Archive | December 2022

Never Pursue

Avoid The Race

Just the word ‘pursuing’ is worth considering
Because this is an attraction-based universe,
And, as such, one can never pursue anything.
You attract by the vibration you’re offering
Life is live. Do not think you are here to rehearse.
What are the consequences ignorance may bring?

Almost all of your creation work is complete
Long before any action by you is offered.
It is all done vibrationally, then it starts
Manifesting. You’ve come to master the fine arts
Of creation. A transformation has occurred
Such that you truly can say that your life is sweet.

Most people don’t really get that going because
They get into it, then they stop and start again.
Then they say, “Oh! I’d better just manhandle this.”
You do not have to force things into beingness.

Things will manifest a whole lot easier when
You are most receptive to spiritual laws.

Make good use of the leverage of alignment.
It’s so huge in comparison to your action,
But when you dream the dream until it inspires you
Into action, then surely everything you do
Will give you nothing but extreme satisfaction.
You attract into your life profound contentment.

Relax Into Wellbeing

Natural Panacea

My last low brought me to a place where I could not
Resist doing something about it anymore.
When one reaches rock bottom, nowhere else is there
To go but in the direction of loving care
Toward oneself and others. That’s what we’re here for.
The contrast I experience matters a lot.

From between the rock and the hard place, there is hope
Or despair. A thin line exists between the two.
One cannot remain stuck there without going mad.
With a change in perception some peace can be had.
Once things are gone there’s nothing else for me to do
But surrender the struggle and learn how to cope.

Must I suffer sufficiently before I learn
Anything to my benefit? I don’t have to
Live the experience of deep desperation.
Yet indeed anything that helps get the job done
Is fair game for the universe. All I can do
Is to figure out how to relieve my concern.

I don’t need the gut-wrenching experience to
Understand that I can always turn things around.
A comparative experience is needed
To the one most preferred. I will have succeeded
In relaxing into the new wellbeing found.
There is not much of anything I need to do.


Difficult Encounter

Negative situations scare the heck out of
Timid people and those overly sensitive
To contrasting environments. Then there are those
Who get off on the drama. Conflict among foes
Provides sound entertainment. They don’t seem to give
A rat’s ass about anything centered in love.

People can be annoying when they lose control
Of their tempers, yet one cannot practice disdain
For disgusting behavior. We all have been there.
One who never gets angry is someone quite rare.
Show some love and compassion and you will attain
Peace of mind. Know that you can play no major role.

Give people permission to feel their negative
Emotion, then yourself you will be kinder to.
Try to look for the nugget and appreciate
Its existence. Your reality you create
From the contrast that living often puts you through.
Do not concern yourself with the lives others live.

Embrace and revel in the variety here.
Allow people the sense that all of it makes sense.
The less you focus on it, the less active it
Will be in your vibration. The more you permit
Understanding, the less you’ll require a defense.
Things are not as negative as they may appear.

Resistance Free


Life is meant to be fun. Struggle is an option.
You’re never going to get it done, and you cannot
Get it wrong, so embrace the contrasting moments
As part of your journey. Indulge in the suspense
Of good living occurring. Give it all you’ve got,
But do so from the basis of your having fun.

Meditate if you feel like it. Take it easy.
Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
So, if you feel anything less than excited,
Then something in you needs to be reignited.
It’s okay to love yourself for your humanhood.
Do whatever you have to do to get happy.

Change the pace of what’s happening. You have control
Over ill conversation. Simply don’t partake.
If a thought does not serve you, change its direction.
From specific to general is how it’s done.
You will benefit from the decision you make
To be hellbent on happiness as its own goal.

You receive an impulse, in your most relaxed state,
From your higher self. Let it guide you on your way
To more like it. As you get rid of resistance,
Blessings come to you seemingly by happenstance.
Your magnetic achievement is on full display.
There is nothing complex about your feeling great.

Most Of Your Work Is Already Done

Time Now To Relax

What I needed was some way of being fulfilled,
Which I wasn’t. My dead-end job was killing me.
The anger and frustration was taking its toll
On my energy. I gave it my heart and soul.
For specific reasons, I could not be happy.
I believe that, in my work, I ought to be thrilled.

My vibration was not in that feeling good place
Where there is no confusion. The change that I sought
Couldn’t happen ‘til I worked on being okay
With where I was. Oddly, this is the only way
To attract something better. When given some thought,
I conclude that I’m worthy of provident grace.

I’d been on many interviews, and then one day
I was feeling lighthearted as if it mattered
Not at all. I had fun on that day’s interview.
By the end of a magnificent time, I knew
That I had it. I felt confident and flattered
In the process. I like it when things go my way.

Ninety nine percent of my work is already
Complete before I see the evidence of it.
I can come into vibrational alignment.
Feeling better is my only next assignment.
From the universal forces I benefit.
Everything is supposed to go just right with me.

Righteous Ignorance

Psychic Innocence

I find myself okay. I’m in a happy place.
I just ignore reality, then focus on
Having fun, so I can just feel my way around.
This works well, but sometimes no fulfillment is found.
I create, yet it seems like the magic is gone.
I know that there are folks who will jump in my case.

I can feel. That’s the first step in the whole process
Of creating. The feeling must be energized
With positive emotion, then while I am there
In a high state of consciousness, I am aware
Of the fullness life offers. I can’t be chastised
As the daft Pollyanna or anything less.

With my head in the clouds I don’t want to be seen,
But I must stay there long enough to get into
What happens to be my vortex of creation.
From that place of ease and clarity, I am one
With reality, then everything that I do
Will be worthwhile, as my perceptions will be keen.

To life, I’ll give my undivided attention
Only when I am one with the best part of me.
One who’s tapped in, tuned in, and turned on in this way
Thinks about only good things, I’ll start off your day
With a positive outlook. My reality
Is with all others in this space-time dimension.

Manifest How You Feel

Allow Joy

What is manifestation? Is it the new car,
Or the big raise in salary? Is it romance,
Or a fun-filled vacation? The way that you feel
Is a manifestation. Your feelings are real
And important. You can, in any circumstance,
Be a kind, loving person. This is who you are.

Your life unfolding is a manifestation.
And in rapid succession as moments go by,
You create in each one of them how much of you
Is getting through to others. If you’re feeling blue,
There’s not much of you present. You may wonder why
You feel trapped in an unworthy situation.

You have constant personal control over the
Manifestation of your moment. Stop looking
To the future. You have not enough clarity
Or power. Your concern keeps you from being free
To be the chef who knows what the hell is cooking
In your own kitchen. Right Now is where you should be.

Just be present in this moment and be aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now.
You then adjust your vibration accordingly.
The good feelings that you have are the primary
Creations of your moments because they allow
You control of all of the things for which you care.

Screw What Is True

Changing Realities

Making money is difficult. Some say it’s true.
A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking
Until manifestations give you evidence
Which is proof of your thinking. It makes perfect sense
That there must be an undeniable linking
Between your thoughts and what is happening to you.

If what’s already happening doesn’t fulfill
Your desires, then you must change your expectation.
Find another thought. Train your chronic thought to match
That of what you want. It’s important to detach
From the truth of the matter. In your frustration
You will not succeed through the power of your will.

“But it’s true!” That is a screwy criterion
For you to give your attention to anything.
What is true is true only because it was thought
Into being, then the reality was bought
Line, hook, and sinker. Nothing but harm does it bring.
Is all truth such that it can be relied upon?

Is the truth one that you want to experience?
If so, then keep your focus on it, but if not,
Then ignore it. It means very little to you
To embrace the negative though it may be true.
Expectation is the thing that matters a lot.
For you, it is a matter of significance.

Know Your Worthiness

You Are A Champion

Your vortex of creation existed before
You arrived here, and since then, you’ve added to it
A lifetime of experience. When you feel love,
Peacefulness, or appreciation, these kinds of
Emotions match your vortex, and they will permit
Access to what you’ve put there and even much more.

Many times, throughout your day, you’re in the vortex.
It’s that place where you feel as happy as can be.
It’s a sort of a brief spiking of energy.
In the moment, you’re in touch with divinity.
You cannot stay there all the time, but hopefully,
Getting there doesn’t have to be all that complex.

As you hang around in that range of emotions
The more you are able to maintain it, and you
Can do that rather easily. Feeling worthy,
Blessed, and loved is sustainable naturally.
You need not hype the vortex whatever you do.
How you feel is immune to fantastic notions.

Sometimes just sitting quietly contemplating
With a feeling of utter wellbeing can be
A way into your vortex. Anytime you’re not
Feeling negative emotion, you have a lot
Going for you. Simply because you are worthy,
There is magic in everything you’re creating.

Start Asking Differently

Pursuit Of The Perfect Prayer

Asking moments happen in two circumstances.
One is with some resistance; the other, with none.
It’s your focus upon what you have or have not
That determines if you are to struggle a lot
Or to bask in the wisdom that you are someone
Who, when asking, is not prone to taking chances.

When you ask from a place of knowing it will come,
Then your asking is energized. The universe
Gathers all the cooperative components
In the background. When your emotion is intense,
Then the provident forces at play must disburse
Blessings to you. It is where all good things come from.

Ask, and it is given, but there’s a tug of war
Between wanting and believing in your own dream.
The universe expands in the moment you ask.
You are meant go grow with it. Your primary task
Is to stay optimistic and let the supreme
Entity bring to you what you want and much more.

When you ask but don’t follow your soul’s expansion,
Then life sucks, and you start feeling ineffective.
Ignore that. Start asking in a different way.
Things will start manifesting with little delay.
Benefit from asking from a new perspective.
Ask as if what you’ve asked for is already done.

It’s On The Way

Contentment In Waiting

You can’t get there from there. You cannot continue
To focus on the absence of what you want and
Allow it to come into your reality.
The two have a very different frequency
So you must decide which one is best to expand
Your horizon of hope of your dream coming true.

You may feel that you must face your reality.
Everyone does it. You don’t want to be someone
Considered to be foolish in not facing facts.
The reality is that the one who reacts
To the conscious collective is not having fun.
You don’t have it, and that’s how it happens to be.

You need not face reality. You can instead
Focus on the vibrational reality.
You can’t see it yet, but it’s the seed in the ground.
Nurture it. In your patience, fulfillment is found.
Know that It’s On The Way. Get away completely
From the fact that you don’t have it. It lies ahead.

Keep you attention upon the having of it,
And believe that it’s coming. The questions of where,
How, or when it will come are not of your concern.
You will be the first one to notice the upturn
In your outlook. It’s an emotional affair.
Having faith in your dream is to your benefit.

Tell Your Cells What To Do

Awaiting Orders

It’s not just your brain that transmits and receives thought.
The cells of you body have the ability
To transmit and receive thought. Every part of your
Body gets direction from its source that is pure
Also from what mass consciousness happens to be.
They know how to respond when wellbeing is sought.

Doctors have concluded out of their ignorance
That disease is hereditary in nature.
Sickness comes from the worrisome thoughts of parents.
The infant quite unconsciously has no defense
Against ambient mindsets of those who, unsure
Of what true wellness is, spew all kinds of nonsense.

Old beliefs and mass consciousness get in the way
Of wellbeing, but you are the one to decide
What is relevant for you. The ills that exist
Are made real because illness cannot be dismissed
From the mindset of many people who abide
By the dictates established. They practice dismay.

Before climbing a mountain, you can tell your cells
Consciously to provide you all that you will need
For a fun-filled adventure without resistance.
One can do this in any kind of circumstance.
When you wake up the next morning, you will be freed
Of the soreness, and this will be ringing your bells.

It Will Come

It's Okay To Peek

Making peace with it is the best way for you to
Release the resistance. You don’t need to know how
It will come, who will bring it, nor when it will come.
These questions you can’t answer. Does this mean you’re dumb?
It means only that you must relax and allow
The thing that you are wanting to happen for you.

Never mind the specifics. They fall into place
As the Law of Attraction gathers components
Together and arranges them as you’d prefer.
Only things that you want to happen can occur
Having made peace with where you are. Does it make sense
That you are taken care of by infinite grace?

Stop with all the contradictory energy.
This alone allows goodness to work its way through
Into your life experience. Your efforting
While not feeling it doesn’t accomplish a thing
But discouragement. Do nothing when you are blue.
Manifest the emotion of being happy.

It is the emotional manifestation
That is the most important. It is the first one
Of a series along your fulfilling journey.
You must know deep inside that you are most worthy
Of all that you want. Your work is already done.
Time is now to relax into what has begun.

The Seventeen Second Game

The Best Use Of Time

For as little as seventeen seconds, a thought
Gains momentum. It must be held consistently
With nothing contradicting it in any way.
Then the Law of Attraction will begin to play
By adding more thoughts like it. This thought pleases me
Because within it the key to living is taught.

Another seventeen seconds will generate
Many more thoughts until just after a minute,
You will have an emotion. It’s the beginning
Of a journey where you know you’ll end up winning.
As the game is played, it is to your benefit
That the process you do not over complicate.

After sixty eight seconds of your focusing
On a thought, inspiration is soon to follow.
Every subject is two subjects. If there is good,
Then there is evil. This mindset is understood
By the masses. What you know is what they don’t know.
Trust in that you have chosen to do your own thing.

That’s all you have to accomplish. There’s nothing more
To do. If you reach the sixty eight second mark,
Then, of itself, everything will take proper care.
While you are contemplating, you are made aware
Of the brightness that outshines every bit of dark.
You are now more powerful than ever before.

Happy Go Luckily

High Spirits

All good feelings you have means that you’re translating
The vibration of your source most accurately.
Your source is always transmitting its signal to
You to guide you in whatever you’re going through.
Positive emotion means you happen to be
Receiving source’s signal. There’s no debating.

This does put everything in the perfect context.
It speaks to the fact that you are an extension
Of that same source which is always aware of you.
When there is adoration in your point of view,
You will easily get your source’s attention.
Be surprised and delighted by what happens next.

Negative emotion is the diminishment
Of your vibration compared to that of your source.
But it does offer guidance. Give it due respect.
Your connection to your source is always direct.
Consciously you can get it to keep you on course.
Things will happen in life that you cannot prevent.

Do be nice to yourself by appreciating
Someone else. There is nothing nicer you can do
Than allowing source to flow through you to someone.
Your life is rejuvenated when this is done.
Know that your source is the most sacred part of you.
For your own good it is always advocating.

What Comes Next?

Perpetual Magic

There’s a being who knows everything about you,
Everything you’ve been living, and all you’ve asked for.
It knows what you have become vibrationally.
It adores you. It knows well where you want to be
At all times. It knows the path that will lead to more
Evidence of alignment in all that you do.

You could call it your spirit. It is the one who
Watches over you from a perspective beyond
This physical dimension. It also exists
Deep within you. In times of despair it assists
In your fullest recovery. It will respond
To your prayers. It is the most sacred part of you.

Your spirit knows the same things about others too.
The paths of least resistance to all of the things
Everyone wants it knows. We’re all being guided
To those things, but sometimes, what we are provided
We ignore or don’t notice. It too often brings
About failure. It feels like there isn’t a clue.

You are meant to be satisfied. Life causes you
To expand due to contrast. Cooperative
Components culminate to make what you dream real.
It will always come down to the way that you feel.
There’s no reason on God’s green earth that you can’t live
Every moment with a positive point of view.

Early Signs

Special Moment

Are you patient about the desire that has not
Manifested? You need not become complacent
About it, but if you understand that if you
Can be caused to want something, it’s certainly true
That this world can provide it. So be adjacent
To the feeling of having it. It helps a lot.

It doesn’t just have to be a dream that you feel
Good about. It can become your reality.
There are Early Signs of your manifestations,
And the most powerful in your life are the ones
That are mixed with excitement. Your being carefree,
You have found, is your way to make dreams become real.

Early Signs of your ultimate dreams coming true
Include lighthearted feelings and more ideas
Coming to you to guide you. The earliest sign
Is the contrast that gave birth to what you define
As a wanting. You know that you are as free as
You allow for life’s blessings to flow unto you.

Recognize it when it happens. Stay on its trail.
All the time, your path is being revealed to you.
The spirit within you knows what you have asked for.
Being in the receptive mode opens the door
To the realization of what has come due.
When the feeling comes, do notice every detail.

Your Life Will Change

Breaking Away

Were I zapped with a feeling of understanding
That I can be, do, or have anything that I
Want in life, and that life is supposed to be good,
Then my reason for being would be understood.
Life would change for the better if I would comply
With my own desire which is ever expanding.

It takes not much from where I am to get to where
I become what I’m wanting vibrationally.
I used to vibrate according to conditions
I perceived. It got me into tough positions
Of fear and confrontation. Not necessary
Was the waste of my life force. I chose to not care.

My vibration can alter any condition.
Staying focused on feeling the best that I can
In each moment is what creation is about.
There’s no room for the feelings of worry or doubt.
When I’m joyful is when I come up with a plan,
Otherwise there is effort in what I get done.

My jumping through hoops leads not to satisfaction.
It cones only through my having wanted something,
Moving in its direction, then seeing progress.
Every manifestation is a huge success.
I can trust the wisdom of my inner knowing.
This advice is applicable to anyone.

Crank Up The Momentum

Go For The Thrill

I imagined a day filled with fun and laughter,
And it was so. I set myself up for feeling
Absolutely fantastic, and it came to be.
I experienced moments of sheer ecstasy.
I look forward only to what is appealing.
In this way, I’m an efficient feeling crafter.

There had been no subterfuge to the momentum
Created by my wanting my day to go well.
“I like this, and I like this also.” This is how
I was able to bring power into my now.
Being happy is like casting a magic spell
On myself. Much resistance I have overcome.

In the past, I had lived life quite differently.
“I like this, but not that so much,” I would express
To the listening universe. I would receive
So much of ‘not that so much’ that I would believe
Not that much is worth liking. I would acquiesce
To the false notion that something is wrong with me.

It’s like priming a pump. I create a vacuum
To draw forth the good feelings and keep them coming.
Once the water gets moving, it will continue.
There is little more efforting I need to do.
I believe that I do have adequate plumbing
For the well. It’s a factor that I must assume.

Your Only Work

No Kidding!

A cooperative component you must be
With your powerful, important thoughts and feelings.
You can’t think against your own desires and allow
Them to manifest. Don’t concern yourself with how
Things will happen. You need not know of the dealings
Of the provident forces that you cannot see.

Talk yourself into believing what you want. Cease
The split energy. You say that you want it, but
You have always been wanting it, and it has not
Come to be. If you wallow in this state a lot
You remain unfulfilled with a pain in the gut.
Only having it will give you ultimate peace.

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot with your awareness
Of ‘what is.’ It will hold you firmly in a place
Where you can’t see what could be or what’s becoming.
What is available to you is a wellspring
Of abundance, wellbeing, and natural grace.
When you let go of ‘what is,’ you’re making progress.

Where you are is no problem. From there, you can go
To the next step, which is to feel a bit better.
Lean toward the direction of optimism.
You can then be assured that the chances are slim
That your newfound enlightenment you will fetter.
Think only the thoughts that get good feelings to flow.

Chill Out!

Don't Sweat

It’s not as if I wanted a car that badly.
I simply had a daydream about having fun.
I heard someone speak of their BMW,
Then I thought it would be nice if I had one too.
I perfected the feeling of my having one,
Then it happened. What I had wanted came to be.

I look for fun and clarity – not the new car
Necessarily. What I want is alignment
With how my inner being perceives everything.
Only more fun and clarity can it all bring.
I’m convinced that there can be no better time spent
Than finding evidence of how lovely things are.

Finally, I’m experiencing the power
Of the leverage of alignment, where before,
I would think about it, then try to rein it in
Like a fish on a line. It was wearing me thin.
Life does not have to be such a painstaking chore.
I can have life the way that I most would prefer.

When there is a vibration that becomes a thought,
That’s a manifestation worth celebrating.
Momentum gathers quickly with no resistance
Such as worry or doubt. I must give it a chance.
With each thought and emotion, I am creating
My own narrative with its spectacular plot.

You Are Given What You Allow


The only approval you need is from within
To receive your heart’s wishes without resistance.
Energy is being traded on waves of thought,
Yet sometimes, in your struggle, you tend to get caught
In a trap of beliefs. It gives you not the chance
To accept that you’re absolutely free of sin.

For example, how does a person go about
Body shaping? It seems like a difficult task
That requires lots of focus. How hard can it be
To do something that most everyone would agree
To be helpful? This is a good question to ask,
But the answer may be digested with some doubt.

Each cell of your body is conscious and aware
Of itself, others like itself, and you also.
By your thinking, you have convinced them of some things.
But as you change your thinking, this act alone brings
About changes specific to how your cells grow.
The path of least resistance is taken with care.

The universe will give you what you will allow
Right up to the degree of resistance that you
Have in place. Get rid of it by your choosing ease
Over struggle. See what your inner being sees
From its broader perspective. Go with what is true
To your heart, and be always at peace with your now.


Good Speed

How do I speed things up? By not slowing them down.
It means that I must take the stick out of the wheel.
There’s a natural momentum created by
My asking, and my inner being does comply
With my wishes. It’s all in the way that I feel.
Things cannot move faster if I’m wearing a frown.

I can go with what is already underway.
The cooperative components are being
Assembled. It is by the Law of Attraction
That I’m able to manifest. What has begun
Will continue until it is what I’m seeing
Come together before me each and every day.

That thing that I keep doing that doesn’t let me
Move as quickly as I want toward my desire,
I must be aware of, and just stop doing it.
Easier said than done it seems, I may admit,
But I must remember that I have the entire
Universe to support me. What fun this can be!

I speed up things I want by being satisfied.
I speed up what I don’t want with discontentment
And frustration. If I suspend my resistance
For a moment, then things work out as if by chance.
Momentum increases through my conscious intent
To be happy. There’s nothing that can be denied.

Your Work

Fill Your Heart With Love

Feeling Good is your only work. That simply said
Means that there’s nothing else you need to focus on.
You’ve been here before. There are things you have asked for
From a place of not having them, and you got more
Than you asked for. Positive conclusions are drawn
Regarding how your life goes. It’s full steam ahead.

It is fun to explore the contrast consciously
Then sift out your idea, which is better than
The present situation. Then before your eyes
It becomes your reality. Therefore it’s wise
To be happy as much as you possibly can.
When you do that, you can then let everything be.

If you’re not a vibrational match to the thing
That you want, you can recognize that emotion
To be negative, then do something about it.
This is human. It happens, but when you admit
That it does, then you can give proper devotion
To believing that what you’re wanting is coming.

Two components, desire and belief, are needed
To achieve what you want, but desire and anger
Do not mix. You can do it with desire and love.
You begin by keeping your vibration above
That of this world’s obsessions. You much would prefer
Clarity, contentment, and alignment instead.

A Magic Recipe

Conjured Panacea

The basis of your life is freedom, and your quest
Is to be happy. The result is expansion
Of who you are. The answer to any issue
Is, Get Happy. More than anything you can do,
How you feel has much to do with what you get done.
The most important thing is that you feel your best.

How do I find the love of my life? Get Happy!
What about my finances? The answer’s the same.
How do I deal with the injustice that exists
In a dangerous world where much hatred persists?
You must know that it is a small part of the game
That is played here. It’s not the way it has to be.

You’ve been trying the impossible for so long
By your looking at things that oppose who you are.
There will come a time when you will have to decide
Which is of more importance. Don’t take things in stride.
Stay away from those things that are not up to par
With you wishes. Your will, in this case, must be strong.

The more you practice looking in the direction
Of what you want, the easier it will become.
You’re offering a vibration where only good
Things can flow to you, and by all goodness, they should.
Recipes for alignment originate from
Being Happy. It is the only solution.

Take Your Mind Off What Is

The Brink Of Desolation

I would like to let go of my reality,
But I can’t. It’s stuck to me like whiteness to rice.
I keep thinking that I’m moving forward, yet I
Cannot manifest no matter how hard I try.
What I need is someone to give me good advice
On how I can keep up with my own energy.

Something is out of balance. I know deep within
That when I focus on something and I have no
Resistance to prevent it from becoming real,
It will happen. It depends on the way I feel
About it. I can choose to just go with the flow.
This present moment is the best time to begin.

My awareness of my now is preventing my
Now from changing. It’s my responsibility
To maintain my vibration, so my attention
Is on good things. This does lead to the prevention
Of depression. What is now can elevate me
To the next level. All of my now does apply.

Now has already been created. It’s old news.
It’s also the bouncing off place for what is new.
This is deliberate creation at its best.
I can improve on how my wishes are expressed.
My emotions will tell me what I need to do.
I am kept in alignment by which ones I choose.

On The Way To Fulfillment

Enjoying The Present Moment

I want things. This is natural. Everyone does.
I don’t need to feel guilty or justify it.
When I do, things don’t happen as quickly as they
Otherwise would. I cannot lead myself astray
Of my purpose for living the way I see fit.
I can never go back to the way that it was.

What I can do is have fun on my way to that
Which I’m wanting. I can have an experience
Of fulfillment while I’m on the path to receive
What I want. It is worthwhile for me to believe
In this theory because it makes absolute sense.
The emotions that I feel reflect where I’m at.

This puts everything in the proper perspective.
I am happy to have a good time on my way
To whatever I want. It matters not one bit
If it’s big or small. I get the full benefit
Of the universal forces that are at play.
They are working to satisfy my objective.

It is fun to identify something I want,
Then find resonance with it, and then to behold
The cooperative components coalesce
To align with the focus of my consciousness.
The feeling of excitement is worth more than gold.
It is one in which I remain tempted to flaunt.

That Was Then

Sad Story Retired

All my manifestations keep going somewhere
Other than where I want them to, which is with me.
I’ve had this conversation with myself before,
And my thinking about it does not give me more
Of an edge on fulfillment. I need to break free
Of the prison created by my lack of care.

That Was Then. This Is Now. I know how to relieve
Myself of the resistance. By my maintaining
My vibration, I can manifest easily.
I am fully in touch with who I’m meant to be.
I know now that there is no use in complaining.
I am responsible for all that I receive.

The path of least resistance is being carefree.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Something to manifest is in itself worthwhile,
But my appreciation goes the extra mile.
To the mission of happiness I am avowed.
I know now what the past has provided for me.

Then, I didn’t know what I know now, and what I
Know now is different from the grief I once knew.
I can better feel the path of least resistance.
Within each moment there exists the perfect chance
To be blissful. To my own self I must be true.
All the laws of the universe here do apply.

Make Peace

Positive Change

Something wants to change. What in the world could it be?
I don’t know, but not knowing what shape it will take
Isn’t driving me crazy. I only know that
This Law of Attraction stuff I do have down pat.
All that is revealed is by the peace that I make
With the present and all that has happened to me.

I got happy. I stand here in my wholeness and
In my full resonance with what I have become.
As I revel in that, changes do make their way
Into my life experience. It’s fun to play
In a world that adores me. My life is awesome.
Of my thoughts and feelings I’ve assumed full command.

I could set a goal, identify a timeline,
And hold to it, but that rarely is fulfilling
Because my awareness of the thing I have not
Ties every expectation into a tight knot.
I don’t like when that happens, so I am willing
To believe in my heart that everything is fine.

Making peace with where I am has helped me to be
More in touch with my true self who is satisfied
No matter what the circumstance. My emotion
From my place of asking, “Why?” is what gets things done.
How I feel about living is my only guide.
I’ll get used to the idea of being free.

Give Up The Struggle

Let Momentum Take Its Course

When momentum has gathered there’s no turning back.
Primal urges withstanding, you must go along
With the flow of creation. The reason you feel
Any struggle is that you reject the ideal
Of resistance free living. The current is strong,
So do you have the ability to keep track?

Situations where you’re off folks don’t care about.
You’ll abuse them to the point where they will react
In aggressive defiance. Just leave them alone.
To the world at large, it is best that it’s unknown.
If you want to stay negative, you will attract
Pissed off people in plenitude beyond all doubt.

Focus upon what you want. Let yourself go there,
And let go of resistance. Let the flow take you
To the place you are destined to be, and let go
Of the questions whose answers you don’t need to know.
You can get there not by all the things you can do
But by how you are feeling. It’s done with much care.

When you Give Up The Struggle you free yourself from
Negative thoughts and feelings. You have more control
Over more than you can know. In your letting go
You gain power. What a good thing this is to know!
Get used to the feeling of your becoming whole.
Contemplate only on all the good times to come.

The Power Of Appreciation

Thanks From The Heart

The ideal life for me is a compilation
Of what I believe possible as I partake
Of the blessings it offers. Often I am there
In that place of alignment where I am aware
Of the infinite splendor in a mere daybreak.
There is much power in my every creation.

My feelings are creations. Manifestations
Of those that are most positive happen with me
On a regular basis. I go for the best
I can have in each moment. As they are expressed,
The attraction of wellbeing comes easily.
I need not know a thing about how the world runs.

“Reach for a better feeling thought.” This I believe
To be guidance worth taking. Whenever I feel
Myself going southward, I can remember this.
From contentment, I can go to a state of bliss.
Having pinched myself, I know that life is for real.
By my choice I can be in the mode to receive.

It is fun to imagine my dreams coming true.
Meditation is helpful in clearing my mind
Of the negative clutter. Appreciation
Is more powerful, and it’s a whole lot more fun.
In acknowledging wonderful things, I will find
Life to be pleasurable and brand spanking new.

Your Emotional Frequency

Dance Of Vibration

Who can predict the weather to any degree
Of a semblance of accuracy? No one can.
So why do they keep trying? Is their intention
To piss off we the people? If so, it is done.
A fortune teller is more reliable than
The fallacious forecasting one does often see.

You can control the weather by controlling the
Only thing that you can control – your vibration.
Yet, the word ‘control’ may be a bit misleading.
In this instance, it means that you are succeeding
In doing the only thing that needs to be done.
You ‘control’ your vibration emotionally.

Your vibrational stance of alignment is your
Way of changing reality. By how you feel,
You adjust your attention to feeling better.
You send to the universe an open letter
Stating your declaration of what is ideal.
Whatever you focus on, it will give you more.

Having practiced the vibrational frequency
Of achieving, maintaining, and owning what you
Have created, now everything else will follow.
How can this be a difficult pill to swallow?
Feeling good is the only thing there is to do.
You can get a whole lot done emotionally.

Control Your Mind

The Program Of Society

By controlling your feelings, you focus your mind
In a way that allows things to come easily.
But it works both ways. It doesn’t matter if you
Are feeling ecstatic or if you’re feeling blue.
Good or bad things will manifest accordingly.
Is the Law of Attraction considered unkind?

It’s your best friend. It brings you how you are feeling.
It shows you so that you can make better choices.
When you feel badly, it gives you more of the same.
If you waste time looking for someone else to blame,
Then what flood through the mind are negative voices
Which may then require a process of self-healing.

Why do you want what you want? Pay attention to
The answer that comes to you. Begin practicing
The vibration of having it, and it will come.
Do not burden your mind with where it will come from.
Ask yourself what it feels like, and pretend being
Satisfied in the having of it come to you.

How does the vibration of security feel?
Does it feel like homecoming and empowerment?
Ask yourself these questions often, and feel your way
To alignment with your wishes. Do not fall prey
To the mindset prevailing. Your time is well spent
Contemplating what you have deemed to be ideal.

Make Peace With Where You Are

Enjoy The Present

Find something to be happy about – anything,
Then be happy about it, and find another
Thing that will make you happy, and then be happy
About it. Celebrate where you happen to be.
Of the invention of your life, you’re the mother.
To the table, you have an abundance to bring.

Do not try to fix the world. It isn’t broken
Nor is it something worthy of your attention.
Nothing needs to be reformed. Make Peace With Where You
right now. It remains the best thing you can do.

Don’t engage with what’s beyond your comprehension
Because beasts of the past may then be awoken.

Look for things to be happy about, and make lists
Of positive aspects. You can do a rampage
Of appreciation for what is going well
In you life at the moment. You know not to dwell
On the things that aren’t working, so you don’t engage
In the negative. The best part of you resists.

Be selfishly interested in how you feel
In each moment. Let everyone else attend to
How they feel. You’ll fulfill your reason for being.
You’ll delight in your ability for seeing
The big picture. Believe what is in store for you.
You’ll be living the life that is for you ideal.

Look For Good Things

Positive Outlook

What is the purpose of my life experience?
Knowing I’m a creator, I want to express
In this physical setting. I’m here to discern,
Define, and decide. There is so much here to learn.
My ability to focus gives me access
To a whole new arena of magnificence.

So, attracting is easy. When I have a thought
That brings forth strong emotion, the awesome power
Of the universe is prepared to yield to me
Evidence of the things I want to come to be.
In this moment, my life can begin to flower.
I am confident I’ll get whatever is sought.

I’ll look everywhere for things that I want because
I can then merge the data into a picture
Explicit in its detail of how life should be.
Only then am I certain of what pleases me.
The feeling of ecstasy I want to procure.
I’ve become a student of spiritual laws.

I’ll set forth the intention to notice only
Things that I find uplifting. I’ll study those who
Are successful and imitate their energy.
It can be exactly how I want it to be.
It becomes for me a transcendental breakthrough.
Only the best things are meant to happen for me.

Think Of Something Else

The Art Of Daydreaming

Am I ready for my new relationship? No!
If you were, you’d be living it. Something keeps you
In a place of resistance. Do you deserve it?
Then it’s lined up for you. It’s to your benefit
To distract yourself from it. Do what you can do
To remain optimistic in how things will go.

You face too much reality. In doing so,
You’re looking where it isn’t. You have collected
Enough data. Let the universe analyze
And produce something that will delight and surprise
You completely. Prepare for the unexpected
To happen. Be respectful of what you don’t know.

Think Of Something Else. If the issue is money,
You could withdraw your focus and find a lover.
Any subject that feels good to you will allow
Another thing to happen. How you feel right now
Is your guidance toward what you will discover
To be most satisfying just as it should be.

It’s too easy. Most people don’t let it happen
Because they have formulated a belief that
There’s some price to pay and that it is difficult.
Things not working out for you will be the result
Of your negative thinking. Embrace where you’re at.
Take control of what you manifest once again.

Let It In

Enjoy Life's Treasures

You’re the creator of your own experience.
The world isn’t broken. It’s just varied in ways
That cause clarification of what you prefer.
Do not place your bets on whatever may occur
In the contrast. You’re able to focus your gaze
On the things that delight you and make of life sense.

You’re in a well-stocked kitchen. It has everything
Imaginable in terms of ingredients.
You can pluck from the shelves and make a pie that you
Really love. No tabasco sauce can get into
Your pie unless your thinking of it is intense.
Your pie is of the vibration you’re offering.

Tabasco sauce is something that may worry you.
You don’t want it in your pie. How it ends up there
Is by your constant worry and much attention.
If you form a group supporting its prevention
From all kitchens, it will only end in despair.
Protesting is not something that you came to do.

All the trampling and bombing and voting against
Tabasco sauce in kitchens is offered in vain.
Look for things that are most satisfying to you.
It is one of the easiest things you can do.
Letting in the perfection, you have much to gain.
Take advantage right now of what will have commenced.

Vibrational Snobbery

Enjoy The Good Life

You expect things to turn out the way that they should
Which is why you associate only with those
Who are of the same spirit. You choose to explore
The big wide world around you. All that you live for
Is the feeling of freedom. Your confidence flows
From the one source that is spiritual and good.

Deservability was never an issue.
You are so loved. You said before arriving here,
“I’ll go forth. I’ll explore and decide what for me
Is delightful.”
Your inner being must agree

With whatever you like. You are perfectly clear
In your purpose regarding everything you do.

Your inner being said, “I’ll hold the vibration
Of freedom that you offer, and I will call you
To what you have created. I’ll beam a signal
That you can follow easily. I am your pal.
Let me know whatever it is that I can do.
It is my totally loving obligation.”

You know when you’re receiving the signal by how
You are feeling. You can reach for a better thought
No matter what the circumstance, and as you do,
Dreams that had become stagnant will start to come true.
You have mastered the receiving of what is sought.
You are only as powerful as you allow.

A Crisis Of Experience

Caution Needed

Beliefs that are contrary to the basic Law
Of Attraction
cause me to express a desire

For a better understanding of how it works.
I’ve heard tell of the many and wonderful perks
That come with such wise knowing to which I aspire.
There are no negative conclusions I can draw.

My inner being knows well the path I should take
That is most pleasing for me. It knows my value
And power, and it is calling me constantly.
It will keep calling until eventually
A Crisis Of Experience just happens to
Slap me upside the head so that I come awake.

“I’ll go out on the leading edge,” I said before
I arrived in the physical. “I’ll discover
Things that cannot be discovered unless I’m out
On that edge.”
With this promise, there can be no doubt

That I am here to be an all purpose lover.
Sifting through all the contrast is what I adore.

I know that my limiting beliefs are the cause
Of my problems. I know there does not need to be
An intermediary between me and my
Inner being. On it I’ll completely rely.
Alignment with what I’ve created consciously
Is my infinite goal, and to heck with what was.

Perfect Body

Physical Beauty

I want a Perfect Body without exercise.
Can I do this? Is there some kind of magic trick
I can pull from a hat to make me look my best
To the world beauty hungry? I cannot invest
In a program that can be effort specific.
How can I become a diva in people’s eyes?

There is all sorts of evidence of people who
Without work have achieved a body fantastic.
How they do it is by visualization.
All kinds of scientific studies have been done
Proving that if I’m wanting to look like a brick
There’s no process of torture that I must go through.

The reason that most people resist the action
Is because they’ve been doing it with energy
Not lined up with their purpose. The work that is done
Is grueling. My journey is supposed to be fun.
If I compensate through action, then agony
Will result. There will be energy depletion.

Visualize it first, then enjoy the doing.
I can’t get good results if I am exhausted
In the struggle. I’ve no time for discouragement.
The focus of my mind’s eye is being content
With the present. I’m up for the journey ahead.
Every dream that I have is worth my pursuing.

It’s Yours!


Don’t allow the negative pattern to repeat.
It’s just a matter of no longer offering
The resistant thought. You cannot deactivate
A thought once you have thought it. You can navigate
To another that is more to you appealing.
You can never get used to feeling incomplete.

When you ask, it is given, but ask, then let go
Of the asking because your ‘don’t have’ vibration
Holds you stagnant. Still unfulfilled, you then become
Disillusioned about where all good things come from.
After asking, attend to your expectation
Of receiving. The universe will make it so.

Let the universe find its most clever ways to
Satisfy and delight you. Use any excuse
You can find to feel good. It’s basic creating.
In this world you can have just about anything.
A rampage of wellbeing you may introduce
To the moment. It’s most beneficial to do.

“I’ve been here before. There have been things I’ve asked for
From a place of not having them, and it was not
A big deal. The Law of Attraction is causing
All the cooperative components to bring
Things together.”
This attitude helps you a lot.

Your treasures are before you for you to explore.

The Vibration Of Trust

At One With Existence

There’s a gap between what I want and where I am,
And it scares me because I don’t know who, when, where
Or how things are to happen. The steps I don’t see
To the outcome that is favorable to me.
It’s too big and to uncomfortable to share
Unless I can make of it a final exam.

To be a deliberate creator I must
Do the work. I cannot operate out of fear
Of the unexplained and unobserved. I must be
In alignment with infinite source energy
And go through the darned process. It will be made clear
In due time. I could use an attitude of trust.

The Vibration Of Trust is an old mystery
Come to life every eon. Spiritual Law
Matches that of the physical at some level.
In the magnificence of the Law I revel
Even though my life is mostly fettered in flaw.
I must believe it like the law of gravity.

I can find that vibration. My expectation
That things will work out for me becomes more and more
Solid as I focus more upon my desire.
I cannot be of my own dream a denier.
I can know that it will happen down to the core
Of my being. This exercise will get things done.

Fast Energy

Light Speed

Things can move a lot faster if I want them to.
I have known what I’ve wanted for quite a long time.
The divine and the universe know this as well.
By the way that I’m feeling within I can tell
How much of a mountain I have chosen to climb.
There are no exercises that I need to do.

This world is about physics. I evaluate
My progress by how well I can move things around
Either by force or intellect. How can this be
Beneficial? The mundaneness of life, to me,
Is a circus where no fulfillment can be found.
It stifles my ambition and will to create.

Having boots on and slogging through two feet of snow
Is what it’s like here on earth. Its slow energy
Is distressing, but I can make it go faster.
One does not have to go visit a Zen master
To become enlightened. One can get that for free
From within, yet the process is still rather slow.

With the energy that creates worlds I connect.
Focusing in a way that my normal thoughts stop
Is done through meditation or being engrossed
In something that I love doing. I get the most
Satisfaction from writing. Though it ain’t hip hop,
It’s a thing I’m hell bent on trying to perfect.

Manifest Anything

All Is Possible With Intent Of Focus

It is all a performance. Upon this world stage,
You were sent to do magic. You are a master
Of creation. No one can tell you otherwise.
It takes nothing much for you to actualize
Anything, and you’ve learned how to do it faster
Than ever through the energy that you engage.

“How do you do it?” one may ask innocently,
Not knowing of vibration. It’s simply an act.
You pretend that the thing that you want is here now.
You imagine what it feels like, then you allow
Divine forces to bring unto you the exact
Circumstances to manifest the thing to be.

You adjust your performance depending upon
What you’re wanting. If it’s more money in the bank,
You pretend that you have way much more than you need
As you feel with intensity. Then with Godspeed,
On your way you will be. Who would you have to thank
For ensuring that your magic is never gone?

Fall asleep knowing that your dream has taken place
And that the divine audience has seen your play.
Let go, and let the provident force bring to you
That which by your resistance is long overdue.
There is nothing wrong in having things go your way.
Get to know the power of supreme divine grace.

I’m Sick Of My Life

A Severely Depressive Episode

I’m so sick of my life. I am forty years old.
I am single. I make less than minimum wage,
And I live with my mother. I have not a clue
As to what on God’s green earth I’m able to do.
It’s not wise, but I find myself prone to engage
In self-pity. My displeasure I’ll not withhold.

Where am I on the standard emotional scale?
Somewhere south of frustration but not quite despair?
It feels mostly like anger. If I reach for blame,
Will I feel some relief, or will I feel the same?
My emotional journey is taken with care
Blame feels better than anger, so I will prevail.

The economy sucks, therefore, I remain stuck
In a huge rut without any room to advance.
Had I been guided differently as a child,
Then much better prepared I’d have been for this wild
World of infinite contrast. I don’t have a chance
Due to circumstance. I remain straight out of luck.

Now, that feels a lot better. I have shifted my
Vibration just a little. A different place
I’m now in. Opportunities are within reach
That were not a short while ago, and within each
Journey of feeling taken, there can be found grace.
There’s so much to gain as I give this thing a try.

Decide What You Want To Attract

Consider Carefully

How come I’m not enjoying the life of my dreams?
Life has nothing against me. I firmly believe
That if I can desire something, it can become
A reality. The place I operate from
Is one where I’m not always prepared to receive
Inspiration. I’m in a conundrum it seems.

Nothing is happening to me. I invite it
Through my attention to it. What I need to do
Is prepare a rampage of selective sifting
Of all things that are to me truly uplifting.
After that, I should be feeling more than brand new.
I can improve the vibration that I transmit.

Orienting myself to looking for those things
That are already positive will set the tone
For more like them to become my experience.
The momentum that is gathered can be immense.
With some practice, can I get myself to be prone
To be open to universal offerings?

Only things like my favorite things can enter
My vibrational circle if I concentrate
Mostly on things I favor. Things that I find wrong
About life and its living will only prolong
Attitudes that are based mostly in fear and hate.
I operate from my spiritual center.

Before It Comes To Be

Prepared For Magic

As you know what you don’t want, you know what you do,
And the larger part of you is fully aware
Of everything that you want. It is already
Living the life that you want, so you want to be
In alignment with that self, which means you must care
About what feelings percolate deep within you.

What are you doing in relationship to the
Expanded entity that you now have become?
The better you can feel, then the more up to speed
You are with who you are now, but you will impede
The process if you continue beating the drum
Of righteous indignation perpetually.

As you look at some aspects of life, you will see
Things that hit you the wrong way. They don’t feel as good
As you’d like them to. Many things do not sit well.
It may seem that the whole world has gone straight to hell
In a handbasket. This outlook is understood
Not to be something spiritually healthy.

Instantaneous healing, teleportation,
And the creation of anything instantly
Are powers that are dormant inside of us all,
But ours is the propensity to play it small.
You know that your life can be lived magically
When between you and you, there’s no separation.

In Your Spare Time

Simply Joyful And Carefree

The earth spins in its orbit in proximity
To other spatial bodies. From your perspective,
This alone is a reason to be satisfied.
The perfection of it all cannot be denied.
It could be that it’s your only reason to live.
If it is, then the universe has to agree.

That wellbeing is dominant is the point here.
Things are going to happen that will bring you down.
Someone may bump you car. Your flight may be canceled.
In the depths of depression, you may be compelled
To consider the reasons for wearing a frown.
You are not in a crisis. This must be made clear.

Emotions indicate degrees of resistance
Or allowing. Anger, regret, fear, and despair
Are the worst. Love, appreciation, and passion
Are the best to experience. Nothing’s more fun
Than to feel your excitement, which is why you care
First and foremost about making your life a dance.

At the middle of the spectrum of emotion
Is serene satisfaction. You are contented
And have energetic vibrational control
Of the moment. Whatever awakens your soul
Is the clue to where you must be oriented.
Do believe that your life is supposed to be fun.

Have Fun With It, Or Let It Go

Love It Or Leave It

Good advice comes in handy when I’m not at ease.
If for whatever reason I choose to believe
That I must make things happen, it happens to be
Just the one little thing that is preventing me
From a fruitful encounter. If I can’t achieve
Whatever, then it’s best that it’s cast to the breeze.

As long as I am having fun with it, then the
Momentum is most positive, and it will grow
Into something substantial, which is a good thing.
Something is wrong when I feel myself efforting
Through the process. My conscience is letting me know
That I can be as happy as I want to be.

Energy flows toward anything. When it does
Through me personally, it begins to expand
Into something more interesting. It gathers
Cooperative Components as it slathers
Me with ever more confidence. What I command
Is a power that venerates me just because.

Have Fun With It, Or Let It Go. This fine advice
Applies to people, places, ideas, and things.
My focus is of value. It is not to waste.
My attention to something cannot be misplaced
On potentially unfulfilling happenings.
I’ll avoid conditions that are meant to entice.

Is This Thought Satisfying?

Happily, Wildly Guessing

Allow your dream to gestate. Train yourself into
Excitement and the vibration of receiving.
Practice thoughts that allow yourself to be aligned
With your dream. You can let it become more defined
To the point where you are totally believing
That your dream will eventually become true.

From the same place the idea of the dream came,
More ideas about how to proceed come too.
Every thought builds momentum if focused upon.
Your outgoing, positive energy is drawn
From the much larger, spiritual part of you.
All the blessings of life you have the right to claim.

Someone cut you off in traffic. That was unkind.
But is that a satisfying thought? It is not.
Then just leave it. If someone shows kindness to you,
You will have positive thoughts. Indeed you will do
Your best to share the blessing. It matters a lot
That you leave any negative thinking behind.

Is This Thought Satisfying? Then keep thinking it
Until momentum gathers. Thoughts that are the same
In vibration will culminate into desire.
Don’t be shocked by the peace of mind you will acquire.
You can make it a powerful feeling good game.
This question asked a lot is to your benefit.