Tag Archive | belief

Alien Perspective

Alien Encounter

How the universe sees us is something that’s known
By the aliens. Coming from somewhere in space
They’re among us and they have our story to tell
To our faces. Don’t worry that it won’t go well.
Actually it may put a smile on the face
Of the weary to which some relief can be shown.

We’ve chosen to forget who we are so that we
Rediscover ourselves from a new perspective.
With forgetting comes the ability to choose
Negative ways of thinking. Our limited views
Of existence determine the lives that we live.
So in living why do we have difficulty?

We buy into certain ways of understanding.
We’ve forgotten that physical reality
Is a mental projection such as in a dream.
We tend to take things then to the very extreme.
Reinforcement of our negative energy
Keep us stuck. Our consciousness isn’t expanding.

We are master transformers of thought energy
And as such we’re a master class of very strong
Spirit beings who can change darkness into light,
Limitation to freedom, and wrongness to right.
At the rate we’re going will it take very long
For us to remember who we came here to be?

It’s Ready! Are You?

Pleasant Day

When you’re looking to manifest something you may
Think that you’re manifesting the actual thing
But you’re not. You’re creating the environment
That allows what you’re wanting. When feeling content
You’re aligned with what you want to start happening.
You know that what you’re wanting is well on its way.

So it’s not like you’re going out and getting it.
If that’s your approach then you’re more keenly aware
Of its absence and what you want can’t come to be.
Line up with the vibrational reality
Of what you have created with such loving care.
Everything is evolving to your benefit.

What you want is already completely prepared
And lined up for you. If it’s not manifested
In the physical it means that you’re not ready
To receive yet so just clean up your energy
And be more optimistic of what lies ahead.
You receive when your passion for life is declared.

Your emotions are manifestations as are
Your ideas and insights. Accept them as such.
You’re creating momentum as you feel your way
To what you want. Joy is but a small price to pay
For a life of abundance. Always keep in touch
With you feelings. From them you should never be far.

There’s No Waiting For Now

Spontaneous Joy

There’s No Waiting For Now because it’s happening
At this moment. Right now can be more exciting
Than the now right before it. You get to decide
How to feel in each. Easily you’re satisfied
And the world you create is truly inviting.
You’re on top of it all when you’re doing your thing.

You’ve mastered the technique of feeling good right now.
You don’t need the physical manifestations
In order to feel good right now. You celebrate
Everything about this moment. You’re in the state
Of receiving help with all of your creations.
The more receptive you are the more you allow.

There’s a big difference between where you have been
And where you are right now where your power is great.
Where you were is of no use to where you are now.
When you drift away from your purpose you know how
To get right back on track so that you can create
This moment as you want it right now and again.

It’s the ‘means to the end’ thing. You find clarity,
Peacefulness, ease, and satisfaction when you give
Undivided attention to only one thing:
Your connection to right now and what it can bring
Into your life – the one you intended to live.
There’s no waiting for how your life is meant to be.

Ignoring What Is


In the morning when you first wake up is when you
Set the tone for how the coming day will evolve.
If you take in the morning news and check email
Before getting yourself aligned what may prevail
Is a series of problems that you cannot solve.
Your day then becomes something other than brand new.

So ‘alignment’ means getting yourself out ahead
Of your day by not reactivating issues
Unresolved in the present. You quiet the mind
For a while. You can leave all your troubles behind
Long enough to remember that you get to choose
How you feel. Not by circumstances are you led.

A belief is just a thought you keep thinking and
The reason that you believe it is because you
Keep on thinking it. When things are manifested
To confirm your thought then you’re fully invested
In believing the thought. For you, it becomes true.
It’s not terribly difficult to understand.

Never mind your reality even though it’s
Hard to do because it’s so damned much in your face.
Shine light on something that causes a willingness
To focus slightly differently. Your success
At alignment depends on what thoughts you embrace.
Ignoring What Is yields manifold benefits.

What You Really Want

Spiritual Abandon

What you really want can come right now or within
A few minutes or certainly with a day.
With your mind you can focus on feeling your best.
When you do so your life feels not like a contest
But an adventure where things always go your way.
A new life of wellbeing you now can begin.

Everything that you want is because you think you
Will feel better by having it but you can feel
Better right now and when you do things will turn out
For the better. Try it if you have any doubt
About what the kind universe wants to reveal
To your consciousness. You can accept this as true.

Stop nitpicking over how the happiness comes.
Just accept that you can find it right here and now.
What does not come to you instantaneously
Will become part of your life if you let it be
A fulfilling adventure. You want to allow
Yourself to march to the beat of positive drums.

Just find some touchstone that always feels good to you
When you think about it. Use it as your excuse
To feel good in this moment. Don’t try to figure
It all out. Focus on what you want to endure.
You have nothing to do but kick back and let loose
With your loving all that is delightful and new.

Clear The Core Of Negative Beliefs

Negative Voices

Core beliefs are the voices inside of my head.
Each one is a thought that I continued to think
Until it gained enough momentum to become
Part of me. Some of them I can’t get away from.
From the cup of a negative brew I do drink
Knowing well that I’ve created a life of dread.

Thoughts are things that have consciousness given to them
By my focused attention. Habitually
I created them. They are my experience.
They exist to keep providing me evidence
To support my sick visions of society.
From my listening to them all my problems stem.

Just because something is true it doesn’t mean I
Should give it my attention. How does it feel when
I am thinking about it? This criterion
Is the one most important. Indeed I’m the one
Who’s in need of some relief every now and then.
If I don’t feel right I need not ask myself why.

My internal guidance system is how I feel
In each moment. It knows where I am no matter
Where I am. It also knows where I want to be.
I can get rid of negative thoughts easily
Just by noticing when they all start to chatter.
Then I can take on new thoughts that have more appeal.

Ignore What Is

Crossroads Sign

A belief is just a thought you keep thinking and
The reason that you believe it is because you
Keep on thinking it then things are actualized
To confirm it. Indeed, you would be quite surprised
If things suddenly changed for the better. A new
Way of thinking the soul that is you may demand.

Because you think the thought and then things manifest,
Your beliefs gain momentum. Those things reinforce
Your beliefs. It’s a challenging cycle to break
But it is a decision you will have to make
If you want change in your life, and you do of course.
Your beliefs may prevent you from being your best.

When you shine a light on something that causes a
Willingness to focus slightly differently
Then your point of attraction shifts, then evidence
Of your newfound alignment begins to commence.
It’s the same universal law as you can see.
It’s your point of attraction with which you must play.

Focusing on reality seems to be the
Order of the day so it’s a tough thing to ask
People to disregard it but reality
Can be changed by your thinking. It’s naturally
Another law of physics so your only task
Is to stay focused on the way things ought to be.

Are You Worthy?

Pretty Please

Good things can come to you easily if you’re not
So hung up on not having them. Feeling worthy
Of receiving them may be the issue at hand.
The forces that deliver only understand
How you’re feeling. They respond to the energy
You’re emitting. Your attitude matters a lot.

If you’ve struggled then failed many times to achieve
What you want then you may feel you’re not good enough
To receive it. As negative stories begin
To flow into your psyche you’re skating on thin
Ice in terms of fulfillment, and you’ll have a rough
Time of getting back into the mode to receive.

Change your focus completely. When you redirect
Your attention to things that are working out well
In your life, you release your attachment to the
Outcome and its timeline. You want to become free
Of the angst which has cast such an ominous spell
Over you. With your higher self you must connect.

So just feel good. Your focusing on the outcome
Leads you far from what you want. Look at what’s thriving
In your life instead of what you don’t have right now.
It’s the only way on earth that you can allow
What you want to come to you. Be only striving
To feel better. We hope that this will help you some.

The Least Resistant Path

Contemplating The Journey

I spend a good amount of time thinking about
Things that don’t necessarily bring me any
Satisfaction. Unconsciously, as I daydream,
Thoughts of life are susceptible in the extreme
To the ills of humanity and the many
Who, like myself, experience tremendous doubt.

The future is uncertain. There’s reason to fear.
When I go there, though, things can only get much worse
With my fragile mood. Right now, I’m at the mercy
Of my feelings which can bring the worst out of me.
I rely on the guidance of the universe
And my inner being for a vision more clear.

I need to ease the discomfort by reaching for
The best feeling thought I can find right here and now.
The path of least resistance becomes clear to me
When I think of all the things that happen to be
Going well. It’s not that hard for me to allow
Positive thoughts to flood me, then I’ll ask for more.

Thoughts turn into beliefs by my continuing
To think them, and my beliefs are thoughts that vibrate
At a frequency that allows others like them
To gather, even those that I would most condemn
As unworthy. I’m thankful that I can create
My reality. It’s such a wonderful thing.

Guidance In The Moment

Moment Of Inspiration

Is it part of the ego’s agenda to be
Contemplative? There are times when I want to know
Whether or not what I’m doing is wrong or right
In the moment. I’m up for receiving insight
That will help me to decide which way I should go.
I depend on my guidance system completely.

I have an inner being. When I get in touch
With that part of me, I can be sure what to do
In the moment. The inspiration comes to me
Like the touch of a butterfly. Then I can see
From a broader perspective. I savor the view.
These are moments that I can appreciate much.

What’s it actually feel like viscerally
To be in alignment from moment to moment?
As I practice the vibration of being there
I will know what alignment is and I’ll declare
To the universe that it’s my conscious intent
To line up with the person who I’m meant to be.

Readiness to receive those impulses is my
Point of focus. I don’t have to prove anything
So that I can feel worthy. I’ve no one to please.
I want to see the way my inner being sees.
Onto my negative beliefs I need not cling.
My connection with my inner being is why.


Expression Of Diversity

A complex combination of qualities and
Characteristics is called personality.
It forms an individual’s own character.
It’s unique, and people treat it as if it were
The true self. It’s presented to society
As a person of which one has total command.

This aspect of the ego is influenced and
Developed in direct relation to patterns
Integrated in childhood. They are reinforced
And become habit until they’re fully endorsed
By the ego. Truth is the least of its concerns.
It’s too simple for it to fully understand.

It’s an intricate system of learned responses.
Whether one is agreeable, honest, and kind,
Or angry and resentful depends on many
Factors including karma, but definitely
One’s prevailing level of consciousness and mind.
Its behavior is subject to consequences.

Spiritual work and understanding leads to
The realization that one is not the thing
That’s called mind and that thinks things. One is the pristine
Awareness beyond mind. Everything can be seen
To be nameless and simply a conscious being.
Be open to discovering the one most true.


Brain Activity

So, the intellect is the ego’s faculty
Of reasoning and objective understanding.
It is the power of the mind by which one knows,
Comprehends, and assimilates. One may suppose
That it is helpful in consciousness expanding,
And it can be if looked at spiritually.

It is the refinement and sophistication
Of the conceptual dualistic thinking
Mind that can be easily manipulated
To make any position adversely fated
To the consciousness not having a true linking
To reality due to justification.

The intellectual aspect of the ego
Tends to be prideful. It sees itself as the peak
Of all earth’s evolution. It claims credit for
All actions and achievements. It knows nothing more
Than its level of consciousness, and it will seek
Recognition for all that it happens to know.

Beyond the dualistic intellectual
Thinking mind lies the realm of conscious awareness.
Spiritual teachings must be comprehended
And accepted to be fully integrated.
Resistance from the ego becomes a lot less
In the wake of a spiritual rationale.


Prayer Of Asking

Faith is confidence or trust in a person, thing,
Or concept. In the context of religion, it
Is belief in a God, and doctrines and teachings.
It’s not blind. It’s intelligent because it brings
On a peace that is greatly to one’s benefit.
Even with no evidence it’s enlightening.

Conscious knowledge and practicing good deeds is part
Of the process for growing spiritually
In some religious contexts. One’s obedience
To the scriptures does not make a whole lot of sense
Without some understanding of what comes to be
The foundation of living and dear to the heart.

To know more about God and the infinite plan
For one’s finite existence is what one who seeks
True enlightenment cares about. Faith allows one
To discover that knowledge. Verification
Is achieved through employment of psychic techniques
People practice. It’s something that anyone can.

Nothing in this world should be dearer to the one
Seeking truth than the development of wisdom,
Which will lead to faith, which will lead to certainty.
Truth is found by those who seek it ultimately.
The omnipotent Source is where true faith comes from.
Faith is maintained only by sincere devotion.



Beliefs are what determines one’s experience.
A belief is a certain mental attitude
Of acceptance toward a position without
The full knowledge required to prove beyond all doubt
That it’s true absolutely, and thus it’s valued
As something fundamental. It makes perfect sense.

Beliefs are then conceptual programs that run
Within the human ego, therefore they create
And maintain personalities. Initially,
They’re adopted in childhood and programmed by the
People in our environment. It’s not by fate
That beliefs take on meaning for most everyone.

A belief is entirely conceptual and
Intellectual. The ego mind generates
What it needs to convince itself of what it knows
To be true, therefore it bears the need to oppose
Certain things, and a firm attitude it creates.
Often beyond this mindset one cannot expand.

It’s best to summon up compassion for all those
Dominated by ignorance and limiting
Belief systems and to endeavor to undo
Dualistic programming. One’s own point of view
Can be made to be inclusive of everything.
Consciousness becomes more enlightened as it grows.

Because You Believe

Love In Hands

You were born with a strong sense of your wellbeing
But not with practiced control of your vibration.
So, you practice. As you explore enough contrast,
You launch brand new desires. Your horizons are vast.
You want to become a master of creation,
So you think only those thoughts that are heart freeing.

When you want something and it does not come to be,
You may think that some outside force is preventing
It from coming. Believing yields more evidence
That it just may not happen. It doesn’t make sense.
To believe what you want won’t come is tormenting.
It remains a big part of your reality.

A belief is just a thought that you continue
To keep thinking. Your observation of something
Holds it in your vibration, then you attract more
Of the same. If it is something that you adore,
Then your focus upon it can be fulfilling.
But if it’s not, is there something that you can do?

You can stop thinking it. You can cease offering
The vibration of your current situation.
Don’t deny what you’re feeling. Just feel something new.
By focusing in another direction, you
Can change your belief into a much better one.
By your believing, you can create anything.

Are You Ready?

Prepared For Business

You are not manifesting. You are creating
The environment that allows things to take place.
The distinction is subtle. You are more aware
Of the absence of something when it isn’t there.
So your going to get it puts you in a space
Of knowing you don’t have it. There’s no debating.

The contrast that life offers causes you to desire
Something better. This is a manifestation.
It’s also a vibrational reality.
You can’t see it yet, but it will soon come to be.
With this attitude you can get a lot more done
In preparing for things that you seem to acquire.

If it hasn’t manifested yet, all it means
Is that you’re not yet ready. Don’t be frustrated.
Concentrate on creating the best atmosphere
For allowing what you have wanted to appear
In the physical. The climate you’ve created
Can become one of your most productive routines.

Your emotions are created by you also
The ideas and impulses that come to you
Can be called manifestations if you insist.
Keep your focus on knowing that it does exist.
There is no reason that your dream cannot come true.
The momentum you create will get things to flow.

The Cooperative Component

The Most Important Piece

With my own powerful and important thoughts, I
Can allow what’s becoming to be what is now.
If I think against my own desires, then the gap
Between what is and what I want becomes a trap.
In the course of my life, I must remember how
To enjoy it rather than to let it go by.

A Cooperative Component I can be
With the process evolving by feeling my way
To alignment. The journey and destination
Are of the same importance. They both can be fun.
If my thoughts become negative, then I betray
Everything that I live for. This now I can see.

I can talk myself into believing what I
Want to happen in my life. The way that I feel
Tells me in which direction I need to be faced.
Thinking of the past leaves in me a bitter taste.
I am rescued by better thoughts from the ordeal
Of self-doubt. On my self-guidance I must rely.

Letting go of what is in order to allow
What’s becoming is my work. I need not explain
Where I am now. It needs no justification.
Optimism remains the only solution
To the problem of apathy. Much I can gain
By dissolving my addiction to here and now.

Believe Your Visualization

Have Faith In Your Dream

How do I believe my visualization?
I must be doing it wrong because when I try
I have trouble imagining it coming true.
Why is my believing such a hard thing to do?
I can want like the dickens… alas, with a sigh,
I encounter resistance. Have I hurt someone?

Am I putting myself in the picture? Am I
In the state of receiving? Law of Attraction
Is at play at all times. Every feeling and thought
Determines what events into my life are brought.
This whole issue of manifesting can be fun.
All the rules of my feeling good here must apply.

Visualization is no different than
Galivanting around in this real world. Easy
It is for me to use my imagination.
Virtual is the image that can’t be undone
Unless I let it happen accidentally.
Listen only to the voice that says that I can.

Do it more? Perhaps I should follow this advice.
I can come up with some scenarios that are
Creative and believable. What I have done
Then is master the process toward solution
To life’s puzzle which until now seemed so bizarre.
Practice and patience can lead me to paradise.

Talk To The Future Self

Inspiration From Within

Time is such that it falls within eternity.
Thus we’re able to visit, whenever we choose,
Other versions of ourselves. The information
We get from such visits may be the solution
To the issues we have now. Is this not good news?
Connection with the unknown does set the soul free.

Someone wants to get pregnant. In fact, it’s her goal.
Her desire to bring forth a child is very strong.
But for now she’s unable. The contract she made
With the spirit forthcoming cannot be betrayed
But by worry and doubt. She did get before long
Information from herself about this new soul.

Passion is what is needed to gain the insight
To proceed with the present. Also you must trust
That it’s not about time. It is about timing.
You can contact your future self just by being
Open to information. All that is discussed
Between you and your future you is only right.

We are all in the trusting mode every moment
Of our existence or else we could not exist.
You don’t have to ‘learn how’ to trust. Simply decide
On exactly what you will trust. You can confide
In the guidance of your future self. Do resist
The temptation to doubt what comes to the present.

The Outcome

Freedom's ResultCircumstances are that someone has done you wrong.
The offense was egregious, and for many years
You have keep this inside you. It has caused you harm.
Ultimately it is better that you disarm
But it is difficult to just up and shift gears.
Your contempt for the oppressor is surely strong.

“Let it go,” people tell you, and it drives you nuts.
You’re tempted to tell them to go take a long hike.
But that’s not a solution. You have to admit
That your negative feelings render you unfit
For wholesome interaction with people you like.
Your style and demeanor are controlled by your guts.

Justice for the oppressor may not come to pass
In this lifetime so that karma must be postponed.
At this point, it is time to tear up the contract
That was made in eternity. But for the fact
That a sick crusty bastard is better disowned
There’s no point in trying to engage the crevasse.

The airport of contentment has no baggage claim.
Relief is absolute if you can let it go.
All that can be done can be done all mentally.
To release and forgive is the way to be free
Of the issue completely so that you can grow
In spirit. In the long run your peace is the aim.

You Chose To Come To Earth

The Adventure Of Being

A moment in eternity meant to be you
In its fullest expression. That moment is now.
Looking back on your past lives and forward to those
Of magnificent promise, your higher self knows
That you came to this planet in part to allow
Your true self to emerge from all that you may do.

Do not think you were ‘put’ here. You did make the choice
To be part of everything that’s now occurring.
This thinking disempowers you. You are the one
Who decided to come here mostly to have fun…
But to experience and to keep on growing.
You are here now, and it is time that you rejoice.

Belief systems that no longer work you release
And replace them with those that are in alignment
With who you truly are. This is co-creation
At its most basic level. All that you have done
From the earliest times to the very present
Is for the purpose of your enjoyment and peace.

To assist with the emerging paradigm shift
With passion and a vision as clear as can be,
You came here. It’s a blessing that you are on earth.
This is evident at every single one’s birth.
Concern with the outcome let go of completely.
In the heat of the chaos you’re here to uplift.

Permission Slip

Be Yourself; Do Your Best

There are so many processes, tools, and techniques
Like religion, exercise, and meditation…
This is certainly not a bad thing. It in fact
Gives us many ways to keep the spirit intact.
So there is no reason for not choosing just one.
We each listen to the voice that most loudly speaks.

Each one gives us permission to be who we are
At our purest. Belief systems play a big part
In the choice of tradition, and the artifacts
That are used may be the very thing that attracts
One’s attention. One’s method is taken to heart.
That place of inner knowing is never too far.

We can change belief systems as easily as
We can change our appearance. The tool that we use
Allows for that to happen. When we are in need
It is by our belief system that we are freed.
What’s even more awesome is that we get to choose
How much weight on our living that each moment has.

Whatever we’re attracted to, we are because
It works well at the moment, but ultimately,
You come to know that you’re the one making changes
To your outlook as the universe arranges
What is needed. You are the tool absolutely
In complete compliance with universal laws.

The Meaning Of Life

Of Ultimate Purpose

“What’s the meaning of meaning?” someone may inquire
If asked, “What is the meaning of life?” The answer:
Why do surfers take surf boards and go ride the waves?
It’s not to smooth the ocean out, and no one craves
Teaching fish how to swim on top of the water.
They do it just because it’s something they desire.

The meaning of meaning means does it have purpose…
Is there some rhyme or reason for it to occur?
The purpose and the reason for life is the thrill
Of achieving alignment. The key is to chill
And allow things to happen as you would prefer.
Meaning is something that is easy to discuss.

The basis of life is freedom and the result
Is expansion, exposure, opportunity,
And desire for experience in the contrast.
While you are on earth you should be having a blast.
Joyful and triumphant is how you want to be.
To not be who you are is the gravest insult.

Life itself is the meaning of life. Feeling it
Pouring through you is exhilarating and fun.
To see manifestation happen in response
To your proper alignment in sheer nonchalance
Is the meaning of life. Surely you are the one
Who it’s meant for. It is for your full benefit.

Manifest Big!

Keep Focused On The Ecstasy

The questions I come up with are about beliefs.
Knowing exactly what they are, I’m confident
That I can tweak them whichever way I know how
And maintain momentum long enough to allow
Things to happen in tune with my conscious intent
Which is something I can’t keep concealed by my briefs.

A thought that I keep thinking over and again
Then becomes like a magnet. I’ll see evidence
Of its raw truth manifesting all around me.
There are good and bad thoughts though. Which ones will it be?
I’d be screwed if this all didn’t make any sense.
It would mean that I’m stark raving mad among men.

Offering of vibration is automatic.
I can’t switch off my wanting once it has begun.
It will match what shows up in my life exactly.
My belief is made stronger, as it will agree
With what is manifested. I’m the only one
Who can choose to live a life that is fantastic.

It does not matter what I believe in really.
Any emotion produces a vibration.
Belief and non-belief cancel each other out.
What could best wipe away any lingering doubt?
One’s own experience is the prime solution
To the resistance offered by reality.

Manifestation Space

The Field of Creation

Memories and impulses that are unconscious
Are the dark matter filling the space of the mind.
Derived from ancestral memory in the brain,
Common experiences it’s known to contain.
In all air breathing humans the space is designed
By our genetic nature. At times, it’s a plus.

We would all like to feel good rather than not so
And we all have our images, most similar
In their themes and in detail of how that would look.
People are free to author their own storybook.
The collective unconscious is nothing bizarre.
That there’s something that binds us is healthy to know.

People who are not fear based don’t need to express
Domination. It means they doubt they have power.
So brute force is the only way they can relate.
It is much easier to learn how to create
What you want through your focus in every hour.
At any given moment you have full access.

Those who are in denial that they are in denial
That their fear based beliefs are turning them into
Negative manifesters are way too many.
Manifestation Space is known by you and me
At an unconscious level. The least we can do
Is to come up with some way to make people smile.

I Do Not Know

Ample Room For Ignorance

Believing and knowing are two different things.
I believe that I have two hands yet know it too.
I can prove this fact easily, but if someone
Argued still to the contrary perhaps for fun
A swift slap to the cheek would give that one a clue.
Certainty undeniable true knowing brings.

Argument can be powerful against belief
So the one who believes has a threshold to cross
Into absolute knowing to act as a shield
From the negative fallout in the battlefield.
If I say I Do Not Know, will I incur loss?
This decision alone can cause general grief.

But the truth is of essence, or else what’s the use?
I’m sincere enough to admit that I don’t know
All that much about anything but just enough
To get just enough going, and quite off-the-cuff.
Through the things that I don’t know I’m able to grow.
A confusing odor do assumptions effuse.

The immensity of what I don’t know I know
That I don’t know that I don’t know. It’s understood.
All the longing, seeking, and possibility
Of knowing becomes a living reality.
In the long run it doesn’t do me any good
To pretend that I know things. That habit must go.

Are You Ready?

All Else Is In Place

Your are not manifesting. You are creating
The environment that allows for things to come.
Going out to get something makes you more aware
Of the absence of it and the cross you must bare
To attain it. There’s no use in beating that drum.
Nothing but more of nothing your effort will bring.

All your manifestations are ready for you
The moment you conceive them. They are vibration
To begin with, and as they gather momentum
They become your reality. All things come from
What is called the nonphysical. You are the one
Who must be ready for them. Nothing is more true.

Accept that emotions are manifestations
And ideas that come when you are at your best.
Impulses start occurring and ideas flow
Easily, so don’t block them with all that you know
That tells you to keep looking. It’s not a contest
Where you have to work hard to find the solutions.

From belief into hope and then hope into doubt
Is the reverse direction of how life should be.
Your belief becomes knowing before you behold
Everything that is wanted. As your dreams unfold
Do not screw it up by facing reality
And you need not be Einstein to figure that out.

Handling Negative Beliefs

Psychic Suicide

They can creep right up on you and point to your head
Which indeed has conceived them. The harm they can cause
Is immensely complex. All beliefs negative
Keep you from ever knowing the right way to live.
One cannot get around life’s most basic of laws.
Belief systems of all kinds are in the mind bred.

Some cannot seem to change them. They are rather strong
Having picked up momentum over many years.
But they can and must be changed in order to be
Delivered from frustration in all that you see.
The thought of your exploring them escalates fears
That you may find that some things about you are wrong.

You may not know which belief is causing the fear
So you just need to find out where it’s coming from.
Doing that will be scarier than you had planned
But in your getting through to it you take command
Of the issue effectively. You’ve overcome.
A big obstacle in life you’ve made disappear.

It may hurt getting close to what’s holding you back
The more pain means you’re closer to reaching the core
Of your harmful belief systems. And the breakthrough
Will be bright and refreshing. Life will be brand new.
You will then have the rest of your life to explore.
You will finally feel that your life is on track.

Where Is Heaven?

Finding The Way Within

Heaven is on this earth plane, some people have said.
But for me to believe that there’d have to be some
Lame condition that would have to be satisfied.
Yet what I dare demand offers access denied.
I have trouble believing that the kingdom come
Has no queen and is right here on this rock instead.

We are told that the nature of heaven is bliss
And of unending loving of God and of all
That exists to cast love upon, including us
Through our intimate journeys and absent the fuss
Of conditions of any kind. No one is small
In this place of pure spirit. I do believe this.

Could heaven be connected to earth in some way
That makes one an imperfectly real reflection
Of the rest of existence? If this could be true
It becomes then much easier to take the view
That I do have some trouble with. I am the one
Who shall find the connection to joy come what may.

This fantastic phenomenon of existence
Remains all that has ever been projected here
In this moment. This leading edge of creation
Is where spirit is focused. Each and everyone
Of us is part of heaven that heaven holds dear.
The freedom offered by this notion is immense.

Belief And The Placebo

The Awesome Power of Cognition

Powerful is the message the complex psyche
Wants to translate completely into perfect sense.
Long before the placebo effect became known
Gifted people caught on to it much on their own.
The same goes for the certain Schumann Resonance.
The heartbeat of the earth some could feel easily.

People cringe at the prospect of going five-g
Knowing bees by the billions shall meet their demise
At the base of antennas all over the globe.
But what minds are there to be arrested and probed?
That we can defile nature have we become wise?
Grossly off on a tangent we happen to be.

The amount of power it takes to override
The effects that are not wanted is directly
In proportion to our beliefs. So what is true
Can be changed by believing in something brand new.
Change does not often come to us so easily.
It may be necessary to look for a guide.

The path of least resistance is what all must find.
What you believe can be used to your advantage
By simply treating it as an alternative
Of equal or more value. The focus you give
Is enough that you’re able to fully engage
With your physical world which you have redefined.

Changing Beliefs

Reprogramming Behavior

I have good belief systems. I think I think well,
But sometimes I malfunction and problems arise.
So there must be some things that I need to replace.
What’s the best way to do that? The problem I face
Is that habits are ingrained. Have I to devise
Some procedural method where I must excel?

That’s not out of the question, but the fastest way
Is by practicing thoughts and paying attention
To how I feel when I think them, and doing it
When I’m feeling my best – not when I’m in the pit
Of unspeakable darkness. I must be the one,
Through my conscious intending, to service my day.

There are some really tough ones that I hang on to.
They do nothing but cause me much grief and despair.
But I know this already. I cannot forget
Which also is a habit I own with regret.
It’s not hard to stay focused and fully aware
Of the positive aspects in all that I do.

Practicing to perfection the feeling technique,
There is less troubleshooting that needs to be done.
That makes things a lot easier as long as I
Can maintain my alignment. I cannot deny
The one thing that I’m after. That isn’t much fun.
I can feel my way to everything that I seek.

Setting Goals

Aiming At Targets

There are goals and there are wishes. The difference
Is that wishes have no energy behind them.
But our goals are infused with our life giving force,
And they have to be written down clearly, of course.
If they’re not written, then dissolution will stem
From them not being realized. Does this make sense?

Write it down in first person and in present tense
Like it’s happened already, and isn’t it grand!
If you do this each morning, after thirty days
You’ll achieve more than six months’ worth with your old ways.
Every evening, revisit to check where you stand.
Do develop this habit for blessings immense.

Ask your self these two questions: “Have I done things right
To move me more toward the thing I most desire?
And what would I do differently if I could?”

Your self-confidence rises indeed as it should.
There’s no limit to blessings that you will acquire.
All the while you are carefree and bask in delight.

“It ain’t bragging if you’ve done it,” and you’ve done more
Than this time space reality wants or expects.
You’ve made progress by being the person you are.
Keep your attitude positive, and you’ll go far.
Setting goals should be simple and should not perplex
One right back into wishing mode just as before.

The Scourge Of Religion

Pandemic Of Soul

When a star starts making iron it will explode
In spectacular fashion. The power released
Can disrupt forming galaxies lightyears away.
It creates the stuff so fast one could rightly say
Mass production of heavy substances at least
Shows a violent cosmos in expressive mode.

What to make of the evil that money can buy?
One handful of the right souls now comes rather cheap
To the ones who can purchase behavior at will.
The right price can make good soldiers not want to kill
To defend their damned nation. The karma they reap
They will want to take care of long before they die.

Fighting over a small thing is not a big deal.
If we both want something, one of us will concede.
In a matter of time, one comes to one’s senses.
Take the damned thing and blow it! Too much expense is
Being paid by my spirit. I’d rather be freed
To get on with my best living in what is real.

But we fight for, over, and about God these days
As we have throughout history, and it’s insane.
If I believe in something but you… not the same,
In time we’ll kill each other and then place the blame
Anywhere but where it must go. All who are slain
Are but fodder for furtherance of toxic praise.

Over is the day of the sword. Now we kill more.
With the push of a button whole countries can be
Blown to bits within minutes without knowing why
Some asshole has decided that their kind must die
Over some subtle nonsense. We’ll never agree
And cannot be surprised by what else is in store.

Now, a global directive is what is needed.
One’s religion is one’s own business to pursue.
Do whatever the hell you want, but go in peace.
Beliefs global and national surely must cease
Or we face our extinction. But can this we do?
Our beliefs are not knowledge. Too many are dead.


The Zest In Life

On a rock unimportant that circles a star
Insignificant on the outer edges of
A small galaxy nestled away in deep space
Is a petri dish species called the human race.
It’s a feeling of Wonder. We happen to love
This bizarre circumstance no matter who we are.

…At least, that’s how I think other folk would respond
To the weird situation consciousness is in.
I know some people tune that right out of their minds
And rely on fake thrills and rubbish of all kinds.
Insignificance blossoms until I begin
Noticing everything to which all have a bond.

This rock produces people as the apple tree
Generates tons of apples throughout its life span.
Alien life would find us most significant.
All that remains peculiar is also brilliant.
Can my eyes of a child make me a better man?
They were given to me so that I choose to see.

Between faith and belief, there’s a wide difference.
To believe is to wish. It’s a kind of a creed
Or a fervent hope that a certain thing is so.
But faith means there are things that I don’t have to know.
Hanging on to the rigidity at light speed,
The sensation of floating describes my suspense.

Urban Renewal

Evolution of Metal and Silicon

Ancient rubble metallic and dark under light
Of a motionless fake moon amid the night sky
Is obliged to be taken control of by man,
Since it’s all that it’s known since the big lie began –
Not the one most apparent too many deny
But the one built in Eden through programming sleight.

The first man to give birth was also the first man?
Take that pill with a grain of saltpeter and die!
Body parts like the trick rib can only exist
In the mind of a story tale maker. Dismissed
Is all sense that is common. It’s the reason why
Men can do what they want to. God says that they can.

First, throw out the old rule book. Then, start a new game
With a storyline truer to life and nature.
But will we ever get to that point on our own
When the twisting of truth into evil is known
To be strong and effective in tainting what’s pure?
What has been done to humanity is a shame.

Metal can be conductive if of the right kind.
All the rest is the substrate of common belief –
Each of us a discrete component built within
The electronic intelligence of our sin.
Lack of truth in the circuitry causes much grief.
It’s perhaps the sole reason folks become maligned.

The Meaning Of Knowledge

Nurturing Wisdom

The true Meaning Of Knowledge, for thousands of years,
Has evolved with precision in every detail
Of rhetorical acts we perform every day.
It provides us a framework in all that we say.
Brief descriptions of certain terms at your avail
Form this informal treatise of logic frontiers.

There are Beliefs and Knowledge. They are not the same.
Belief is a Propositional Attitude.
True or false it can be, or completely unknown.

Assertions have Truth Value that stands on its own.
Propositions are Assertions, but they include
‘Substance’ for the Assertion that’s easy to name.

Propositional Attitude is mental state
Of the speaker or writer regarding what’s said.
One can be energetic yet quite deceptive.
So some judgement one takes if one is perceptive.
That’s why Justification is the binding thread
Of the fabric of Knowledge. Now don’t that sound great?

Justification is simply good evidence
To support one’s belief as submitted as proof
That the person has true knowledge. Testimony
Is a most common form of proof, definitely.
Those who speak without Knowledge are strange and aloof.
They love hearing themselves speak at others’ expense.

Justified True Belief is what Knowledge became
Until some dude from Germany sixty years back
Turned this definition upside down by proving,
Using off the wall logic, that true it can’t ring.
But we live in the real world where folks don’t know jack.
So the hell if it matters. It’s all just a game.

Be Prepared For The Blessing

Always Ready For Goodness

When in need of a blessing it is absolute.
While in tough situations where I see no way
To resolve them my desperation hinders me.
The divine never intended myself to be
So confused and unable to dash the dismay
That the soul in its darkness just cannot transmute.

To prepare for what’s coming, empty I must be
Of myself so that divinity can then fill
Me with itself completely. I’ll get in the way
Of the things that I want. If I could only stay
In a state of receiving not by force of will
Then all things that I’ve wanted are waiting for me.

I must bow in obedience to the divine
Who knows much more than I do with a larger view
Of the image I can’t see quite clearly enough.
What is gigantic for me is pretty small stuff
To one who caused the big bang and nothingness too.
Faith is the firm believing that everything’s fine.

I must learn to be patient while doing my part
Which is maintaining focus and staying aligned
To the guidance I’m given intuitively.
Loaves of bread and fish can multiply easily
With a faith more fantastic and blessing inclined.
Faith is not such a mystery. It’s of the heart.