Tag Archive | conscious evolution


Expression Of Faith

True humility is a nonjudgmental state
Free from pride, arrogance, vanity, and the need
To be right. Dictionaries define it as low
Self-regard and unworthiness, yet one should know
That form self-deprecation a person is freed
By humility. It’s a most virtuous trait.

Recognition of the limits of the ego
Thinking mind and its inability to know
And to truly experience reality
Will lead one to a genuine humility.
It’s needed in order for the spirit to grow
In the light of acceptance and of letting go.

Through humility and the ever-present choice
Of peace out of love, one can relinquish even
The most cherished of negatives such as hatred,
Spitefulness, and revenge, and replace them instead
With the peace of compassion. One can enter then
A place where one is hearing their own still small voice.

It’s one of the foundations of devotional
Spiritual life. It’s of open mindedness
To the current opportunity to advance
And to know that we all share the same circumstance.
One’s humility is spiritual progress.
One can find it to be something that’s natural.

The Zoo That Needs Keeping

Dark Child's Defeat

Doctor’s Ooze of the dark mind germane to the rule
Of the arid republic need be maintained still.
Hideously the hatred – the drumbeat of heart –
Beats nonsense as if nature. Full-on can it smart
Body Politic already bloodstained by will?
It is known and how well it performs as a fuel.

Continue to continue contingent to clue
Contrary by the nature that hangs everyone
Noose-necked-naked-assed nasty nowhere near the goal.
If each cell has a function, each plays its own role.
Rigorously reviled for past deeds freely done,
Insufficient momentum is not a breakthrough.

The Political Body split down the middle
More than ever, the nonsense knows of its near end,
Never ending the downturn each cycle reveals.
Fortunate is the body who better it feels
After deep self-assessment. Each does comprehend
How one makes one’s own drama a perfect riddle.

Going on like this has its own rigor with ways
To cause all who are human to stop and reflect
On what kind of a test we are willing to take.
Do we fail in the end or become more awake
To surviving while maintaining civil respect?
Who alone can have answers to end the malaise?