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What God Wants You To Know

Realm Of Divinity

It’s about your accepting the sheer perfection
Of who you are as a human being. For so
Long no matter what platform you were born into
You were taught that you’re not perfect. This isn’t true.
This is the biggest thing that God wants you to know
And it’s worth keeping part of your recollection.

God wants you always to embrace all the contrast
In your life because it produces expansion.
You’re an eternal being. You must find a way
To love yourself no matter what. You want to stay
In that state of wellbeing where you are the one
In control and you’re able to remain steadfast.

Anytime you’re not loving yourself you may feel
Guilt or shame. Even hope has a bit of a stain
Of uncertainty. All that it means is that you
Have forgotten the wonderful things God can do.
You can be healed of your troublesome self-disdain
In an instant. Any ailment you have can heal.

Do your best to make dominant the larger part
Of yourself who knows all of this. Don’t sweat the small
Stuff. It’s all small compared to your ability
To grab hold of some of God’s awesome energy.
Get yourself hooked up with the being who knows all.
All feelings of divinity come from the heart.

The Bigger Picture

In Perfect Proximity

The perfection of who you are is nothing new
To the universe since you are a part of it.
It is perfect in every way and it reflects
How you feel about your life. Your feeling affects
How it treats you. So it is to your benefit
To be happy. In this way, more joy comes to you.

Find a way to love yourself no matter what may
Be your negative programming. You are not here
To work hard at redemption. You’re more than worthy
Of wellbeing and happiness. Get yourself free
From the mindset of lack generated by fear.
Don’t let what others think of you lead you astray.

You want to talk to fewer people about stuff
And to be much more generally accepting
Of what’s going on. You want to step back and see
How this earth spinning in perfect proximity
To other spatial bodies is an awesome thing.
Wonder is such that you can never get enough.

Understanding The Bigger Picture, you’re aware
Of the higher thoughts that hold the planets in place
And that you can tap into. Your best creating
Is done when you know that all is advocating
For your utter fulfillment. The infinite grace
Of the universe is for everyone to share.