Tag Archive | journey

It Will Come When You Relax


The first thing that will happen when you choose to chill
Is that you will feel better. This is a good thing
Because it means that you’re releasing resistance.
As a consequence you have a much better chance
Of the things you want to begin manifesting.
Clarity enters into the mind that is still.

Surely you know it’s coming. Why not rendezvous
With the feeling of having it right here and now?
This way you will enhance the manifestation.
When you focus on the overall sensation
Of your having it then you begin to allow
What you want to easily make its way to you.

The emotional manifestation is the
Most significant because you can right away
Feel delighted and worthy of what you’ve asked for.
It’s the feeling of having it you most adore.
Think about it as if you were a child at play.
Make of your dream a magnificent fantasy.

As you stand where you are now and look toward where
You are going who cares where your are here and now?
It can’t matter once you’ve created momentum
For the thing you want to eventually come.
What you need do is simply decide to allow
What you want to be an emotional affair.

Listen More To Your Heart

Much Thanks

I’m not ready to give up. I’ll find my own way
Out of this situation. This is my moment.
I am living for right now. Even when my mind
Is filled with doubt I’ll own it. The strength I will find
To be brave when I’m fearful. Nothing will prevent
Me from growing. My heart beats louder every day.

I have come too far to run from the challenges
I must face. I feel my feet firmly on the ground.
I’m not standing down. The faith that I’ve found keeps me
Safe and sound and wherever I go I will be
Listening to my heart more wherein peace is found.
I will listen wholeheartedly to what it says.

Can you hear it? It’s beating louder every day.
When I feel my emotions crash down like the sea
I breathe in. I create my good fortune. I know
That I’m not broken. I’m growing. Off I will go
Boldly into the contrast that life offers me.
I’ll depend on my feelings to show me the way.

Nothing can stop me – not even a tidal wave.
I will keep on dreaming and I will find my way.
I will find inner truth as I walk through the pain.
As I listen to my heart much wisdom I gain
And my heart keeps on beating louder every day.
In the hardest of times I know I can be brave.


Love In Bloom

When you feel negative emotion it’s a sign
That the larger part of you has expanded to
A new place but you have chosen not to go there
For some reason of which you may not be aware
Consciously or it could be a problem that you
Cannot handle without some help from the divine.

Preferences about life that you have become
Integral parts of your Vortex of Creation.
As you sift through the contrast that life offers you
What you want will be evident and a brand new
Wish will enter your Vortex. Manifestation
Then must follow. It’s where most everything comes from.

Where you are now is perfect. You’ve done nothing wrong.
There’s nothing that you need to change. Where you now stand
Is in this perfect relationship between you
And the expanded part of you. Be open to
What that part has to tell you. Take it by the hand.
Let it guide you. Let it keep your vibration strong.

Make peace with where you are. It’s where you’re meant to be
And it’s perfect! You get to do something about
Getting into alignment. Enjoy the journey
Of becoming a person who lives happily
Ever after. There’s no need to figure things out.
Enjoy the Perfection of moving energy.

Fun Along The Way

Pure Exhilaration

Let’s say that you’ve a list of things that you desire
Such as physical conditions, relationships,
Emotions, and material objects. Now make
A statement about each for happiness’ sake.
Be emphatic with the words that come from your lips.
Let the universe know that you heart is on fire.

Say, “I want to have fun on my way to that. I
Want to have a great time while I’m on my way to
Everything that I want.”
This puts everything in

The proper perspective so that you may begin
Understanding the power you have within you
To stay happy without even having to try.

It’s a journey that never ends. It matters not
Whether the steps are large or small. It just matters
That they’re fun while you’re taking them while on your way
To whatever you’re after. To live every day
Happily is to ignore the voice that chatters
With concern about all the things you haven’t got.

All along the way you receive inspiration
And you get to see the results of it right now.
There’s no gap between where you want to be and where
You are now and you have more of yourself to share
With the world. It becomes easier to allow
Into your life all the fruits of your creation.

Follow Your Dreams

Clear Lofty Path

How do people get so ended oriented?
When attached to the manifestation of things
It’s a struggle. So how did you come to believe
That the loftiest goals in life you can’t achieve
Without painstaking effort? Most human beings
Have a distorted view about getting ahead.

When you lost the zest for the joy of the journey…
In that moment you were focused upon something
That you want from an attitude that you could not
Really have it. Your vibration matters a lot
If you want things to happen. Your focus can bring
Either exhilaration or deep misery.

Have you launched rockets of desire through the contrast
That you’re living? Have you filled your vibrational
Escrow full of all kinds of wonderful things that
Are in the process of coming to you? Look at
The big picture. Whatever can boost your morale
Do it constantly. You want to remain steadfast.

Focus on what’s becoming. Look for positive
Aspects of your life. Notice the many good things
Happening for you. Live with anticipation
About what will be your next profound creation.
Be receptive to what your good attitude brings.
Decide for yourself which is the best way to live.

Surprise And Delight

Happy Happenstance

When you think about it your journey never ends.
You get in the receiving mode then you receive
A desire and the optimum situation
Is that you’re mostly tuned into your creation.
More ideas keep coming the more you believe
In the things that the spirit within you intends.

You’re having rendezvous and experiences
All along the way. More ideas keep coming
So it turns out that it never turns out. It turns
Out that living life is not one of your concerns.
Your confidence is what keeps your motor humming.
You handle conditions without consequences.

It’s a never ending journey and when you get
Hooked on that good feeling of it unfolding and
You never need a destination you never
Have any disappointment. You are as it were
In a place where you can easily understand
That your whole life is determined by your mindset.

Don’t get fixated on what you think is the end
Of your journey. What you see is an illusion.
Ask how the universe will Surprise And Delight
You today. It will get you to feeling just right.
You’ll then be encouraged to draw the conclusion
That the universe is ultimately your friend.

Forget About How


If you’re certain it’s coming yet you still have doubt
That it will it’s a fairly precarious place
To be in. It’s as if there are two people who
Live inside you who disagree. What can you do
To allow the free flowing of infinite grace?
Why you want it to come is worth talking about.

It has been in the making and it’s unfolding
As it should so what thoughts are in the way of that?
If your thoughts are of how it will come and who will
Be involved in its coming you’re missing the thrill
Of the feeling of having it. Take a look at
The big picture. To your true self be beholding.

Line up with the idea of it. Be aware
Of the feeling. Make it the most important thing
To be focused upon, then you’ll get clarity.
The questions that now cannot be answered will be
Answered for you as long as you choose not to cling
To thoughts of limitation, struggle, and despair.

What can you do to mostly be in that feeling
Place of letting this thing that you want in? You can
Answer questions that you can answer easily.
Ask yourself Why you want it. At once you will see
Some fulfillment. This technique is easier than
Any angst that you feel which is most revealing.

The Frequency Of Abundance

Colorful Vibes

I desire enough financial abundance so
That I can do whatever I want happily
But they say that’s ass backwards. I have to find joy
Before I get the money. What I can employ
To get tons of abundance to flow upon me
Is my happiness. This is a good thing to know.

But how can I feel happy in this moment when
I’m working harder than I want on things that I’d
Rather not? There’s a way I can think around it.
I can think of things that will always benefit
My vibration. My feelings are always my guide.
I can choose to be happy again and again.

I have the ability to appreciate
A lot more than I’m doing. I can be kinder
To myself and to others instead of uptight.
I can choose not to do what I know isn’t right.
I can learn how to be a happy thought finder.
It will always keep me in a positive state.

There’s a journey between where I am and where I
Want to be. It has nothing to do with effort
Or with getting myself employed or anything
That’s unpleasant. The difference between smiling
And frowning is the space where I garner support.
With the laws of the universe I must comply.

Be Done With Fear

Scary Eyes

Am I all that irrational if I believe
That I’m no longer viable? Would this world find
Some relief in my passing? So wrong I have been
About most things in life and every now and then
For a brief moment I have the clearness of mind
To see that there’s no honor that I can achieve.

My fear is of continuing. I do want to
Face the music composed by the sick part of me
And I don’t want to leave before I get that done
Yet I feel I’ve become toxic to everyone
So perhaps I can do it spiritually.
I know that my true self has a different view.

It’s a strong thought – a heavy position to take
For someone who knows better. The source within me
Knows exactly the opposite of what I do
When I’m stuck in this moment. My source knows what’s true.
I was meant to expand and be joyful and free.
I’ve spent time sleeping rather than being awake.

Negative emotion means that what I’m thinking
Isn’t right according to the truth in my soul.
My fear is a good thing because it lets me know
That I’m not thinking rightly. It’s just there to show
Me the path that results in my becoming whole
As a being with all its parts interlinking.

Just Align!

Colorful Wooden Arrangement

Leading-Edge conversations about attraction
Interest you because you have a burning need
To expand. You have a voracious appetite
For enlightenment. Everything turns out alright
In your life for the most part. You know you’ll succeed
In your quest and it gives you much satisfaction.

What you’ve dreamed of forever is now on its way
Into your life experience. How can you best
Align yourself with its coming? Get out ahead
Of your question simply by asking ‘why’ instead.
Talk about why you want what you want with some zest.
In the state of receiving is where you must stay.

You can feel it unfolding. Let that be enough.
Most people want the thing to occur before they
Have prepared for its coming vibrationally.
If you’re satisfied before it comes you will be
In alignment. It isn’t a big price to pay
If it turns out you’re receiving lots of neat stuff.

You know now not to ask who, how, what, when, and where
Things will happen because you do not have control
Over such things. Ask the question you can answer
Then the thing you want is most likely to occur
Effortlessly and quickly. The heart is made whole
In aligning. Only about it you must care.

Advice From The Seat Of The Soul

Alone With Self

A soul stirring and insightful exploration
Of human consciousness is The Seat Of The Soul.
The transformative journey of spiritual
Awakening is happening. Everything shall
Be awakened to spirit. As we become whole
As a species we take part in our creation.

There’s a difference between external power
And the kind that’s internal. The former one seeks
To control and to dominate. The other kind
Arises from the heart that is truly aligned
With the soul’s purpose. So when that part of you speaks
Pay attention. Allow it to bloom and flower.

Every choice that one makes creates consequences
That reverberate throughout lifetimes. Be aware
Of your intentions and actions. Transformation
Through spiritual growth means that you harm no one.
You must treat your mindset with the utmost of care.
Restitution must be made for past offenses.

Intuition can be your spiritual guide.
It allows people to access higher wisdom
And to navigate life with purpose, clarity,
And focus. You can live your life passionately
With compassion and love as you’re beating the drum
Of your soul’s purpose. With it you must be allied.

Don’t Be A Part-Time Dreamer

Ethereal Magic

What you do on the side has become your life’s dream.
Nothing else in the world can bring more pleasure to
You than what you’ve been doing. Your nine to five job
Is something you must do but indeed it may rob
You of focus and passion. So it’s up to you
To stay centered on what in your heart is supreme.

When will you quit your day job and have more time to
Spend with family while you’re fixated on your
Most fulfilling endeavor? That’s not your concern.
Live your dream through the present. You life will in turn
Be adjusted to match your dream. What you adore
Can be done from the heart in whatever you do.

It’s not enough to know what you want. You have to
Do it and be it. Obstacles along the way
Are expected but you have the ability
To get past them. You came to the planet to be
Who you truly are and on that path you can stay
Until everything about your dream has come true.

Don’t let others convince you that you shouldn’t do
What you’re doing. Their opinion doesn’t apply
To your dream of magnificence. Go right ahead
With your dream. In this way happiness you will spread
To everyone in your life. They may wonder why
Suddenly such good luck is now coming to you.


Organized Time

Tomorrow is the most dangerous word in your
Vocabulary. Although it’s a symbol for
Hope, it can just as easily be the reason
That your dreams remain dreams. To get anything done
Is a struggle, yet your dreams you cannot ignore.
Tomorrow isn’t the palace where now you can store.

Tomorrow diminishes the significance
Of the air that you’re breathing right now. It tells you
That someday you can begin your journey and that
In comfort you can wait. But you’re not looking at
The big picture. Tomorrow has nothing to do
With this present moment and current circumstance.

Tomorrow masks itself as an escape for those
Held down by fear. They are most resistant to change.
They’ll encourage you to be content where you stand
And that you have your whole life to do what you’ve planned.
But to one who is present this message is strange.
It’s contrary to what the enlightened one knows.

There will never be a moment in your life more
Precious than the one you’re living now. Be aware
Of the present. Tomorrow can last forever.
Opportunities come to you almost never
When you take on the attitude that you don’t care.
This moment is the one that is worth living for.

Going General

Natural Peace

Make the journey your goal, then you’re having success
Instantly, but if you make the destination
More important and you’re not there, you introduce
Resistance. All your efforting is of no use.
On the way to what you want, you want to have fun.
Letting go of the goal leads to your happiness.

Get your emphasis in the right place. It’s easy
To let go of the absence of what you wish for.
Look for things to be happy about on the way
To forever. It’s important for you to stay
In the state of receiving what you want and more.
You will get what you wish for eventually.

It helps if you go general. “I always get
What I want. It may take a while. Usually,
It has happened quite quickly. So I can expect
That it will happen this time. I have a direct
Link to the vortex of all that I’ve come to be.
I’m okay with it not having come to be yet.”

“I’m really good at this now that I understand
How the laws of the universe work, and I’m sure
That my vibration is in tune with my desire.”

With this attitude there’s nothing you can’t acquire.
On your journey you don’t want to take a detour
Into darkness. Of your life you are in command.

Align With The Numbers

Lucky Numbers

If you don’t play, you can’t win. If you feel the urge
To go purchase that ticket, what you can expect
Is some lingering feelings of doubt that you’ll win.
Any thought of not winning is a mortal sin
With respect to your lining up with the object
Of your wishes. These different roads must diverge.

How do you take the urgency out of it all?
You want money – and lots of it – to come to you
In a hurry. You’ve asked for it, and it is done.
First, believe that, and then transition has begun
To more clarity. You’ll have a new point of view
That still has some resistance, but it’s very small.

Get your kicks from the pleasure of the unfolding
Of your journey. You don’t want to get to the end
In one fell swoop. You want to have fun on the way.
When you don’t need the ticket you cannot fall prey
To the urgency aspect. The money you spend
When you’re doubtful is another kind offering.

Everything you do to justify the doneness
Of something that’s already done pulls you in the
Opposite direction. You know that it’s coming
Don’t get hung up on how the universe will bring
It to you. You can trust the process completely.
In your happiness you’re always making progress.

When It Feels Close

Joyful Anticipation

If the journey is your goal, then instant success
You can’t but have in each moment along the way.
But if you make the journey secondary to
Your wanted destination, things won’t come to you.
If you find satisfaction throughout every day,
Then the universe will support your happiness.

Get your emphasis in the right place. Letting go
Of the absence of what you want is the only
Way to get it to manifest. Stick with your dream
And have fun on the way even though it may seem
That you’re not doing much to make it come to be.
You’ve done all that you need to. Let happiness flow.

You’re not ever going to let go of your dream
So you might as well go for it. There’s no hurry
For it to be fully manifested right now.
Put yourself in the receptive mode and allow
It to happen because it vibrationally
Does exist. It is one with your energy stream.

When you’re right on the brink of manifestation
Just stay there in that vibrational attitude
Of alignment with what you want. Feel better now
And along the way. You do not need to know how
To do anything but be aware of your mood.
How you feel is your manifesting foundation.


Perfect Cut

Like a huge uncut diamond is your true essence.
Do you need to be perfect in anyone’s eyes
But your own? Be aware of the God within you.
Don’t accept anyone’s negative point of view.
You live life as you want to when you realize
That you are of perfection way beyond expense.

You sift through the variety that life offers,
And you come up with personal preferences
About what you want. These preferences are heard
By the universe. It hears every single word
That you utter or think. There are no pretenses
Regarding your vibration to which all refers.

If you had not expanded to a new place, you
Would not feel the discord of your not going there.
All of the negative emotion that you feel
Is a lovely indicator that can reveal
What you may have forgotten due to lack of care
For the way you’ve been feeling. Your joy is come due.

Where you are is just perfect. You’re on a journey
That does not have an ending. There’s always going
To be a new perspective, and with it, contrast.
Let go of all the negative stuff from the past.
It’s no challenge for you to continue growing
In perfection throughout all of eternity.

Instant Treasure

Quick Jackpot Jubilation

Knowing has less resistance than belief, and doubt
Has a lot of resistance. You’re on a journey
Endless in its duration. You’re somewhere between
Your belief and your knowing what has not been seen
As of yet. You remain as happy as can be.
There’s no need for you to figure anything out.

Knowing has no resistance. Belief has a bit
In that in your believing, you are noticing
The absence of what you want. This must be okay
Since there’s no way around it. You cannot betray
Laws of physics or spirit. When you are knowing,
Then belief is of no functional benefit.

What will it really feel like when your dream comes true?
Grab a hold of that feeling, in fact, fantasize
And milk it for all its worth. Get into a state
Of excitement. In essence, you don’t have to wait
For the thing that you want to materialize
To feel good in this moment. What else can you do?

Talk about the prosperity in your life now.
Things you have already you can appreciate.
Feel as happy on your way as you will be when
You get there. You can feel good again and again.
It’s the wonderful journey you want to create
In each moment. In this way, you learn to allow.

Surprise And Delight

Pleasantly Excited

Like a fun Christmas morning each day can begin,
And it never ends. When I receive a desire,
Then get in the receiving mode, I manifest
What I’m wanting. I know my life is truly blessed,
And about my worthiness I need not inquire.
I’m made to be comfortable in my own skin.

All along the way, ideas and rendezvous
Punctuate my experiences, and the more
I remain in alignment, the more good will come.
My Vortex of Creation is where good comes from.
I am used to receiving things that I adore.
I look forward to always getting awesome news.

In what way is this kind universe going to
Do its thing to Surprise And Delight me today?
This question I ask frequently, and the answer
Is provided instantly. The life I prefer
I’m living in this moment. More is on the way.
There is no contradicting what I know is true.

Sometimes what I think is the end of the journey
I get fixated on, but there is no ending…
Just more good stuff to happen. I start every day
With a rampage of gratitude so that I’ll stay
In alignment. The vibration that I’m sending
To the universe is as I want it to be.

It Will Come

It's Okay To Peek

Making peace with it is the best way for you to
Release the resistance. You don’t need to know how
It will come, who will bring it, nor when it will come.
These questions you can’t answer. Does this mean you’re dumb?
It means only that you must relax and allow
The thing that you are wanting to happen for you.

Never mind the specifics. They fall into place
As the Law of Attraction gathers components
Together and arranges them as you’d prefer.
Only things that you want to happen can occur
Having made peace with where you are. Does it make sense
That you are taken care of by infinite grace?

Stop with all the contradictory energy.
This alone allows goodness to work its way through
Into your life experience. Your efforting
While not feeling it doesn’t accomplish a thing
But discouragement. Do nothing when you are blue.
Manifest the emotion of being happy.

It is the emotional manifestation
That is the most important. It is the first one
Of a series along your fulfilling journey.
You must know deep inside that you are most worthy
Of all that you want. Your work is already done.
Time is now to relax into what has begun.

Your Dreams Will Show You The Way

Follow The Freshness Of Your Desire

I have zest for the joy of the journey I’m on.
I see now as a starting point to forever.
Many goals I will strive for. Some I will achieve.
I have launched my desires. Now I’m due to receive.
Embarking upon this delicious endeavor,
The concerns that I had about life are all gone.

I don’t need the manifestation. All I need
Is the dream and the journey. I love the contrast
That I’m offered. It helps me to clearly define
Something better from it. I’m obliged to design
As I wish and not focus so much on the past.
What is more important than my will to succeed?

My spirit doesn’t ask me if I’m observing
Constantly where I stand now in relation to
Where I want to be. It asks not how far away
My fulfillment is. It in no way can betray
Its own sense of direction. The thing I must do
Is remain focused on what my dreaming will bring.

Potential is alive and well now and always.
I am up to speed with what I’ve given birth to.
Believing in my dream, my anticipation
Is for the joy I’ll know for the work I have done.
In the meantime, my journey is my biggest clue
To my living a life that does truly amaze.

Talk To The Future Self

Inspiration From Within

Time is such that it falls within eternity.
Thus we’re able to visit, whenever we choose,
Other versions of ourselves. The information
We get from such visits may be the solution
To the issues we have now. Is this not good news?
Connection with the unknown does set the soul free.

Someone wants to get pregnant. In fact, it’s her goal.
Her desire to bring forth a child is very strong.
But for now she’s unable. The contract she made
With the spirit forthcoming cannot be betrayed
But by worry and doubt. She did get before long
Information from herself about this new soul.

Passion is what is needed to gain the insight
To proceed with the present. Also you must trust
That it’s not about time. It is about timing.
You can contact your future self just by being
Open to information. All that is discussed
Between you and your future you is only right.

We are all in the trusting mode every moment
Of our existence or else we could not exist.
You don’t have to ‘learn how’ to trust. Simply decide
On exactly what you will trust. You can confide
In the guidance of your future self. Do resist
The temptation to doubt what comes to the present.

Just Relax

Nothing Is The Matter

In the making of peace with the way things are now
You prepare for excitement and blessings to come.
Now is where your control is. Choosing how you feel
In the moment, you ensure each one is ideal.
You need not know the details of where all comes from.
All you need do is relax and learn to allow.

Releasing of resistance relieves the tension
That prevents you from feeling well inside your skin.
Just Relax and be happy. Give up your struggling.
All that does is create roadblocks. It doesn’t bring
What it is that you’re after. Now you can begin
Feeling better. Get ready for your ascension.

The first manifestation you experience
As you relax some is an emotional one.
You feel better, and this is most significant.
The least bit of relief that is felt will enchant
Your most creative spirit. You can get more done
Doing nothing but being fulfilled by suspense.

Who the heck cares where you are if you are on track?
No one does, and you shouldn’t. All that you need do
Is love this present moment and watch for the signs
Of all good taking place in your life. This aligns
You to your inner being – the true part of you.
You will realize freedom and never look back.


As I’m sifting through contrast, the variety
Of the things I don’t want in my life I welcome.
It means that I’m alive, and what life is about
Is accepting all circumstances with no doubt
That they can get much better. The best rule of thumb
Is to trust that the universe does support me.

I’ve a deep relationship with that part of me
Who is larger, much wiser, and connected to
Everything in existence. Emotionally
I can know that my inner self wants me to be
At the peak of perfection. All that I need do
Is desist from the struggle and dare to be free.

If I have not expanded to a newer place
I would not feel the discord of not being there.
If I have not become it, then I wouldn’t feel
Discomfort about it. It is meant to reveal
What I’d like to see happen, and with utmost care
Negative episodes I may learn to embrace.

Where I am now is perfect from the point of view
Of my innermost being who sees everything
As a work in the making. There always will be
Something new to desire. I’m eternally
In the process of being more and becoming
Ever closer to perfect than what is now true.

The Road To Excellence

The Rewards Of Blissful Effort

First of all, it’s a journey, and that is profound.
I will never be best at the work that I do.
It means not satisfaction or complacency
With a job with which my true self doesn’t agree
But a free burst of spirit that connects me to
The appropriate forces that are all around.

I’ll commit myself to becoming excellent.
It is in the commitment that my path is made
And the path is significant more than the goal
I will not see its culmination ‘til my soul
Takes its leave from this earth realm. I’ll not be dismayed
By the ills of my being perversely content.

Excellence is a journey that I can test out.
How many times do I fee productive and whole
Through the day
is the question. The answer can guide

Me to just the right hookup. I can’t be denied
What I need to survive if there’s bliss in my soul.
What I have backing me is universal clout.

If I’m not feeling feedback from the world at large
Then the universe is telling me something clear.
If I don’t love my work enough to want to be
The best at it, then I should drop it completely.
There are certain standards to which I must adhere.
The first step in the whole process is to take charge.

The Peace Of Familiar Surroundings

At Home At Home

You remember the good times as well as the bad,
And these memories influence choices made now.
You prefer the safety of familiar places
With your loved ones and all that your heart embraces.
Triumphs over your worst fears and troubles allow
Changes real to occur. You’re a noble comrade.

Courage, caring, commitment, and will-power are
Your most outstanding qualities. Protective of
Others in your surroundings, you are nurturing,
And the friendships you make are warm and enduring.
Everything that moves you is an effort of love.
In the ultimate search, no distance is too far.

Pessimistic you may seem. Loss never fits well,
But your determination to find what remains
Demonstrates dedication toward moving ahead
To the task in defiance of pain and bloodshed.
Letting go of the past will ensure you great gains.
You know you needn’t worry. In sureness you dwell.

Tragic are the conditions that change one’s life path
And the whole personality to the degree
That it’s turned inside out. ‘Funny,’ though you are teased,
You are good-natured enough not to be displeased.
Treacherous is the journey that will set you free
From your innermost nightmare and life’s aftermath.