Tag Archive | dualistic


Mystical Vision

The word omnipresent means present everywhere
Simultaneously. It’s an immutable
Divine attribute of the supreme source of the
Universe. All of existence happens to be
The all-knowing mind of God. What seems unstable
Is perfection which manifests as divine care.

The infinite source of the universe is not
Separate, but one with and part of everything.
God is transcendent, meaning above and beyond
Creation. There exists an unbreakable bond
Between God and existence. One’s understanding
Of it all doesn’t matter a whole frigging lot.

God is an unbounded universal presence.
There is no place to which God’s knowledge and power
Don’t extend, and the truth of this reality
Has been taught by the mystics throughout history.
The consciousness of the world we can raise by our
Realizing this oneness of all existence.

Consciousness is all encompassing and without
Any limit. God is one indivisible
Beingness and wholeness. Form is an expression
Of the formless. True enlightenment has begun
When one finds oneself no longer susceptible
To the ego’s dualistic habit of doubt.


Integrated Beingness

Non-Duality means not two, undivided,
And without a second. One is all; all is one.
It primarily refers to an evolved state
Of consciousness. One no longer cares to relate
To the ego and its thoughts of separation.
By the oneness, the seeker of truth is guided.

It’s the state of awareness experienced by
Advanced spiritual beings who have dissolved
The ego’s dualistic ways of ignorance,
And replaced them with that which will greatly enhance
Accessing this awareness. We all are involved
In conscious evolution. Need one wonder why?

True non-dual awareness has been taught by those
Who’ve experienced this state. Descriptions are found
Within all religions and the spiritual
Traditions. This advanced state of consciousness shall
Remain something of great value. It may astound
One to know that one can know what the mystic knows.

The state itself is One. It’s beyond location,
Time, culture, belief system, form, language, concept,
And any such notion of exclusivity.
Oneness is the true nature of reality.
In alignment with God consciousness one is kept
As one experiences full transformation.


The Physical Senses

Perception is the ability to become
Aware of something through the senses which include
Tasting, touching, smelling, hearing, and seeing. They
Along with the mind itself are fixed in the way
Of experiencing truth. The way life is viewed
Keeps us locked in a perceptual conundrum.

From a single point of observation, there seems
To be a here or there, this or that, now or then,
And a space with dimensions where time elapses,
But it is all the result of brain synapses
That consciousness is prone to again and again
Keep itself occupied in a world of extremes.

How one perceives the world is dependent on one’s
Level of consciousness, which is the result of
Past karmic influences, beliefs, and ego
Dominance. There’s a limit to what one can know
Through the ego mind. One can learn to rise above
Its agenda and all of its misperceptions.

The content of the ego mind is a product
Of perception. No independent existence
Can it have. It and all of its activities,
Including its preoccupation with disease,
Depends on one’s indwelling divine effulgence.
Our perceptions are only a mental construct.


The Part Each Plays

Positionality refers to how social
Position and power shape identities and
Access within society. Dualistic
Mental structures within the ego mind can trick
Itself into believing that it’s in command
By virtue of position and its rationale.

Positionalities include cherished values,
Beliefs, attitudes, and judgments. They are ingrained
During childhood. Reinforced by society,
They become an illusion of reality.
In order to function well, they must be maintained.
One becomes manipulated by social cues.

Positionalities provide all the juice the
Ego needs to maintain its hold and dominance
Of the mind. Race, religion, nationality,
Gender, or how one postures politically
Are examples of position and they enhance
The ego’s own agenda of needing to be.

Phenomena are not either fair or unfair,
Good or bad, right or wrong, or somewhere in-between.
We become judgmental and opinionated
Over things that can’t possibly be related
To enlightenment where the big picture is seen.
Of the ego we can only be more aware.


Unwilling To Hear

Ignorance means lack of knowledge, information,
Education, or awareness. It’s an inborn
Human inheritance. The vast majority
Of folks on the planet are spiritually
Unaware. Revelation is subject to scorn.
It’s the result of dualistic perception.

The mind identifies itself with the body
And thoughts and becomes lost in delusional and
Habitual tendencies. The main affliction
Of the limited mind is its strong addiction
To the ego. It thinks that it’s in full command.
It favors illusion over reality.

The ego is self-cherishing and self-grasping,
And it fights to preserve the vital illusion
Of being a separate individual.
Any thought other than that is irrational.
Lower levels of consciousness breed confusion.
The ego is the main cause of all suffering.

The innocence of pure consciousness, unaware
Of spiritual truth becomes identified
With collective ignorance, misinformation,
And fallacious belief systems, yet anyone
Can let their own inner being serve as their guide.
Ignorance is not something that on ought to share.


Extreme Self-Focus

Narcissists typically are preoccupied
With themselves to excess. They need admiration.
They may seem to be confident, but it’s an act
That’s put on in order to cover up the fact
That they’re unstable and insecure. Creation
Of a powerful image keeps them satisfied.

Narcissism, known as a personality
Disorder, is characterized by excessive
Self-absorption, self-centeredness, and vanity.
There can be a deep hatred for authority.
Lack of empathy means they’re unable to give
True support to another emotionally.

Narcissistic pride is the very foundation
And core of the ego itself. Its animal
Nature is something that all humanity shares.
It’s not unusual to find someone who cares
For humanity and its joyous survival.
Narcissism is its own justification.

Narcissism is typical of the lower
Levels of consciousness. The major illusion
Is that one is separate from all existence.
One can’t silence the ego at its own expense,
But one can mitigate sorrow and confusion
By knowing that it’s all part of human nature.


Grasp Of Hope

The mind is the faculty of human beings
To reason and to think. It includes perception,
Thinking, memory, opinions, consciousness, and
Judgment. It has the potential to understand,
Imagine, recognize, and get many things done.
It is responsible for processing feelings.

In spiritually advanced thought, this thinking
Mind is the ego. It’s in fact called the small mind.
Dualistic in nature, it identifies
Itself as a person. It assumes the disguise
Of a personal construct wherein it will find
Dominance. It’s addicted to what that will bring.

The egoic lower mind is attached to and
Quite infatuated with the thinking process,
Because the delusion of conventional thought
Is its reason for being. It often gets caught
In a psychic dilemma all due to the stress
Of maintaining the false illusion of command.

Spiritual advancement is the consequence
Of undoing the ignorance and dominance
Of the lower ego thinking mind. The process
Is intensified with one’s increased willingness
To evolve and to spiritually advance.
The true mind is the context of one’s existence.



Reality is the quality or the state
Of being actual or true. Reality
Is the totality of all things possessing
Actuality and essence. Its existing
Is reliant on nothing. It happens to be
Not something that the neural processes create.

Yet, our commonsense notion of reality
Is that our outward focused senses give us all
That we need, but smells, sounds, and colors don’t exist
In the outer world actually. In the midst
Of the dream of perception, we don’t hear the small
Voice within giving guidance completely for free.

The nature of reality itself and the
Relationship between the mind, language, culture,
And reality are the two aspects addressed
By philosophy. It’s sentiment is expressed
As an intricate puzzle, oblique and obscure.
So, how can one best understand reality?

The science of consciousness and the role of the
Observer in quantum mechanics is quickly
Catching up with what wise ones of ancient revealed.
All that exists is one conscious energy field
That is totally absent of duality.
Awareness beyond mind is true identity.


Brain Activity

So, the intellect is the ego’s faculty
Of reasoning and objective understanding.
It is the power of the mind by which one knows,
Comprehends, and assimilates. One may suppose
That it is helpful in consciousness expanding,
And it can be if looked at spiritually.

It is the refinement and sophistication
Of the conceptual dualistic thinking
Mind that can be easily manipulated
To make any position adversely fated
To the consciousness not having a true linking
To reality due to justification.

The intellectual aspect of the ego
Tends to be prideful. It sees itself as the peak
Of all earth’s evolution. It claims credit for
All actions and achievements. It knows nothing more
Than its level of consciousness, and it will seek
Recognition for all that it happens to know.

Beyond the dualistic intellectual
Thinking mind lies the realm of conscious awareness.
Spiritual teachings must be comprehended
And accepted to be fully integrated.
Resistance from the ego becomes a lot less
In the wake of a spiritual rationale.


Semi Deep Thought

Thinking is the process of using one’s mind to
Consider or to reason regarding something.
It’s an autonomous function of the ego,
And it thinks thoughts of happiness or of sorrow
According to beliefs and social programming.
The mind is dualistic in its point of view.

The mind processes its concepts with the notion
Of a subject an object. Thoughts are constructive
When they’re focused and conscious, but usually,
The mind is bombarded pretty much endlessly
With extraneous content. In order to live
With some balance requires specific devotion.

The ego mind loves to judge, consider, presume,
Regard, ponder, and ruminate. The delusion
Of the thinking process stems from one’s believing
That one is one’s ego, but this is deceiving
The true self and can lead to utter confusion.
Thoughts can be of enlightenment or utter doom.

Thinking is seen as the main tool of survival.
Thoughts are seen as precious, personal, and unique.
Realize that the ego mind is in denial
That there are other tools that are much more worthwhile.
Change your mind to the focus of that which you seek,
Which is to celebrate a true self revival.


Lower Self Awareness

It’s a remnant of humanity’s animal
Nature. The human ego is the thinking mind.
Dualistic in nature, it is a complex
Mental construct. Self-centered, it only respects
What promotes its survival. It can be unkind
To others in the process of being social.

The ego attaches itself to a label
Or to many to reinforce its survival
And its dominance as one’s source of existence.
It is always on the offense or the defense.
It’s too impatient to wait for the arrival
Of intangible guidance. It’s just not able.

The ego is a person’s ordinary state
Of consciousness. It’s naturally self-centered.
All humans operate based upon their ego’s
Level of consciousness. We can learn much from those
Who’ve transcended the ego. Its quest is absurd
And unhealthy. Only illness does it create.

Mental constructs are programmed by society
And past karma. The core of the ego is pride
And narcissism. It’s extremely tenacious
And clever. It cherishes what is audacious.
In the light of enlightenment it cannot hide.
We improve, but we can’t ever be ego free.


The Experience Of Being

Of life itself consciousness is the very seed.
At its simplest it means sentience, cognizance, or
The awareness of internal or external
Existence. Consciousness is the very kernel
Of one’s being. It’s something that one can explore
With abandon such that the true spirit is freed.

Consciousness, often synonymous with the mind,
Is sometimes seen as merely an aspect of it.
It’s the capacity for experiencing.
It is connected to an eternal wellspring
Of existence. If one is able to permit
Its expansion, then much happiness one will find.

It pervades and illuminates mind and body.
It’s beyond the mind’s contents, such as memories,
Fantasies, thoughts, and feelings. It’s the foundation
Of the mind itself. It’s most helpful to the one
Seeking truth to know that it can be done with ease.
All it takes is a bit of curiosity.

Advancing one’s awareness into the higher
Levels of being is the most beneficial
Thing one can do for oneself and humanity.
What existed before mental activity
Will exist when it’s finished. It is eternal.
Nothing here in this world does it need to acquire.



Beliefs are what determines one’s experience.
A belief is a certain mental attitude
Of acceptance toward a position without
The full knowledge required to prove beyond all doubt
That it’s true absolutely, and thus it’s valued
As something fundamental. It makes perfect sense.

Beliefs are then conceptual programs that run
Within the human ego, therefore they create
And maintain personalities. Initially,
They’re adopted in childhood and programmed by the
People in our environment. It’s not by fate
That beliefs take on meaning for most everyone.

A belief is entirely conceptual and
Intellectual. The ego mind generates
What it needs to convince itself of what it knows
To be true, therefore it bears the need to oppose
Certain things, and a firm attitude it creates.
Often beyond this mindset one cannot expand.

It’s best to summon up compassion for all those
Dominated by ignorance and limiting
Belief systems and to endeavor to undo
Dualistic programming. One’s own point of view
Can be made to be inclusive of everything.
Consciousness becomes more enlightened as it grows.