Tag Archive | discrimination


Lower Self Awareness

It’s a remnant of humanity’s animal
Nature. The human ego is the thinking mind.
Dualistic in nature, it is a complex
Mental construct. Self-centered, it only respects
What promotes its survival. It can be unkind
To others in the process of being social.

The ego attaches itself to a label
Or to many to reinforce its survival
And its dominance as one’s source of existence.
It is always on the offense or the defense.
It’s too impatient to wait for the arrival
Of intangible guidance. It’s just not able.

The ego is a person’s ordinary state
Of consciousness. It’s naturally self-centered.
All humans operate based upon their ego’s
Level of consciousness. We can learn much from those
Who’ve transcended the ego. Its quest is absurd
And unhealthy. Only illness does it create.

Mental constructs are programmed by society
And past karma. The core of the ego is pride
And narcissism. It’s extremely tenacious
And clever. It cherishes what is audacious.
In the light of enlightenment it cannot hide.
We improve, but we can’t ever be ego free.

A More Ethical Workplace?

Human Resource Empowerment

My boss tells me to lie to my clients sometimes.
Faking it ‘til I make it is not quite my way.
Yet that’s what is expected of me at my work.
It’s as if when truth is spoken, folks go berserk.
Companies and their values can lead folks astray
Of their moral makeup due to innocent crimes.

People do things to others that aren’t very nice
Just because they can do them with no consequence
That’s substantial enough to encourage a change
In aberrant behavior. And it isn’t strange
That in lieu of a conscience, the uncommon sense
Is to sell one’s humanity at the best price.

Mothers lie to their young children, and that is fine.
Any act done in pure love is always ok.
If a gunman would ask me where people are hid
I would lie to deter him. My heart would forbid
Giving him the advantage. It isn’t my way.
My own spirit will tell me when I’ve crossed the line.

Life is not based on morals but humanity.
Morals change with the ages, and peoples, and lands…
But the pure human heart knows what is right from wrong.
Moral compasses are built but are not so strong
When selfish ego motives outweigh the demands
Of the earth and the whole human society.

Who Was Jim Crow?

Darkest Roots Of The History

Jim Crow wasn’t a real person but a stage act
Performed by Thomas Dartmouth Rice, a white actor.
The sole act he performed was called Jumping Jim Crow.
Dressed in rags and with blackface, on stage he would go
To depict lives of black folks as stupid and poor.
He gained much benefit from the twisting of fact.

This form of entertainment became popular.
He himself was a Yankee, yet traveled afar
Spreading his brand of poison all over the land
To poor downtrodden hardworking whites who could stand
Making fun of a scapegoat, though feathers and tar
Would be much preferable and hugely bizarre.

In those times laws were strictly enforced to keep blacks
From comingling with whites in any kind of way.
Ruthless rules of repression were called Jim Crow laws.
…Seems the dude’s act was fruitful in hindsight because
Uncle Sam gave it substance, so people could say
That it’s righteous for whites to administer tax.

Systemic Segregation exists to this day.
Complete eradication is futile at best.
Its roots aren’t all that southern. They grow through the soil
Of the earth all are made of. Unending turmoil
Is the plight of humanity as it’s expressed
Through our hateful behaviors. Are we our own prey?

When Disturbed, We Will SHOCK!

Institution of Higher Ignorance

There’s a wheat field in Wichita run by the state
Of an alien mindset. All those who belong
Are considered respectable. Those who do not
Will be given a bloody nose and then forgot.
Don’t go there seeking guidance. You’ll be declared wrong.
They identify losers. They must know that trait.

What could come from a frail old string bean of a beast
That could be so disturbing to bring on the law?
That’s not for me to answer, but consider well
Then commit it to content. I’m obliged to tell
How my asking for help draws a blow to the jaw
And how I then recover, harmed but in the least.

Hayseeds act awfully busy, from what I can tell.
And they will flat out lie to you to move you on
If they think you’re not worth the respect of a chew.
They must overreact to what they must construe
As a disturbing menace. Do my words have brawn?
I will share them for dinner. Good faith suits me well.

Institutions of higher learning, if state run
Each assume a state archetype as a mascot.
That’s as far as I’ll ponder. A crazed yellow face
Inundated with wheat straw…? Let’s cut to the chase.
Those belonging there act of ignorance self-taught.
I spit out the experience now that it’s done.

[If you ain’t figured it out, this is a ‘people’ whistle.]