Tag Archive | desire

Exploring The Contrast

Purple Fog

You’ve been here before. This time it’s not a big deal.
Contrast you’ve become used to. You’re fully prepared
To feel through it. You’ve learned to let go of control.
You now know very clearly what’s good for your soul
So that this time around there’s no need to feel scared.
Make something good of what seems so bleak and surreal.

Tell yourself what you know which is that you’ve done all
That is necessary. All you have to do now
Is to let the momentum carry you along.
With your positive attitude you can’t go wrong.
Through the contrast you can find a way to allow
Evolutions to manifest both big and small.

It’s fun to explore contrast deliberately
Not by default. Contrast gives your life true meaning.
It causes you to want things to be different.
You can manifest change through your conscious intent.
Know that spiritual forces are convening
To offer you their wise assistance lovingly.

All the time feeling good is what you’re reaching for.
To feel better than you do right now is the key.
Any excuse in the world that you can find to
Feel delighted is most beneficial to you.
Exploring The Contrast can be done happily
As you shift your focus to something you adore.

Feel With The Contrast

Triple Exposure

The contrast is apparent. Life in many ways
Is a circus. Performers who can’t get along
Punctuate populations at every level.
People have the propensity to bedevil
One another. Our ability to do wrong
Keeps us in a perpetual negative haze.

How to get better at dealing with the contrast
Isn’t the thing to focus on. Benefiting
From it should be your attitude. You get to choose
From the contrast which elements of it you’ll use
To feel with it which means that you’re now permitting
All of the wonderful blessings that have amassed.

Think of contrast as choices and variety.
You want to get good at selectively sifting
Through the contrast and trending in the direction
Of what’s wanted. The world is for your inspection.
When you’re looking for things that are most uplifting
You approach manifestation successfully.

As you calibrate to the choices that you make
Everything then gets easier. Once you decide
To choose with intention then things happen for you.
What you don’t want defines perfectly what you do.
Everything that you do want is always implied
So feeling with the contrast is a piece of cake.



It’s a wonderful feeling. It’s one of relief
But you must trust what you are surrendering to
Which is your own magnificence and wellbeing.
Your surrender can be delightfully freeing
And it can shower tons of blessings upon you
If that you are most worthy is your firm belief.

And your are worthy beyond imagination
So don’t go there. Just concentrate on your desire.
Let it fully consume you. Let it resonate
To your highest frequency. That’s how you create
Your most vivid reality. You can acquire
Anything in this manner with your vibration.

You’re not surrendering to your desire. What you
Are surrendering is all your lingering doubt
And resistance – your trying too hard to make it
Happen for you. Decide you’re going to permit
What you’ve asked for to manifest. Speak more about
What you want with a more positive point of view.

The first manifestation is a feeling one.
When you start to have emotions about something
Then something is about to become real for you.
It’s how thoughts turn to things and how old becomes new.
Life can feel as if you have the world on a string.
Your surrendering also leads to lots of fun.

Surprise And Delight

Big Surprise

Your journey never ends. You receive a desire,
You get into the mode of receiving, then you
Receive what you’ve been wanting. The cycle repeats
Life is full of amazing and delicious treats.
It can be one where all of your wishes come true.
Only the feeling of joy you need to acquire.

The most optimum situation can occur
When you’re tuned in and stay there. All along the way
More ideas are coming. It turns out that it
Never turns out and it’s all to your benefit.
To be happy is not such a high price to pay
To live only the life that you truly prefer.

Get hooked on the good feeling of things working out
For you always then there’ll be no disappointment
Sneaking up on you. Things are always unfolding
In your favor. You have only your joy to bring
To the table. You know that your time is best spent
Getting happy. Indeed that’s what life’s all about.

Accept that there’s no ending. There’ll always be more
Good things happening for you. Ask yourself, “What now?
What can now happen to Surprise And Delight me?”

Ask the universe this. Pretty soon you will see
Positive responses. As you learn to allow
The goodness you’re aligned more than ever before.

Don’t Wait, Catch It!

Arms Open Wide

If you care really strongly about something, then
You focus on its opposite it feels awful.
Don’t wait until it begins to feel anything.
Catch the negative feeling as it’s happening.
When you’re mindful of how you feel then you can pull
Yourself out of the psychic ditch time and again.

It can get a bit tricky. Your satisfaction
Or the opposite already has momentum
So if you really want this thing you have to be
Lined up with your receiving it. Your energy
Must be free of resistance. What you want will come
When from not having it you find some distraction.

That nuanced control you don’t have when momentum
Is too strong. You can’t guide how you feel easily
About what you want not having manifested.
About how you feel be completely invested.
Take your mind off of it and let it come to be.
Don’t be beating any kind of negative drum.

Tune yourself every morning by meditating
For a few minutes. Find that place where everything
Feels just right. When you find yourself having a thought
Through the day that is off easily it is caught.
It gets better with practice. Indeed it can bring
About peace of mind which ought to make your heart sing.

Soon To Come

Feeling Of Freedom

Be alright with what hasn’t yet manifested
Because simply thinking about it makes you feel
Satisfaction in knowing that it will become
Realized as long as you’re not beating the drum
Of its absence. What could be more to your appeal
For the moment? Being joyful is suggested.

Once you’ve given birth to it you’ve got to begin
Lining up with it otherwise you can’t receive
The informative guidance through intuition.
What you want cannot evolve into fruition.
First a fantastic state of mind you must achieve
Otherwise it won’t happen, much to your chagrin.

You can’t want it then doubt it. That doesn’t make sense
But you do it sometimes almost unconsciously
Because of your learned habits. You can let those go
Along with all the things that are causing you woe.
You can simply want it and then shout out with glee
Knowing that what you want to happen will commence.

In the receptive mode is where you want to be.
All the time your path is being revealed to you.
The Source within you tells you that things are alright.
Let it guide you to feelings of utter delight.
Listen to it. It’s always the right thing to do.
Your purpose here is to live your life happily.

How To Get What’s Not Coming


“It’s not coming,” to yourself you keep on saying
And it won’t if you continue beating this drum.
It’s apparent. The thing you want hasn’t come yet
And your focus upon this will only beget
The same unfulfilled feeling. What you want can’t come
Because your attitude is too self-betraying.

Be a perfect vibrational match to what you
Want to happen. There can be no contradiction
Within you about having it. Sadness of face
Keeps one from the receiving of infinite grace.
No one will tolerate the grotesque infliction
Of your story upon them. You know this is true.

When you have a desire and continually
Notice that what you want has not yet been achieved
You enhance the vibration of not having it
So in order to get it it’s best that you quit
Focusing on its absence. It will be received
By you only if you live your life happily.

To what you want you want to give your attention –
Not upon its not having been manifested
As of yet. You can speak more about what’s to come.
You can get a whole lot of satisfaction from
Simply telling it so it can be digested
Easily. ‘What is’ isn’t worthy of mention.

Be A Deliberate Creator

Artistic Endeavor

No matter who you are you were born to create.
In a physical body, you’re the energy
That creates worlds. You’re here to identify your
Preferences. You know what you don’t want for sure
Therefore you know the way you would like things to be.
You do your best creating when you’re feeling great.

You’re an extension of infinite consciousness.
There’s a reason for your not remembering who
You are truly, but just the same, here you are now
In a world of sensation learning to allow
Your true self to be the most noticed part of you.
You’re driven by your propensity to express.

It’s a simple equation – not hard for you to
Figure out. If you feel that something has gone wrong
You want it rectified and the universe will
Set in motion the ingredients to fulfill
Your desire. If you’re ready then it won’t take long
For it all to become manifested for you.

Everything that is manifested and that you
Can perceive with your senses was a frequency
Of vibration before it became physical.
What you choose to focus your attention on shall
Come to be. You must create deliberately.
Be aware of what you give your attention to.

Feel It All Come To Be

Moment Of Cheer

Act as if it is and it will be. This is true
But you have to believe it. You cannot pretend
That you have it and not feel it deep in your soul.
As a professional actor you play the role
Of someone who has figured out how to transcend
Old beliefs that have not been of good use to you.

Ask yourself why you want it. Find the vibration
That’s within your desire. What’s the feeling that’s at
The heart of your wanting? Get that feeling going
Until you’re consumed with the absolute knowing
That what you want is done. It’s as simple as that.
This is the art of deliberate creation.

If you can get yourself this far keep practicing.
The Law of Attraction will take care of the rest.
That’s your work. From the vibration that exists to
Its full manifestation – it’s managed by you.
Wonderful things happen when you’re feeling your best.
Be aware of the kinds of things you’re attracting.

You control your emotions. You can come into
Alignment no matter what happens to occur.
Feel your way to alignment with what you desire.
The feeling of it is what you want to acquire.
It’s so easy to live the life you would prefer.
Feel as if what you want has now happened for you.

What Is Coming Is Near

Pleasant Pondering

You can sense something’s coming yet what could it be?
Many wonderful things you’ve been dreaming about
Happening for you. Which one of them will come true
If not all? There’s no resistance present in you.
There’s only the suspense of how things will turn out.
You can create reality from fantasy.

You’re patient about what has not manifested
In the physical. You’re content with the feeling
Of the having of what you want so it will come.
Do whatever you can do to get away from
Everyday situations that aren’t appealing.
Revel in all the energy you’ve invested.

The earliest signs of manifestations come
In the form of ideas and inspiration
To act in ways that lead you to what you desire.
The feeling of your having it you must acquire.
Contrast offers you the chance for co-creation.
No one can deny you your creative freedom.

Your path is being revealed to you constantly
But you have to remain in the mode to receive.
When you want it then doubt it you’re moving away
From it so in alignment with it you must stay.
You’re finding that it’s easy as heck to achieve
Anything if you go about it happily.

Deliberate Creation

Youthful Magic

The key to magic is that you have to feel good
Period and it’s the only ingredient
Necessary for Deliberate Creation.
Your thoughts do become matter. This is how it’s done:
Focus only on being extremely content
For no other reason than that you know you should.

Thoughts that feel good are many and you get to choose
From among an infinity or you can come
Up with thoughts of your own that make you feel happy.
Forget about specifics. Go generally
For a positive feeling and stay away from
Any thinking that causes you to sing the blues.

Come into vibrational alignment with the
Knowledge that the whole is achieved then find a way –
Any way to get happy. The specifics will
Fill in with more than enough detail to fulfill
Your desire for just having a wonderful day.
You have access to infinite Source energy.

The emotional manifestation is the
Most important. The power therein is immense.
Let it be what you’re reaching for and be aware
Of the magic that happens. Remember that there
Is no effort indeed there’s no kind of expense
For deliberately creating happily.

Clean Up All Your Relationships

Happy Couple

In a rotten relationship you may have been
Or you may be experiencing one right now
Which means you’re launching rockets of what you’d prefer
To the universe and it no doubt will concur
With your wishes but you have to trust and allow
All cooperative components to happen.

The relationship you have with yourself is the
Most important so give your vibration the care
It deserves by meditating regularly.
Be appreciative of who you’ve come to be.
Your best you is the you that you most want to share
With the world. You’re of value to society.

At this standpoint as you find alignment with who
You are truly, things are already working out
In your favor and in the meantime you can see
Bits of evidence. You can get there easily.
In your absolute worthiness you mustn’t doubt.
Give yourself a break and give credit where it’s due.

With who you are find vibrational alignment.
Love must be unconditional. You don’t have to
Put up with what you don’t want. Your goal is to be
Able to without condition live happily.
What you want you can surely have happen for you.
It all starts from a place where you’re feeling content.

Don’t Focus On The Absence

Spatial Emptiness

Emptiness is a real thing. Deeply I feel it.
The big hole in my gut that I fill with my mind
Keeps expanding as I approach reemergence
Into spirit. Why didn’t I have enough sense
To prepare something of value to leave behind?
That I’ve been a hell of a person I admit.

Yet if I keep on beating this old drum I will
Prevent my moving forward. I apologize
For my past ill behavior. I need to let go
Of my shame and guilt. I can’t wait ‘til tomorrow.
I know that I’m human by the tears in my eyes.
My demise I hope will give my victims a thrill.

On the absence of something that might have occurred
Had I not been a certain way I’ll not focus
Because that will only prolong right here and now.
I can get to a better place and I know how
To do it when I need to. This is a big plus
To my credit. My salvation is much preferred.

I need to get my mind off of disappointment
And onto the feeling of evolving into
Something better. It’s an emotional journey
I must take but I can do it successfully
Even if feeling better is all that I do.
I can get anywhere by my conscious intent.

A Bedtime Process

Wellness Sleep

Before bedtime you want to get yourself into
A relaxed state. You want to release all the stress
That has been building up throughout your busy day.
Take some time to reflect on how things went your way.
Think of all the things that brought you some happiness.
Doing this before bedtime will benefit you.

Many things have occurred throughout your day so you
May remember things that were not very pleasant
But keep your focus on all the things that went well.
You know that by the way that you feel you can tell
How you’re doing with becoming nonresistant
In preparing yourself for a sleep rendezvous.

While your in bed try to recall some of the most
Uplifting things that happened then isolate one
And ponder it. Milk it for everything it’s got.
This process doesn’t really require a whole lot
Of effort on your part. It’s so easily done
That it’s possible to become fully engrossed.

Say to yourself, “I’m going to sleep now and I
Want to sleep well and wake up refreshed with a new
Wholesome feeling positive point of attraction.”

When you’ve made your intent to your satisfaction
Off to sleep you go. The next day will be for you
One in which throughout most of it you’re flying high.

I Thought I Could

High Locomotion

At this moment I’m right where I’d wanted to be
Since forever and I’ll just keep chugging along
Through a blissful eternity. I’m flying high.
On top of the world I am I cannot deny
And at this point I’m forever singing the song
Of excitement as I live my life happily.

At first it seemed impossible for me to do
But I knew deep inside that I could overcome
Any negative feelings I had about it.
I went with my gut and decided not to quit.
Deep within is where my inspiration comes from.
I rely on it to make my wishes come true.

The only thought that I’ll ever have to practice
Is that if I want it I can have it and I
Can be satisfied in just the wanting of it.
My not having it won’t cause me to throw a fit.
I can be happy without my having to try.
Any thoughts of not having it I can dismiss.

I like knowing that I want it because I know
That what I want is coming therefore I can take
Pleasure in the fact that it will most certainly
Come to be. This alone is delightful to me.
Fortunately by now I’ve come fully awake
To abundance and positive energy flow.

The Story Of Abundance

Raining Cash

I can tell a new story if the one I tell
Isn’t truly uplifting. I’m energized by
Telling one that’s exciting about abundance.
I’ll speak of it whenever I’m given the chance
Or I’ll just simply take it. I’ll talk about why
Having lots of money would do me very well.

It’s fun to imagine huge amounts of money
Flowing to me. I understand that with practice
I’ll control my vibration so that I’ll receive
What I want. I know that it’s easy to achieve
An alignment that’s close to the state of pure bliss.
Money then is connected to this energy.

Like the air that I breathe money goes in and out.
My desire draws it in and my ease of thought lets
It flow out – in and out – and always easily.
This is part of my rich never ending story.
Currently I have very limited assets
But I will become wealthy. I have not a doubt.

I’m aware of the absolute correlation
Between what I think and feel about money and
What is happening in my life experience.
I love knowing that I receive strong evidence
That of my point of attraction I have command.
Nothing can interfere with my expectation.

Under The Influence

Pure Joy

So I woke up this morning and said, “What a day!”
I was filled with excitement about what’s to come
As I hang around people who think much like me.
What’s my goal? I’ve not figured that out exactly
But I do know that I want absolute freedom
To allow everything to turn out just my way.

There are things I’ve been wanting for quite a while now.
Some of them have already been manifested
And I’m satisfied that the rest are on their way.
In alignment for long periods I can stay
And I usually get what I’ve requested
From the universe. I’ve trained myself to allow.

Everyone is Under The Influence of one
Kind of thing or another in any moment.
If I’m under, “I want it but it costs too much”
Then my point of attraction is way out of touch
With what I want. There’s no way I can circumvent
The duality of my current vibration.

I must change it to, “I want it and it will come.”
When I’m Under The Influence of my desire
Then by law it is certain to happen for me.
I know that I create my own reality.
Blessings come when a good vibration I acquire.
I do well as I’m constantly beating this drum.

Becoming Invincible

Bright Day Ahead

So much has come before you. The world has been here
Long before your arrival preparing for you.
You’re Source energy in a physical body
And your purpose is to live your life happily.
All That Is thanks you for your willingness to chew
On the contrast in this physical atmosphere.

All That Is is what Source is and you are the same
Energy that creates worlds. You’re selfish enough
To want to feel good always. You’re fully aware
Of what feels otherwise and you stay clear of there.
You’re prepared for whenever the going gets tough
Because to you this wonderful life is a game.

You have no idea of how worthy you are
So at times you expect choices to be bigger
And harder to make, find, apply, and to achieve.
In such cases you must try your best to believe
That you’re worthy of better. Don’t let it trigger
A downward momentum because you’ve come too far.

All That Is benefits from all that you go through
On your journey but do it for yourself also.
As you do you’ll feel less vulnerability.
You will feel more invincible naturally.
There is no stopping you due to what you now know.
Take advantage of what has been laid out for you.

Effortless Realization

Active Contemplation

You have done all the efforting as you’ve sifted
Through the contrast. You know what you don’t want and do.
Now that you’ve launched that rocket the universe will
Gather all the components needed to fulfill
Your desire. It should come as no surprise to you
That good things happen as you remain uplifted.

If it still feels like effort it means you’re slowing
Everything down. You may be too much in your head.
If you’re thinking too much about what you should do
You cannot maintain a positive point of view.
You may feel that you need to try harder instead
Of allowing wellbeing to begin flowing.

There’s never too much thinking when you’re guided by
How you feel in each moment and you have control
Over that. Let everything you do be inspired.
It’s a marvelous way to get what is desired.
That you feel on top of the world should be your goal.
You can always feel good without having to try.

You’ve been taught to follow the path of diligence
And hard work but people do it to compensate
For their lack of alignment with what they desire.
Being in the receptive mode doesn’t require
Any effort at all. You need only feel great.
The power of your good vibration is immense.

A Newfound Resolution

Outdoor Life

You’re a leading edge creator here to explore
The contrast that life offers. Without it you would
Not be able to draw any good conclusions
About your journey. You harbor no illusions
Regarding your effectiveness and as you should
You stay focused upon only things you adore.

That which is like unto itself is drawn you know
And that there’s a vibrational reality.
When you see what you don’t want you make what you do
A vibrational reality that’s as true
As the physical thing that it will come to be.
You have the power within you to make it so.

You have access to infinite intelligence.
Your vortex of creation is identified
By this provident consciousness who is aware
Of every single wish you have and who takes care
Of your needs. The whole universe is on your side.
This wonderful assurance comes at no expense.

Everything has been lined up – the people, places,
And perfect situations. The question is where
Are you in this big picture. Your answer must be
That you always seek ways to live life happily.
In this way you will be taking maximum care
Of yourself and of all that you heart embraces.

Shorten The Time It Takes To Receive

Pointing To Time

If we do create our own reality, then
The question is how do I collapse the time frame
From my thinking it to its manifestation?
By turning impatience to anticipation
I can do that, then life is a wonderful game –
One that I can play over again and again.

I’m frustrated sometimes because it takes too long
Yet the lag time helps me to fill in the details
Of the unfolding drama that I’m creating.
As I focus there I can translate the waiting
Into gratitude. This simple trick rarely fails.
I’ll never get it done so I can’t get it wrong.

How can I Shorten The Time It Takes To Receive
What I want? By improving my ability
To clearly recognize it I’ll shorten the time.
Contemplating what I want I’m in a sublime
State of sheer expectation. It must come to be.
In this process I must have the heart to believe.

What I’ve put into my Vortex of Creation
Would feel good to me right now but I must feel good
To begin with then I’ll have that experience.
Every moment can be filled with utter suspense
When I know that things work out the way that they should.
Being happy always shortens the duration.

You’re So Close

Jump For Joy

What could be more important than your feeling good?
When you do you’re of benefit to yourself and
The whole universe. As you move throughout your day
Reach for good feeling thoughts. Do your utmost to stay
In alignment with your true self and understand
That things can turn out just the way you feel they should.

You can’t find the best feeling thought you’ve ever thought
And hold onto it. That’s impossible to do
But you can reach for a thought that feels better than
The thought that you’re now thinking. This means that you can
Get to where nothing much on earth can bother you.
Into your life the blessing of freedom is brought.

You’re So Close to what you want. All you need to do
Is align yourself fully to what you believe
Will bring you satisfaction. Tune your vibration
To the fact that what you want is already done.
Now it’s your job to get in the mode to receive
All the good things in life that are lined up for you.

When you want something please let yourself go with it.
Imagine it. Dream it. Talk about it. Don’t keep
Arguing for your limitations all the time.
Explaining where you are is the ultimate crime
To fulfillment. In time you may come to a deep
Understanding of how wellbeing you permit.

Change For The Better

Colorful Humanity

Do know that you can be, do, or have anything
That you want. There is nothing off limits. If you
Can remember that life is supposed to be good
For you always then things will work out as they should.
Your life will change immediately if you do
What it takes in order to get your heart to sing.

It takes not much to get from where you are to where
You’d prefer to be – in love perpetually
With your life and the universe. The world will treat
You much better. You’ll find that all life is replete
With the full consciousness of divine energy.
Of the good in all things you become more aware.

Most people are conditional vibrators. We
Vibrate according to conditions we observe
Then get more of it yet we can turn this around
To where first we focus on some good thing we’ve found
Thereby simply attracting what we most deserve.
We can vibrate things into the way they should be.

Satisfaction does not come from your jumping through
Even ‘well-meaning’ hoops. Satisfaction only
Comes from your wanting something then moving your way
Toward it. Change will happen as long as you stay
In alignment with the person you’re meant to be.
Keep in contact with the most evolved part of you.

Your Only Work

Huge Wish

Figure out how to enjoy the fresh breath of air
That a new desire gives you. Your work is to be
Receptive to the constant flow of abundance
And you can do this under any circumstance.
Get connected to universal energy.
It’s available to you from out of nowhere.

Resist the temptation to face reality
Just for a little while. Lean in the direction
Of optimism rather than pessimism.
Of the light of God you’re a most worthy prism.
The universe is of absolute perfection.
You feel that when you’re living your life happily.

The only thing that keeps you from moving to where
You want to be is talking about where you are.
Talk about where you’re going – not where you are now
And have been for a long time. Forget about how
Things are going because they’re exceedingly far
From where you want to be. Of yourself take good care.

Letting go of ‘what is’ is a tough thing to do
Because it’s so much in your face but it’s not good
To make ‘what is’ a strong habit. Talk more about
What’s becoming but only if you have no doubt
That it’s coming. Your resistance is understood
By the most expanded and evolved part of you.

Be A Match To Your Desire

Reaching Outward

Sometimes you’re not in the proper mode to receive
Because of what you’re giving your attention to.
When you hold a thought, it becomes a vibration
That the universe process. Your elation
In the moment can bring many blessings to you.
Happiness is the state that you want to achieve.

People are in the habit of observing things
And then responding to them emotionally.
This behavior is natural but be aware
That you choose how you feel. Give how you feel the care
It deserves by not observing reality
Quite so much if only disappointment it brings.

It’s not easy to be standing in the middle
Of something that you don’t want and have the feeling
Of what you do want, but it’s the work you must do.
You’ve asked for it and it’s being lined up for you.
Focus only on things that you find appealing.
You may get very close to solving life’s riddle.

Find one thing about your life that’s going quite well.
Focus on it and use it as your excuse to
Get yourself in the receptive mode and to stay
Elevated. Don’t let ‘what is’ get in the way
Of the wonderful things that are earmarked for you.
Tell the story that your spirit wants you to tell.

Talk About What You Want

Verbal Bubbles

Talk only about what you want – not what you don’t.
That’s a given but many people fall into
The self-undoing habit of talking about
What they don’t want. Be more conscious of what comes out
Of your mouth about what you want. It’s up to you
To speak loudly your passion because others won’t.

They’re all lined up. It’s all about many engines
On the track pulling in opposite directions.
You get nowhere and you’re wasting your energy.
Speak only of the way that you want things to be.
Let it resonate throughout the mind’s reflections.
See the world and your life through a positive lens.

You will never ever really be satisfied
With something less than what you want so let it be
What you want then line up with it. Watch what happens
When you do so. The most evolved part of you spends
All its time helping you to live more happily.
You can look upon it as your happiness guide.

You’ve released enough resistance. Let your desire
Gain momentum. Give undivided attention
To your purpose and how you feel along the way.
Be aware that there’s power in all that you say
To the universe. Not beyond comprehension
Is the notion that anything you can acquire.

Worthiness And Receptivity

Lucky Break

Be more playful about life. Your seriousness
May be laced with resistance. Accept that the laws
Of the universe are powerful, consistent,
And unbiased. There’s nothing on earth to prevent
You from being as happy as ever because
To a wealth of wellbeing you do have access.

Lighten up in your rigid approach to it all.
You’re more worthy than you could ever know but you
Could be much more aware and allowing of it.
You can retell your life story as you see fit.
All things respond to a positive point of view.
You cannot sweat the small stuff and it all is small.

Everything that you care about is lined up for
You to see. Your ability to see it, though,
Is something that you practice so start with the things
That are easiest. Note what the universe brings
Into your life experience. You ought to know
That there’s so much wellbeing knocking at your door.

Gradually you can begin to focus on
Things that you’ve been practicing resistance about.
You can think about them in less resistant ways
Then the universe will do its best to amaze
And delight you. You have no good reason to doubt
That blessings coming to you will never be gone.


On The Spot

Worthiness was at issue. I needed a new
Place to work at because of utter frustration
With my purpose and how I was being treated.
I did not want my mistake to be repeated.
There was no tolerating my situation.
I knew perfectly well what I needed to do.

Several rounds of interviews I scheduled for.
I could not be successful in them because I
Had the imprint of anger in my vibration.
I was not happy with my messed up creation.
I went on for a long while without knowing why
I’d been harming myself by things that I abhor.

So I made peace with the people and policies
Of the place where I still worked and then I went on
To the next interview feeling so lighthearted
That I knew that I had it before it started.
The contempt that I once had was completely gone.
I engaged the interview with uncommon ease.

At the end of the interview they offered me
The position with the pay that I had in mind.
They augmented the job description to include
Things that I adore. My faith in life is renewed.
With my true self I had become fully aligned.
I’d lined up with the power of Source Energy.

A Fantastic Reality

Hobbit Earth

Today you may be offering a vibration
Based on something that happened twenty years ago
That you may have forgotten, so unconsciously
You behave in a manner that doesn’t agree
With who you are today and all that you now know
About the art of deliberate creation.

The momentum built up already has nothing
To do with what you’re wanting, so focus upon
Something different long enough that you can feel
Some relief from what seems to be such an ordeal
For the heart and the psyche. When all hope is gone
Then upon anything uplifting you must cling.

Whatever you’re focused upon the universe
Responds to it. It doesn’t matter if it’s real
Or something conjured up in your mind. Just the fact
That you’re offering the vibration you attract
What you’re focused on to you. How’s that make you feel?
One would hope that it won’t make you feel any worse.

Who does not need distraction? Illness, poverty,
And confusion are things you must get away from
For a while by creating your own fantasy.
You can make everything just the way it should be.
Ignore now for the moment and soothe yourself some.
You are meant to be living your life happily.

Just Chill Out!

Personal Freedom

There’s so much more to feel good about than to not
And there’s so much more working than not… so much more.
So don’t find things to fret about. Turn off the news
And your phone for a while. You have nothing to lose
But distress and distraction. Take time to ignore
Everything but yourself which is all that you’ve got.

A nice break from your constantly beating the drum
Of the struggle gives you the opportunity
To replenish your energy and clear your mind
Of its clutter. Leave all of your troubles behind
For the moment. Just focus on being happy
And allow the feeling of wellbeing to come.

Feel yourself feeling much better as you release
The resistance and the negative energy.
Feel yourself turning in the proper direction
In the stream of wellbeing through your connection
With your higher self who supports you completely.
This idea alone brings about inner peace.

Just Chill Out! That’s the answer to any issue
That consumes you. You have the freedom to be whole
And wholeheartedly living your life happily.
Pretty soon you’ll get so good at this that you’ll be
One who has mastered the fine art of true control
Which is of how you feel and what motivates you.

Allow What You Want

Star Touch

To the brim your Vortex of Creation is filled
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there.
You’re deserving of the realization of
All you’ve put there – indeed everything that you love.
You’ve tended your Vortex of Creation with care.
If you knew all that’s in there your heart would be thrilled.

And it’s time for those things to start flooding into
Your experience at a rate that will surprise
Those around you. It’s time for you to remember
What you’ve put in your Vortex. Let nothing deter
You alignment with it and soon you’ll realize
Things occurring that will bring excitement to you.

Your Vortex is vibrational – not physical.
It’s an energy field that you can access through
Your terrific emotional guidance system.
Your feelings are important so do respect them.
Sometimes you don’t remember that you are one who
Is deserving of that which will boost your morale.

Here and now in your physical body allow
Yourself to be the recipient of the things
You desire. Your Vortex of Creation is where
You must focus. Become more aware of what’s there.
Pay a lot more attention to what to you brings
Happiness. Let your guidance system show you how.

The Cycle Of Reception

Pleasant Surprise

All you need is desire. It’s a powerful force
That you have full control of but sometimes you may
Have limiting beliefs that are keeping you from
What you want. If you want what you’re wanting to come
You must lose the resistance. You must find some way
To believe in yourself as a matter of course.

When your beliefs and desires are in agreement
What you want will come quickly without having to
Justify or prove anything to anyone.
You know deep in your heart that what you want is done.
If you don’t feel this way let it serve as a clue
That your mindset may be causing your discontent.

Don’t shoot your desire in the foot by believing
Anything other than that it will manifest.
Put the world and your friendships on the back burner.
Focus only on the thing you want to occur.
Then the wisdom of the universe is expressed
To you clearly. This is the art of receiving.

Find the power of your desire and hang around
There often. Your emotional guidance system
Will show you every time when you stray just a bit
Off your path. You can use it to your benefit.
All those negative thoughts… you must let go of them.
Allow your natural wellbeing to abound.



This is a law based universe naturally.
If you really want something you’re not receiving
It feels bad. If you don’t care that much about it
Then you’ll get it. This messes with the mind a bit
But it’s true so you might as well start believing
In the laws. They will help you to live happily.

If you don’t want it that much you’re not in a state
Of resistance to it manifesting for you
But if you have a little bit of resistance
It will be difficult yet you still stand the chance
Of receiving it by paying attention to
The ideal condition you want to create.

If you want something badly but you don’t believe
It can happen it’s not in your expectation
To receive it and it cannot happen for you
Nothing comes of the pain and struggle you go through.
If your mindset is that of lack then frustration
Complicates much your ability to receive.

So the key is to want something generally
Then let the desire for it gather momentum.
There will be less resistance as it picks up speed.
From the tension in your wanting you will be freed.
Be receptive to the many blessings that come
From alignment with universal energy.

Be Unlimited

Touching Infinity

The belief factor has already done its work.
When something occurs that causes the launching of
Desire for something better but your beliefs are
Not aligned with receiving you’re terribly far
From fulfillment. You must keep your spirit above
Negativity. From this duty you can’t shirk.

Life causes you to want things. Your understanding
Of how the laws of the universe operate
Determines how much wellbeing you’re letting in.
Ignorance is the only mother of chagrin.
If you can keep yourself in a positive state
Then your influence will be always expanding.

Your inner being knows your power and value
And it knows the most pleasing path for you to take.
It is calling you constantly. Why don’t you go?
For whatever the reason it’s helpful to know
That old habits of believing though tough to break
Can be conquered. The power resides within you.

Life goes by rather quickly as if you’re skiing.
If you hit a tree going fast, damage is done
But if you hit it slowly then all is okay.
Watch where you’re going. Pay attention to the way
That you think and believe and of course have more fun
Being a happily ever after being.

Sifting Through The Contrast


This world offers me contrast. I like it when I
Engage it day to day without having to be
Ever discouraged by it. My life is a breeze
For the most part. I take everything with much ease.
I know that everything is working out for me.
Fortunate for me is that I don’t have to try.

I’d put forth so much effort to get to a place
Where I couldn’t be satisfied. Now that I’m free
Of the struggle I thought I needed to go through
There’s nothing in the universe that I can’t do,
Be, or have. I’ve decided that I’m most worthy
Of wellbeing, abundance, and infinite grace.

Effortlessly I’m on the path to everything
That I could ever want and the contrast provides
Opportunities for me to sift and sort out
What I do want from what I don’t. It’s all about
My discernment. My emotional system guides
Me along through whatever may be happening.

Contradictory thought will make me feel like I
Need to try harder in order to compensate
For my not having gotten into alignment
With my spirit. My quest is one of refinement.
Bless the contrast because it gets me to create
A magnificent life – one I cannot deny.

A Bedtime Process

Joyful Slumber

It’s because of your action orientation
That you want to believe that it takes hard work to
Make things happen but as you learn to direct your
Thoughts deliberately you’ll find that you’ll have more
Power and leverage. So much more you can do
With your focus. It’s your creative foundation.

You can focus your thoughts more consistently in
The direction of your heart’s desire rather than
Squandering the power of your thought by thinking
Opposite to what you want. Like a ship sinking
It may be hard to rescue good thoughts but they can
Be recovered. Right now’s a good time to begin.

Once you’re in bed try to recall some of the most
Pleasant things that occurred today. There may be some
Things that happened that were a lot less than okay
But direct your intention. Do your best to stay
Focused on something that you got some pleasure from.
Find a good thought in which you can become engrossed.

Ponder it when you find it. Prime your positive
Pump by saying things such as, “This day was alright.
I like how that thing happened to turn out the way
That I wanted.”
Recall the best parts of your day

Then you will have a most restful sleep through the night.
In the morning you will have your best self to give.

Why And How

Passionate Asking

“Why is it that there are things that I believe that
I am asking for that are not coming? How can
I get them to come faster?”
When you are aligned

With what you want – when you’re in the right state of mind
Then what you want will come within a short time span.
Why And How then are worth taking a good look at.

When you hold a desire but continually
Notice that it simply hasn’t yet been achieved
It will cause you frustration. To be happy where
You are now is to give yourself the best of care.
Prepare yourself for your heart’s dream to be received
By you. Just let what you want to come come to be.

Where you are now may suck especially if you
Have been there for a long time. You don’t anymore
Want to be there but don’t talk about it so much.
Talk about the thrill of your having it. There’s such
Power in that. Accent what your heart reaches for.
Take advantage of a positive point of view.

You have to give your attention to that which you
Are wanting. Tell the story of your having it.
If you want to be over there rather than here
Then your negative countenance must disappear.
Be aware of the energy that you transmit.
Speak only of your worthiness because it’s true.

Your Attention To ‘What Is’


‘What Is’ is what is keeping you from what could be.
When you focus attention on the status quo
Nothing changes. Your manifestations never
Catch up with you. Moving forward takes forever.
The imbalance of energy makes for a slow
Pace of life. From ‘what is’ you must get yourself free.

When you hold a desire and you focus upon
It and you stop focusing upon its absence
Then the space will fill in with what you’re looking for.
As you shift your attention from ‘what is’ the more
Of what you want must happen. Forget present tense!
Having done this then all your resistance is gone.

As long as your awareness is on ‘what is’ now
And therefore ‘what is’ missing from now you create
A vibration that holds you right in the same place.
You prevent your reception of infinite grace.
Keep yourself always in a most positive state.
The receptive mode is one in which you allow.

‘What Is’ begs many questions that you can’t answer
Like: Why doesn’t it come faster? What can I do?
When will it become manifest?
Focus only

On those things in life that you want to come to be.
Do whatever you know that will satisfy you
Then your future will turn out just as you prefer.

Surprise And Delight

Happy Happenstance

When you think about it your journey never ends.
You get in the receiving mode then you receive
A desire and the optimum situation
Is that you’re mostly tuned into your creation.
More ideas keep coming the more you believe
In the things that the spirit within you intends.

You’re having rendezvous and experiences
All along the way. More ideas keep coming
So it turns out that it never turns out. It turns
Out that living life is not one of your concerns.
Your confidence is what keeps your motor humming.
You handle conditions without consequences.

It’s a never ending journey and when you get
Hooked on that good feeling of it unfolding and
You never need a destination you never
Have any disappointment. You are as it were
In a place where you can easily understand
That your whole life is determined by your mindset.

Don’t get fixated on what you think is the end
Of your journey. What you see is an illusion.
Ask how the universe will Surprise And Delight
You today. It will get you to feeling just right.
You’ll then be encouraged to draw the conclusion
That the universe is ultimately your friend.

Start Asking Spirit For Help


What you don’t want you know now. It’s evidenced by
The distress you experience from day to day.
Whether it be the state of the world as you know
Or your personal story of pain and sorrow
Be assured that through spirit you can find your way
Back to knowing how yourself you can satisfy.

When you know what you don’t want you know what you do.
When someone is rude to you you want them to be
More respectful. If you feel pain you want to feel
Relief from it. You favor what is most ideal.
All this is to say that you want to be happy.
Spirit knows everything that’s going on with you.

You were spirit before you were born and you’re still
Spirit now with a body. You’re an extension
Of spiritual energy. You can access
Your own spirit by altering your consciousness
Or you can simply by paying more attention
To how you feel. You can find contentment at will.

Your emotional guidance system connects you
With your spirit. Whenever you feel negative
Emotion it means that you’re not in agreement
With your spirit. Only by your conscious intent
Do you ask in a way that your spirit will give
You the answer. You have much to look forward to.

Trust The Process

Quality Quest

There’s nothing that exists in your wanting that you
Cannot fully manifest. Law of Attraction
Says that if you can dream it it can become true.
Lining up with it is all that you need to do
And you do it by reaching for satisfaction
And by maintaining a positive point of view.

Everything in this universe is vibration.
Once you begin to understand this you begin
To think and feel deliberately. You believe
That all that your senses are able to perceive
Is more tangible therefore you have less faith in
The vibrational form of manifestation.

You’re a vibrational being and you attract
By your focus so you must be fully aware
Of what you’re doing. Most folks create by default.
Usually it results in psychic assault.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
Don’t allow things to happen just so you’ll react.

You have an inner being – your spirit… your soul.
The expanded part of you is Source energy.
It’s your true essence. Trust that it knows everything
About you and believe that to you it can bring
Anything you can dream of immediately.
Hooking up with it is the way to become whole.

It Will Manifest Fast


The much larger part of you is now already
Living the life that you want. What are you doing
In relationship to the expanded being
You’ve become? If you see the way it is seeing
Then you’ll find ease in whatever you’re pursuing.
On the road to fulfillment you remain steady.

The better you feel the more up to speed with your
Larger self you are. The reverse is also true.
If you feel less than happy then you’re nowhere near
Where your expanded being is. It has a clear
View of everything. This enlightened part of you
Has an understanding of what you’re looking for.

You may look into a segment of your life and
You’ll see something that hits you the wrong way. Maybe
It’s a car that won’t run or the state of affairs
Of your world or a possibility that scares
The daylights out of you. What happens instantly
Is the solution to solve the problem at hand.

But you must be receptive. The lag time between
What you want and your having it is created
By your feelings of lack. It Will Manifest Fast
As you let go of resistance and have a blast
With your life. It’s something to be celebrated
By you and by benevolent forces unseen.

Why You’re Not Happy

Strong Consideration

You’re about to leave college. The future although
Is uncertain for so many reasons. Your friends
Feel the same way. You don’t know what you want to do
With your life. You don’t know what the world’s coming to.
You’re not one to be naïve or one who pretends
That the world is without injustice and sorrow.

What makes you itch? What sort of a situation
Is ideal to you? What would you most like to do?
Ask this but leave money out of the equation.
Having done this you may have come up with just one
Thing that really excites the daylights out of you.
It’s most important that what you’re doing is fun.

Many people spend their lives in sheer misery
Doing what they don’t want in order to survive.
They’re not happy. Their dreams are not being fulfilled.
They no longer have the memory of what thrilled
Them from jump. They’re concerned about staying alive.
They’re not actualizing their reason to be.

It’s up to you to change the world that exists now.
We old ones have done quite enough damage and you
Are the hope of the future. Choose to be happy
In whatever you’re doing then the world will see
Better times. ‘Out with the old and in with the new’
Is your motto. The freedom of growth you’ll allow.

Profound Satisfaction

Much Joy

When you tell your new story your world comes alive
Though it may not be the easiest thing to do
First crack out of the box. You can get yourself there
Because about how you feel you give utmost care.
At this moment you can have a fresh point of view
About your life. For happiness you want to strive.

Tell your new story the way you want it to be
Rather than the way it is and you will begin
To notice benevolent cooperative
Components assemble. You only have to give
Your attention to the guiding spirit within.
The universe wants to help you tell your story.

Be willing to let ex-partners be ex-partners…
To let bygones be bygones. The grudges you hold
Must be let go of. This alone will purify
Your vibration. There’s no reason you shouldn’t try
To author your new story. It wants to be told
As it lives and as in your life it well occurs.

Practice the power of your own mind and step back
Into a remembering of who you truly
Are in essence. You are part of Source Energy.
While living on this earth your purpose is to be
Doing whatever it may take to get happy.
You have reached the point now where there’s no looking back.

Stop Noticing The Lack


What The World Needs Now Is Love. It’s been said before
And again as the struggles of humanity
Justify the conclusion that we are at war
With our own selves. We seem to enjoy taking score
Of the bloodshed, destruction, and insanity.
If there were not a crisis life would be a bore.

A world lacking love is one that cannot exist
In a universe based in the principle of
Absolute wellbeing. Lack is an illusion
Of the mind. It leads to a lot of confusion
About worthiness to give and to receive love.
It’s become something that people want to resist.

Do I mostly feel fearful? Or can I reach for
Something better to focus on? Surely I can.
There’s no doubt that I can feel joy and love despite
All the drama. I don’t need to join in a fight
For some cause. It was never a part of my plan.
I’m excited about all the things I adore.

With just this much attention and conversation
With myself I can get to a much better place.
My vibration shifts and my point of attraction
Is enhanced and I feel complete satisfaction.
I’m odd enough to believe in infinite grace
And the power of my own conscious creation.

The State Of Constant Receiving

Joy To Receive

There’s a fun game called virtual reality.
Its purpose is to set your vibrational tone
Apart from something that may be happening in
The moment that keeps you in a state of chagrin.
It’s a mind exercise you can do on your own.
You conjure the world the way you want it to be.

The vibration that you’re offering is because
Of whatever you’re focused upon and so the
Universe responds to it. Whether or not it
Is the truth or a fantasy you benefit
From the focus. Whatever thoughts make you happy
Keep on thinking them and give yourself some applause.

Just imagine being in your favorite space
For a brief moment to give yourself some relief
From your beating the drum of not having enough.
You can banish the notion that you must hang tough
Through your struggle. Get rid of that kind of belief.
Only thoughts of wellbeing you ought to embrace.

It’s simply a game where you distract yourself from
What may be bothering you long enough that you
Let the universe yield to you what it’s already
Attempting to yield to you. Your work is truly
To relax and give your attention only to
Your alignment. There’s nothing else to overcome.

Everything Is Downstream

Winding Stream

There’s a strong current moving in one direction.
It’s toward your wellbeing and all you desire.
You can go with the flow or you can go against
It but a whole lot of work needs to dispensed
In so doing and your yielding doesn’t require
Any effort. There’s no need for course correction.

So why do people want to paddle hard upstream?
It’s because our society teaches us that
Working hard is virtuous. We don’t want to be
Perceived as some mixture of foolish and lazy.
All the reasons you do so are worth looking at
Because they’re keeping you from fulfilling your dream.

When you say no to something you include it in
Your vibration which is your point of attraction
Just as when you say yes to something you invite
Subtle energies to bring your dream within sight.
Going downstream always leads to satisfaction.
When you push against something you never will win.

When you feel things like love and appreciation
The stream carries you. Without any resistance
On your part you move swiftly to everything you
Want in life and there’s nothing that you need to do
But relax and let your life be a joyful dance
And you’ll get along much better with everyone.

Look For The Early Signs


Your five senses are given to you to translate
Vibration into what you call reality
And your focus upon something causes it to
Become physical reality just for you.
This is how basically all things come to be.
You’re given the opportunity to create.

All the time your path is being revealed to you
Even when you’re not feeling all that positive
And you’re being given continual guidance.
Things are realized only through your abidance
In the laws of the universe. All that you live
Reflects what you give most of your attention to.

The desire that has not manifested fully…
Be okay with and do Look For The Early Signs
Of it happening. They’re the ideas that come.
Infinite intelligence is where they come from.
Look forward to receiving blessings of all kinds.
Be a master of this time space reality.

Realize the ideas as they manifest
In your consciousness. They’re the beginning of your
Own emotional journey to all you desire.
Only your awareness does it really require.
Realize that you’ll always be wanting much more
And the universe wants to fulfill your request.

I Get To Decide


What I’m most thankful for is the freedom to be,
Do, or have anything, and I Get To Decide
How I feel in each moment which is important
To my point of attraction. Who says that I can’t
Find a way to keep myself always satisfied?
I’m thankful that this knowledge is now part of me.

There’s a much bigger picture. I’m fully aligned
With my purpose. Sometimes I have split energy
But I can quickly get back to being aware
Of my sense of wellbeing. I just have to care
More about feeling better than needing to be
Always right which makes people think that I’m unkind.

“If life is just a series of single events
Interacting with each other what’s it all mean?
What’s the point? Go ahead. Just tell me what to do.”

I once did have this rather parochial view
But by now quite a bit of wellbeing I’ve seen
And its absolute dominance makes perfect sense.

I’m here for the pleasure of life – for the pleasure
Of knowing the fullness of who I’ve come to be.
My inner being and I are two aspects of
The same thing. It tells me that I must learn to love
Everything about life unequivocally.
I’ve decided that life is an awesome treasure.

Feel As If It Is

Extreme Satisfaction

Find the vibration that is within the desire.
Ask yourself why you want it and let the feeling
Of the answers flow through you. Be fully aware
Of your sense of alignment and try to stay there
For as long as you can because it’s appealing
To your spirit. No efforting does it require.

When you act as if something is when you clearly
Don’t believe it you’re basically pretending
That it is without feeling it. That’s not the way
To receive what you want. In the same place you’d stay.
Mixed signals to the universe you’d be sending.
Feel As If It Is and it has to come to be.

You have to find a piece of belief in what you
Want to happen. When you find the feeling of it
Your belief strengthens. You become more energized.
Manifestations will occur. You’ll be surprised
And you’ll get to the point where you’ll have to admit
That this Law of Attraction stuff is really true.

You don’t need the condition to be happy now.
No matter what’s occurring you’ve complete control
Of your thoughts and emotions. Show yourself that you
Can create through your focus a world that is new
And exciting. Let life be the soup for your soul.
Your emotional guidance system tells you how.