life is supposed to be fun.

The River Of Life

The Flow Of Existence

When you get who you really are and how it feels,
Then start tuning yourself to that feeling, you will
Start to be a vibrational match to who you
Really are. The only thing that you have to do
Is to let blessings happen. There is not a skill
That you must have to know what your true self reveals.

When you’re offering the vibration that comes from
The very core of your being, your power of
Influence is enormous. You have confidence
In the things that you do. You offer more presence
Of the real you – the one who is anchored in love.
You are optimistic about what is to come.

You are not here to figure it out or to get
Anything done. You’re here to line up with the flow –
Not to buck it. The current is rapid and strong.
You will never be done, so you can’t get it wrong.
You don’t have to die in order for you to know
The ecstasy of heaven. By now, you are set.

Care about how you feel. You were meant to feel good.
Tune yourself to who you really are, and let go
Of whatever is keeping you from moving on.
Take the seriousness of life with a big yawn.
Life’s river is fast moving. Take nothing in tow,
Then the meaning of your life will be understood.

Feel Better Instantly

Capture The Moment

In my gut there’s some stuckness. My lungs, chest, and heart
Feel a little too heavy. Is there something wrong
With my processing of life? Is this atonement
For bad acts of the past? Does my body repent
Through its not feeling right? Does my asking prolong
The process of recovery? I’m not that smart.

I ask too many questions, so thank God for those
Who have knowledge sufficient. I’m not feeling pain
And I need not describe it with an emotion
Even though at its core there probably is one.
Psychoanalysis would mean that I’m insane.
Must I rely on everything everyone knows?

Relax into your pain. If you are lying down
Pretend that there is a big sponge underneath you.
Your pain will be drawn out, and the thoughts that you think
Should be simply uplifting and not on the brink
Of your sinking right back into your feeling blue.
Pain ignores the fact that you are wearing a frown.

Sensations of discomfort and deep unsettling
You are reaching relief from, and negative thought
Keeps you in the emotion of blame, doubt and fear.
Your relief from resistance comes when thoughts are clear.
Nothing else but your feeling better can be sought.
You are the perfect master of your wellbeing.