Tag Archive | conscious

Your Main Mantra

Relaxation Therapy

Every guru is governed by one simple phrase
Of their choosing. The words have specific intent.
Usually it’s used to keep oneself aligned
With one’s purpose. Most gurus just want to be kind
And of service. They’re experts at being content.
No matter what’s occurring they’re happy always.

Watch for the next opportunity and the next…
And the next to be happy. Your mantra should be,
“I’m to live happily ever after.” Make it
Your Main Mantra and use it to your benefit.
Your only work in life is to live happily.
Do what the best part of you sincerely expects.

The eternal symbol is what you’re reaching for.
You don’t need to accomplish some world changing feat
To be happy. Your recognition of success
Is in how many lives in this world you can bless
With your positive presence. Be willing to greet
Everyone with the love that is everyone’s core.

When you’re in that conscious intertwining with who
You are truly you are love, the world is a place
Of much beauty and wonder, and life is a breeze.
You can navigate any circumstance with ease.
The whole universe of which you are you embrace.
The power of happiness resides within you.

Trust The Process

Quality Quest

There’s nothing that exists in your wanting that you
Cannot fully manifest. Law of Attraction
Says that if you can dream it it can become true.
Lining up with it is all that you need to do
And you do it by reaching for satisfaction
And by maintaining a positive point of view.

Everything in this universe is vibration.
Once you begin to understand this you begin
To think and feel deliberately. You believe
That all that your senses are able to perceive
Is more tangible therefore you have less faith in
The vibrational form of manifestation.

You’re a vibrational being and you attract
By your focus so you must be fully aware
Of what you’re doing. Most folks create by default.
Usually it results in psychic assault.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
Don’t allow things to happen just so you’ll react.

You have an inner being – your spirit… your soul.
The expanded part of you is Source energy.
It’s your true essence. Trust that it knows everything
About you and believe that to you it can bring
Anything you can dream of immediately.
Hooking up with it is the way to become whole.

The Instrument To Heal Is The Soul

Relaxing By The Water

The soul is the instrument that needs to be healed.
But what is the soul? Let us walk up to the door
Of the soul and knock gently. Who answers may be
One of wisdom or ignorance. If you can see
Past your sorrows you’re able to tolerate more
Of life’s contrast wherein your power is revealed.

Think of someone you truly hate and can’t forgive
For the harm they have done you. Now what if they said,
“What a bummer. I’m sorry. I never meant to
Do you harm. Let’s just call it a day.”?
How would you

Feel about it? Would negative thoughts fill your head
And your heart? Can this be the way you’d want to live?

Now let’s change the story a bit. What if this one
That you hate so much came up to you and said, “I
Really screwed up and I did it all consciously.
I knew that it would hurt you. That didn’t stop me
From behaving improperly. I don’t know why
I committed this act. I hate what I have done.”?

Each scenario knocks on the door to the soul.
But which one does the healing? And which causes pain
To resurface. Both victim and victimizer
Can experience healing. Which is the wiser
Choice to make? Which way can net spiritual gain?
In each moment you can play the enlightened role.


Volatile Energy

A manifestation can be a creation,
Expression, or the materialization
Of something. Turning thought into reality
Can be called manifesting. What can come to be
That has not yet is too a realization
In the mind, which is where creation is begun.

Manifestation and attraction are slightly
Different, in that instead of bringing what you
Desire, you attract what you are. By aligning
With your true inner being, you are designing
With intention and a positive point of view.
Raise your level of consciousness and energy.

Manifestation is always happening, but
Conscious manifesting is an advanced practice.
We unintentionally manifest all day.
The mind is constantly overthinking its way
Into relative sameness. To overcome this
Is a challenge that most folks can handle somewhat.

Shift your dominating thought patterns to support
The reality you want to create whether
You are currently living it or you are not.
Once you know what you’re aiming for give it a shot.
Realize that we’re all in this work together
With divine forces. In this we can take comfort.



The true basis for sentience is each living soul.
It’s one’s immortal essence, one’s inner being,
Or one’s eternal point of light or consciousness.
Transcendental it is as it doesn’t possess
Any physical substance. It’s overseeing
Everything that one goes through as that is its role.

The soul is the most sacred part of a person.
It’s the capacity to experience life.
It’s the very source of the conscious energy
Animating and activating the body
And the mind. It’s immune to the consistent strife
Of humanity even though it may worsen.

One inhabits the physical body, but one
Is not the body. One is the essence within.
One gets lost in outward identification
With the body and ego, and when this is done,
All kinds of unexpected issues will begin
To frustrate one’s life and cause utter confusion.

Consciousness doesn’t depend on the physical
But vice versa. It exists independently
Of the physical. We are all spiritual
Beings in bodies doing what’s most natural
To our best understanding. Eventually,
We become well acquainted with this rationale.


Divine Creation

Omnipotent means almighty or infinite
Power. Omnipotence is an immutable
Attribute of the single source of everything
In existence. It is an all-encompassing
Conscious field of vibration supremely able
To create anything that it damned well sees fit.

The infinite mind of the supreme that is the
Empty ground and the substrate of all that exists
Is the one ultimate potentiality
That does manifest into actuality.
Everything in the universe therefore consists
Of the essence of absolute divinity.

Consciousness is the radiance of divine light,
Omnipotent reality, the absolute
Irreducible source of all that’s come to be.
The supreme divine presence is eternally
Omnipotent. Any spiritual pursuit
Will include devotion to receiving insight.

Consciousness is beyond form. As the consequence
Of intention, the universe is manifest.
Everything’s an expression of divinity
Or it wouldn’t even have the capacity
To exist. One’s divinity can be accessed
Easily and without any major expense.

At The Heart Of Attraction

Royal Flush

Most people who are thinking in terms of money
Are approaching it more from the subject of lack
Than from just allowing the dollars to flow in.
They wind up wishing forever for their big win.
If you feel that you put out more than you get back,
Then it may be that you’re off vibrationally.

You don’t rise in the morning and breathe all the air
That you’ll need for the whole day before others can
Suck it up. You breathe in and breathe out as you need.
When it comes to your breathing, there’s no need for greed.
You don’t worry at all if someone has more than
They deserve. So, how to money does this compare?

Through our programming, we’ve learned to believe that we
Are not worthy enough to receive anything
Without hard work and struggle. We must justify
Every bit of good luck that happens to come by,
And we’re promised rewards for our hard suffering,
But this universe operates differently.

If you consciously focus upon the value
Of the dollars you do hold, then you’ll receive more.
Feeling good about the money you’ve got going
Is the best way that is known to keep it flowing.
The main difference between the rich and the poor
Is the feeling about all that money can do.

A Joyful Intertwining


Since I’m here to live happily ever after,
I watch out for the next opportunity and
The next one, and the next, to feel the best I can.
That is basically all there is to my plan.
I embrace my heart firmly that it may expand
With the universe. This is what I’d most prefer.

I’m not here to accomplish things. The only goal
That I’m reaching for is the eternal symbol
Or recognition of success which is pure bliss.
I know it doesn’t get any better than this
And that I have become an astute and nimble
Sifter of my reality and of my soul.

I want the intertwining of myself with who
I am truly. This accomplishment will suffice.
A joyful rendezvousing of myself and me
I witness. It’s not hard at all for me to see
Many things about my life that are truly nice.
Every moment of my life becomes fresh and new.

That part of me who is pure love is consciously
Sending me bright impulses and inspiration
To keep me on the right track. Don’t sweat the small stuff,
And it’s all small. My intention is quite enough
To keep me focused in a state of elation.
I am thankful for being alive and carefree.

That Was Then

Sad Story Retired

All my manifestations keep going somewhere
Other than where I want them to, which is with me.
I’ve had this conversation with myself before,
And my thinking about it does not give me more
Of an edge on fulfillment. I need to break free
Of the prison created by my lack of care.

That Was Then. This Is Now. I know how to relieve
Myself of the resistance. By my maintaining
My vibration, I can manifest easily.
I am fully in touch with who I’m meant to be.
I know now that there is no use in complaining.
I am responsible for all that I receive.

The path of least resistance is being carefree.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Something to manifest is in itself worthwhile,
But my appreciation goes the extra mile.
To the mission of happiness I am avowed.
I know now what the past has provided for me.

Then, I didn’t know what I know now, and what I
Know now is different from the grief I once knew.
I can better feel the path of least resistance.
Within each moment there exists the perfect chance
To be blissful. To my own self I must be true.
All the laws of the universe here do apply.

Things Fall Into Place

Universal Forces At Work

All the time manifestations happen to you.
Whether it’s a relationship, money, or things,
Like a new car or bigger house, you are aware
Of the feeling of wanting it. You must take care
That your feelings are positive. How you feel brings
Things to you much more quickly than all that you do.

The word manifestation in the truest sense
Is this moment in time. It is the junction where
The focus of you and of who you really are
Is converging. It means you are not very far
From receiving. About your feelings you must care.
Against negative feelings be on the defense.

Every detail of your life is manifested.
The alarm clock, the person behind the counter,
And the place where you live are manifestations.
Those that are driven by passion are the best ones.
You can always find a thought that you would prefer.
In your own wellbeing you must be invested.

Your emotional response to your heart’s desire
Guides you to it… or from it. You are in control
Of your own guidance system. You can’t separate
The manifestation from the feeling. Your state
Of alignment with yourself is the only goal.
From this present moment, the next is made higher.

Manifest In Record Time?

Immediate Harvest

If time is of importance then let it be known
That right now is eternal. It always will be
The right time for you to manifest anything.
You are now able to tap into your wellspring
Of abundance. Your fortune is now completely
Ready. All of the dreams that you’ve planted have grown.

The main part of you is in spirit, but the part
That is here in your body deciphers contrast.
In this time space reality your physical
perspective is unique. Law of Attraction shall
Help you sort through the contrast. What you have amassed
Includes everything that is dearest to your heart.

Be forward feeling rather than current looking.
You will bridge the gap between you and your desire
Faster by paying attention to how you feel.
Your current situation is not the ideal,
But you can find something that sets your heart on fire
In this moment. It is a natural blessing.

You will find that there’s no difference between what
You’ve asked for and what has manifested. Quickly
Bring about a good feeling. There is leverage
In alignment. The more that you choose to engage
In maintaining contentment, the more you will see
Good things happen. This method is surely clear cut.

It May Stretch Your Skull

Mind Bending Transformation

There may come a point where your will is exhausted.
Too much information about anything brings
With it massive confusion. The energy drain
On the psyche may lead to becoming insane.
It’s as if this whole universe made up of things
Is a rat’s nest imagined by the hateful dead.

Have you tried everything to make something work out
But it won’t? Do you want to achieve perfection
At your art? Of itself something has to happen.
Inspiration or grace it’s called. It occurs when
Your ego is focused in the right direction.
Otherwise you continue to wallow in doubt.

Integration means that the two aspects of you –
The conscious and unconscious – the ego and the
Power the natural organism commands
Become one in intent. Consciousness then expands.
Clarity of your purpose can come instantly
As you do the things that you are guided to do.

How to let it all happen as you let the sun
Give off heat is the issue. There always will be
Contradiction between you and you, but the way
To better understanding the forces at play
Is to let go of negative thought completely.
To some problems there may not be a solution.

That Was Then…

The Past Is Of No Use

Once my manifestations always seemed to go
Somewhere else and my life was an absolute mess
Of revenge and frustration. I know well by now
How to shift my mood consciously and to allow
Natural goodness to which I have full access.
Did I need pain and sorrow in order to grow?

Maintaining my vibration is certainly key
To my forward momentum. I cannot afford
The wasting of my life force on feeling depressed.
It’s my decision only if I am obsessed
With the negative aspects which should be ignored.
I must entertain only thoughts that will please me.

The work is finding the path of least resistance.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Wonderful things to happen, it’s easy for me
To feel appreciation. I am completely
In relationship with life, and I am endowed
With a spirit that masters any circumstance.

I need not defend or justify to others
Who’ve decided that I don’t deserve happiness.
It erodes my vibration. That was in the past.
Day by day I am learning to live the contrast
Provided for my growing. I suffer much less
And I’m more willing to do what my heart prefers.

Many Times Through The Day

That Was Then, This Is Now

“That Was Then; This Is Now!” I should state this all day.
What enters my awareness only I allow,
But collective vibrations seep in from all sides.
I can trust what I get through spiritual guides
Is of infinite value available Now.
I can manifest good news always in this way.

Memory lane is fettered with all that has been.
A trip down there too often defeats the purpose
Which is to readjust to a new behavior.
I at times find I’m stuck there looking for the cure
To the current psychosis and eternal fuss
And record the abominable once again.

“That Was Then; This Is Now!” There’s no other moment
More important than this one because it reflects
All the moments before now. I’m moving forward.
I would blush if I knew how much I am adored.
I should know that some conscious force loves the complex
Act of forces at play here that we may prevent.

It’s a mixture of tough love and infinite grace
Made available to me that I persevere.
Keeping up the momentum of feeling good now
Validates life without my needing to know how
To digest all its detail. The path I make clear
Is the one I will follow but try not to chase.

It’s About The Emotion

Happy As Children

When we speak of manifestation we may mean
A relationship, money, or some other thing
That we can sink ourselves into. Certainly these
Count as manifestations. Each moment we seize
Is the one most important because it will bring
Everything into focus when senses are keen.

This moment is the juncture where you come to meet
Who you are at your truest. So in this moment
Is where manifestation is being allowed.
The infusion of consciousness keeps you endowed
With the wonderful feeling of being present.
You emote yourself into your staying upbeat.

Because everything is a manifestation
Your feelings are special in that you have control
Over how you are feeling. What is uplifting
To your spirit and all that does make your heart sing
Do with unfettered passion that you may be whole.
Co-create with your spirit a space to have fun.

Your emotion is wrapped around what you receive.
Anything that you want is for but one reason:
To feel better in having it. To separate
The emotion from creation is to berate
What is manifested. It is the emotion
Above everything else that you want to achieve.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Relax and Be Blessed

You are powerful beings with like energy –
Like that which creates worlds. It flows freely through you
When you’re in alignment with who you really are.
With God’s wind at your back you are meant to go far
On your blessed life journey. The thing you must do
Is decide that you’re just going to be happy.

Enjoy all of your moments of inspiration.
Wonderful it has been. It continues to be
A life filled with excitement and many blessings.
You have much to look forward to in terms of things
Of the eternal spirit. Eventually,
Anything that you’re doing will be lots of fun.

You’re on the brink of deliberate alignment.
Clarity and prosperity both will improve.
You’ll appreciate others and feel more alive.
Under adverse conditions you are meant to thrive.
And your point of attraction is destined to move
Many things into your life through conscious intent.

Focus yourself in the direction of the way
That is of least resistance. Your constant worldview
As a worthy world citizen is one of peace.
Through the turmoil apparent you find your release
Paying attention to things that matter to you.
Know that things will get better as soon as today.

Your Dominant Mantra

Your Eternal Song

You Are Love. Don’t forget that. It may not seem so
During times of frustration. There are two of you.
One is your fettered ego. The other is bliss.
In your everyday lives it’s easy to dismiss
The ascended part of you. So what can you do
So that more of this other being you may know?

Watch for the next opportunity and the next,
And your dominant mantra to the universe
Is that I’m to live happily ever after
No matter what conditions around me occur.
You know which kind of energy that you disburse
By the nature of your life. You can’t be perplexed.

You’re not here to accomplish things. Your only goal
Is your intertwining with who you really are.
The symbol or the recognition of success
Is how much you appear to be in joyfulness.
In finding your contentment do not look so far
From your center that you end up losing your soul.

And when you are in that conscious intertwining
With your truest self, you are love in every sense
For yourself and the situations of others.
You will find that it is what your ego prefers.
Feeling good leads to your ultimate transcendence.
So do make it your mantra. It means everything.

The Ego

The Personal Clutter Magnet

The ego is nothing other than the focus
Of attention. It’s like a radar on a ship.
It’s a troubleshooter telling what’s in the way.
Don’t identify with it. You’ll welcome dismay,
In that if you indulge it, you may lose your grip,
Thinking that you are better than the rest of us.

Once we cease our identity with the ego,
We become aware of the whole organism.
The corpuscles and creatures constantly at war
Means that we are quite healthy. The process means more
At the much higher level. There is no schism.
Harmony is the master who directs the show.

Zooming Out is a spiritual exercise.
Not only is it wholesome and therapeutic,
It also yields a view that is truthfully clear
All the discord that haunts and that seems so austere
Is as it simply must be. Ego is slapstick
In its clumsy performance in confident guise.

It’s a hard thing to say that this world is ok
When one looks at the chaos amid the control
Of the forces of egos upon so many.
In the long run of time, can we muster any
Sense of heartfelt connection with our deeper soul?
Thoroughly it must be searched for a better way.

Rest Easy

All Is Well

There’s an end to each good day as there is to all.
How well did it go? Does it matter anyway?
It’s tempting to get caught up in this day’s drama.
Challenges cloud my thoughts. They’re a source of trauma.
I lose sight of the true value life is today.
I forget that my privilege is nothing small.

But today is now over. For sleep I prepare.
No matter what the day held, it’s time to let go
Of the big things that I think I can’t overcome.
Just because I cannot doesn’t mean that I’m scum.
Timeless Truth that my eternal soul gets to know
Needs to be to my consciousness made more aware.

Stepping back for a moment, the bigger picture
That my soul sees already, is clearer to me.
Everything’s working out exactly as it should.
In the end, life’s a dream that can always be good.
Like a story with chapters, each day’s end can be
One of joyful reflection. My thoughts can be pure.

“Let the Universe Celebrate Itself Through You!”
It’s the one affirmation I most need to hear

Echoing back to me as I end this fine day.
Now is time to listen to what it wants to say…
Not out of desperation. It’s motive is clear.
I am whole as I am now. This is always true.

Your Dominant Mantra

The Vibration Unique In The Universe

Happily Ever After is how life unfolds.
Watch for and expect the next opportunity…
Then the next, and the next… And be fully aware
That your place in the universe is something rare.
Let Your Dominant Mantra allow you to be
Intertwined with creation and all that it holds.

Happily Ever After is how you’re to live.
You need not to accomplish, or even set goals
Because what you are reaching for through your success
Is the symbol eternal of true joyfulness
In connecting with who you are. All of our souls
Have the power to receive and also to give.

 You were not meant to struggle nor wallow in pain.
Disconnected from yourself, you cannot allow
The goodness that the universe offers freely
To all that which it’s made of. There’s no need to be
Serious about living. You need not know how
Only that you are worthy of maximum gain.

By not sweating the small stuff, which is of all things,
You will tune your awareness toward who you are.
At your core, you are pure love, and this consciousness
For yourself and your circumstance gives you access
To your life of fulfillment, which never is far.
Be open to the bounty your universe brings.