Tag Archive | good

That Was Then, This Is Now

So What?

Rather than talk about how things used to be you
Can speak of what’s becoming. The thing about ‘then’
Is that focusing on it keeps you where you are.
Following such a path will take you very far
From where you’d like to be. Magic can happen when
You decide to begin something totally new.

Maintaining you vibration is absolutely
Your most important work. Feeling good is your goal.
The path of least resistance is manifested
To all things in your whole life that you’ve requested.
Trust that the universe has things under control.
Again, your only job is to live happily.

Try your best not to go where you don’t want to go.
Don’t get hung up on what you did not know before.
What you know now is much different from what you
Knew before. There are so many things you can do
To maintain your alignment so you can get more
Inspiration to complement all that you know.

Yet to take a little trip down memory lane
Can sometimes be uplifting because everything
That you lived validates what you know here and now.
What was then, if it’s troublesome, do not allow
It to mess with the myriad blessings you bring
To the world. Nothing you do is ever in vain.

You Get What You Expect

Perplexed And Annoyed

It’s not hard to stay focused. Law of Attraction
Makes it easy to stay focused on whatever
Vibration is most dominant. If you’ve practiced
Thoughts that don’t feel good then you have probably missed
Out on so many blessings because you never
Saw them coming. It gives you no satisfaction.

Your power is in your now. You’re marching toward
An amazing scenario if you allow
It to happen by choosing thoughts that uplift you.
Because of what you’re giving your attention to
You attract things to you. You should know this by now.
How you feel is something that should not be ignored.

How do you positively affect an outcome?
You keep practicing a positive thought until
It is the thought that comes to you most easily.
In a matter of only minutes you can be
In a state where the kind universe will fulfill
Your wishes as you’re beating the positive drum.

Take the emotional journey. Learn to expect
Good things to happen for you and you will succeed
In the manifestation of what you hold dear.
Get yourself into a positive atmosphere
And to where your creative potential is freed.
This is when positively your world you affect.

A Bedtime Process

Wellness Sleep

Before bedtime you want to get yourself into
A relaxed state. You want to release all the stress
That has been building up throughout your busy day.
Take some time to reflect on how things went your way.
Think of all the things that brought you some happiness.
Doing this before bedtime will benefit you.

Many things have occurred throughout your day so you
May remember things that were not very pleasant
But keep your focus on all the things that went well.
You know that by the way that you feel you can tell
How you’re doing with becoming nonresistant
In preparing yourself for a sleep rendezvous.

While your in bed try to recall some of the most
Uplifting things that happened then isolate one
And ponder it. Milk it for everything it’s got.
This process doesn’t really require a whole lot
Of effort on your part. It’s so easily done
That it’s possible to become fully engrossed.

Say to yourself, “I’m going to sleep now and I
Want to sleep well and wake up refreshed with a new
Wholesome feeling positive point of attraction.”

When you’ve made your intent to your satisfaction
Off to sleep you go. The next day will be for you
One in which throughout most of it you’re flying high.

I Thought I Could

High Locomotion

At this moment I’m right where I’d wanted to be
Since forever and I’ll just keep chugging along
Through a blissful eternity. I’m flying high.
On top of the world I am I cannot deny
And at this point I’m forever singing the song
Of excitement as I live my life happily.

At first it seemed impossible for me to do
But I knew deep inside that I could overcome
Any negative feelings I had about it.
I went with my gut and decided not to quit.
Deep within is where my inspiration comes from.
I rely on it to make my wishes come true.

The only thought that I’ll ever have to practice
Is that if I want it I can have it and I
Can be satisfied in just the wanting of it.
My not having it won’t cause me to throw a fit.
I can be happy without my having to try.
Any thoughts of not having it I can dismiss.

I like knowing that I want it because I know
That what I want is coming therefore I can take
Pleasure in the fact that it will most certainly
Come to be. This alone is delightful to me.
Fortunately by now I’ve come fully awake
To abundance and positive energy flow.

Have Fun With It Or Let It Go

Fun Living

What happens when Source Energy flows to something
Through you? It expands. It becomes interesting.
It gathers more cooperative components.
Momentum then increases. As a consequence
Nothing but fun and whatever makes your heart sing
Happens for you. You know what happiness can bring.

That’s just what happens when you focus intently
In each moment on how you feel knowing that you
Have the freedom to feel any way that you choose.
You think only thoughts that will uplift and amuse
Your adventurous spirit. You know what is true
To your heart which is that you should live happily.

If you’re not having a good time with it then it’s
Evoking effort from you and your energy
Is depleted which prevents you from having fun
Yet Source Energy flows freely to everyone.
In alignment with this energy you must be
In order to receive some of its benefits.

Have Fun With It Or Let It Go. Sometimes it’s best
To shift your attention to something completely
Different from what you’re doing and where you are.
Your state of alignment is never very far
From achieving and it can be done easily.
You’re magnificent when your best self is expressed.

Facing Contrast


How can I think good feeling thoughts when I’m in pain?
If there isn’t an answer then what can I do
To relieve myself of this intense agony?
Is there any hope of my ever breaking free
Of this thing I seem to be putting myself through?
Normalcy of existence I need to regain.

I have to separate the emotion from what
Is being manifested within my body.
If I can postpone my feeling utter despair
For a brief moment I can get to a place where
I can whittle the pain away gradually.
I need something to catapult me from my rut.

I can understand that the manifestation
Of how I feel I can control right here and now.
I can change how I feel no matter how I feel.
I do not have to make of the pain an ordeal.
Anything I can get through if I can allow
The wellbeing to flood my imagination.

I can’t let ‘what is’ be the reason why I feel
The way I do. The reason must be because I
Intended to feel this way. I get to decide
In each moment to feel fine or dissatisfied.
Now I don’t have to keep on asking myself why
I must suffer that which is not the ideal.

Becoming Invincible

Bright Day Ahead

So much has come before you. The world has been here
Long before your arrival preparing for you.
You’re Source energy in a physical body
And your purpose is to live your life happily.
All That Is thanks you for your willingness to chew
On the contrast in this physical atmosphere.

All That Is is what Source is and you are the same
Energy that creates worlds. You’re selfish enough
To want to feel good always. You’re fully aware
Of what feels otherwise and you stay clear of there.
You’re prepared for whenever the going gets tough
Because to you this wonderful life is a game.

You have no idea of how worthy you are
So at times you expect choices to be bigger
And harder to make, find, apply, and to achieve.
In such cases you must try your best to believe
That you’re worthy of better. Don’t let it trigger
A downward momentum because you’ve come too far.

All That Is benefits from all that you go through
On your journey but do it for yourself also.
As you do you’ll feel less vulnerability.
You will feel more invincible naturally.
There is no stopping you due to what you now know.
Take advantage of what has been laid out for you.

A Call To Wellbeing

Present Joy

Lately I’ve decided that I’m a good person
And that I deserve good things to happen to me
Therefore I have decided that I’m going to
Pamper myself as much as I can. When I do
I feel better. My aim is to live happily.
An important part of my life is having fun.

I’ll look for the ease in every situation
And find satisfaction as I go with the flow.
I feel better than ever. Let the good times roll!
Having given up resistance I’ve gained control
Of my point of attraction. I’m glad that I know
Of my awesome power of instant creation.

I’m going to hang out only with people who
Are exciting and fun to be with. I’m going
To look for reasons to feel good right where I am.
What I follow is a very simple program.
I rely on the provident and all-knowing
Universe to assist me in all that I do.

When I feel myself basking in any moment
I will milk it for everything it can offer.
Life is meant to feel good and I have found a way
To stay focused on feeling good throughout each day.
I can feel good no matter what bad may occur
And it’s done easily by my conscious intent.

Just Let Things Be


Of the guilt and shame you may have you can let go
As well as all the negative feelings that you
Have been nursing. Although it will be difficult
When you let go then peace of mind is the result.
In your heart you know that there’s nothing you can do
To prevent what has happened to your tomorrow.

Let the momentum play out and then start anew.
So now how do you make the world a better place?
It’s by your asking for things to be different
Than they are now which means that you cannot lament
What is past. You deserve a bit of divine grace.
Let go of thinking of what you’ve put people through.

Do you focus on what you want or let things be?
You do both in that order. As long as you’re not
Focusing in opposition to your desire
You’re okay. What you want you’re able to acquire.
How you feel about yourself matters quite a lot.
Above all else you must see yourself as worthy.

Every good feeling notion that you have comes from
Deep within you and the universe supports it
Completely. The only thing that you need to do
Is to maintain alignment between you and you.
Of your internal guidance take full benefit
And expect there to be a successful outcome.

Get Used To Wellbeing


Get used to being happy and things working out
For you all the time. Get used to good ideas
Flowing to you. Things are meant to turn out your way.
This magnificent world is a fun place to play.
There’s no reason to be disillusioned because
Wellbeing is of dominance without a doubt.

Get used to excellent timing and clarity.
Know that the universe is always on your side.
Trust no one who must tell you that things aren’t alright.
Stay away from all things made to make you uptight.
You have everything you need to be satisfied.
You can have things just the way you want them to be.

Wellbeing is what’s natural – not what you see
In the news every day. Compared to wellbeing
It’s a drop in the bucket. Don’t tune yourself to
Situations of which you have nothing to do.
You’ve no time for people who are disagreeing.
Do your best to ensure that you live happily.

You have an inner guidance system that tells you
Where you are in terms of your point of attraction
So develop a habit of expectation
Of good things happening. Life is your creation.
Keep your focus only on your satisfaction
With each moment. Be fine with what you can make true.

Don’t Forget Who Gets You

Convergence At Hand

If you let someone know what you want they may ask,
“What the hell makes you think you deserve it?” and you
Find it hard to answer them without going south,
You must be careful of what comes out of your mouth
As you’re not in alignment with that which is true
To your heart. Your resistance may be hard to mask.

Most people offer most of their vibrations in
Response to what they’re observing. It’s a good thing
When what you’re observing feels good but it is not
When it doesn’t. Your vibration matters a lot
So decide to look at things that make your heart sing.
Life can be a contest where you’re destined to win.

You want people to ‘get you’ but why is this so?
It’s because you’ve forgotten who really gets you
Which is your inner being with whom you’re in touch
In each moment. Don’t depend on others so much
For your own calibration. You don’t have to do
Anything to access all that you need to know.

Calibrate to the frequency of the divine
Within you and all others. The power within
You is beyond description but do it for the
Pleasure of it. You can get there naturally.
Everyone may not ‘get you’ but once you begin
Getting your truest self things will work out just fine.

The Secret

Aqueous Abstraction

“How have you been doing? Have you gotten that raise
You’ve been wanting?”
The questions that people ask you

Are of the past and present – not how things could be
So don’t answer unless you can absolutely
Stay connected to your most evolved point of view.
You can answer these questions truthfully always.

Talk about where you’re going when people ask you
How you’re doing. Tell them things are going quite well.
They’re evolving into something you can adore.
Good things are happening more than ever before.
All That Is corresponds to the story you tell
So tell one of the future because it’s brand new.

“Things are expanding magnificently for me.
Everything’s right on schedule. Things are unfolding
As they should.”
Take control of the conversation

Because you’re speaking from a solid foundation.
To the story that you’re telling be beholding.
As you speak be as passionate as you can be.

You’re a lover. You don’t want to be around those
Who are always fact finding. Although they mean well
They keep you where your are and have been. You want to
Talk about where you’re going. It will become true.
Hang around people and places that ring your bell.
Get to know what the most evolved part of you knows.

How To Pray

Consumed In Prayer

You can pray from a place of extreme need or from
Thankfulness. Which way do you think gets more results?
For some, praying is like going to the toilet.
It’s become a mere function that’s used just to get
Satisfaction. But what if your praying insults
That which hears it? You can’t expect a good outcome.

When you pray out of indignation and despair
It sets up a vibration that makes the problem
More severe. You give it more of your attention.
In your praying you’re better off not to mention
Any issues because God knows all about them.
When you speak to divinity do so with care.

Santa Claus was a big thing when you were yet small.
Since then you’ve come to know that it all was a lie
But you still pray as if God comes down the chimney
Once a year with the answers you seek earnestly.
You may pray your behind off yet ask yourself why
God has not taken time to respond to your call.

When you pray from a place of appreciation
You put yourself in a better state to receive
Maybe not what you’re asking for this time around
But relief from your misery will have been found.
A state of alignment isn’t hard to achieve
As you find the object of your adoration.

Prepare To Receive

Fun Sign

You have only two choices in any moment –
To be happy or not. It’s as simple as that.
It’s the manifestation that isn’t perfect
That guides you to improvement. In every aspect
Of your life you find joy at the drop of a hat.
In order to receive you must remain content.

Let it be and emotional choice that you make.
Let it be an energy choice. Let it be, “How
Do I want to feel in my gut?”
Let it take hold

Of your soul. The benefits will be manifold.
Life offers you the contrast but you must allow
The much broader perspective for goodness’ sake.

You have to do something that helps you to chill out
When you find yourself stuck in a bad frame of mind.
Negative trains of thought are by meditation
Gotten rid of. It can clean up your vibration.
Indeed positive distractions of any kind
Cancel out any lingering hints of self-doubt.

This attraction based universe challenges you
To come up with solutions. You must understand
That you need not take action when you’re not aligned
With you true self and what you want. Be more inclined
To tend to your vibration and take full command
Of your presence in everything you choose to do.

Shorten The Time It Takes To Receive

Pointing To Time

If we do create our own reality, then
The question is how do I collapse the time frame
From my thinking it to its manifestation?
By turning impatience to anticipation
I can do that, then life is a wonderful game –
One that I can play over again and again.

I’m frustrated sometimes because it takes too long
Yet the lag time helps me to fill in the details
Of the unfolding drama that I’m creating.
As I focus there I can translate the waiting
Into gratitude. This simple trick rarely fails.
I’ll never get it done so I can’t get it wrong.

How can I Shorten The Time It Takes To Receive
What I want? By improving my ability
To clearly recognize it I’ll shorten the time.
Contemplating what I want I’m in a sublime
State of sheer expectation. It must come to be.
In this process I must have the heart to believe.

What I’ve put into my Vortex of Creation
Would feel good to me right now but I must feel good
To begin with then I’ll have that experience.
Every moment can be filled with utter suspense
When I know that things work out the way that they should.
Being happy always shortens the duration.

Soothing Thoughts

Fresh Thinking

Can I heal myself through my determination
To do so? Can I figure out what to do then
Set a goal and achieve it? These thoughts are upstream
And I know they won’t help me to fulfill my dream
Of a life of simplicity. I don’t know when
I’ve ever been in such a tough situation.

I need thoughts that are downstream. I need to let go
Of a ton of resistance. It stands in the way
Of my becoming the person I’m meant to be.
I must know that there’s nothing the matter with me.
To get into alignment what price must I pay?
It’s that of being willing to go with the flow.

My life has caused me to create it. I know it’s
Waiting for me. I don’t have to worry about
It becoming reality. I don’t have to
Figure it all out right now. All I need to do
Is to keep myself free of any thoughts of doubt
Which means I cannot focus too much on my wits.

It’s natural for things to turn out well for me.
There’s no rush. I’ve got plenty of time to do this.
When I feel like doing it, it always feels good.
When I don’t, then it sucks. It’s now well understood.
All the things that are going well I can’t dismiss.
To think any thought I want I’m perfectly free.

Feel Better Anyway

Reluctant Acceptance

In and of itself, contrast conceptually
Is a good thing although it may not seem so when
It feels like constant struggle while getting nowhere.
Often times it puts you in a state of despair.
Things change into the same things all over again.
Is there any hope of your ever getting free?

Contrast is fantastic. Life is like a buffet
Where there are many kinds of things from which to choose
So you could simply call contrast variety.
The thing that makes it bad is your choosing poorly.
As life happens just take it as really good news
And believe that things are always going your way.

Contrast lets you make choices. You get to decide
How to feel in each moment. You can choose to feel
Good about it whatever it happens to be.
You can experience your contrast happily
By deciding that it’s not that big of a deal.
How you feel you can use as your ultimate guide.

Things get better when you feel better. It’s a fact
So decide to feel better. It’s the only way
To get through what you’re going through confidently.
You evolve to the point where you’re able to see
Only positive aspects regarding your day.
With your higher self always be in good contact.

A Perfect Relationship

Happy Together

What does a lover feel like? How do you feel when
You’re in love? You might say it feels pretty damned good.
It feels like a homecoming and security.
Your heart skips a beat and it does so happily.
Believe that things work out exactly as they should.
You’ve been in love before and your there once again.

Love feels like being appreciated. It feels
Like wellbeing. It feels like a natural high.
Think about how love feels often then you’ll achieve
An attractive vibration so that you’ll receive
Clues and insights. It helps if you focus on why
You desire it. Accept what your true heart reveals.

Be patient. We are all works of art in progress.
When you finally meet someone set boundaries
Right up front and most clearly but in a nice way.
Do communicate nicely but do not betray
Any part of your true self in order to please
The other. Have respect for your own beingness.

You must know when to speak and when to keep quiet –
When to stand up strong and when to give up control
And speak only when words are better than silence.
When you are in love the whole universe makes sense.
Creating with another is good for the soul.
Get prepared for the blessing that hasn’t come yet.

…Like The Air That You Breathe

Happy With Cash

You can think about money as if it were air.
When you inhale and exhale your body receives
All the oxygen it needs and gets rid of waste.
The cells of your body are rarely ever faced
With the lack of what they need. The one who believes
In abundance will find it indeed everywhere.

You can be a vibrational match to what’s in
Your Vortex of Creation by just feeling good.
When the thoughts that you’re thinking bring you much delight
Everything about your life will turn out alright.
As the laws of the universe are understood
Life becomes an exciting game that you can win.

Flashback to when you had a good conversation
With someone about something. The moment you shared
You can use as your reason for feeling good now.
Thinking little thoughts like these helps you to allow
Abundance and wellbeing. Get yourself prepared
For a life filled with wonder and fascination.

Believe that there’s something bigger going on here.
Universal forces keep everything aligned.
Hook up with your good feeling thoughts and you will be
At the center of a pleasant reality.
Take advantage of any good thought you can find.
Keep your focus only upon what you hold dear.

Feel Your Best

Simple Happiness

Find just one simple thing that always makes you smile.
It can be something big or small or in-between
But your focus upon it must bring you delight.
That you can be joyful always only seems right.
Happiness is your own spiritual hygiene.
Every feeling and thought that you have is worthwhile.

Let the good feeling thought resonate within you.
Let it gather momentum. It’s most important
To stay with it and milk it for all that it’s got.
What comes true is what you do think about a lot.
There’s no law in the universe that says you can’t
Feel Your Best. It’s something easy for you to do.

We all have those things in our life experience
That can make us feel better as well as those things
That upset us. Which way to feel would you prefer?
If you want happiness in your life to occur
Then be receptive to the infinite wellsprings
Of wellbeing. The power you have is immense.

“I’ve asked and it’s been given. So won’t it be nice
When I rendezvous with it? I’m really going
To enjoy it and I’m gaining more clarity
About how I can live my life more happily
Ever after. I trust in my inner knowing.
I can count absolutely on its wise advice.”

Your Vibrational Legacy

Supernatural Powers

You may not know that you have a huge legacy –
A vibrational reality. It contains
All that you’ve ever wanted since you were a child
Very young in your wanting when passion was wild.
You can learn how to enter the unseen domains.
It all amounts to finding ways to be happy.

You want to be the deliberate creator
Of your own life experience. Wiser are you
Than you know and you’re most deserving of every
Thing you want no matter what it happens to be.
All that’s needed is a positive point of view.
It’s something that you must learn sooner or later.

Let yourself hope for outrageously wonderful
Things to come into your life. The universe knows
What you want as you want it. Ask it to show you
Just how good you are. You can establish a new
Way of thinking by not thinking things that oppose
What you’re wanting. Stop grabbing the horns by the bull.

Play the game just a little bit differently.
Tell the universe a story it can believe
Which is any that you give your attention to.
Tell the one that brings maximum blessings to you.
Joyfulness is being in the mode to receive.
It’s truly part and parcel of your legacy.

Inner Guidance

Specific Direction

Facing reality only regurgitates
It in essence. There’s plenty of reality
That you want to keep replicated but then there
Are things that only lead to much grief and despair.
If you focus too much on those things then you’ll be
Not your best self. Indeed you’ll be someone who hates.

Your emotions will tell you exactly what you
Need to know in each moment so pay attention
To what they have to say. They’re your guidance system.
If you choose you can gain much benefit from them.
How you feel cannot be beyond comprehension.
You can always be sure that what you feel is true.

When you’re driving on the expressway and you drift
Off the road then the rough pavement will let you know
That you’re getting off track. It’s an indication
Of that fact only. It’s not a condemnation
Of your action. Your emotions exist to show
How far off track you are. Consider them a gift.

If a thought doesn’t feel good then go general.
If it feels entertaining then get specific.
Milk it for all that it has and be satisfied
That the good feelings you get cannot be denied.
They can guide you to feeling rather fantastic.
You should know that your happiness should be normal.

Feel Your Way To Your Dreams


What you want is only a vibration away.
Your Vortex of Creation contains everything
That you’ve ever wished for and you access it by
Feeling good. You know that it’s best not to deny
How you feel. No matter what may be happening
In touch with who you truly are you always stay.

You can get up to speed with who you are right now
And there could be an instant manifestation
Because what you want is already a done deal.
Your work is to pay attention to how you feel.
You’re a master of deliberate creation
When at will you engage your freedom to allow.

You interpret the physical world easily
With your sense organs but you may not be as keen
At interpreting vibration and that’s okay
Because with practice you can improve in this way.
You have no problem keeping your vibration clean
As you learn to be as happy as you can be.

Your Vortex is a feeling place – a confirming
Place of the wholeness of who you are. How you feel
Is the way to experience all that is there.
Take a break from your issues and be more aware
Of your present wellbeing which is very real.
Always know that you can manifest anything.

Let The Universe Take Your Order

Culinary Skill

In a huge well-stocked kitchen The Chef operates
For the purpose of serving all of humankind.
All the good, bad, and ugly is on the menu.
It’s the contrast life offers that we all sift through.
As we choose preferences they become refined
In the mind as a wonderful meal it creates.

Now that you’ve placed your order kick back and relax.
Let the restaurant staff do their work faithfully
By not asking them how much longer it will take.
That would be rude and useless. The peace that you make
With your order will help you out enormously
So let your anticipation reach a climax.

As you’re waiting you can think about how the meal
Will bring to you much pleasure and satisfaction.
It’s absurd to be worried that it may not come.
It’s important then for you to stay away from
Negative thoughts by looking for some distraction
For a while from the thing with which you cannot deal.

If you aren’t selfish enough to care about how
You feel from moment to moment then you can’t tune
To the resources earmarked for you. You must be
Receptive to all the restaurant energy
And your meal will be delivered to you as soon
As you stop the resistance and learn to allow.

Connect To What You Want

Complete Satisfaction

People who have had the most enormous success
In terms of money, fame, and joy are obsessive
In their thinking. They get a lot of pleasure from
Thinking much about what they want. They beat the drum
Of its coming and their success is impressive.
They are focused on what they want and nothing less.

Once you know what you want nothing can cause you to
Waver in your vibrational expectation.
Your knowing is complete because you’ve practiced it
For a long while. The vibration that you transmit
Is the key to your deliberate creation.
This is how you can get good things to come to you.

So take pleasure in molding the thought in your mind.
In so doing you’re aligning the energy
Of your being to what you want and it must come.
Let nothing in this troubled world deter you from
Being the creator that you came here to be.
You can train your thinking to be pleasure inclined.

Feeling good is connection to what you desire.
You have to practice the connection until it
Becomes what is most natural. Focus only
Upon things guaranteed to make you feel happy.
Let nothing about life worry you one damned bit.
Nothing else of you does the universe require.

Deactivate Resistant Thought?

Troubled Boredom

When I ask it is given but at some point I
Must stop asking and start expecting it to come.
In the meantime I know that I have to remain
Receptive to its coming. I can’t entertain
Thoughts of doubt. I must continue beating the drum
Of what I want. I need to talk more about why.

When I ask myself why I want it I become
More and more energized. I could do a rampage
On just why I should have it and be satisfied.
I don’t need the manifestation to provide
Me the feeling of eagerness. I can engage
The Vortex of Creation where all things come from.

A resistant thought I cannot deactivate
Because in my effort to deactivate it
It remains activated. Law of Attraction
Will bring more thoughts like it and I will have begun
An unhealthy momentum that won’t help one bit.
What’s it take to stay in a more positive state?

I can deactivate it by activating
Another thought – any other thought will suffice
As long as it’s more positive. I can believe
In the Law and my ability to receive.
Being happy is not a terribly high price
To pay for a life that is most captivating.

Ask And It Is Answered

Glowing Question

If taking that big leap sounds intimidating
Then don’t take it right now. Get it out of your mind.
Pay more attention to your point of attraction.
Focus on things that bring you deep satisfaction.
Action can wait until you’re properly aligned
With your true self which for you is advocating.

Your Vortex of Creation is a feeling place.
It contains every answer to every question
You’ve been asking since day one. It knows everything
That you want. Your knowing that it’s able to bring
It all to you should keep you the confident one
Even though it exists now beyond time and space.

Negative emotion tells you that you’re nowhere
Near alignment with your true self. It lets you know
That it’s not in agreement with the thought that you
Are now thinking and since how it sees things is true
It’s most wise that you allow it to run the show.
Be receptive to everything it wants to share.

Ask your inner being questions like, “Am I good?
And if so am I worthy of all I desire?
Am I morally bankrupt and good for nothing.”

When you ask each be aware of what you’re feeling.
If it’s not good can you be a truth denier?
Answers to all your questions will be understood.

Tell The World A New Story

Fantasy Land

The story you’ve been telling is one of the past
And the present. It may be one of misery,
Absolute ecstasy, or a mix of the two.
There’s an urge within you to come up with a new
One to tell the world – not one of pure fantasy
But one where you’re able to enjoy the contrast.

Tell your story the way you feel it should be told
Which is as you’d prefer it rather than the way
You’re now telling it because it’s reality.
You can create it the way you want it to be
And the truth of the matter you need not betray.
Your image of your future you want to uphold.

Earnestly practice the power of your own mind
For the better. It can be used to complicate
Your life story with so much negative detail
That the same old same old of your life must prevail
But it can also be used by you to create
Happiness for yourself and for all humankind.

Remember who you truly are and why you’re here.
You’re Source Energy in a physical body
And you’re here to find happiness by sifting through
All the contrast life offers. Nothing can keep you
From creating and living your life happily.
Tell the world about all the things that you hold dear.


Angry And Loud

When you ask, it is given, but you must allow
It to come by being in the receptive mode
And your asking must be from a positive state.
If you operate from a position of hate
Then upon you nothing but dismay is bestowed.
Your Negativity must be dealt with somehow.

Negative emotion is a way of asking
For what you want but what you will get in return
Is the same messed up energy. You become more
Ornery. Everything will be just as before.
Give yourself permission not to be so concerned
With conditions because they don’t mean anything.

You just want to feel good. Who can’t understand that?
Negative emotion is a blessing to you.
It tells you that you’re nowhere near being happy
But from there you can get to where you want to be
By reaching for a better thought. This you can do
No matter the situation or where you’re at.

If you’re stuck in the asking mode get yourself free
By shifting your attention away from the thing
That causes you to forget who you really are.
Your true essence is that of a bright shining star.
Get your mind off of whatever is happening
Long enough to recover your humanity.

Magical Day

Purple Passion

A new day has begun. Once again you’re awake.
You have reemerged back into the physical
From a place of pure spirit. Just lie there a while
And ponder anything that will put a big smile
In your heart. Decide that today is magical.
Bask in comfort as you usher in the daybreak.

Offer thoughts such as, “Today, no matter what I’m
Doing, it’s my dominant intent to feel good.”

Then throughout your day look for exactly those things
That feel good and be eager for what the day brings.
That you want to be happy is well understood
By your spirit who’s known you for such a long time.

There will be moments throughout your day when you feel
Negative emotion. It means only that you
Are focused on something you don’t want but you can
Ask yourself what you do want. It’s easier than
Not asking. The answer from your spirit is true.
Shift your focus to something that’s more ideal.

As you move through your day look for more reasons to
Laugh and have fun. Don’t take things too seriously
Then you’re not likely to notice the lack of things
That you want. Your detachment ultimately brings
It all to you. Pure joy is your reason to be.
May the day be an absolute pleasure for you.

Just Chill Out!

Personal Freedom

There’s so much more to feel good about than to not
And there’s so much more working than not… so much more.
So don’t find things to fret about. Turn off the news
And your phone for a while. You have nothing to lose
But distress and distraction. Take time to ignore
Everything but yourself which is all that you’ve got.

A nice break from your constantly beating the drum
Of the struggle gives you the opportunity
To replenish your energy and clear your mind
Of its clutter. Leave all of your troubles behind
For the moment. Just focus on being happy
And allow the feeling of wellbeing to come.

Feel yourself feeling much better as you release
The resistance and the negative energy.
Feel yourself turning in the proper direction
In the stream of wellbeing through your connection
With your higher self who supports you completely.
This idea alone brings about inner peace.

Just Chill Out! That’s the answer to any issue
That consumes you. You have the freedom to be whole
And wholeheartedly living your life happily.
Pretty soon you’ll get so good at this that you’ll be
One who has mastered the fine art of true control
Which is of how you feel and what motivates you.

Your Highest Vibration

Colorful Vibes

Everything is vibrating at a frequency
Of its own. This includes people, things, and places.
Our emotions and ideas also vibrate
In fact this is the major way people create
Their realities. That which the heart embraces
Puts the soul in a condition of harmony.

Emotions often wobble. It’s hard to maintain
A serene state indefinitely as it were.
This can be overcome by appreciating
What you have going for you. It means everything
To your point of attraction. All that you prefer
Out of life happens for you. So much you can gain.

When you’ve chilled out about what you want to achieve
Then it comes into better view. Learn to massage
Random thoughts into those better feeling places.
You reach a higher vibration by the graces
Of your intent and focus so don’t sabotage
Your control and your ability to receive.

When you’re out of alignment and you offer more
Of your effort your hard work will have been in vain.
Get into the receiving mode where energy,
Stamina, good ideas, and vitality
Really come from. Alignment you want to attain
And look after. Keep after the things you adore.

Know That It’s Done


The one thing that you need to know is that It’s Done
On a vibrational level. You’ve asked for it
And It’s Done. There isn’t anything more to do
But to kick back and let the world cater to you.
Knowing that It’s Done is of extreme benefit
To your spirit. You’re much kinder to everyone.

Your abundance is there as is your clarity
In your creative vortex of pure vibration.
Your stability and your flexibility
Are all there as well as everything that you see
As helpful to your magnificent creation.
You’ve done all your work. Now it’s time to let things be.

Talk about what is done because it feels good to
Talk about it. It’s healthy to get excited
About what’s done already. It happens to be
The way to bring what’s done into reality
That you can have and hold. You can be delighted
In its physical absence. You know that it’s true.

The only reason that you want to talk about
Anything is because it feels good to do so.
Tell the stories that feel good because they feel good.
That It’s Done is now something that’s well understood.
You know more now than just a few verses ago.
Thank yourself for having chosen to check this out.

Daily Mantras


When I ask it is given but I have to be
In the receptive mode before I can partake
Of the blessings God offers. If there’s resistance
In my asking it’s as if I don’t stand a chance
Of receiving. This habit of mine I must break
And I will get rid of it eventually.

I’m perfect the way I am – the way God made me
So I don’t need to seek perfection anywhere
But within me then everything else is just fine.
I cannot lose my connection with the divine
In fact we are quite an inseparable pair
Though there are certain times when we do not agree.

God is never wrong and anytime that I feel
Negative emotion I know that I’m not in
Alignment with God’s version of what I perceive
And since all good comes from God I have to believe
In redemption from having lived a life of sin.
I do not want to make of my life an ordeal.

I feel that I’m not good enough as I recall
My past insane behavior. It causes me pain
To do so. I’d much rather think that I’m okay.
A life of misery is a huge price to pay
For the past. There’s no goal that I need to attain.
What I contribute to life I pray isn’t small.

Look For Things To Appreciate

Picture Perfect

What’s the fastest path to absolute happiness?
Look For Things To Appreciate and when you do
You feel good. It will purify your vibration
And it also leads to the manifestation
Of your dreams. Look for whatever fascinates you.
The world responds to the feelings that you express.

What is going to lead you to happiness that
Is close to where you are that you might recognize?
“What can I use as my excuse to feel a bit
Better as I look at you?”
You can benefit

From your asking these question. The one who is wise
Finds the answers in everything they’re looking at.

Revenge may be the path if you’re feeling despair
And from there into anger and then hopefulness…
Your emotional guidance system can lead you
Up the scale to sheer happiness. All you need do
Is focus on your wellbeing and a lot less
On your troubles and things that you don’t want to share.

Look at this world around you. Its magnificence
Can be quite overwhelming if you let it be
That way for you. Appreciate being aware
Of the things you appreciate. Breathe the fresh air.
Notice birds singing and kids playing happily.
The wellbeing of this world you know is immense.

Your Top Priority


You don’t need to scold yourself into alignment.
If you were bleeding you’d seek immediate care.
When you spirit bleeds you should treat it the same way.
You feel great now and that’s where you’d prefer to stay.
As you’re thinking about where you are now and where
You’re going give your dreams a subtle refinement.

Soothe yourself into alignment by pointing out
To yourself how well you are and how much you’ve got
Going for you. If you do this throughout your day
Everything about it will turn out just the way
You’d prefer. Soothing yourself gets rid of a lot
Of resistance. It also can mitigate doubt.

Do this and within thirty days you will become
Like a magnet to people, events, and places
That excite you. Everywhere you turn you will be
At the center of it and you’ll be completely
Amazed by the sheer magnitude of the graces
Raining down upon you and you’ll know where they’re from.

Be the center, the object, the recipient
Of something that feels really good to you then you
Will equal your point of attraction and you’ll be
Tapped in, turned on, and tuned in to the frequency
Of your higher self. All that you need ever do
Is to feel your way into joy and fulfillment.

Stop Noticing The Lack


What The World Needs Now Is Love. It’s been said before
And again as the struggles of humanity
Justify the conclusion that we are at war
With our own selves. We seem to enjoy taking score
Of the bloodshed, destruction, and insanity.
If there were not a crisis life would be a bore.

A world lacking love is one that cannot exist
In a universe based in the principle of
Absolute wellbeing. Lack is an illusion
Of the mind. It leads to a lot of confusion
About worthiness to give and to receive love.
It’s become something that people want to resist.

Do I mostly feel fearful? Or can I reach for
Something better to focus on? Surely I can.
There’s no doubt that I can feel joy and love despite
All the drama. I don’t need to join in a fight
For some cause. It was never a part of my plan.
I’m excited about all the things I adore.

With just this much attention and conversation
With myself I can get to a much better place.
My vibration shifts and my point of attraction
Is enhanced and I feel complete satisfaction.
I’m odd enough to believe in infinite grace
And the power of my own conscious creation.

Don’t Think Too Much

Wishing And Hoping

Letting go of attachment is like holding on
To detachment. In either case it can’t be done.
Your attention to something you don’t want will stay
Active in your vibration. You must find some way
To suspend you attention. You’re the only one
Who can do this and it’s a conclusion foregone.

There’s no law of attachment. No such thing exists.
There’s the Law of Attraction and that’s the only
One that’s important. You attract by how you feel.
Thinking too much about it is no way to deal
With the issue whatever it happens to be.
Your spirit wants its freedom but your mind resists.

What you want to do is make active the things that
You do want. Know that there’s a big conspiracy.
All nonphysical beings are pulling for you.
Does it matter if this is false or if it’s true?
Just believe it and in a short time you will see
Indications that you cannot shake a stick at.

It’s about your deciding what you want to do
Rather than working so hard on preventing what
You don’t want to do. Your inner being knows where
You are, where you want to be, and how to get there.
It knows how to lead you out of your psychic rut.
Feel your way toward deciding what’s best for you.

The Most Important Thing To Remember

Bright Mind

Concentrate on how you feel. It’s the number one
Thing for you to remember. As you set the tone
Of your point of attraction you get to decide
To feel better. Your emotions are your true guide
To fulfillment. You never are all on your own.
Unseen forces are helping you to get things done.

Set your own tone. It isn’t that difficult for
You to do because you’ve got a nonphysical
Tone occurring. When something in you resonates
With that nonphysical tone, in you it creates
Extreme passion. The things that you dream about shall
Come to be. Set the tone to what you most adore.

Behave differently than you had been before
Out of habit. Let go of the things you were taught
That keep you from deciding to feel wonderful.
There’s every reason for you not to grab the bull
By its odor. You don’t want to ever be caught
Doing that. It will only lead to finding more.

Most people live their lives by default but you now
Know too much. You’ve decided to be decisive
About what feels the best to you. You have complete
Control over that and it’s not such a hard feat.
Be aware of the things that you most often give
Your attention to. Learn to let go and allow.

What You Really Want

Spiritual Abandon

What you really want can come right now or within
A few minutes or certainly with a day.
With your mind you can focus on feeling your best.
When you do so your life feels not like a contest
But an adventure where things always go your way.
A new life of wellbeing you now can begin.

Everything that you want is because you think you
Will feel better by having it but you can feel
Better right now and when you do things will turn out
For the better. Try it if you have any doubt
About what the kind universe wants to reveal
To your consciousness. You can accept this as true.

Stop nitpicking over how the happiness comes.
Just accept that you can find it right here and now.
What does not come to you instantaneously
Will become part of your life if you let it be
A fulfilling adventure. You want to allow
Yourself to march to the beat of positive drums.

Just find some touchstone that always feels good to you
When you think about it. Use it as your excuse
To feel good in this moment. Don’t try to figure
It all out. Focus on what you want to endure.
You have nothing to do but kick back and let loose
With your loving all that is delightful and new.

The Art Of Right Thinking

Bright Brain

When the vibration of a thought gains momentum
It gets bigger and its power is amplified.
Think about a thought that you already believe
Then a magnetic vibration you will achieve.
There’s nothing in the universe that you’re denied.
It is where most creations of genius come from.

Be a thinker. It’s what you do best after all
But use your thought to feel your way into a state
Of alignment with who you know yourself to be.
Thoughts that feel good are the ones that will set you free
Of the struggle that life has caused you to create.
There are many good feelings that you can recall.

Decide whether your tuning to the solution
Or the problem. If you care about how you feel
And if you want the good momentum to increase
Give yourself a break. The resistance you release
Puts you in a position that is most ideal.
The thought process is part of the evolution.

All that effort that you’ve been offering from a
Place of trying to make something right is the cause
Of increasing resistance. Try to relax more.
As you do then the things that you love and adore
Will flood into your life. When you apply the laws
Of the universe then only good comes your way.

May Your Dreams Find You Easily

Pink Journey

You’re the creator of your own reality
Therefore you’re an attractor. Whatever occurs
In your life is because of the way that you feel
In each moment. You want your dreams to become real.
Contemplate only on the things your heart prefers.
You know how to tune yourself vibrationally.

Are you getting what you want? If you answer ‘no’
Or ‘sometimes’ then what you are experiencing
Is a pattern – a history of doubt and lack.
Difficult it becomes to get on the right track.
The way you think about your life means everything.
Feeling your best you know is the right way to go.

Doing things out of habit and unconsciously,
You may get yourself focused on unwanted things.
Getting with your friends and talking about the news
And of other upsetting things means that you choose
The illusion of impending doom. Nothing brings
You right out of alignment than this way to be.

Make the things that you want able to find you more
Easily. Carve out more deliberate pathways.
What influence are you under? It is your own
Inner guidance unto which everything is known
About what makes your heart sing. May all of your days
Satisfy you with all of the things you adore.

Do Only What Feels Best To You

Moment Of Ecstasy

The path of least resistance is the one that feels
The best to you. You receive the impulse to move
In a certain direction. You’re being called to
The unstoppable passion that grows within you.
Knowing well that your worthiness you need not prove,
You’re receptive to what the universe reveals.

There’s not a right or wrong way to do anything.
There’s an easier way and a more difficult
Way of doing something, so the easier way
Favors logic. No one in their right mind would stay
On the hard road knowing what would be the result.
You’re aware of the good your vibration can bring.

We all have our unique ways of getting to where
We want to be so whatever feels best to us
Is the way that’s most righteous. Authenticity
Regarding how it feels to you is the only
Thing to consider. Don’t put yourself through the fuss
Of relating to others who clearly don’t care.

Just feel your way into your alignment – into
Your bliss – into those moments where so many things
Come together to where you feel totally blessed
Because You Are. You know what to you feels the best.
And you have access to the eternal wellsprings
Of abundance. Be happy in all that you do.

Speak Your Desire Into Existence

Amplified Voice

“I would like to have this thing, But… (fill in the blank).”
You believe in the ‘But’ more than you believe in

Your desire. You’ve got a push-pull thing happening
So you find it hard to accomplish anything.
The damned ‘But’ isn’t helpful much to your chagrin.
You have only your disconnected self to thank.

Everyone has a ‘But.’ It screws with momentum
Because your ‘But’ will bring things to a screeching halt.
What feels and looks like magic to you and others
Never happens. The momentum never occurs.
Realize that you are the only one at fault.
Your ‘But’ is where all of your misery comes from.

Face reality, ‘But’ do it in such a way
That you become a better selective sifter
Of the parts of reality you want to face
And the parts about it that you fully embrace
Will become your most valuable uplifter.
Speak only of the things that will brighten your day.

Speak a lot more about what you want and believe
That it’s coming. This gets the momentum to flow
With more power and speed. Your resistance free thought
Is the key to your finding whatever is sought.
Leave your ‘But’ in the closet. No one wants to know
About that. Keep yourself in the mode to receive.

Focus Only On This

Thinking Seriously

You want to be satisfied and eager for more.
You just can’t find a better emotional stance.
When you’re getting ready to be ready to be
Ready, it’s satisfying. Vibrationally
You’re aware that your life isn’t a game of chance.
Readiness is your propensity to explore.

Find a way to feel good anyway even though
Things aren’t perfect. This may be difficult for some
Because manifestation they care more about
Than the journey. That’s why they have lingering doubt
That the thing they want will eventually come.
That your dream will come true is something good to know.

Readiness is determined by the way you feel.
If you’re usually in a lousy mood you
Won’t have good timing and things will not go your way
But if your attitude is bright, happy, and gay
Then the universe rewards your positive view
With the evidence you consider to be real.

You did not come to meditate and be happy
In the absence of what you want. You came here for
The experience of turning your thoughts to things.
Be aware of your vibrational offerings.
That which isn’t your frequency learn to ignore.
Your emotions will indicate where you should be.

Write It Down!

The Scribe

Write It Down and the universe brings it to you.
You create your own reality in this way.
It’s a vibrational universe and things are
Always working out for you. You’re not very far
From receiving. Your writing it down helps you stay
Focused on your desires. This is not something new.

To the degree that you’re compliant, allowing,
Soft, and open you get what you’ve been asking for.
Evidence of things working out for you is clear.
You do your best in a positive atmosphere.
Though the things that upset you are hard to ignore
You must do it or you won’t receive anything.

Get off by yourself. Get in the mode to receive
Inspiration from your inner being about
Things you really like doing. What feels good to you?
Write It Down! Be amazed by what this trick can do
For you focus. Do Not try to figure things out.
Just a good feeling is what you want to achieve.

Let that be the thing that you focus upon for
As long as it takes for the universe to bring
On the manifestations. You want to create
When your spirit is in a high energy state.
If you Write It Down you can receive anything.
Take out pen and paper and begin to explore.

A Powerful Manifestation Tool

Pure Magic

After seventeen seconds your thought has become
A vibrational magnet. Other thoughts like it
Coalesce and gain momentum. After a while
Something will manifest according to your style
Of creating. Thinking is to your benefit
When a place of alignment is where it comes from.

When you slumber thought ceases so in the morning
Before you start to think about things you must do –
Before reading your email and remembering
The injustices of yesterday do one thing:
Simply milk the good feeling. It will help you to
Start your day off correctly. It means everything.

Feel that sense of wellbeing and just sustain it
For a little while. Thoughts of appreciation
Put you in a place where you are most receptive
To the Law of Attraction. It can only give
You what you’re feeling and thinking. You are the one
Who must tweak the vibration you want to transmit.

Gravity doesn’t ‘give’ you attachment to the
Planet earth. It just happens. And in the same way
The Law of Attraction doesn’t ‘give’ wellbeing.
It just happens. This revelation is freeing
To the soul who may be trapped in utter dismay.
Manifesting is one of your reasons to be.

You’re Ready To Receive

Here You Are

Let it be a vibrational exercise first
And then watch the way it begins to manifest.
If you act before tending to your vibration
Then your action is harder. You can get more done
And with ease when your best vibration is expressed.
There’s no reason on earth to be thinking the worst.

You’re always on your path. Everything’s unfolding
As it should. You know you’re always doing just fine.
The universe delivers things to you without
Your having to struggle. Of this you have no doubt.
With the wholeness of you you’re able to align.
There’s nothing that the universe is withholding.

So don’t worry so much about where you are now
Or any given moment. Your on-your-way-ness
To a new something else-ness is felt within you.
Take full ownership of all the good things you do.
Life is good because now you have total access
To your spirit. You don’t even have to know how.

If life is good and getting better what does it
Do to where you are here and now? It is, of course,
Getting better. Your dominant intent always
Is to stay receptive so the better your days
Will become. Do know that you’re a powerful force
And you don’t have to tone it down one tiny bit.

Don’t Chase After Money

Money Chase

In the morning do you go outside and breathe in
All the air that you’ll need for the day because you
Fear that others will suck it away completely?
In a world of continued psychosis you’d be
If that were so and this is especially true
About money. It isn’t the root of all sin.

You breathe in and breathe out. You don’t worry about
Where the next breath will come from. Much in the same way
There is an unlimited amount of money.
There’s enough to where everyone can be happy.
Being happy rather than being in dismay
Makes it happen. There must be no lingering doubt.

At the same time both lack and abundance exist.
Which of these probabilities do you give more
Attention to? Your society teaches you
That in order to be worthy then you must do
Certain things such as hard work and things you deplore.
Any notion of abundance then is dismissed.

If you feel good about money then it will flow
Easily into your life. You don’t have to chase
After it like a rat. Be thankful for what you
Have already. The only thing you need to do
Is keep yourself receptive to infinite grace.
Be open to what the universe has to show.

In Pursuit Of The Pleasant Path

Happy Trail

Care about how you feel enough that you’re willing
To find thoughts that feel good to you. When you feel good
You’re in sync with who you really are. Everything
That you’re looking for comes to you from the wellspring
Of abundance eternal. You are understood
By your maker to be something God fulfilling.

You’re not looking for an answer, a solution,
Or a goal, but a pleasant path is what you seek.
Questions will be unending and motion forward
Is assured. You do not have to work very hard
At maintaining alignment. Your soul is unique
Among billions. You author its evolution.

There’s not such a big gap between where you are and
Where you want to be. The path of least resistance
Is the one most accessible. It’s unfolding
Right in front of you. You don’t have to do a thing
But accept it by giving your spirit the chance
To evolve so that your consciousness may expand.

Use every trick in every book that you can find
To get happy. This is who you were meant to be.
Live your life the way you intended. Be aware
Of your thoughts and feelings. Simply take better care
Of your point of attraction. Vibrationally
You’re at one and with the universe you’re aligned.