Tag Archive | mystics


In The Cards

The awareness of ultimate reality
Is what’s called mysticism. It can be attained
Through subjective experience. Direct union
With spiritual truth is achieved by the one
Whose devotion to enlightenment is maintained.
One knows God as absolute non-duality.

It’s also positive human transformation
Supported by spiritual practices and
Experiences. It was originally
A part of medieval Christianity,
But in modern times the term has come to expand
And include all those seeking illumination.

All religions and spiritual traditions
Have their mystics – the ones who’ve learned to go within
To find truth and reality. They’ve transcended
Established belief systems. They’re interested
Only in liberation. They are without sin.
They’ve dissolved the need to take any positions.

Spiritual awareness of the absolute
Is beyond all theology. Concepts and names
Are exclusive. One cannot label the supreme.
It alone has the ability to redeem
Us of our ego consciousness. The mystic aims
To make their mysticism a constant pursuit.


Intelligent Dust

Omniscience means having total and infinite
Awareness, knowledge, and complete understanding,
And cognizance. It’s one of the main attributes
Of divinity. Love is how it executes
Its supreme essence which is ever expanding.
We as humans are wanting to tap into it.

Omniscience is the immutable attribute
Of the source supreme and of all of existence.
Known by many names, this source is ever present.
The foundation of consciousness is evident
In the universe. There can be no difference
Between God and creation. Is there a dispute?

Supreme power, omniscience, and omnipresence
Are the characteristics of its awareness.
Quantum physics has discovered what has been known
By the ancients. One’s consciousness is not one’s own
But is shared by the universe. All have access
To divine knowing which is awesomely immense.

Our minds are part of the larger infinite field
Of consciousness, which is non-dual in nature.
This cosmic awareness of God is everywhere.
We’re one with it. The God consciousness we all share.
It’s self-knowing and provident. One can be sure
That this all-knowingness is everywhere revealed.


Personal Enlightenment

Self-Realization is the ultimate goal
Of a human being. It’s the liberating
Knowledge of the true self beyond both illusion
And identification with the confusion
That the physical world continues creating.
Reaching this state, a person is said to be whole.

It’s direct knowledge of God. It’s pure awareness,
Pure consciousness, pure being, non-duality,
And pure love. As it happens, changes will occur
In behavior and attitude. Those who defer
Its attainment cling to a false reality
Where life stays punctuated with struggle and stress.

Self-Realization is the greatest service
One can offer the world. It’s the spiritual
Awakening from the illusory ego’s
Self-identity. It becomes wise to dispose
Of all negative behaviors habitual.
Doing so leads one to a constant state of bliss.

An identification from the perception
Of form as objective to one’s coming to know
The purely subjective, it’s always found within.
Life will change as a consequence as you begin
Looking inward. You cannot help but to let go
Of the ego’s distractions until there are none.


Law And Order

It’s a branch of knowledge and philosophy, and
It deals with moral principles, obligation,
Good and bad, right and wrong, and with moral duty.
Religious institutions and society
Provide guidelines for conduct and the creation
Of the laws people live by and must understand.

The main human problem is that of ignorance.
Ethics serve as a guide to our daily living
And help us to determine if we are aligned
With behavior appropriate as it’s defined
By the laws because they are designed for giving
Us direction in every kind of circumstance.

Guidelines for behavior are taught and practiced in
All religious and spiritual traditions.
Spiritual masters of each have taught us much
In the way of behavioral scripture and such.
It’s one of society’s primary missions
To absolve all of humanity of its sin.

Know what is right, do what is good, and discover
Peace of mind, true contentment, and serenity.
The practice of self-mastery is a virtue.
Raise your level of consciousness and you will do
Your part in raising that of all humanity.
It’s okay to be a human nature lover.


At One

Awareness is one’s very capacity for
Experiencing. As such, it’s primary to
All of life and existence. Without awareness
Nothing could be known. Consciousness is nothing less
Than a miracle. It’s the being part of you.
Within yourself there’s plenty for you to explore.

Are you conscious? Are you alive. Are you aware
That you are? How do you know that you’ve come to be
Who and what you are? Within you there’s a knowing
That you know that you are. There’s no sense in going
Through mental calisthenics in order to see
That awareness is much an internal affair.

Perception through the senses depends on something
Greater than oneself. The body could not perceive
Itself were it not for the mind. The foundation
Of the mind is awareness. Every creation
Is born out of awareness. All that you achieve
Is through conscious attention on what you’re doing.

Only pure awareness can state that it’s beyond
All concepts of existence and nonexistence.
Turn the mind inward upon itself and behold
The presence of divinity. Then you’ve found gold.
Benefits of awareness are truly immense.
Be aware of how the universe will respond.