Tag Archive | ego

What Conflict Really Is

Eruption Of Tension

What about human nature makes us want to fight
To the bitter end? Why do egos get enflamed
And combative? What’s to become of humankind?
Why are answers and solutions so hard to find?
Our unwillingness to make peace is to be blamed
For conflict. Each one thinks only they can be right.

What we all want is to find our own inner peace.
It exists in each one of us but the ego
Who defends the persona will do anything
In its power to keep you from recognizing
Any civil solution. It wants you to know
That your hold on your position you can’t release.

Our egos spend a lot of time and energy
Avoiding failure. It causes inner conflict.
No room exists for reasonable conclusions.
Those who can’t accept failure indeed are the ones
Most susceptible. No one on earth can predict
Their behavior and that’s not the way it should be.

The elusive solutions become apparent
When the circumstance is looked at objectively
Without inflamed emotions. From the perspective
Of your higher self who knows how you want to live
You have kissed and made up quite emotionally.
Your higher selves have reached a perfect agreement.

Your Ego

Self Awareness

It talks to you constantly and to everyone
You may meet in a language that usually
Conveys physical presence. It feels a great need
To protect itself and this too often can lead
To miscommunication. You cannot agree
On a viable spiritual solution.

It’s a good thing but sometimes it gets in the way
Of spiritual progress. It can however
Be aligned with your spirit. When this happens you
Are fulfilling your purpose in all that you do
Yet sometimes the spirit and ego don’t concur
And it can put a terrible cramp in your day.

From your higher self you receive information
About what to do, where to go, and who to meet.
This in fact is your ego. It’s that part of you
Who knows everything that you’ve paid attention to
Your whole life. It knows what will make you feel complete.
Your ego can be your cause for celebration.

People have been trying to make the ego this
Physical part of you that is trying to learn
Its way back to connection with eternity.
It can be lost easily unfortunately.
Nothing about the ego should be of concern
As you focus on being in a state of bliss.

About Gratitude

Sign Of Life

Accustomed to the pavement and looks of disdain
From each passerby, one must compartmentalize
Feelings of desperation, shame, and hopelessness
From the art of the sale, as the face must express
Sincere need. One must hope people will sympathize
With their circumstance. This is what drives one insane.

Homelessness of the body, like that of the soul
That has lost its connection to reality,
Is a problem that people encounter each day.
People wish that the issue would just go away
But it won’t. It’s a part of our society
That in some basic ways is way out of control.

At some nook on the freeway the human billboard
Holds the message that cannot be well understood.
We don’t want to be interrupted from our own
Many issues. We won’t throw the poor dog a bone.
Trying to stuff the guilt doesn’t do any good
Because we’re not as practiced at being ignored.

Yet there are success stories. There are people who
Have reached out in a big way. Anyone can be
Faced with hard times. People who deal with homelessness
Work for others’ compassion. They are nonetheless
Worthy of being happy. Those who don’t agree
Have some gratitude issues they should attend to.

Guidance In The Moment

Moment Of Inspiration

Is it part of the ego’s agenda to be
Contemplative? There are times when I want to know
Whether or not what I’m doing is wrong or right
In the moment. I’m up for receiving insight
That will help me to decide which way I should go.
I depend on my guidance system completely.

I have an inner being. When I get in touch
With that part of me, I can be sure what to do
In the moment. The inspiration comes to me
Like the touch of a butterfly. Then I can see
From a broader perspective. I savor the view.
These are moments that I can appreciate much.

What’s it actually feel like viscerally
To be in alignment from moment to moment?
As I practice the vibration of being there
I will know what alignment is and I’ll declare
To the universe that it’s my conscious intent
To line up with the person who I’m meant to be.

Readiness to receive those impulses is my
Point of focus. I don’t have to prove anything
So that I can feel worthy. I’ve no one to please.
I want to see the way my inner being sees.
Onto my negative beliefs I need not cling.
My connection with my inner being is why.


Cosmic Net

The ultimate reality underlying
And within all forms, Oneness is undivided
Non-duality. The Supreme Being is an
Infinite field of consciousness. Anyone can
Commune with the divine if properly guided
Through the process. Does your view need modifying?

All of existence is a manifestation
Of the one infinite field. Conscious awareness
Is the very ground or substrate of empty space.
Many spiritual teachings fully embrace
This notion of oneness, and they often express
The importance of mercy, grace, and compassion.

This universe is an appearance within the
Mind of God. This awareness is the very light
And life force within all sentient beings. We are
Manifestations of this insanely bizarre
Physical dimension, and we’re given insight
As it’s asked for from ultimate divinity.

Love for others is love for self, and to forgive
Is to be forgiven. It’s the narcissistic
Ego that veils reality and keeps us trapped
And deluded until we are gracefully tapped
On the shoulder by spirit. Be realistic
In your choosing for yourself the best way to live.


Integrated Beingness

Non-Duality means not two, undivided,
And without a second. One is all; all is one.
It primarily refers to an evolved state
Of consciousness. One no longer cares to relate
To the ego and its thoughts of separation.
By the oneness, the seeker of truth is guided.

It’s the state of awareness experienced by
Advanced spiritual beings who have dissolved
The ego’s dualistic ways of ignorance,
And replaced them with that which will greatly enhance
Accessing this awareness. We all are involved
In conscious evolution. Need one wonder why?

True non-dual awareness has been taught by those
Who’ve experienced this state. Descriptions are found
Within all religions and the spiritual
Traditions. This advanced state of consciousness shall
Remain something of great value. It may astound
One to know that one can know what the mystic knows.

The state itself is One. It’s beyond location,
Time, culture, belief system, form, language, concept,
And any such notion of exclusivity.
Oneness is the true nature of reality.
In alignment with God consciousness one is kept
As one experiences full transformation.


The Physical Senses

Perception is the ability to become
Aware of something through the senses which include
Tasting, touching, smelling, hearing, and seeing. They
Along with the mind itself are fixed in the way
Of experiencing truth. The way life is viewed
Keeps us locked in a perceptual conundrum.

From a single point of observation, there seems
To be a here or there, this or that, now or then,
And a space with dimensions where time elapses,
But it is all the result of brain synapses
That consciousness is prone to again and again
Keep itself occupied in a world of extremes.

How one perceives the world is dependent on one’s
Level of consciousness, which is the result of
Past karmic influences, beliefs, and ego
Dominance. There’s a limit to what one can know
Through the ego mind. One can learn to rise above
Its agenda and all of its misperceptions.

The content of the ego mind is a product
Of perception. No independent existence
Can it have. It and all of its activities,
Including its preoccupation with disease,
Depends on one’s indwelling divine effulgence.
Our perceptions are only a mental construct.


The Part Each Plays

Positionality refers to how social
Position and power shape identities and
Access within society. Dualistic
Mental structures within the ego mind can trick
Itself into believing that it’s in command
By virtue of position and its rationale.

Positionalities include cherished values,
Beliefs, attitudes, and judgments. They are ingrained
During childhood. Reinforced by society,
They become an illusion of reality.
In order to function well, they must be maintained.
One becomes manipulated by social cues.

Positionalities provide all the juice the
Ego needs to maintain its hold and dominance
Of the mind. Race, religion, nationality,
Gender, or how one postures politically
Are examples of position and they enhance
The ego’s own agenda of needing to be.

Phenomena are not either fair or unfair,
Good or bad, right or wrong, or somewhere in-between.
We become judgmental and opinionated
Over things that can’t possibly be related
To enlightenment where the big picture is seen.
Of the ego we can only be more aware.

Spiritual Liberation


Liberation is the act of being freed from
Slavery or oppression or imprisonment.
It occurs when someone is released, rescued, or
One escapes from confinement. It’s an open door
To the freedom to live life to full enjoyment.
It’s amazing what a freed person can become.

Spiritual liberation clearly implies
That within this world one’s consciousness is confused,
Trapped, lost, stuck, and in bondage. The highest purpose
In life is to free ourselves of illusion, thus
One who seeks liberation is likely enthused
About doing whatever will make one more wise.

The concept of liberation sought, known, and taught
By spiritual masters throughout history
Has to do with salvation, redemption, and more
Terms like it. One’s enlightenment is at the core
Of intention. One wants to be totally free
Of the traps in which one always seems to get caught.

Freedom from the bonds of illusion, ignorance,
Separation, and duality is the goal
Of spiritual practice. Unconditional
Love, service, and compassion are the general
Fruits of freedom. The shattered self can be made whole
No matter what happens to be the circumstance.


Unwilling To Hear

Ignorance means lack of knowledge, information,
Education, or awareness. It’s an inborn
Human inheritance. The vast majority
Of folks on the planet are spiritually
Unaware. Revelation is subject to scorn.
It’s the result of dualistic perception.

The mind identifies itself with the body
And thoughts and becomes lost in delusional and
Habitual tendencies. The main affliction
Of the limited mind is its strong addiction
To the ego. It thinks that it’s in full command.
It favors illusion over reality.

The ego is self-cherishing and self-grasping,
And it fights to preserve the vital illusion
Of being a separate individual.
Any thought other than that is irrational.
Lower levels of consciousness breed confusion.
The ego is the main cause of all suffering.

The innocence of pure consciousness, unaware
Of spiritual truth becomes identified
With collective ignorance, misinformation,
And fallacious belief systems, yet anyone
Can let their own inner being serve as their guide.
Ignorance is not something that on ought to share.


Extreme Self-Focus

Narcissists typically are preoccupied
With themselves to excess. They need admiration.
They may seem to be confident, but it’s an act
That’s put on in order to cover up the fact
That they’re unstable and insecure. Creation
Of a powerful image keeps them satisfied.

Narcissism, known as a personality
Disorder, is characterized by excessive
Self-absorption, self-centeredness, and vanity.
There can be a deep hatred for authority.
Lack of empathy means they’re unable to give
True support to another emotionally.

Narcissistic pride is the very foundation
And core of the ego itself. Its animal
Nature is something that all humanity shares.
It’s not unusual to find someone who cares
For humanity and its joyous survival.
Narcissism is its own justification.

Narcissism is typical of the lower
Levels of consciousness. The major illusion
Is that one is separate from all existence.
One can’t silence the ego at its own expense,
But one can mitigate sorrow and confusion
By knowing that it’s all part of human nature.


Grasp Of Hope

The mind is the faculty of human beings
To reason and to think. It includes perception,
Thinking, memory, opinions, consciousness, and
Judgment. It has the potential to understand,
Imagine, recognize, and get many things done.
It is responsible for processing feelings.

In spiritually advanced thought, this thinking
Mind is the ego. It’s in fact called the small mind.
Dualistic in nature, it identifies
Itself as a person. It assumes the disguise
Of a personal construct wherein it will find
Dominance. It’s addicted to what that will bring.

The egoic lower mind is attached to and
Quite infatuated with the thinking process,
Because the delusion of conventional thought
Is its reason for being. It often gets caught
In a psychic dilemma all due to the stress
Of maintaining the false illusion of command.

Spiritual advancement is the consequence
Of undoing the ignorance and dominance
Of the lower ego thinking mind. The process
Is intensified with one’s increased willingness
To evolve and to spiritually advance.
The true mind is the context of one’s existence.



Reality is the quality or the state
Of being actual or true. Reality
Is the totality of all things possessing
Actuality and essence. Its existing
Is reliant on nothing. It happens to be
Not something that the neural processes create.

Yet, our commonsense notion of reality
Is that our outward focused senses give us all
That we need, but smells, sounds, and colors don’t exist
In the outer world actually. In the midst
Of the dream of perception, we don’t hear the small
Voice within giving guidance completely for free.

The nature of reality itself and the
Relationship between the mind, language, culture,
And reality are the two aspects addressed
By philosophy. It’s sentiment is expressed
As an intricate puzzle, oblique and obscure.
So, how can one best understand reality?

The science of consciousness and the role of the
Observer in quantum mechanics is quickly
Catching up with what wise ones of ancient revealed.
All that exists is one conscious energy field
That is totally absent of duality.
Awareness beyond mind is true identity.

Lower Self Versus Higher Self

Grasp Of Hope

The lower self is the ego. It’s the content
Of the mind, It’s the thinker, the judge, the chooser,
The doer, the self, the emotional feeler,
And above all a masterful wheeler dealer.
When things don’t go right it becomes the accuser.
It’s the main source of human struggle and torment.

This lower self is self-grasping, self-cherishing,
And completely identified with image, name,
Thought and form. It’s conventional and dependent
On something greater than itself. Conscious intent
Is focused upon winning the survival game.
The great fear of the ego is its perishing.

Lower self, the ego, the personality
Is dependent upon the much higher being
Called the higher self. It’s the context of the mind –
Not the content. It’s nature is true and refined.
It’s the silent observer who’s overseeing
Everything that the ego is trying to be.

The eye of the higher self is the eye of God
Witnessing the unfolding of the creation
As it’s happening now. It is the omniscient
Awareness of the infinite ever present
That can bring about a total restoration
Of the lower self and its survival façade.


Eternal Being

Spirit is the animating power within
All living creatures. It is one’s vital essence.
One’s spirit is entirely nonphysical
It is made solely of energy, and it shall
Never cease to exist. One can experience
One’s own spirit, but how does the novice begin?

The spirit is the witnessing inner presence
Who observes yet remains silent. This personal
Stream of consciousness is beyond the ego mind,
And this mind beyond ego is easy to find
Through an experience that is transcendental.
One’s belief that it is makes a big difference.

The spirit, soul, or essence is a resident
Of the body and perceives its reality
Through the physical senses which often deny
The nonphysical dimension. One must apply
Spiritual techniques to get progressively
Better at reconnecting by conscious intent.

Perception veils the unseen and nonphysical
Dimension of reality. The spirit blends
And identifies with form which is limited
To the ego’s assessments, yet one can instead
Be aware of what the purest spirit intends.
Know that what spirit wants is more beneficial.


Brain Activity

So, the intellect is the ego’s faculty
Of reasoning and objective understanding.
It is the power of the mind by which one knows,
Comprehends, and assimilates. One may suppose
That it is helpful in consciousness expanding,
And it can be if looked at spiritually.

It is the refinement and sophistication
Of the conceptual dualistic thinking
Mind that can be easily manipulated
To make any position adversely fated
To the consciousness not having a true linking
To reality due to justification.

The intellectual aspect of the ego
Tends to be prideful. It sees itself as the peak
Of all earth’s evolution. It claims credit for
All actions and achievements. It knows nothing more
Than its level of consciousness, and it will seek
Recognition for all that it happens to know.

Beyond the dualistic intellectual
Thinking mind lies the realm of conscious awareness.
Spiritual teachings must be comprehended
And accepted to be fully integrated.
Resistance from the ego becomes a lot less
In the wake of a spiritual rationale.


Semi Deep Thought

Thinking is the process of using one’s mind to
Consider or to reason regarding something.
It’s an autonomous function of the ego,
And it thinks thoughts of happiness or of sorrow
According to beliefs and social programming.
The mind is dualistic in its point of view.

The mind processes its concepts with the notion
Of a subject an object. Thoughts are constructive
When they’re focused and conscious, but usually,
The mind is bombarded pretty much endlessly
With extraneous content. In order to live
With some balance requires specific devotion.

The ego mind loves to judge, consider, presume,
Regard, ponder, and ruminate. The delusion
Of the thinking process stems from one’s believing
That one is one’s ego, but this is deceiving
The true self and can lead to utter confusion.
Thoughts can be of enlightenment or utter doom.

Thinking is seen as the main tool of survival.
Thoughts are seen as precious, personal, and unique.
Realize that the ego mind is in denial
That there are other tools that are much more worthwhile.
Change your mind to the focus of that which you seek,
Which is to celebrate a true self revival.


Expression Of Faith

True humility is a nonjudgmental state
Free from pride, arrogance, vanity, and the need
To be right. Dictionaries define it as low
Self-regard and unworthiness, yet one should know
That form self-deprecation a person is freed
By humility. It’s a most virtuous trait.

Recognition of the limits of the ego
Thinking mind and its inability to know
And to truly experience reality
Will lead one to a genuine humility.
It’s needed in order for the spirit to grow
In the light of acceptance and of letting go.

Through humility and the ever-present choice
Of peace out of love, one can relinquish even
The most cherished of negatives such as hatred,
Spitefulness, and revenge, and replace them instead
With the peace of compassion. One can enter then
A place where one is hearing their own still small voice.

It’s one of the foundations of devotional
Spiritual life. It’s of open mindedness
To the current opportunity to advance
And to know that we all share the same circumstance.
One’s humility is spiritual progress.
One can find it to be something that’s natural.

Grace And Meaning

Carefree Living

The ultimate source of all life and existence
Is what grace is. It’s an essential quality
Of the being called God. Beyond all forms and names,
Grace and God are synonymous, yet our word games
Are confusing at best. What grace happens to be
Is the way to salvation at no one’s expense.

Grace is the unmerited divine assistance
Given to humans for their purification.
To all those seeking truth it is given freely.
It’s the omnipotent gift of love and mercy.
Often times the soul requires regeneration.
It becomes available in this circumstance.

At the heart of faith is the truth that humankind
Is a divine creation not separate from
God, but lost and confused. Ensnared in the grip of
The ego, we become reacquainted with love
Through divine grace. Everyone is in need of some
On occasion because that’s the way we’re designed.

It’s the source of our guidance, of inspiration,
Commitment, dedication, and perseverance.
God is everywhere, meaning grace is everywhere.
It’s the strength that is necessary to take care
Of the issues of egos. It isn’t by chance
That your own salvation has already begun.


Supreme Balance

Divinity is the quality or nature
Of being divine, holy, and sacred. It’s the
Very consciousness of the one true source of all
Life and all of existence. The one that we call
Supreme and eternal is also almighty.
Irrelevant is the use of nomenclature.

All of existence is a divine creation
And unfoldment of the infinite power and
Radiance of God. All that God has created
Is of God. This cannot be more clearly stated.
Our main challenge while we’re here is to understand
That between God and us there’s no separation.

Everything is a manifestation of God
And everything is a divine creation or
Expression at its core. The human ego veils
And obscures this reality through false details
Of a dualistic nature. It won’t go for
What is true. It will try to maintain the façade.

The truth of our divinity needs to be brought
To the light of our awareness. Meditation,
Letting go, prayer, devotion, and study are ways
To perceive God in others. In these ways we praise
In the most meaningful way. One’s liberation
From the ego is by many wise people taught.


Lower Self Awareness

It’s a remnant of humanity’s animal
Nature. The human ego is the thinking mind.
Dualistic in nature, it is a complex
Mental construct. Self-centered, it only respects
What promotes its survival. It can be unkind
To others in the process of being social.

The ego attaches itself to a label
Or to many to reinforce its survival
And its dominance as one’s source of existence.
It is always on the offense or the defense.
It’s too impatient to wait for the arrival
Of intangible guidance. It’s just not able.

The ego is a person’s ordinary state
Of consciousness. It’s naturally self-centered.
All humans operate based upon their ego’s
Level of consciousness. We can learn much from those
Who’ve transcended the ego. Its quest is absurd
And unhealthy. Only illness does it create.

Mental constructs are programmed by society
And past karma. The core of the ego is pride
And narcissism. It’s extremely tenacious
And clever. It cherishes what is audacious.
In the light of enlightenment it cannot hide.
We improve, but we can’t ever be ego free.


Mental Contents

A concept is a name or a label that’s used
To identify objects. It’s an idea
Or a mental picture that is agreed upon
By society. Then its elite echelon
Makes it part of the whole verbal diarrhea.
It’s no wonder there is such a word as ‘confused.’

Concepts are produced by the ego thinking mind
That is limited to its perceptually
Created abstractions, language, labels, and names.
To describe and explain things is one of the aims
Of the ego’s agenda. In reality,
Nothing is close to being the name it’s assigned.

It’s true for all phenomena in existence,
Whether physical objects or intangible
Ideas, like spirit, being, or consciousness.
Yet the ego cannot fully function unless
It creates its abstractions. It can be helpful
If one realizes the ego’s concept sense.

Concepts are important and are necessary
For people to communicate and get along
In a world everchanging. Our understanding
That nothing can be as we describe it will bring
Clarity of consciousness. One cannot go wrong
In accepting the ego as illusory.



Beliefs are what determines one’s experience.
A belief is a certain mental attitude
Of acceptance toward a position without
The full knowledge required to prove beyond all doubt
That it’s true absolutely, and thus it’s valued
As something fundamental. It makes perfect sense.

Beliefs are then conceptual programs that run
Within the human ego, therefore they create
And maintain personalities. Initially,
They’re adopted in childhood and programmed by the
People in our environment. It’s not by fate
That beliefs take on meaning for most everyone.

A belief is entirely conceptual and
Intellectual. The ego mind generates
What it needs to convince itself of what it knows
To be true, therefore it bears the need to oppose
Certain things, and a firm attitude it creates.
Often beyond this mindset one cannot expand.

It’s best to summon up compassion for all those
Dominated by ignorance and limiting
Belief systems and to endeavor to undo
Dualistic programming. One’s own point of view
Can be made to be inclusive of everything.
Consciousness becomes more enlightened as it grows.


Communication Of Ideas

Behavior is the actions and mannerisms
Of the individual in conjunction with
Themselves and others within their environment.
Behavior is the product of conscious intent.
That it cannot be changed is a popular myth
Among people susceptible to social whims.

It includes a person’s conduct, nature, presence,
Attitude and demeanor. They all are shaped by
Psychological traits. The personality
Type varies from person to person. There can be
Manifold motivations. The main reason why
One behaves is a matter of psychic suspense.

Behavior is acceptable depending on
Social norms. Regulated by social control,
Human behavior is studied by the social
Sciences. Their insights are in fact precocial
Birds of wisdom that fly deeply into the soul
Of the psyche from where information is drawn.

The ego mind is a learned and programmed set of
Behaviors. The ultimate spiritual goal
Is to transcend the conditioning by virtue
Of the power within the self that is most true.
Higher levels of consciousness can make one whole.
All of existence is integrated with love.

My Ego


How can I make the dance a little bit better
Between God and my ego? How can I become
More aligned with my wishes vibrationally?
How do I get to know the divine part of me?
I know where my humanity emanates from.
My ego, to the world, is an open letter.

That part of me that is called the ego is my
Receiving divine guidance. I am connected
By default, but at times, there is uncertainty
About where in the scheme of it all I should be.
That’s the part of me that needs to be directed
On its journey. The ego is best to comply.

The all-powerful, all knowing, uplifting source
Of creation is recognized by the ego
Which is this human body. It tends to complain
About life. It is always trying to attain
Something it has already. It just doesn’t know
That it is in the hands of an almighty force.

The ego is a prism. It translates the light
Of divinity into all that I perceive.
The artist is created. The ego, therefore,
Cannot lose its connection. Indeed it is more
Than a physical nuisance. One has to believe
That the ego will see a future that is bright.

You Are Special

No One Else Should Compare

I so want to be special. It’s my biggest dream…
To have everyone point to me and know that I
Am unique and outstanding. It’s an addiction
That I have. But is it something that I should shun?
Such a mindset disturbs me, and I wonder why.
Does it have something to do with my self-esteem?

When I socialize, instead of my enjoying
The experience, I want popularity.
I must be the most likeable one in the crowd.
I like hearing people saying my name out loud.
I’m ecstatic when people find favor with me.
I feel more alive when embraced by that feeling.

How do I let go of the temptation to be
Better than everyone else wherever I am?
What is at the heart of all this? Relationship
With my innermost being. I keep a firm grip
On my soul. It’s not for others to give a damn
How much of my most inner self agrees with me.

I’ll let myself feel what is best. I can adjust
And fine tune this a little. I’m not wrongheaded.
It’s not something that I must ‘get over,’ indeed
When I am feeling special my spirit is freed.
I am ever delighted in what’s just ahead.
There’s no one more than myself who I need to trust.

Dealing With The Ego

Adjusting The Perceptual Mask

In the forest enchanted live many green elves
Who keeps changing their image with each passing wave
And the mask of identity common to all
Doesn’t fit uniformly. Some citizens fall
In a tough category, therefore they behave
As if they have no knowledge of their higher selves.

The green elf is the ego. They are all the same.
All do well when they’re healthy, and self-expression
Makes the world not so boring, but entertaining.
Yet the ego deficient in kindness will bring
Only negative drama. The situation
Of the human condition does not have a name.

Not only humans have egos; nations do too
As well as any group with a common mission.
Every creature in the forest has an ego.
We decide on which colors will be best to show
So that our hopes and dreams will come to fruition.
Logical are the reasons we do what we do.

It does not take possession, as some people fear.
It is not of the spirit but of the body.
The ego is a tool that is used for a while.
Separate from the true self, it can be hostile
But it can’t decide by itself how we’re to be.
We have much to acquaint ourselves with while we’re here.

Only I Can Clog It!

No One Is Above Me

What is wrong with the plumbing? Everywhere I go
I must flush ten times just to get rid of my shit.
Not that morbid obesity could be the cause
Of the strange talent that I have for breaking laws.
I should not have to pay for the crimes I commit.
I’m a stable jenius I will have you all know.

I had to change the plumbing in all the bath rooms
Before me and my kind could live comfortably.
Anything once used by niggers must be thrown out
And replaced with the best things thus leaving no doubt
That the black stain is lifted almost completely.
I’m endowed with an organ that rightly assumes.

What happened to that bust of Lincoln is for me
To know only. I know that It’s worth a good price
And to the highest bidder it swiftly will go.
If it shows up in some country then I won’t know
Anything of its vanishing. I won’t think twice
Before lying about it. That’s how it must be.

Classified Documents are a feast fit for kings.
They go down somewhat easily. Executive
Privilege is my birthright until my demise.
What will happen to me is a word to the wise.
Other creatures just like me continue to live
Among trash roots and to take them under their wings.

The Choice Is Yours

Total Self-Responsibility

Motivated by money, power, and control,
The ego of humanity triggers decay
Of its terminal body. Madness and disease
Are the rhythmic death rattle. The putrid feces
That escape as it dies is enough to convey
That the human condition is less than heart whole.

The system is bankrupt so those now in power
Want to hold on to all that they can and to kill
Off a lot of people so that they can retain
Their control over everything. All is in vain
Because there are those who recognize their free will
To remain oblivious to things that occur.

People fell into too low a conscious level.
The human spirit once enslaved by the ego
Has long left. Narcissistic we’ve grown in mindset.
Savage capitalism is then a big threat.
The body is decaying. The process is slow.
Where in this is there space where the heart can revel?

We are all instruments of a higher power.
Mass psychoses and Kool Aid cults all must take place.
The cycle of existence – creation and fall
And eternal redemption – we go through it all.
We’ve the choice to be zombies or creatures of grace.
Is it so hard to figure out which you prefer?

The Ego

The Personal Clutter Magnet

The ego is nothing other than the focus
Of attention. It’s like a radar on a ship.
It’s a troubleshooter telling what’s in the way.
Don’t identify with it. You’ll welcome dismay,
In that if you indulge it, you may lose your grip,
Thinking that you are better than the rest of us.

Once we cease our identity with the ego,
We become aware of the whole organism.
The corpuscles and creatures constantly at war
Means that we are quite healthy. The process means more
At the much higher level. There is no schism.
Harmony is the master who directs the show.

Zooming Out is a spiritual exercise.
Not only is it wholesome and therapeutic,
It also yields a view that is truthfully clear
All the discord that haunts and that seems so austere
Is as it simply must be. Ego is slapstick
In its clumsy performance in confident guise.

It’s a hard thing to say that this world is ok
When one looks at the chaos amid the control
Of the forces of egos upon so many.
In the long run of time, can we muster any
Sense of heartfelt connection with our deeper soul?
Thoroughly it must be searched for a better way.

Compulsive Thinking Cessation

Tuning The Noise Filter

Thinking is an addiction when it’s ego based.
Resistance to the moment and things as they are
Turn the mind into digital circuitry lost
In destructive anxiety and at great cost
To my sense of wellbeing. I am very far
From the life that I’ve longed for. Has it gone to waste?

There are two types of thinking. The futile is one
Where the mind spins in circles. Problems it creates
As well as certain enemies and grievances.
This dysfunctional state creates circumstances
Marked by fear and regret. Nothing but gloom awaits
When I’m stuck in a mind trip, and it ain’t no fun.

The other kind of thinking, not of the ego,
Comes from someone who’s deeper – the real part of me.
When I access this person in meditation,
Thinking then is constructive. I don’t feel undone.
Real thinking is creative, but positively.
Fruitfulness is the outcome as I get to glow.

Thought can be in the service of something worthwhile.
Universal Intelligence is but the best
To give all my devotion. A friend I can make
With this moment most present for everyone’s sake.
I’m a tool by which infinite love is expressed.
This indeed is much more than a reason to smile.

There Is No Insecurity

Well Worth Repetition

If God so clothed the ladybugs why should I fear
That I might become needy in ways that demean
Self-respect and life purpose? My faith tank is low.
Since Jesus is the boss’s son, shouldn’t I know
He’s also my big brother? Does that sound obscene?
Only that which is positive do I adhere.

He would not have been put to death in India,
Where the people believe we’re all God in disguise.
They would just have accepted him as a wise one.
But the task put upon him would not have been done
Were he not among wilder folk and much less wise
And with perverse attachments to harsh Roman law.

Today knowledge is plentiful as it has been
Throughout all human history. Teachings abound
For the self’s true awakening. Why do I wait?
Is it fear that my ego will not feel so great
Since it’s only a concept and nothing profound?
The chance to think of acting will come once again.

Transformation of myself into unattached
Selflessness is impossible. That is because
I have selfish reasons for wanting to do so.
In the death of the fake self the true one will grow
In accordance with all the spiritual laws.
In a nest of security my soul is hatched.

Consciousness Inside Out

All The Cosmos Within

I am doing this world as, in turn, it does me.
Consciousness therefore flows between both easily
If I can but remember this always is true
Even though I’m brought up with a different view –
One whose mental distortions make it hard to see
That I am everything that the cosmos must be.

Every outside there is has as well an inside.
They are different yet they go with each other.
There’s a secret between them: To seek out new ways
To discover their sameness so that both will raise
Ever higher their consciousness and empower
Each the other with respect and mutual pride.

Consciousness is of two types. One is the spotlight
That stays focused on one thing at one time only.
The other is the floodlight. It is more aware
Of the general picture, and it will take care
Of what’s in the background automatically
In support of the spotlight who wants to shine bright.

My behavior and how I feel differs not from
That of this world in total. It and I are one
And the same. This is true for all inside out pairs.
That of me which is floodlight is the one who cares
About all that exists and can do harm to none.
Infinitely profound is the beat of my drum.

Loving Kindness

A Last Glimmer Of Hope

Is there one supreme consciousness who knows all things
And lives throughout eternity in a fine place
Among worshiping angels and folks who were good
While engaging their brief duty of humanhood
On one odd speck of stardust deficient of grace?
That sounds God awful human as e’er the dick swings.

Consciousness is at issue. What atheists know
Or don’t know is precisely defined with logic
That would rival most Vulcans. Their minds are focused
On the tangible evidence. Science they trust
Over mere intuition, thinking it’s a trick
To distort their reality and cause them woe.

That’s why faith is a mystery. Others include
Life and death and the changing of blood into wine.
No one knows what will happen for sure when we die.
Anything conjured up then is worth a good try
As a viable framework with which to align.
The ego wants its virtuousness to exude.

Cultivation of virtue just makes common sense,
But it’s hard to attain such and stay there for long
Due to traits that aren’t virtuous, but that’s ok.
Cultivating Presence is the natural way
To disburse Loving Kindness. Not much can go wrong.
Communion with oneself is most proper defense.

The Biggest Joke Of All

The Illusory Duo

Jokes I play on myself are imaginative.
If it weren’t for my trick self, I’d have none at all.
Some say I should get rid of it, But I cannot,
Because it thinks like I do. I’m all that it’s got.
Mostly it takes the big roles. I’m left with the small.
I ask myself if this is the right way to live.

But, alas, it can’t answer. It thinks everything
Is an intricate puzzle it only can solve.
When it can’t, it’s frustrated, as if it exists
As a viable entity. On it persists
In its ‘it-centric’ world where all things must revolve.
Onto some sense of purpose this person must cling.

So, there’s no getting rid of this subsequent dude
Come about like a tattoo etched over decades
Of abuse of his surface – a time tapestry
Of eternal becoming. The ink runs through me
But shows up not through thick skin. Freely it pervades
And presents as my ego. As such, I am screwed.

I end up doing nothing and leaving it to
That which is ever conscious and omni aware.
I can’t grasp nor rid myself of all I become.
I alone cannot get it. The getting comes from
Consciousness Universal which is everywhere.
There’s no need to get anything but a damned clue.

Do I Really Exist?

Questioning Consciousness

Can I transform myself? Can I make myself sane…
Or more loving or unselfish? Is that my wish?
It would seem necessary to be these fine ways
If I am to be nurtured by other folks’ praise.
When I feel I can’t do it, I’m rather sluggish
In pursuit of direction, so I act in vain.

So much says I can’t do it, but I say I can.
Gravity is an odd consequence of time/space.
This aspect makes it seem alien of nature
But indeed how can that be? Earth can but assure
That itself and I are one. I fully embrace
What this is that I’m part of as one humbled man.

Within time and space equal, all that I can do
Can’t be done because I don’t exist in that way –
An ego-separated personality.
An idea based on a fake feeling of me
Is what passes for presence each and every day.
Putting things right is futile in absence of clue.

Things exist that I can and cannot do. That’s fine.
I would pay due respect, here, knowing I’ve no choice.
All that goes on of itself is all part of me…
Which includes all of this earth most naturally.
It and I are a mutually passive voice
With no message specific. Such Being Is Mine.

The Process Of Awakening

The Emergence Of Consciousness

Falling back into old patterns is not to err,
For it’s part of The Process Of Awakening
To awareness transcendent and truly sublime.
I’m aware of the negative things of this time,
But to see far beyond it I’d do anything.
Sometimes processes take time. I’ll find it to spare.

It can come on spontaneously like a blast –
A volcanic eruption from pressure intense –
Or a gradual sputter, infrequent yet sure
As it burns away ego which does but obscure
The bright light of the true self – the one that makes sense
No matter what is happening in life’s contrast.

There are two views divergent. One is: Do Nothing.
Natural is the process awareness fulfills

At its own pace without interfering at all.
The other is: Do Something, but answer the call
With spiritual action, the kind that instills
Faithfulness through the process. Much good this will bring.

Therein lies the best setpoint. The blend of the two
Means that life force within me propels my intent
To engage in spiritual practices that
Are quite easy to do once I know the format.
Such hard work is a pleasure and is time well spent.
What has been and is happening has much value.


The Right Of Free Will

I don’t know where my hiccup decisions come from.
They’re like guttural spasms. The choking of air
Is the constant anxiety. Thinking things through
Only adds more confusion. Whatever I do,
Worrying about worrying while in despair
Is a blend of psychosis that renders me numb.

In my mind there’s a feedback loop endlessly closed.
Thoughts that speed as if race cars are always the same.
Did I take enough time to consider every
Possible thing I should have and confidently?
In a dither of doubt no relief can I claim.
Choices are not decisions. My truth is exposed.

There are infinite data – too much to take in
For any given situation that occurs.
Deciding on an issue by using the mind
May result in catastrophe for my behind.
Doing just as I please is what this self prefers.
Can there be a solution that won’t mete my sin?

Mystical states of consciousness can be achieved
Where there is a natural lightness of feeling
Difficulty is effortless. Life is a breeze.
I’m not at that place yet, but I feel more at ease.
I’m a cloud not misshapen… a God awful thing
That is badly designed. In that, I am relieved.

The awareness state I’m conditioned to resist.
The repugnant sensation of discord creates
Sensory basis for the ego to appear
To convince me that no state is better than fear.
We are not helpless creatures consumed by our fates.
Intuition is something that can’t be dismissed.

The Real Me

At The Brink Of Awakening

The performance of someone who seems to be me
Is audaciously tricky that it would attempt
To tempt me with the promise of full possession
Of what I have already, yet it has but none
Of the pure essence of me. The ego unkempt
On a world of stage acting has such need to be.

Its craving for acceptance renders it unseen.
If it lets down its armor this may not be true.
Ancient is the fine art that the ego knows well.
Its sole purpose for existing is to compel
Itself and perceived others to perform on cue.
If they don’t then the actor can be rather mean.

What it manifests matters but not a whole lot.
It may take reaching great heights to then realize
That it finds no contentment. So does it matter
That all hopes, dreams, and wishes surely must occur?
Both viewers and projectors are what are the eyes
Running a second story with another plot.

The Great Powerful Wizard Of Oz needs a rest,
As its body and mind grow weary of the act
That it thinks it must maintain to make a big name
Of itself on some world stage. It is not the same
As the one who is nameless. Staying in contact
With that one ensures me that my acting is blessed.

Selflessly Selfish?

Balance Between Self And Others

Deadly sins are perhaps more than one hand can hold.
They could simply be seen as the process of growth
Of the healthy young ego into an adult.
If the challenge is too much often the result
Is arrested development and evil both.
Most hold on to their false selves until they are old.

Somewhere in early childhood the ego is born.
Behaviors that are noticed include jealousy,
Envy, greed, and self-interest in a big way.
They learn to become hurtful by things that they say
In response to feelings of inadequacy.
To be sharp and offensive the ego is sworn.

There are times we hurt others but unconsciously
By fulfilling one’s own needs instead of those whose
Expectations manipulate others’ free will.
To withhold one’s true inner needs just to fulfill
Selfish wishes of others is to put the screws
On the spirit’s development definitely!

But to do but for others means not to deny
Deeper needs within true self, for included there
Is the need to help others because it feels good…
 Never from a constructed image of falsehood.
Evolving past adulthood, the need is to care
For the whole human race with no thought about why.

Moments Before Death

Apex Of Transition

The release of the struggle is all I live for.
Anything else is trivial if I so choose
To believe in no meaning in all existence.
All I do here is try to make some human sense
Of the whole damned experience. I pay my dues
To the denseness of this earth and long for but more.

It will come in its own time, and I know not when.
But when dark death approaches, I will be prepared.
Knowing just what might happen, I anticipate
Party time with the spirits. The mind can create
The illusion of afterlife, and what is shared
Is a scrutinous story heard over again.

It’s a humbling experience being around
Those approaching transition. Their final moments
Are spent with their focused eyes in one direction.
Looking up before liftoff, new life has begun.
The eyes follow the soul, and the last of events
To occur is a feeling of comfort profound.

When the dying look past me I know what is near.
Ego death is the only death that can occur.
It is also the only thing that can be born.
Should it be of my nature to grieve or to morn
That which gets itself from me? Do Not call it sir
For It’s but an illusion that knows only fear.

Ego Death

Melting The Mortal Idea

Predetermined is the exact moment of death.
I can’t leave this earth one single moment before
Nor an instant beyond the time I’m allotted.
What is not set how that I will end up dead.
I must know my surrender is the open door
Through which ego is deprived of its dying breath.

That which I know as myself and separate from
All else that must exist must be nonexistent.
It is only then that knowingness can come through.
To give up my person is a hard thing to do.
I survive by the providence of blind consent
Of forces of divinity. I must succumb.

My persona is not the essence and the source
Of affirmative consciousness given as me.
Rather it’s a well-constructed survival tool.
It behaves well mostly, but it can act the fool –
Something my true self tolerates to some degree,
For it knows not of judgment or will to enforce.

Ego death is the only death that can occur
Since the true self is selfless in every respect.
When it dies, the ego’s agony is but brief.
What is left after grieving is profound relief
From the weight of existence – the need to protect
My assumed personality and saboteur.

The Shadow System

Acts Of Invisibility

Ego knows not the shadow. It’s only in dreams
That it may become possible for them to meet.
The shadow is the blind spot that ego can’t see.
Consciousness of darkness is repressed completely.
Psychic mechanisms are difficult to cheat.
Living with someone unknown is just as it seems.

It is called the unconscious. Much trauma lives there
From experiences that come on with a shock
To the nerves of the system. It shapes the posture
Of the general attitude and the nature
Of one’s personal history. Every hard knock
Is absorbed by the shadow so grossly aware.

In the dream state, the shadow can make itself known
Through symbols or through imagery. Symbols can be
Easily deciphered. But the images are
Linked directly to myth which is broader by far.
All the experiences of humanity
Form a grand pool of consciousness science has shown.

The collective unconscious contains the spectrum
Of all human behavior throughout history.
It is through myth and archetypes truth is revealed
In the hope that the hurt of the psyche is healed.
We cannot well interpret what we cannot see.
But we now have clues as to where darkness comes from.

Changing Conditioned Behavior

The Dance of Thought and Emotion

Momentum and inertia are always at play.
Streams of energy sluggish flow with those of speed
Deep within and throughout me. Why can’t I let go
Of behaviors unwanted so that I can grow?
Gravity of life cripples my will to succeed.
Is an answer forthcoming? Please show me the way.

My own habits deep seated over many years
Coalesce into patterns that build the ego.
So to change them quickly is not easy to do.
I need proper guidance so that I may get through
The resistance I’ve crafted. What I need to know
Doesn’t move me sufficiently due to my fears.

The content caterpillar resistant to change
Wants to stay firmly earthbound, but nature rebels.
The destruction of old ways must be absolute
So the tree of becoming can bear fresher fruit.
When a true crisis happens, it truly compels
Abrupt emergent action. Why isn’t this strange?

The ego fears its own death and wants to hang on.
Knowing not that it cannot completely dissolve,
It may generate panic and drama to stay
In a bad situation deluged in dismay.
Not by force but by wisdom I then shall evolve
Though antics of the ego will never be gone.

Notice The Little Things

Where Detail Becomes Major

When at one with The Moment, the little things are
Full of infinite wonder and simple delight.
Having blissful awareness, like that of a child,
Is the cure for adult life where I’m reconciled
With who I truly am versus who I’m not quite.
The Conditional Mind is a fake self bizarre.

To who I am, I believe there is so much more
Than the self-talking person who, through mental means,
Has come into existence for fake dialog
With my sense of awareness. The ego thick fog
Can be burnt away quickly through simple routines
That will help one to do so. Youth they can restore.

If I am immersed in the self-talk in my head,
Then I can’t feel the subtle things, like a cool breeze
On the cheek on a warm day, or spring in the air.
In the mind there’s no life because no one is there.
To honor and appreciate all that one sees
From a space of awareness is better instead.

A shifting in consciousness can happen right now.
Any time that is Present is eternity.
Separate is the self-talk from pure awareness,
Which, through practice, becomes easier to access.
“Step Away From the Chatter!” Who says that to me
But a voice more alternative if I allow?

Beyond Ego


It is known that the ego does things the hard way.
It has not much concern for the way that it acts.
It is good at one-upmanship. That is its goal.
It can’t know what it’s doing. It has not a soul.
It may be quite adept, though, at verbal attacks.
And when it can put others down, that makes its day.

It’s a very sad way to live. I know for sure.
Satisfaction is bittersweet in effort strong.
It is like an addiction to struggle… For what?
…Some grand sliver of spotlight? But what of my gut?
It will get me believing that I can’t do wrong.
It’s a symptom, perhaps, that I am insecure.

I should maintain some distance between it and me.
After all, it is not me nor can life revolve
Around it. Clearly, it is a survival tool.
If I learn how to use it, I’ll not be the fool.
So the ego can be my own puzzle to solve.
Maybe life can be blissful most naturally.