Tag Archive | nature

From Fear To Curiosity

Curious Child

If you want to escape from your cage you must die
While you’re still alive. This means you must change your whole
Way of looking at life. The great master follows
His own nature and not all the folly that goes
Along with life. Your freedom is your only goal
And your own heart is the one you must satisfy.

A person who is truly good isn’t aware
Of his goodness. He tends not to accumulate
Anything but instead will give everything to
Everyone else. His kindness and wisdom are true
To his nature. He has learned to appreciate
All of life. Only love a good person will share.

The more one gives the more one receives in return.
That should never be the reason for being kind.
Kindness comes with the wisdom of feeling complete
In oneself. It becomes habitual to treat
Everyone kindly. One lives with true peace of mind.
No divisions among people does one discern.

When pursuing your passion keep kindness in mind
And in heart and let fear be a thing of the past.
Your can move From your Fear To Curiosity
When you see your life as an opportunity.
You were meant to feel good sorting through the contrast.
That humanity is interesting you’ll find.

When Spirit Is Speaking

Yellow Cosmic Mind

Spirit speaks clearly to you in various ways.
When you feel good or God you are fully aligned
With your spirit. Your state of health can be expressed
By how you’re feeling. In fact it’s the very best
Indicator of health. Your feelings are designed
To guide you therefore they should be given much praise.

Everything in nature is in spirit. It’s not
Spoiled by ego. Listen to the winds, the critters,
The clouds, the rains, and the oceans. Take it all in.
Because with everything in nature you are kin.
All God’s creatures are vibrational transmitters.
In terms of co-creation they teach us a lot.

Synchronistic events are of spirit also.
When you see the same number show up everywhere
Like the clock, the odometer, or the checkbook
Balance, it simply means that you should take a look
At what spirit is showing you and you should care
About everything that spirit wants you to know.

When folks line up with your thoughts mysteriously
As if your private inner meanderings were
The cause of it, Believe It! You made it come true.
Spirit brings you the people that can offer you
The best lessons – not always the ones you prefer
But they will help you to grow spiritually.

What Will Happen When We Die?

Upon Death

The soul is the essential nature of us all.
It’s the deeper mind. It’s the part of us that goes
On existing after the physical body
Is no longer a part of it. Naturally
We become able to know what our spirit knows
And what our spirit knows can’t be considered small.

God exists in each one of us. Every atom
And subatomic particle of everything
Is a part of God’s consciousness. We are distilled
From that essence. As such, our dreams can be fulfilled.
God’s nature is way beyond our understanding.
It is where everything in existence comes from.

The highest energy that we can imagine
Doesn’t come close to describing God. We have no
Words or concepts to do the job adequately.
Yet we’ve learned to experience divinity
Through spiritual practice. We are here to grow.
There’s no time like this moment for us to begin.

When we die we don’t die. It’s a misconception.
Yes, the body dies but the soul is eternal.
It will be on the other side then it will come
Back to earth. Remember that all being comes from
That which we know as spirit. We are supernal.
When we end this adventure another’s begun.

Pay Attention To Spirit

Nonphysical Awareness

Spirit Speaks. That’s a given. The question is how
It does so. Its language I fully recognize
In a few ways. When I feel good or I feel God
I’m aligned with my spirit. I don’t find it odd
That by just being happy I can realize
The full presence of Spirit. I need but allow.

Spirit Speaks when I’m in alignment with nature.
If a bird, for example, performs before me
In a way that’s not normal, I pay attention.
I take in the perfection of time suspension
In the moment. My Spirit urges me to see
Its connection to nature. I know this for sure.

Strange occurrences and seemingly odd events
Is my Spirit lining up coincidences
That may teach me some lesson or show me that I’m
In alignment. I don’t have to spend precious time
Coming up with sophisticated defenses
Against what each synchronicity represents.

Spirit also speaks through other people who I
Interact with. My Spirit is aligning my
Thoughts with events that are happening here and now.
My Spirit has the ability to endow
Me with absolute clarity. I can’t deny
The existence of Spirit. With it I comply.

About The Moon

Moon Flower

Planets spin in their orbits in proximity
To each other. It’s such a feat of perfection
By the infinite universe. Provident care
Does it have for us. We become fully aware
Of this truth as we come to find our connection
With the spiritual part of reality.

How the moon came about is of interest to
Certain people who in their close observation
Of predictable cycles seek reassurance
That the universe didn’t just happen by chance.
Some believe that it is of divine creation.
That happens to be my personal point of view.

From a broader perspective there are powerful
Minds of wellbeing focused on the wellbeing
Of us all here. There’s no need to worry one bit.
All that happens to earth is for its benefit.
There are omnipotent forces overseeing
Our evolving. They are angels dyed in the wool.

If planets start to wobble then something will come
To correct the imbalance. The wobble will cause
A deliberate asking. The culmination
Of the asking is how all creation is done,
And it’s all according to unshakable laws.
The spiritual is where all blessings come from.


Eternal Being

Spirit is the animating power within
All living creatures. It is one’s vital essence.
One’s spirit is entirely nonphysical
It is made solely of energy, and it shall
Never cease to exist. One can experience
One’s own spirit, but how does the novice begin?

The spirit is the witnessing inner presence
Who observes yet remains silent. This personal
Stream of consciousness is beyond the ego mind,
And this mind beyond ego is easy to find
Through an experience that is transcendental.
One’s belief that it is makes a big difference.

The spirit, soul, or essence is a resident
Of the body and perceives its reality
Through the physical senses which often deny
The nonphysical dimension. One must apply
Spiritual techniques to get progressively
Better at reconnecting by conscious intent.

Perception veils the unseen and nonphysical
Dimension of reality. The spirit blends
And identifies with form which is limited
To the ego’s assessments, yet one can instead
Be aware of what the purest spirit intends.
Know that what spirit wants is more beneficial.

Learn To Be Alone

Perfect Solitude

Alone time increases empathy. When you spend
Time with your circle of friends, you may get into
A ‘we versus them’ kind of a mentality.
Spending time alone truly will help you to be
More compassionate with all other people who
Aren’t in your inner circle. To all you’re a friend.

Solitude can increase your productivity.
There’s a reason why lots of authors and artists
Want to live in log cabins far out in the woods.
They can see that nature can deliver the goods.
Inspiration comes from everything that exists.
From the chatter of others you set yourself free.

People are social creatures, and it’s important
In our lives to have strong connections with others.
But it’s also important to spend time alone.
Of the many studies conducted, all have shown
That an increase in life satisfaction occurs
When you take time to be alone. Don’t say you can’t.

Simply sit and do nothing but take in the air.
The mind’s chatter will gradually dissipate.
For a day or so, stay completely out of touch.
Everyone will respect that you’re caring this much
About your health, which cannot be up for debate.
Of yourself you become much more deeply aware.

Life’s Secret

Listen Carefully

The most obvious question is, “What’s life about?”
It’s no secret to many who have come to know
The most accurate answer. That we must survive
Is apparently the reason to stay alive,
To prosper, and to find fulfillment as we grow.
Our Western philosophy leaves us with some doubt.

“You’ve got to go on living,” says society.
“It’s your duty to make it or else,” they will say.
There’s no real necessity to go on living,
Not because life can be harsh and unforgiving,
But because all our troubles are washed clean away.
So, the fear of death must be absurd completely.

The spontaneous nature of nature is such
That it happens of itself without influence
From outside. If you try to command the process
You will falter and encounter much undue stress.
Nature’s code to our feeble minds doesn’t make sense.
Focused in this reality we are too much.

Way deep down far inside us, we basically
Are the fabric and structure of all that exists.
Fireworks in the universe celebrate all
That is happening with it. This isn’t a small
Thing to ponder, even though the ego resists.
You are now living the secret, which is ‘to be.’

Being In Nature

Getting Close To The Earth

“Seek out a quiet place in the forest,” said he
Who was called the Buddha thousands of years ago.
He practiced meditation, and that’s what he taught.
He was available to anyone who sought
Spiritual enlightenment. He was also
Big on nature. He loved it most passionately.

In nature, there is ‘stillness’ that’s different from
That which is artificial and caused by the lack
Of the clamor incessant. This kind one can hear.
When you listen to nature with an acute ear,
The stillness is apparent. You peek through a crack
In eternity. Magnificent insights come.

Nature teaches connection. It has much to do
With the way we develop spiritually.
Nature relaxes as well as energizes.
When alone or with others it crystalizes
Consciousness into oneness. It’s easy to be
Just oneself without pretense. God bless the guru!

Refrain as much as possible from thinking while
You’re in nature. Just be the awareness behind
Your acute sense perceptions. Be fully at one
With all that you experience. You have begun
To connect to the heart and detach from the mind.
Nothing in the woods can put a cramp in your style.

Man Versus Nature

Human Incongruence

We’re like monkeys with typewriters. This is year nine
Of one point three more million. The Britannica
We are right in the middle of writing, and we
Are accustomed to living unnaturally.
We are caught in a self-created dilemma.
As a fluke, we are of a peculiar design.

As soon as we stop what we’re doing we’ll relapse
Into nonsense. We would have to start all over
From day one of year one. We are in constant fear
Of it ending abruptly. We’ve made a career
Of our diligent keystroking, as we prefer
To remain odd and able… and worthy perhaps.

We like our way of life. We like being human.
If we want to stay this way we must fight nature.
We must impose our will upon this world so wild.
Manliness is aggression. One is aptly styled
With a mask for the doubt. The tough one must ensure
That control over nature is the only plan.

We need not conquer space. We are there already.
With the aid of technology we are as far
As we’ll ever get. The rocket and bulldozer
Are big symbols of culture. Be the proposer
Of a gentler vibration. After all we are
But a byproduct of nature ultimately.

The Truth

The Reality Of The Human Condition

If we turn things upside down can we expect good
To win out in the world? What future lies ahead
If altruism can’t replace egotism?
Can we experience joy if there’s a schism
Between self and the spirit? And are we misled
By the powers we have that are not understood?

For children to be safe and healthy there must be
Loving care among everyone. Can this happen
In the coming years? Compassion breeds weakness when
Only the strong survive in a world ruled by men.
If the cycle were broken what would happen then?
As a race we remain primitive and beastly.

Corruption and hypocrisy are our nature.
We don’t deserve the worst of luck, it would so seem
And the best would give Satan a burning halo.
Circumstances are that we have much room to grow.
It’s an honor to master the art of the scheme
To take advantage of people who are unsure.

Is it worthwhile to believe in some deity
Who believes just the opposite of what’s said here?
Our survival as a race depends on something
Quick and catastrophic for our awakening.
But do we have to go through something quite severe?
I believe in a miracle, personally.

Existence Is A Relationship

The Give-And-Take Nature Of Being

Two phases of a single process is a way
To perceive oneself and the world. Unfamiliar
And unfashionable is this thinking to some.
They have feelings of doubt that they can overcome.
Science has proven that this is the way things are.
Notions contrary to this are not here to stay.

Obsolete is the thinking that man is the head
Of nature, yet the naturalists are always
Fighting nature because they do not understand
What it means to be ‘head.’ It does not mean command.
Our racial evolution has seen some delays
Perhaps due to negative beliefs we’re force fed.

Every creature is head of nature in its turn
Because each creature creates the world in its own
Image. All existence is a relationship
Between selves and the world. We need only equip
Ourselves with understanding. Alas we are prone
To discard any common sense we may discern.

No movement of nature constitutes existence
Until it’s related to neurological
Complexes of its creatures. The Complex belongs
To the same word as the sun. We’re meant to sing songs
Of elation. Our recognizing of this shall
Pave the way for a life of wonder and suspense.

Fairy Rings

Circular Beingness

The term ‘organism’ must be loosely defined.
When science studies nature it cannot include
The convergence of creatures that already do
Exist as sovereign beings. It must exclude too
Any mention of spirit. It is rather crude
In its fettered approach. In some ways it is blind.

What has come down through time are the legends that tell
Of the nature spirits and the elementals
Who, attracted by ‘fairy rings,’ meet to partake
Of the shifting of energies for the earth’s sake.
They take advantage of ethereal canals –
The mycelial networks that in the earth dwell.

There’s some truth to the stories. Beings that exist
Outside of our perception sometimes can be sensed
By some people when they are receptive and clear.
If one wants them to show up they just might appear
But society’s values are strongly against
Believing is such nonsense. Much wisdom is missed.

Nature is a vast network of information.
Many interconnections are made constantly.
Mushroom rings form the lenses that focus the light
Of total understanding for beings of sight
Into other dimensions there happen to be.
One cannot know the whole tale of how things are run.

The Real Me

The Self Undefined

I pretend to be someone significantly small
Compared to who I really am. Poor little me
Is afflicted with beingness. Can I awake
From this dream of my selfhood? Was it a mistake
That the universe carelessly caused me to be?
My flirtation with waking up leads to my fall.

What the whole universe is doing I do too.
Waking up is the realization that I
Am something that the whole universe does just as
The wave is something that the ocean does. Life has
Dualistic convergence. I exemplify
All there is as one being with one point of view.

Not like being locked in a dark room forever
Will it be when I die. That’s not experience.
Nonexistence everlasting is so absurd.
Only from fearful people is such a thing heard.
When I wake up from this life the next will commence,
And this self that I am now will exist no more.

Consciousness is continuous. As people die,
More come into existence. I am every one
But can only experience one at a time.
As I am this one now, my awareness is prime,
And I know that I will never get it all done.
I’ve respect for the laws with which I must comply.

Existence Is A Relationship

The Joy of Spiritual Alignment

That humans are irrelevant is a notion
That is not of good fashion and unfamiliar.
Man believes he has dominion over nature
But the acts of some humans are vile and impure.
In due time we may leave an indelible scar
On the face of the planet. We may be undone.

It’s a simple idea, but understanding
Is one bit of a challenge. Yet actually,
Every creature is head of its own universe
And all make up this world in the way we disburse
Our life owning perceptions. A certain degree
Of acceptance of this is a wonderful thing.

This world is made up of all its many creatures
And their conscious awareness of all they perceive.
It’s an act of creation just being alive
So that our interacting is enough to drive
The process of existence. A grand interweave
Is the heart of creation with many features.

Each creature creates the world in its own image.
Existence is relationship with the cosmos
Through the vast neurological complex each has.
Evolution occurs for us just as long as
Our behavior on earth becomes less bellicose.
Each of us comes to be by the will to engage.

Human Potential

The Flowering Of Racial Wisdom

Human beings are swinging like a pendulum
Between animal nature and divinity.
One moment, we are civil; the next, we are mean.
As long as the wild beast we are clearly is seen,
Our ascension spiritually cannot be.
Extinction by our own hands may be the outcome.

Processes fundamental conceived to dissolve
What is animal in us offer much relief
And a balance most vital to us as a race.
As we rise in the morning, the kingdom we face
Is of lack and survival. The worst of our grief
Penetrates to the soul, and we cannot evolve.

We’re the dog, bird, and snake, and all creatures below
On the rungs of life’s ladder as earth is its home.
After some work and practice, if someone pokes me,
The dog will cease its biting and be completely
In alignment not with the old stressful syndrome
But with peace and compassion – a winning combo.

It must happen in every human being, though.
When the rugged wild creatures that we have become
Do not find dissolution the natural way
We create our own hell that we are doomed to pay.
Animals become restful by beating the drum
Of connection and awesome potential to grow.

The Ego

The Personal Clutter Magnet

The ego is nothing other than the focus
Of attention. It’s like a radar on a ship.
It’s a troubleshooter telling what’s in the way.
Don’t identify with it. You’ll welcome dismay,
In that if you indulge it, you may lose your grip,
Thinking that you are better than the rest of us.

Once we cease our identity with the ego,
We become aware of the whole organism.
The corpuscles and creatures constantly at war
Means that we are quite healthy. The process means more
At the much higher level. There is no schism.
Harmony is the master who directs the show.

Zooming Out is a spiritual exercise.
Not only is it wholesome and therapeutic,
It also yields a view that is truthfully clear
All the discord that haunts and that seems so austere
Is as it simply must be. Ego is slapstick
In its clumsy performance in confident guise.

It’s a hard thing to say that this world is ok
When one looks at the chaos amid the control
Of the forces of egos upon so many.
In the long run of time, can we muster any
Sense of heartfelt connection with our deeper soul?
Thoroughly it must be searched for a better way.

On The Death Of Our Mother

The Demise Of The Feminine

Who would fuck their own mother in praise of Allah?
It’s one hell of a question, yet this is the place
Where the demons of Satan rejoice in manhood.
Anything that a man does is righteously good
But a woman’s existence is mired in disgrace
From the arrogant authors of their dilemma.

But this place is made hell like. Not by her own will
Does she suffer the symptoms of human disease.
She heats up and feels nauseous as the result
Of her virulent sickness so cruel and occult.
Her immune system fights us. She will cough and sneeze
And whatever it takes. She does not mean to kill.

 How on earth does a god make all men so supreme?
Multifunctional women take on their men’s hate
Like the scapegoat, absorbent and obedient.
Animals should be able to take your torment
Until you say they’re sacred? The hell you create
Ripples throughout the species. The pain is extreme.

Take your left hands and lick them ‘til they’re squeaky clean
And then use them as always. Do stick them up far
Where they may reach your sick minds. God Damn you people!
Greater Force is the Feminine, and I’m grateful
That the earth has its systems, as harsh as they are
To the human infection so vile and obscene.

Know Thyself

The Spiritual Mirror Image

Since childhood I’ve been learning and relearning things
That others get the first time and with greater ease.
I don’t find it a problem until I’m perceived
And am judged for the way I am. Then I am peeved.
But I’ve been a fine bastard with my psychoses
And this self-observation – my ego it stings.

It’s and ongoing process. Self-discovery
Grows from learning of this world and all of its ways.
But the self that is studied is of the body
And the thing that we know as personality
Yet the more subtle essence for most of us stays
In the depths of the psyche concealed completely.

I would study myself, but just what does that mean?
I must ask myself questions that puzzle me so.
Is myself the perceiver? Or am I that who
Perceives he who’s perceiving? If I follow through
With this interrogation, what truth could I know?
…Consciousness is recursive and clearly obscene?

The mind is a fifth limb. It will grasp and hold on
To the things it perceives. I know that it’s a tool.
It itself is perceived by that which is unnamed.
The true self is a mirror wherein all is framed
In its pureness of being. I’ll take that as cool.
It’s the source of all selfhood from which life is drawn.

Loving Kindness

A Last Glimmer Of Hope

Is there one supreme consciousness who knows all things
And lives throughout eternity in a fine place
Among worshiping angels and folks who were good
While engaging their brief duty of humanhood
On one odd speck of stardust deficient of grace?
That sounds God awful human as e’er the dick swings.

Consciousness is at issue. What atheists know
Or don’t know is precisely defined with logic
That would rival most Vulcans. Their minds are focused
On the tangible evidence. Science they trust
Over mere intuition, thinking it’s a trick
To distort their reality and cause them woe.

That’s why faith is a mystery. Others include
Life and death and the changing of blood into wine.
No one knows what will happen for sure when we die.
Anything conjured up then is worth a good try
As a viable framework with which to align.
The ego wants its virtuousness to exude.

Cultivation of virtue just makes common sense,
But it’s hard to attain such and stay there for long
Due to traits that aren’t virtuous, but that’s ok.
Cultivating Presence is the natural way
To disburse Loving Kindness. Not much can go wrong.
Communion with oneself is most proper defense.

Do I Really Exist?

Questioning Consciousness

Can I transform myself? Can I make myself sane…
Or more loving or unselfish? Is that my wish?
It would seem necessary to be these fine ways
If I am to be nurtured by other folks’ praise.
When I feel I can’t do it, I’m rather sluggish
In pursuit of direction, so I act in vain.

So much says I can’t do it, but I say I can.
Gravity is an odd consequence of time/space.
This aspect makes it seem alien of nature
But indeed how can that be? Earth can but assure
That itself and I are one. I fully embrace
What this is that I’m part of as one humbled man.

Within time and space equal, all that I can do
Can’t be done because I don’t exist in that way –
An ego-separated personality.
An idea based on a fake feeling of me
Is what passes for presence each and every day.
Putting things right is futile in absence of clue.

Things exist that I can and cannot do. That’s fine.
I would pay due respect, here, knowing I’ve no choice.
All that goes on of itself is all part of me…
Which includes all of this earth most naturally.
It and I are a mutually passive voice
With no message specific. Such Being Is Mine.

Before The Mind Rushes In

Peaceful Prelude To Illusion

The First Moments of noticing anything new
Flash within, yet, unnoticed, they then fade away.
Just as quickly, the ego mind wants to rush in
Because it needs to know things so it can begin
To adopt a conception. That is its forte.
Now, well shrouded, these first moments one cannot view.

If one is a professional, use of the mind
Is of immense importance throughout the workday.
If relied on completely though, one may become
Cold to others because the feelings have grown numb.
Circumvent well one can this and still not betray
All the skill and experience which is defined.

The paths of the spiritual healers are such
That their minds are no issue. They have them controlled
So that they reach the person and not the symptom…
Nor a patient or client. The healing comes from
Their connection with spirit. The power they hold
Is one most universal. We all are in touch.

Many times we’re not thinking. The moment we see
Something new, for a brief while, we take it all in.
There’s that space unattended and free of judgement.
Being more conscious of this awareness event
Intertwined with the ego is where to begin
Deepening of the person who I’m meant to be.

The Future Post Virus

Toward A Newer Normal

Microorganisms other than us are we,
And few cells truly are ours. The process of birth
Blesses newborns with bacteria and good germs.
They add to the new person, in most certain terms,
Symbiotic survival while here on this earth.
This relationship satisfies both completely.

Until death do us part, my acquired cells and those
Of my own are the dynamic duo that keeps
Me alive and performing at my very best.
I feel certain imbalance whenever I’m stressed.
It is best that I honor these feeling receipts.
Surely if I ignored them I would welcome woes.

We’ve been in a pandemic. There isn’t a soul
Who knows not this true fact due to technology.
So, it does get inflated, and more of us die.
Yet it’s of grave importance. We cannot deny
Proper communication. Eventually
An effective solution helps us reach our goal.

But vaccines are like old jokes to sharp viruses.
One word changed in the punchline will make them mutate.
Earth has formed neural networks. All life plays a part.
When the brain of the planet discovers its heart,
Dysbiosis will cease, then nature can create
Maximum diversity to cure weaknesses.

Our Time Is Limited

The Swirl Of Eternity

Mother nature gives birth to death, and life renews.
That’s the way it has been since it all came to be
Beheld within the consciousness of humankind
…Surely eons before that if one keeps in mind
That forever is something that humans can’t see.
Death is life’s invention. No one does it excuse.

If I live each day if it were to be my last,
Someday certainly I’ll be correct. But would I
Want to do things I’d planned on when I didn’t know
I’d have one day to do them? Perhaps I’d forego
Most for the most important so that when I die
I won’t leave a big mess by my living half-assed.

I’ll do well to remember my mortality.
Knowing that I’ll be dead someday is a great tool
To help me make big choices in life that remains
By the will of whatever existence maintains
To support constant change. Though up close it looks cruel,
From the spirit’s perspective, there’s much more to see.

 I am already naked. I’ve nothing to lose
So there’s no good reason to not follow my heart.
Death is life’s special agent. It moves me along
So that I am prepared for a richer swan song.
I must not live for others nor be torn apart
By entrapment in dogma and death-wishing views.

Perceiving Without Labels

Appropriate Futility of Scrutiny

It’s so hard not to use labels with or without
Specific information about what’s inside.
Human egos have them, and they place them upon
Anything possible. We depend so much on
Our conceptual symbols. No way are they tied
To the essences naming them. Be there no doubt!

We can sense life in two ways. Personality
Is a relative tool of survival we use
To communicate everything stored in the mind.
But the other way is of a different kind.
There’s the space of light consciousness which, if we choose,
Can get us to perceiving things quite label free.

The practice of perception is done anywhere.
Most ideal is the environment of nature.
There, one can just observe things simply as they are.
Dropping into this beingness is as bizarre
As the person who senses it’s calming allure.
Getting in touch with one’s true self shouldn’t be rare.

Consciousness on two levels – the transcendent one
And the self with its biases – both we engage.
What plays out in the foreground is of the ego.
In the background, the true self can lovingly show
Its full brightness. The false self may then come of age
Through the coolest relationship ever begun.

Like a lampshade, the person I am gives the light
From my spirit eternal its formative hues.
The conditioned self is dense and heavy a load.
Knowing of my true light source I’m well on the road
To then loving my neighbor as my true self who’s
The same essence eternal which is just as bright.

Living In Accord With Nature

Tao Of The Earth

Yin, the black… Yang, the white, in a dutiful dance,
Define all that is nature. In darkness must grow
Any seed that is planted. It reaches full light
In the process of growing. Its will to unite
With its other component is what people know,
But it’s deeper than that. It’s a rugged romance.

Ancient myths, rites of passage, and natural ways
Were designed to connect the body with the mind.
The latter can go off and do quite its own thing.
It wants things that the body prefers it not bring
To the table organic because it’s designed
To adhere to its nature throughout all its days.

Messages in the bottles from shores far away
Over eons eroding not, myths tell a tale
Of the human condition in ways subjective.
The collective unconscious teaches how to live
In accordance with nature and on a large scale.
Those who’ve mastered the passage have so much to say.

I must know that I’m mortal and all that it means
To move out of a sphere of achievement into
A relaxing refreshment enjoying it all.
I have given up big things to honor the small.
Rather than the lightbulb, I’m the light that shines through.
Consciousness is our essence – not fleshy machines.

Don’t Force Anything

Most Force Is Excessive

Coming into this earth life and all that is known
That I seem not to know is my grand illusion.
I am here before coming. Never am I gone.
There’s nothing of nature to be acted upon.
Following then her course I’m a threat to no one.
All that is came before me, and I’m not alone.

It’s much easier to cut wood along the lines
That are with the grain – no against. Yet cutting wood
Does not go against nature if done mindfully.
The Tao is what is nature, a democracy
Self-contained and self- governed. The bad and the good
Coexist in a strange dance that no one designs.

I can’t force a lock open because it will break
Or the key will be broken off in the keyhole.
I must jiggle it until it wants to behave.
If it chooses not to, I will not be its slave.
In accordance with nature I give up control.
Peace of mind and contentment is what is at stake.

With the patterns existing I am subject to.
To flow with what creates me is to live in grace.
The contract between bees and flowers is the same
As the one between birds and worms. There is no blame
In what seems inappropriate. To know my place
Is to be one with nature in all that I do.

The Waste

The Expansion of Industrial Feces

That this earth has a death wish seems likely to be
Fundamental to science. A being’s hygiene
Must include healthy self-thoughts as well as clean air.
If I took in my own waste, it wouldn’t be fair
To myself nor to nature. It would be obscene.
Folks would ask what on earth is the matter with me.

If I felt self-destruction is the proper way
To get rid of my problems, I’d be called insane
By the same folk who think air pollution is part
Of the way things just are. Nothing close the heart
But complacent stagnation is to no one’s gain.
But the earth, in its sickness, will honor dismay.

There’s a load to get rid of. A purge of the soul
Of a planet infected with humanity
Is much needed, as psychic waste alters the mood,
When activity rampant is selfish and crude.
Does this earth have a conscience? It’s proven to me
By the fecal earth movement spun out of control.

That this place is a Being with conscious intent
And with guttural feelings of not Being well
Is something to consider since we are a part
Of its delicate stomach. We cause it to fart
In a good or a bad way, revealed by its smell.
Either way, it should spend no time breathing the scent.

Taking Notes

Stimulated Mental Activity

We’ll observe the phenomena from way up high
We breathe in all excitement and radiate far
Throughout all the earth’s fresh air and some not so clean.
All across Mother’s surface we also are seen
To the watchers who see us as something bizarre.
You’re caught up in Her scarred face but we know the sky.

Mercury is Her Messenger. Sounds of the birds
Are an intricate language of elegant grace.
We communicate small talk and thoughts most profound
About your kind and others who freely abound
By Her Majesty’s tolerance. She will embrace
All that come from within Her. Are these soothing words?

Our note taking pragmatic, we go here and there
Collecting as we chatter. That nature and you
Come to some firm agreement that gives Her some peace
Is our most solemn hope. You may find your release
From your perils if you learn the right things to do.
Take a step toward evolving. We think that is fair.

A Bit Wild

Craving Excitement

The rebellion in nature is one with her soul.
She will challenge her offspring so that all may grow
To find balance between freedom and being safe
From the best life can offer. Why act as the waif?
As we meet her half way, blessings she does bestow.
Her most spirited teaching is that we are whole.

Nature cannot be broken and ripped from the wild
To be bridled and burdened without her consent.
We were meant to be with her since from her we are
And unto her we’re given back. We can’t stray far
From the primal connection. Indeed we are meant
To partake of life’s wonder as does every child.

There’s a surplus of wildness throughout the air waves.
My programmed mass consumption and what I digest
I should get from a wilderness closer to home.
Human creatures of venom are not free to roam
Within range of my consciousness where I am best
To remain focused on how real wildness behaves.

The Trail Of The Master

Inner Peace

Take a walk on the good path. Some folks have been there.
They return to it frequently to be at one
With the earth and its cosmos suspended in space.
And this is the best way to put calm in your face.
One’s communing with nature is second to none
A complete remedy for exhaust and despair.

Put some food in your pack and just go for the stroll
Into beckoning nothingness and with no plan.
You will find there is life there you knew not before
Organized and more complex. One cannot ignore
Its immense ecoefficiency. If you can
Take a break from the rat race and make yourself whole.

Forest land has been with us for millions of years
Making home for their species and cleaning our air.
For their maintenance they have relied on no one
Through the eons. Without us, nature is well-run.
Life can tie you in knots, but if you really care
Take The Trail Of The Master. Don’t bow to your fears.

No Assertion, Just Attraction


There’s a spell in the air. Surely I put it there.
It’s my life force exuding throughout the cosmos,
Calling all things to me, be it bird or it bee.
I’ve no need for assertion, as all can agree.
I attract what I need. In no way is it gross.
I’m the kind face of nature, most gentle and fair.

I don’t need to keep busy. I delegate all
To those forces whose business it is to take care
Of the details regarding what I need right now.
I remain still and blossom the way I know how.
With my point of attraction, I’m fully aware
Of all drama around me, though fragile and small.

I am in the receptive mode most of the time.
When I’m not, I’m the giver to that which knows me.
Is there much on my mind? There is not such a thing
As the heel that may crush me before I can sing.
Had I eyes that knew color, how proud they would be.
Through the law of attraction, my life is sublime.