Tag Archive | mindfulness

What Is Mindfulness

At One

It’s something that I know I had when I was young
Then I lost it for such a long time then regained
The awareness that I posses naturally.
It fits in well with my spirituality.
Mindfulness meditation can best be explained
As the song of the universe gracefully sung.

I need not get too spiritual about it
For it to be effective. My tapping into
The whole of who I am I’ve come to understand
As my getting into the zone. I can expand
My consciousness in this way. All that I need do
Is to focus intently and not just a bit.

Without interpretation or judgment I am
Well aware of what’s happening all around me.
Guided imagery and breathing methods help to
Relax my mind and body. There’s nothing to do
But exist. This is the definition of free.
About anything else I do not give a damn.

Pay attention to what you’re doing and allow
Your senses to absorb the whole experience.
Treat yourself as your own best friend. You can do this
Anytime that you choose. You’re a moment from bliss.
Mindfulness offers benefits that are immense.
Do embrace the fine art of observing your now.

The Neuroscience Of Mindfulness

Color Brain

Mindfulness is the practice of being aware
Of all the elements of the present moment
Without getting lost in the future or the past.
One can simply take in what’s perceived as contrast
And not be triggered by it. Be in the present
Where your power is. In inner peace you must care.

Mindfulness changes the neurobiology
Of fear by how the brain processes stimuli.
The brain stem and the limbic systems operate
Out of fear. They will too often try to dictate
What’s important in the moment and this is why
They will lead us right smack dab into misery.

What happens when we’re stressed is that information
Doesn’t reach the frontal cortex. It remains stuck
In that part of the brain that’s in survival mode
Constantly. And if no information is flowed
To the thinking brain then behavior runs amuck.
Mindfulness therefore is helpful to everyone.

The subcortical looping can be overcome.
Mindfulness strengthens the activation in the
Frontal cortex. If we can name the emotion
Then it’s deactivated. What will have begun
Is a process of rational activity
And the angst of the moment you will be free from.

Why Mindfulness Is A Superpower

Natural Peace

When someone mistreats you, for example, lets say
Someone cuts you off in traffic, how do you take
The infraction? What would be your first reaction?
Are you caught in the grip of dissatisfaction?
Does the situation your connection forsake?
Does the incident mess with you throughout your day?

You respond due to habit. Immediately
You react to what’s happening. What happens next
Is a starburst of self-righteous thoughts and you feel
That it’s all about you and that you have to deal
With it all rather harshly. You may be perplexed
By how challenging your alignment seems to be.

There’s no buffer between the stimulus and your
Reaction, but with mindfulness you’d treat the same
Situation much differently. You would be
Able to just observe it. Emotionally
You are saved from dilemma and you can reclaim
Your connection with all that you’ve been living for.

Here’s one simple, serviceable definition
Of mindfulness. It’s the ability to know
What is happening in your head at any time
Without responding to it. A pleasure sublime
It is to respond wisely. You’re able to show
Yourself that mindfulness is the best solution.

Mindfulness Thoughts

All That Is

Mind is the forerunner of all things. Out of mind
Are created the many things that we believe
Are important. All human made things start as thoughts.
Often times though the mind may get tied up in knots
As you live your life. What you most want to achieve
Is a balance where with your nature you’re aligned.

When you sit quietly and pay close attention
To your breathing, a river of thought enters in.
The mind secretes thoughts the way the salivary
Glands secret saliva, but don’t let them carry
Any weight. Just keep breathing and you will begin
To lose thought and enter another dimension.

If you could hear the thoughts of someone next to you,
You would get away quickly. You’d think they were ill
In the psyche, but everyone’s experience
Is the same. Mental chatter gets really intense
Normally. It’s like a puppy that can’t sit still.
Yet you seldom think of anything that is new.

It’s like you’re stuck in a motel room late at night.
You can’t sleep so the TV becomes a plaything
But you can’t change the channel. So old thoughts remain
In you mind. It may feel like you’re going insane.
Mindfulness though is capable of offering
Lasting peace and a heck of a lot more insight.

A Tale Of Two Wolves

Color Burst Wolves

In my heart there are two wolves. They live together
But in conflict. One wolf is loving, generous,
Truthful, peaceful, and compassionate. The other
Is fearful and deceitful. It is, as it were,
Quite the opposite, and what we’re here to discuss
Is which one wins as the issues of life occur.

Which wolf gets more attention? Which one do I feed?
If it’s the loving wolf does it mean I deny
The mean wolf or get rid of it? That would only
Cause a long drawn out battle and hostility
Would be seen in my attitude. So this is why
It’s much better to not do what I have no need.

What I can do is calmly give my attention
To the angry wolf and let go of believing
That it has anything of value to offer.
If I can do that then what will have to occur
Is a long lasting peace. What I’d be achieving
Is a balance way beyond my comprehension.

Restful or chaotic, enjoyable or not…
Experiences may come and go but I can
Get accustomed to mindfulness. It can help me
To take care of my loving wolf and finally
Be relieved of the mean wolf’s malevolent plan.
That I keep my wolves separate matters a lot.



The ability to understand and to share
The feelings of another is called empathy.
It’s a sensitivity to and awareness
Of others’ emotions. People need to express
Their compassion. The only motive is truly
Understanding the feelings of those in despair.

Empathy makes it difficult to turn a blind
Eye to the suffering of others. It helps us
To relate to them so that we can respond to
Their not well situation. All that we can do
To bring comfort to them is a blessed thing plus
It brings to both parties involved some peace of mind.

Everyone’s born with this capability, but
It may need to be redeveloped or relearned.
Many in modern society have lost touch
With their sense of compassion because it’s too much
Of a bother. About others they’re not concerned
Empathy can’t be practiced when the heart is shut.

The process of spiritual awakening
Concerns sensitivity to the collective
Consciousness of humanity. There’s no such thing
As another. We all are simply one being.
No one can be told which is the right way to live.
Everything’s affected by what you’re offering.

The First Awakening

Cosmic Thought

There’s a voice in the brain that just keeps on going
Like that battery bunny – the one on TV.
It is forever commenting on everything
I’m aware of. I have trouble meditating
Due to that voice that carries on incessantly.
It has not much to do with my inner knowing.

A significant part of my unhappiness
Is because of unnecessary negative
Mind activity. I am not even aware
That it’s happening. Times of pure silence are rare.
All my problems stem from the attention I give
To the mindset of misery versus success.

Mindfulness is discovering the simple fact
That there is a voice in my head. It’s an asset
When it’s used properly – like for motivation.
Happiness affirmations can always be fun.
Otherwise the mind can become a lethal threat.
Thoughts of negativity do have an impact.

Spiritual awakening will happen when
I can notice the monkey mind doing its thing.
I shall not try to fight it. It wears itself out.
Meditation is the way to mitigate doubt.
The first thing is the vibration I’m offering.
I can get to a much better feeling place then.

How To Feel About Money

Attitude Toward The TokenSeparate is the problem from the solution.
It must stay that way, otherwise things don’t work out.
In the answer, the question is not returned to.
Life’s direction is one way. There is forward view.
Hindsight is only good for admitting that doubt
Is built into the way things are normally done.

I don’t want a rough ride through life. I want freedom
From the fears that my feelings of lack place on me.
Every subject is two subjects – like a magnet
Has two poles that are opposite. What I beget
Depends squarely upon which end I mostly see.
Simply thinking about money renders me glum.

Placing that money magnet aside for a spell
To then pick up another one that feels better
Is my best course of action – which is not to act.
When the subject of money has lethal impact
It is best to kibosh the damned thing then defer
It to when I’m more suited and feeling quite well.

On one end is the money. On the other end
Are the feelings of happiness, freedom, and flow.
I want many more choices to do what is fun…
The feeling that the universe truly is one
With my passion and worthiness. I must let go
And let treasures from heaven upon me descend.



The Wealth Of The Waking Dream State

Many know of the dream state where one can control
Narrative, the environment, and character
Of experience totally. While in this state
One becomes most attuned to new things to create.
What would happen would be just as one would prefer.
It’s believed that this method achieves any goal.

Famous people had used it before science new
It was something to study in every detail.
Since then, many are taking advantage of it.
Benefits are amazing. One can be more fit
To live life with exuberance while on its trail.
Yet, there’s some preparation the novice must do.

While awake throughout each day, reality checks
Should be done very often. A good one to use
Is the ‘finger through hand’ test. When one is dreaming
The finger will go through the hand – such a strange thing!
Now, I know that to many, this isn’t big news.
But my job is to share interesting subjects.

How to get to the lucid dream state is easy
And involves waking then going right back to sleep
While the mind remains active and widely awake.
While the body’s paralysis is no mistake,
It returns one to REM sleep. It’s best that one keep
Pen and paper available expectantly.

Happiness Amid Horror

Sublime Ignorance of the Status Quo

I Exist. Don’t I know it! This heat is intense.
It consumes not my sorrow. It savers my soul.
Agony is what I know in this time and place.
I cannot keep my mind off the horror I face
Through confounded incompetence while on parole
From abysmal circumstance. Have I some defense?

I can see through the flames just as they see in me
Their reflection in pure light. They’re taken aback.
Unexpected behavior to them is obscene.
I did wake up this morning. The grass is still green.
And although I’m consumed with such feelings of lack,
I’ve a lot going for me. That much I can see.

Satisfaction and relief feel almost the same.
I have deactivated the resistant part
Of my vibration righteously. Now I’m intent
On that satisfied feeling. I can’t be hellbent
On a manifestation. What’s dear to my heart
Is that sense of alignment. It’s my only aim.

Getting into the Vortex is what rings my bell.
It’s the state where my passion for life can explode
Into wonderful feelings and brighter insights.
Can I then be more open to reaching new heights?
My existence in hell is a brief episode.
In the heart of abundance my true self does dwell.

Another World

Alien To All That Is Known

From one world to another I want to transcend
In a state meditative whenever I can.
Freedom I have to enter a world of pure bliss
Which in life is the sweetest nectar. Like a kiss
To the confounded consciousness, it is more than
A brief break from attention the mind does expend.

With a peanut sized consciousness I can only
Have a peanut sized understanding of most things
But if I can expand it beyond boundaries
Then the world becomes friendly, and my acts appease
Others’ whose offer harshness. The exercise brings
On a flood of awareness most definitely.

There’s a pure vibrant ocean of consciousness in
Each one of us, and it’s called The Unified Field.
Modern science says all matter emanates from
This Field which has a consciousness that can become
That of anyone seeking it. What is revealed
Is awareness divine yet within human skin.

People look like friends rather than enemies when
They have sought true alignment by going within
Where there’s infinite knowing, creative release,
And a path that will lead to the ultimate peace.
Can this life be a game that one can play to win
With no harm done to others as ever has been?

About Sleep

Nocturnal Flight Of The Spirit

An addiction to sleeping…? Why not a disease,,,
To be unconscious one third the time I am here
Should be called my existence? It fits like a glove.
In my dreams, like a free bird, I zoom out above
Where I can’t when I’m wide awake in constant fear
As my life quickly wastes away and no one sees.

It’s at worst therapeutic. The cycle of sleep
Has a three quarter rhythm like some poetry.
It’s the nearest escape hatch without absolute
Departure from the physical. Rather acute
Is my life situation. Where I need to be
Is far off from where I am, so my soul does weep.

Meditation and sleeping are somewhat the same.
They both bring much relief from the troubles at hand.
As each is made available, there is my chance
To remember that I am not my circumstance.
Terminal, though it seems, may it help me expand
Far beyond a solution to mitigate shame.

I rely now on guidance. I’m on cruise control.
Things I do throughout my day I don’t think about.
Mindfully automatic with each daily task
With no judgment from me, I do most humbly ask
That I live through my hell with no measure of doubt
That redemption is possible for my damned soul.

Healthy sleep is wellbeing of body and mind.
I have more energy, and my mood can remain
At a workable level. If I were ok –
Like no one on this earth – I’d have nothing to say.
I exist to express things, and it keeps me sane
And conscious of the moments when I’ve been unkind.

The Time Is Always Now

The Infinite Coupling Of Existence

The body is a cosmos with a cosmos.
It’s made up of some particles – none that are me.
I’m the space in-between all the physicalness.
I came into this stardust to grow. My progress
Is determined completely by how well I see
I am not who the body is nor even close.

Knowing what time it is when a challenge comes due
Is somewhat of an asset that I have right now
Which is happening always. My life and my plight
Are two separate entities. I do me right
When I come to my senses – the five that allow
The connection to spirit in all that is new.

There is only one moment. In it everything
That is happening changes, for now and always.
Life is meant to have challenges. It’s how we grow.
Satisfaction is futile. As long as I know
That it’s part of all drama, my character plays
Its best role as a novice yet up and coming.

“This time you’ve gone to far, God! No more can I take.”
It’s a comedy act that I’ve played in the past.
I will deal with each crisis life tosses my way
And rejoice in its coming. That way I will stay
In relief of the burden. No longer typecast
The perpetual loser, I am my fair shake.

Keep Breathing

Go On No Matter What

People say, “Just Keep Breathing; all will turn out fine…”
As if life is a breath test. It drives me insane.

I don’t mean to be cranky… or maybe I do.
I’m awash in confusion. Should my face turn blue
Due to misunderstanding, I’ve nothing to gain.
Crisis times trigger breathing by nature’s design.

That first breath was a doozy. It blew me away
From the one who contained me, for better or worse.
Why should I keep on breathing? It gets rather old.
I can breathe my damned lungs numb. Nothing will unfold
But a room full of hot air. Is my life a curse?
Or do those who can breathe well have something to say?

I take my breath for granted, as many folks do
In the mainstream of living and keeping ends tied
But it’s the only answer to staying alive.
We can never stop breathing. It’s how we survive.
Once the technique is learned, wellness can’t be denied.
Then I’m able to handle what I’m going through.

I can curse like a sailor because I was one.
I’ve screwed up rather royally for one lost soul.
I’ll breathe that along with the fresh air I’m allowed.
Things I’ve done in the past can never make me proud.
I’m alive to the point where I still can be whole.
The decision to breathe is a new life begun.


Being Ever Present

When the mind can be emptied, then full it is made
Of the loving awareness present here and now.
Mindfulness become industry is a good thing.
Educating the masses creates a wellspring
Of wisdom and kindheartedness as is the Tao.
Love is mother to presence, the real escapade.

The incorporating into daily routine
Principles of the Buddhist tradition is done
Through the myriad works of authors and masters.
Tuning into the body instantly transfers
Attention from destructive thoughts and to the one
Thing that can be controlled. It’s a gifted machine.

Loving kindness begins by my breathing it in,
Taking notice of sensations and surroundings,
Then exhaling the waste collected by the mind.
It’s an organ of value, but it’s not designed
For working in the present. Too often it brings
Misery through delusion, the ultimate sin.

Bringing loving awareness into the body
Is an easy enough process for peace of mind.
Perception without interference, judgment, or
Conceptualization can open me more
To the self undiscovered in whom I can find
All there is that I need to behave properly.

One Thing

Unfettered Focus

Concentrating on One Thing is all I need do
Then all else will be handled without my concern.
I can trust that it works, as I’ve done this before.
Blissfully I’ll continue to feel even more
The seduction of pleasure my soul doth discern
Through the magical mist with abundance of hue.

The One Thing I must focus on is how I feel.
I need not get specific… at least for right now.
Simply thinking of nice things that elevate me
Gives sufficient momentum to keep me happy.
From an ecstatic state I am free to allow
Dreams and wishes to manifest and become real.

Each arousal of spirit within me invites
Clarity and alignment to wash over me.
Let the true self in nudity gently partake
Of the pleasure that only surrender can make.
May my fears about failure leave me completely
And my spirit ascend to most ultimate heights.

One Thing safe to rely on when feeling strong need,
Or the lack of some wanted thing, is to adjust
My emotional setpoint to a frequency
That ensures I’m attracting what’s most right for me.
Getting intimate with the true self requires trust
That the consummate union can only succeed.

One Thing At A Time

Stay Out of a Knot

Something deeper can be felt in all that I do.
Simultaneous tasking is not the best way
To align with my spirit. Though getting things done
Is the work I must do so that I may have fun,
When I focus on one thing I cannot betray
Consciousness of the now moment sacred and true.

I hate doing the laundry when I’m not aware
Of the process of living and being at one
With sublime ever presence. When I am awake
To my pureness of being, wisely do I take
Every moment attentive to newness begun
Within little things noticed otherwise not there.

Attention is most powerful. It can infuse
Things with my conscious essence and energy field.
Little things done with spirit attuned to the now
Bring deeper understanding. The time I allow
Presence into the process, the treasure revealed
Is worth all of the trouble. And I cannot lose.

The destructive obsessions that occupy me
Are functions of the ego in its restless state.
Its seduction implying I’m bored is to laugh
In its face. It would make a candid photograph
Of free will at its freest to freely feel great
Through benign rigors mundane and necessary.

Being Triggered

Remotely Controlled

My anger is explosive. It sneaks up on me
Like a flimsy hair trigger. I can get upset
In one tenth of a moment. It happens so fast
That reactive behavior comes on with a blast
Meant to show I can be a formidable threat
To those who dare oppose me to any degree.

At issue is the pain body. It’s a dense field
Of life energy where pain and anger are stored.
If I’m not aware that the pain body exists,
Then I am yet unconscious, and chaos persists.
After my ill performance I see no reward
But emotional baggage foolishly revealed.

Full identification with the pain body
Means that I and my ego and it are the same
Which is false, but while unconscious, thinking it’s true,
I’m a slave to its drama. Then what can I do
But to fly off the handle? The aim to be tame
Is one taken in wisdom. It’s better for me.

That I have a pain body I must be aware
But in absolute presence and knowing full well
That I’m separate from it. It then dissipates.
I don’t want to be someone who constantly hates.
Through the practice of presence in peace I may dwell.
Contentment in the moment is what I find there.

Inviting Presence And Building Good Karma

Keeping the Inner House Clean

The word ‘Karma’ means common sense to those who know
That we can live in harmony. It’s still a dream
From the fossilized hippie days when love and peace
Were appropriate discourse. The need to release
Ancient patterns that fill the mind to the extreme
With executive drama most clearly we show.

I find waiting a challenge. I can get upset
Due to ingrained impatience, origin unknown,
Yet somewhere in my past. There’s but one thing to do –
Concentrate on my breathing and take in the view.
Otherwise my discomfort will become full blown.
Reacting only causes me harm and regret.

That which had been annoying is a lucky break
From the baggage of karma I’ve carried for years.
All that I care to notice, as presence I find,
Is a blissful observance detached from the mind.
As my power of presence grows, gone are my fears
Of certain situations. I’ll just be awake!

 People become reactive to worldwide events.
In so doing, more karma then accumulates
And continues the cycles of drama and fear.
Is the practice of presence something to hold dear?
Can one world be receptive to changing our fates
By erasing bad karma? I think it makes sense.

Growing In Presence Together

The Moment of Co-Creation

With spiritual guidance comes many a test
To the union of presence in full awareness
Of the bond made between them and others they know.
Interaction among them can help all to grow
In the light of alignment. The love they express
Is a viral infection at nature’s behest.

We emit certain energies, not of the mind,
But of how we are feeling and what we may need.
This strong field is an aura that others perceive
At the gut and heart levels. It cannot deceive
The intuitive process performed at light speed.
It’s a feature included with all humankind.

Questions simple and complex both have one answer.
Disidentification with the ego’s thoughts
That confuse the reception of wholesome advice
From one’s own inner being can be only nice.
Awareness is the presence that keeps giving lots.
That it spread through humanity I would prefer.

We are each other’s teachers for worse or better.
Destructive is the energy people release
Who have not been awakened. Unconscious is life
Through the mind’s ill abstractions that generate strife
For the innocent spirit. It does deserve peace
So that healing and growth continues to occur.

The Gift Of Presence

The Joy of Opening the Self

From a night not quite silent into the new day
Still a part of this earth realm, the gift I must share
With myself and with others is my being here.
Unlike where we all came from, this schoolhouse of fear
Offers difficult lessons, often of despair
Yet by free will all have something merry to say.

We need one day to say it. Perhaps many more
Scattered throughout the whole year might keep hate at bay.
Knowing that’s wishful thinking, better the ideal
Than the negative nature that can make me feel
Ill at ease as I live, I’m encouraged to pray
That I first know who I am right down to the core.

Many packages, some tied with fancy red bows,
And some rather plain looking, are inside of me.
I know not where they came from, so it’s a surprise
That I’m able to find them despite their disguise
As past failures and troubles. Today I can see
That my presence is one thing the universe knows.

Knowing that there is presence in all that exists
Here on earth and in heaven does make it worthwhile.
I can learn to be kinder from that peaceful place.
Most the world for one day is receptive to grace,
A new vision of hope, and a reason to smile.
It is only the ego that strongly resists.

Subconscious Sabotage

Sub-Surface Self-Undoing

When I try to maintain presence throughout the day,
My subconscious need for superiority
Sabotages my progress. As an example,
People anxious around me when I am peaceful
I resent with a passion. Yet if they were me,
I’d expect warmth and kindness. Why am I this way?

Is this normal among people? Am I unique?
Or is my nagging issue not of importance
To the general public? Were I not aware
That I’m asking these questions, then would it be fair
To say that I’m unconscious in living by chance
That the mind will provide me the answers I seek?

I’m aware of awareness of being aware
Of my mental creations, then cunningly so,
Mind reenters and hijacks the presence I’d gained
And creates a new story wherein I’m restrained
In its falsified structure. It’s good that I know
How the mind plays its tricks and tries to keep me there.

To not know that I know not that I am asleep
Is to live in confusion and utter chaos
Within stories created from subconscious fears.
Many problems are caused by what’s between my ears.
If I simply observe it all, there’ll be no loss.
To remain not awakened, the price isn’t cheap.

Burned Out And Depressed

In the Heat of Stress

I can’t practice my presence because I’m burned out.
Around people I often find I get depressed.
I’m having difficulty and notice no change
Toward a better direction. Why am I so strange
That I can’t take direction nor can I digest
Simple teachings of spirit? I suffer in doubt.

The declarative statements that come from the mind
In an unending torrent are only concepts
That create a false story which I then believe.
If I identify with it I won’t achieve
The presence that eludes me. My frequent missteps
Indicate there is progress. My journey is kind.

Statements made can be tested by getting among
Other people, then practicing being aware
Of the body’s sensations and what it perceives
And each breath of fresh air that the body receives.
This is just the beginning of personal care
That will keep myself healthy and forever young.

Starting with the reality now in my face
That requires my attention, I must come awake
To the fact that I’m consciousness separate from
What appear to be problems I must overcome.
Can I look at the story and know that it’s fake
And become more enlightened in natural grace?

Notice The Little Things

Where Detail Becomes Major

When at one with The Moment, the little things are
Full of infinite wonder and simple delight.
Having blissful awareness, like that of a child,
Is the cure for adult life where I’m reconciled
With who I truly am versus who I’m not quite.
The Conditional Mind is a fake self bizarre.

To who I am, I believe there is so much more
Than the self-talking person who, through mental means,
Has come into existence for fake dialog
With my sense of awareness. The ego thick fog
Can be burnt away quickly through simple routines
That will help one to do so. Youth they can restore.

If I am immersed in the self-talk in my head,
Then I can’t feel the subtle things, like a cool breeze
On the cheek on a warm day, or spring in the air.
In the mind there’s no life because no one is there.
To honor and appreciate all that one sees
From a space of awareness is better instead.

A shifting in consciousness can happen right now.
Any time that is Present is eternity.
Separate is the self-talk from pure awareness,
Which, through practice, becomes easier to access.
“Step Away From the Chatter!” Who says that to me
But a voice more alternative if I allow?

Your Source Is Never Up Your Ass


Your Source cannot nor will not behave like your boss.
If you need time to levitate, Source will agree.
With you shoes off and postured in true lotus style,
You’ll tune in to your third eye and chill for a while.
Perhaps none in the office will not even see
As they’re so busy working at masking work loss.

Your Source does have its place, and that may be at home
But at home is the infinite cosmos wherein
Alignment with God Consciousness is the main goal.
Let your work take a break as you refresh your soul.
To ignore divine calling is to commit sin.
You would not get much work done in such a syndrome.

Your Source can’t be the bastard who breathes down your neck
And demands to see much more hard work out of you.
Your Source has not a fetish for your body parts
Unlike difficult people with fear in their hearts.
Put some ass in your mantra and add the boss too.
Your value will increase as well as your pay check.

Observing The Chatter


Background noise from the Big Bang can sometimes be heard,
Like a light, high-pitched sizzle recessed in the mind.
The sub audible clutter adrift in the brain
Can remain unattended, but there is some gain
In Observing The Chatter because it’s designed
By our guardians to offer what is preferred.

Pure sound gives us some focus when we meditate
To the lull of a waterfall or singing birds.
It engulfs all the cosmos in one single tone
And is translated rightfully to each his own.
When I notice that chatter has turned into words,
Are they those of my spirit? Should I concentrate?

Sometimes it’s my own chatter that gets in the way
Of receiving what should come directly from God.
I can tell somewhat easily which voice is mine
And which one is all knowing, more loving and kind.
Do I strum to his image as he gives a nod?
If I’m sure it’s his chatter, then it’s a good day.

Watch The Miracle Happen


It’s a miracle that I have made it this far
In a world of much color and lots of fresh air.
And the sound of my breath can put me in a trance.
I don’t think that I’m random and placed here by chance.
As I focus my breathing, nothing can compare
To the peaceful state I will reach. I’m up to par

When it comes to escaping… I will do my best
With so simple a process of power supreme.
God grows me from the inside and works his way out
So it’s easy to find him, not having to shout.
Could the miracle be to live life as a dream?
That would be the whole point, as through him, we are blessed.

Miracles are a normal thing. They are not rare.
It is when they don’t happen that something is wrong.
I just need to make myself aware of such things
And the blessings that time out for deep breathing brings.
Afterwards I will feel that I truly belong.
One who lives by the miracle lives without care.

The Blissful Behind


The most blissful behind has not much on his mind.
That he has one is kind of a nuisance to him.
So he keeps the thing quiet. Most anyone can.
It takes some time and practice for woman or man.
Draw your shades, take your shoes off and make the lights dim.
As you do this more often, folks think you’re refined.

There is no one more kind than a blissful behind.
And quite by the same token, assholes are a pain –
Not in theirs but in mine. I must keep those away
Who would treat me unkindly and dare ruin my day.
As I meditate often, I’ve so much to gain.
I was meant to be loving, trustworthy and kind.

I’m no stranger to chaos. That’s why I must take
A brief time-out to let the old mind take a drain.
It’s a nice tool for bridge building. That’s a good thing.
But it needs counterbalance and soft nurturing.
If my behind can’t get it, I may feel the pain
For my being too negligent for my own sake.