
A Message To The World

Earth Rising

All this talk about aliens… What does it all mean?
Many UFO sightings have been reported
In the past few months. Why is this now happening
On the planet? Conspiracies are a big thing
To the ones who need answers amid distorted
Incomplete information. It’s rather obscene.

Some say they’re now among us. Someone you may know
May have had contact with one, or maybe we are
Foreigners to this planet and they are the ones
Who are taking it back. They probably have tons
Of ways of doing that, yet they haven’t so far.
If they were ready, they’d have done it long ago.

What Is Truth? It’s something considered to be real
And there’s such a huge deficit of it today.
If we have enough courage to face the truth in
Our lives, we will meet our fears and we will begin
To live righteously. The message they would convey
To the world is to honor truth as an ideal.

It’s easy to believe in gurus, teachers, and
Our elected officials. If we analyze
What we consider truth, we may find out that it
Isn’t truth and it can’t be to our benefit
To believe it. Our loving alien would advise
Giving up on whatever you can’t understand.

Who You Really Are

A Big Question

Do you know Who You Really Are? You’re a machine
With a spirit created by God. You’re the light
That shines through you. Both essences are intertwined
In a way that whatever comes into your mind
Will become manifested. You don’t have to fight
For the process to work and results to be seen.

In this world there are no victims, villains, or those
Who cast shadows upon you. That’s an illusion
Of the ego. There’s no one doing things to you.
It makes sense to take the logical point of view.
You choose what you’ve created and all that you’ve done
You own up to. You can know what your spirit knows.

When you can say, “I did this,” you find the power
To change things for the better. And in so doing
Tremendous satisfaction is what you will feel.
All in good timing the universe will reveal
Exactly the best path you should be pursuing.
Be open to having wonderful things occur.

Seek then to create change not because something’s wrong
But because it no longer makes an accurate
Statement of who you are now. As soon as today
You can change your life circumstance in a big way.
Go ahead with the life you were meant to create.
Get accustomed to living your life like a song.

Before I Sleep

Sleep Right

If I were hungry I wouldn’t tell you because
The whole world and everything within it is mine.
The cattle of a thousand hills are mine as well.
It would seem that there’s no reason for me to tell
Anyone of my troubles. I’m doing just fine.
The angels are delighted. I hear their applause.

For the most part this day has turned out as it should.
I thank God and the universe and I believe
That tomorrow I’ll be happier than today.
That I wake up to my true self is what I pray.
I would love to remain in the mood to receive
Heaven’s blessings, and heaven knows for me what’s good.

There’s nothing in particular I’m asking for.
I just want a good night sleep. I have no concern
That I wish to have carried into tomorrow
Lest I reactivate some forgotten sorrow.
From heaven I came down and to there I return
With each segment of slumber even if I snore.

I am not the object nor its shadow. What I
Truly am is the light of the world and I can
Change the object and therefore cast a new shadow
On the earth. In so doing I’m able to grow.
I only wish that tomorrow is better than
Today is – this damned hot final day of July.

The Power Of Love

Open Shirt Love

When you’re in a bad mood you’re sort of in a bad
Mood about everything, and the reverse is true.
When you’re in a good mood everything is alright.
Things that irritate you or that make you uptight
Don’t phase you when you’re happy, and the more that you
Focus on being happy, the less you’ll feel sad.

Much more than most people realize, everything
Blends together. At the same time we love and hate.
The mix of emotions cancels each other out.
So focus is important. There can be no doubt
That a much better society we create
As we stop and take notice of what’s happening.

When you’re newly in love everything starts turning
Up roses because now you’re focused on something
That allows for your energy to start flowing.
Everything in your life will be easy going,
And complex circumstances begin improving.
You want to show the world how you can dance and sing.

Many people have gone from sick to being well.
People have gone from poor to rich all because of
Their having fallen in love. We need distraction
From our normal thoughts, then our points of attraction
Are enlivened because of The Power Of Love.
At the art of loving we’re destined to excel.

About Gratitude

Sign Of Life

Accustomed to the pavement and looks of disdain
From each passerby, one must compartmentalize
Feelings of desperation, shame, and hopelessness
From the art of the sale, as the face must express
Sincere need. One must hope people will sympathize
With their circumstance. This is what drives one insane.

Homelessness of the body, like that of the soul
That has lost its connection to reality,
Is a problem that people encounter each day.
People wish that the issue would just go away
But it won’t. It’s a part of our society
That in some basic ways is way out of control.

At some nook on the freeway the human billboard
Holds the message that cannot be well understood.
We don’t want to be interrupted from our own
Many issues. We won’t throw the poor dog a bone.
Trying to stuff the guilt doesn’t do any good
Because we’re not as practiced at being ignored.

Yet there are success stories. There are people who
Have reached out in a big way. Anyone can be
Faced with hard times. People who deal with homelessness
Work for others’ compassion. They are nonetheless
Worthy of being happy. Those who don’t agree
Have some gratitude issues they should attend to.

On Being Alone

Distant Horizon

There are two minds. One mind is always on the run
With its incessant chatter while the other mind
Remains silent. It doesn’t respond to outside
Interference, yet access is never denied
To its clarity. But we’re not often inclined
To partake of its peace as we’re getting things done.

Aloneness doesn’t mean being isolated
Having no friends and vanishing into a cave.
You can do that but you’ll take your two minds with you
And then meditate on things that you were told to
Meditate on. It’s just the way people behave
Aloneness and confinement are not related.

If you just take a moment – five seconds or so
To be quiet, everything that will disappear
In that time is what’s not real. When you’re not thinking
Everything that is lost is what you’d been linking
To your ego which operates much out of fear.
Your moments of aloneness can help you to grow.

When you consider yourself it’s all about thought.
Ninety nine percent of our life experience
Is in this world of virtual reality.
It’s an illusion of garden variety.
Is aloneness now making a whole lot more sense?
What you’ll find will astound you so give it a shot.

Healing A Shattered Soul

Up To One's Neck

Everything revolves around the soul, however
Until we entered a transformation in our
Consciousness, we weren’t able to talk about the
Soul except as an aspect of theology
Or an abstract idea that has no power.
Going down that road was a foolish endeavor.

So, this transformation of consciousness that we
Have entered affects us individually
And collectively. We with our five sensory
Personalities are quickly coming to be
Multi-sensory so that eventually
We become whole thus integrated completely.

Limited in perception, the five sensory
Personality cannot make sense of the soul
And psychology doesn’t even recognize
Its existence, so it comes as not a surprise
That treating the dysfunction is the major goal
Of the therapist with whom one may not agree.

Personality defects can’t be understood
Apart from all of the karmic circumstances
That created them.  We each have a shattered soul.
We use our personalities to make us whole.
All through the process we’re given many chances
To evolve hopefully in the way that we should.

Pay Attention To Spirit

Nonphysical Awareness

Spirit Speaks. That’s a given. The question is how
It does so. Its language I fully recognize
In a few ways. When I feel good or I feel God
I’m aligned with my spirit. I don’t find it odd
That by just being happy I can realize
The full presence of Spirit. I need but allow.

Spirit Speaks when I’m in alignment with nature.
If a bird, for example, performs before me
In a way that’s not normal, I pay attention.
I take in the perfection of time suspension
In the moment. My Spirit urges me to see
Its connection to nature. I know this for sure.

Strange occurrences and seemingly odd events
Is my Spirit lining up coincidences
That may teach me some lesson or show me that I’m
In alignment. I don’t have to spend precious time
Coming up with sophisticated defenses
Against what each synchronicity represents.

Spirit also speaks through other people who I
Interact with. My Spirit is aligning my
Thoughts with events that are happening here and now.
My Spirit has the ability to endow
Me with absolute clarity. I can’t deny
The existence of Spirit. With it I comply.

Cradled In Kindness

The Universal Wisdom Of Love

“So, describe a moment when you experienced
True and pure grace and you knew it”
was the request.

She was quick in responding. She knew right away
How to answer. She had wonderful things to say
About one Muslim woman and at the behest
Of the requester only truth would be dispensed.

After her horrible divorce she got away
From it all to an island in Indonesia
As she spent time recovering from depression.
There was some deep emotional work to be done
In seclusion and silence. Perhaps amnesia
May have helped to mitigate the utter dismay.

When she felt better she would each day walk around
The island. It was tiny. The village was poor.
What they fished for that day was what people would eat.
Everyday one certain Muslim woman would greet
Her by smiling and touching her heart. To endure
Existence, somewhere in the heart love must be found.

The woman in this true story got very sick
With food poisoning. For several days she could
Not take her daily walk, but the Muslim woman
Had a feeling that something was wrong. She began
To search throughout the village hoping that she would
Find the sick woman. Her caring was fantastic.

When she found this sick woman, she left then came back
With some food and fresh water. Her kindness caused her
To sob deeply as the Muslim woman cradled
Her in her arms. Nothing of her love was withheld.
She’s now her face of Islam. What did here occur?
In this story is there a whole lot to unpack?

Ask For The Miracle

The Prayer Of Power

Wanting something so badly that I find the need
To pray strongly, I know that a strong resistance
I’m creating. It doesn’t help me reach my goal.
I can feel what I want from the depths of my soul.
If the feeling is negative then there’s no chance
Of a blessing. I cannot make doubting my creed.

God’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.
With a miracle working God who’s able to
Do more than I could ever imagine, all things
Are possible. The reason my happy heart sings
Is because I’ve adopted this clear point of view.
My relationship with God I cannot sever.

What seems impossible to me is within the
Power of God to understand. When I can’t think
Of an answer God gives it to me right away.
Let the miracle take place in my life today.
Give me guidance when I seem to be on the brink
Of disaster. Let happiness come unto me.

Help me make my decisions in full clarity
Of the role God would have me play. Protect me from
My own selfish behavior. Let me see the light
In the wrong that I’ve done so that I’ll make it right.
Let the day have a richly meaningful outcome.
May the peace of God’s presence descend upon me.

Love One Another

Nurture The Union

It’s to Love One Another. The reason to be
In existence is none other than to become
Well acquainted with loving. For all humankind
To behave as if we’re all of one common mind…
It’s a concept that we mustn’t shy away from.
We’re commanded to do so by the almighty.

As we Love One Another, we make not a bond
Of love, rather we let it be a moving sea
Between the shores of our souls. We fill each other’s
Cup but drink not from one cup. As loving occurs,
Spaces in our togetherness do let there be.
Heaven’s winds dance within them into the beyond.

Giving one another of our bread, we eat not
From the same loaf. So joyously we sing and dance
Together but we let each other be alone
Like the strings of the lute. Each one is on its own
But to the same music each quivers. Not by chance
Does the sound produced make most people hot to trot.

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping
For only the hand of life can contain your hearts
And stand together, yet not too near together
For the temple will not stand in heavy weather
With its pillars too close. It takes minuscule smarts
To know what kind of karma oneself is reaping.

Preparing For The Day

Morning Routine

I’m extremely pleased to be here. I’m eager for
What is coming next. I shall begin this new day
In alignment with all that I want to take place
Throughout it. I’ll rely on the infinite grace
Of the universe. Everything will go my way.
I’ll receive what I’m wanting as I ask for more.

Sometimes I feel like I’m being headed away
From the details of my dreams, but that’s not the case.
The details are important but generally
I know that they will fill in eventually.
It’s not like I’m preparing to run a big race
Yet I cannot just let things occur as they may.

I’ll get into the nitty gritty of what I’m
All about because it matters to me and to
Everyone I encounter. Moving energy
To my best advantage I can do easily.
Unequivocal knowledge of what I can do
I possess, and I’m making good use of this time.

I remember that it’s all about attraction.
My point of it is how I feel in the moment.
In sublime nonresistance I now can relax
And as this wonderful day reaches its climax
I’ll be the master of every single event.
I shall end this day in complete satisfaction.

Life On Planet Earth

Fluid Earth

Four point six billion years ago earth came to be.
In that time it’s become a hospitable place
For all life. There’s no other planet of its kind
In this part of the galaxy. Here you will find
A uniqueness unfathomable to embrace
In its fullness. Its wonder anyone can see.

Sometimes there’s more connection; sometimes there’s much less
With the earth for we humans. We bother too much
With things not that important. We waste energy
Focusing too much on spirituality.
At the same time we seem to be way out of touch
With a loving solution to lack of progress.

We are grounded. We don’t have to worry if we
Are or are not. Our physical bodies maintain
Our connection to earth. We’re made of energy
And the earth is also, so it’s easy to be
In alignment. So much from the earth we can gain
By knowing the earth as spirituality.

Things that we’ve all been asking for is tended to
By the forces that create worlds. Life here on earth
Is a mixture of unyielding love and contrast.
Much more dominant is love and it will outlast
Everything. It’s a place of misery or mirth.
Happiness while on earth is decided by you.

Is Love The Ultimate Feeling?

Is It Real?

There’s no end to the momentum of connection.
Does it matter at what point you’ve entered into
An agreement with destiny? Your happiness
Is exploding. It’s something you want to express
To the universe. Your cherished dream has come true.
There’s nothing in your heart but love and affection.

It makes you feel invincible. You’ll find a way
To get through difficulties with relative ease.
You have the sudden courage to do things that you
Thought for some reason you were not able to do.
Your focus now is all about wanting to please
The object of your feelings all day every day.

A better version of yourself you have become.
You’re eternally grateful, more loving, and kind.
Things you used to fear you do not fear anymore,
Much unlike the uneasiness you felt before.
Since you’ve fallen in love you’re more able to find
Peace of mind. You know now where such blessings come from.

A hopeful romantic love will make out of you.
It gives you the hope that things will always work out
For the better. It opens the door to a new
Way to see life, and it is the ultimate view
One can have. It’s the best feeling beyond all doubt.
All the trouble to get there is worth going through.

The Nonphysical Connection

Threshold Of Spirit

Most people rely on others for their advice.
We depend on our parents for security
When we’re young. We seek guidance and leadership from
Our elected officials. We want it to come
With insight into our current reality.
Often one who’s a leader must pay a high price.

Almost everyone looks for their connection where
They won’t find it. It isn’t with society
Nor with other people who you happen to know
And respect. They are human and don’t always show
Their best side to the public. They don’t clearly see
The big picture. It’s not always that they don’t care.

Until you begin looking for your connection
Where it really is, you’ll not be able to find
The comfort and security you most desire.
It’s amazingly simple. It doesn’t require
Any effort. Your aim is to quiet the mind
So that you enter a state of deep reflection.

The Nonphysical Connection naturally
Is available to everyone. We are one
With all that is nonphysical. It is the Source
Of all guidance. It is the omnipotent force
Of creation. You are there when you have begun
To receive information nonphysically.

A Question About Karma

Flight Of Spirit

If I don’t live a good life, I will pay the price
In a future one or in the time remaining
In this present one. This causes me great concern
Because I know that I’ve many lessons to learn
About life still. I have no hope of regaining
Any grace. The truth is that I haven’t been nice.

Karma means ‘action’ or ‘work.’ The body and mind
Create karma, and the law of cause and effect
States that consequences for my actions must be
Realized. The whole thing scares the hell out of me.
I’d been given a lot of chances to correct
My mistakes, and by now, the courage I can’t find.

So how does the Law of Attraction fit in here?
My inner being is always looking forward
To all the possibilities for my success,
But right now my life seems like an absolute mess,
And the harm I’ve done to others can’t be ignored.
I’m a loser, and that’s why I’m riddled with fear.

Now I’ve talked myself into a ragged dead end.
Does it help to have come here? It does if I can
Find in it some assurance that I’m still worthy
Of existence. My choice is to live happily.
It is up to me only to follow that plan.
To be redeemed of my sins is what I intend.

Getting Over A Relationship

Broken Heart Repair

“What has been put asunder will never again
Come together. How painful this truth is for me.
I’ve tried everything but I can’t get over this.
I recall with much sorrow the laughter and bliss
That we shared. My life has become a tragedy.
I wish I could return to the way things had been.”

The dilemma is common. The pain is immense.
There’s a present tense active dynamic at play
That you can’t walk away from. It’s hard to let go
And forget about all the good you’ve come to know
Through your coming together. You must find a way
To recover from the emotional expense.

Every relationship is eternal. A lot
Of what you really wanted came as the result
Of that relationship. You want to find a way
To get from the experience all that you may
That will help you and perhaps even catapult
You into feeling better. A joke this is not.

People feel incomplete unless they have someone
To be happy with. That’s not what you’re looking for.
With your inner being you want companionship.
Then you’re guaranteed to have a much better grip
On your love life. There’s no need to say any more
About this, so embark on the new path begun.

Fear Of The Non-Physical

Ethereal Apprehension

What is meant by nonphysical is energy
Without means of perception. It’s pure consciousness
With no substance, therefore it can only be known
Through vibration. To the spirit within it’s shown
In those times when we’re filled with extreme happiness.
It’s the sole reason that the physical can be.

Fear can enter the picture because the unknown
Is uncertain. There cannot be true clarity.
There are many traditions that generate fear
Without meaning to do so. What people may hear
May be misinterpretation. What many see
Is their being stuck in some kind of twilight zone.

We cannot know except for what others tell us
About things of which they haven’t experienced,
So we don’t know much about the truth as it were.
Many people are fearful of what might occur
After death. Still other people can’t go against
Their practiced belief systems which they must discuss.

Lots of people think they need to get away from
All the demons, but they keep on taking control
Of our minds and behaviors. The demons aren’t real.
How we interpret things determines how we feel
About them. What becomes of the bodiless soul?
It returns to its place of infinite freedom.


Triple Treasure

What has happened to me that I now realize
All the sins I’ve committed? Perhaps it’s old age
Telling me that my time draws closer by the day.
Do I have enough time left to properly pay
My way out of existence? Of late I engage
In self-evaluation before my demise.

Words don’t teach. Life experience is the only
Way to know life. I’ve learned that I know not a thing
About living except that my own life has been
Cataclysmic. There are those who would shout, “Amen!”
To my honest admission. On slim hope I cling
That a way out of this dilemma there must be.

And there is a way. All that I’ve done in the past
Is the past. I can’t change it. So I have to choose
To look forward where there’s at least a chance that I
May turn into an innocent kindhearted guy.
That’s a bit of a stretch, but I’ve nothing to lose
In believing that I was never an outcast.

Then what was I? A bastard? A son of a bitch?
Or maybe just a troubled soul with some issues?
What matters now is that now is most important.
Dragging the past into it is something I can’t
Let myself keep on doing. Myself I abuse
When I do that. Besides, it will not make me rich.

Collective Consciousness

Blending Of Minds

We are nonphysical entities with bodies
And as such there’s a limit to what we can know
About our spirit nature which is energy
That’s been conscious throughout all of eternity.
But we can with some practice tap into the flow
Of Collective Consciousness with relative ease.

Imagine what it’s like to be nonphysical
Where the larger part of us you operate from.
Clarity on steroids it must be like to be
Firmly focused and pure positive energy.
Bodiless, there’s no resistance to overcome.
It’s a major aspect of the spiritual.

Spirit gets to experience the expansion
Of the universe. We’re on the leading edge of
Creation in the physical. Spirit gets to
Witness our thoughts turn to things. In all that we do
We add to the expansion. With infinite love
We’re guided as if evil had never been done.

When you come into full alignment sometimes you
May get goosebumps. That’s spirit reveling in your
Special moment. When you get a taste of the thrill
Of excitement, the dreams that you most cherish will
Come to be. You can be more than ever before
Exhilarated about what you know is true.

The Collective

Colorful People

There are different nonphysical entities
That come through us at certain times. They represent
A vast host of great teachers, friends, family, and
Many others although they do not take command
Of our actions. They peek through us by our consent
At an unconscious level thus with perfect ease.

But we must be receptive to their influence.
Negative emotion on our part keeps them from
Connecting and therefore from their interacting
In our lives. It’s their essence that we’re attracting
When we are in a good mood. Good feeling thoughts come
On the heels of good feelings if that makes some sense.

We’re each a part of the collective consciousness
Which is about vibration, also energy
That is focused intently. We’re able to share
Positive thoughts among ourselves. It isn’t rare
That it happens. All that is required is to be
Consciously aware of what brings you happiness.

We enhance our connection through meditation
Or by doing something that is absolutely
Wonderful and exciting as The Collective
Cheers us on. When it’s seen from this new perspective
Future states of alignment will come easily.
Each moment is the product of your creation.


Carefree Koala

Can it be looked at from a broader perspective
All the differences between animals and
Human beings? Did we create them? Or did they
Create themselves? Is it really helpful to play
With such questions? Is it that hard to understand
The big picture? Are we all one huge collective?

We’re the creators of our own reality.
We add to what is happening on planet earth.
Our attention right here and now is causing the
Evolution not only of humanity
But of all of existence. All life is of worth
To the universe and that’s the way it must be.

Consciousness has been always the evolution
Of all things. There’s a blending of the physical
With the nonphysical. Intricately combined
Are the energies, so it would be hard to find
A perceived of ‘creator.’ The spiritual
Offers to many humans the best solution.

Animals are more open to being who they
Truly are in each moment, whereas humans lie
In a heartbeat. Why is that? The answer may be
Unimportant. We are all the same energy
But with different packages. The reason why
Is because there are certain laws all must obey.

A Planned Time Of Death

Passing Eternity

From a human perspective life comes to an end
At some point. It’s believed that we cease to exist
Altogether by many, and others hold on
To spiritual teachings. When relied upon,
They provide guidance. Thoughts of death can’t be dismissed
From the mind, yet they’re difficult to comprehend.

Do we as humans have a predestined way and
Date of death? Could it happen at anytime or
Anywhere? Does our physical experience
Here on earth to the spirit world make any sense?
Added to these questions there are a whole lot more
To be asked so that one can fully understand.

Our two points of attraction – our Source Energy
And the people we’re being at any moment –
Are blended together. Our feelings let us know
How much of our true selves we’re allowing to flow
Through these physical bodies. At times we prevent
The emergence of who we have come here to be.

Those who know innately their power and value
But who don’t let it happen may choose to allow
Reemergence back into the nonphysical.
Surely we are basically spiritual
Energy here with bodies. Some of us know how,
More than others, to have a positive point of view.

About Death

Death View

Rather frequently thoughts of death enter the mind
Of the troubled one, and thoughts of living are those
Of the healthy. Which ones do I choose here and now
To steer clear of disaster? How can I allow
What I know to be helpful? Within the shadows
Is a dark soul that none but the devil can find.

Feeling better remains an achievable goal
Yet the present obsession with freedom beyond
Earthly knowing consumes me. Can I find a way
To take life as I should and get on with my day?
As I’m waiting for the universe to respond
To my questions, is there any hope for my soul?

One could say that it’s natural for losers to
Dream of death a lot. As it occurs I can feel
A mixture of envy, rejoicing, and sorrow.
I look forward to when there is no tomorrow.
My true feeling about it I cannot conceal.
Sharing it with the public is something to do.

When I reemerge into nonphysical, I’ll
Leve behind all resistance. Doubt, worry, and fear
Will dissolve in an instant. I’ll finally be
In alignment with infinite Source Energy.
Life is worth my living and as my time draws near
I’ll keep doing what I keep doing all the while.

Just Be


You can set time aside to let your daydreams flow
Just like when you were little. Remember when you
Felt so free in the moment? You didn’t worry
About things and had no responsibility.
You had nothing to get done. No one even knew
Where you were half the time. You were like a shadow.

You were born to experience joy. How do you
Carve out time to get back to that good feeling place
Of vibrational purity? Many demands
On your time there are. There’s no one who understands
More than you. There are too many issues to face.
Difficulty with trying is not something new.

You can do it by looking for it everywhere.
Even if it requires getting up earlier
Before anyone knows where you are, you can find
Time to daydream and get yourself fully aligned
With your inner being who indeed would prefer
That you keep giving yourself the utmost of care.

Remember what it was like when you could Just Be
With no urge to prove worthiness? Be there right now
In this moment because it’s the best way to start
A new life where your thoughts are driven by your heart.
True happiness depends on how much you allow
Your daydreaming to soothe you perpetually.

Appreciation Both Ways

General Thanks

We’re all in this together. We love it when you
Realize that you’re pure positive energy.
The power of saying ‘yes’ is so amazing.
In this world, you can have, do, or be anything
That you want, and we love your willingness to be
Here among us. Together we’ve much work to do.

In this time space reality we co-create.
While exploring the contrast we come to our own
Conclusions about what we want. This is how we
Go about creating our own reality.
We love it when you enter the creative zone
And come up with ideas that are truly great.

We adore your awareness of your vibration.
Your emotional guidance system helps you to
Steer your way through adversity. You don’t freak out
Nor do you become infatuated with doubt
That the negative circumstance you can get through.
We love that you own all that is your creation.

What we love most of all is when you calibrate
To the energy of your inner being and
Reach a higher vibration of your energy.
You can experience rapture quite easily
When the laws of the universe you understand.
We love it when you finally achieve that state.


Last Rights

She’d been ill for a long time. Anticlimactic
Was her passing. Her breathing just slowed down and came
To a stop. My impatience I felt guilt about
For a while, but I’ve had time to figure that out
For the most part. I know that things won’t be the same.
Generally my numbness is ataractic.

I don’t know what I expected to have occurred.
Did I want to see angels or her spirit rise
To the ceiling and exit? Did I want there to
Be some last words between us? And what can I do
To maintain my existence as I realize
How this loss affects me such that I’m without word?

The most perfect creation is the one where the
Next logical step just happens. I can become
More aware of her presence if I believe that
She’s not gone. In a spiritual habitat
She exists now. It’s where every being comes from.
I can line myself up with her reality.

I know now that her inner being was waiting
For exactly the right moment. I’m the one who
Had created the drama through my ignorance.
I had made too much of the entire circumstance
I am interested in her new point of view.
I reach her any moment by concentrating.

The Flow Of Consciousness

Spatial Awareness

Often times there are moments when you feel the thrill
Of excitement flow through you. The world is your stage
And your audience benefits from who you are.
The energy you have makes you feel like a star.
It gives you all the power you need to engage
Everyone around you with laughter and goodwill.

When people who are sensitive to energy
Of a spiritual nature tell you that you
Are surrounded by those who are no longer here,
Know that they speak family and those most dear
Who have passed on before you, but you don’t have to
Be astonished. This is how things happen to be.

When you see children playing, how brightly they shine.
Energy flows abundantly. It demonstrates
That we all are extensions of Source Energy.
We’re all interconnected spiritually.
Thinking too much about it indeed complicates
The expression of that which in us is divine.

Feel the difference between the word ‘consciousness’
And the words ‘physical human being’ and know
That dead people flow through you when you’re flying high.
The body is a vessel that some day will die,
But until then it is a light bulb that will glow
With the brightness of many as we acquiesce.

Words Fail Me

Expression Of Unknowing

I don’t know how to put this into words, but I
Will try my best. Perhaps it’s not that words fail me.
Maybe I’m out ahead of them. Still the answer
To the question in my mind I most would prefer.
If I could iterate things vibrationally
I would communicate without having to try.

I have knowledge that I haven’t coined the phrase for.
I know stuff that I can’t say because if I did
No one would understand me. Should my perspective
Include how I’ll be heard? It’s more my objective
Not to do what my circumstances would forbid.
What I know is that there is much room to explore.

I can focus upon the feeling of what I
Know beyond doubt. I know that my inner being
Has a much broader view. The Law of Attraction
If well practiced will lead to my satisfaction.
From the bondage of speechlessness what is freeing
Is the knowing that understanding can’t deny.

I can’t define it accurately in a way
That it’s understood even by myself. I know
That love is ever more dominant over hate.
I can make that a fine reason to celebrate
All the knowledge that can help my spirit to grow
In the moment and throughout each and every day.

Empathy And Compassion

Pieces Of Love

Compassion is looking at another person
Through the eyes of their inner being. Noticing
That someone is in trouble inspires within you
The desire to do something that is of value.
It’s an expression of one’s true understanding
Of another’s unfortunate situation.

Empathy is a person’s ability to
Share the feelings of others and to understand
Truly where they are coming from. It is therefore
Quite related to sympathy, pity, and more
Of the less positive feelings at one’s command.
Oversensitive people have broad points of view.

Anyone can ‘own the room’ vibrationally,
Meaning one becomes dominant and persuasive
In the social environment, which is okay
If only their evolved self they chose to display,
But someone disconnected can be abrasive
To their audience to a horrific degree.

Be able to hold your own about the value
Of another who’s suffering even when they
Can’t see anything good about where they are now.
Remain focused on their potential and allow
Your own inner being to show you the best way
To proceed in every single thing that you do.

Being More Like Your Inner Being

Colorful Beingness

Deliberate creation is about being
Aware of your emotions and the two aspects
Of your point of attraction. The way that you feel
Is your guidance to what for you is most ideal.
Life is vivid but your feelings aren’t that complex.
Everything depends on your manner of seeing.

It’s time for you to focus in the direction
Of who you really are. Sometimes you walk into
Situations where knee jerk responses are your
Psychological sickness. You want for a cure
But the only one found is the one within you.
It requires some soul searching and deep reflection.

You can see the big picture. You can understand
That things are always working out for you and that
You can get through the drama apparent right now
With this knowledge. And if you can learn to allow
Yourself to feel your best no matter where you’re at
Then your life and its issues are at your command.

Humanness is something to get over indeed.
Be a little bit more like your inner being
Who is joyful and who’s forever calling you
In the direction of what you want. It is true
That your inner being is always agreeing
With whatever you feel will help you to succeed.

Guidance In The Moment

Moment Of Inspiration

Is it part of the ego’s agenda to be
Contemplative? There are times when I want to know
Whether or not what I’m doing is wrong or right
In the moment. I’m up for receiving insight
That will help me to decide which way I should go.
I depend on my guidance system completely.

I have an inner being. When I get in touch
With that part of me, I can be sure what to do
In the moment. The inspiration comes to me
Like the touch of a butterfly. Then I can see
From a broader perspective. I savor the view.
These are moments that I can appreciate much.

What’s it actually feel like viscerally
To be in alignment from moment to moment?
As I practice the vibration of being there
I will know what alignment is and I’ll declare
To the universe that it’s my conscious intent
To line up with the person who I’m meant to be.

Readiness to receive those impulses is my
Point of focus. I don’t have to prove anything
So that I can feel worthy. I’ve no one to please.
I want to see the way my inner being sees.
Onto my negative beliefs I need not cling.
My connection with my inner being is why.

The Collective Consciousness Of Spirit


Consciousness is particulate. Between shadow
And substance exists spiritual energy.
Particles of the atoms that make up all things
Are entangled in such a way that happenings
Among them are identical. How can this be?
Even though I’m not smart enough I’d like to know.

The connection between what is called physical
And spirit is that spirit existed before
What is physical. Consciousness is everywhere.
It creates and communicates with utmost care
To we creatures who seem to be here to explore
The physical in terms of the spiritual.

Spirit is seen as infinite intelligence.
Those who are now in spirit do know a lot more
Than we who are still gathering information.
Our brief amnesia is good for the creation
Of the life that we decided to come here for.
In spirit we can have absolute confidence.

We receive impulses all the time from spirit,
But sometimes we’re not aware of it happening
So we miss opportunities. Take notice of
The direction that comes to you from up above
Or below or wherever. Indeed everything
That’s done to access them is to your benefit.

Guidance And Satisfaction

Nurturing Nature

Adapt to your own guidance system and to the
Feeling of satisfaction. Identify and
Isolate what this thing that’s called satisfaction
Really feels like because you are the only one
Who can do that. Of your joy you have full command.
You can tell when you’re on or off track easily.

If you’re off track it may be because you’re under
The influence of others who try to convince
You that happiness is something hard to attain.
The world has its opinions but you must remain
Connected to your guidance. It’s been with you since
The beginning. It’s your best of friends, as it were.

Don’t listen to anything that’s contrary to
Satisfaction. Don’t let yourself get turned around
On your journey by something that doesn’t matter.
Negative emotion can cause dreams to shatter.
Satisfaction is subtle because when it’s found
You may not be aware that it’s happened to you.

When you’re on track you live up to the potential
Of that which you are. Nothing can stand in your way.
Your desire is important and satisfaction
Is the expressway to its manifestation.
The world is your oyster if you’re willing to pay
More attention to those things that are essential.

A Meditation Question

Spiritual Alignment

I find that when I meditate there are times when
My thoughts come and go. They are all over the place.
I see that as no problem. It must be okay
Because I can start over if ever I stray
From my focus on nothing to enter a space
Of alignment. I can get back on track again.

When I’m there in that sacred space everything makes
So much sense. I’ve a sense of infinite knowing.
When I come out of meditation I forget
Everything that had happened. I feel some regret
That the access to the knowledge that was flowing
Is no longer. Somehow am I making mistakes?

Meditation is a process which allows your
Vibration to rise. When it does, you have access
To infinite intelligence. When you are there
Just take notice of how you feel and be aware
Of it all happening. Recognize your progress
In the process and in time it will reveal more.

Meditation is the gateway to alignment,
And alignment is when you’re open to receive
Information. You can get to a point where you
Can record your experience. You don’t have to
Get all bothered about it. What you can achieve
Through alignment will bring you enormous content.

Spiritual Dynamite

Cosmic Burst

Nitroglycerin is a highly explosive
Compound that confused scientists for many years.
Something so powerful surely must have a use.
If they could only harness it they would produce
A more controlled explosion, yet no volunteers
They would get to help them due to their will to live.

So, through much trial and error, they found that they could,
By combining the nitroglycerin with clay,
Make a dynamite substance. This one named Nobel
Had created something straight out of Dante’s Hell,
But thank God that it could be used in a good way.
Odd people can most often be misunderstood.

We’re spiritual creatures temporarily
Taking on human bodies to experience
What it’s like to mix substances like spirit and
Difficulty so that consciousness can expand
In a big way. Faith is but a minor expense
For partaking of our spirituality.

Sharing our spirituality with others
In a way that does not involve twisting the arm
Of someone to convince them of our chosen way
Will enhance true enlightenment. There’ll come the day
Where we will be aware of all that causes harm
To the spirit as our evolution occurs.

Spiritual Whirlwinds

Spiritual Symbology

The spiritual warfare that has to take place
Due to our human nature becomes ever more
Obvious. No longer will there be subtlety
In the battle between hate and love, and to be
Of either is to be quite acquainted with war.
Is there something the matter with the human race?

Governance is an issue. We can’t get along
Because of our diversity. We’re a nation
Where the Civil War continues to be fought and
One where the sick among us will not understand
That all people are part of divine creation.
There’s only the difference between right and wrong.

How does spirit and warfare end up in the same
Stream of consciousness? Scripture declares there will be
Commotion in the end times, but apparently
This time is one of many throughout history.
It’s not hard to look at it spiritually
When complete understanding alone is your aim.

The whirlwinds of spirituality are such
That foundations can be uprooted. Temptation
To be swept up in drama will always exist.
Spirit may not want you to be an altruist,
But it does offer insight. The elevation
Of the consciousness of this world is needed much.

Love Thine Enemies


There was a young soldier in the German army
During World War Two. He was opposed to the war
Because he was a Christian. He knew it was wrong
What his country was doing, but he went along
Because he had no choice. He had zero rapport
With fellow soldiers. On nothing they could agree.

He was not enthusiastic. Officers knew
Of his sentiment. They made his life difficult.
“Who among us does not have bright and gleaming eyes?”
They would ask. “Here’s an old man whom we should despise.”
They’d find any opportunity to insult
This person, and there wasn’t a thing he could do.

On a cold winter evening, it was Christmas Eve.
He was standing guard duty alone as he heard
People singing Christmas songs which made him feel sad
Because his thoughts were with his loved ones. So he had
A deep sense of frustration. His heart was interred
In a hell whose grotesqueness was hard to believe.

The next morning a young woman called to him from
A window. She did not speak German, and he spoke
Not her language. She offered him something to eat
And some drink. Her country had fallen in defeat
To the Germans. What kind of love does this evoke?
From where does this kind of pure benevolence come?

They invaded her country. They were enemies,
But that didn’t much matter. On that Christmas day,
Both received something special. Christ said that we should
Love the ones who would hate us. It does the soul good.
What she did was most certainly the Christian way.
Is it worth it to see the way that Jesus sees?


Apparent Defeat

At some point on your journey you will trip and fall.
Things go south rather quickly and you’re caught off guard.
Tragedy, disappointment, and pain are what you
Know too well, and you don’t know what the hell to do
To recover your spirit. It’s pretty damned hard
To be happy when you’re the one who’s dropped the ball.

We all get hit on the blind side once in a while.
You can lose your job, home, car, or someone you love.
What will you do about it? It’s your decision.
You can choose to grow through the pain and envision
Your triumphant transcendence. It’s way far above
Any choice worth maintaining your spirit’s profile.

Some of the greatest things you will ever learn and
Some of the greatest changes in your life will be
Due to pain, so don’t knock it. It is a good thing
As it strengthens the spirit. You don’t have to cling
To the agony aspect necessarily.
Going through pain helps your consciousness to expand.

Sometimes in life it feels like you have to hit back
And do damage to what you think is keeping you
From achieving your goals, but it’s an illusion.
Having grown through your pain you’ll reach the conclusion
That your point of attraction can be trained anew.
There’s no trick to your getting your life back on track.


Giving Thanks

Sometimes in life we pass over the simple things
That surround us that are wonderful to behold.
We shift our focus to the things that chip away
At our spirits, yet we can be thankful each day
For the little things. Don’t let your life be controlled
By the world and its most chaotic happenings.

Once a woman was walking down a busy street
When she spotted a beggar with an empty bowl
And a cardboard sign that read, ‘Blind Please Help,’ so she
Took the sign, turned it over, and wrote caringly.
What she wrote must have come directly from her soul.
Having put change in the bowl her task was complete.

Pretty soon the old beggar heard lots of change fall
Into his bowl. He’d wondered what the woman wrote
On his sign. He asked someone to read it to him.
The delighted passerby was filled to the brim
With compassion and read the beggar’s humble note.
What was written there indeed was not something small.

‘Today is a beautiful day, and I am so
Happy you have the privilege to be able
To see it,’
wrote the woman. Your gratitude brings

True fulfillment and many wonderful blessings.
Gratitude need not always be demonstrable
To others. It’s one way that the spirit can grow.

How You Treat People Is Who You Are

Warm Embrace

Imagine what seven billion human beings
Could accomplish if we cared for one another.
If there were no comparisons, hatred, or greed,
Everyone would run their own race without the need
For unhealthy attention. All that would occur
Would be absent of utterly negative things.

Such a world may not happen in our lifetime but
We can start with ourselves by choosing to uplift
And show kind understanding, love, and compassion.
You will succeed in life if you treat everyone
As you would like to be treated. Be a true gift
To the ones you encounter. Embrace from the gut.

No matter how educated, talented, cool,
Or rich you believe you are, how you treat people
Tells the story ultimately. Integrity
Is everything about who you happen to be.
You, your words, and your presence are truly helpful.
Treat others in accordance with the golden rule.

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness
Of humanity. Be the change you want to see
Happening in the world. Always do what is right –
Not what’s easy in the moment and take delight
In knowing that the infinite powers that be
Are supporting you in all the love you express.


Mystical Vision

The word omnipresent means present everywhere
Simultaneously. It’s an immutable
Divine attribute of the supreme source of the
Universe. All of existence happens to be
The all-knowing mind of God. What seems unstable
Is perfection which manifests as divine care.

The infinite source of the universe is not
Separate, but one with and part of everything.
God is transcendent, meaning above and beyond
Creation. There exists an unbreakable bond
Between God and existence. One’s understanding
Of it all doesn’t matter a whole frigging lot.

God is an unbounded universal presence.
There is no place to which God’s knowledge and power
Don’t extend, and the truth of this reality
Has been taught by the mystics throughout history.
The consciousness of the world we can raise by our
Realizing this oneness of all existence.

Consciousness is all encompassing and without
Any limit. God is one indivisible
Beingness and wholeness. Form is an expression
Of the formless. True enlightenment has begun
When one finds oneself no longer susceptible
To the ego’s dualistic habit of doubt.


Cosmic Net

The ultimate reality underlying
And within all forms, Oneness is undivided
Non-duality. The Supreme Being is an
Infinite field of consciousness. Anyone can
Commune with the divine if properly guided
Through the process. Does your view need modifying?

All of existence is a manifestation
Of the one infinite field. Conscious awareness
Is the very ground or substrate of empty space.
Many spiritual teachings fully embrace
This notion of oneness, and they often express
The importance of mercy, grace, and compassion.

This universe is an appearance within the
Mind of God. This awareness is the very light
And life force within all sentient beings. We are
Manifestations of this insanely bizarre
Physical dimension, and we’re given insight
As it’s asked for from ultimate divinity.

Love for others is love for self, and to forgive
Is to be forgiven. It’s the narcissistic
Ego that veils reality and keeps us trapped
And deluded until we are gracefully tapped
On the shoulder by spirit. Be realistic
In your choosing for yourself the best way to live.


Integrated Beingness

Non-Duality means not two, undivided,
And without a second. One is all; all is one.
It primarily refers to an evolved state
Of consciousness. One no longer cares to relate
To the ego and its thoughts of separation.
By the oneness, the seeker of truth is guided.

It’s the state of awareness experienced by
Advanced spiritual beings who have dissolved
The ego’s dualistic ways of ignorance,
And replaced them with that which will greatly enhance
Accessing this awareness. We all are involved
In conscious evolution. Need one wonder why?

True non-dual awareness has been taught by those
Who’ve experienced this state. Descriptions are found
Within all religions and the spiritual
Traditions. This advanced state of consciousness shall
Remain something of great value. It may astound
One to know that one can know what the mystic knows.

The state itself is One. It’s beyond location,
Time, culture, belief system, form, language, concept,
And any such notion of exclusivity.
Oneness is the true nature of reality.
In alignment with God consciousness one is kept
As one experiences full transformation.


In The Cards

The awareness of ultimate reality
Is what’s called mysticism. It can be attained
Through subjective experience. Direct union
With spiritual truth is achieved by the one
Whose devotion to enlightenment is maintained.
One knows God as absolute non-duality.

It’s also positive human transformation
Supported by spiritual practices and
Experiences. It was originally
A part of medieval Christianity,
But in modern times the term has come to expand
And include all those seeking illumination.

All religions and spiritual traditions
Have their mystics – the ones who’ve learned to go within
To find truth and reality. They’ve transcended
Established belief systems. They’re interested
Only in liberation. They are without sin.
They’ve dissolved the need to take any positions.

Spiritual awareness of the absolute
Is beyond all theology. Concepts and names
Are exclusive. One cannot label the supreme.
It alone has the ability to redeem
Us of our ego consciousness. The mystic aims
To make their mysticism a constant pursuit.


Consider The Earth

Salvation is the state of being protected
Or saved from harm or an adverse situation.
In religious contexts it’s the deliverance
Of the soul from sin and it’s most dire consequence.
By God, good deeds, and faith one receives salvation.
It implies that something needs to be corrected.

Salvation is transcendence from circumstances
That destroy the value of human existence.
The nondual ultimate reality of
All existence is oneness and infinite love.
We’re creatures of magnificence and effulgence.
What comes by naturally one’s faith enhances.

As individual units of spirit, we
Are all interconnected. Inseparable
Are we from each other. It’s the illusion of
Separation that keeps us from rising above
The narcissistic ego. We seem unable
To let go of the harmful negativity.

We’re delivered from ignorance and the lower
Levels of consciousness. The ascended masters
Describe the general populace as being
Lost and trapped in a dream because we’re not seeing
What we do to cause spiritual disasters.
Salvation helps one to become a true knower.

Levels Of Consciousness

Colorful Thinking

Different levels of consciousness signify
Distinct programs within the mind. One’s behavior,
Beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, opinions, and world view
Manifest in the mind in relationship to
How conscious or unconscious one is. It’s for sure
That there are many levels. Need we wonder why?

Unconscious means delusional and ignorant
Of the truth of one’s being. Inequalities
And injustices occupy the ego mind,
Yet this is the awareness of all humankind.
How do we deal with our spiritual disease?
To reach the higher levels is damned important!

Each person who is born into this world starts at
A certain level of consciousness determined
By one’s entire karmic inheritance and the
Subjective experience of life. One can be
In a state of mind where one is never chagrined.
What could be more consciousness expanding than that?

Higher levels and the paths to reach them have been
Taught by spiritual masters for centuries.
The spiritual spectrum, as it’s understood,
Is from pure hell to perpetual Buddhahood.
In-between is only a matter of degrees.
So, our purpose here is to fully awaken.



The true basis for sentience is each living soul.
It’s one’s immortal essence, one’s inner being,
Or one’s eternal point of light or consciousness.
Transcendental it is as it doesn’t possess
Any physical substance. It’s overseeing
Everything that one goes through as that is its role.

The soul is the most sacred part of a person.
It’s the capacity to experience life.
It’s the very source of the conscious energy
Animating and activating the body
And the mind. It’s immune to the consistent strife
Of humanity even though it may worsen.

One inhabits the physical body, but one
Is not the body. One is the essence within.
One gets lost in outward identification
With the body and ego, and when this is done,
All kinds of unexpected issues will begin
To frustrate one’s life and cause utter confusion.

Consciousness doesn’t depend on the physical
But vice versa. It exists independently
Of the physical. We are all spiritual
Beings in bodies doing what’s most natural
To our best understanding. Eventually,
We become well acquainted with this rationale.

Spiritual Liberation


Liberation is the act of being freed from
Slavery or oppression or imprisonment.
It occurs when someone is released, rescued, or
One escapes from confinement. It’s an open door
To the freedom to live life to full enjoyment.
It’s amazing what a freed person can become.

Spiritual liberation clearly implies
That within this world one’s consciousness is confused,
Trapped, lost, stuck, and in bondage. The highest purpose
In life is to free ourselves of illusion, thus
One who seeks liberation is likely enthused
About doing whatever will make one more wise.

The concept of liberation sought, known, and taught
By spiritual masters throughout history
Has to do with salvation, redemption, and more
Terms like it. One’s enlightenment is at the core
Of intention. One wants to be totally free
Of the traps in which one always seems to get caught.

Freedom from the bonds of illusion, ignorance,
Separation, and duality is the goal
Of spiritual practice. Unconditional
Love, service, and compassion are the general
Fruits of freedom. The shattered self can be made whole
No matter what happens to be the circumstance.


Acceptance Of Grace

Virtue is behavior that displays in someone
A high ethical standard. It’s a quality
Or character trait considered morally good
And desirable in a person, so it should
Come as no surprise that among society
It’s seen as a wholesomely healthy condition.

Virtues are valued as they promote collective
And individual greatness. There are many
Virtues and classifications of them, but they all
Are positive. No kind act is ever too small.
It is taught in some branches of philosophy.
Those who are virtuous have a love perspective.

Virtues are positive actions or traits that aid
In undoing or purifying negative
Karma or sin. They can be practiced outwardly
Or inwardly. One progresses ultimately
To enlightenment. No one tells one how to live,
And the words spoken here are not meant to persuade.

Establishing a higher guiding principle
Or mindset such as right view, right concentration,
Or right mindfulness is the quest of the one who
Seeks the truth of one’s being. Ultimate value
There is in being virtuous. The creation
Of virtue in your life is to all meaningful.